iGalri.com familysearch.org and ePC Articles by Old King COLE .At familysearch.org, I store photos, documents, stories and sources. I store photos in the 'memories' area for each individual. The difference between photos and documents is that a photo contains an image of at least one person. If no image of a person exists, then the photo is a document. A photo of things such as houses or tombstones or census sheets is therefore classified as a document. If there are not too many faces in a photo, I am often able to identify each face at familysearch. The stories that are stored at FamilySearch are written in text and are attached to a photo. Attached to each story is a list of the main people mentioned in the story, with a link to each of these people in the world tree at familysearch.org. In each user's gallery, there exists a list of all such stories written by the user. A list of some of my stories (as of 2020 K Nov 30) appears below:
POPULAR WEB SITES THAT I USE (OR HAVE USED) (in order of my preference) FamilySearch.org FindAGrave.com Ancestry ($) WikiTree.com WorldConnect Nos Origines (en francais) MesAieux ($)(en francais) Genealogie.org (en francais) Genealogy.com Geneanet.org ($) MyHeritage ($) Geni.com ($) NB Geni.com provides some free info.Notes re WorldConnect
Specific WorldConnect Trees (of interest to me) Tree Name Tree Id Tree Author Example Born In From - To wife ------------ -------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------- colesofdevon 121833 David COLE Thomas COLE 11b (c1495-1571) m Elizabeth HARGRAVE cole0e4 121781 David James COLE South Mimms (1852-1923) m Sarah Ann BOOTH davidcole3 125886 David (KC COLE) Charles "Charley" Percy COLE Sandridge (1884-1966) m Florence KINGSLAND mhibbard 190388 Margaret HOTCHKISS Henry Ralph Vernon HIBBARD Luseland (1919-1995) m Hazel GOATCHER 29041967 249367 Tony FLETCHER James BANKS Selby (1801-1888) m Mary VARLEY matt_hudson 185358 Matthew HUDSON William BRIMLEY ?,Hants. (1842-1899) m Maria CHANDLER NB davidcole3 is Cole / Richard ancestors as of Nov 17, 2005 NB colesofdevon lists persons named Cole in book by James Edwin-Cole ("Born In" field contains his reference ID #) NB Thomas COLE might not be related to me, but he is related to my wife, Yvette Louise nee Richard COLE (Source 35) ( His possible Family Search fsids: GN16-VC7 LYM6-CMM GK2Z-P34 ) ( Source Count: 0 32 0 ) (Book Source: http://ephotocaption.com/downloadable_files/Ka1pAAAAMAAJ_e75d.pdf) ( Name: Genealogy of the Family of Cole of Devon.... by James Edwin COLE, 1867 ) NB For a recent HIBBARD GEDCOM see Source 120:36Notes re other Sites
(To enlarge .....Click it)
![]() United Reform Church Old HeadStones (from GoogleMaps) |
(To enlarge .....Click it)
![]() Monumental Inscriptions With Brewhouse Hill Burial Ground |
This (DC0241) is a source citation for: Jacques (Jacob-Maurice) VIGNEAU [I02198] (b 22 DEC 1702 Port Royal - 10 May 1772 in Miquelon) He was an acadian who was Deported. It is also a source citation for: Angelique VIGNEAU [I00514] who was a twin or a sister or whose double-name was applied to 2 people (Angelique, n 1797 jumelle d'Anastasie) Her descent from him (and their ID numbers in my databaseat WorldConnect) is: 2 Jacques (Jacob-Maurice) VIGNEAU b 1702 [I02172] 3 Pierre VIGNEAU b 1726 [I02198] 4 Jean Baptiste VIGNEAU b 1764 [I03817] 5 Angelique-Veronique VIGNEAU b 1797 [I00514] The main text that was quoted in source DC0241 is probably from one of the following authors of the source: Stephen A. White Bona Arseneault Placide Gaudet The source author/publication information was "lost" because NOTES could not be assigned a source in Family Tree Maker software. I recognised this problem at the time and enclosed each note in "source tags" such as "DC0001 note text /DC0001". But the actual definition of the source was lost, unless it was also used for a residence (RESI) GEDCOM tag. This has been addressed by the Legacy software that I am currently using. Hopefully, I will soon correct the accented characters that were converted to "garbage" letters in the text in the GEDCOM NOTES. This occurred due to a bad choice of text-encoding that I once used. I believe that this happened when I converted "all" of my GEDCOM "locations" to 4 fields. Now that I am using Edit Pad Lite v7.3.8 and "ASCII + &htmlchar" for HTML and text editing, this problem has hopefully been resolved. One GEDCOM problem still exists. A word at the end of each line of text in NOTES sometimes has an extra space inserted in the word, causing spelling mistakes that human readers can accept. Of course, such words are found to be mis-spelled by "spelling checker" software. Occupation: Marchand a la Baie Verte The passage cited is after the Occupation note: DC0049 Familles des Isles (nreid) Occupation: Marchand a la Baie Verte /DC0049
Text Encoding
Unicode, UTF-32 big endian -- BAD: removes CRLF
Windows 1252: Western European -- BAD: bad accents, good <
ASCII + Unicode Escapes -- BAD: accents become \u 0 0 0 0
ASCII + &htmlchar; -- GOOD: seems to be perfect
Useful HTML formatting tags:
< pre > keeps original CRLFs and font < /pre >
< blockquote > indents enclosed text < /blockquote >
< ul > contains an unnumbered list < /ul>
< table > contains a table of rows of data items < /table>
& n b s p produces a space in HTML
& e m s p produces a very wide space in HTML
French/Spanish accents for English keyboard users: Àà Ââ Çç Éé Èè Ëë Êê Ìì Ïï Îî Ññ Òò Ôô Ùù Üü Ûû ¿? ¡! « » € £
(Just copy and paste them from the above list)
***********************************************************************************Les Iles-de-la-Madeleine
(Click on this photo to enlarge it.)
Iles-de-la-Madeleine(Click on this photo to enlarge it.)
Iles-de-la-Madeleine in the Gulf
Les ancêtres de Yvette Louise Richard demeuraient à Havre-aux-Maisons aux Îles-de-la-Madeleine.
LA DEPORTATION (Une partie du Grand Dérangement)
À l'automne 1755, les Vigneau qui nous intéressent étaient donc dans la région de Beaubassin, une région où il y eut beaucoup de résistance lors de la déportation. En conséquence, le gouverneur Lawrence ordonna que ses habitants soient déportés dans les colonies les plus éloignées. C'est ainsi que la famille de Jacques et Marguerite Arsenault fut déportée en Géorgie celle de Pierre et Madeleine Syre fut déportée à Boston (Roxberi), puis en Caroline du Sud:
la famille de Jean, fils de Maurice, a aussi été déportée en Géorgie. Les Acadiens déportés en Géorgie obtinrent la permission de se rendre en Caroline du Sud dès mars 1756. Leur sort s'assimile donc à ceux qui ont été déportés directement dans cet état. De son côté, la Caroline du Sud désirant se débarrasser des Acadiens, ceux-ci obtinrent sans difficultés la permission de quitter le pays à bord d'embarcations de fortune. Certains réussirent à se rendre jusqu'à la Rivière St-Jean, ce qui ne semble pas être le cas des Vigneau qui nous intéressent ; d'autres furent arrêtés à New-York ou à Boston et parfois renvoyés dans leur état de déportation d'origine. On sait que Jean, fils de Maurice, est parti de Savannah, en Géorgie, en 1756, pour atteindre l'île de Miquelon en compagnie de son compatriote Magloire Hébert, échappé de la Caroline du Sud ; on ne sait pas si les familles de Jacques et de Pierre les ont accompagnés.
En 1763, lors de la signature du traité de Paris, il restait 37 familles acadiennes en Géorgie. Ce traité ayant rendu les îles de St-Pierre et Miquelon à la France et celle-ci désirant s'y installer solidement, plusieurs acadiens obtinrent la permission de s'y installer. Il se peut que ce soit ainsi que Jacques et Pierre Vigneau aient fui leur lieu de déportation.
