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SPECIAL, ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 3 Hotel Harwood 110 ROOMS 35 WITH BATH Every Guest Room with own Private Toilet. Soft Water. 10 Furnished Kitchenette Suites Fireproof Centrally Located Featuring all Modern Hotel Services Free Service Car meets all trains RATES $1.50 SINGLE, $2.50 DOUBLE Combination Shower with Bath 50c extra. Day Service from $1 Up Dining Room and Coffee Counter at Popular Prices in connection Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor in connection. Free Parking Space 30 Fairford East Phone 2366 SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT South Hill Branch: LEONARD FYSN, Limited PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS Drugs Toilet Supplies Rubber Sundries Amateur Finishing 24 High Street, W. Phone 2660 Prescription Department, Phone 2661 429 Fourth Avenue, S.W. Phone 2250 Directory Reference Library OF Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada —for the benefit of our SUBSCRIBERS and the GENERAL PUBLIC— can be found at all Public Libraries in the West Henderson’s Moose Jaw Directory 1940 COMPRISING A COMPLETE STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE AND DIRECTORY OF HOUSEHOLDERS OF THE CITY AND ADJOINING DISTRICTS, AN ALPHABETI¬ CALLY ARRANGED LIST OF BUSINESS HOUSES, PROFESSIONAL MEN AND PRIVATE CITI- ZENS AND A Complete Classified Business Directory and Buyers’ Guide Price $10.00 Henderson Directories Limited Moose Jaw and Winnipeg J Copyrigfht, Canada, 1940, by Henderion Directories Limited, 279 Garry St,, Winnipeg^ Introductory The present volume constitutes the 1940 edition of Henderson’s Directory of Moose Jaw. The work embodies a complete epitome of the civic, commercial, social, and industrial interests and activities of the municipality. It is a modern Directory in all its parts and includes all the essential features which have been proven so satisfactory to our patrons in previous issues; these have been retained and amplified, and improvements have been added as suggested by experience in order to add to the value and usefulness of the Directory, thus fully meeting the requirements of patrons; the approbation and continued patronage accorded the work are constant incentives to better service. The publication has had the benefit and advantage of the complete organiza¬ tion and resources of the publishers, and of the skill and experience of their corps of enumerators and compilers added to the courteous co-operation of citizens, in the production of the volume. THE DEFABTUEUT OF MISCEIiIiABEOUS INFOBMATION THiE DEPARTMENT OF MISCEDDANBOUS INFORMATION is included in pages 31 to 55 and contains data concerning City, Provincial and Federal Govern¬ ment offices, commercial organizations, cemeteries, churches (denominational and miscellaneous), colleges and schools, hospitals, homes and asylums, building ex¬ change and associations, institutes and societies, libraries, military organizations, public schools, secret societies, etc. THE STREET AND AVENTTE aiTIDE THE STREET AND AVENUE GUIDE is embraced in pages 59 to 106. In this feature the names of all streets and avenues are arranged alphabetically and numerically, giving the location, number on the street and showing the occupant. The intersecting streets are shown in the order that they come. Denotes. that the tenant of the house is the owner. ^ Denotes that there is a telephone in the house. THE AIiPHABETICAIi DIBECTOBY THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OP NAMES of citizens, business firms and cor¬ porations covers pages 107 to 318. THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIBECTOBY THE CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY occupies pages 319 to 354 and exhibits the various manufacturing, mercantile, and professional names, compiled under headings appropriate to the class of industry or profession followed. ADTEBTISING MOOSE JAW An important function of the Directory is to set forth the characteristics and advantages of the city as a place of residence, as a business location, as an In¬ dustrial site, and as an educational centre. The Directory acts as a mirror, reflect¬ ing all that is noteworthy in the city in the above respects. In order to spread this information regarding the city broadcast over the country, the publishers have placed copies of this issue of the Directory in the directory libraries, where they are readily available for reference use by the public. There they serve as perpetual advertisements of Moose Jaw. for business men the country over realize that the City Directory represents the community as It really Is. The publishers take this opportunity of thanking the citizens for valuable assistance rendered in the way of furnishing information concerning themselves, their friends and their business interests for this Directory, and also the public- spirited and progressive business and professional men for support given In the way of patronage. Respectfully, The Publishers HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LIMITED. October 1st, 1940. Contents Abbreviations . Alphabetical Directory . Benevolent Societies . Blocks, Buildings and Apartments Churches and Places of Worship .. City of Moose Jaw . Civic Administration . Classified Business Directory . Clubs and Associations Colleges and Schools . Dominion Government Educational Information Hospitals and Homes . Introductory . Miscellaneous Information . Miscellaneous Section . Parks . Provincial Government . Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw Service Clubs . Street Directory . Page 58 . 107 46 52 42 . 31 ....... 35 . 319 327-328 39 51 39 45 28 43 31 46 49 39 44 59 PUBLISHERS’ NOTE The information in this directory is gathered by an actual house to house canvass, and is compiled in a way to insure maximum accuracy. The Publishers cannot and do not guarantee the correctness of all information furnished them nor the complete absence of errors and omis¬ sions, hence no responsibility for same can be or is assumed. The Publishers earnestly request the bringing to their attention of any inaccuracy so that it may be corrected in the next Directory. HENDERSON DIRECTORIES. LIMITED PUBLISHERS CALENDAR 1938 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL S M T W T F S 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 S M T W T F 8 •••• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . •••• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 •• •• 2 3 4 S 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 2122 U 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 6 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 242526 2728 29 3031. .12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 2829 30 •• •• 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31. •• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2122 2324252627 28293031 . SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER S M T W T F 8 S M T W T F S S M T W T F 8 8 H T W T F 8 •••• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021222324 25 26 27 282930. 4 5 6 7 8 9 ib 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526272829 30 •' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 232425 262728 29 4 5 6 7 8 9 ib 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 2324 25 26 272829 3031 CALENDAR 1939 CALENDAR 1940 JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL 8 M T W T F 8 « M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 •• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30. •• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 . 4 5 6 7 8 i ib 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 2829 •• •• 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31. MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F --12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3031 •• 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 2526 27 28 29 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3031 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 2829 30 31 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER 8 M T W T F 8 8 M T W T F 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 2930. •••• 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 2526 27 28 293031 •• •• 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1314 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2324 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 . City of Moose Jaw LOCATION Moose Jaw is located in the geographical centre (east-west) of the province of Saskatchewan about 375 miles by air from Winnipeg on the east and Calgary on the west; 718 miles from Minneapolis, and about 100 miles north from the international boundary. ELEVATION AND AREA The city lies in the sheltered valley of the confluence of the Moose Jaw and Thunder Creeks, at an elevation varying from 1,778 feet to 1,840 feet above sea level. The area within the city limits is 9,760 acres of which 2,206 acres is well built up, and 1,977 acres is suburban. HISTORY Moose Jaw takes its name from the Moose Jaw Creek which flows through the city of Moose Jaw, and which was reached by Captain Palliser on his western exploration expedition on the 16th September, 1857. The first settlers began to arrive in the spring of 1882, and the Canadian Pacific Railway reached Moose Jaw in the fall of the same year. The Post Office was opened on June 1st, 1883. It became incorporated as a town on the 13th of February 1884, and was raised to the status of a city on the 20th November, 1903. POPULATION According to the 1936 Dominion census returns. Moose Jaw’s population is 19,805 as compared with 21,300 in 1931. Moose Jaw is the most British City in the three Prairie Provinces, the 1936 census disclosing the fact that over 89.1% of its population was born within the British Empire. MUNICIPAL The total debenture debt of the city including schools at the end of 1938 was' $6,067,416. Almost the whole debenture debt of the city is on the sinking fund plan, and a body of sinking fund trustees, three in number, have charge of the city’s sinking fund investments, which amount to $3,149,943, leaving a net debt including schools of $2,917,473. The tax rate for 1940 is 49.50 mills made up as follows: Muni¬ cipal 27.50, Public Schools 12.20, High Schools 6.80, Public Library 0.75 and a Provincial levy of 2.25 mills. The tax levy for 1940 for municipal purposes (including local improvements) was $442,737, and for schools $269,313. The total tax levy amounts to $754,837. The city’s taxable assessment is $14,262, 130. Land is assessed at 100% of its value and improvements at 50%. 31 MARKETS Moose Jaw is the centre of and serves a well settled and gene¬ rally prosperous agricultural territory, having an area of 15,117 square miles and a population of 110,111 with 17,495 farms. Im¬ portant industrial plants such as sodium sulphate, brick and fire clay, and coal mines, one located within 30 miles of the city. The territory adjacent to the city contains 7 towns, 56 villages and many hamlets. The established industries in and near the city have developed im¬ portant markets not only in this district, but in eastern and western Canada and in Europe and the Orient. TRANSPORTATION RAILWAYS —The city is the grand divisional point for the Province of Saskatchewan of the Canadian Pacific Railway and a subdivisional point on the Canadian National Railways as well as the terminus of the Soo Line running to Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chi¬ cago. Nine railway lines radiate directly from the city and the rail¬ way trackage in the city amounts to over 70 miles. AIRWAYS —The city has a municipal air field and air customs harbor, 300 acres in extent, as well as the necessary hangar facilities and all-night beacon service. The city is the headquarters of the Prairie Airways Limited who maintain a daily passenger and air mail service to Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert and North Battleford. HIGHWAYS —The city is located at the intersection of the three great all-weather highways of the province and forms an ex¬ cellent base for tourists desiring to visit the many parks, lakes, and other places of interest throughout the province. No. 1 Trans-Canada Highway, taking the traveller across the province from Manitoba to Alberta; No. 2, the highway from the United States boundary to Prince Albert National Park; and No. 39, following the Soo Line Railway, terminating in Moose Jaw and forming a short direct con¬ nection from the city to the Great Plains Highway from North Dakota to Mexico. INDUSTRIES Moose Jaw is the largest industrial city in the Province of Sask¬ atchewan. The gross value of its manufactured products for the year 1937 being $17,210,219. The staple industries of Moose Jaw are in a very large measure based on the natural products of the area tributary to it. In addition, to the large repair shops and yards of the Canadian Pacific Railway, there is the large plant of the Robin Hood Mills with a daily capacity of 3,750 barrels of flour, 1,200 barrels of rolled oats, and an elevator capacity of 1,750,000 bushels; the Dominion Government Interior Storage Elevator—capacity 5j4 million bushels; and the splendid new plant of the Saskatchewan Seed Growers, 16 storeys in height and from which is sent out pedigree seed all over the world. The British American Oil Company are now operating a modern Oil Refinery with a capacity of 4,000 barrels per day. 32 The Swift Canadian Company operate a large packing plant with a capacity for 270 cattle and 750 hogs daily; and the Canada Packers Ltd. operates a smaller plant. The Southern Saskatchewan Co-operative Stock Yards are the second largest in Canada, west of Winnipeg, and have a yard capacity for 7,000 cattle, 3,000 hogs and 10,000 sheep. There are four important creameries, millworks, foundry, a bag factory and a large number of other industries. