Special topics or images in iGalri.com (17.html)
To search for photos with a specific phrase somewhere in their caption, just enter your phrase in the box, then hit Enter.
But to see the following list of suggested phrases again, enter the two words: "search phrases",
click on the link, then this list of SUGGESTED SEARCH PHRASES will re-appear.
- Search-Phrase - Description of Image(s)
- ------------------ ----------------------------
- Abbey - some ancestors were buried in an Abbey
- accent - accented characters / des accents français
- Alligator - Bradenton Alligator (died in 2017)
- America - a map of North America prior to 1782
- Ancestors- many photos of our ancestors
- Ancient - Book by Aunt jess
- Arsen - des photos des gens du nom Arseneault etc
- asleep - as in died
- aunt - various aunts in the family
- Aunt Doll - in England
- Azade - Azade Arseneau, dont la maison existe toujours aux I-de-M.
- baby - baby pictures
- Banks - James Banks, the great-great-great-great-grandfather of David Cole
- Barbara - photos including Barbara Cole
- Basic - a simple programming language
- BigFoot - the monster!
- birth - as in birth certificate
- Blackburn - Blackburn Hamlet (suburb of Ottawa, ON)
- book - cited books
- Booth - ancestors
- Bradenton - Bradenton, FL, USA (south of Tampa)
- .bridge. - Yes, Dave and Yvette play bridge.
- Brimley - ancestors
- bucket - Bucket List for Dave Cole (#65 is Nostradamus)
- Build - Build-a-Home game created by Cole and Nant
- butte - la `butte ronde` aux Isles de la Madeleine
- Caption Hints - iGalri Caption Creation Hints
- Carlsbad - Carlsbad Springs (suburb of Ottawa, ON)
- Cassini - special explorer rocket
- CCI - Central Collegiate Institute (high school in Moose Jaw, SK)
- .cern. - The Cern accellerator in Europe
- cert - as in Death Certificate
- child - girl or boy or children
- Christmas - various COLE Christmas photos
- church - some of our various family churches
- circle - perfect circle
- coin - old non-decimal British coins
- condo - our condominium units in Ontario and Florida
- Constantine - the Greek emperor
- constellation - group of stars
- convent - couvent où Lydie Arseneault enseignait aux Iles
- cousin - photos of cousins
- couvent - couvent où Lydie Arseneault enseignait aux Iles
- Crab - Crab Nebula (M1)
- Delaney - ancestors
- descend - as in descendancy from someone
- DNA - Genealogy Information in a person`s DNA
- dog - pets
- Doris - Doris Redmond nee GOATCHER, her family and friends
- Drake - family who raised Philip Goatcher
- dunes - Les `dunes du sud` aux Isles de la Madeleine
- Eclipse - Viewed by David Cole's kids in 1979
- Enceladus - an icy moon of Saturn
- ephotocaption - as in Display All Captions in ephotocaption
- evangel - Philip Goatcher, the evangelist
- Fable - Cole's Zodiac Fable
- family - many family photos
- family photo - photos of whole families
- fire - fires are dangerous
- first - first aid
- friend - some of our friends
- for sale - things (previously) for sale
- GaD - images de groupes et familles
- Gallery - Marion Gallery and other galleries
- game - various games
- geneal - genealogy stuff (not spelled "geneology")
- generation - family generations eg 4 generation photo
- geoca - geocaching : a new GPS game for all ages
- Gilbert - Aunt Peg nee Gilbert Goatcher family
- girl - child
- Goacher - variant of Goatcher spelling
- Goatcher - various people named Goatcher
- Google - shadow of the Google Camera Car
- Gould - formerly lost ancestors of Sophie Payne's children.
