Gen - COLE by Juliette Arden (65.html)

Cole 200-1920 A.D.
Cole 200-1920 A.D.

This book was written by Juliette ARDEN, daughter of Henry ARDEN (FS #MTZN-KQJ) and Juliette COLE (FS # M14G-X73). Juliette Arden is not an ancestor of David KC COLE, but she has compiled much information about ancient persons named COLE. Furthermore, she is a descendant of Sir William COLE (b.1570) of Enniskillen in Ireland (who married Susan Bale). His grandfather, the first Sir William COLE of Enniskillen [described in more detail below] is a major entity in Coles of Devon, a book published in 1867 by James Edwin COLE. The birth date of Sir William COLE of Enniskillen (the father of Juliette COLE) is shown as 1570, but his exact date of birth is disputed. In fact, there are 3 persons in direct descendance who are called Sir William COLE of Enniskillen. To make matters worse, their erroneous dates of birth overlap (1565,1587 and 1570).
She is a descendant of the Coles of Enniskillen only through her mother. So her Cole ancestry may not be through Enniskillen. Her name of Cole comes from her paternal ancestor, John Cole, about whom we know little.
Her descendancy from Sir William of Enniskillen was apparently poorly understood, according to Dave Utzinger, who presents the detailed ancestry in his family tree at WorldConnect (linked below). I have included my drawing showing this merge of the 2 Cole lines. The lineage of John Cole (shown without ancestors in the drawing) is still unclear. The drawing is presented upside down to facilitate comparison with the lineage presented in the book by Juliette Arden.

COLE Ancestors list by Juliette Arden
COLE Ancestors list by Juliette Arden

Detailed Ancestry of Juliette Cole
Detailed Ancestry of Juliette Cole

Source: WorldConnect DB: dominiccharles by Dave Utzinger.

Family Tree of: James COLE (b.1800), son of Sir William COLE of Enniskillen (b.1570) m. Susan BALE

Downloaded Copy of book: Cole 200-1920 A.D. (PDF)

Link to Source of book: COLE 200-1920 A.D. (PDF)
Link to Full Text of book: COLE 200-1920 A.D. (TXT uneditted OCR result)
Ref: Arden Family Papers
Source (Smithsonian): Arden Family Papers (PDF)
Downloaded Copy: Arden Family Papers (PDF)

Juliette Cole's Pedigree
Juliette Cole's Pedigree

Interactive Pedigree of Consider COLE: C < C < Joseph < John
Image of Pedigree of Consider COLE to William (b1570): Consider < Consider < Joseph < John

The ancestry of this John COLE (the father of Joseph) is unknown to the author of this article.

But the mother of Consider COLE (b. 3 Aug 1787), named Roseanna Cole (b. 28 Sept 1818) is a descendant of Sir William Cole of Enniskillen (b.c1570). He is the grandson of the first Sir William Cole of Enniskillen (d. 1653) who was rewarded by James I, the King of England, for defending Northern Ireland against the rebels in 1641.

The sources for the above information about Sir William Cole of Enniskillen (d. 1653) are as follows:
The Genealogie or Pedigree of the Right Worshipfull and Worthie Captaine Sir William Cole, of the Castell of Enneskillen, in the countie of Ffirmanagh, in the Kingdome of Ireland, knight, by Sir William Segar, Garter, and William Penson, Lancaster, with sub-additions under the certificates of Sir William Betham and Sir J. Bernard Burke, Ulster Kings of Arms, copied from the original roll in the possession of the Right Honourable the Earl of Enniskillen, privately printed, 1870 ; [James Edwin] Cole's Genealogy of the Cole Family [of Devon], pp. 43-9 ; Lodge's Peerage of Ireland (Archdall), vi. 43-6 ; The Information of Sir Frederick Hamilton, knight and colonell, given to the Committee of both Kingdoms concerning Sir William Cole, knight and colonell, with the Scandalous Answer of the said Sir William Cole, knight, together with the Replication of Sir Frederick Hamilton to the said scandalous and recriminatory pamphlet of Sir William Cole, with divers Letters and Depositions, &c., 1645 ; The Answer and Vindication of Sir William Cole, a knight and colonell, presented to the Right Hon. the Lords and others the Committee of both Kingdoms, and by them sent to be reported to the Honourable the Commons House of Parliament of England at Westminster into a charge given in by Sir Frederick Hamilton, knight, to the said Committee against the said Sir William Cole, 1645.]

Pedigree of Consider COLE to William (b1570)
Pedigree of Consider COLE to William (b1570)

Interactive Link:Consider COLE in: WorldConnect DB=:2726636

Pedigree of Consider COLE (b: 3 AUG 1787) to John
Pedigree of Consider COLE (b: 3 AUG 1787) to John

Individual Link:Consider COLE (b: 3 AUG 1787) in WorldConnect DB=dominiccharles

In her book, Juliette Arden mentions King Coel (Coel II do Camulod ou Colchester) and his daughter, Helen of the Cross [Cole], whose son became "The Great Constantine". The city of Constantinople in Turkey is named after this Constantine and his family. Click on Helen of the Cross [Cole] to see this family tree. It is said that Coel II do Camulod ou Colchester was the person referenced by the rhyme "Old King Cole". Coel II was born in Colchester in England. The full name of his daughter was Flavia Julia Helena Augusta ('Helen of the Cross'). She is said to have discovered Christ's actual cross.

