Links to Select Persons in Ancestry Trees (119.html)

by David KC Cole
as of 2021 E May 11


In addition to keeping a Family Tree database on a computer at my residence, some of my genealogy information is stored at and . Because there are many different trees at, this website has been created as a small cross-reference to some of the family trees at . In many cases below, a link to the same person at has been created. It may be of interest to visit Cole's Memorials (Source 10) where I have begun to provide a more comprehensive (but difficult to create) cross-reference. Many (over 900) photographs of my family and some ancestors can be searched for at my website named (Source 11). For example, you can search for and view all the photographs of people named "Goatcher" or "Cole" and many others. The site also contains much information about a wide range of non-genealogy subject that have caught my attention. I have also written more comprehensive articles (about subjects that have deeply interested me) such as this article. These articles can be seen at "ePC Articles by Old King Cole" which is referenced at the end of this article.

Note 1 You must be a paid-up member of to view the following persons.
Note 2 Link to Back-Up screenshot is in [BU].
Note 3 Links to individuals at FamilySearch are in [ ].
Note 4 Any links clicked will open in this window.
Note 5 Persons with capitalized given names are "direct" ancestors.
Note 6 "~Desc" means "Ancestry tree shows no descendants".
Note 7 "[BU]" when underlined will link to a copy (screen-shot) of the "foreign" web page.

People Related to Me

ANDREWS, Ethel Bannatyne Speed [1877-1969] [ L6FC-FD9 ] in Goulton Family Tree by nsgoulton (Neville Goulton)
ARSENEAULT, LYDIE (1911-2004) [ 9VZC-GR8 ] in Richard Family Tree 2 by Matheson53
BANKS, JAMES (1766-1858) [BU] ~Desc [ LVHG-97S ] in A: Carol by carolmcintyre110
BANKS, JAMES (1766-1858) [BU] ~Desc [ LVHG-97S ] in Fowler Family Tree by Tonygfowler
BANKS, JAMES (1766-1858) [BU] ~Desc [ LVHG-97S ] in Cole/Richard tree '18 by davidcole3
BANKS, JAMES (1766-1858) [BU] ~Desc [ LVHG-97S ] in Regan Family Tree by Karen Regan
BOND, GEORGE A (1858-?) [ 9NGB-MQW ] in Myles Family Tree 2014 by lindaMyles2017 (Linda Myles)
BRIMLEY, JOHN (1715-1780) [BU] [ L4TQ-5NH ] in Graham's by Graham Buckley
BRIMLEY, WILLIAM GUTTERIDGE (1786-1867) [BU] [ KNHF-M9N ] in DAVID MILBURN Family Tree-1 by David Milburn
COLE, DANIEL (1821-1898) [BU] ~Desc [ L6NP-XG7 ] in Saunderson Family Tree by ednasnaith
COLE, DANIEL in Wood Family Tree by jkwood69
COLE, GLADYS KATHLEEN (1914-2003) [ L69G-PMF ] Obituary in Paul Family Tree by bmonk1964
COLE, JAMES (1783-?) [ LYW1-1PZ ] in Saunderson Family Tree by ednasnaith
COLE, JOHN (1733-1764) [ K8ZM-WBM ] in Saunderson Family Tree by ednasnaith
COLE, VICTOR (1918-2010) [ L69G-PMF ] Obituary in Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3
COLES, ELIZA (1827-1900) in Saunderson Family Tree by ednasnaith
GILBERT, Samuel (1883-1959) [ LV8L-B3T ] in Gilbert Family Tree by CatherineGilbert73
GOATCHER, PHILIP RICHARD (1889-1944) [ LXQV-LBS ] in Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3
GOULD, (MICHAEL) JAMES Jr. in Gould Family Tree by Frank Gould
GOULTON, Frederick William [1874-1961] [ L6FC-FZZ ] in Goulton Family Tree by nsgoulton (Neville Goulton)
GOULTON, SARAH JANE in Goulton Family Tree by nsgoulton (Neville Goulton)
GOULTON, SARAH JANE (1853-1946) [ 9JW4-VVP ] in Myles Family Tree 2014 by lindamyles2017 (Linda Myles)
GOULTON, WILLIAM in Tampling Family Tree by aM94eL8 (Jackie Tampling Houd Ind)
KINGSLAND, CHARLES ROBERT in sydenham by Shirley Jarvis
LINE, MARIA (1782-1868) [BU] [ 94LJ-1WW ] in Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3 (DKC Cole)
LINE, MARIA extraChildren in Saunderson Family Tree by ednasnaith
LINE, MARIA ~M~F~William in Wood Family Tree by jkwood69
RICHARD, ELPHEGE (1908-1986) [ KNWG-NC2 ] in Kendzior Family Tree by lkendzior
RICHARD, ELPHEGE (1908-1986) [ KNWG-NC2 ] in Richard Family Tree 2 by Matheson53
STRANGE, MARY JANE (1908-1986) [ LZZ3-QDN ] in Myles Family Tree 2014 by lyndamyles2017 (Linda Myles)
SULLIVAN, DAISY [ LXQV-G3R ] in Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3 (DKC Cole)
SULLIVAN, DAISY [ LXQV-G3R ] in Myles Family Tree 2014 by lindamyles2017 (Linda Myles)
SULLIVAN, DAISY in Tampling Family Tree by aM94eL8 (Jackie Tampling Houd Ind)
TISDALE, EBENEZER in Webb Family Tree by brandwebb

