188 Wio: mainWio CLI (188.html)


WioIXkb py "Enter key" "Wio Terminal" WioTerminal SeeedStudio ICH180RR D@CC Limitations compatibility Raspberry-Pi-Compatible MicroPython uSD MicroPython .def RTC CLI pyi($) uJoyStick Raspberry Pi improvise improvised time-stamped minicom REPL setClock "Python programs run as improvised functions" mainWio


(To enlarge .....Click it)
thumb: IXimage.jpg
IX or DC (IX by DC) or "|><"

This software is a part of the IX family of software.

(To enlarge .....Click it)
thumb: IMG_5049.jpg

WioIXkb V 01.0

(To enlarge .....Click it)
thumb: IMG_5050.jpg


Table of Contents

188 Wio: mainWio CLI (188.html)
Table of Contents
PinOuts on the Wio Terminal 
The Simplest WioTerminal CLI MicroPython Program
Limitations of the WioTerminal (without mainWio)
Splash Screen
Commands Provided By mainWio
Addressing the Limitations of the WioTerminal (by using mainWio)
MicroPython Programs included with mainWio
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or local time simply neeeds the proper offset
Creating an Improvised Python Program
mainBuild first, then mainWio[time-stamped], then main.py
Contents of the WioTerminal internal flash-drive


This article describes the main MicroPython program that the author uses on the WioTerminal (Wio Terminal US$ 36.90) by Seeed Studio (Source 01). This program provides a minimal Command Line Interface (CLI) for the WioTerminal. To do this, it uses the top 3 buttons and the uJoyStick button for navigation around the LCD screen instead of using a keyboard as an input device. Because there is no keyboard on the WioTerminal, commands for the WioTerminal are almost always selected from a list or from a row of a text file. Because multiple Python programs cannot run on the WioTerminal, their source code is run as a function that is already a part of the code in mainWio.py . This approach is called "running an improvised copy of the Python program" by the author. Serial ASCII files and programs can be listed using mainWio. The program "mainWio" starts up when the WioTerminal is turned on because it is stored on the WioTerminal with the name "main.py". A mild but very useful version of mainWio.py will soon be available free of charge. The full version will be released for sale on a uSD Card in the near future. The program "mainWio" addresses, to a great extend, the major known limitations of the WioTermiinal as of today (2023CMar30). These limitations are listed after the image below:

PinOuts on the Wio Terminal

(To enlarge .....Click it)
thumb: http:/c/Wio-Terminal-pinout-mischianti-high-resolution.png


Limitations of the WioTerminal (without mainWio)

-no Keyboard, no Mouse
-MicroPython programs (.py) cannot be run "as is" on the WioTerminal
-the RTC (RealTimeClock) is not automatically set upon startup
-locally-stored functions (eg def .....) cannot be imported
-Python programs written solely for the WioTerminal will not run on a Raspberry Pi.
-most available programs for the WioTerminal are written in C/C++ or CircuitPython (not MicroPython).
-support for the uSD card slot is not readily available.
-programs running on the WioTerminal are not permitted to write to its internal flashdrive
   (the default volume.)

The Simplest WioTerminal CLI MicroPython Program

The mainWio program is simple but very effective, especially with the mainBuild program that is included. The mainWio program uses the 3 buttons (on the top edge) and the uJoyStick to select multi-word commands (with neither a mouse nor a keyboard).

Splash Screen

The only Python program name that can be run on the WioTerminal is "main.py". The recommended code for main.py produces the splash page shown below. The line indicating the top 3 buttons does not appear on the splash page (nor do the 2 lines above it and the two right-most columns that show the row and column numbers). The vertical list under each of the 3 buttons shows each of the 3 parts of the command line that can be selected using the relevant button. Each time you push the button, the display will scroll to the next item in the list. When a file is being displayed, the "# @Rec#" precedes the actual record number of the first row shown. The "mm:ss" shows the elapsed time since the beginning of the mainWio session. Note that any combination of phrases can be chosen using the 3 top buttons. Just hit Enter to execute the Wio command that was selected using combination of the 3 top buttons. Sometimes the command will be altered to contain the exact/final file name or parameter from elsewhere on the LCD. The exact command that is displayed will be executed. The characters to the right of the "#" will be ignored. This is because any characters to the right of the first "#" are treated as a comment on a mainWio command line. Of course some combinations will be invalid.   :(

