IX functions Python List by D@CC on 2023DApr07 Table of Contents ------------------ Notes WELL-DEFINED PYTHON FUNCTIONS GLOBALS MOST COMPREHENSIVE PYTHON FUNCTION LIST PICO ROUTINE (177) PICO ROUTINES (ZIPPED) (177) BLINKBLUE WioCLOCK v01 WioCLOCK v01o33 IX_TEXTPACK FUTURE LIST OF .PY MODULES IN THE /py FOLDER WioIXkb FUNCTIONS OSDIRWio11.PY PYTHON PROGRAMS USEABLE IX FUNCTIONS / SUBROUTINES (174) as of 2022CMar12 SYSTEM-SPECIFIC PYTHON ROUTINES GENERAL-PURPOSE MODULES PYTHON & EXTERNAL MODULES PiR2-SPECIFIC MODULES TEXTPAK FUTURE PYTHON PACKAGES (not yet coded as of 2023DApr07) SOURCES END NOTES Note 01: Python, Thonny, MicroPython and CircuitPython are different Note 02: Different uf2 files behave differently Note 03: use meld on RPi to see differences Note 04: Need to add a web link to some of these Note 05: Usging the "shebang" to easily run a Python program in Terminal mode Note 06: Use n() n.py to list all functions defined in a package (more info in 174.html) WELL-DEFINED PYTHON FUNCTIONS (174) Name: Arguments (passed): Author (if known): Classes (defined for use): Command List (if prg): Date (written): External Functions called: Files Used: Globals (for ext. use): Globals (int. use only): Help (or Manual): Import From Pkg.: Imports Pkg. Used: Prerequisite (Object/Function): Python Verson: 2, 3, Thonny Result (returned): Version (latest): GLOBALS (174) access_global_list_definition() access_global() get_global() set_global() get_targTempL0() isTypeStr() MOST COMPREHENSIVE PYTHON FUNCTION LIST (as of 2022CMar20 (174) http://ephotocaption.com/a/174/IX_Python_Functions.txt INTERACTIVE ASCII PROTOCOL FOR RP2040 (177) PICO ROUTINES Routine Function Description ****************** ************* *************************************** 1Char.py bChar() Converts b'w' to "w" adcValue.py Prints adc value & voltage on pico ADC0 BoardId.py X reads Board ID deviceReset_pico.py Blinks then Resets all pins as Inputs f3.py f3() format any number for printing fadeLed_pico.py Fades the pico green LED using PWM maker-pi-pico-rgb-led_pico.py maker board demo program intRed_pico.py drives Green LED and button 21 mid.py X converts any number to complex format mod5.py X first MicroPython program mod8.py import mod6 first MicroPython program mpy_uart_pico.py uart.read read/write using pico uart parseComplex.py converts a complex number picoButton_pico.py reads pico Button 22 on Maker board printPicoUniqueId.py Prints unique ID (char) of pico printTImTemp_pico.py Prints Time and Temperature F of pico serTxC_pico.py X packet transmitter by D@CC serTxRx_Fast_pico.py X packet tx / rx by D@CC signalGenerator_pico.py hacked signal generator signalGenerator_w_PotOn1_pico.py worked with MakPiADC board squareWave_pico.py drives Maker pico buzzer test_TxH_pico.py packet transmitter (reads ADC) by D@CC test_VSYS_pico.py Reads Vbus and Vsys testButton_pico.py buttonAction() reads button within T (secs) testLeds_pico.py drives Maker pi (not pico) board testPlot.py plot() tests plotting of a vector testTxF_pico.py tested OK on pico textpack_py.py source module transmitter for pi tickLed_pi.py blinks the pi led PICO ROUTINES (ZIPPED) (177) C:\Users\mrmyr\Downloads\deMisc\pico_4f31_on_Fla53 used $dir >pico_list.txt to create this list after unzip S177:05: pico_4f31_on_Fla53.7z Directory of C:\Users\mrmyr\Downloads\deMisc\pico_4f31_on_Fla53 04/08/2023 12:00 AM . 04/08/2023 12:00 AM .. 