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES The educational facilities are excellent. The number of pupils attending public schools in the beginning of this year was 3,061 and attending high schools 1,502. There are 10 public schools, 2 colle- giates or high schools, 2 commercial business colleges, 2 residential colleges, 1 normal training ’school for teachers and 1 technical school. The courses taught in the public and high schools cover the eight grades of public schools course of study, as well as a kindergar¬ ten, and the four grades of high school course of study; Students may take training for 1st and 2nd class teacher’s diplo¬ ma or matriculation into any university in Canada. They may also get instruction for the 1st and 2nd years of the B.A., and this only requires two more years to get an arts degree. Pre-vocational work is taught in both public and high schools and the technical training aids greatly in this work. CHURCHES There are many fine churches in the city, notably St. Andrews United Church, which has the largest auditorium in Western Canada, the Zion United, St. John’s Anglican, St. Joseph R. C., Knox Presby¬ terian, Baptist, Salvation Army, Christian Science, etc. The Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. have well equipped buildings in Moose Jaw and the work of these organizations is organized under capable and efficient management. HOSPITALS The city has two splendidly equipped and thoroughly modern hospitals, the City General with 188 beds, and the Providence with 130 beds. PARKS AND RECREATION Moose Jaw is pre-eminently a city of good homes and beautiful parks. There are six public parks in the city, varying in extent from 76 to 4 acres, as well as a number of smaller parks, six playgrounds from 1 to 5 acres in extent. River Park, 110 acres in extent, is a nat¬ ural park, heavily wooded with maple, ash, elm, and many other trees, through which runs the Moose Jaw River. In this park will be found the tourist camp, bathing beach and public playgrounds for children. Crescent Park, in the heart of the city, is 28 acres in extent. 33 In it are located the public library, the city and district war memorial and hot mineral baths'. The floral displays in the grounds are the delight of all lovers of flowers, and the Rock Gardens with the “Serpentine” Lake are attracting visitors from all parts of Canada. There are two 18-hole golf courses, a number of tennis courts, and three badminton courts. Boating is a healthful recreation on the Moose Jaw River, and numerous bathing places are also found on the river. POWER Electric light and power is supplied by the National Light & Power Company Limited. The capacity of the plant at the present time is 21,000 kilowatts. The Company serves no less than seventy- eight surrounding towns and villages with electrical energy from its Moose Jaw plant, over the distribution lines of the Montreal Engin¬ eering Company and the Saskatchewan Power Commission. WATER SUPPLY Moose Jaw’s efforts over a long period of years to obtain a supply of water of unlimited amount and of good quality for its domestic and industrial purposes, will be climaxed before the end of 1940, when the South Saskatchewan River scheme, now under con¬ struction by the P.P.R.A., will be completed and the city will be in a position to supply all its needs, both present and future, with an unlimited supply of pure soft water. The capacity of the pumps at the river will be 15 million gallons per day, and in the city, 3 million gallons daily. As the city’s present consumption of water is only one million gallons daily, this new supply will treble the existing demand, and that of a quality softer than any other public water supply south of the Saskatchewan River. FIRE PROTECTION The city has a fully motorized fire fighting equipment with a full time fire department on the two platoon system. There are 380 fire hydrants on the water main within the city and a pressure of 60 pounds to the square inch is maintained on the mains at all times. In addition to this fire protection, the business section of the city is fur¬ ther protected by a high pressure water supply system which was in¬ stalled in 1915 for added fire protection in the business section of the city. There are over four miles of high pressure water mains and 68 fire hydrants. The water is pumped into this system by a two-staged centrifugal pump, directly connected to a steam turbine. The pump has a capacity of 3,000 gallons per minute at 125 pounds pressure. The basic fire insurance rate in dwellings is 60c per $100.00 sub¬ ject to a 25 per cent discount on triennial rating. The mercantile hazards located on the high pressure system are subject to a .05c reduction. PAVING The city completed in 1935 the repaving of its principal streets with a hot mix asphalt. GENERAL Moose Jaw has one commercial radio station CHAB, operated by CHAB Limited. Studios are situated in Grant Hall Hotel. 34 Transportation is in the hands of the Moose Jaw Transportation Co. who have a system of Motor Buses plying in the principal thoroughfares. MOOSE JAW WILD ANIMAL SOCIETY Aims and Objects of the Society To preserve in its natural beauty one of the most picturesque valleys in Southern Saskatchewan. To create and develop a more intense desire for the preservation of the animal, tree and bird life of our country. To establish here on the prairie an animal and bird sanctuary, featuring as much as possible an orphanage for young wild animals rescued from forest fires, and in so doing to illustrate the destruction often caused by the carelessly thrown cigarettes, etc., often burning millions of dollars worth of valuable timber and burning to death wild animals, or separating them from their young, which in many cases starve to death. To reproduce the actual scenes as the early settlers saw them. Wild animals roaming on the hills and in the valleys, making it pos¬ sible for both young and old to enjoy the sights without having to travel great distances to a National Park. It is also our desire to let every animal in our care have as much freedom as possible, and we hesitate to pen any animal. To invite and encourage all who are interested in this line of work to join our Society, but not under any circumstances to press anyone to join, as the best interests of the Society can be accomp¬ lished by having members whose heart is in the undertaking. To have as our ideal: “He profits most who serves best.” All money collected is spent in wages, feed and general development and not a penny is paid to any member of the Park Society for services rendered. Civic Administration MAYORS SINCE INCORPORATION 1903—Charles Unwin 190d—W. C. Sanders 1905— C. A. Holdsworth 1906— Donald McLean 1907— John H. Bunnell 1908— Richard Bogue 1909— James E. Hopkins 1910— E. C. Mathews 1911— John M. Paul 1912— A. W. Maybery 1913— 1915—James Pascoe 1916-1918—Wm. W. Davidson 1919-1920—'S. A. Hamilton 1921— Dr. R. H. Smith 1922- 1923—Wm. E. Dunn 1924-1927—Wm. W. Davidson 1928— Wm. F. Dunn 1929- 1930-1931—James Pascoe 1932— James W. Hawthorne 1933— James W. Hawthorne 1934— James W. Hawthorne 1935— 1937—Harris S. Johnstone 1938— Walter P. Johnson 1939— Walter P. Johnson 1940— John W. Corman 35 City Hall: Fairford St. southeast corner First Ave. N. W. Mayor John W. Corman Aldermen A. E. Chegwin, H. W. Falconer, F. J. Gilmour, D. H. R. Heming, W. H. Johnstone, J. I'. McClellan, H. W. Pope, W. W. Riome, Robert West, A. Wilton. STANDING COMMITTES, 1940 Public Works: H. W. Falconer, F. J. Gilmour, J. F. McClellan, Robert West, A. Wilton. Finance and General: A. E. Chegwin, D. H. R. Heming, W. H. Johnstone, H W. Pope, W. W. Riome. CITY OFFICIALS Mayor—John W. Corman Police Magistrate—G. R. Trethewey Health Officer—Dr. B. M. Bayly Chief Health Inspector—C. E. Sutton Solicitor—Julian S. Marquis, K.C. City Clerk—D. Craven Treasurer—T. Binns Assessor—W. J. Moffat City Engineer and Commissioner—A. W. Ellson Fawkes Assistant Engineer—R. W. Johnson Plumbing Inspector—Walter Henderson Chief of Police—Alex. Calder Chief of Fire Department—George W. Baines Parks Superintendent—B. C. Crichton License Inspector—W. M. Rutherford Pumping Station—Montgomery near 12th Avenue Stores—5th Ave. and Fairford 'W. Weigh Scales—W. Bannister, 337 Duffield St. Horse Pound—272 Manitoba W. Dog Pound—135 5th Ave. N. W. FIRE DEPARTMENT Central Fire Hall: 120-132 Fairford West Chief—George W. Baines 1 Chief of Department; 1 Captain; 2 Lieutenants; 29 Firemen. Equipment 1 Double Chemical; 1 Motor (chief’s car); 20,000 feet of hose; 1 Mo¬ tor Combination Engine and Hose; 1 Combination Hose and Chemical; 1 City Hook and Ladder; 2 Motor Aerial Trucks. Alarm System 1 10-circuit Switchboard; 46 miles Wire; 1 Alarm Siren; 5 Gongs and Automatic Punch Machines; 1 6-circuit Repeater; 2 Motor Generators; 60 Alarm Boxes. 36 POLICE DEPARTMENT Headquarters: City Hall Police Commission His Worship Mayor John W. Corman (Chairman) Commissioner and Magistrate—G. R. Trethewey Commissioner—His Hon. Geo. W. McPhee, District Court Judge Chief of Police—Alex. Calder Secretary—D. Craven SEWER AND WATER, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMEN'f' City Engineer—A. W. Ellson Favckes. Reservoirs—Fire storage reservoir near Power House, 350,000 gals. Storage reservoir, Caron, 23 miles west of city, 500,000 gals. One open reservoir, 55,000,000 gals. Storage reservoir northwest of city, 1,6^;666 gals. Steel tank, northwest of city, 75,000,gais. Source and supply: Sandy Creek, 23 miles west of city, Britannia Park 4 miles, Snowdy Springs, 8 miles southwest of city; pump¬ ing and gravity supplies; Forsyth Well 18 miles west of city. Pressure—Domestic, 65 lbs.; fire service, 140 to 260 lbs. Miles of water mains—70.7; Fire Hydrants—337. Snowdy Springs—2 centrifugal pumps, 600 gallons per minute; 3 Roberts Pressure Filters. One duplex pump at power house, 100 gals, per minute. Three centrifugal pumps at Rosedale reservoir, two at 1,000,000 gals. per day each, one at 2,500,000 gals, per day. Two centrifugal pumps at Britannia Park, one at 1,000,000 gals, per day and one at 500,000 gals, per day. Forsyth Pumping Station capacity 200,000 gals, per day. Two centrifugal pumps at Sandy Creek, each 600 gals, per minute. Two steam turbine pumps at power house, for high pressure system, 2,000 gallons per minute and 1,500 gallons per minute. Boilers—Babcock and Wilcox water tube. High Pressure water mains—41.5 miles. High Pressure hydrants—68. Pressure—260 pounds. CITY OF MOOSE JAW FINANCIAL STATISTICS As at December 31, 1939 ASSESSMENT: Assessed Value for Taxation, Year 1939 .$14,618,725.00 Exemptions not included above . 8,723,650.00 Tax Rate 1939: General 26.90; Library .75; School 18.50; Public Rev. 2.20; Total 48.35 Mills. Amount of last year’s Tax Levy . 774,092.59 Amount of last year’s Tax Levy uncollected . 99,879.58 Total Accumulated Tax Arrears at end of last fiscal year, including above . 685,000.06 37 ASSETS AND LIABILITIES: Value of Municipality’s Assets (as of December 31st, 1939) .$17,663,525.48 Total Debenture Debt including present issue (as divided below) . 5,878,469.93 Total Sinking Fund (as divided below) . 3,149,942.92 Amount of Sinking Fund in arrears . 