0         1         2         3         4         5     
Button-1    Button-2      Button-3
$$pgdn                                      # @Rec#000 00
$$CTRL     -C             #cancel-program  mm:ss 39:22 01
$$help     -D             #CTRL-pgdn                   02      
$$ls       def/           blueLedBlink.py              03  
$$more     dev/           blueLedOn.py                 04
$$pgup     txt/           blueLedOff.py                05
$$pyi($)   py/            pyiSubmenu.py ************** 06
$$refresh  submenuI/      setClock.py   * mainWio CLI* 07
$$restart  (Srow)                       ************** 08
           txt/mainWio.txt                  UP         09
           txt/minicom.txt           LEFT ENTER RIGHT  10
                           uJoyStick:      DOWN        11
 main.py (mainWioV00o0.py) WioTerminal MicroPython CLI 13
 running on device: WioTerminal                        14
/txt/mainWio.txt by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31     15 (next page)
minicom and REPL

The text file named txt/minicom.txt is mentioned above because it explains how a user of the WioTerminal can use REPL (Read-eval-print-loop) to run any single MicroPython statement on the WioTerminal. This is done to verify the use of the statement on the WioTerminal. REPL only functions when connected to an external computer with a keyboard and mouse. In this manner, by using REPL, each statement of a simple MicroPython program can be tested line-by-line on the WioTerminal.

When using minicom, WordWrap should be turned on. REPL is amazing but needs WordWrap. This can be done and tested by entering the following commands to the RPi Terminal window when the Wio Terminal is connected and while minicom is running :

$ minicom -o -D /dev/ttyACM0    #starts minicom on the main USB port (to the WioTerminal)
CTRL-A z                        #displays the minicom parameters
W                               #toggles the minicom "wordwrap" parameter ON
CTRL-C                          #starts REPL (which runs single Python statements: >>>)

>>> help()                      $ MicroPython help
>>> help("modules")             $ Adafruit module library list

>>> import os                   $import the os library from MicroPython
>>> os.listdir()		$ lists the directory of the WioTerminal flash-drive
>>> dir(os)                     $ lists the methods in the os library
>>> help(os)                    $ lists the functions in the os library
>>> import time                 $get the time library
>>> seconds=time.time()         $ get elapsed (not Unix) time (in seconds)   
>>> print(seconds)              $ prints out the time
>>> gmTime=time.localtime()     $ get Greenwich Mean Time version of elapsed time)
>>> print(gmTime)               $ print Greenwich Mean Time

>>> import RTC                  $ real time clock ?
>>> help(RTC)                   $ ???
>>> dir(RTC)                    $ ???

>>> import board                $get WioTerminal board library
>>> help(board)                 $ list the board's functions
>>> help(board.BUZZER)          $ shows that the BUZZER is controlled simply by a pin
>>> dir(board)                  $ lists the methods in the board library

>>> CTRL-P                      $ does nothing in this MicroPython (on the Wio Terminal)
>>> CTRL-L                      $ clear the screen
>>> CTRL-A                      $ moves the cursor to the start of the line
>>> CTRL-H                      $ BS  (on a 2-ary line back-Tabs to accept a Enter to execute)
>>> CTRL-H                      $ ends secondary prompt (Hit Enter to 1-ary & 2-ary statements)
>>> CTRL-I                      $ pastes something
>>> BS                          $ on a 2-ary line back-Tabs to accept an Enter to execute...