05/30/2022 08:13 PM 339 1Char_py.py 05/30/2022 08:57 PM 700 adcValue.py 05/30/2022 07:54 PM 0 All_pico_Fla53.py 05/30/2022 08:58 PM 179 BoardId.py 05/30/2022 08:59 PM 748 deviceReset_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:00 PM 2,561 f3.py 05/30/2022 09:01 PM 1,410 fadeLed_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:03 PM 1,685 intRed_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:04 PM 1,745 maker-pi-pico-rgb-led_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:05 PM 1,436 mid.py 05/30/2022 09:05 PM 383 mod5.py 05/30/2022 09:06 PM 347 mod8.py 05/30/2022 09:07 PM 822 mpy_uart_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:08 PM 279 parseComplex.py 05/30/2022 09:09 PM 458 picoButton_pico.py 04/08/2023 12:00 AM 0 pico_list.txt 05/30/2022 09:10 PM 584 printPicoUniqueId.py 05/30/2022 09:10 PM 528 printTimTemp_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:11 PM 24,356 serTxC_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:12 PM 14,354 serTxRx_Fast_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:13 PM 3,758 signalGenerator_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:14 PM 3,851 signalGenerator_w_PotOn1_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:18 PM 1,390 testButton_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:19 PM 891 testLeds_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:20 PM 647 testPlot.py 05/30/2022 09:21 PM 27,286 testTxF_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:16 PM 35,382 test_TxH_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:17 PM 793 test_VSYS_pico.py 05/30/2022 09:22 PM 619 textpack_py.py 05/30/2022 09:22 PM 256 tickLed_pi.py 30 File(s) 127,787 bytes 2 Dir(s) 298,519,334,912 bytes free BLINKBLUE BlinkBlueLed_01_i BlinkBlueLed_01 mainStub.py WioCLOCK v01 WioClock_v01.py setLocalDateTimeCorrectionForCurrentLocalTime() localDateTime() WioTerminal_v01o03?_i() WioCLOCK v01_33 WioCLOCK_v01o33_2023DApr03_i (189) setLocalDateTimeCorrectionForCurrentLocalTime(currentLocalTime_UnixSeconds,device) localDateTime(timeCorrection_UnixSeconds,device) IX_TEXTPACK FUNCTION NAME DESCRIPTION IX_textpack.py packs a list of files into a package IX_textunpack.py unpacks ALL the files from an existing package IX_textselect.py selects (unpacks) a SINGLE file from an existing package IX_textpack.txt explains HOW to use IX_textpackPkg_py.txt IX_textnames.py lists the filenamess in a package (deprecated . . . use n.py] IX_textadd.py adds a file to the package (deprecated. . . use IX_textpack.py with ">>" instead) n.py commands to list the various contents of the package anyButton.def hangs until a button is pressed getDevice.def get Device. . . returns Wio or RPi isShow.def prints a varialbe if isShow = True lisfromfile.def converts a serial file contents into a Python list splash.def displays? a splash screen toLCDfromL.def prints a Python list to the Wio LCD wioMore.def displays (prints) a file (like $$more does) nShowDefs FUTURE LIST OF .PY MODULES IN THE /py FOLDER (187) AvailablePinNames.py BlinkBlueLed_05.py d2list02.py mainBoot.py mainNext.py osDirWio11.py readJoyPress01.py testanyButton.py testfuncE.py wioButtonDown.py wioFunctions.py wioFunctions01.py wioIXkb.py wioRead40.py WioIXkb FUNCTIONS (187) anyButton() ? monitors & reads the uJoyStck and 3 top buttons getDevice() ? reports whether this device is WioTerminal or Pi isShow() ?? provides debugging information if True listfromfile() ? creates a Python list from a serial file toLCDfromL() writes a List of a file (multiply paged) to LCD on the WioTerminal wioMore()?? writes a List ( one page of info) to the LCD on the WioTerminal, ? ? ? ?? hitting the Enter Key (uJoyStick) displays the next page (more info). WioIXkb01o11 (187) on 2023CMar23 listfromfile(filename) wioMore(listName,beginRecNumber,lcdRows,lcdCols,hdrRow1,hdrRow2,prefix,isShow def anyButton(button,device="Wio Terminal",isShow=False): anyButton(button,device="Wio Terminal",isShow=False): WioIXkb01o11.py OSDIRWio11.PY ProgName="osDirWio11.py" # by D@CC on 2023CMar19 # Minicom >>>minicom -o -D /dev/ttyACM0 import os