202 IX: Repository (202.html)


ICH180RR Repository Genealogy Software IX Python Functions FamiilySearch.org GED GEDCOM MicroPython CircuitPython CPython Thonny 202HTML


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IX or DC (IX by DC) or "|><"

This IX software is a part of the IX family of software that I use.


The purpose of this article is to serve as a up-to-date repository of all my software and related data including my genealogy data. My goal isn't to necessarily share this information with others, but for it to be a repository, ie a place to house my common data. It will also house some of my more important backups in a third place in addition to my external hard drive backups.

Documenting the contents of this IX repository

iGalri Repository

Source 02 below is a complete copy of all the images (photos) and their captions at the photo gallery web site named iGalri.com . This is a very long gallery. Please search for individual words or phrases instead of viewing the complete gallery in Source 02.

IX Software Family Repository

The IX Software Family is a collection of software mostly written in Python 3 by the author, D@CC. A very small number of programs have been written in MMBasic or assembler language. Software that has been designed to run on a web server on the web "cloud" has been written in a combination of HTML, PHP and SQL. Some Python software is designed to run on a local server such as a Raspberry Pico or the Wio Terminal, but most Python software has been coded to run on client cores (computers), such as the Raspberry Pi family of computers.

Python programs are not universally executable on multiple cores. This has led to a number of different implementations of Python, such as Thonny and Circuit-Python etc. Python can also be used on Apple and Microsoft operating systems. Because many different electronic devices can be homebuilt and/or attached to the Raspberry Pi computers, some Python programs will only run when specific devices are attached to the computer that is running the Python software.

The author has purchased or developed around 100 different devices (Source 04) that can be controlled by a Raspberry Pi or Pi-like computer. This means that my myriad Python programs are dependant upon the specific electronic devices attached to the Raspberry Pi, the specific computer that is running Python and the exact implementation of Python that is being used. Fortunately, the vast majority of programs are both simple and compact.

Almost 100 % of the author's Python programs will run under a Linux operating system. In keeping with the philosophy of Linux, much Python code has been borrowed from other sources often with a reference to the original writer and source. There has been little effort spent to keep the author's code confidential. Nevertheless, the code is copyrighted by the author, David Kenneth Charles COLE and the company ICH180RR.

Until recently, the author has been using a large number of different microSD cards to store his software. Backup copies are made from time-to-time onto flash drives, external hard drives and to the Internet via the collection of articles found in Source 03. The amazing FreeFind search mechanism simplifies the search for any Python program created or used by the author. But flash drives and microSD cards present various issues and can suffer from various perils. The limited lifetime and capacity of microSD cards is well known. The author usually uses 32GB microSD cards. But searching for any particular file can be daunting if over 100 microSD cards must be examined. A hard drive or an SSD is a more accessible and secure repository.

The author has recently begun to use a 512GB SSD (a Sabrent 2230 Rocket) named "SABRENT" as his main repository for all his software. All software development is planned to be done on this SSD drive. The Linux operating system on this drive operates on Raspberry Pi computers, such as the Pi 4B, the Pi-400 and soon, the Raspberry Pi 5. This operating system version is the 32-bit "bookworm" that was released in late 2023. Use of the 64 bit "bookworm" has been delayed until it has had a time to adjust to any issues created by the release of the Raspberry Pi 5. It is the intention of the author to treat this SABRENT volume as the permanent repository of all the author's Python software. The author will continue to use a Microsoft laptop as the repository of all the author's web-based information that is spread across numerous web-sites, most of them owned by the author.

The setting up of the SABRENT volume has prompted the author to review the "best practices" that he should follow when loading software and data to this volume. Of course, the Raspberry Pi Linux structure will be used. The main user is named "pi" with password "poemart€". The various software, data and other assets will be stored in the folder named "/home/pi/Desktop/IX_assets/". This is to facilitate backups and data transfers. A small number of programs and files can only be stored in the "/home/pi/" folder. Of necessity, they will remain there. As with his microSD card operating systems, the author uses a folder named "_SABRENT" on his Desktop and in the IX_assets folder. This folder is empty, but identifies the volume name.