>>> from math import *          $math library
>>> help('math.pow')            $ lists many python functions that use the type of object listed

                                $compound statements etc
>>> for i in range(4):print(i)  $ then hit Enter twice to run this compound statement
                                $end each line with " \ " for line continuation
>>> for i in range(4): \
...     print(i)                $ then hit Enter twice to run these 2 statements  (this works)
                                $ but
>>> for i in range(4):          $ start a loop, hit Enter, get secondary prompt, then populate the for loop
...     print(i)                $ then hit Enter twice -> Error Doh? This is supposed to Work
                                $ so. . do this
>>> for i in range(4):          $ start a loop, hit Enter, get secondary prompt, then populate the for loop
...     print(i)                $ then hit CTRL-H then Enter runs the for loop
                                $ success
finally . . . 
>>>CTRL-D                       $restarts the WioTerminal

There is a wiki.seeedstudio.com library but it is not simple to install or import

booting up mainWio.py

When the WioTerminal is booted up, the splash screen shown above will immediatelly appear on the LCD. The current command on the command line will be "pgdn". The "ENTER" key will be blinking ON and OFF. This should prompt the user to click on the ENTER key by pressing the uJoyStick button straight down and releasing it. This will cause the contents of the LCD display to scroll down one page, which is what the "pgdn" command is supposed to do. This will display the next page of the splash screen: txt/mainWio.txt .


Python standard Libraries

array, binascii, builtins, cmath, collections, errno, gc, hashlib, heapq, io, json, math, os, random, re, select, socket, ssl, struct, sys, time, uasyncio, zlib, _thread

MicroPython-specific libraries

bluetooth, btree, cryptolib, framebuf, machine, micropython, neopixel, network, uctypes, WM8960

Commands Provided By mainWio

pgdn    Displays the next page (of a long text file or program).
refresh Displays the previous screen (that resulted from executing the previous command)
help    Displays the help file for mainWio.py (usually followed by the refresh command.)
more    Displays a full text file (or program) using multiple screens.
          Hit Enter (on the uJoyStick) to view each next page.
pgup    Displays the previous page (of a long file or program).
ls      Lists the contents of a directory (a folder), "ls" is more powerful than "dir".
CTRL    Aborts a program (when used with the first parameter of "-C").
          Any function/(improvised program) that monitors the button/keys can be 
          aborted in this manner.
boot    Reboots the WioTerminal and/or restarts the mainWio program from scratch.
pyi($)  Runs an improvised copy of a .py Python program (requires a chargeable upgrade).
          See the heading "Conclusion" for details about purchasing the pyi($) code etc
          which is delivered on a 4GB uSD card.
restart Restarts mainWio.py, which can display all the button command lists, without clearing 
          its main internal Python Lists (such as cmdHistoryList & grepResultList)
Efforts have been taken to emulate Linux commands faithfully (although many parameters are not supported).

Addressing the Limitations of the WioTerminal (by using mainWio)

-no Keyboard, no Mouse

The mainWio.py program uses the available WioTerminal switches (its 3 buttons and uJoyStick) to select 
text that appears on the screen instead of reading from a keyboard.  This text can even come from 
text files stored on the WioTerminal

-MicroPython programs (.py) cannot be run "as is" on the WioTerminal

Most Python programs can be slightly modified to run as a Python function.  This modification is
said to "improvise" the .py program. The mainWio program is modified to run a copy of each "improvised Python
program".  These improvisations are created each time the mainWio program is rebuilt by the mainBuild program.
The building process is usually done an a computer that can write to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal.  
The Python programs in the py/ folder are ALL improvised at this time and are all prepended (to the mainWio
code by the mainBuild.py program). (Running improvised Python programs is a feature that must be purchased.
For more information, see the heading "Conclusion".)

-the RTC (RealTimeClock) is not automatically set upon startup

The Real Time Clock in the WioTerminal is normally used to show the elapsed time of the current mainWio session.
A program (setClock.py) is included in mainWio so that the time can be set upon start-up by the user. Once 
this is done the "clock time" is displayed instead of "elapsed time".

-locally-stored functions (eg def .....) cannot be imported

If MicroPython functions are stored on the internal flash drive using their function name with an 
extension of ".def", the mainWio program will look for them in the /def folder. The Python programs 
in the def/ folder are ALL also prepended to the mainWio program at mainBuild time (when the pyi($)
command is purchased). More about this is said later.