138,952.65 ANALYSIS OF DEBT (Including Present Issues) SINKING FUND DIVIDED AS FOLLOWS: AND Debentures Sinking Fund Public Utilities: Waterworks . Electric Light . Direct Relief . Schools, High and Technical . Outstanding .,$1,432,132.54 .. 1,012,758.65 .. 340,100.00 .. 262,226.88 On Hand $ 809,992.21 732,382.69 59,960.11 Local Improvements: Ratepayers’ Share . Municipality’s Share . ... 620,999.95 .. 168,796.00 372,576.08 72,121.92 General Debentures: (Not included above) . ... 2,041,455.91 1,102,909.91 Totals . ...$5,878,469.93 $3,149,942.92 What amount of the total outstanding bonds as in- dicated above is issued by the instalment method ?...$ 996,302.65 What amount of the total outstanding bonds is is¬ sued by the sinking Fund methods? . 4,882,167.28 What is Amount of L^nsold Debentures included in above . Nil Amount of Bonds Guaranteed by Municipality . Nil Amount of Debentures, such as Schools, Drainage, Telephones, Hospitals, etc., not included in above, for which Municipality levies taxes (these may be jointly shared by other Municipalities) . 238,680.43 Amount of Municipality’s Share of the above Debentures . Nil Amount of Bank Loans for Current Account pend¬ ing receipt of Taxes . Nil Amount of Bank Loans for Capital Account pending sale of Debentures . 237,000.00 Total other Liabilities not included above . 7,748,372.46 Current Revenue Year 1939, $891,918.92; Expenditure $867,838.66. PUBLIC UTILITIES: Waterworks Plant, Results for Year Ending 1939: Profit After Deducting Operating Expense Only.._.$ 117,993.51 No levy made for Debt charges. 38 GENERAL: Present Population Estimated 19,805. Area of Municipality 9,280 acres. Population 5 Years ago 20,000. RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF MOOSE JAW NO. 161 48 High West Secretary—H. W. Bromwich MOOSE JAW CLEARING HOUSE 318 Main N. Educational information PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office: Moose Jaw Technical High School, Ross Street East and 1st Avenue N. E., Phone 3901 Moose Jaw School District No. 1 Trustees—H. Johnson (Chairman), A. F. V. Mose, R. J. Dickinson, Wm. Rose, K.C., T. Warner, J. Smith Secretary-Treasurer and Attendance Officer—S. H. Gutheridge Office Assistant—H. E. Harrison Moose Jaw Collegiate Institute Board No. 2 Trustees—H. Johnson (Chairman), Wm. Rose, K.C., C. W. Crichton, J. Smith Secretary-Treasurer—S. H. Gutheridge Public Schools Superintendent—A. E. Peacock, B.Sc., B.Paed. Nurse—Miss M. C. Armstrong Dentist—Dr. A. E. Chegwin Asst. Attendance Officer—J. S. Allison Carpenter—J. Brooks 39 Central Collegiate Institute Ross Street West and 1st Avenue N. W. M. R. Ballard, B.A., B.Paed., Principal Mathematics—C. C. Robbins, B.A. Classics—R. S. Patten, M.A. Moderns—Miss F. H. Irwin, B.A. Mathematics and Physics—I^. F. Smith, B.A. Mathematics and Science—V. Valgardsson, M.A. Agriculture—R. C. Easson, M.A. Classics—J. H. Morrow, B.A. Science—L. M. Chapman, B.A. History—Miss E. B. Clarke, B.A. English—E. W. Smith, M.A. English—Miss M. O. Filson, B.A. Classics—Miss E. A. Greene, B.A. Science—L. C. Nelson, B.A. Moose Jaw Technical High School Ross Street E. and Eirst Ave. N. E. A. E. Peacock, B.Sc., B.Paed., Principal H. E. Bowes, Vice-Principal Mathematics—H. D. Hedley, M.C. Science—A. F. Feltham, B.A. Commercial—Miss K. H. Hughes, B.A., L.R.S.M., Miss M. U. McDonell, B.A., Miss D. L. Moore, M.A., Miss N. Stent, G. E. Sexsmith, B.A. Home Economics—Miss D. M. St. Ruth, B.Sc., H.Ec., Miss J. M. Clark, B.H.Sc. Commercial Art—B. R. Pragnell Draughting and Carpentry—W. W. Snider Electricity—E. S. McCurdy, B.Sc., E.E., P. H. Baker, B.Sc., E.E., L. W. Ashton Mathematics—W. R. Shanklin, M.A. Motor Mechanics—A. J. Pembleton Machine Shop—W. C. Moffatt English—D. G. Schorfield, M.A. Welding—Fred. Clarke Science—R. R. Sanders, B.Sc. Agriculture—E. Clarke English and Physical Training—Miss E. H. Bie, M.A. Oxford Collegiate Institute Ominica Street W. corner 3rd Ave. N. W. G. G. Harris, B.A., B.Ed., Principal French and History—Miss B. Johnson Mathematics and Physics—Miss M. A. Martin, B.A. Art and English—E. W. Smith, M.A. English—Miss M. S. Drynan, B.A. and A. E. Parr, B.A. 40 Alexandra School Ominica West corner 3rd Avenue N. W. Principal—-J. J. Wilson Empire School Coteau West corner 6th Avenue S. W. (South Hill) Principal—W. A. Playfair King Edward School Main corner Iroquois East (South Hill) Principal—L. F. Henderson King George School 5th Avenue N. W. corner Saskatchewan Principal—W. T. Cunningham Prince Arthur School Athabasca East between 6th and 7th Avenues N. E. Principal—Arthur Wilton Ross Public School Willow Avenue corner Oak Principal—T. A. Robinson Victoria School High East corner Is.. Avenue N. E. Principal—V. R. M. Hutchinson Westmount School Westmount (South Hill) Principal—J. R. Johnston William Grayson School n.s. Athabasca West corner 9th Avenue N. W. Principal—C. A. Robinson, B.A. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD School District No. 22 Secretary-Treasurer—A. D. Goodine, 1030 Connaught Chairman—M. H. Sheehan Trustee—M. H. Sheehan, T. Thibeau, Oscar Aubrey, J. A. Cunning¬ ham, Harold Dillon. R. Rose Convent of Our Lady of Sion n.s. MacDonald West near Grafton Superior—Rev. Mother Marie Lauriane of Sion St. Agnes School w.s. 3rd Ave. N. W. corner Oxford Principal—T. W. McBennett St. Louis College 1101 Grafton Superior—Mother St Pascal 41 Churches and Places of Worship Anglican St. Barnabas—558 Hocbelaga E. Rev. E. C. Fisher, rector St. George’s—Montgomery and 10th Ave. N. W. Rev. R. S. L. Mc- Adam, minister St. John’s—65 High E. Rev. Sami Williams, rector St. Luke’s—Westmount Subdivision St. Michael and All Angels—303 Coteau W. Rev. Dean P. C. Hack- worth, rector Baptist Baptist Mission—s.s. Carlton cor 10th Avenue Emmanuel Baptist Mission—I.O.O.F. Hall, Rev. James McDiarmid, minister First Baptist—60 High E. Rev. Walter T. Stevens, minister Methodist Free—303 High W. Rev. D. S. Wartman, pastor Presbyterian Knox—80 High E. Rev. Ronald Davidson, minister St. Paul’s—177 Iroquois W. cor. 2nd Ave. S. W. United Churches Grace United—824 Stadacona E. Rev. R. C. Pollock Hillcrest United—Oak corner Willow. Rev. H. Sendall, minister Minto United—7th Ave. N. W. corner Oxford W. Rev. J. Y. McGookin, minister St. Andrew’s United—n.s. Athabasca E. corner 1st Avenue N. E. Rev. Geoffrey Glover, minister; Rev. A. P. Silcox, asst, minister Trinity United—277 Iroquois W. Rev. H. Hamilton, minister Zion United—423 Main N. Rev. Ian McEown, minister Roman Catholic St. Joseph’s—1070 3rd Ave. N. W. Rev. Father J. Cunningham, pastor St. Joseph’s South Hill Catholic Chapel—315 4th Ave. S. W. Christian Science First Church of Christ Scientists—930 4th Ave. N. W. Christian Science Reading Room—414 Hammond Bldg. Jewish House of Israel—809 3rd Avenue N. W. Lutheran Central Lutheran Church—27 Hochelaga W. Rev. Vernon Gensen, minister Church of the Redeemer—269 Stadacona. Rev. S. Manz, pastor Lutheran Swedish Mission—Meets in German Lutheran Church Emmanuel Lutheran Church—228 Fairford W. Rev. Walter Eissfeldt, pastor Salvation Army Officers’ Quarters 419 3rd Ave. N. E. Citadel—42 High E. Officer in charge Adjt. Ernest G Fitch 42 Miscellaneous Chinese Mission (United Church of Canada)—261 High W. Christian Missionary Alliance Tabernacle—21 High W. Rev. Roy McIntyre, pastor First Pentecostal Mission—26 Hochelaga W. Rev. S. T. Odegard, pastor Gospel Hall—124 1st Ave. N. W. Greek Orthodox—729 9th Ave. S. W. Rev. K. Zeliskewich, pastor Moose Jaw Apostolic Temple—23 High E. Rev. Robt. Dawson, pastor Pentecostal Assembly—214 Fairford W. Rev. F. R. Fleming, pastor Salem Chapel—319 Lillooet W. Unity Center of Moose Jaw—15, 214 Main N. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE REPOSITORY 239 Hochelaga W. Secretary-Treasurer—Elizabeth Sivell Miscellaneous Information MOOSE JAW BOARD OF TRADE Office; 18 High Street East President—F. C. Kent, K.C. Vice-President—A. S. deRosenroll Commissioner—Geo. D. Mackie, M.E.I.C. MOOSE JAW EXHIBITION CO. LTD. Office: 18 High Street East President—W. H. Johnstone Secretary-Manager—Geo. D. Mackie YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 23 Fairford East, Phone 3941 The Association provides dormitory, reading room, parlor, gym¬ nasium, swimming pool and baths, a splendid hall and parlor. Officers—President: W. A. Munns; Vice-President: A. E. Davey; Treasurer: T. A. Getty; Secretary: S. H. Gutheridge; General Secretary: Geo. C. Walker; Clerk: Daisy A. Longmire. YOUNG WOMEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 144 Ominica West, Phone 3833 President: Mrs. Wm. Houston; Treasurer: Mrs. J. H. Drynan; Office Secretary: Josephine Harelstead; Rec. Secretary: Mrs. James Smith; General Secretary; Miss A. L. Johnston; Physical Director; Vacant. 43 Moose Jaw Boy Scouts District Council, President: Frank Joyner; District Commissioner; O. B. Fysh; Secretary-Treasurer; Alex. Saunders. Barber’s Union—Secretary, Frank Brundage Moose Jaw Musicians Mutual Protection Union No. 474—Secretary, George F. Dewey. Moose Jaw Trades & Labor Council—Secretary; Alexander Baker Moose Jaw Typographical Union—Secretary: Robt. McKay. Switchmen’s Union of North America, Moose Jaw Local No. 86— Meets in Trades & Labor Hall, 18 Main N., 1st and 3rd Sundays. MOOSE JAW PUBLIC LIBRARY Crescent Park Circulation Dept, open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Reading Rooms open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and from 2 to 5 p.m. Sundays. Administration: The Board at present consists of the following; David Miller, Chairman ; Mayor J. W. Corman, Alderman J. F. Mc¬ Clellan, Mrs. G. Robertson, L. C. Nelson, B..A.., A. D. Thackray, Le Roy Johnson. Librarian and Secretary-Treas.: Samuel R. Stephens—1214 Clifton. Staff: Samuel R. Stephens, Librarian and Secretary-Treasurer: Assistants: Miss 1. E. Crane, Miss E. J. McCammon, Miss D. M. Parry, A. U. Burrell and Charles Shaw, caretaker. Lending Department: This Library has volumes available for lending. Sociology, Literature, Art, History, Biography, Travel and Useful Arts being especially well represented. It is the aim of the library to make its collection of technical books as complete as possible. Statistics: Number of volumes in library about 27,000; Number of registered borrowers since the library was opened over 35,000. SERVICE CLUBS Rotary Club Grant Hall Hotel President—H. W. Pope, K.C. Secretary—S. H. Gutheridge Kiwanis Club 201 Main N. President—J. A. Thompson Secretary—I. C. Sutton Lions Club Grant Hall Hotel President—R. P. Storey Secretary—Cecil F. Moore Canadian Club President—Judge F. A. G. Ouseley Secretary—John C. Fernihough 44 4a Quota Club President—Miss Esther J. McCammon Secretary—Katherine M. Aylott Princess Patricia Club President—Mary Crane Secretary—Edna P. Robinson Red Cross Society President—Mrs. C. D. Grayson Secretary—Mrs. H. Monson Humane Society ^ Secretary-Treasurer—Mrs. E. Carr Oconot (^tib Meets Bank p^^Moritreal Building President—Gordon McCartneyV'^ Secretary—Don Kent Hospitals and Homes CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY Incorporated 1911 200 Iroquois E. President—John E. Chisholm, K.C. Secretary—Mrs. Hugh Rorison Matron—Mrs. Maude Hudson Probation Officer—^J. S. Allison Treasurer—C. N. Henderson ISOLATION HOSPITAL Fairford East corner 5th Avenue N. E. MOOSE JAW GENERAL HOSPITAL Fairford East and 4th Avenue N. E., Phone 2800 Superintendent—J. S. Williams Superintendent Nurses—Mary E. Ingham NURSES HOMES (General Hospital) 406, 439, 448 and 454 Fairford E. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL s. s. Lillooet E. cor. 2nd Ave. S. E. Mother Superior—Rev. Mother Mary Roberta ST. ANTHONY’S HOME Rothesay Park Supervisor—Sister Mary Raphael 45 Parks Crescent Park—Area between Langdon Crescent and 3rd Ave. N. E., and Athabasca and Fairford E. Elgin Park—e.s. Elgin between Oxford and Hall Empire Park—North of Empire School Exhibition Grounds—Main N. and Saskatchewan E. Moose Square—Bet. Ominica and Stadacona W. and 7th Ave. N. W. Ross Park—3rd Ave. N. E. between Caribou and Oxford Wild Animal Park—3 miles south of City AUTO TOURIST CAMP Moose Jaw Auto Tourist Camp—Rothesay Park CEMETERIES Moose Jaw Cemetery—e. s. 9th Avenue N. E. Rosedale Cemetery—Caribou W., 2 miles west of Main St. Benevolent Societies MASONIC Constituent Lodges in Moose Jaw Moose Jaw Lodge No. 3—Meets 2nd Tuesday of each month in Masonic Temple, 27 Main. Secretary: T. H. Pendlebury. Doric Lodge No. 71—Meets 1st Wednesday in Masonic Temple. Secretary: S. R. Stephens. St. George Lodge No. 136—Meets 3rd Friday in Masonic Temple. Secretary: T. W. McPhail Memorial Lodge No. 172—Meets 2nd Thursday in Masonic Temple. Secretary: Robert Mayes Royal Arch Chapter—Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays in Masonic Temple. Scribe E., W. R. Shanklin Perfection Lodge—Meets 1st Thursday in Masonic Temple. Secre¬ tary, C. W. Crichton Damascus Preceptory No. 58—Meets 2nd Wednesday in Masonic Temple. Registrar: M. I.owick Alexander Shephard Chapter of the Rose Crouix—Meets in Masonic Temple. Secretary: C. W. Crichton Eastern Star Mizpah Chapter No. 1—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays in each month in Masonic Temple Building, 27 Main. Secretary: Ada Bird. White Shrine of Jerusalem No. 1 Meets 3rd Thursday in each month in Masonic Temple Building, 27 Main. Secretary: Mrs. T. H. Pendlebury 46 Loyal Order of Moose (of the World) Moose Jaw Lodge No. 1055—Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 2nd floor, 318 Main N. Secretary: Chas. James. Ancient Order United Workmen Moose Jaw Lodge No. 27—Meets Wednesdays at Moose Jaw Club; Secretary: Jack Backun, 61 River W. Canadian Order of Foresters Court of St. Julien No. 1263—Meets 4th Monday of each month, Castle Hall. Secretary: Stuart Mills. Chief Ranger: E. G. Green¬ field. District Organizer: Frank W. Kindred. I. O. O. F. Mizpah Lodge No. 93—Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursdays in I. O. O. F. Hall, 174 Fairford W. Recording Secretary: James Purvis; Financial Secretary: W. C. Wills. Valley Lodge No. 1—Meets every Monday in I. O. O. F. Hall, 174 Fairford W. Secretary: Bert Woodhouse; Financial Secretary: James Wilson. Rebekahs Rebekah Assembly of I. O. O. F. (Sask.)—50 Fairford W. Mrs. RubyM. Ward, sec. Moose Jaw No. 54—Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in Oddfellows Hall, 174 Fairford W. Olive Branch No. 4—Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in Oddfellows Hall, 174 Fairford W. I. O. O. F. Encampment Moose Jaw Encampment—Meets 2nd Tuesday in Oddfellows Hall, 174 Fairford W. Financial Scribe: E. J. D. Mountain. B. I. O. E. Lodge No. 7—Meets at 358 Langdon Crescent. A. E. Megson, Sec¬ retary. Ladies of The Royal Purple—Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at Elks Home. American Federation of Musicians Meets 2nd Sunday, Castle Hall, 211 Main N. Secretary—G. F. Dewey International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Operators No. 406 Secretary—Chas. Corns Loyal Orange Association Loyal Orange I,odge No. 1595—Meets 2nd Monday in Malden Block. Secretary: J. Siddeley, American Hotel 47 Ladies Orange Benevolent Association Excelsior Lodge No. 418—Meets 1st and 3rd Fridays in I. O. O. F. Hall. Secretary: Mrs. A. Stephenson, 1081 4th Ave. N. E. Moose Jaw 'County Lodge—Meets 1st Tuesday in February. Knights of Columbus Council No. 1534—Meets 1st and 3rd Mondays at 8 p.m. (top floor), 11 River E. Grand Knight: W. H. Dillon; Financial Secretary: Frank J. Hauser; Recording Secretary: H. F. Craigen. Knights of Pythias Moose Jaw City Lodge—Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in Castle Hall, 209 Main N. Secretary: F. W. Ingram, 181 Grand¬ view. Pythian Sisters Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays at Castle Hall, 209 Main N. Women’s Benefit Association Meets 2nd Friday in each month in the members’ homes. Financial Secretary: Mrs. E. Tubman, 253 Ominica W. Sons of England Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month in Castle Hall, 209 Main N. Secretary-Treasurer: James Newton. Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen Meets 1st Tuesday at I. O. O. F. Hall. Secretary: James Rogan Canadian Manufacturers Association (Moose Jaw Branch) Secretary—R. J. Wright Dominion Railway Mail Clerk Association (P. O. Building) President—R. Herrod Secretary —Jesse Jupp Ladies Auxiliary to Locomotive Engineers Meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays at I. O. O. F. Hall. Ladies Auxiliary to Railroad Trainmen Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays at I. O. O. F. Hall. Ladies Auxiliary to Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen and Engineers Meets 2nd and 4th Mondays, I. O. O. F. Hall 48 Province of Saskatchewan Seat of Qovenuuent: Regina aOVSBRlURNT or THE FBOVIHCE Lieutenant-Governor—Hon. Archibald P. McNab Premier and President of Council—Hon. W. J. Patterson MEMBERS or THE EEOISIiATIVE ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN Name Party Constituency Address Agar, Hon. Charles (Speaker) .(Lib).Hanley .Saskatoon, 108 Clarence Av. Baker, W. G.(Labour-Lib.).Moose Jaw City .Moose Jaw, 65 Athabasca St. Benson, Jacob .(C.C.P.).Last Mountain __Semans, P.O. Box 65 Brockelbank, J. H. “ —Tisdale ....™..Steen Burton, Joseph .(C.C,F.).Humboldt .Humboldt Crane, Geo. L. (M.D.).(Lib.).Weyburn ...Radville Culliton, Hon. B. Danielson, G. H. . Demers, Omer . Donaldson, R. S. Dundas, Fred M. . M.. ...... Gravelbourg .Regina, Legislative Bldg. _Arm River .Davidson .Shellbrook .Mattes .....Lumsden .Findlater, P.O. Box 745 _Qu’Appelle-Wolseley .Slntaluta, P.O. Box 134 .Saskatoon City .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Estey, Hon. J. W. (K.C.) Feeley, Myron H.(C.C.F.).—Canora .Preeceville Hall, Deakin A. “ —.Cumberland .Lac la Ronge, via Prince Albert Hantelman, Louis H...(C.C.P.) Elrose .Plato Herman, J. P.(iS.C.) Melville .Rocanville Hogarth, B. D. (K.C.).(Lib.).Regina City Regina, 2855 Angus St. Howe, P. A.(C.C.F.).Kelvington Leslie Hyde, Ben. T.(Lib.).Morse . _ .Eskbank Johnson, Charles W. " .Notukou-Wlllowbunch. Melaval, P.O. Box 21 Johnston, Tom .(C.C.F.).Touchwood .Govan Kerr, Hon. W. F.(Lib.).Turtleford .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Klteley, J. A. (M.D.) Knowles, J. C. Krenn, Frank . Laing, Donald . MacDonald, Donald ... Marlon, A. Jules . ...Torch River .Nipawln ..Wilkie ...Unity " .Watrous .Bruno " .Kerrobert-Kindersley ..Coleville " Meadow Lake .Bapaumo, P.O. Box 41 " Athabasca .He a la Crosse, via Prince Albert McLeod, Norman L. " .Souris-Estevan .Bstevan McMahon, H. H. " .Gull Lake .Shaunavon McVlcar, Neil . " .Rosetown .Rosetown Mildenberger, J. J.. " .Maple Creek .Burstall Parker, Hon. R. J. M. " .Pelly .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Patterson. Hon. W. J. " .Cannington .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Pederson, William . " .Milestone .....Milestone Phelps, J. L.(C.C.F.).Saltcoats .Wilkie Pinder, R. M.(Lib.).Saskatoon City Saskatoon, 872 Sask. Cres. Prince, Paul ..The Battlefords Battleford Procter, Hon. A. T. (K.C.) “ .Moosomin . Regina, Legislative Bldg. Roseland, William .(S.C.)._Cutknife .....Marshall Ross, Wm. G. (K.C.).(Lib.).Moose Jaw City .Moose Jaw, 215 Hammond Yorkton . Bldg. Stewart, A. C. (K.C.)...(Unity)._ Yorkton Taggart, Hon. J. G., (B.S.A.) (Lib.).Swift Current .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Taylor, John R.. " _Kinistino .Birch Hills Uhrich, Hon. J. M. “ .Rosthern .Regina, Legislative Bldg. Valleau, O. W.(C.C.F.).Melfort __Aylsham Warren, H. K.(Unity) Bengough ..Regina, 2728 Regina Ave. Williams, George H (C.C.F.) Wadena .Regina, 510 Kerr Block Young, J. A. " —Biggar .Perdue Zerebko, Orest .(Lib.).Redberry .Blaine Lake 49 Executive Council Legislative Building Hon. W. J. Patterson, Premier, President of Council, Provincial Treasurer and Minister of Telephones and Telegraphs, Hon. J. M. Uhrich, M.D., Minister of Public Health and Minister of Public Works. Hon. R. J. M. Parker, Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Minister in charge of—The Bureau of Labour and Public Welfare. Hon. J. W. Estey, K.C., Attorney General, Minister of Education and Minister in charge of—The Saskatchewan Power Commission, Loan Companies Act, Trust Companies Act. Hon. J. G. Taggart, Minister of Agriculture. Hon. W. P. Kerr, Minister Natural Resources and Minister in charge of Saskatche¬ wan Insurance Act, Fire Prevention Act, Prairie and Forest Fires Act and Companies Inspection and Licensing Act. Hon. E. M. Culliton, B.A., LL.B., Provincial Secretary and Minister in charge of— Provincial Tax Commission, King’s Printer’s Office, Bureau of Publications, and Theatres and Cinematographs Act. Legislative Counsel—J. P. Runciman Clerk of the Executive Council—J. W. McLeod. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF MOOSE JAW Ck)urt House Ominica W. corner 1st Avenue N. W. The Hon. Justice Geo. E. Taylor, Judge of the Court of King’s Bench His Honor George W. McPhee, Judge of the District and Surrogate Courts and Local Master of King’s Bench Local Registrar and Clerk, District and Surrogate Courts and Clerk for Regis¬ tration District of Moose Jaw—Harvey A. Sims Deputy Local Registrar—-James W. Jamieson Official Receiver, District No. 3—Harvey A. Sims Court Reporter—Arthur Hall SHERIFF’S OFFICE Court House Sheriff— A. P. Atkins Bailiff—V. C. Finch MOTOR LICENSE BRANCH 20 High St. W. Inspector—A. T. Wilson LAND TITLES OFFICE Moose Jaw Registration District 76 Pairford West Registrar—Allan R. Rorison Deputy Registrar—John Hunter Deputy Registrar—Margaret E. Brown TELEPHONES 313 lat Avenue N. W. Divisional Superintendent—W. C. Moore 5Q PUBLIC HEALTH DISPENSARY 5, 18 Main N. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE INSPECTION BRANCH Stock Yards Inspector—R. J. Shepherdson GOVERNMENT LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION 73 River W. and 55 High W. PROVINCIAL NORMAL SCHOOL Saskatchewan St. W. cor. 6th Ave. Principal—6. Allan Brown Secretary—Mrs. Stella Groomes DEBT ADJUSTMENT BOAR , Court House R#- V# Representatives—A. P. Atkins and H. A. Sims Y- ’ Dominion of Canada Local Offices and Officials POST OFFICE Main S. W. corner Fairford District Director—W. J. Motherwell Sub. No. 1—329 4th Avenue S. W. Thos. G. Campbell, postmaster Sub. No. 2—1050 Coteau W. John A. Romanuk, postmaster Customs and Excise Division 1st floor, 228 Main N. Collector—T. W. McPhail Chief Clerk—G. A. Stevens Postal Service Second Floor, Post Office Building District Director—W. J. Motherwell Inspector—J. F. Anderson Superintendent of Services—T. C. Russell Superintendent of Investigation—R. H. Long DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Live Stock Exchange Building Market Representative—John L. Pawley DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT (RADIO BRANCH) 3rd floor. Post Office Building Radio Inspector—J. C. Stephen 51 EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA 81 High W. Superintendent—W. Clark ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE 3rd floor, Post Office Building Sergeant—Corpl. W. V. C. Chisholm WESTERN GRAIN INSPECTION DIVISION 509, 12 High E. Chief Inspector—Wm. A. McBeath DOMINION METEOROLOGICAL STATION 1116 1st Ave. N. W. Mrs. Edna Ogilvy, Observer DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL TRAINING SCHOOL 30 Hochelaga E. Chief Instructor—^J. E. Donaldson Blocks, Buildings and Apartments Academy Block, 23 River W Academy Hall, top floor 23 River W Acropolis Block, 24 Main N Altador Apartments, 1176 1st Ave N E Argyle Lodge, 152 Athabasca E Armouries, The, e.s. Main N cor Saskatchewan E Arthur Block, 25 and 33 High E Avalon Apartments, 72 Ross E Balmoral Apartments, 822 Main N Bank Block, 51 High W Bank of Montreal Chambers, 9 Fairford E Bank of Nova Scotia Building, 307 Main N Battell Block, 65 High W Belhaven Apartments—330 Hall W. Belmont Apartments, 630 Main N Bijou Block, 318 Main N Binning Block, 27 High W. Boughton Block, 420-28 Athabasca E Boy Scouts Hall—1017 Cartier Bunnell Block, 43 High W Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers, 12 High W Caribou Court, 720 Main St. N. Castle Hall, 211 Main N Cecelia Court, 377 Lillooet W Central Chambers, 214 Main N 52 Chesford Apartments, 1005 Chestnut City Hall, Fairford W s e cor 1st Ave N W Clarendon Apartments, 127 High W Clifton Hall, 1106 Clifton Colling Block, 30 High W Court House, n s Ominica W cor 1st Ave N W Davidson Drug Block, 33 Main N Dominion Bank Building, 11 High W Elks Hall, 358 Langdon Crescent Empire Apartments, 800 4th Ave N W Exhibition Building, Saskatchewan and Main N Fairford Apartments, 223-235 2nd Ave N E and 211-223 Fairford E Ferguson Block, 130 Main N Frost Block, 219 High W Grandview Terrace, 304-314 Ross W Grayson Block, 14 High W Hamilton Building, 11 High E Hammond Building, 310 Main N Hembroff Block, 114 Main N High Street Apartments, 73 High W Howden Block, 26 High E Hughes Block, 331 Main N Imperial Apartments, 352 Lillooet W I O O E Hall, 174 Fairford W K C Block, 11 River E Kent & Brown Block, 139 Main N Kern-McLeod Block, 18 Main N Kerr & Anderson Building, 109 Main N Kjarsgaard Block, 402-412 Main N Knights of Columbus Hall, 11 River E Knights of Pythias Castle Hall, 211 Main N Land Titles Building, 76 Eairford W Legion Scouts Hall, 819 Hochelaga E. Lindsay Block, 59 High W Live Stock Exchange Building, n s Home W cor 7th Ave S W Lynwood Lodge, 