En 1763, St-Pierre et Miquelon devinrent les seules possessions françaises en Amérique du Nord. De par leur morphologie, elles ne pouvaient servir qu'à héberger des navires de guerre ou de pêche et à y organiser une pêcherie sédentaire importante, pourvu qu'elles soient ravitaillées du Canada ou de la France. Elles ne possédaient pas de bois et la culture de la terre était nulle sauf à Miquelon, où on pouvait organiser quelques petites fermes. Elles comptaient une population démunie formée de gens provenant de l'Acadie ou de Louisbourg, et qui fuyaient l'implacable ennemi. Ordre fut donné au baron de l'Espérance de commencer à Miquelon, l'année même, l'établissement d'une pêcherie sédentaire. Au cours des années suivantes, la population augmenta tellement rapidement que des mesures furent prises pour réduire l'émigration vers ces îles ; malgré cela l'afflux d'immigrants se poursuivit.
C'est dans ce contexte que les Vigneau furent parmi les premiers à s'installer à Miquelon après le traité de Paris. Notamment, Marie Vigneau, fille de Jean-Baptiste à Maurice, s'y maria à Claude Bourgeois le 1er septembre 1764. Tous les mariages des enfants de Pierre Vigneau et de Madeleine Syre , sauf un, y eurent lieu .
Jacques à Maurice y revint en 1763 et y fut inhumé le 10 mai 1772. Pierre y revint également en 1763.
La guerre de l'indépendance américaine fut déclenchée en 1776. Terre-Neuve protégeait donc jalousement son territoire et ses eaux de pêche et tolérait mal que St-Pierre et Miquelon fassent à l'occasion le commerce du poisson avec la Nouvelle-Angleterre. De plus, la France, par Lafayette, favorisait l'indépendance des colonies américaines. Les prétextes ne manquaient donc pas au gouverneur britannique de Terre-Neuve pour s'emparer des îles St-Pierre et Miquelon, ce qu'il fit. Il détruisit les habitations de fond en comble et força les habitants, qui s'élevaient alors à environ 2000, à se réfugier en France. Ces malheureux pêcheurs acadiens, qui ne sont pas au bout de leurs peines, vécurent un autre exode.
C'est ainsi que l'on retrouve certains mariages de Vigneau à La Rochelle, en France :
Marie (fille de Pierre), m La Rochelle 1779-11-3 Jean-Baptiste Petitpas
Basile (fils de Jacques à Jacques à Maurice), m La Rochelle 1783-1-14 Marie Boudrot Étienne (fils de Jean à Jacques à Maurice), m La Rochelle 1781-8-1 Louise Cyr.
De plus, Madeleine Cyr, l'épouse de Pierre Vigneau, fut unhumée à La Rochelle le 1er avril 1779.
De retour à Miquelon
Le traité de Versailles, signé en 1783, rendait à la France son ancienne colonie avec les conditions de pleine et entière souveraineté et les Vigneau étaient parmi les 432 acadiens qui revinrent s'y établir. Trois des enfants de Pierre s'y sont mariés à compter de 1785.
Les événements de 1789 en France eurent leurs répercussions à St-Pierre et Miquelon. Les idées libérales, au nom de la liberté, de l'égalité et de la fraternité commencèrent à semer le trouble dans les esprits. En 1792 des désordres éclatent à St-Pierre, où s'est formée une association des amis de la Constitution.
Les gens devaient prêter le serment constitutionnel, ce qui était un choc violent pour beaucoup, qui gardaient encore au fond de leur cœur des souvenirs du royaume de France, Sa Majesté très chrétienne les ayant si souvent protégés dans leurs migrations et dans leurs déboires. Ce fut notamment le cas du vice-préfet apostolique de Miquelon, l'abbé Jean-Baptiste Allain, qui préféra quitter plutôt que de se souiller par un serment auquel sa conscience répugnait.
Le 31 mai 1792, quatre délégués miquelonnais sont allés au Cap-Breton pour demander au gouverneur MacCormick l'admission de 250 des leurs en cette île, mais n'obtinrent pas de réponse favorable.
Dès 1792, 223 miquelonnais (40 familles) arrivèrent à Havre-Aubert, en compagnie de leur curé, Jean-Baptiste Allain. On y compte des Vigneau, Sir, Leblanc, Bourg, Thériau, Hébert et autres. S'ils ne l'avaient pas fait, ils auraient quand même dû quitter Miquelon l'année suivante car, l'Angleterre ayant déclaré la guerre à la France en 1793, le reste des acadiens miquelonnais a alors dû s'embarquer dans ses chaloupes pour le Cap-Breton ou être déporté en France via Halifax.
Leur arrivée aux Îles a grossi considérablement le nombre d'habitants, même si quelques familles d'acadiens s'y étaient réfugiés vers 1750 pour y vivre de la pêche. Ces anciens pêcheurs de Miquelon connaissaient les eaux du Golfe ; leurs bateaux étaient déjà prêts et, contrairement à Miquelon, il y avait du bois pour construire ces petites barques dont le nombre allait augmenter graduellement.
Plusieurs étant allés pêcher au cours de l'été sur les côtes des Îles-de-la-Madeleine, où la morue était abondante, avaient trouvé l'endroit fort agréable.
Les madelinots ont cependant rencontré deux problèmes importants : les américains et Coffin.
Les américains avaient, en effet, la mauvaise habitude d'envahir les " graves " des Îles, ce qui causait des difficultés importantes aux pêcheurs madelinots, qui avaient besoin, eux aussi, des graves pour y faire sécher leur poisson. Le nombre croissant de bateaux américains pêchant autour des Îles a également eu pour effet que les pêcheurs des Îles prenaient juste assez de poisson pour subvenir à leurs besoins et ne pouvaient pas payer leurs agrès de pêche (lettre de la compagnie Robin en 1822). Ce comportement des pêcheurs américains allait pourtant contre les ententes conclues avec leur gouvernement.
D'autre part, les habitants des Îles croyaient être propriétaires des lopins de terre qu'ils avaient défrichés, mais ils eurent la surprise de constater que celle-ci avait été donnée à Isaac Coffin, un officier britannique qui fut nommé seigneur des Îles en 1798. Coffin réclama donc de ses locataires le paiement d'une rente et les madelinots refusèrent. Coffin donna des instructions sévères visant à obtenir son dû, mais les madelinots organisèrent une résistance passive et opiniâtre. Chacune des parties porta, à son tour, des coups à l'adversaire, mais le climat devint de plus en plus tendu et cette situation persista avec son héritier, après la mort de Coffin en 1839.
de Jacques à Angelique-Veronique
Jacques;Jacob-Maurice VIGNEAU (b. 1702)
Pierre VIGNEAU (b. 1726)
Jean-Baptiste VIGNEAU (b. 1764 )
Angelique-Veronique VIGNEAU (b. 1797)
Jean-Baptiste (b. 1764), et de Marie Terriau n'étaient mariés que depuis deux ans lors de leur arrivés à Havre-Aubert, où ils ont eu au moins 10 de leurs 12 enfants:
-Jean-Nathanaël, n 1791 Miquelon, m Havre-Aubert 1811-7-29 Batilde Arsenault
-Bénoni, n 1792, m Havre-Aubert 1815-9-25 Sophie Chiasson
-Batilde, m Havre-Aubert 1815-9-25 Joseph Boudreau (mariage double en même temps que Bénoni)
-Appolonie, m Havre-Aubert 1816-10-10 Joseph-Léonard Turbide
-Pierre, n 1793 Havre-Aubert, m Havre-aux-Maisons v 1835 Jeanne Boudreau, rem Havre-aux-Maisons 1853-1-18 Sophie Noël
-Marie, n 1794 Havre-Aubert, destinée inconnue
-Angélique n 1797 Havre-Aubert, jumelle d'Anastasie, destinée inconnue
-Anastasie n 1797 Havre-Aubert, jumelle d'Angélique, destinée inconnue
-Véronique, m Havre-Aubert 1819-7-17 Damien Richard
-Julienne-Émilie, n 1799 Havre-Aubert, m Havre-Aubert 1816-10-10 Amand Turbide
-Esther, n 1801 Havre-Aubert, m Havre-Aubert 1819-11-2 Jean-Firmin Boudreau
-Françoise, n 1803 Havre-Aubert, m Havre-Aubert 1823-8-18 Simon Richard
/DC0241 ***********************************************************************************
The same occupation was cited by godbout with sources:
[S117] Registres Paroissiaux (1702-1755), Paroisse Saint-Jean-Baptiste d'Annapolis Royal (Port Royal).
