Install a ST7735 on a Raspberry Pi by D@CC on 2021GJul11 by Jake Walker on 2018AJan19 Getting a ST7735 TFT Display to work with a Raspberry Pi >>> $ sudo raspi -config Once in the configuration, select '3 - Interface Options', then 'P4 - SPI', select 'Yes' >>> $ sudo python3 -m pip install RPi.GPIO spidev Pillow numpy >>> $ sudo python3 -m pip install st7735 Python Code from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageDraw from PIL import ImageFont import ST7735 disp = ST7735.ST7735(port=0, cs=0, dc=24, backlight=None, rst=25, width=128, height=160, rotation=0, invert=False) WIDTH = disp.width HEIGHT = disp.height img ='RGB', (WIDTH, HEIGHT)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) # Load default font. font = ImageFont.load_default() # Write some text draw.text((5, 5), "Hello World!", font=font, fill=(255, 255, 255)) # Write buffer to display hardware, must be called to make things visible on the # display! disp.display(img) #end Python Code Also See: For almost exactly my ST7735 9By DziyanaZ See Source: also see ST7735 by piMoroni at GITHUB Source: BCRobotics suggests this Source: Source: saved in /ST7735_Install_Pi.txt saved in ///files:D:\DocumentsD\2021\Suppliers\AliExpress\ST7735_Install_Pi.txt