214 Oxford W. McMillan Block, 57 River W McNair Block, 106 3rd Ave N W McNeil Block, 43 River E Malden Building, 127 Main N Masonic Temple Building, 27 Main N Matthews Block, 326-330 Lillooet W Maybee Apartments, 121 High W Melrose Terrace, 70-84 Caribou E Mount Royal Apartments, 80 Home E 53 New Grayson Block, 14 High W Northern Crown Block, 8 River E Oddfellows Hall, 174 Fairford W Oxford Apartments, 1007 Main N Parkview Terrace, 403-417 3rd Ave N E Porter Block, 38 High W Post Office Building, 228 Main N Princess Block, 224 Main N Red and White Hall, 215 Iroquois W Redland Court, 1083 Redland Richardson Building, 315 Main N Rosemount Lodge, 1146 1st Ave N W Roslyn Apartments, 1005 2nd Ave N E Royal Bank Chambers, 48 High W Royal Block, 38 River W Russell Block, 112 1st Ave N W St. Elmo Apartments, 1269 3rd Ave N E Salem Hall, 319 Lillooet W Salvation Army Citadel, 42 High E Seed Pool Building, 615 Lillooet W Stadacona Apartments, 75-79 Stadacona W and 439 1st Ave N W Tees & Persse Block, 429 River W Telephone Building, 313 1st Ave N W Times Building, 423 1st Ave N W Trades & Labor Hall, top floor 114 Main N Ukrainian Labor Hall, 514 Lillooet W Ukrainian National Home, 526 9th Ave S W Utopia Block, 35 High W Victoria Block, 105 Lillooet W Virginia Court, 636 1st Ave N W Virginia Court Annex, 109 Hochelaga W Walsh Block, 210 River W Walter Scott Building, 12 High E Whitelock Block, 609 4th Ave N E Whitelock Block Annex, 615 4th Ave N E Willingdon Court, 414 4th Ave S W Willowdene Apartments, 1053 Clifton Woolworth Building, 108 Main N Y M C A Building, 23 Fairford E YWCA Building, 144 Ominica W 54 Business Insurance The Classified Section of the City Directory insures your business against the loss of a prospective cus¬ tomer who finds only your competitor listed under headings covering your business Make yourself easy to find More than ninety per cent, of all advertising mediums are discarded before they’re a year old After the new ones come out your advertisement in thedi- rectory is stili good, for old directories are seldom dis¬ carded while they hold to¬ gether. Years later many of these directories will still be in active use. Ycur advertise¬ ment is still In service Do you want LONG-LIVED advertising? HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LIMITED 4 in 10 Over forty per cent, of your customers move each year and new ones move into your district. An advertise¬ ment in the City Direc¬ tory wiii enabie new customers in your dis¬ trict to find you Henderson Directories Ltd. ABBBEYZATIONS—aSlTBSAB 4cct .accountant adv .advertising agric .agricultural agric implts . .agricultural implements agt .agent Amer .American appr .apprentice apts .apartments archt .architect Assn .Association asst .assistant attndt .attendant atty .attorney auto .automobile auto mcch . ave .... barr .... bdg .... bet . bgemn bkbndr bkpr ... bldg bldr ... blk .... blksmith boul .... br . brklyr brkmn .. cabtmkr Can .... capt .... car repr carp ... cashr chaufr chf . chkr ... civ . civ eng . elk . coir .... Co. coml ... comn comp ... compto comr cond confr consol contr ... cor .... corres . ct . Cres , ctr .... del . dep . dent dir . dtsp dist dir .... Dom dom dressmkr drftsmn Dr . driv e or E . elec automobile mechanic .avenue .barrister .boarding .between .baggageman .bookbinder .bookkeeper .building .builder .block .blacksmith .boulevard .branch .bricklayer .brakeman .cabinetmaker .Canadian .captain .car repairer .carpenter .cashier .chauffeur .chief .checker . civil .civil engineer .clerk . collector .Company .commercial .commission .compositor .comptometer .commissioner . conductor .confectioner .consolidated .contractor . corner .correspondent .court .Crescent . cutter .delivery .deputy .department . director .dispatcher .district . dealer .Dominion . domestic .dressmaker .draftsman .Drive .driver . East .electric electl .electrical eiectn .electrician emp agey.. .employment agency electro .electrotyper elev .elevator emp . employed eng .engineer engrav .engraver e s .east side est . estate exch .exchange exp .express expman .expressman expmessr... .express messenger firmn .fireman fnshr .finisher formn .foreman frt .freight ft .foot ftr .fitter furn .furniture furng . furnishing furn rms .furnished rooms gasftr .gasfitter gdnr .gardener gds .goods gen . general govt .government groc .grocer h .householder hairdrsr .hairdresser hd .head hdqrs .headquarters hdwre .hardware hlpr .helper hosp .hospital implts .implements inc . incorporated ins .insurance insptr .inspector instr .instructor jan .janitor Jr .Junior jwlr .jeweler kpr .keeper lab .laborer lieut .lieutenant lino opr .linotype operator lithogr .lithographer Ibr .lumber Idry .laundry Idrymn .laundryman Ltd .Limited mach .machinist mdse .merchandise mech .mechanic mercht .merchant messr .messenger Met .Metropolitan mfg .manufacturing mfr .manufacturer mgr .manager mkr .maker mkt .market midr .moulder mlnr .milliner mn .man mng .managing mstr mech.master mech mut .mutual n or ,N . North motor .motorman Natl .National nav .navigation n e .northeast nr .near n s .north side n w .northwest opp .opposite opr .operator pass .passenger phone .telephone pliotogr .photographer phys .physician pk .park Pkr .packer pi .place plbr .plumber plstr .plasterer i* O .Post Office pres .president pressfdr .pressfeeder pressran .pressman prin .principal prof .professor prop .proprietor Prov .Provincial ptrnmkr .patternmaker pub .publisher purch .purchasing r .resides rd .road real est .real estate repr .repairer repres .;, representative reprmn .repairman res .residence restr .restaurant ret .retail Rev .Reverend Ry . Railway Ry MS...Railway Mail Service s or S.South schl .school s e . southeast seams .seamstress sec .secretary sergt .sergeant shpr .shipper sis mgr.sales manager slsmn .salesman solr .solicitor s s .south side St .Street staty eng..-Stationary engineer stn .Station steamftr .steamfitter steno .stenographer stereo .stereotyper studt .student superv .supervisor supt .superintendent surg .surgeon s w . southwest switchmn .switchman tchr .teacher tel .telegraph timekpr .timekeeper tmstr .teamster trans .transfer trav .traveler treas .treasurer undtkr .undertaker unholstr . upholsterer US .United States vet .veterinary vice pres .vice president w or W .West whol .wholesale whsemn .warehouseman wid .widow wkr .worker wks . works w s .west side wtchmn .watchman ydmn .yardman ydmstr .yardmaster ABBREVIATIONS OF OtVBN NAMES Albt . Danl . Patk . .Patrick Edw . Alfd . Eliz . Archd . . Eugene Fred . .Frederick Geo . .George Margt . .Margaret Wm . Chas . Michl . .Michael Henderson's Moose Jaw Street and Avenue Directory 1940 IstAve. N. E. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW IstAve.N.E. 69 SPECIAXi NOTICB -?—The Symbol following the resi¬ dence name, indicates that to the best of our knowledge someone living in the house is the owner. 4*—This Symbol indicates that a tele¬ phone is located at this number on the street. This new Home Owners, Tenants and Phone Directory is compiled from in¬ formation taken on a special house-to- house personal canvass. We do not guarantee to be absolutely correct in every detail, but we believe it to be very accurate and complete, as far as it has been possible for us to get the information personally from someone at each residence. Where occupants have been absent the "owner” informa¬ tion has been left out. ISt AVENUE N.. E. From Manitoba E. mns north to city limits. Both sides to Caribou Odd numbers East Side River E intersects 112 Vacant 124 Vacant High E Intersects 236 Vacanf — Victoria School Falrford E intersects — Athletic Grounds Athabasca E intersects 623 Demma Mike Hochelaga E intersects Caribou intersects EAST SIDE Ross St intersects 903 Riddell Mrs Jessie K4» 911 McDonald C Prank'^4» 915 Ashton Leslie W4* 921 Crawford Stewart^* 927 Lightle Terry A-e^ 933 Collin Joseph4» 941 Sandercock Harold H-e-^ 947 Colling John W4* Oxford intersects 1011 Ferguson Robt 1017 Cox Wm 1021 Green Mrs C E-e4» 1027 Harris Geo G4* Marlborough St intersects 1053 Vacant 1059 Stephenson Alfred-e^ -?House Owner 1063 Bjolverud Mrs E 1083 Herrod Reuben4^ Hall St E intersects 1105 Smith Douglas 1109 Andrews Fredk 1121 Jones Chas 1129 Cameron James A4> 1137 Wallace Geo 1137 Leal Aubray 1147 Smith Geo W-e-4» 1155 Griggs Edw J-^ 1155 Cook Wm 1161 Neden Frank 1167 Cedar Wm 1175 Smith Beverly-e-^^ 1181 Basing H Frederick 1181 Peters Wm-^ 1183 Lucas A Roy 1191 Bedford Wm H4» Saskatchewan E intersects WEST SrDE Caribou intersects 814 McGillivray Hector-e- 826 Ross Mrs Flora M-e-4* Ross St E Intersects 916 Panto Jack4» 924 Hanson Louis E4» 934 Bradley Wm B4» 942 McCauley Gordon 942 McCauley Dr Wm J^i» Oxford St intersects 1006 Kaiser Mrs Ellen-^^ 1012 Clough L Robin-e^ 1016 Vacant 1030 Smith R Franklin-^4» 1044 Grobb Mrs Amanda J-^^ Marlborough St intersects 1070 Cant Edwin-e^ 1076 Blunt John H-^4» 1084 Eaket Ro-bt-e^^ 1090 Vacant 1094 Gould Harry-e-4» Hall St E intersects 1104 McBride Warren R-^ 1110 Scott Claude-^ 1118 Rogan Allan 1124 Young Percy^ 1128 Mills Stuart-M» 1132 Waugh Chris-M» 1138 Atkins Arbh P4» 1142 Scott Mrs Isabel-e-4» 1162 Muir Chas R-e^ 1166 Thackray Allan De-4» 1176 Altador Apartments 1176 Malone E J 1176 Peacock Jean4> ^?Telephone E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 60 1st Ave. N. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 1st Ave. N. W. 1176 Peterson Walter O 1176 Galloway Edw B 1180 Thompson John A4» Saskatchewan 12 intersects 1st AVENUE N. W. Prom Manitoba East runs north to city limits. EAST SIDE River St W intersects Higfh St W intersects 225 Police Court Pairford W intersects 313 Government Telephones 331 Grover’s Service Station Oxninica W intersects 423 Times Co Ltd 423 Times Building* 103 Hodge J 104 Castle Joseph 105 Haigh Geo H 106 Howarth 'Mrs A 107 Moore W Alex 201 Edgar Sami R jan 202 Laing Mrs David 203 Smith Cecil M 204 Peterson Harold L4^ 205 Lines Thos H 206 Hilton G B 207 Munroe David 439 Stadacona Apartments 14 Baggaley John T 15 Field Mrs M K 16 Armstrong John J 17 Whimster Donald J 19 Page Wm J Stadacona W intersects 515 Sterling Motors Annex Athabasca W intersects 715 Caribou Super Service Station Hochelaga W intersects Caribou W intersects 803 McCrady Chas r>4» 819 Bonnis Gus4-*> 821 Manners Wm-e^ 827 March Bernard>4* Ross W intersects Oxford St W intersects 1017 Heffley Mrs G4* 1019 Arrowsmith Lyall W 1019 Warren Mrs Percy J H 1019 New H E 1021 New’s Grocery & Meat Market 1029 Walters Ernest E 1037 Hyndman Mrs John-e-4» 1053 Heming Dempster H R^ 1061 Shepperd Mrs Ethel-e-4^ 1077 Boyd Chas-^^ 1083 Straub Edw Hall St W intersects 1105 Gibson H Porter-e^* 1111 Rosenroll Arthur 1115 Snider W A 1119 Wilson J A 1129 Falconer Harry 1139 Thomson John A-4-*J» 1143 McIntyre C Sidney>4> 1169 Gordon Mrs Bertha M 1173 Beattie Robt-^»J» Saskatchewan W intersects 1201 Elliott Wm J 1203 Babcock Thos H 1205 Armstrong Geo 1207 Heffleflnger Mrs Carl 1209 Robinson Robt H 1211 Christian Chas T-e- 1227 Boys Victor H>^ 1231 Zryd Clair^$» Macdonald St W intersects 1337 Vacant 1343 Farmer Henry 1349 Dunlop Chas-e- Daurier St W intersects WEST SIDE 38 Foord Fred service stn River St W intersects 112 Bussell Block 14 Dorgan Chas 17 Elvrum Emil 18 Heinze Fred 19 Wilson Mrs M 19 Wilson Gordon 20 Dickinson R 21 Vance David 22 Moore Joseph 23 Goodwin Raymond 24 Welbourn Frank W 25 Foster Raymond 26 Tveit Mrs G 28 Brown Wm K 29 I^atham Frank*> 32 Dingwall John 33 Betts Mrs Wm 34 Kemp Edwin W 35 Gillander James 36 Hunter Archd 37 Mickles Mrs T 38 Johanson — 39 Stafford Chris 40 Olenak Mike 42 Smith Lionel H 43 Durval R 44 Smyth C Hanson 45 Hanson Curtis 114 Douglas Transfer 114 Electric Shoe Repaiir Shop 116 Stewart A L Hdwre Ltd 118 LAB Auto Supplies 120 Mac’s Sign Shop 122 New Venice Hotel 124 Gospel Hall 126 Moore Joseph 128 A B Rooms 130 Stadnyk Nick 140 Venice Cafe High St W intersects 226 Handley Service Station 236 Wilson Geo Pairford W intersects Ominica W intersects 438 Garrett Harry Stadacona W Intersects 550 Vacant Athabasca w intersects 624 Fisher John O 636 Virginia Court 1 Kohnen Clem 2 Bell A jan 3 Sharp W 4 Rogers Ronald 5 Hunt Alex-e-4* 6 Marvin Edwin A4» 7 Marsden Ray 8 Ross Wm D Hochelaga W Intersects Caribou W intersects Ross W Intersects w s Collegiate Institute Oxford W intersects 1024 Butts Ernest G-e-4^ •?•House Owner 4»Telephone 5a 1st Ave. N. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 2ndAve. N. E. 61 1036 McColl Mrs J A^* 1046 Brown Jchn 1054 Hamilton Campbell E 1062 Peacock A L 1070 Thatcher Wilbert^* 1078 Chase Norman 1084 Rorison Allan R A^* Hall St intersects 1104 Macredie .Mrs J R C-e-^ 1108 Miller E^ 1116 Ogilvy Mrs James-e-^* 1116 Dominion Meteorological Station 1120 Fife Arthur 1124 Emerson Thos J-e- 1128 MacLennan Alex C^*J* 1132 Phillips Hugh^ 1136 Cooper Robt-#-^i» 1140 Stewardson Dr E R^ 1146 Bosemont Iiodfife 1 Davey Alfd E*> 2 Leflar K C^* 3 I^edersen H 4 Parish James A^* 1150 MacMillan H 1154 Shields Alex-^ 1158 Hill Frank^>> 1160 Smith Orvis P-^- 1162 Herd Alex H Saskatchewan W intersects 1202 Emslie D 1202 Emslie’s Garage 1210 Berry Earl D>^ 1210 Palmer J C 1214 Filson Fleda^^*!* 1214 Filson Muriel 1218 Baker Mrs Mary 1220 Gilmour Fred J-e-^ 1226 Vacant 1228 Bailey R>-4* 1236 Dubinsky Boris^ 1242 Park Ellis B^ Macdonald intersects 1302 Russell Thos D^ 1310 Smart Robt B-e- 1318 Hunchuk John 1322 Esau Michael-#- 1324 Griffith Geo 1326 Lock Frank*^ 1328 Kvello Ivan 1334 Rivers Mrs R 1336 Cave Geo 1338 Daker Carl 1344 Hille Martin M-e- 1352 Cave Chas Iianrler Intersects 1406 Rowell Fredk J>- C IT B tracks here 1st AVENTTE S. E. Buns from Maple Street East South to city limits. Maple St intersects 203 Rambach John 209 Bilous John 215 Hrubynuk Alex 215 Hlady Steve 217 Wolf Nick 221 Musko Alex Home St intersects Iiillooet St intersects 617 Andrews Horace Mansfield St intersects 723 Thomson Allan A Elsom St Intersects Banks St Intersects 908 Scharfe Roy-e- 944 Foster Eber-e- G-rant St intersects 2nd AVENTTE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Both sides to Caribou Odd numbers East Side Biver E intersects High E Intersects 223-235 Fairford Apartments 223 Hagen Mrs Arnold 223 Pilkington Tom 224 Wright Arnold 224 Bayley Robt G B 225 Clark Glen 225 Johnston Sidney 229 Radclilfe Sami 229 'Shepherd J 231 Latham Geo A^* 235 Davidson John R4» 235 Conway Ernest Fairford E intersects Athletic Park intersects Athabasca E intersects 634 Taylor Geo E 636 McCardle W A*l* Hochelaga E intersects 720 Baker Wm A-e-tJ» EAST SIDE Caribou E Intersects 813 Hicks H L 823 Burchill James A-e- 829 McCann Wm B-e- 833 Penhall Chas W-^-4» 841 Crichton Barclay C 847 York Bert Boss St E intersects 915 Turner Wm J*** 925 'Stedmond W Oxford St E intersects 1005 Bosl 3 m Apartments 1 Armstrong Mrs Eliz^* 1167 Ford Roy il73 Jones Wm G-#-^ Saskatchewan E intersects WEST SIDE Caribou E intersects Boss St E intersects 920 Nuttall James 1164 Baylis Tom 1160 Neville Ernest-#-4^ 1176 Hyde John R 1182 Anderson James 1188 Ford Norman Saskatchewan I! here 2nd ATENUR N. W. From Manitoba runs north to city limits. Both sides to Oxford Odd numbers East Side Biver W intersects 11'8 Vacant 119 Chinese High W intersects 202 White Rose Service Station and Welding Shop Fairford W intersects Ominica W intersects Stadacona W intersects Athabasca W intersects Hochelaga W intersects 726 Burkey Gus F Caribou W intersects 802 Sask Co-Operative Creameries 816 Collegiate Confy Ltd Boss W intersects e s Collegiate Institute EAST SIBE Oxford St W intersects 1021 McCaslin J W^ 1029 McMiohael Albert E-e-^^ 1035 Greenwood James 1041 Cram John^ 1047 Grigg Alfd-e- 1053 Antill Leonard4» 1061 Wood Geo T-e^ 1069 Green Mrs Wilton B C-M» 1073 Dumais Arth 1079 Walker Wm J-e-4* 1085 Vacant Hall St W intersects 1109 Logan Mrs Alice 1113 Promislow Leon 1117 Stewart Peter-e-tJ* 1121 Coulter Carl^J^ 1123 Inch James A^ 1127 Langdon Oswald4» 1131 Rorison Agnes-e-4* 1135 Bayly Benj M phys-e^ 1145 Vacant 1149 Redmond Joseph-e-4^ 1155 Dazley Herbt C>^ 1159 Middleton Charles-e-4» H61 Smith Lloyd F-e-4» 1167 Fysh Reginald-e- 1169 Joyner Mrs Walter Saskatchewan St W intersects 1201 Gabourie John P 1209 Pope Harold W-e-^ 1213 Bennett Geo-eH|» 1217 Carson Alex 1219 Vacant 1225 Manhan John M4» 1227 Gault Thos H-e- 1233 Campbell John L 1237 Cringle Geo 1239 Jensen Geo Macdonald St W intersects 1305 Bell Harry-e- 1313 Battell Mrs Effie-e-<$» 1331 Braaten Harold-e- 1343 Stephen S Douglas Iiaurier St W intersects WEST SIDE Oxford St intersects 1020 Dotting Gordon G>4» 1030 Milligan Russell 1038 Moyer Dr Ernest Ij-e^4» 1046 Moore Fredk L^ 1054 Vacant 1060 McTaggart Lester-e^ 1072 Suchomel Joseph W4^ 1082 Hacking Elwyn T^ Hall St W Intersects 1112 Heywood Wm H-e^ 1116 Tannahill James A^^^ 1120 Cranwill John R4» 1124 Simpson Hugh I>e-4> 1128 Blackwood Robt L4^ 1130 Vacant 1134 Dalgleish Peter 113’8 Busby Gordon^* 1144 Crawford Katherine^4» 1146 Kirsch Mrs W 1150 Miller Thos-4-4» 1156 Ohm Louis D-e-4* 1160 Pugh Roy Chas^ 1164 Bidwell Archd-e-*J» 1166 Bingham Harold C>4^ 1170 Bloomer James E phys-e-*$» Saskatchewan st W intersects 1204 Paisley Geo C'e-4» 1208 Pearce Melville E4* 1216 Vacant 1230 Foote Robt C4» 1234 Wilkin Pred-e-4* 1238 Sellers Irvin Macdonald St W intersects 1302 Richards Elmer 1306 Cooper Rolands 1314 Cowan Mrs Glen D 1320 Warren Mrs G H-e- 1326 Criggal Fred 1330 Johnson Axel 1352 Ostrum Mrs Hattie Iiaurier W intersects 1416 Bailie John-e- 1420 Miles Wm J 1424 Hindle Edw-e-4» 142-8 Hewlett Herbt C N B tracks here 2nd AVENTTE S. eT Buns from Manitoba St. East south to city limits. Coteau E intersects 3rd AVENUE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Both sides to Caribou 24 Third Avenue East Garage Biver E intersects 129 Elliott Edw High E Intersects 234 Ireton John L Fairford E Intersects 323 Garrod Mrs 329 Brooksband Jad4» 329 Domville Frederick 337 Toews Mrs J V-e- -eiHouse Owner ?4>Telephone 3rd Av-e. N. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 3rd Ave. N. W. 63 Ominica St H Intersects 403 Schofield Ben 403 Valley Wm 403-417 Parkview Terrace 405 Ward Ernest A 409 Clement Mrs F 409 Richardson B 411 New James 437 Humphreys Miss E CNR Depot Stadacona E Intersects 501 Vacant 507 McConnell Wm 509 Rigby James 515 Slusar Mike 523 Stirk Harry 537 Jacques Howard 537 Moore Hubert H Athabasca E intersects EAST SIDE Caribou E intersects e s Ross Park Oxford St E intersects 1021 Heilman Mrs Rosie 1025 Knutsvik Ole-e-4* 1031 Bell Thos G-e- 1037 Anderson Orville 1039 Buohbach Chas 1045 Morgan Harry Varlborongh St E intersects 1061 Sinclair Mrs A H^^ 1067 Hutchinson Benson>4» 1073 Steeves Chas A-e- 1079 Sutherland Thos M4» 1085 Patteson Wilfrid4^ 1091 Birkett Randolph C Hall St E intersects 1103 Harvey J L 1103 Harvey’s Grocery 1107 Amiss Meat Market 1109 Bells Grocery 1119 Farmer Albt 1127 Nidd Mrs C F^ 1129 Vacant 1137 Olson Osborne T-e-4» 1143 Judkins Wilmer F-^-^ 1155 Sendall Rev Harry^ 1159 Nichols Mrs Myrtle 1161 Root H Stanley 1171 McGeary Peter 1177 Borradale Thomas-^- 1185 Hill Clifford 1191 Pollock Rev R C Saskatchewan St E intersects 1203 Wright Ernest-e- 1209 Bidwell Arnold 1213 McBride Mrs Sami 1219 Hilts Howard S 1225 Hobin Wm- 4 H|» 1231 McKee Robt A-e- 1235 Armitage Mrs A-e 1245 Plewes Burleigh C-e-^ 1269 Fletcher Hugh C 1269 St Elmo Apartments 1269 Rainbird Harold 1277 Morrison Forrest 1285 Fraser Mrs Phyllis WEST SIDE Caribou St E intersects 904 Goldman Henry4» 916 Hall Arth4» 926 Garrett Sidney4» 926 Hembroff Edwin Oxford St E intersects 1008 La Montagne Arth4» 1022 Sadler Edw-e^ 1028 'Clarke Walter-#- 1032 Epting Oscar L-#-4^ 1036 Binns Thos-#4» 1042 Goss Cecil J-e- 1046 Macdonald Roy L4^ Marlborough St E intersects 1058 Pascoe Mrs Annie-#4* 1058 Davis Mrs Agnes 1090 Hudson Harold-#-4^ 1096 Towers Josephs Hall St E intersects 1122 Dash Floyd G 1136 Willison 1144 Corman John W^ 1216 Bentley Phillip-#^ 1234 Poole Chas F-e- 1244 Ellis Thos 1246 Bolton Chas B-#- 1252 Rusell Thos C-#^ 1258 Nelson Spencer 1264 Snow Wm C 1264 Bailey Wm R 1280 Tait Andw-^^i* 1284 Silverthorn Clarence4» Oak St E intersects 1306 McGeachv Mrs Christine 1306 Walker Wm-M» 1314 Mullins Edw Oxford W intersects w s St Agnes R C School -?-House Owner ^?Teleiplhonie Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 64 SrdAve. N. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 4thAve. N. B. 1019 McNab W W<{> 1031 Stevens Morice T»S* 1057 Poyser John 1063 Murphy Arthur^ 1064 Cunningham Father 1067 Thompson Arthur-#-^* 1070 St Joseph’s Church (RC) 1079 Ferguson Alex*J» Hall St W intersects 1101 York Mervin 1102 King Mrs S 1105 Getty T 1108 Cunningham Wm 1111 Ferguson Dr G 1112 Hewson Edw 1115 Vacant 1119 Brittin G Norman-e^ 1120 Rorison Hugh-e-<+ 1122 Wilson J J4» 1123 Henning Wm J*t* 1126 Beech Frank>-^* 1127 Aubrey Oscar-<^ 1131 Gentles N Wallace«$» 1132 Winemark Chas E’^J» 1133 Mitt Mike 1136 P'ysh Os\vald>>J» 1137 Johnston Chas F-e-^ 1138 Kearney Thos W-^ 1141 Parker Frank-e- 1142 Wickens A John>»i» 1146 Kent Fredk 1150 Reynolds Percy<* 1153 Kerr E Gibson-^-^ 1154 Jamieson Kenneth^^ 1155 Labonte Osca^^$^ 1157 Prowse Percy 1160 Bowyer Kenneth A>^ 1161 Sims Harvey A^i* 1163 Chegwin Dr Arthur E-e-4» 1164 Henderson Lawrence 1164 Balfour Geo H^ 1165 LeBlond Harry W^* 1166 Parker Jahn J 1170 Patterson Westley J-4^-^ Saskatchewan St W Intersects 1208 Dillen Mrs Richd 1210 Gorrie John B 1216 Bourgeois Arth D^Jf 1220 Harvey Mrs Archd M 1221 Hamilton Sami A-e^ 1225 Thatcher W Ross 1229 Allcock Mrs Carolyn M-^- 1235 Phillips John E-4-^ Macdonald St W intersects Iiaurier intersects C N B tracks intersect 3rd AVENUE S. W. Prom Maple Street West runs south to city limits. Home St intersects 334 Fowler James W-e-^ Iiillooet St intersects 4th AVENUE N. E. Prom Manitoba East runs north to city limits. EAST SIDE High St E here — General Hospital Pairford E intersects 330 Hickson Nicholas J Ominica £ intersects Stadacona st E intersects Athabasca St E intersects 609 Whitelock Block 1 Ramey Geo J 2 Pickford Fredk M 3 Roper Jack 4 Slow Stanley 5 McQuarrie Edw A 615 Whitelock Block Annex 6 Waugh Leonard 7 Herget Winston D 8 Gow Norval 9 Botkin Garrett*** 10 Beattie Laura Hochelaga St E intersects 717 Weston’s Bread & Cake (Canada) Caribou St E intersects 891 Gowans James>^ 893 Goudie Robt S 895 Ferguson Wm-e- 895 Wiseman Mrs Roxie 897 Feltham A F Oxford St E intersects 1005 Stapleton Clarence-#- 1013 Beamish Russell 1025 Appleton Edw-#^ 1025 Happy’s Delivery 1029 Hamilton John-#- 1033 Stuart Mrs James-#- 1043 Montague Wm B 1047 Philips Wm H-#-4» 1051 Hughes Mrs B 1055 Urquhart Hartley B...’tfr 1059 Mason Wm W 1061 Reid Chas E 1067 Richards Henry J-#-*J» 1073 Lanz Geo J-#-^ 1077 Grant G 1081 Latham Stanley 1095 Findlay Mrs Geo A 1097 Wilson Chas F-#- 1099 Williams Mrs H'4^ Hall St E intersects 1103 Borrezee Chas 1105 Robinson James-#- Saskatchewan St E intersects 1213 Giles Walter-#- 1082 MacKay Mrs H G 1088 Wait Thos Hall St E intersects ?House Owner 4»Telephon6 4th Ave. N. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 4thAve. S.W. 66 1104 Maley Geo 1110 IrvinpT D M 1116 Forbes James-#- 1166 Ritchie Arthur G-4- Saskatchewan St I< intersects 1212 Heffelfinger Wm^ Oak St intersects 4th AVENUE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side River W intersects High W Intersects 226 Benell R O Construction Co 228 Grajczyk Stanley*^ 228 Gallaugher Vivian 228 Raeburn Mrs E 228 Foster Florence Pairford W intersects Ominica W Intersects Stadacona W intersects 522 Healey Norman J 530 McBrides Ltd Athabasca W intersects 624 Loveridge T Geo^* Hochelaga W intersects Caribou W intersects 800 Empire Apartments 1 Greig Alex 2 Davidson Mrs W 3 Zigler — 4 Bartley Ada 5 Thompson Norman L vS' 6 Wright Allan K -'Ojfk ' 7 McCorquodale D dVv' (basement) Hanson Nels ja^^ 816 Bellavance Mrs A 822 Duck Francis J 829 Stewart Mrs I A>> 829 Parsons Chas W*J» 829 Shea Mrs W A*> 830 Sandercock Roy-#-«$» 836 Brewington Frank-4- 840 Orser Rev E Ross St W intersects 930 First Church of Christ Scientist Oxford W intersects 1024 Harlton T G 1038 Gill Harry 1046 Unwin Mrs CJhas 1046 Pascoe Allan W**+ 1057 Coates Joseph*!* 1058 Vail Geo E 1063 Capper Austin*!* 1064 Evans Edw-4-4* 1070 Morrison Murdo^S* 1071 Chesworth Arth*!* WEST SIDE Hall St W intersects 1102 King George Confectionery 1102 English Mrs Sarah J 1102 Bruce Geo 1102 McBride's Ltd No 7 1106 Husband Mrs Isabelle-4-^ 1108 Mcllhagga Geo^ 1112 Marat Heber-4^J» 1116 Mountain Erwin J D4^*!* 1120 Pritchard Mrs Edith-4-*!* 1124 Thomas Wm A*!* 1128 McDonald Donald W-4-*!» 1132 Marsihall Harold 1138 Durant Mrs A 1140 Sutherland Donald-4- 1144 Henderson Mrs Wm H*!* 1146 Price Thos S-4-^ 1148 Oie John^ 1150 Gagne Joseph R 1160 Staggs Meat Market 1160% Sisco Gordon W 1162 Superior Grocery 1162 Couzens Clarence 1166 Davison Aaron H barber Saskatchewan W intersects 1202 Carpenter Morris ?House Owner 1204 Kennedy R A 1206 O’Shaughnessy G S^ 1226 Buckley Norman^J* 1228 York Hal H-4*^ 1296 Donnelly E J-4- —? Citizens Golf Club EAST SIDE 1101 Brown Riehd E-4-^ 1105 Ames Floyd E 1111 Thorn Walter F-4^<* 1115 Chesworth Allans 1121 O’Byrne Geo*!* 1127 Le Blond Dr J E^J* 1129 Stephenson John B^ 1131 Patten Riehd S-4-^ 1135 O’Neill Hugh F 1139 McCann Thos W<* 1143 Reid Roy A-4-^ 1149 Anderson Angel*^^ 1151 Brasseur 'Mrs Mary 1161 Dillon Wilfred-4- 1163 Lemaire Leo 1167 ‘Larg Mrs Howard 1169 Nevill Predk B . Saskatchewan &t\w^m' 1211 Probert Fr^'^^^ 1223 MacDonalA\»rsty-4-*!» 