[S94]   Dictionnaire généalogique des familles acadiennes, Stephen A. White, (Centre d`études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1999), 27, 436 & 1569.
[S119] Histoire et Généalogie des Acadiens, Bona Arsenault, (Les Éditions Leméac, Montréal, c Ottawa, 1978), 830 & 1071.
[S753] Généalogie des familles acadiennes avec documents, Placide Gaudet, (Document de la session No 18, Ottawa, 1906), 218
[S5]     Programme de recherche en démographie historique (PRDH), Université de Montréal.
Source: GodboutNames of "all" of My Sources
My Sources (in Source ID order)
ID Source Name (recently added Sources) MastSourcesD_srt.txt 2018 G Jul 16 @@DC0369 Leger (BG Tomlin) soon DC0369 Leger (BG Tomlin) Cole5H17.GED soon DC0004 Cole5H17.GED DC0000 LDS IGI (or AFN or PRF)Philip DC0001 (Personal Archives: Cole & Richard) DC0002 Trip to Beds. (DCole) Only in Notes DC0003 McGrath Family Reunion in 2018 (err DC0002) DC0004 Cole5H17.GED DC0005 E_Cole5H17.GED DC0006 Cole (BWarren) DC0007 1871 Census - England (Booth and Cole) DC0008 1851 Census - England (Booth) DC0009 Goatcher (M Hibbard) DC0010 Paul Delaney DC0011 Tichborne DC0012 Probate Court - UK DC0013 Paul (GPaul) DC0014 LDS Goatcher DC0015 Theriault (DManicom) DC0016 Early Acadians eg Cyr (Horman) DC0017 Richard (Hebert) DC0018 Richard (Rhonda Richards) DC0019 Acadiens (T.Stuart) DC0020 Avery & Deslauriers (E.Avery) DC0021 Cole (Gibbs) DC0022 Hibbard (Lemmon) DC0023 200 ans IdeM DC0024 Theriault (Lajeunesse) DC0025 Arseneault (Chamberland) DC0026 Richard (lacharite) DC0027 Brimley (LBJones) DC0028 Deslauriers (Dorr) DC0029 Leblanc (fallen) DC0030 Acadians (Ramirez) DC0031 BackUp History (DKC) DC0032 Drouin DC0033 Familles Acadiennes (Lanctot) 2vols DC0033 Familles Acadiennes (Lanctot) 2vols DC0266 & DC0034 Richard (Lemay) DC0035 200 ans IdeM (or Marriages des IdeM) DC0036 Sullivan Birth Cert DC0037 Goatcher W (marriage cert) DC0038 Goatcher, P (marriage cert) DC0039 Royals (pemble) DC0040 Acadiens (mackey) Only in Notes DC0041 Poirier (KPoirier) DC0042 Richard (WDartez) DC0043 Acadiens (Ray Houle) DC0044 Richard (Marchand) DC0045 Mariages des Iles... (1794-1900) DC0046 1818 Census - Cape Breton DC0047 Cape Breton -Lunenburg DC0048 Bourque (Debra) DC0049 Familles des Isles (nReid) DC0051 Richard (T Arsenault) DC0052 LDS Ancestral File (no submitter named) DC0053 Brimley (leland) DC0054 Hebert (Tim Hebert) DC0055 Acadians (White) DC0056 LDS Parish Archives in Salt Lake City DC0057 Iles de la Madeleine (Noella Reid) DC0058 Medieval Generalogy by JStevens DC0059 Davis DC0060 Meachum DC0061 Lieber DC0062 Counts DC0063 Gailer DC0064 Kimmel DC0065 Memoirs (JGodwin) DC0066 Goulton (Neville) DC0067 Richard (Thibault) DC0068 Payne (Jennifer) DC0069 1881 Govt Census - England DC0070 Goacher - Roger DC0071 Goatcher - Jim DC0072 Goatcher (Marion) DC0073 Arsenault, Andre DC0075 Booth (BWarren) DC0076 1861 Census - England DC0077 Royals (Connell) DC0078 Royals (Minton) DC0079 Royals (Hurst) DC0080 Short (Little) DC0081 Whitney (Bernier) DC0082 Tichborne (Minnis) DC0083 Acadians (Cyr) DC0084 Boudrot (?) only in Notes DC0085 Tichborne (Hayden) DC0086 Acadians (Drouin) DC0087 Acadiens (L'Heureux) DC0088 Acadiens (PGirouard) DC0089 Theriault (?) DC0090 Payne (Lamonica) DC0091 Acadiens (BethNM) DC0092 Acadiens (R.Gaudet) DC0093 Robichard (assoc..) DC0094 Poirier (Filteau) DC0095 Theriault (Kowal) DC0096 Acadians (G_Laffy) DC0097 Newman (John) DC0098 Coulonge (Alex) DC0099 Slaughter (Marjorie) DC0100 Turk, Toni DC0101 Kirton (Ferris) DC0102 Godwin (A.F.) DC0103 Godwin (Hill) DC0104 Royals (humphri) DC0105 Royals (Thibault) DC0106 Tisdale DC0107 Richard (Graziadie) DC0108 Vigneault (Monique) DC0109 Acadians (Beauchesne) DC0110 Oades (?) Only in Notes DC0111 St Pierre et Miquelon (Langlois) DC0112 Ullrich (Hartwig) DC0113 Acadiens (Frechette) DC0114 England - Deaths & Burials DC0115 Richard (MLeBlanc) Only in Notes DC0116 Theriault (Manicom) See DC0015 DC0117 British (Brooks) DC0118 Les Mariages de Miquelon (1763-1791) DC0119 Acadians (GLaffy) DC0120 Cormier (rTurbide) DC0121 Boudreau/Richard/Tremblay(Dufour) DC0123 Savoie (Giulinis) DC0124 Tisdale (MBrookes) DC0125 Basset (Elliott) DC0126 Kirton (Morrison) DC0127 White (BMatheson) DC0128 Taylor (LTaylor) DC0129 Basset (CMaple) DC0130 WelshRoyals(MonicaP) DC0131 Gaynsford (COwen) DC0132 Preston (CJones) DC0133 Sadler (Clark) DC0134 French Canadians (R.St-Gelais) DC0135 Lambert/Comeau (R.Lambert) DC0136 Mr. (C.E.Peterson) DC0137 Soc. Hist. Acadienne Only in Notes DC0138 genealogie.org DC0139 Comeau (B. Murphy) DC0140 White & Acadians (Engleman) DC0141 Gorham,Russel (Hennerberg) DC0142 Richard, Rocket (?) Only in Notes DC0143 New England Colonists (RNohavec) DC0144 USA(HGleason) DC0145 Ancestors From France (RFerro) DC0146 Acadiens (K Hart) DC0147 Home Children(Barnardo) DC0148 Quebec ancestors - Thibeault DC0149 Briand (Rufine) DC0150 Bailey-Coulter (WM Bailey) DC0151 Acadians (R.Turbide) (see DC0120) DC0152 England - Marriages (LDS) DC0153 Robichaud Family (EarlR) DC0154 Hibbard (B.Morgan) DC0155 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0155 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0342 & DC0156 Ass. des f. Richard (Felix) DC0157 Familles-Souches (Massicotte) DC0158 Surprenant (Paul) DC0159 Franklin (R.Isbell) DC0160 Goatcher (Helen Elo) DC0161 Beaudoin (S. McHale) DC0162 Banks (TFowler) DC0163 Cole (ABrown) DC0164 1841 Gov't Census (England) DC0165 Kingsland (SSydenham) DC0166 Lawn (JMayer) DC0167 Brimley (RBrimley) DC0169 Payne (E Houston) DC0170 Payne (M McBride) DC0171 Payne (F Dyer) DC0172 Payne (G Hayden) DC0173 Loyalist Studies DC0174 Militia (WC 20974) DC0175 Militia (WC 21975) DC0176 Jacobs_Stevens DC0177 Fort Havoc (Braisted and Cole) DC0178 Hutchinson (R Nohavec) DC0179 Goatcher (C. Tobias) DC0180 Maedel (R Dufour) DC0181 Riley DC0182 Brimley (JS Bailey) DC0182 Brimley (JS Bailey) DC0245 & DC0183 Courtenay (S. Nielson) DC0184 Sanborne DC0185 Gould (A.Gould) DC0186 Acadians (Pep) DC0187 Goold (R.Dutton) DC0188 Samborne (Phelps Family) DC0189 Gould (FCain) DC0190 Briand (LDavid) DC0191 History of Nova Scotia (PLandry) Only in Notes DC0192 Louisbourg (WFoster) Only in Notes DC0193 Thibaudeau & Lamoureux (Gisele) DC0194 Thibodeau (D. Dorcy) DC0195 Lamoureux (M.Loranger) DC0196 Cyr (Deom) DC0197 Lamoureux (J.Lavallee) DC0198 Marston (Ancestral File) DC0199 Spencers (G.Heinmiller) DC0200 GenCircles (Defunct) DC0201 Babin (PBabin) DC0202 England - Births & Christenings DC0203 karel de grote (HPastoors) DC0204 Leblanc (Charleen Uzinchar) DC0205 Hicks/Stark (J Hicks) DC0206 LeBlanc (by Charleen see DC0204) DC0207 DC0208 Grandes Familles DC0209 Country Hearts (Dalmanic) DC0210 Smith..Lemieux (T.Stuart) DC0211 Thibodeau (Palfenier) DC0212 Lamoureux (R. Knott) DC0213 Lamoureux (MLamoureux) DC0214 1881 Census - Canada DC0215 Vigneault (Marcel V) DC0216 Tapp (C.Tapp) DC0217 Bruners (Maurice Woehrle) DC0218 Cote (CCote) DC0219 Bourgeois (Lamonica) DC0220 Canadiennes (MarcelF) DC0221 DC0222 Belanger (Steve B.) See DC0356 DC0223 Acadians (K Hart) DC0224 DeSerres (Larry Desaire) DC0225 Turcotte (Killian) DC0226 Prachar (Gemtwist) DC0227 Ancetres Des IdeM (C Dube) DC0228 Friends and Family (RootsWeb) DC0229 Spencer (J Witham) DC0230 DC0231 William M Read Family (LB.Jones) DC0232 Boudreau family of Calixte (Ron) DC0233 Comeau (L.DuFault) DC0234 Palfenier Connections (OPalfenier) DC0235 DC0236 Desroches/Gode (Louis D.) DC0237 Autobiography (Daisy Sullivan) DC0238 The Whole Group (T.Showen) DC0239 1891 Census - England DC0240 John Root (P Dascola) DC0242 Politiciens Qc and Ca (D.Beauregard) DC0241 Deportation Vigneau (?) [more above] DC0243 Ledu (Johan Ledu) DC0244 Payne (Hagenaars) DC0245 Brimley (J Bailey) DC0245 Brimley (J Bailey) DC0182 & DC0246 Rainville (T. Edworthy) DC0247 Chapel Allerton (N.Hurworth) DC0248 Paine (P.Heinle) DC0249 Payne (R Roberts) DC0250 payne (J Wood) DC0251 Coles and Marlows (C. Malito) DC0252 Mayhew (W.Isbell) DC0253 Cote (R.Cote) DC0254 Howland (J.Howland) DC0255 Howland (S.Winters) DC0256 20550 (C.Bradbury) DC0257 R & Royalty (C. Trier) DC0258 DC0259 Valentine (Garry V) DC0260 The Family (BCox) DC0261 DC0262 Leblanc (C Sclafani) DC0263 Madelinots (L Letourneau) DC0264 Aubin2 (P Cote) DC0265 Cheticamp Founders (Davey,MacKinnon) DC0266 Familles Acadiennes (L. Lanctot) DC0266 Familles Acadiennes (L. Lanctot) DC0033 & DC0267 Willcox (H Imburgia) DC0268 Delaney (M Perry) DC0269 DC0270 Payeur Lafreniere (LPayeur) DC0271 Deported to Mass. (Consentino) DC0272 Cajun (D Talbot) DC0273 Annapolis Valley Homesteads DC0274 Hoggard (Susan Murray) DC0275 McKee Genealogy (Chris McKee) DC0276 Connolly, Pratte, Cloutier (P. Connolly) DC0277 Nash's Family Tree (Nicki Ridgeway) DC0278 Sipior (Julie Sipior) DC0279 Thibaudeau (Maurice T) DC0280 Humbley (Deb Humbley) DC0281 Amys Gedcom (AWiggins) DC0282 Thibodeau (Bartholomay) DC0283 Marcoux (DGraham) DC0284 DC0285 Cole (ACole) DC0286 Furr (Bill Furr) DC0287 Bernier (C. Bernier) DC0288 Kingsland (C&S.Jarvis) DC0289 Oklahoma (L. Lynch) DC0290 Famille Bernier (A.Routledge) DC0291 Marcoux/Bernier (Marie Marcoux) DC0292 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0292 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0298 & DC0293 Hibbard (D.Ross) DC0294 Bone (ESchroder) DC0295 Oliver (JOliver) DC0296 White Family (S.White) DC0297B Ireland (J.Ireland) DC0297 Ireland (J.Ireland) DC0298 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0298 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0292 & DC0299 Arseneault (Lydie Arseneault) DC0300 US Social Security Data DC0301 Chiasson Sebastien (MChiasson) DC0302 Chiasson (Gabe Chiasson) DC0303 Magdalen (J. Ledu) DC0304 Hertfordshire Mon. Inscr. DC0305 Cyr (Jean-Luc Cyr) DC0306 Cormier (HC Simpson) DC0307 Desc of Fr Bernier (C. Barney) DC0308 READs in USA (G.Dudley) DC0309 Hampton Memorial Library (G.Sanborn) DC0310 Unrelated Coles (KCole) DC0311 Richard (H Richard) DC0312 DC0313 Rogers (msWilson) DC0314 Coles (D Eastham) DC0315 Cole (M Hessman) DC0316 1901 Census - Canada DC0317 Paul (VCole) DC0318 Phone Book 1963 (Moose Jaw) DC0319 Acadian Roots (LCurtis) DC0320 Hertfordshire Monuments DC0321 DC0322 1885 Census - England DC0323 Blinko (HRohrer) DC0324 Cole Arseneault (DianaCole) DC0325 Eng. Ancestors (RHodgson) DC0326 My_Ged (Wayne Lawrence) DC0327 1901 UK Census DC0327 1901 Census - UK DC0328 Hellewell Family (LJones) DC0329 Daigle (BobbyDaigle) DC0330 Desaire (LDesaire) DC0331 Dallaire (RDallaire) DC0332 Louisiann M P (JLarousse) DC0334 Haddlesey (FBrocklehurst) DC0335 Tremblay (G Renaud) DC0336 Cormier, Gauthier (PGauthier) DC0337 1752 Census - PEI DC0338 1809 Census - Canada DC0339 Davis (DaveCo) DC0340 Collins Family (GCollins) DC0341 Arseneault (B.Richard) DC0342 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0342 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0155 & DC0343 Chapman (W.Holladay) DC0344 Hungerford (DW.Watson) DC0345 Gaynsford (W.Lantz) DC0346 Gallant (J.Gallant) DC0347 thibs (P.Thibault) DC0348 Peters (R.Peters) DC0349 Charleboix (D.Charleboix) DC0350 Dresser Rowe Family (S.Rowe) DC0351 Noel (M.Noel) DC0351 Noel (M.Noel) DC0362 & DC0352 DC0353 Huppe (R. Hupe) DC0354 Huppe (J Phillipe) DC0355 Huppe (Ro. Aubin) DC0356 Belanger (Steve B.) See DC0222 DC0357 Mollys Tree (K Stevenson) DC0357B Haineault (F.Lachance) DC0359 Farley (Barb Mayer) DC0360 Noel Book (Inst. Gen. Drouin) DC0361 DB (A.Vincent) DC0362 Noel Fam. Tree (M.Noel) DC0362 Noel Fam. Tree (M.Noel) DC0351 & DC0363 DC0364 Read (Ward+Meacham) DC0365 Helen (CWHelen) DC0366 Preston (S.Brown) DC0367 Marcoux (RMarcoux) DC0368 Beavis (ABeavis) DC0369 Leger (BG Tomlin) DC0370 Pembroke Pass. (PDelaney) DC0371 Fr & Canadian (B Serin) DC0372 Bonnet (Gordon) DC0373 Lemelin (E.Lehman) DC0374 Robichaud (MJ Bernard) DC0375 1921 Census - Canada DC0376 LDS Parish Sussex DC0377 Coles Of Devon Book DC0378 ColesOfDevon DataBase DC0379 Geni - various contributors DC0380 Book: Sophia (Payne) (Gould) Cummings DC0381 WikiTree -Various DC0382 Beavis (BBeavis) DC0383 Regina Cemetery Records DC0384 Richard (Blandine) DC0385 Dictionaire Gen. des I-M DC0386 Richard dans Dict. Gen. des I-M DC0387 IslesDeLaMadeleine.com DC0388 Richard (Gabrielle) DC0389 BC Death Registrations DC0390 McQuitty, Jane (fs) DC0391 1901 Census - Ireland DC0392 1926 Census - Canada DC0393 Leader Post, Regina SK DC0394 1911 Census - England DC0395 Canada Records Birth/Death DC0396 1911 Census - Canada DC0397 Caisse, Marcel (DADDY) DC0398 Hunt, Robert DC0399 Error: Do Not Use DC0400 FreeBMD (UK) DC0401 Church of England BMD DC0402 Arseneault (Denis Savard) DC0403 GenealogieOnline.nl DC0404 Moose Jaw Funeral Home DC0405 Farley (Donna Victoria) DC0406 Henderson's Directory DC0407 federationgenealogie.qc.ca DC0408 1931 Census - Canada DC0409 Banks (Smith, Gwen) DC0988 NosOrigines.qc.ca DC0989 MesAieux.com DC0990 CanadianHeadstones.com DC0991 Geneanet.org (gw. ) DC0992 England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988 DC0993 Harlequin Manuscripts DC0994 Ancestry.com Various DC0994 Ancestry Cyr DC0994 Ancestry Booth DC0994 Ancestry by aM94eL8 DC0994 Ancestry by carolmcintyre110 DC0994 Ancestry by Clarke, Brian DC0994 Ancestry by DebbieMSerotini DC0994 Ancestry by gramsaflippin5 DC0994 Ancestry by Jones, Philip DC0994 Ancestry by JCTheriault DC0994 Ancestry by Kennedy, Brooklin DC0994 Ancestry by lyndamyles2014 DC0994 Ancestry by wmhartwig DC0994 Ancestry Young Family Tree DC0994 Ancestry, Hawkins Tree (& DC0399) DC0994 Ancestry, Myles Family Tree 2014 DC0994 Ancestry, Rutherford, Hazel (whrutherford1) DC0995 FamilySearch DC0996 FindAGrave DC0997 ePC Articles DC0998 Web Page Site Excerpts DC0999 WorldConnect (Various) E_Cole5H17.GED soon DC0003 E_Cole5H17.GED /MastSourcesD_srt.txtMy Sources (in Source Name order)
Source Name, ID (recently added Sources) Haineault (F.Lachance), DC0357 soon Haineault (F.Lachance), DC0357 Ireland (J.Ireland), DC0297B soon Ireland (J.Ireland), DC0297 (Personal Archives: Cole & Richard), DC0001 soon Personal Archives: Cole & Richard, DC0001 @@DC0369 Leger (BG Tomlin) soon DC0369 Leger (BG Tomlin) 1752 Census - PEI, DC0337 1809 Census - Canada, DC0338 1818 Census - Cape Breton, DC0046 1841 Gov't Census (England), DC0164 1851 Census - England (Booth), DC0008 1861 Census - England, DC0076 1871 Census - England (Booth and Cole), DC0007 1881 Census - Canada, DC0214 1881 Govt Census - England, DC0069 1885 Census - England, DC0322 1891 Census - England, DC0239 1901 Census - Canada, DC0316 1901 Census - Ireland, DC0391 1911 Census - England, DC0394 1911 Census - Canada, DC0396 1921 Census - Canada, DC0375 1926 Census - Canada, DC0392 1931 Census - Canada, DC0408 1901 UK Census, DC0327 1901 Census - UK, DC0327 200 ans IdeM (or Marriages des IdeM), DC0035 200 ans IdeM, DC0023 20550 (C.Bradbury), DC0256 Acadian Roots (LCurtis), DC0319 Acadians (Beauchesne), DC0109 Acadians (Cyr), DC0083 Acadians (Drouin), DC0086 Acadians (G_Laffy), DC0096 Acadians (GLaffy), DC0119 Acadians (K Hart), DC0223 Acadians (Pep), DC0186 Acadians (R.Turbide) (see DC0120), DC0151 Acadians (Ramirez), DC0030 Acadians (White), DC0055 Acadiens (BethNM), DC0091 Acadiens (Frechette), DC0113 Acadiens (K Hart), DC0146 Acadiens (L'Heureux), DC0087 Acadiens (PGirouard), DC0088 Acadiens (R.Gaudet), DC0092 Acadiens (Ray Houle), DC0043 Acadiens (T.Stuart), DC0019 Amys Gedcom (AWiggins), DC0281 Ancestors From France (RFerro), DC0145 Ancestry, Various, DC0994 Ancestry, Booth, DC0994 Ancestry, Cyr, DC0994 Ancestry by aM94eL8, DC0994 Ancestry by carolmcintyre110, DC0994 Ancestry by Clarke, Brian, DC0994 Ancestry by DebbieMSerotini, DC0994 Ancestry by JCTheriault, DC0994 Ancestry by Jones, Philip, DC0994 Ancestry by Kennedy, Brooklin, DC0994 Ancestry by lyndamyles2014, DC0994 Ancestry by wmhartwig, DC0994 Ancestry, Hawkins Tree (& DC0399), DC0994 Ancestry, Myles Family Tree 2014, DC0994 Ancestry, Rutherford, Hazel (whrutherford1), DC0994 Ancestry Young Family Tree, DC0994 Ancetres Des IdeM (C Dube), DC0227 Arsenault, Andre, DC0073 Arseneault (B.Richard), DC0341 Arseneault (Chamberland), DC0025 Arseneault (Lydie Arseneault), DC0299 Arseneault (Denis Savard), DC0402 Ass. des f. Richard (Felix), DC0156 Aubin2 (P Cote), DC0264 Autobiography (Daisy Sullivan), DC0237 Avery & Deslauriers (E.Avery), DC0020 Babin (PBabin), DC0201 BackUp History (DKC), DC0031 Bailey-Coulter (WM Bailey), DC0150 Banks (Smith, Gwen), DC0409 Banks (TFowler), DC0162 Basset (CMaple), DC0129 Basset (Elliott), DC0125 BC Death Registrations, DC0389 Beaudoin (S. McHale), DC0161 Beavis (ABeavis), DC0368 Beavis (BBeavis), DC0382 Belanger (Steve B.) See DC0222, DC0356 Belanger (Steve B.) See DC0356, DC0222 Bernier (C. Bernier), DC0287 Blinko (HRohrer), DC0323 Bone (ESchroder), DC0294 Bonnet (Gordon), DC0372 Book: Sophia (Payne) (Gould) Cummings, DC0380 Booth (BWarren), DC0075 Boudreau (JPBoudreau), DC0155 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0342 &, DC0155 Boudreau (JPBoudreau), DC0342 Boudreau (JPBoudreau) DC0155 &, DC0342 Boudreau family of Calixte (Ron), DC0232 Boudreau/Richard/Tremblay(Dufour), DC0121 Bourgeois (Lamonica), DC0219 Bourque (Debra), DC0048 Briand (LDavid), DC0190 Briand (Rufine), DC0149 Brimley (J Bailey), DC0245 Brimley (J Bailey) DC0182 &, DC0245 Brimley (JS Bailey), DC0182 Brimley (JS Bailey) DC0245 &, DC0182 Brimley (LBJones), DC0027 Brimley (leland), DC0053 Brimley (RBrimley), DC0167 British (Brooks), DC0117 Bruners (Maurice Woehrle), DC0217 Caisse, Marcel (DADDY), DC0397 Cajun (D Talbot), DC0272 Canada Records Birth/Death, DC0395 CanadianHeadstones.com, DC0990 Canadiennes (MarcelF), DC0220 Cape Breton -Lunenburg, DC0047 Chapel Allerton (N.Hurworth), DC0247 Chapman (W.Holladay), DC0343 Charleboix (D.Charleboix), DC0349 Chiasson (Gabe Chiasson), DC0302 Chiasson Sebastien (MChiasson), DC0301 Church of England BMD, DC0401 Cole (ABrown), DC0163 Cole (ACole), DC0285 Cole (BWarren), DC0006 Cole (Gibbs), DC0021 Cole (M Hessman), DC0315 Cole Arseneault (DianaCole), DC0324 Cole5H17.GED Coles (D Eastham), DC0314 Coles