# RpiSystemStatusOnWio.py # Source: https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Wio-Terminal-Reading-Raspberry-Pi/ import os import time import serial # Settings for reading from Arduino Serial serialPort= "/dev/ttyACM0" #Change it to your Serial Port, Check in Arudino IDE !!! baudRate = 115200 ser = serial.Serial(serialPort, baudRate, timeout=0.5) time.sleep(2) # Return CPU temperature as a character string def getCPUtemperature(): res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline() return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n","")) # Return RAM information (unit=kb) in a list # Index 0: total RAM # Index 1: used RAM # Index 2: free RAM def getRAMinfo(): p = os.popen('free') i = 0 while 1: i = i + 1 line = p.readline() if i==2: return(line.split()[1:4]) # Return % of CPU used by user as a character string def getCPUuse(): return(str(os.popen("top -n1 | awk '/Cpu\(s\):/ {print $2}'").readline().strip())) # Return information about disk space as a list (unit included) # Index 0: total disk space # Index 1: used disk space # Index 2: remaining disk space # Index 3: percentage of disk used def getDiskSpace(): p = os.popen("df -h /") i = 0 while 1: i = i +1 line = p.readline() if i==2: return(line.split()[1:5]) def main(): while True: # CPU informatiom CPU_temp = getCPUtemperature() CPU_usage = getCPUuse() # RAM information # Output is in kb, here I convert it in Mb for readability RAM_stats = getRAMinfo() RAM_total = str(round(int(RAM_stats[0]) / 1000,1)) RAM_used = str(round(int(RAM_stats[1]) / 1000,1)) RAM_free = str(round(int(RAM_stats[2]) / 1000,1)) # Disk information DISK_stats = getDiskSpace() DISK_total = DISK_stats[0] DISK_used = DISK_stats[1] DISK_perc = DISK_stats[3] temp=ser.write(str.encode(CPU_temp+' '+CPU_usage)) data=ser.write(str.encode(CPU_temp+':'+CPU_usage+':'+RAM_total+':'+RAM_used+':'+RAM_free+':'+DISK_total+':'+DISK_used+':'+DISK_perc)) ser.flush() time.sleep(2) print('') print('CPU Temperature = '+CPU_temp) print('CPU Use = '+CPU_usage) print('') print('RAM Total = '+str(RAM_total)+' MB') print('RAM Used = '+str(RAM_used)+' MB') print('RAM Free = '+str(RAM_free)+' MB') print('') print('DISK Total Space = '+str(DISK_total)+'B') print('DISK Used Space = '+str(DISK_used)+'B') print('DISK Used Percentage = '+str(DISK_perc)) #/RpiSystemStatusOnWio.py