1225 Germai^^^ossom A-4*$» h^cWSkld St W intersects ^TOcar John G {™iret Robt ^pannier Walter Griffin Danl U Lavacek John Lynbrook Golf Club Iiaurier intersects Hillcrest intersects CNR tracks Intersect intersects 1305 13 , 4th AVENUE S. W. Runs from Bridge south to city limits intersecting Home St. West at Num¬ ber 401. EAST SIDE Home St intersects 301 Smith Benj groc 315 St Joseph’s South Hill Catholic Chapel 325 South Hill Furniture Exchange 329 Campbell Thos G 329 Sub Post Office No 1 339 Bee Hive Grocery Eillooet St intersects 423 McBrides Ltd No 8 429 Fysh Leonard Ltd Iroquois St intersects Coteau St intersects Duffield St intersects Grandview St intersects 901 Gibbons Joseph-4- 911 Elliott Wm 919 Montgomery Predk-4- 927 Fryer Alex 937 Dobson Joseph D-4- 1005 Doskosh Mark-4-*> 1013 Wilks Henry 1019 Woolhether Albert B-4- 1027 Kenyon Mrs Chas-4- 1035 Burns Wm 1039 Olenick John WEST SIDE Home St W intersects Maple St W here 301 Doan Martin 301 Johnnie’s Bakery 306 Arcade Confy 320 Soharf Earl barber 322 South Hill Shoe Repair 340 Beaver Lumber Co Ltd Iiillooet intersects 406 North Star Oil 414 WilUngdon Court A Poperink Joseph B Yake H B Graham Mrs A M C Hiigli Harold ^?Telephone Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 66 4thAve. S. W. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 5thAve. N. W. ’W'illing'don Court—Cent. D Johnson Osborne E Robson Dr I F Monroe Mrs F 1 Russell Peter 1 Drake Mrs Annie 1 Fletdher J 3 Magrath J A 4 Fields Cyril 5 Martin Mrs E 5 MacGuire Frank 6 Brown Les^ 6 Crowe Mrs R«$» 7 Williams E L 7 Smith James 8 Garanson E 8 Newberry Ken 9 Knights Robt 10 Robson J 10 Calfas Herbt L 11 Stafford Leslie W 12 Gibson Alex 424 Maple Leaf Bakery 424 Hugo Frank Cotean St W Intersects Dnffield St intersects 734 Porter Mrs Clara G-randvlew St intersects 838 Lafferty Wm-#H$» Vaughn St begins 1102 Phillips Geo H — Bond Richd mkt gdnr — Gehring John mkt gdnr 5th AVENTTE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Both sides to Caribou Odd numbers East Side (Moose Jaw Creek intersects Fairford E intersects Ominlca E intersects Stadacona E intersects Athabasca E intersects Hochelaga E intersects EAST SIDE Caribou E intersects 831 Leach Herbt-#-^ C N B tracks intersect Oxford E intersects 1001 Hill Arthurs 1005 Andrews Leslie 1019 Smeeton Edw 1021 Hewitson Chas 1057 Poutra Joseph 1069 Pollard Harry Hall St E Intersects 1103 Shears Alfd 1135 Ferguson Orland 1135 Munro Findlay 1141 Clarke Mrs M 1157 Cropper Fredk-e- 1165 Secret Victor P A-e- 1169 Savage Archd J Saskatchewan St E Intersects 1271 Newton Joseph-e- 1285 James Chas WEST SIDE Caribou E intersects — Bennett Coal Co 804 Graham John J C N B tracks Intersect Oxford St E intersects 1002 Alstad Carl-e- 1002a Bell Harold 1006 Lacelle Howard-e- 1050 Koziol Ignace 1058 Sorba Steve-e- 1066 Weymark B A 1090 Marshall Ernest C Hall St E intersects 1124 Overn Hymie C 1128 Sosiak Mike 1136 Boyes Robt L 1146 Cushway Leonard D^e- 1192 Hill Archd E Saskatchewan St E intersects 1244 Cross Arthur 5th AVENTTE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side Biver St W intersects 135 City Weigh Scales High St W intersects 240 City Stores Dept Fairford W intersects Ominica W intersects 406 McCartney Mrs Wm S«J+ 416 Bell H Stanley4» 426 Waugh Gordon-e- 430 Brooks Joseph^^ Stadacona W intersects Athabasca W intersects Hochelaga W intersects 704 Hazard Wm J-#-^ 712 Emerton Mrs Mary 718 Thompson Mrs W-e4» 724 Thompson James4> Caribou W intersects 803 Sanders Fredk 806 Manz Rev 'Siegmond 809 Smith Mrs Edith 814 Silcox Rev A 822 Phillips Thos^J» ?832 Bozson Mrs Alice 837 McGuire E E 838 Taylor Harry C^«$» 839 French Lillian-eHj» 846 Gray James 847 Rattee Wm H<* 848 Webster Mrs A M 853 Harrison Thos 856 Lamond Uan J>^ 859 Jarvis Harry H<* 862 Doyle Wm^^ 866 Hunter David^ 867 Vacant •872 Riley John D-e^ 873 Tolhurst Wm C 878 Vacant 879 Courtnage Fred C4» 882 Gannon Mrs Catherine-e- 888 Breen Edgar<{+ 894 Burgess Prank^J* 896 Wilson James-e~4» 898 Greenfield Edw H Oxford W intersects 1004 Matheson Wm A-e^ 1010 Miller James-e^^^ 1022 Felhauer Henry 1028 Skulskv Hyman4» 1031 Wills Geo 103'8 Hinchey Robt-e^ 1038 Dempsey Walter E^ 1038 Sallstrom K A 1045 Badger Earl W*t* 1048 McNeely Delmer<$» 1049 Michaud Dr Rodolphe^ 1069 Peck Wm 1072 Miller Mrs J M^ 1077 Ross W A^J* 1080 MacKellar John A-e4» -e-House Owner ^Telephone 6th Ave. N. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 6th Ave. N. W. 67 1086 Hourigan Dr John 1087 Crawford Gilbert4^ 1094 Henderson Robt 1098 Wood C Irwin Hall St W intersects 1103 Quon Peter 1107 Robinson Thos^4* 1109 Shufelt Wm H-e- 1111 Cobean John A^^ 1113 McDonald John 1115 Thomas Orville N 1119 Vacant w s King George School 1121 Nixon Chas 1125 Wilson Mrs W H-e- 1125 Priddle Fred 1127 Butler Harvey^* 1131 Barber Geo A-e^ 1133 Housden A Edw 1135 Healy Chas 1137 Fisher Benj 1141 Forsythe Mrs Mary 1143 Martin Allan E4» Saskatchewan St W intersects 1201 Woods Wm 1205 Hudson Peter-e- 1207 Hollinger Mrs Clara 1209 Sutcliffe Wm B^ 1211 Botting Edw w s Elkin H Hull St intersects 6th AVENUE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side Blver E intersects Moose Jaw Creek intersects Ominlca E intersects 361 Vacant Stadacona E intersects Athabasca E Intersects Hochelaga E intersects Caribou E intersects 807 Banks Mrs A E 811 Usher Andw 812 Murphy Harry-e- 815 MacDonald Percy-4- 824 Michelmore Victor C-4-4» 828 Goodw’in Harold 836 Hannaford Sydney-4- 848 Smith Robt G-4- 863 Paterson David-4- Onford St £ intersects 1014 Bain Donald 1018 Antill Ernest 1020 Halverson Gunar 1026 Lowe Wm R 1033 Marsh Regd 0-4-4* 1036 Stanhope Mrs Mary 1062 Stainton Wm 1096 Murdoch Mrs ElIen-4- 1099 Gilbert Frank Hall St E intersects 1101 McFadden Nathaniel G 1107 Ambrose Wm-4- 1157 Simpkins Mrs F 1162 Moss Ernest-e- 1181 Walls John W-4- Saskatchewan St E intersects 1202 Brazier Eric 1214 McGregor Wm 1214 McGregor Robt-4- 1220 James Chas T-4- 1228 Hirst Mrs Jessie-4^ 1234 Ford Geo-4- 1270 Thiessen Mrs Tina-4- 6th AVENUE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side High intersects Fairford intersects Stadacona W intersects Athabasca W intersects Hochelaga W intersects 706 MacKay Robert 712 Stewart Gordon^* 716 Banks Chas-4-4* 724 Jones Mrs Eva R-44* Caribou St W intersects 804 narrower Geo-4^ 805 MacPherson Ken 809 Bush Roy 810 Meiklejohn Frank A4* 815 Osborne Leonard 816 Clark Lonsdale-4-4* 820 Vacant 821 Uhrich Oliver 831 Zess Robt-4- 834 Martin Arthur J-44* 882 Langdon J4+ 889 Chapman Lester M4* 893 Tufts A R 893 Bjordammen R K^ 898 Ballingall Wm Oxford St W Intersects 1019 Courtwright Jack 1023 Fraser Geo-4- 1024 Chisholm Wm4* 102-8 Young James B 1029 Dill E Blake-44* 1032 McRae Duncan-4- 1035 Miller Stanley C-44* 1048 Weiland John 1064 Morrow John H4* 1076 Vacant 1080 Robinson Chas A 44 * 1086 Westlund Arth- 44 * 1090 Mills Haddow F 1096 Rotters Robt S-44* 1098 Cates B P4-4* Hall St W intersects 1101 Mclnnes Benjamin 1107 Vierling Joseph-44* 1109 Diemert Vern 1110 Workman Fredk J-4- 1114 Thompson Mrs Julia 1116 Sutton Matthew-4- 1121 Hutchinson V R-44* 1122 Timony Wm-4- 4* 1125 Snider Gordon4* 1131 Whittingstall Gordon 1132 Grainger Douglas M-4- 1135 Craigen Frank A- 44 * 1141 Oak Thos 1143 Wells Robt4- 1147 Smith James-4-4* Saskatchewan W Intersects Macdonald W intersects 1302 Guy Richd- 44 * 1304 Wright Fred C 1313 Vacant -4JTouse Owner 4*Teleiphone E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 68 6thAve. N. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 9thAve. N.W. 1314 Wood Alex^ 1315 Lewry Philip 1321 Manderfleld Mrs Matilda 1331 Cant Stuart Iiaurier W Intersects 7th AVENTTE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side 816 Clarke 'Mrs H-#- 824 Grindley Frank-^- 832 Page James-^-^^ 838 Sproule John C 858 Wilfong Oliver 882 Ring Joseph 891 Wait Arthur '895 Van Horn Edw 896 Parker Leonard4- 897 Spicer Albt-f- Ozford St E intersects 1016 Dixon Wm S 1024 Hampshaw Robt H>^ 1028 Tait Mrs E J-#- 1030 Kjarsgaard Arth 1071 Hawkins Alfd Hall St E intersects 1143 Durrant Wm K F-#- 1151 Pritchard Elmer Saskatchewan St E intersects 1283 'MacDonald Duncan 1284 Erz Harry W-^- 7th AVENUE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side 214 Vacant Fairford W intersects Ominica W intersects 431 Cook Peters 431 Belzowski Joseph Stadacona W Intersects Athabasca W intersects Hochelaga W intersects 705 Moore W Chas-4^ 711 Spence John-^* 716 McGavin Bakeries Ltd 719 T'hibeau Theophile-e- 723 Billbe Geo W-*-^ Caribou W intersects 814 Bare Robt W 825 Hawken Henry-e- 843 Moore David 861 Young Mrs Geo-e^ 861 Larmer Cecil R 864 Frizzell Frank 867 Probert Raymond 870 Litherland Herbt-e- 881 Scorey Wm 887 Pyle Wm Oxford St W intersects w s Minto United Church e s Minto Confectionery 1021 Kjarsgaard Chris 1029 Patterson Albt 1038 McGookin Rev J T 1044 Lundie W Earl 1054 Vacant 1058 Milford Russell Hall St W intersects 1107 Fryklund Norman 1120 Willis Wm S 1123 Purdy John C-e- 1151 Hawkins Geo E-#^ 4-House Owner Saskatchewan St W intersects 1240 Cox Fred Macdonald St W intersects 1344 Sherman Mrs Lillian Iiaurier St W here 8th AVENUE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side High £ intersects Fairford E intersects 319 Scott Walter 320 Ferguson John Ominica E intersects (No houses to Caribou) Caribou intersects 829 Coghlin Mrs E A 829 (rear) Coghlin Ralph 835 Heggie Harry G4- Oxford St E intersects Hall St E intersects Saskatchewan E intersects 1209 ’Sawchuk Mrs J 1213 Edwards Wm4- 1213 Kinlock Mrs Geo 1225 Berg Mrs Annie4- 8th AVENUE N. W. prom Manitoba to Macdonald. Odd numbers East Side Athabasca intersects Hochelaga intersects 725 Duncan Harry-4^ Caribou W intersects 846 Purdy W Guy-4^ 858 Brown W James4-^ 870 Flett Robt Oxford W intersects 1017 Slater Wm 1029 Fletcher Donald W 1039 McCann John Hall W intersects Saskatchewan St intersects Macdonald W intersects 9th AVENUE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side 24 Shymbo Mrs Annie Fairford E intersects Athabasca E Intersects Hochelaga E intersects e s Moose Jaw Cemetery Cari'bou St intersects 801 Hinchliffe Mrs Eliza 805 Thomas Mrs .Mabel4- Oxford St ends Hall St ends Saskatchewan St ends 9th AVENUE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Odd numbers East Side 10 Haydamack Saml4- Manitoba intersects Hiver St intersects High St intersects 310 Borsuk Pete Fairford W intersects — McColl-Frontenac Oil Co Ltd Ominica W intersects 424 Thompson Mark4- 430 Walmsley James4- Stadacona W intersects 4»Telephone 9th Ave. N. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Alder Ave. N. E. 69 532 Miller Wm-^- 534 Lundman Carle 536 Cardy John 538 Newton J R Athabasca intersects 610 Holden Mrs P L. 610 Holden Nettie L 610 Blue Bird Confectionery 612 Allen Ernest 618 Quality Food 620 Vacant Hochelagfa W intersects 704 Dale Douglas 708 'Sexsmith Geo E 714 Wright Fred J 726 Guest Richd 732 Hagen Arnold Caribou W intersects 816 Statham Bert 820 Busby Robt 826 Makuch Peter D (Montgomery begins 861 Smith Thos H 865 Riome Don-e- 874 Walters Frank-#^ 877 McMillan Ronald 883 Whitehead Wm*:* 8'87 Leveridge Stan E 896 Reid Goldie Albert St begins 920 Harris John E Oxford St ends 1021 Kerr Henry Brown St begins 1032 Wright Geo L 1036 McBride Lyall 1094 Shaw Mrs Mary J-e-^ Carlton St begins 1104 Shaw Harry 1109 Molitor Joseph 1116 Hannah Albt V 1118 Peterson Lynn 1122 Wyrick Emzly Bdmonton St begins 1212 Wells Frank Francis St begins G-race St be^ns Henry St begins James St begins 1314 Perrins Sami 1320 Webb Dennis J-e- Simcoe St begins e s McGillvary Malcolm w s Pifco Paul> 9th AVENUE S. W. Runs from Home Street West south to city limits. 