and Marlows (C. Malito), DC0251 Coles Of Devon Book, DC0377 ColesOfDevon DataBase, DC0378 Collins Family (GCollins), DC0340 Comeau (B. Murphy), DC0139 Comeau (L.DuFault), DC0233 Connolly, Pratte, Cloutier (P. Connolly), DC0276 Cormier (HC Simpson), DC0306 Cormier (rTurbide), DC0120 Cormier, Gauthier (PGauthier), DC0336 Cote (CCote), DC0218 Cote (R.Cote), DC0253 Coulonge (Alex), DC0098 Country Hearts (Dalmanic), DC0209 Counts, DC0062 Courtenay (S. Nielson), DC0183 Cyr (Deom), DC0196 Cyr (Jean-Luc Cyr), DC0305 Daigle (BobbyDaigle), DC0329 Dallaire (RDallaire), DC0331 Davis (DaveCo), DC0339 Davis, DC0059 DB (A.Vincent), DC0361 Delaney (M Perry), DC0268 Desaire (LDesaire), DC0330 Desc of Fr Bernier (C. Barney), DC0307 DeSerres (Larry Desaire), DC0224 Deslauriers (Dorr), DC0028 Desroches/Gode (Louis D.), DC0236 Dictionaire Gen. des I-M, DC0385 Dresser Rowe Family (S.Rowe), DC0350 Drouin, DC0032 E_Cole5H17.GED Early Acadians eg Cyr (Horman), DC0016 Eng. Ancestors (RHodgson), DC0325 England - Births & Christenings, DC0202 England - Deaths & Burials, DC0114 England - Marriages (LDS), DC0152 England & Wales Marriages, 1538-1988, DC0992 ePC Articles, DC0997 Error: Do Not Use, DC0399 Famille Bernier (A.Routledge), DC0290 Familles-Souches (Massicotte), DC0157 Familles Acadiennes (L. Lanctot), DC0266 Familles Acadiennes (L. Lanctot) DC0033 &, DC0266 Familles Acadiennes (Lanctot) 2vols, DC0033 Familles Acadiennes (Lanctot) 2vols DC0266 &, DC0033 Familles des Isles (nReid), DC0049 FamilySearch, DC0995 Farley (Barb Mayer), DC0359 Farley (Donna Victoria) DC0405 federationgenealogie.qc.ca DC0407 FindAGrave, DC0996 Fort Havoc (Braisted and Cole), DC0177 Fr & Canadian (B Serin), DC0371 Franklin (R.Isbell), DC0159 FreeBMD (UK), DC0400 French Canadians (R.St-Gelais), DC0134 Friends and Family (RootsWeb), DC0228 Furr (Bill Furr), DC0286 Gailer, DC0063 Gallant (J.Gallant), DC0346 Gaynsford (COwen), DC0131 Gaynsford (W.Lantz), DC0345 GenCircles (Defunct), DC0200 genealogie.org, DC0138 GenealogieOnline.nl DC0403 Geneanet.org (gw.), DC0991 Geni - various contributors, DC0379 Goacher - Roger, DC0070 Goatcher - Jim, DC0071 Goatcher (C. Tobias), DC0179 Goatcher (Helen Elo), DC0160 Goatcher (M Hibbard), DC0009 Goatcher (Marion), DC0072 Goatcher W (marriage cert), DC0037 Goatcher, P (marriage cert), DC0038 Godwin (A.F.), DC0102 Godwin (Hill), DC0103 Goold (R.Dutton), DC0187 Gorham,Russel (Hennerberg), DC0141 Gould (A.Gould), DC0185 Gould (FCain), DC0189 Goulton (Neville), DC0066 Grandes Familles, DC0208 Haddlesey (FBrocklehurst), DC0334 Hampton Memorial Library (G.Sanborn), DC0309 Harlequin Manuscripts, DC0993 Hebert (Tim Hebert), DC0054 Helen (CWHelen), DC0365 Hellewell Family (LJones), DC0328 Henderson's Directory, DC0406 Hertfordshire Mon. Inscr., DC0304 Hertfordshire Monuments, DC0320 Hibbard (B.Morgan), DC0154 Hibbard (D.Ross), DC0293 Hibbard (Lemmon), DC0022 Hicks/Stark (J Hicks), DC0205 Hoggard (Susan Murray), DC0274 Home Children(Barnardo), DC0147 Howland (J.Howland), DC0254 Howland (S.Winters), DC0255 Humbley (Deb Humbley), DC0280 Hungerford (DW.Watson), DC0344 Hunt, Robert, DC0398 Huppe (J Phillipe), DC0354 Huppe (R. Hupe), DC0353 Huppe (Ro. Aubin), DC0355 Hutchinson (R Nohavec), DC0178 Iles de la Madeleine (Noella Reid), DC0057 IslesDeLaMadeleine.com, DC0387 Ireland (J.Ireland), DC0297 Jacobs_Stevens, DC0176 John Root (P Dascola), DC0240 karel de grote (HPastoors), DC0203 Kimmel, DC0064 Kingsland (C&S.Jarvis), DC0288 Kingsland (SSydenham), DC0165 Kirton (Ferris), DC0101 Kirton (Morrison), DC0126 Lambert/Comeau (R.Lambert), DC0135 Lamoureux (J.Lavallee), DC0197 Lamoureux (M.Loranger), DC0195 Lamoureux (MLamoureux), DC0213 Lamoureux (R. Knott), DC0212 Lawn (JMayer), DC0166 LDS Ancestral File (no submitter named), DC0052 LDS Goatcher, DC0014 LDS IGI (or AFN or PRF), DC0000 LDS Parish Archives in Salt Lake City, DC0056 LDS Parish Sussex, DC0376 Leader Post, Regina SK, DC0393 LeBlanc (by Charleen see DC0204), DC0206 Leblanc (C Sclafani), DC0262 Leblanc (Charleen Uzinchar), DC0204 Leblanc (fallen), DC0029 Ledu (Johan Ledu), DC0243 Lemelin (E.Lehman), DC0373 Les Mariages de Miquelon (1763-1791), DC0118 Lieber, DC0061 Louisiann M P (JLarousse), DC0332 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart), DC0292 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0298 &, DC0292 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart), DC0298 Lowrey (L.B. Stewart) DC0292 &, DC0298 Loyalist Studies, DC0173 Madelinots (L Letourneau), DC0263 Maedel (R Dufour), DC0180 Magdalen (J. Ledu), DC0303 Marcoux (DGraham), DC0283 Marcoux (RMarcoux), DC0367 Marcoux/Bernier (Marie Marcoux), DC0291 Mariages des Iles... (1794-1900), DC0045 Marston (Ancestral File), DC0198 Mayhew (W.Isbell), DC0252 McKee Genealogy (Chris McKee), DC0275 McQuitty, Jane (fs), DC0390 Meachum, DC0060 Medieval Generalogy by JStevens, DC0058 Medieval Genealogy by JStevens, DC0058 Memoirs (JGodwin), DC0065 MesAieux.com, DC0989 Militia (WC 20974), DC0174 Militia (WC 21975), DC0175 Mollys Tree (K Stevenson), DC0357 Moose Jaw Funeral Home, DC0404 Mr. (C.E.Peterson), DC0136 My_Ged (Wayne Lawrence), DC0326 Nash's Family Tree (Nicki Ridgeway), DC0277 New England Colonists (RNohavec), DC0143 Newman (John), DC0097 Noel (M.Noel), DC0351 Noel (M.Noel) DC0362 &, DC0351 Noel Book (Inst. Gen. Drouin), DC0360 Noel Fam. Tree (M.Noel), DC0362 Noel Fam. Tree (M.Noel) DC0351 &, DC0362 NosOrigines.qc.ca, DC0988 Oklahoma (L. Lynch), DC0289 Oliver (JOliver), DC0295 Paine (P.Heinle), DC0248 Palfenier Connections (OPalfenier), DC0234 Paul (GPaul), DC0013 Paul (VCole), DC0317 Paul Delaney, DC0010 Payeur Lafreniere (LPayeur), DC0270 Payne (E Houston), DC0169 Payne (F Dyer), DC0171 Payne (G Hayden), DC0172 Payne (Hagenaars), DC0244 payne (J Wood), DC0250 Payne (Jennifer), DC0068 Payne (Lamonica), DC0090 Payne (M McBride), DC0170 Payne (R Roberts), DC0249 Pembroke Pass. (PDelaney), DC0370 Peters (R.Peters), DC0348 Phone Book 1963 (Moose Jaw), DC0318 Poirier (Filteau), DC0094 Poirier (KPoirier), DC0041 