****************************************** intRed_pico.txt ****************************************** Purpose: use interrupts to control leds green led blinks constantly when button is pressed, red led is turned on for an interval green led pauses blinking after the time interval red led is turned off green led resumes blinking import machine import utime # external set up of GPIO Pins # various GP pins can be assigned # GPIO15 to red (n.o.) button to 3v3 # GPIO10 to 330 ohm resistor to greenLED anode from cathode to GND Pin phys 23 # GPIO11 to 330 ohm resistor to redLED anode from cathode to GND Pin phys 23 functions used: Pin() value() int_handler() irq() sleep() toggle() # source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zy64kZEM_bg ***************************************************** #/intRed_pico.txt