- Goulton - Family Photo of the Goultons c1880
- GPS - Treasure searching: GPS(iPads or iPhones)
- grad - graduations
- grand - grandparents and grandchildren
- grave - family graves
- Great West - former Great West Auto Electric in Moose Jaw, SK, Canada
- Ham-It-Up - board to convert SDR to Amateur Radio frequencies
- Hibbard - Hibbard ancestors
- Hickey - cousins
- High Res - problems uploading High Resolution Photos
- hints - hints on using some hi-tech items
- hockey - Canada`s national sport
- holiday - travel photos
- home - various family homes
- house - various family houses
- Internet - as in www World Wide Web
- .iPad. - iPad Settings & Hints
- IPTC - photo captions within the jpg itself
- Jess - Jessica Godwin (nee Goatcher)
- Kingsland - ancestors
- kitchen - kitchen photos
- L-R - group photos
- La Grave - aux Isles de la Madeleine
- lady - as in Lady Day
- LDS - as in Latter Day Saints
- Legacy - software for family trees
- Les Cole - Les Cole in 4 generations photo
- LightShot - How to print a screen window
- Linux - a viable alternate to the Windows operating system
- Long S - Old books printed some `s` characters similar to an `f`
- Lydie Arseneault - photo de la famille Richard c 1997
- Macchu - Macchu Picchu in Peru
- Malware Tips - `Internet Explorer.lnk` Solution
- map - various maps
- Marcellin - Marcellin Noël (1945-2007)
- Marcoux - ancestors
- Marion - Marion Cole nee GOATCHER and family
- mariag - mariage (en francais)
- marri - marriage / wedding photos
- mason - the Mason window at Selby Abbey
- Mathematica - Powerful programming language by Wolfram
- MineCraft - MineCraft works on Ubuntu
- Minto - Cole family church in Moose Jaw, SK
- moon - as in Sun and Moon
- Moose Jaw - Dave`s home town photos
- music - CCI 722 JukeBox songs (Oldies)
- MySQL - DataBase Software used by iGalri.com
- Nant - JE (Earl) NANT, friends of the Cole family
- Neanderthal - a type of human being
- nebula - one of the various stages of a star
- NetSurf - a Web Browser with extra features
- noces - marriage (en francais)
- by Old King Cole - list of articles by Cole
- Ominica - Original Cole home in Moose Jaw
- painting - various paintings
- Parc Anderson Park - aerial view and Septic System Drawings
- Paul - contains some rare photos of Albert Paul (1910-1991) & family
- Peck - ancestors
- pelican - the great birds that fish
- Philip - Philip Goatcher
- Piperville - the street to our house
- planet - astrology?
- prtscr - How to print a screen window
- raspberry - low-cost small computer
- ReadAllCaptions.php - list all caption text
- Redmond - Doris and the Redmond family
- rejoice - this is . . . rejoice and be glad
- requiem - Coles Requiem ( Cole's Perseid Showers Requiem )
- Res - HiRes (High Resolution) photos
- Richard - Ancestors
- robins - nesting above our front door
- robot - robot named HO built by David Cole
- Rocket - Maurice (Rocket) RICHARD is a 3rd cousin of Yvette COLE nee Richard.
- Rogers - How to monitor your Rogers download usage
- router - as in wireless Internet router
- Royalty - Our ancestors go back to Kings of England and France
- RTL - chip used in SDR Software Defined Radio
- school - school photos
- SDR - Software Defined Radio
- Selby - some Goulton, Goatcher & Banks ancestors came from Selby, Yorkshire, Eng.
- songs - CCI 722 JukeBox songs (Oldies)
- spring - such as Carlsbad Springs
- .star. - locating a star by its coordinates
- stars - shooting stars
- Stone - various headstones (graves)
- SunDial - how to build a sundial
- supercalifragilistic - amazing
- Sydenham - ancestors
- Theresa - photos including Theresa COLE
- Theri - Terriot, Theriot, Theriault ancestors
- trailer - Mobile Homes beside lakes
- tree. - family trees and live trees
- Ubuntu - Ubuntu (Linux) Operating System
- Unicode - Special Characters
- university - higher learning
- Unix - system upon which Linux is based
- upload - Problems uploading High Resolution Photos
- urn. - urn dedicated to Richard Goulton
- search phrases - list of SUGGESTED SEARCH PHRASES
- Use 4 Windows - How to best use iGalri
- Vavougios - ancestors
- Victor - Victor Cole
- waterend - ancient brick house where Charles Percy COLE was born.
- wedding - wedding pictures often produce big family group photos
- Windows - Microsoft operating system
- Wheathampstead - many Coles were buried here, near waterend
- Wolfram - Stephan Wolfram created Mathematica
- wonders - 70 Wonders of the World (by Dave COLE)
- Yarborough - a weak hand in the Contract Bridge card game
- Yeo - more ancestors
- zodiac - and the Perseid showers on Aug 11-12 each year
- 4 gen - 4 generations photos
- 555 - electronic circuit for a simple music generator
Created: 2015 D Apr 05
Last Updated: 2018 G Jul 31