The SABRENT volume is easily moved from one Raspberry Pi computer to another. Of course, this changes the whole environment in which the user is operating. The author has created a "shell" program that clearly identifies the "current" environment. The name of this "shell" program is "IX_lib.sh". Over the years, the author has augmented the information describing this exact environment. The IX_lib.sh takes the opportunity to show the user the sounds and the screen display used to sound an alarm.

A list of the software systems (or program groups) can be seen in article 210. A current preliminary list, as of 2023KNov22 is:
	Blinks LED on GPIO 12 (Device:58)
	Environ (part of)
	ix Family
	linux help
	main file version list (ISO9003)
	OnBoard keyboard (Article 170, 209, 211)
	pgm: age by TM
	RPi help
	test of function
In the near future, the author intends to describe, here, in more detail, the structure and naming conventions used for storing various assets in the SABRENT IX_assets repository.

Personal Repository

This article, in this website, is a personal repository created for personal use, not for general use by the public. It is NOT a mistake that password-protected FTP access is the only way to retrieve most components of this repository.

getSub() & replSub()

While adding material to Article 215, the author had difficulty finding the code for the two functions: getSub() and replSub(). It is difficult to find code that resides on the many (over 100) microSD cards in his possession. Therefore, this repository (in Article 202) was a valuable resource. The code was found to be on the Flb03S32G microSD card (on the copy of this card in the uSD repository in Article 202). This is a newfound benefit of Article 202.

Python Lib 3.63

In Fla33S008G there is a full copy of this Python library. It can be found in "pi/Desktop/PiR2/Python-3.6.3/Lib/*" . I believe that the folder ../Python-3.6.3/* contains a full copy of "Python-3.6.3".

pi/.cache/chromium/... bloat

I noticed that in Source 05, the backup of "_Fla95S032G", I had a full backup of "PiR2" system and also backups of "_Fla52" and of "_Fla55". The latter is very important because I recently could not read the contents of the physical uSD card named "_Fla55".

partial uploads uSD

ECONNABORTED _Fla73S032G\pi\Downloads\pit-


Video Sources

Video Source V202:01: Wio Terminal Classroom with Ardupy #5 | AIP Usage & Ardupy Libraries (25:07 min) By Lakshantha of Seeed Studio c2021DApr

Web Sources

Web Source S202:01:www iGal3_parms.php (saved as .txt) by D@CC on 2023GJul02
Web Source S202:02:www http://www.ephotocaption.com/iGal3_parms.php (w images) by D@CC as of 2023GJul02
Web Source S202:03:www Articles by Old King Cole (000.html) D@CC on 2010 A Jan 01
Web Source S202:04:www IT: Flash Drive & Device Library (167.html) D@CC on 2023 K Nov 20
Web Source S202:05:uSB_to_2023LDec05 uSB_to_2023LDec05 folder D@CC on 2023 L Dec05
Web Source S202:06:uSB_to_2023LDec05.zip uSB_to_2023LDec05 (7zip)[too big] D@CC on 2023 L Dec05
Web Source S202:07:_Fla33S008G.zip Fla33S008G.zip (7zip)[aborted] D@CC on 2023 L Dec05


WebMaster: Ye Old King Cole

There is a way to "google" any of the part-numbers, words and phrases in all my articles. This "google" search limits itself ONLY to my articles. Just go to the top of "ePC Articles by Old King Cole" and look for the "search" input box named "freefind".

Click here to return to Articles by Old King Cole

Date Written: 2023 F Jun 03
Last Updated: 2023 L Dec 06

All rights reserved 2023 by © ICH180RR

saved in E:\E\2022\DevE\MyPagesE\Globat\ePhotoCaption.com\a\202\202.html
backed up to ePhotoCaption.com\a\202\202_2023FJun00.html

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