On page 8 of her book, Juliette Arden writes:

Concerning the much disputed point as to where Helena was born and who her parents were, the principal and vital evidence regarding her birth is to be found in the "Colchester Chronicle," preserved in that city. According to that document she was born in Colchester about 242 A.D. four years after her father became King. This testimony is universally confirmed by Bristish historians, as well as many others too.
Helen in childhood was known by several names: the British name was Tiboen, and her surname was Lueddog. The noble name of Flavia was given to her upon her marriage to Constantius [Marcus Aurelius Valerius Maximianus], the descendant of Vespasian, who derived it from the Emperor through his great uncle, Claudius Gothicus. The title of Augusta was added when Helena became Empress, and by some historians she is called Flavia Julia Helena Augusta. Toward the close of her life she was called "The Prosperous" and "The Powerful." To crown her virtue and piety the religious of after ages awarded to her the veneration of a saint. . . .

The following poem composed by John Taylor in 1630 confirms many of the facts cited by Juliette Arden about Helena and Constantine.

John Taylor
A Memoriall of Monarchs,
p 279
. . . . . . . . .

Afclepiedatus, 299. Yeeres after Chrift

Afclepiedatus, (in a mortall Fight)
Subdude the Romane Generall Gallus might;
Kil'd him, and caft him head-long in a Brooke,
Whence Gallus or Wallbrook, for name it tooke,
And as Alectus Caransius kill,
So did this King Alectus life bloud fpill,
And after two yeeres reigne in mortall ftrife,
Asclepiedatus flaine loft Crowne and life.

  Gallus Brooke or Wallbrooke tooke the name from
Gallus a Romane Captaine, flaine by Afclepiodatus
and throwne into that Brooke.  Afclepiodatus was after
flaine by Coil Duke of Colchefter. Some write that
Afclepiodatus reigned 30 yeeres.

Coil raigned 14 yeeres, 301. Yeeres after Chrift

Colchefters Duke Coil in the Throne inuefted,
Was by Conftantius Caefar much molefted:
Till Goil gaue's Daughter to him for his Bride,
And paid Rome's tribute, that was long denide.
The Lady was of beauty moft diuine,
Faire Hellen, Mother to great Conftantine.
The King at Colchefter, dead, laide in's Tombe.
His Sonne Conftantius did fupply his roome.

  This hellen rectified Ierufalem, and adorned it with
godly Churches.  She alfo walled Lodon and Colchefter.

    Conftantius, 305, Yeeres after Chrift

SPaine, Italy, France, Britaines Emperor, (power,
Foure yeeres he raign'd heere, with Maiefticke
True Honour was the ayme at which he fhot,
Iuft, Valiant, thefe reports his Actions got.

  This Conftantius was Grandfather to Constantine
the Great: he came from Rome to this Ile and was 
buried at Yorke.

    Conftantine, 306, Yeeres after Chrift

GReat Emp'ror conftantine, furnam'd the Great:
In all refpects a worthy Prince compleate,
The glorious Gofpell, he ador'd and fear'd,
Conftantinople famoufly he rear'd,
Maxentius, Romes great Tyrant, (moft abhor'd)
He made him flie from his Imperiall fword.
Belou'd, bewail'd, high honor'd and admir'd,
In grace with God and men, his dayes expir'd.

The worthy Prince Conftantine was borne in this
Land, the Sonne of Conftantius and Hellen. After
Conftantius deceafe, our Land was molefted by
Octauius Maximus and others for many yeers. 
Thefe times are fo fiuerfly written of in
Hiftories, that a man knowes not which to
beleeue moft.

  84. Conflantinus, 337. Yeeres after Chrift
  85. Conflans, 340. Yeeres after Chrift

THefe two were Brothers of the Royall line.
And Sonnes unto the Emperour Conftantine:
Ambition and debate for Kingly Raigne,
Was the vnnaturall caufe they both were flaine.

  Kings and Louers can brook no partners: for
thefe two brothers were each others deftruction.

  86. Octauis, 345. Yeeres after Chrift
  87. Traherus, 349. Yeeres after Chrift

OCtauius Duke of Windfore tooke the Crowne,
Traherus came from Rome and put him downe:
The Land was full with hurly-burlies fild,
Traherus by Octauius laft was kild.

  Theodofius was Emperour of the Eaft, and
Macrinus of the Weft: Some write that Octauius 
reigned 54. yeeres. Non credo.

  88. Conftantius the third. 353. Yeeres after Chrift

The Romane Empire he did clofely fway,
And as a King this Land did him obay:
Th'Apoftate Iulian was the Emp'rour next,
By whom the Chriftans all were flaine, or vext.

  Conftantius was a victorious Prince, and
triumphed in Rome: yet a cruell oppreffor, and 
an Arian heretickt.

. . . . . . .

"Helena of the Cross" nee Coel

3. Later Legends of Constantine's Birth and Rise to Imperial Position Long after the time of Constantine, romances — they can hardly be called legends — sprang up about his mother, Helena, his father, Constantius, and about his own birth. The best known of these is that told by Geoffrey of Monmouth 2 and Pierre Langloft 3 and mentioned by Henry of Huntington,* Richard of Cirencester, Voragine, and others. This is to the effect that Constantius was sent to Britain by the Senate, and was made king there, and married Helena, daughter of Duke Coel, and that Constantine was thus the son of a British princess.
1 Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ed. Bury, vol. ii, p. 456 n. The " Bordeaux pilgrim " is the anonymous itinerary of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 333. Cf. Migne, P. L. vol. viii, col. 783 et seq. 2 v, 6. 3 i, pp. 66-67. * i, 37. 6 For a short sketch of this and other stories, and for other references, see Richardson's " Prolegomena " in Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, Second Series, vol. i, Eusebius, p. 441. A story in Hakluyt's Voyages, 2 (1810), p. 34, attributes angelic virtues and superhuman knowledge to this British princess Helena, and tells of her pilgrimage to Jerusalem, her death at Rome, and the preservation of her body in Venice.

Web Sources

Web Source: S065:01Constantine the Great and Christianity: Volume 60, Issue 1

WebMaster: David Cole

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Date: 2015 C Mar 19