#&| &argParm01|="commandStr" &| #&| &articlesList|="155,174,190,211,215" &| #&| &byAuthor|="D@CC" &| #&| &classesList|="none" &| #&| &codeNumber|="04" &| #&| &dateToday|="2024CMar12" &| #&| &emailAuthor|="David@ColeCanada.com" &| #&| &file01|="/home/pi/Desktop/PiR2/files/commandResult.txt" &| #&| &funcName|="commandOS" &| #&| &funcVersion|="none" &| #&| &funcFor|="PiR2 Area Controller and MakPiADC" &| #&| &globalsList|="g_fileArray" &| #&| &imports|=" from subprocess import call #import os from os import system, name, remove from time import sleep" &| #&| &inRepository|="ix_all.py Function Library" &| #&| &purpose|="to issue a system command and return the result" &| #&| &pythonVersion|="3" &| #&| &resultList|="commandResultStr" &| #&| &sourceURL|="https://ephotocaption.com/a/215/215.html" &| #&| &sourceDesc|="www na on 20xxZmmm##" &| #&| &SSD_or_uSD|="_KIOXIA_GTLL" &| #&| &summary|="executes an OS command, saves results, returns results" &| #&| &textColsCnt|="40" &| #&| &textRowsCnt|="5" &| executes an OS command, saves results, returns results # end of entity definitions #begin macro of Function Description #&funcName|_selectCode_macroUse.py.txt
  1. &funcName|()

    -- end of &funcName|.py program in &codeNumber|

    Purpose: &purpose|
    Form: &funcName|(strCmd) -> strResult
    Reason: permit code to execute OS command and use results
    Summary: &summary|
    By: &byAuthor| Date: &dateToday| Example: strD=&funcName|("dir") will return list of dir contents
    Help: type &funcName|("-h") for help
    Warning 1: Parm1 must be a str containing an OS command
    Note 1: error checking prevents system errors.
    from: ix_all import &funcName|
    Python Verson: &pythonVersion|
    Globals: &globalsList|
    External Functions:
    Imports: &importssList|
    Classes: &classesList|
    Files: &file01|
    Version: &funcVersion|
    For: &funcFor|
    Repository: &inRepository|
    Author: &byAuthor| ( &emailAuthor| )
    Date Created : &dateToday|
    Date Tested   : &dateToday|
    Date Modified: &dateToday|
    Source: &sourceDesc|
    &funcName|() by &byAuthor| (&emailAuthor|)

# E:\E\2022\DevE\MyPagesE\Globat\ePhotoCaption.com\a\215\commandOS_selectCode_macroUse.py.txt #/commandOS_selectCode_macroDef.py.txt