-Python programs written solely for the WioTerminal will not run on a Raspberry Pi.

Debugging of the Micro Python programs written soley for the WioTerminal cannot be easily done 
if run on another computer.  This is because non-WioTerminal computers, such as a Raspberry Pi,
do not have 3 buttons nor a uJoyStick.  However, the functions written for the mainWio program 
are designed to determine whether they are running on a WioTerminal or a Raspberry Pi device.  If the
device is a Raspberry Pi, the normal keys on a true keyboard can be used. The equivalent keys

WioTerminal   Computer (eg
buttons &     RaspberryPi)
uJoyStick     Key
-----------  ---------------
LEFT          Left-Arrow
RIGHT         Right-Arrow
UP            Up-Arrow
DOWN          Down-Arrow
CENTER        Enter
BUTTON-1      "!" (ie Shift-1)
BUTTON-2      "@" (ie Shift-2)
BUTTON-3      "#" (ie Shift-3)

If these Shift keys do not correspond to the keyboard on the computer (eg a Raspberry Pi), be sure to use 
the "!", "@" and "#" keys,  or modifiy the source code for the mainWio.py program.  This source will be 
available.  Any functions, such as "time.sleep()" that might be a little different can also be made 
device-dependant in the same manner.

-most available programs for the WioTerminal are written in C/C++ or CircuitPython (not MicroPython).

All programs for the mainWio are compatible with MicroPython and Thonny, not with CircuitPython nor C/C++.
It is possible without mainWio to run modified CircuitPython programs on the WioTerminal, but the world 
of MicroPython programming becomes much closer through the use of mainWio.  Debugging mainWio programs
is greatly simplified by using other computers attached to the WioTerminal.

-support for the uSD card slot is not readily available.

A future version of the mainWio program will support the uSD card on the WioTerminal.

-programs running on the WioTerminal are not permitted to write to its internal flashdrive

This is both an advantage and a limitation.  The advantage is that the user of a WioTerminal cannot 
break the WioTerminal when running it in standalone mode.  A working WioTerminal does not degrade.
But this limitation is relaxed by writing to a uSD card in the uSD slot of the WioTerminal.  So
results of any programs (or the programs themselves) can be written to the inserted uSD card.  
For example, the results of a major grep or any Python List can be written to the uSD card.  
The mainWio keeps a record of all commands (and) keystrokes for each mainWio session.  This file 
can also be saved to an inserted uSD card

End of "Addressing the Limitations of the WioTerminal"

FIFO queue to handle Keystrokes from WioTerminal Device or Raspberry Device Keyboard

WIth a normal keyboard, all keystrokes are read using an input() function that often reads a string of text at a time. Each string of text ends when the Enter key is pressed. Sometimes keystrokes are read one at a time. This is done by asking the user to type the key, then press Enter after each keystroke. Each key is read uising input() . There is a complication when only the Enter key must be read, but that issue will be ignored. We will also presume that the keystrokes are entered quickly and that the program will process the keystrokes at varying rates. The best way to do this is with a Python FIFO queue as shown below. A function called qFIFO(character, AppendOrPop,queue,device) will be used. To add a keystroke (in char) to the queue, simply put the following code in the main program.

keyQ=["D","i","r","/r"] #Enter is represented by "/r"


# the putChar() function needs to be called once by the main program
def putChar(keyQ):
    isOK = True
    while isOK :
        if not isOK : 
            if strMsg =="CTRL-C": 
                print("CTRL-C caused program abort") 
                print("Error strMsg:",strMsg)
            #if end
            break   #breaks out of the while loop
        #if end
    #while end
#def end

#The program (above) reads the next character and appends it
# to the qFIFO.  It sets isOK=True [and strMsg=char (for debugging purposes only)]
#If a CTRL-C is entered, isOK is set False and
#the strMsg ="CTRL-C". If any error occurs, strMsg = "Error"
#and isOK is set False.

