def show(a,isP): #by: D@CC #date: 2021FJun26 #tested ok # stored in /home/pi/Desktop/Python_new/ix_py_test/ # stored in C: . . . . /155/ # useful for debugging Python code # prints the name of "a", its class and value # precede by p=0 (at top of code) to suppress showing valid variables # it will still do the error checking and report errors # eg blah=123 # p=1 #set p=0 to suppress printing # show("blah",p) # prints blah: 123 # Note without "try" produced system error if variable blah is not defined valueA="3.14159"+" thon" if type(a) in [str]: isOK=True try: valueA=eval(a) except: isPrinted=False if(a==""): isPrinted=True print("ERROR: arg is Null") if(a is None): # doesn't happen . . . needs a str argument isPrinted=True print("ERROR: arg is None") if isPrinted==False: if a=="/?": print(' /? e.g. show("varA",p)') print(' after p=1; varA=34') print(" prints varA:34") print(" and") print(' show("varA",p)') print(' after p=0; varA=34') print(" prints nothing") print(" and") print(' show("blah[1]",p)') print(' after p=1, blah=["a","b","c"]') print(" prints blah[1]: "+'"b"') print("if this fails, copy and use:") print("def show(a,isP):") print("vA=eval(a); tA=type(a);") print("if tA in [str]: vA='"'+vA+'"' ") print('print(a+":",tA,vA)') print('#end def show") else: print("ERROR:"+a+" is not defined") #end if #end if isOK=False return valueA finally: if isOK: typeA=type(valueA) if (isP==0)==False: if typeA in [str]: print(" "+a+":",typeA,'"'+valueA+'"') else: print(" "+a+":",typeA,valueA) #end if return valueA #end if else: print("ERROR show() needs a str arg") # source: #end if return valueA #end def show()
Source: contains by D@CC on 2021FJun26