Unrelated People

BANKS, Richard (1772{5}-after 1841) [ M8YR-VWW ] in (unrelated) Elaine's Tree of Many Branches by ElaineLockley
BANKS, William (1805-After 1891) [ LCRX-FWC ] in (unrelated) Elaine's Tree of Many Branches by ElaineLockley
COLE, James Edwin (1835-?) [ KCQH-PXS ] in (unrelated) HASTE 8-17v by judithhaste
COLE, James Edwin (1835-1920) [ KCQH-PXS ] in (unrelated) ColesOfDevon_1C Tree by davidcole3
COLE, Thomas (1495-1571) [ LYM6-CMM ] in Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3
COLE, Thomas (1495-1571) [ LYM6-CMM ] in (unrelated) ColesOfDevon_1C Tree by davidcole3
COLE, Thomas (1495-1571) [ LYM6-CMM ] in (unrelated) thoms Family Tree by thoms_paula
HARGRAVE, Elizabeth (?-?) [ LY87-4CV ] in (unrelated) ColesOfDevon_1C Tree by davidcole3
IND, Clive in Tampling Family Tree by aM94eL8 (Jackie Tampling Houd Ind)
McGILL, Alexander (1859-1948) [ K8Q3-Y5B ] in (unrelated) meagan mcgill Family Tree by meagan mcgill
                                                        NB Mr. A. MacGill was the owner of Great West Battery in 1924.
NANT, J. Earl (c1918-1990) [ L1XR-Z7F ] in (unrelated) Friends of the Cole Family Tree by David KC Cole
                                                        NB Mr. JE Nant bought the Great West Battery from A. MacGill after 1937.
PAQUETTE, Gilbert (1873-?) [ KCB8-CDJ ] c [ 1968519580 ] c in the "Burton Family Tree" by Patricia Clark May
                                                        NB He was the grandfather of David & Yvette Cole's friends Lorraine, Marielle & Gabriel Paquette.
                Joseph Albert Romeo Paquette (1907-) and Ernestine Léonard were their parents.
STOIK, John Lentis (1920-2002) Obituary 1920-2002 (A friend of the David Cole family.)
WINDER, Alice (1907-2013) [ L1X1-B5K ] Obituary in the "Kyle Woolgar Family Tree" by kyle woolgar (Kyle Woolgar)
                                                        NB (A friend of the Charles Percy Cole family.)
WOOLGAR, Art (1907-2003) [ L1X1-J88 ] Obituary of wife "Kyle Woolgar Family Tree" by kyle woolgar (Kyle Woolgar)
                                                        NB Art was a friend and neighbor who lived with the Charles Percy Cole family while in his teens.)
WOOLGAR, Art (1907-2003) [ L1X1-J88 ] Obituary of wife in the Cole/Richard tree'18 by davidcole3
                                                        NB He was a friend of the Charles Percy Cole family.)

Historical People

COLE, Thomas (1494-1571)
HARGRAVE, Elizabeth (1498-1571)
PARSONS, Catherine (1618-1687)
RICHARD, Maurice "Rocket" (1921-2000) (related)

Notes About

Ancestry-Specific Notes

Ancestry's sources are mostly incontroversial and are easily copied into one's family tree at Ancestry when a relative (a person's information) is copied from one tree to yours. Ancestry also provides (chargeable) DNA analysis services, which very few major genealogy sites provide. Valuable census information, voters' lists and Drouin (French-Canadian) files are available, along with much other information housed at Ancestry. [This is being written by a new user of Ancestry, from a Canadian (French & English), American and United Kingdom point of view. Please notify the webmaster of this page, of any errors of fact, differing opinions need not be communicated. It should also be noted that the author has an extensive programming background, an Engineering degree and a post-graduate degree in Computer Science.] A user of Ancestry can separate his/her information into separate family trees, intentionally separating "islands" of people in each tree. These islands usually require some duplicate persons. Sources can be added but with limitations; for example a book reference is not readily supported. Fortunatey web-links are supported by Ancestry. A GEDCOM containing your tree information can also be produced by Ancestry.

