(* sample program to write out a file of html *) (* by David@ColeCanada.com 2015 C Mar 21 *) (* *) (* always begin with *) Remove[Global`*]; (* set t & f *) isToPrint=True; isA=False; (* Sqrt[3] does not compute *) Print[Sqrt[3]] (* But N[ ] does *) Print[N[Sqrt[3]] (* Use mathematica to *) (* initialize a 2x2 matrix *) (* where null is a small square *) alist = 1 null ; null 0 (* print out alist *) Print[InputForm[alist]]; (* prints the following *) (* where null is a small square *) ((1, null), (null, 1)) (* get an element *) itemB=alist[[1,2]]; (* print out a number *) Print["itemB:",itemB] (* will have printed itemB:null *) (* where null is a small square *) (* initialize a string *) a="."; (* set vector length *) nlines=6; (* initialize a 1xn vector *) pageA=Array[a,nlines]; (* convert to string *) testG$=ToString[pageA[[4]]]; (* print out the string *) Print["testG$:",testG$] (* will have printed testG$:.[4] *) (* now initialize 3 rows *) pageA[[1]]=""; pageA[[2]]=""; pageA[[3]]="


"; (* initialize filename *) outfile$="testC.html"; (* create last 2 rows *) pageA[[nlines - 1]] = "/" <> outfile$ <> "
"; pageA[[nlines]] = ""; (* Decide # of rows to print *) nToPrint = If [isToPrint, nlines, 0]; (* print out the array *) Do[Print[pageA[[j]]], {j, 1, nToPrint}] (* prints the following *)


.[4] /testC.html
(* now export the array into /home/pi *) Export[outfile$, pageA, "Text"] (* that outputs the name of the file written *) testC.html (* ***************************************** *) (* The only issue is: why does it show "[4]" *) (* after the "." in row 4 of the file *) (* Of course, the 4 means "row 4" *) (* ***************************************** *) (* 3 rows of 4 columns are defined as *) a2D = {{a,b,c,d},{e, f, g, h},{i, j, k, l}}; (* and the item in the Ith row and Jth column is g *) (* a2Dsubscript23 is *) Print[a2D[[2,3]]] (* Do NOT use If[N[x] < N[xmax], Print["x ":" <> ToString[c] ]; (* call as follows: pRint["e$",e$] *) (* to print *) (* e$:mmm *) (* or pRint["e",e] *) (* *) (* *) (* naming conventions *) (* all user variables begin with lower case *) (* integers begin with ijklm (no n ) *) (* nWidth (float.) begins with n *) (* bName$ string ends with $ *) (* isEmpty condition begins with is *) (* arrB array/vector begins with arr *) (* zlist list ends with list *) (* fPlus2 func def: 1st or 2nd letter of f *) (* fPlus2[a_]:=a+2 *) (* pPrin procedure has 1st letter of p *) (* pPrin[b$_] proc returns True or False *) /m_NotesA.txt