Politiciens Qc and Ca (D.Beauregard), DC0242 Prachar (Gemtwist), DC0226 Preston (CJones), DC0132 Preston (S.Brown), DC0366 Probate Court - UK, DC0012 Quebec ancestors - Thibeault, DC0148 R & Royalty (C. Trier), DC0257 Rainville (T. Edworthy), DC0246 Read (Ward+Meacham), DC0364 READs in USA (G.Dudley), DC0308 Regina Cemetery Records, DC0383 Richard (Blandine), DC0384 Richard (Gabrielle), DC0388 Richard dans Dict. Gen. des I-M, DC0386 Richard (Graziadie), DC0107 Richard (H Richard), DC0311 Richard (Hebert), DC0017 Richard (lacharite), DC0026 Richard (Lemay), DC0034 Richard (Marchand), DC0044 Richard (Rhonda Richards), DC0018 Richard (T Arsenault), DC0051 Richard (Thibault), DC0067 Richard (WDartez), DC0042 Riley, DC0181 Robichard (assoc..), DC0093 Robichaud (MJ Bernard), DC0374 Robichaud Family (EarlR), DC0153 Rogers (msWilson), DC0313 Royals (Connell), DC0077 Royals (humphri), DC0104 Royals (Hurst), DC0079 Royals (Minton), DC0078 Royals (pemble), DC0039 Royals (Thibault), DC0105 Rutherford, Hazel (whrutherford1), DC0400 Sadler (Clark), DC0133 Samborne (Phelps Family), DC0188 Sanborne, DC0184 Savoie (Giulinis), DC0123 Short (Little), DC0080 Sipior (Julie Sipior), DC0278 Slaughter (Marjorie), DC0099 Smith..Lemieux (T.Stuart), DC0210 Spencer (J Witham), DC0229 Spencers (G.Heinmiller), DC0199 St Pierre et Miquelon (Langlois), DC0111 Sullivan Birth Cert, DC0036 Surprenant (Paul), DC0158 Tapp (C.Tapp), DC0216 Taylor (LTaylor), DC0128 The Family (BCox), DC0260 The Whole Group (T.Showen), DC0238 Theriault (?), DC0089 Theriault (DManicom), DC0015 Theriault (Kowal), DC0095 Theriault (Lajeunesse), DC0024 Theriault (Manicom) See DC0015, DC0116 Thibaudeau & Lamoureux (Gisele), DC0193 Thibaudeau (Maurice T), DC0279 Thibodeau (Bartholomay), DC0282 Thibodeau (D. Dorcy), DC0194 Thibodeau (Palfenier), DC0211 thibs (P.Thibault), DC0347 Tichborne (Hayden), DC0085 Tichborne (Minnis), DC0082 Tichborne, DC0011 Tisdale (MBrookes), DC0124 Tisdale, DC0106 Tremblay (G Renaud), DC0335 Turcotte (Killian), DC0225 Turk, Toni, DC0100 Ullrich (Hartwig), DC0112 Unrelated Coles (KCole), DC0310 US Social Security Data, DC0300 USA(HGleason), DC0144 Valentine (Garry V), DC0259 Vigneault (Marcel V), DC0215 Vigneault (Monique), DC0108 Web Page Site Excerpts, DC0998 WelshRoyals(MonicaP), DC0130 White & Acadians (Engleman), DC0140 White (BMatheson), DC0127 White Family (S.White), DC0296 Whitney (Bernier), DC0081 WikiTree -Various, DC0381 Willcox (H Imburgia), DC0267 William M Read Family (LB.Jones), DC0231 WorldConnect (Various), DC0999 /MastSources_Y_Srt.txt
Sources in "My ePC Articles" (by Old King COLE)
Index to all My ePC Articles (by Old King COLE)
List of all Sources in all "My ePC Articles" as of 2018
to be addedImages in iGalri (by David KC COLE)
I have uploaded over 900 captioned images to the web. Often a source is included. Any user can select these photos by searching for a subphrase that is included somewhere in the caption. Many photos of living people and ancestors can be found in iGalri.com.
My Sources in FamilySearch.org (by David KC COLE)
Fairly recently, tthe FamilySearch website has gathered all of the sources contributed by an individual together. These sources are said to be in our "Source Box". Within this Source Box, the author can regroup the sources. I have grouped my sources by family name (surname) mostly in alphabetical order. But I have created special folders for the surnames that have more importance for me e.g. Goatcher, Cole, Kingsland, Richard etc. I recommend that other contributors to FamilySearch do something similar. It facilitates the rediscovery of old sources.
WikiTree X (by Justin York)
WikiTree X is a special extension to the Chrome web browser that enables you to create and edit WikiTree profiles using data in other genealogy websites. It can be used to transfer information (including sources) from FamilySearch, Ancestry and other sites. It is unknown if WikiTree X will remain synchronized with these other sites as they change in the future. WikiTree X was created by Justin York. Note that it must first be installed into Chrome from the Chrome Store. It has been tested under Windows-10 with FamilySearch. Source 9 explains how to use WikiTree X. (Detailled usage: look up the person's WikiTree_ID, go to the person's FamilySearch webpage, then click on the WikiTree icon near the top right corner. An edit window is then provided by WikiTree X. Select your edits. Modified source info is also shown and can be edited. When done, click on "SAVE CHANGES".) Be sure to begin by making very small edit transfers.
When using WikiTree X to copy an Ancestry Source for Beavis-113, the URL link was suppressed by WikiTree. The way to include URL Links is explained by WikiTree (see photo below):
WikiTree Formatting Tip for Links
List of My Source icons (Used in My list of Web Sources)
See my article 77 (Source 18) for more information.
ance Ancestry email Email fams FamilySearch findg FindAGrave gbook Google Books ged GEDCOM globe WorldConnect html HTML Web Page jpg JPG image obit Obituary pdf Portable Data Format pyth python code rtf Rich Text Format text Text document tomb tombstone uf2 UF2 (for pico etc) utub YouTube wc WorldConnect (my icon) wikip WikiPedia wikt WikiTree zip Express Zip
US Army Officer Ranks and Insignia
Source 17 lists the current ranks of US army officers and shows their insignia.
Genealogical Abbreviations
Source 30 is a small list of abbreviations often encountered in genealogy. A much more lengthy list of similar abbreviations can be found in Source 10 in my Article 103. My Article 25 also includes a list of "Abbreviations Used in the Book". Some of these latter abbreviations are ancient (or Latin) phrases and appeared in the book "... Coles Of Devon..." which was published in 1867. That book references an even older "book" called a "roll". Those latter abbreviations also include terms that describe page sizes that are no longer used e.g. 8vo. The phrase "8vo" means octavo which is a page size of 6" x 9".
