The full family tree of David Cole contains approximately 18,000 persons. The tree shown above only shows his actual
ancestors for a few generations. Dave's wife Yvette has identified ancestors going back over 30 generations. The family tree DB
named "davidcole3" at WorldConnect, referenced below, contains such ancestors and many of their brothers, sisters,
cousins, other spouses etc. This site also contains many notes about these people. All of the persons in this family
tree are indeed related, either by heredity or marriage.
Most family trees on the web don`t show the names of living people for privacy. But the family tree shown is different
because it shows the names of living persons. For a usable version of my living persons family tree, click
here. For a usable version of
my full (non-living persons) family tree, click below:
Full Tree: David Cole in WorldConnect.
The following GEDCOMS contain all of the genealogical information that David Cole has loaded into computer-readable format. Around
Aug 31, the french accents became corrupted and have not yet been corrected. Because of this, David has refrained from adding
additional information into his GEDCOMs. Any information that has been received has been loaded into Post-em notes on the
WordlConnect DataBase WorldConnect DB named "davidcole3".
GedExplorer in Python
The author ( )is writing a Python program, named GedExplore, to explore any GEDCOM. The current version is V04. As of 2023ISep21, the goal is to provide a summary of a GEDCOM that contains enough information to distinguish one GEDCOM from another. Source 07 is the website where the GedExplorer program can be found. Users of GedExplorer must enter the folder and filename of the GEDCOM to be explored.
The Web Sources listed below provide a wide range of GEDCOM databases that the author has used. The author normally uses Legacy software to maintain his genealogy database. From time to time, the author creates a GEDCOM backup of the file. Source 08 contains a recent backup of the database as of 2023ISep21. Note that the bad french accents in the GEDCOM have not yet been corrected.
Remnants of Family Tree Maker issues
Source 10, below, is an example of the portion of a GEDCOM that describes an individual. This person is my maternal grandmother, Daisy nee SULLIVAN GOATCHER. Records of note are shown below. Her INDI ID, name, birth info and FSID at appear in the GEDCOM exactly as shown below. In a GEDCOM, every person can belong in 2 famiilies: their parents' family of which they are a child (FAMC @F52@) and the family in which the person is a parent or spouce (FAMS @F51@). When I began to record genealogy information, I used "Family Tree Maker" software. This software did not attach sources to notes about people, all the notes were stored as one big note. I recognized this omission, so, I enclosed each note within parentheses defined by me. An example is seen below where the note about Dr. COTTON appears between "1 CONT DC0071" and "1 CONT /DC0071". The meaning of my source "DC0071" can be found in my Article 120. Another issue with Family Tree Maker is that continuation lines of long text blocks were "broken"
at spaces between words. (Which, in defence of the software, is what people normally do.) However the GEDCOM format breaks every continuation line within a word.
I have not corrected this in my GEDCOMs. So the user will occassionally see an extra space in the middle of a word in my GEDCOM Notes. This is one of reasons that I stopped using Family Tree Maker software and began using Legacy software. Another reason is that the Legacy software easily moves people data between the user's Legacy database and the online database.
0 @I61@ INDI
. . . . .
2 DATE 28 Aug 1884
2 PLAC St John's Wood in London, , Msex., Eng.
2 SOUR @S163@
2 SOUR @S83@
. . . . .
2 TYPE FamilySearch ID
. . . . .
1 FAMS @F51@
1 FAMC @F52@
. . . .
1 CONT DC0071
1 CONT Daisy was working for Dr. COTTON before she married Phili
1 CONT /DC0071
. . . . .
1 CONT DC0237
1 CONT Autobiography - Daisy (n e SULLIVAN GOATCHER (1884-1970)
1 CONT . . . . . (autobiography is excluded to shrink this example . . .
1 CONT /DC0237
Her autobiography is stored in the GEDCOM between the statements "1 CONT DC0237" and "1 CONT /DC0237. The autobiography is quite lengthy and has been excluded
to save space in this article.
The GEDCOM permits the data about each EVENT to have a PLACE and TIME defined. Unfortunately, the PLACE is limited to "City, State, county and country". There is no room to describe the street or building. Legacy permits the user to invent another type of Event. So I invented an event named "Site/Building". I did this in a similar fashion to the way FamilySearch IDs (FSIDs) are stored in a Legacy database. An example of an event of type "Site/Building" is shown below.
This event describes the birth of "I57 Jessie (Jesse) G. /COLE/" . It is not necessary to include the DATE and PLACE when providing EVENT data of types that have been invented. Notice that her ID (FSID) is shown following the birth:
1 EVEN Born on 20 Marchmont St.
2 TYPE Site/Building
2 DATE 7 Dec 1906
2 PLAC London, , , Eng.
. . . . .
2 TYPE FamilySearch ID
The GedExplore program exists (Source 11) that analyses a GEDCOM file and outputs a summary of the family tree in the GEDCOM.
Web Sources
Web Source S049:01 Cole4A30 (3).GED (Downloadable GEDCOM) archived 2004 A Jan 30 (with good french accents)
Web Source S049:02 Cole5H12.GED (Downloadable GEDCOM) archived 2005 H Aug 12 (with good french accents)
Web Source S049:03 Cole5i23.GED (Downloadable GEDCOM) archived 2005 I Sep 23 (with BAD french accents)
Web Source S049:04 Cole5k17.GED (Downloadable GEDCOM) archived 2005 L Nov 17 (with BAD french accents)
Web Source S049:05 DavidCole3.ged (Downloadable GEDCOM) archived 2006 D Apr 20 (with BAD french accents)
Web Source S049:06 DavidCole3.ged (Downloadable GEDCOM) Legacy archived 2022 B Feb 14 (with BAD french accents)
Web Source S049:07 Import stats of Source 6 by Legacy
image created by D@CC on 22BFeb14
Web Source S072:08 downloadable_files/ColesOfDevon.ged created by D@CC on 2022AJan28
Web Source S049:09 downloadable_files/Cole21CMar22.ged (Downloadable GEDCOM) Legacy archived 2023 I Sep 21 (with BAD french accents)
Web Source S049:10 SULLIVAN_Daisy_eg.txt example from Source 09
created by D@CC on 2023ISep21 4
Web Source S049:11 Gen: (205.html)
Article by D@CC on 2023ISep20 4