if isinstance(x,(float,int,str)): if isinstance(x,str): if x.endswith("jJ"): isJend==True else: isJend==False print("isJend:",isJend) #if(x.endswith("j)") or (x.endswith("J)"): #if((x.endswith("j")) or ((x.endswith("J")): if isJend: #almost complex but without the "(" and ")" xReturn="c" + "("+c+")" xType="c" isDone=True else: #not complex try: xFloat=float(x) xType="f" isDone=True except: xReturn="s"+x isDone=True #end try #end if # process an integer value elif isinstance(x,int): xFloat=float(x) xType="i" isDone=True # process a float value elif isinstance(x,float): xFloat=x xType="f" isDone=True #end if instances of int,float,str, else: #presume boolean if(bool(x)==1): xFloat=float(1) xType="b" isDone=True #end if if(bool(x)==0): xFloat=float(0) xType="b" isDone=True #end if #end of bool processing #end if