Source 31 takes you to a list of words or phrases that often appear in genealogy. Some are very archaic.My Site/Building GEDCOM field
One shortcoming of the GEDCOM format is that the LOCATION subfield of the "event" field is expected to contain a "city, county, province, country" for most genealogy software systems. Fortunately, it is possible for the users of the GEDCOM format to define other fields. In some cases, I wish to specify the name of church, graveyard or building (in addition to the city). In these cases, I define and use a special field that I call Site/Building. Two examples of this are the wedding place and the burial site of my maternal grandmother, Daisy nee Sullivan Goatcher. Her wedding place was the salon of the house where her husband lived and her burial place was Emmanuel United Church Yard in Cowansville, , QC, Canada. The former uses Site/Building of "Marriage in Jack Chapman's parlor / Iron Hill, East Sheffield, QC, Canada". The latter is specified by a Site/Building of "Burial was Emmanuel United Church Yard". Because the Site/Building pertains to the individual not the event, it is necessary to specify which event each Site/Building describes; usually in the first word of the Site/Building text. This Site/Building field can also be used to specify the street address (and the postal code, if so desired) of a residence, church etc. A Site/Building appears in the GEDCOM as:
1 EVEN wedding was at Grace United Church 2 TYPE Site/BuildingHow to load multiple jpg images into a PDF
I use a free program called IrfanView (Source 10). This program is very small and is being used by millions of users. It was created to view photo images but now has many additional features. It runs under Windows. After installing Irfanview and then installing Irfanview Plugins, go to its menu "Options" - "Multipage images" - "Create Multipage PDF (plugin)".Tips and Recommendations about Genealogy Research
I have prepared some tips and recommendations pertaining to Genealogy Research. They can be found in Source 32 which is my article # 33 titled "The Cole Family". These "Tips and Recommendations" range from "naming your children" to "adding info to a genealogy database: nick-names, titles, twins, "DIT" names, Amerinds" etc. It also mentions ways to mention groups of children such as "siblings2". It describes "islands of names" in a family tree database. It even offers advice on the wording of tombstone inscriptions..SOURCES
Book Sources
Book 1: Boudreau, Dennis M. "LES MARIAGES DES ILES-DE-LA-MADELEINE, P.Q. (1794-1900)", Pub 1980, ISBN 1-929920-25-3
Book 2: Janine Ruth Barber, CSG # 20572, Sophia (Payne) (Gould) Cummings: From Connecticut to Canada, The Connecticut Nutmegger, March 2018, Volume 50 Number 3, pp 194-207, Publisher: Connecticut Society of Genealogists Inc. ISSN 0045-8120
Book 3: Jessica (Goatcher) Godwin "Memoirs of An Ancient Lady", Pub 1992 by Pentland Press, ISBN-10: 1 872795 64 1
Book 4:James Edwin-Cole "The Genealogy of the Family of Cole of the County of Devon...", Pub 1867 by John Russel Smith, 36 Soho Square, London, England, ISBN:1141224526
Book 5: Daisy nee Sullivan Goatcher, "Autobiography", See Source 12 (below)
Book 6: Doris nee Goatcher Redmond North, "Autobiography", in archives of David Cole
Book 7: Annie Goatcher, "Heritage", See Source 13 (below)
Book 8: Boudreau, Dennis M. "Dictionnaire Généalogique des Familles des Îles de la Madeleine, Quebec, 1760-1948", Published by Societe de Genealogie de Quebec (Jan 1, 2001), ISBN-10 : 2891200861
Web Sources
Web Source S120:01: Daisy Sullivan at Ancestry.com
Web Source S120:02: wwwThe Genealogy of the Family of Cole...
by James Edwin-Cole Date: 1867
Web Source S120:03: wwwThe Gen.. Family of Cole...(digitized & Edited)
by David KC Cole Date: 2014
Web Source S120:04: Cole Family GenealogyArticle 33 of ePC Articles by David KC Cole Date: 2016
Web Source S120:05: Gen: Best Free Genealogy (Family Tree) Softwareby okrick in Article 85 of ePC Articles by David Cole
Web Source S120:06: wwwSophia (Payne) (Gould) Cummings From Connecticut to Canada (118)
Book 2 republished on the web by David Cole 2018 F Jun 20
Web Source S120:07: Software for FamilySearch Matches (from WikiTree)
Web Source S120:08: Software for WikiTree Matches (from FamilySearch)
Web Source S120:09: WikiTree X Help
Web Source S120:10: Irfanview by Irfan Skiljan
Web Source S120:11: Links to Select Persons in Ancestry TreesArticle 119 of ePC Articles by David Cole
Web Source S120:12: Autobiography by Daisy nee Sullivan GoatcherArticle 66 of ePC Articles by David Cole c1968
Web Source S120:13: Heritage by Annie GoatcherArticle 122 of ePC Articles by David Cole
Web Source S120:14: wwwJames Gould Jr. c1775 - After 1831
Article 108 of ePC Articles by David Cole
Web Source S120:15: wwwLt. James Gould Sr. & His Ancestors
Article 110 of ePC Articles by David Cole
Web Source S120:16: wwwGenealogy or pedigree of the .... Sir William Cole...
written in 1630 by Segar, William, Sir, -1633
Web Source S120:17: wwwUS Army Officer Ranks & Insignia
at Wikipedia
Web Source S120:18: wwwMy Source Icons (77.html)
by David KC Cole
Web Source S120:19: wwwThe History of the Church on Brewhouse Hill. Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire from 1690-2002
written by Derek Harris
Web Source S120:20: wwwMonumental inscriptions of the parish church of St Helen's [with United Reformed Church Brewhouse Hill Burial Ground]
by Hertfordshire Family and Population History Society (1994)
Web Source S120:21: wwwJesse Chennells, Cole and others at a Wheathampstead Parish Meeting in 1899
by an unknown author
Web Source S120:22: Descendance: RichardArticle 97 of ePC Articles from Book 8 (above) by Denis Boudreau.
Web Source S120:23: Goatcher, Doris Autobiography (not text searchable)also in Article 121 (article by David KC COLE)
Web Source S120:24: Goatcher, Doris Autobiography (Text searchable version)also in Article 121
Web Source S120:25: Extensive Hibbard Family DataBase (including Murray Guy)by Hibbard family members
Web Source S120:26: Cole GEDCOM file from Legacy Software../120/Cole20L29.ged by David KC COLE as of 2020L Dec 29
Web Source S120:27: Internet Archive WayBackMachineArchives of Internet Sites since 1996
Web Source S120:28: Cole GEDCOM file from Legacy SoftwareCole21CMar22.ged by David KC COLE as of 2021CMar22
Web Source S120:29: Zipped Cole GEDCOM file from Legacy SoftwareCole21CMar22.zip by David KC COLE as of 2021CMar22
Web Source S120:30: wwwGenealogical Abbreviations
by Randy Jones as of 2012A17
Web Source S120:31: Genealogy Termsby Sam Behling (weblink as of 2021DApr13)
Web Source S120:32: wwwGenealogy: Tips and Recommendations (in Article 33)
by David Cole as of 2021GJul07
Web Source S120:33: Cole GEDCOM file from Legacy Software (918187 I,6344 F)Cole21CMar22_asof_2022DApr06.ged by David KC COLE as of 2022DApr06
Web Source S120:34: Book: Coles Of Devon, 1867 (25.html) by James Edwin COLEarticle by David KC COLE as of 2014DApr11
Web Source S120:35: Michael [14] COLE b 1616 Issues (116.html)article by David KC COLE as of 2017JOct20
Web Source S120:36: Ancestors of Margaret Hibbard GEDCOMfrom gedform as of 2023HAug28
Web Source S120:37: Free Genealogy Search Helpby Douglas K Barry as of 2024CMar17
WebMaster: Ye Old King Cole
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Created: 2018 G Jul 19
Updated: 2024 F Jun 30
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