****************************************************** def showList(listName,isPreface,listA,isShow) (text) ****************************************************** #by D@CC #on 2023DApr05 #mod 2024BFeb28 #Project: WioClock #Code: MicroPython #Purpose: show n rows of big characters #Parm0: name of list containing the characters #Parm1: same preface for every line #Parm2: the actual list (holding the big chars) #Parm3: isShow if False, show nothing #Returns: nothing #calls: isInstance() NOT isinstance #mod # type() # len() # showMP() if not isShow : return if not isInstance(listA, list): #mod typeObj=type(listA) print("Error S05 in showList, obj is not alist:",listName,"type:",typeObj,"value:",listA,":") return #if end rows_listA=len(listA) #showMP(isShow,"rows_listA",rows_listA) #mod for i in range(rows_listA): if isPreface : print(listName,":") print(listName,"[",i,"]:",listA[i]) else: print(listA[i]) return** #def end ****************************************************************************************************** #/showList.txt