The net result is that the qFIFO queue is filled with an endless stream of characters.

when a program needs to get a character from the user, the following code is used:

nextChar = getChar(keyQ,device,secDelay)

def getChar(keyQ,device,secDelay):
    isOK,strMsg = qFIFO("Pop",keyQ,device,secDelay)
    if isOK :
        charNext= strMsg
    else :
        print("Error strMsg:"+strMsg)
    #if end
    return charNext
#def end
The net result is that in case of error, the error message will be printer If no characters are in the keyQ, the qFIFO function hangs in a loop waiting for characters to arrive. Whenever characters are available in the keyQ, the next character is returned as strMsg as rapidly as possible.

The getChar() function can be called multiple times where-ever and when-ever the main program needs to get another character.

The code necessary for the named device must be in the qFIFO() function

Python FIFO Queue Code example
# Python code to demonstrate Implementing 
# Queue using list
queue = ["Amar", "Akbar", "Anthony"]
# Removes the first item
# Removes the first item
The output is:
As can be seen the items are appended on the right and are popped off the left.
['Amar', 'Akbar', 'Anthony', 'Ram', 'Iqbal']
['Akbar', 'Anthony', 'Ram', 'Iqbal']
['Anthony', 'Ram', 'Iqbal']

MicroPython Programs included with mainWio

mainBuild.py     This program creates a flashable copy of main.py (from mainWio.py) including .def 
                 functions and improvised copies of the .py programs.  It should be run on an 
                 external computer, such as a Raspberry Pi. The resulting main.py file etc can be 
                 flashed to the WioTerminal.
blueLedOn.py    This program turns ON the tiny blue Led located on the bottom edge of the WioTerminal
blueLedOff.py   This program turns OFF the tiny blue Led located on the bottom edge of the WioTerminal
blueLedBlink.py This program blinks ON/OFF the tiny blue Led located on the bottom edge of the WioTerminal
                This program hangs in an infinite loop that can be stopped by selecting the command
                 "CTRL -C" then hitting Enter using the buttons on the WioTerminal.
setClock.py     This program enables the user to set the Date/Time on the WioTerminal.  The current  
                 date/time will replace the elapsed time on the splash screen of the mainWio program.

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) or local time simply neeeds the proper offset

If mainWio shows the wrong local time, just tell mainWio the current time converted to Unix time (in seconds). using the function below
# display date/time clock
# after asking the user for the current local date/time in Unix_seconds
def setLocalDateTimeCorrectionForCurrentLocalTime(currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds,device):
    #print("in setLocalDateTime....")
    #print("currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds entered was:",currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds)
    #print("Date Time Now:",time.localtime(currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds))
    #print("Date Time Now entered:",time.ctime(currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds))
    timeRTC_UnixSeconds = time.time()
    if device=="WioTerminal":
    else :
        timeCorrection_UnixSeconds = currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds - timeRTC_UnixSeconds
    #if end
    return timeCorrection_UnixSeconds
#def end
def localDateTime(timeCorrection_UnixSeconds,device):
    #print("in localDateTime")
    localTime_UnixSeconds= time.time()+ timeCorrection_UnixSeconds
    #localTime_UnixSeconds= time.time()- timeCorrection_UnixSeconds

    if device=="WioTerminal":
        localDateTime = time.localtime(localTime_UnixSeconds)
        localDateTime = time.ctime(localTime_UnixSeconds)
    #if end
    return localDateTime
#def end

import time


if device=="WioTerminal":
    dateTimeRTC=time.localTime(timeRTC_UnixSeconds)  #convert time.time to date & time
    dateTimeRTC=time.ctime(timeRTC_UnixSeconds)  #convert time.time to date & time
#if end
print("localClock (without correction):",dateTimeRTC) #print it out

