import machine import utime #program "" toggles the pico's main green LED # every 2 seconds using an interrupt routine # (not using an loop with a counter). # press button 21 to # turn ON led GP5 and to "interrupt" # the green LED's blinking for 4 sec # external set up of GP Pins # GP15 to red (n.o.) button to 3v3 # GP10 to 330 ohm resistor to greenLED anode from cathode to GND Pin phys 23 # GP11 to 330 ohm resistor to redLED anode from cathode to GND Pin phys 23 # tested OK on 2021FJun15 with MPA by D@CC progName="" print("progName:"+progName) bRedGP=18 #button_red = machine.Pin(bRedGP, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) button_red = machine.Pin(bRedGP, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_DOWN) #?no PULL_DOWN for MPA ADC0 to GP18 led_red = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.OUT) led_green = machine.Pin(25, machine.Pin.OUT) # inititialize red and green LEDs led_red.value(0) led_green.value(0) print("waiting for press of button",bRedGP) def int_handler(pin): button_red.irq(handler=None) print("Interrupt Detected! at time:",utime.time()) led_red.value(1) led_green.value(0) print("sleeping for 4 secs") utime.sleep(4) # seconds led_red.value(0) print("waiting for press of button",bRedGP) button_red.irq(handler=int_handler) #end def button_red.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_RISING, handler=int_handler) while True: led_green.toggle() utime.sleep(2) # seconds #while end # source: #/ stored as