print();print() print("program:",progName) print("Directory List of WioT Volume") print("*****************************") # get list of current folder aList=os.listdir() lenList=len(aList) for i in range(lenList): print(aList[i]) #end for print() print("end of ",progName) print() # saved in Desktop on Fla89S032G #/osDirWio11.py PYTHON PROGRAMS PACKAGE NAME CONTENTS Package Name Contents --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ * adcRead_pkg.py python RPi functions for adc sensing of voltages (Source 11) * adcRead_programs.py python RPi programs for adc sensing (Source 16) adcRead_test.py needs to import adcRead_pkg.py * functionList_pkg.py routine used by n.py to list the function names in a statement IX_DataSheets.Sources.txt Electronic DataSheet Sources (e.g. pdf.html) IX_diagnostics_py.py python diagnotics for Raspberry Pi Hardware * GPIO_pkg.py pir2 & GPIO functions (possible duplicates in other pkgs) IX_ICH180R2_A.php php & html routines for the future ICH180R2 website IX_MIC.php php & html routines for the MehInCharge website * IX_MMBasic_pkg.bas functions, subroutines and programs written in Basic * IX_MMBasic_notes.txt text files about MMBasic for PicoMite hardware * IX_package_py.py precursor to the IX_py.py package IX_pi_py.py python functions for pi computers IX_pi_notes.txt Miscellaneous notes about Pi computers IX_pi_sources.txt My Sources of Pi Information IX_pico_py.py python functions for pico computers IX_picoMite.bas software written in basic for PicoMite hardware IX_pir2.py python functions for the PiR2 controller IX_pir2_info pir2 information IX_pir2models.py python functions for the various PiR2 controllers IX_projects_py.py python software for various projects IX_py.py python functions common to pi&pico computers IX_python_info python 2 & 3 language information IX_RPi_hardware.txt Raspberry Pi Hardware Descriptions * IX_testPrograms_py.py various programs to test hardware and software * IX_textpack_pkg.py IX_text pack/unpack/select/etc & n programs (Source 10) deprecated replaced by IX_textpack_programs.py * IX_textpack_programs.py IX_text pack/unpack/select/etc & n.py programs (Source 17) IX_thonny_pkg.py IX functions to become a thonny package USEABLE IX FUNCTIONS / SUBROUTINES (174) as of 2022CMar12 IX Functions List (as of 2022CMar12 by D@CC) ambLight() audioHDMI() commandOS() digLisht() eorCalc() eorCheck() espeak() f3() inputWTO() isInstance() listShow() mid() pack() piButton() pir2() (planned routine for new pir2 system) plot() show() show3() Talker() wait_Select_Std_pi.py weatherHatPi system pico System SYSTEM-SPECIFIC PYTHON ROUTINES functionList functionListv03 mainroutine PiR2 (174) GENERAL-PURPOSE MODULES Module returns calls/Uses args ******************** ********* ********** ******* acquire_buttonPush() 0 if Down obj GPIO btn_pin acquire_digIn0() 1 if High obj GPIO btn_pin acquire_piIP() IPstr osCommand() none acquire_piOS() OSstr osCommand() none acquire_piSN() SNstr osCommand() none acquire_procTemp() Tempstr(C) osCommand() none add_event_detect() na obj GPIO comment askVerbose() False if Verbose input() isQuerrying control_audioTV() na osCommand() sound fileName control_digOut0() na obj GPIO do_pin,onOne control_piArea() na g_piAreaStr roomStr control_redLED() na obj GPIO pin,onOne helloTask() na na na informUserWait() na time isVerbose,DT,down5 isLogAvailable() na os,askVerbose logfileName manageTasks() na g_startTimeArray na osCommand() reply os, g_fileArray commandStr queuehelloTask() na g_startTimeArray, na g_hellloTaskNumber, unixTime() sortableDateTime() DateTime str time. parts timeIn unixTime() tStr time. str() na PYTHON & EXTERNAL MODULES Module returns calls/Uses args ******************** ********* ********** ******* .exists() True if exists