Ancestry houses the WorldConnect family trees and has promised to continue supporting WorldConnect (Source 3). Unfortunately, the page titles no longer appear within WorldConnect. More importantly, the "Post-Em" notes within WorldConnect no longer appear. Also, much or all of the "RootsConnect" information (Source 3), such as family photo galleries is not easily accessible on the web. See a work-around web link to "Tree Leaves By Cole (Good)" above. Another example of this problem is the obituary notice for John Lentis Stoik (Source 8). The official Ancestry source record links to a non-existant record at Rootsweb obits. Furthermore, his BGMI (Source 4) obituary (also an Ancestry link) is too abbreviated to provide any useful information.

Some genealogists rely solely on Ancestry and therefore their family trees exist solely within Ancestry and no-where else. FamilySearch provides an option to search Ancestry, but no equivalent option exists in Ancestry back to FamilySearch. Unfortunately there is no world-tree within Ancestry. Ancestry does not allow for a Life Sketch (Source 2). Notes written by the genealogist cannot be publicly viewed.

Ancestry's presentation of information is very unique and rewarding. Three columns of information exist: Facts are listed in "Fact" boxes on the left in chronological order (including facts about siblings of parents). Sources are in the middle. Family tree persons are listed on the right. When one clicks on a "Fact", the links to its "Sources" become visible. Genealogist-written (ie user-written) comments are permitted within each "Fact" box, but users rarely make use of this (probably because such comments are not "automatically" copied with the person). These comments can be used to link to photos and documents in the Ancestry Gallery but the handling of photos and documents by FamilySearch seems to be superior. An automatically-generated LifeStory is provided by Ancestry, but unfortunately, the comments and Gallery items are excluded from the LifeStory. The third (rightmost) "Family" column is limited to parents, spouse(s) and children, but siblings can optionally be listed.

A very powerful "Save to [My] Tree" mechanism is included by Ancestry. The copying of sources is automatic but is entirely under user control. Individual sources and/or facts can be included/excluded at will. This permits the genealogist to exclude "erroneous" information and copied facts can be marked as "Preferred" or "Alternate". Partial information can even be manually copied by the user at this time. But new [to Ancestry] fact types cannot be added.

Information in user files created by Family Tree Maker software (by Software MacKiev, Source 7) is linked (synchronized) to Ancestry. But the relationship between Ancestry and Software MacKiev [in 2018] gives signs that it might be in turmoil:
On Feb 3 2016, Lesley K. Cafarelli said:
Ancestry really missed the boat by announcing that FTM would no longer be supported or produced weeks before announcing that it will be continued and how [. . . . in] the meantime, many of us have been looking at alternatives and even switched over to something else. Bad management and marketing, Ancestry.
Should a genealogist invest time and money in such software? Many years ago, the author (David Cole) migrated from Family Tree Maker software to PAF software and he now uses Legacy software. Legacy software has links to two "world trees"; it provides user-maintained links to and it provides synchronized links to . Ancestry includes FindAGrave as a source, but does not provide a link to the person's ID at FindAGrave, other than the necessary ID in the weblink. Perhaps Ancestry will eventually form an alliance with a different software provider. Or perhaps Ancestry might sync to the world tree at WikiTree in the future. Where are the old WorldConnect trees (which are visible on the web) now hiding within Ancestry? They must be somewhere on the Ancestry computers. We can still search and link to these trees? Perhaps Ancestry should look at the myriad presentations of information that are possible (although somewhat hidden) at WikiTree. Extensions to Ancestry such as these might convince the author and other serious genealogists to purchase a future "Really Advanced" or "Extended" membership at Ancestry. The user genealogy web pages at rootsweb are now available online again.

