This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of COLES. Selecting the person's name will take you to that person's individual page.

Name Birth
Alvin [I13928]1880-01-05
Amelia [I13948]about 1803-00-00
Ann [I13943]1795-08-09
Caleb [I00708]1832-00-00
Caroline Annie [I13931]1858-05-07
Charles [I00696]1826-00-00
children3 [I14027]
Daniel [I13936]1841-11-18
David Oliver [I14007]1875-10-08
Dennis Vernal [I14030]restricted
Eliza [I00700]1837-00-00
Eliza [I00705]1827-12-30
Eliza [I00693]1819-04-29
Elizabeth [I00712]1835-02-22
EMMA [I00481]1821-01-04
Ethel Josephine [I13966]restricted
Ethyl Josephine [I14187]
Frances [I13947]1801-08-12
Gertrude [I15977]about 1891-00-00
Grace [I14010]1884-08-23
Henry F. [I15975]about 1854-00-00
Ida Theola [I13963]restricted
James Adrone [I14006]1872-09-23
James Dewett [I13964]1906-11-06
Jane [I13937]1837-06-25
Jane (twin) [I13949]1805-00-00
Joseph [I13945]1799-01-06
Joseph [I00697]1827-00-00
Joseph Alvin [I13961]1900-09-30
Joseph Jeremiah [I14005]1870-11-02
Leonal [I13962]1902-10-08
Lila Hannah [I13929]restricted
Lizzie Sufronia [I14008]1877-06-23
Marjorie F. [I15976]about 1889-00-00
Martha [I00711]1832-06-24
Martha [I00695]1822-11-06
Mary W. [I11557]about 1740-00-00
Mercy [I00698]1829-00-00
Priscilla [I00699]1835-00-00
Rachel Mary [I14002]1864-01-11
Reuben [I13932]1839-02-02
Reuben Henry [I14004]1868-11-08
Salome [I00709]about 1837-00-00
Sarah [I00710]1841-00-00
Sarah Jane [I14003]1866-07-23
siblings2 [I14031]
Thomas [I13930]1861-07-17
Thomas [I13944]1797-04-09
Vada May [I13968]restricted
Velate [I13965]1909-08-07
Vernal [I13967]restricted
Wilford [I14009]1882-03-25
WILLIAM [I00222]about 1793-04-14
William [I07496]1839-00-00
William [I00701]1840-00-00