os.path. fileName .input() True if HIGH obj GPIO. pin .isnumeric() True if digits anyStr. na .output() na obj GPIO. pin,1/0 .setmode() na obj GPIO. p/b .setup() na obj GPIO. pin,I/O,i=1 .strftime() str time. %Y &m etc PiR2-SPECIFIC MODULES Module returns calls/Uses args ******************** ********* ********** ******* appendToLog() pir2-specific array() pir2-specific control_fromOwner() pir2-specific createLogCopy() pir2-specific createNewEmptyLogTask() pir2-specific displayHeader() pir2-specific displayLog() pir2-specific getControl_fromOwner() pir2-specific getsize() pir2-specific identifyTask() pir2-specific initializeTask() pir2-specific openLog2() pir2-specific piR2_attrFromStr() pir2-specific pir2_convertMIC_ControlTask() pir2-specific piR2_findStrInArray() pir2-specific pir2_initGPIO() pir2-specific piR2_ioDeviceAttribute() pir2-specific pir2_performAorC() pir2-specific pir2versions() pir2-specific TEXTPAK (174) IX_textnames_py.txt f3() formats using f3 format printSho() displays a simple usable sho() names() pack() IX_textunpack_py.txt IX_TEXTPACK_PKG.PY Complete Package IX_textpack_pkg.py IX_textpack.py packs a list of files into a package IX_textunpack.py unpacks ALL the files from an existing package IX_textselect.py selects (unpacks) a SINGLE file from an existing package IX_textpack.txt explains HOW to use IX_textpackPkg_py.txt IX_textnames.py lists the filenamess in a package (deprecated . . . use n.py] IX_textadd.py adds a file to the package (deprecated. . . use IX_textpack.py with ">>" instead) n.py lists the various contents of the package FUTURE PYTHON PACKAGES (not yet coded as of 2023DApr07) Package Name Contents --------------------- ------------------------------------------------ * adcRead_pkg.py python RPi functions for adc sensing of voltages (Source 11) * adcRead_programs.py python RPi programs for adc sensing (Source 16) adcRead_test.py needs to import adcRead_pkg.py * functionList_pkg.py routine used by n.py to list the function names in a statement IX_DataSheets.Sources.txt Electronic DataSheet Sources (e.g. pdf.html) IX_diagnostics_py.py python diagnotics for Raspberry Pi Hardware * GPIO_pkg.py pir2 & GPIO functions (possible duplicates in other pkgs) IX_ICH180R2_A.php php & html routines for the future ICH180R2 website IX_MIC.php php & html routines for the MehInCharge website * IX_MMBasic_pkg.bas functions, subroutines and programs written in Basic * IX_MMBasic_notes.txt text files about MMBasic for PicoMite hardware * IX_package_py.py precursor to the IX_py.py package IX_pi_py.py python functions for pi computers IX_pi_notes.txt Miscellaneous notes about Pi computers IX_pi_sources.txt My Sources of Pi Information IX_pico_py.py python functions for pico computers IX_picoMite.bas software written in basic for PicoMite hardware IX_pir2.py python functions for the PiR2 controller IX_pir2_info pir2 information IX_pir2models.py python functions for the various PiR2 controllers IX_projects_py.py python software for various projects IX_py.py python functions common to pi&pico computers IX_python_info python 2 & 3 language information IX_RPi_hardware.txt Raspberry Pi Hardware Descriptions * IX_testPrograms_py.py various programs to test hardware and software * IX_textpack_pkg.py IX_text pack/unpack/select/etc & n programs (Source 10) deprecated replaced by IX_textpack_programs.py * IX_textpack_programs.py IX_text pack/unpack/select/etc & n.py programs (Source 17) IX_thonny_pkg.py IX functions to become a thonny package END stored in E:\E\2022\DevE\MyPagesE\Globat\ePhotoCaption.com\a\190\IX_functions_Python_List.txt IX_textunpack_py.txt SOURCES Source 01 174.html Source 02 Repository: Article 146 (also lists function repositories on microSD & Flash drives /IX_functions_Python_List.txt