#!/usr/local/bin/python #by D@CC #on 7/2/2021 2021GJul02 #on 2024BFeb17 # #Issue 01: multiple consecutive markers (different types) #Issue 02: statements preceding the "def " #Issue 03: multiple "def " in a single module # import sys # load the system module marker = '#' + ':'*10 + 'textpak=>' # hopefully unique separator (with # for IX) def pack( ): if False: print("begin textpack.py") print(":",sys.argv) print("after sys.argv") print("name 0:",sys.argv[0]) for i in range(1,len(sys.argv)): # for all command-line arguments name=sys.argv[i] ch1=name[0:1] #print("ch1:",ch1) if ch1=="(": name=name[1:] #if end #echo name #print("name:"+name+":") input = open(name, 'r') # open the next input file print( marker + name) # write a separator line print( input.read( )) # and write the file's contents input.close() #for end pack( ) # pack files listed on cmdline #Web Source:https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/programming-python-second/0596000855/ch04s05.html #end def textpack_py_win10.py #/textpack_py_win10.py