#                   INPUT
timeNow_UnixSeconds=float(input("Enter localTime (in Unix seconds)~1680499000 ? "))
if device=="WioTerminal":
    dateTimeEntered=time.localTime(timeNow_UnixSeconds)  #convert time.time to date & time
    dateTimeEntered=time.ctime(timeNow_UnixSeconds)  #convert time.time to date & time
#if end
print("dateTimeEntered:",dateTimeEntered) #print it out
#timeCorrection_UnixSeconds = timeNow_UnixSeconds - timeRTC_UnixSeconds
#print("timeCorrection_UnixSeconds wo function:",timeCorrection_UnixSeconds)
#print("timeCorrection_UnixSeconds w  function:",timeCorrection_UnixSeconds)

while 1:
#while end

#end of localClock.py
#end of WioClock_v01.py
The resulting program (above) named "main.py" can be downloaded from Source 06 as a .txt file (to make it easy to download to an RPi). It can be copied to a WioTerminal (in flash mode) as the main.py program. When the WioTerminal is rebooted, this main.py program will print . . .
begin program:main.py
improvising: BlinkBlueLed_01.py
named:       BlinkBlueLed_01_i.def
by calling:  BlinkBlueLed_01()
end of main.py
. . . and the blue led will start blinking. This is because the function named "BlinkBlueLed_01()" when invoked (called) will cause it to blink. Note that pin D13 (cited in the above program) can be found in Source 07 as the pin name that controls the (blue) Led in MicroPython for the WioTerminal. Apparently the green Led on the WioTerminal cannot be controlled because it is only ON when the Power is ON.

Every new version of a program should be assigned a new version number (as is done for "BlinkBlueLed_01.py").

The user must ensure that a function with a clashing name does not already exist. If a different function named "BlinkBlueLed_01()" already exists, unexpected results may occur. It is interesting to note that the original program name need not be coded within the source code. It is the name of the source code file (preceding the ".py") that is used to name the improvised function. The "_i.def" files should be stored in the current directory along with the new version of "main.py". To do this, a program named "mainBuild.py" accompanies the original mainWio.py in the mainWio system.

This concept of improvising programs as functions to make them callable from a submenu is a very powerful tool within the mainWio system.

mainBuild first, then mainWio[time-stamped], then main.py

Nothing can be written to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal by a program running on the WioTerminal. So an external computer (eg a Raspberry Pi), is required to do this. The program that does this job (on an external computer) is a MicroPython program called mainBuild.py that was written by the author. It handles the whole job of creating the mainWio.py program and writing it to a writable drive. Then the mainWio.py program is renamed to main.py. This main.py program is finally copied to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal. Before this can be done, the WioTerminal must be put into "flash drive" mode. The WioTerminal must be connected to an external computer before its ON/OFF switch can be double-clicked to put it into "flash drive" mode. Once in "flash drive" mode, the main.py program can be copied to the WioTerminal's internal flash drive. This last step (copying the main.py program to the WioTerminal) is usually done manually.

a more detailled explanation of this 3 step process

The mainBuild.py program normally does all of its work on an external computer. It is possible for the resulting main.py to be written elsewhere (eg to a uSD card) by the mainBuild program. Then it can be copied manually to the WioTerminal (as long as the WioTerminal is put into "flash drive" mode prior to the copying operation.) This means that the mainBuild program can even run on the WioTerminal itself. However its output must be written to a uSD card that is in the uSD card slot of the WioTerminal, because it cannot be written directly to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal. The mainBuild program can do its job and can even write the final "mainWio.py" program to a uSD card on the WioTerminal. Then the uSD card must be removed from the WioTerminal and connected to an external computer . . . at the same time as the WioTerminal (which must be put in "flash-drive" mode) is connected to the same external computer. As previously described, this final copy operation is usually done manually.

mainBuild first
Before the mainBuild program can create the final main.py program for the WioTerminal, some preparatory work must be done by mainBuild. All of the .py programs (in the py/ directory on the WioTerminal) must first be converted by mainBuild.py into callable functions (in "improvised" mode). The resulting improvised functions and all of the normal function definitions (in the def/ directory on the WioTerminal) are prepended to the mainStub.py program. Prior to this, the mainStub.py program must also be modified by mainBuild.py to include a submenu allowing the improvised programs to be selected and run by the user when the final main.py program is booted up.

