********************** ambLight_pi.py * ********************** reads a photoCell ********************** A photo-cell can be used to measaure the analog value of ambient light, but it can also be used as a binary (digital) value of light/dark. Total darkness occurs when the photo-cell is covered (e.g. by a finger). This light/dark situation is similar to a push-button which is what digLight returns as a binary value. Because the Raspberry Pi cannot read analog values, an external ADC device is necessary (e.g. WeatherHap Pro, Pico, Seeed PN 03030279 that uses a ti ADS1115.) The related digital routine digLight can be used to measure light/dark as a binary value without need for an ADC. Also for Seeed ADS1115 Raspberry Pi board (AIN0,AIN1,AIN2,AIN3). /ambLight.txt