from machine import Pin import time #by D@CC #on 2022EMay30 # need to modify it for RPi Pi (not pico) print("") print("by PiCole22 on 2021EMay20") print(" pronounced 'pickle 22'") print("testing the Maker Pi Pico board by Cytron") print("The small green 3V3 led should always be ON") led=Pin(25,Pin.OUT) led.value(1) print("turning green pico led ON") i=0 print("turning each GPxx blue led ON (1/sec)") while i<28: i=i+1 led1=Pin(i,Pin.OUT) led1.value(1) time.sleep(1) # 1sec #end while print("Please check if all leds are ON") i=0 print("turning each GPxx blue led OFF (1/sec)") while i<28: i=i+1 led1=Pin(i,Pin.OUT) led1.value(0) time.sleep(1) # 1sec #end while print("Please check if all leds are OFF") led=Pin(25,Pin.OUT) led.value(1) print("turning green pico led ON") time.sleep(1) # 1sec led=Pin(25,Pin.OUT) led.value(0) print("turning green pico led OFF") print("end of") #end