then mainWio[time-stamped]
Finally, the mainBuild program writes out the resulting mainWio.py program with a timestamped name (eg mainWio_2023CMar30_2214.py). The user can now copy this timestamped MicroPython program to mainWio.py (or even immediately to main.py). It is important to keep the timestamped version of mainWio.py . This will permit it to be compared to an earlier timestamped version of mainWio.py if problems are encountered with the newly created version of mainWio.py. It is a good practice to copy the timestamped version of mainWio_timestamped.py (eg mainWio_2023CMar30_2214.py) to the WioTerminal, in order to record the exact date and time when it was created. This date and time information is in the time-stamp portion of the name.

then main.py
The mainWio.py whose name includes a timestamp, must then be copied (and renamed) to main.py . This program, main.py, can then be copied to the WioTerminal (after the WioTerminal has been placed in "flash-drive" write-enabled mode.)

This terminates the detailed explanation of the procedure that is necessary to first use mainBuild.py, then to create a new version of wioMain.py, then to rename it to main.py and copy it to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal.

It is not a simple job to prepare an efficient workable copy of this CLI program for the WioTerminal. But mainWio.py is worth the effort. A initial usable copy of mainWio.py and main.py (already written to a uSD card) can be purchased. More information is available under the heading "Conclusion" below.

Contents of the WioTerminal internal flash-drive

Once the main.py program has been flashed to the internal flash-drive of the WioTerminal, its contents should be:
Volume Name: ArduPy
folder: System Volume Information
folder: def/
                        monitors & reads the uJoyStick and 3 top buttons
	                reports whether this device is  WioTerminal or Pi
	                provides debugging information if True
	                creates a Python list from a serial file
                        initialises mainWio and creates the Splash screen
                        writes a List of a file (multiply paged) to LCD on the WioTerminal
	                writes a List (one page of info) to the LCD on the WioTerminal,
                        hitting the Enter Key (uJoyStick) displays the next page (more info).
folder: txt/
folder: dev/
folder: proc/
folder: py/
folder: _builds_/
folder: _mainWioSegments_/


The CLI (Command Line Interface) in the mainWio program is essential for controlling the WioTerminal and for using MicroPython with it. A working copy of mainWio.py, its files, and a working copy of the free .usb operating system will be available already pre-loaded on a 4 GB uSD card. Simple instructions are provided (to rebuild the main.py if desired and/or) to copy everything to the internal flash drive of the WioTerminal when in "flash-drive mode". An external computer (such as a Raspberry Pi) is required to do these simple final steps. A simple version of the grep command is also included when the pyi($) command is purchased. The chargeable pyi($) command code is included when the 4 GB uSD card containing the mainWio CLI (Command Line Interface) is purchased from Source 02. When it is available, the cost of the mainWio CLI will probably be in the range of US $ 10 to US $ 20.

This program, mainWio.py, by David @ ColeCanada.com, is a work-in-progress as of 2023DApr01.

This article, by D@CC, is of course, also a work-in-progress as of 2023DApr01.

End of Article (Sources Follow)


Video Sources

Video Source V188:01:www Exploring the Wio Terminal ( 1:14 min) by Seeed Studio in 2021

Web Sources

Web Source S188:01:www Pi: Wio Terminal for Raspberry Pi (186.html) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar21
Web Source S188:02:www mainWio.py from ICH180RR (tba) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar30
Web Source S188:03:www 187 Wio: WioIXkb : Wio Interface without KeyBoard (187.html) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31
Web Source S188:04:www BlinkBlueLed_01.py (as a .txt file) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31
Web Source S188:05:www improvised BlinkBlueLed_01_i.py (as a .txt file) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31
Web Source S188:06:www main.py (as a .txt file) calling BlinkBlueLed_01() by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31
Web Source S188:07:www Find D13 in 186 Pi: Wio Terminal for Raspberry Pi (186.html) by D@CC of ICH180RR on 2023CMar31
Web Source S188:08:www Quick reference for the SAMD21/SAMD51 in micropython-docs.pdf v 1.19.1 by MicroPython.org on 2022FJun22


WebMaster: Ye Old King Cole

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Date Written : 2023 C Mar 30
Last Updated : 2023 L Dec 04

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