Perhaps a new Ancestry "hint" (maybe a future "dupe" hint in the top-left corner) might link to all possible duplicate persons within Ancestry. Such potential duplicates are an important feature of FamilySearch. A moderately simple change to Ancestry would be the optional inclusion of FamilySearch ids for each person listed in Ancestry, possibly also in the previously suggested top-left corner hint. Ancestry could invent a new AIN (Ancestry ID Number) for one best-fit person in each list (of say-more than 3 possible duplicate people). Users of Ancestry could be given 1 year to adopt a AIN for each of the people in their tree, after which time Ancestry would assign a unique AIN to all people across all trees. Some of these AIN keys could then be linked to the FamilySearch ID (FS ID), to the WikiTree ID (WID) and to the FindAGrave ID. This could be the first step towards an Ancestry World Tree. If this is done, Ancestry should not make the error of including part of the surname in the AIN. This created terrible problems in WikiTree for surnames with multiple spellings. Also, confusing letters and numbers (0/O/Q, 8/B, 5/S, 1/I/7, 2/Z ) should not be used. This created problems in FamilySearch for aging people and/or those with poor eysight. May I suggest that the following letters be omitted: B, I, O, Q, S, Z and keeping the full set of 10 digits and the other 20 capital letters. Perhaps all AIN codes should begin with the character "@" followed by 10 other letter/digit combinations including a single checksum digit. For example "@14X7P-39HM3". Note that 30 to the 9th power is 2 x 10^13 which is sufficiently high.

FamilySearch is providing better and better genealogical apps for the iPad and iPhone. Ancestry has also begun to do something similar.

The author (David Cole) has been disappointed by the absence of optional links (in Ancestry) to persons at FamilySearch and by the "loss" of non-Ancestry-sourced obituaries when copying a person's information. Of course, a person can appear in many different Ancestry Family Trees. But these "possible duplicates" cannot easily be seen or noted. For these reasons, the author keeps a separate file (this article) to house this important correlating information for the small number of individuals that are currently important to him. As seen above, this article divides people into 3 categories:
People Related To Me, Unrelated People and Historical People.
The individual family tree name and author within Ancestry are also listed above. There is a need for an AIN. Of course, for these Ancestry links to be successfully used, one must be a paid-up member of Ancestry.

The author recently said:

"A small pop-up cross-computer notepad (such as a mini-'Google Keep') would be a boon, to allow me to keep a list of current IDs. I need full-time access to the FS ID, my GEDCOM User-ID (an anachronistic mis-nomer), WikiTree ID, FindAGrave ID and a non-existant Ancestry ID to each group of 'person duplicates'. Chrome/Chromium seems to offer the best solution to this problem across computer platforms (Windows, MacBook and Linux-Ubuntu). If only a better solution existed !!! Could a special keyboard driver provide some Ancestry-defined control (or alt) keys to remember these cross-system ID codes for us?" See Source 12 Problem 18 for a solution to this.

In the absence of a good solution, the author now constantly works with the following different types of windows open on his computers:
1. Ancestry (showing a Family Tree and an individual's profile)
2. Legacy linked to FamilySearch (allowing maintenance of my main GEDCOM database)
3. FamilySearch (showing the current individual)
4. An editor, currently Edit-Pad Lite (maintaining this article to correlate Ancestry,
             FamilySearch and Legacy info and various person-IDs.)
5. FindAGrave, or another obituary site (to locate and correlate obituaries and tombstones.)
6. A list of "My Sources (Source 9)".
7. FileZilla (or any FTP - File Transfer Program) to update my webpages.
8. WikiTree (Source 6, occasionally used to view the current person).
If only there were a way to do all of this at the same time, using less windows. The author believes that this is possible. Perhaps Ancestry might find a way to make this happen.

Web Sources

Web Source S119:01: Daisy Sullivan at in the Tampling Family Tree
Web Source S119:02: Daisy Sullivan at (see her autobiography) in Cole/Richard Tree '18 by David Cole
Web Source S119:03: Victor C. COLE at WorldConnect
Web Source S119:04: Ancestry rootsweb "404 Error" from by Obituary Daily Times Index
Web Source S119:06: WikiTree
Web Source S119:07: Software MacKiev by Dick Eastman before Feb 2, 2016
Web Source S119:08: STOIK, John Lentis (1920-2002) by Wasmuth Family Tree by Margaret Wasmuth
Web Source S119:09: My Sources by David KC Cole
Web Source S119:10: Gen: Cole's Memorials (72) by David KC Cole
Web Source S119:11: My searchable iGalri Photo Gallery (Be sure to click on Cole/Richard first) by David KC Cole
Web Source S119:12: Software Problems and Solutions Problem 18: Need a Cross-Computer Clipboard? by David KC Cole

WebMaster: Ye Old King Cole

Click here to return to ePC Articles by Old King Cole

Created: 2018 G Jul 06
Updated: 2021 E May 11