302 Julian Alex 310 Borsik Wm 320 Shupersky Alex 322 Gradinski Fred 428 Bidewell Archd 430 Bidewell Mrs J W 432 Koraluk Sam Iroquois St intersects 502 Laboret Joe 506 Larson E Earl 506 Cherenz Mike-e- 510 Topala Mike-e- 524 Rudan Mytro-e- 526 Ukrainian National Home Coteau St intersects 721 Greek Orthodox School 725 Zeliskewich Rev Konstantin 729 Greek Orthodox Church 9-30 Taylor Mrs Mary H-e- 932 Thorpe Chas Vaughn here 1020 Klapak Nick 1080 Dmytryshyn Peter 1084 Lister Jack Hastings here 1106 Matthews Wm G-e^4* Hull here 10th AVENUE N. E. From Manitoba East runs north to city limits. (No houses to Athabasca) Athabasca E intersects 624 Askew Edw Hochelaga E intersects 10th AVENUE N. W. From Manitoba West runs north to city limits. Ominica W intersects 416 Harris Wm-4- Stadacona W intersects e s St George’s Church Montgomery Intersects 11th AVENUE N. W. (Prairie Heights) Ominica intersects 418 Jones Jack 422 Statham Alfred 432 Hall Clifford 436 Fuhr Charles W Stadacona intersects Victoria Heights St Mary’s intersects CNR tracks here AIiBERT STREET (City View) From 9th Avenue N. W. runs west. 913 Spott Mike 926 Twigg James-#- 927 Huber Fred E 928 Brockbank Fred-^- 949 McCord Thos R 10th Ave N W intersects 1032 Urwin Henry-#- 11th Ave N W intersects 12th Ave N W intersects AZ.BER AVENUE N. E. (High Park) From Caribou East runs north to Exhibition Gi^ounds, first avenue east of Main. EAST SIDE 805 McBride Wm-#^ 805a Heaton Philip H Caribou intersects 837 Ewanchuk Joseph 845 Johnstone Wm Ross St E intersects 905 Halliday Frank L 911 Anderson Wm 822 Tordiff Alonzo 832 McSporran Duncane^ 838 Aldcroft Wm 844 Currie Alex C^ 878 Hodgson Wm 886 Livingstone Robt H-e^ 890 Smallwood Mrs Elizabeth-e- 896 Elliott W Victor-#^ Oxford St W intersects 1022 Carson Harry E4» 1036 Dillon Harold-e-4* 1042 Morck Leo E J4* 1048 Cunningham Arthur J-e-4^ 1056 Smith Geo Harry-e^^^ 1060 Reid Harry R-M» 1076 Hemstreet N Bruce-e- 1082 Stevens John J 1090 Thexton J D Harvey-e^^ 1096 Wilson G Lorne^4^ Hall St W Intersects 1116 Starrak Bonar?^i^ 1120 Spriggs Robt 1122 Hart Clifford 1124 Leslie T E 1132 Currie David H^4^ 1134 Vacant 1136 Jones Mrs Bert H^^ 1140 Moulds — 1144 Thirlwall Wm 1146 Bird Ada>-4* 1150 Knecktel Geo4» 1152 Hemming E Joseph^^ Saskatchewan St W intersects Macdonald St W intersects 1328 Fraser John 1330 Shaver Alice 1332 Vorra Mrs Sarah J Ziaurier here ATHABASCA STREET EAST From 469 Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE Main St here 11 Montgomery Bros tinsmiths 15 Vacant 27 Draper Geo W4» ist Ave N E intersects — Public Library — Crescent Park 3rd Ave N E intersects 361 Osbourn Oswald H-e- 367 Seymour Wm 377 Vacant 4th Ave H E Intersects 427 Amos John 429—Suites 1 Fouracres Mrs Louise 2 Mantach Alex' 3 Davidson Robt 431 Ruby Confectionery 435 Roper Wm H meats 477 Williams Richd T 5th Ave N E intersects 521 Fisher Rev E C^ 759 Ridgway Fredk B-e- 8th Ave N E intersects 801 Bristow Chas^^ 815 Scott James L-e- -eiHouse Owner ^Telephone Athabasca St. E. HENDERSON’S ( 1940 ) MOOSE JAW Athabasca St. W. 71 817 Palmer Lawrence 821 Shaw Leonard 825 Wilson Henry E ?829 Humble Nelson-^-4* 833 Winterfair Danl 851 O'Bright Wm J 855 Finch Charles groc 9th Ave N H Intersects 901 Picard Wilfred 907 Wright Edmund 913 Probert Arthur H 915 McMillan James 917 Powers Mrs Eliz T-e- 919 Dee Alfd J-e- 921 Goodfellow Wm-e-4^ 925 Ball Geo C-e- 929 Coward Wm 931 Huffman Mrs P 933 McKellar Mrs A M 937 Moore Walter 941 Sanderson Mrs Mary H^^ 10th Ave N E intersects 1005 McWilliams Edwin4» 1005 Wright Thos-e- 1013 Renney Joseph W 1017 Reynolds Wm C H 1019 Utley Edw 1023 Harrington Arth 1027 Cross Wm J 11th Ave N E intersects 1101 Andrews Mrs Kathleen 1109 Lohr Mrs Della north side 24 Draper Anson 32 Gallagher John-<^ 40 Schwenneker Lincoln4» 50 Rogers Mrs James 54 Munn Herbt 54 (upstairs) McLean Mrs Mary^ — St Andrews United Church 1st Ave N E intersects 106 Jones W J & Son Funeral Chapel 106 Jones W J 120 Glover Rev Geoffrey4» 132 Bunnell Mrs Agnes-e-4> 144 Bawden Mrs Geo P-e-4» 152 Argyle Lodge 152—Suites 2 Chapman Edith 3 Harwood Fred 4 Snyder A1 R4» 5 Etheridge Ralph 6 Brays^haw Russell 7 McGowan R B 8 Fraser Arth (basement) Murdoch Gordon jan 160 Thompson J Aubrey4^ 2nd Ave N E intersects 202 Courtnage Ralph F-e-4» 228 Robinson Thos A-e^Jf 240 Allison Joseph S-e-4* 246 Saunders Alex4» 254 Uncles Rowland S 260 Adams Wm A 262 Honey Mrs Mary F-e- 274 Eklund Peter S 3rd Ave N E intersects 340 Nazarewicz John CNR tracks intersect 4th Ave N E intersects 402*406 Whitelock’s Grocery & Confy 410 Willis Wm J 412 Mantach John 412 Wells Clarence 412 Gunter Chas 414 Moore Thos 416 Craig Sheldon 418 McGillivray Melvin barber 418 (rear) Bricket John E 420 Bonghton Block 1 Hill John S 2 Mitchell James 3 Klasson Geo 4 IMetz Mrs Helen 5 Poe Mrs Mary E 424 Vacant -eHouse Owner 428 Bonghton Block 1 Anderson Jbhn W 2 Shipp A 3 Silverman J Harry 4 Kenyon Robt 5 Bedford Mrs L 7 Joyner Geo 8 Stoll L 432 McBrides Ltd 434 Bell Thos G meats 452 Craig James 460 Davey Mrs Jane-4^ 5th Ave N E intersects 502 Moore John 512 Stopforth Jo-hn 516 Johnson Chester 520 Robinson Ernest 528 Hill Fred G-e4» 528 Ruffell Mrs G 538 National Grocery 544 Kyle Ed 552 Edmands Winston 6th Ave N £ intersects 602 Callow Wm T-e- 608 Peters Chas-e- 616 Brown Mrs A^ 616 Hudson Lois A4^ 622 Turner Albt 652 Record Herbt 652 Boys Mrs Rebecca 652 Malcolm Thos-e- 658 Durward W 662 Bennett Geo 666 McCann Lawrence 670 Rae Geo 7th Ave N E intersects 706 Moose Jaw Marble & Granite Wks 71'8 Smith Joseph 722 Vance Ira S^4» 8th Ave N E intersects 804 Baxter Law-e- 9th Ave N E intersects 910 Statham Ernest 912 Waruk Alex-e- 914 Morris Frank 920 Robinson Alex 924 Hosie Geo-e-^ 926 Fouracres Arth 934 Stagg Alfred J-e-^ 940 Bradbury Wright-e- 10th Ave N E intersects 1010 Longmire Herbert-e- 1012 Hammond A J painter 1016 Twist James M-e^ 1022 King John T-e- 1030 Baillon (5yril B-e- 1032 Brade James^ 1038 Brinsdon Frank 11th Ave N E intersects ATHABASCA STREET WEST From 530 (Main runs west to city limits. NORTH SIDE 26 Weekes WmHi» 32 Smith Alex4» 3'8 Mackey Mrs B4^ 42 SImington Wm-^ 48 Snow White Laundry 56 Morden Herbt L 66 Huyck Orloff W-e- 70 MacKenzie Mrs Jennie-e-4» 80 Ord Arthur E-e^f^ 84 Sparrow James R-e-^ 1st Ave N W intersects 106 Eccleston James electn 112 Overs Mrs Mary E>^ 120 Fenwick Chas R-e-4* 130 Brooke Mrs A-e^ 138 Jordan James-e- 146 Hamilton Mrs W 158 Lillie Mrs A M-e-4» 168 Hyland A Joseph4» 178 Wilson Mrs James J4» 2nd Ave N W intersects 204 Moore Greydon •4^elephone Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 72 Athabasca St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Athabasca St. W. 212 Copeman Roy S 214 Armitage Addy G 222 Olson Mrs Selma-^* 226 Harrison Mrs Margt 230 Mark Mrs H 238 Menard Alfd*> 248 Kahellek Joseph 254 Cordingley Geo M 260 McWilliams Sami 268 Timms Joseph H 272 Meikle James 278 Mackenzie Mrs Charlina^* 3rd Ave N W intersects 316 Bastien Norbert 320 Sharpe John-#-^ 328 Johnstone Rev A B 338 Bedford Mrs Annie-^ 344 Ruddy RusselK* 352 McLay James^ 358 Alexander A Clement-#'*^ 376 Jackson Mrs Ruth^ 37’8 Wilson Arth^ 4th Ave N W intersects 406 McIntyre Mrs Jean-^-^ 414 Law Paul H-e- 422 Bennie Wm-^-»J* 430 Anguish Leon^* 442 Boyce Andw 448 Wood Chas4» 454 Brown Harry*> 458 McRitchie Mary-e- 462 Wright Wm^* 472 McRitchie Frank-^’^ 478 Seed John J-e-<$» 5th Ave N W intersects 546 City Wood Yard 546 Tracey Stephen 554 O'Dell Wm-e-*!* 562 Peterson Mrs John 580 Haight Mrs J D 6th Ave N W intersects 606 'Schwartz Benj-^^* 612 King Frank 616 Wadsworth J Albt 620 Heyden H 622 Newton James-4» 630 Keenan John^* 636 Freidin Saul 652 Brown James P 660 McDonald James D-e- 664 Stagg Geo E-«^ 670 Jenkins J D Mansell-e-^ 674 Pendley Wm 674 Maple Leaf Grocery 678 Liddle Robt S 7th Ave N W intersects 704 Bennett Prank W 712 Linn R Everett 746 Kieswetter Louis>^ 8th Ave N W intersects 9th Ave N W intersects 10th Ave K W Intersects SOUTH sroi: 25 Vacant 39 Bender Mrs G H 39 Heicie Lome 51 Lovett Herbt R 59 Elliott Mrs E M*^ 65 Baker W Geo 73 Hyland Harold J 81 Peterson Mrs 1st Ave N W intersects 123 Williams John 129 Vacant 135 Day Mrs AnnielOth Ave N W Intersects Sparrow George Noble Mrs 'L^ 21 Jones Robt 1024 Lacell Vances 1030 Pellet Frank 1033 Pease Lloyd> 1034 Jacobson Martin 11th Ave N W Intersects — Windpower Ltd 14th Ave N W here — Rose Arthur J 16th Ave here — Hi-Way Refinery Ltd NORTH SIDB — Moose Jaw Curling Rink 58 Osborne Cleaners 5-8 Osborne Edwins 70 Vacant 74 McBride E Prank 76 Dixon C E 1st Ave N W intersects 2nd Ave N W Intersects 2170 Dewhurst John4» 3rd Ave N W intersects 320 Garrod Regd C^+ 320 (rear) Creamery Barn 340 Hannin Herbt 346 Kidder Gordon L 4th Ave N W intersects 460 McLellan & Son Garage 5th Ave N W intersects 6th Ave N W intersects 664 Burden Mrs R Connaught begins 7th Ave N W intersects 8th Ave N W intersects — Wm Grayson School 832 Lawlor W Henryk 9th Ave N W here CARZ.TON STRBBT (City View) From 9th Avenue N. W. runs west. 912 Dyer Lawrence^^^ 914 Sullivan Gerald4» 918 Lang Warren F^ 921 Halsall John^ 959 Nichols Wm^J* 4»TeIephone It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 74 Carlton St. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Clifton Ave. 961 Freeland Frank 10th Ave N W Intersects 1012 Steele John-e- 1021 Wilson Chas-e- 1023 Forsythe Archd^4» 1035 Gratrix Harry-e- 11th Ave N W Intersects 12th Ave N W Intersects CABTIER AVRinTZ: (Hillcrest) From Carihon Fast runs north to city limits between 6th and 7th Avenues N. F. Odd numbers Fast Side i812 Nance Thos E 815 Twist Harry-e-^ 824 Wells Alfd W 828 Hill Ernest W^4^ 832 Hannaford Leslie 835 Girinovich Jim-e- 843 Searcy Robt 851 Bradbury Leslie 852 Bush Alfd W-e- 855 Gamble Sami A-e- >859 Attridffe J J 863 Ambrose Edmonds 875 Jenner Ernest E4» 876 'Smith Prank-4- 879 Tunks Thos 895 Doyle Ray R-4^4» 897 Gracia John M Oxford St F intersects 1017 Boy Scouts Hall 1044 Roleck Wm-4- 1095 James Herbt W-4-4» 1099 Kline Sami Hall St intersects 1106 Llghtle James E 1116 Simmons W M 1120 Tooth Mrs Elsie 1125 Hill John E-4- 1129 Hirst Francis B-4- Saskatchewan F intersects CEAMBFZUC.AIN AVFZnTF (HiUcrest) From Caribou Fast runs north to city limits, between 8th and 9th Avenues N. F. Odd numbers Fast Side 803 McDonough James 807 Hunt Harry 809 Day Mrs Elsie 814 Best Harry C 822 Dormer Wm-4- 824 Copeland Geo 856 Barber Wm R Oxford St F Intersects 1090 Barnes Fred-4-4* Hall St F intersects Saskatchewan F intersects CHESTNUT AVENUE (High Park) From Ross Street Fast runs north to Exhibition G-rounds between 1st and 2nd Avenues N. F. FAST SIDE 909 Freeman M R 4 ^ 911 Fletcher Harold- 4 ^ 929 Huck Harold F 44 * 935 Gilmour Mrs N-4-4» Oxford St F intersects 1005 Chesford Apartments 1 Campbell P D 2 Ducklow Gordon H 3 Brown Murray^ 4 Hayhurst Fredk 1011 Betzner Dr N E4* -?iHouse Owner 1011 Leach Mrs Gertrude 1017 Greer Thos C-enj* 1033 Gentles Ro-bt^* 1037 McGregor John A-44* Marlborough St F intersects 1053 Kern J Henry Jr4* 1063 Harwood Prank C-4-4* 1073 Parsons Chas W^ 1085 Sutton Irvine C4* 1091 Hilton James C4* Hall St F intersects 1105 Salthammer H C4* 1111 (D’Connell Richard F-e-^* 1117 Onions H T-44* 1121 Perkins Chas T 1127 Bull Frank4^ 1133 Crighton Melville 1143 Taylor Wm F-4 1171 Mills Francis G 1175 Parsneau Howard Saskatchewan F here WEST SIDE Ross St F intersects 918 Reid Ormond R-44* 924 Pettitt Fred- 44 * 926 Ingall Alfd W-44» 948 Thomas E Blake-44* Oxford St F Intersects 1018 Harris Mrs Wm J-4- 1018 McDiarmid Mrs Lillian 1034 Dawson W Percy4* 1038 Ross Wm G-44* 1046 Haigh George- 44 * Marlborough St F Intersects 1054 Graham Philip W-44* 1072 Cann Austin-4 1080 Ferguson Thos M-44* 10-84 Anderson Edw E- 44 * 1088 Penn Wm H-44* 1088 Harding Mrs Sarah A 1094 Brekken Iver4* 1094 Franks Mrs Sarah-4 Hall St F intersects 1106 Stansfield Clarence-44* 1116 Vickers Wm 4* 1120 Elliott Harold E- 44 * 1126 Schull Richd 1130 Cox James R-4 1138 Spring H Stanley-4 1144 Crichton Chas W- 44 * 1150 Munro A Duncan4* 1150 Vandruft Jacob A 1184 McDonald Mrs M R 1190 Jupp Harold 1190a Neilson Mrs M Saskatchewan F here CI.XFTON AVENUE From 34 Oxford West runs north to city limits. FAST SIDE 1019 Ashman Percy- 44 * 1029 Leal Mrs Annie-44* 1029 Humphrey Mrs Edna 1037 Cook Ernest G4* 1043 Thomson James H44* 1053 Pickett H Davison^ 1053 Willowdene Apartments 1053 Stewart John^ 1053 Hamilton Winfield S 1061 McDonell John J-44* 1069 Vacant 1077 Thomas August4* 1085 McKenzie John R- 44 * Hall St W intersects 1101 McCartney Mrs J A4* 1111 McMurchy Allister4* 4*Telep!hone Clifton Ave. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Coteau St. E, 76 1115 Necker Carl A4» 1119 Atkinson Robt J4^ 1123 Watchorn Wm 1127 Haunay Hamilton H 1131 Woodward Wm4» 1135 Fournier Harold R4» 1139 Colbourne Harry4* 1147 Handley Fredk W4* 1153 Steven Rev Walter T4* 1161 Orr Thomas4» 1165 Boyd Clifton 1167 Dexter Franklin Saskatchewan St W Intersects 1205 Wilder Mrs Thos H-e- 1215 Fletcher Leonard-#^ 1229 Kraus Godfrey J 1231 Brown Clinton C 1237 Brubaker Arthur L 1239 Bond Colin Macdonald St W intersects 1337 Vacant 1339 Pitman John>- Iianrier St W intersects C N B tracks intersect WEST SI1>E 1022 Davidson Henry A4» 103'8 Webster Bert W^ 1046 Broatch Geo N^ 1054 McDonnell Mrs Ida-e-*$^ 1062 McNab Spencer 1070 Vacant 1076 Milne Mrs Jean 1076 Merkley John A4» 1084 Hawke Wm Hall St W intersects 1106 CUfton Hall (basement) Lomheim Nils (ground fir) Seaborn Walter E-e-4» A Irwin Dr Wallace W^ B Johnston James C Gray Neil D McMillan Marjorie D Stewart Mary 1112 Warner C Victor-#-^* 1116 Rouatt John>^J» 1120 Snell John A4* 1124 Young Hugh M phys-e-4» 1128 Fisher E Stuart 1130 Alexander Thos 1134 Fisher Harold 1136 Hearn John F4* 1142 Getty BeU^^ 1146 Barker Geo 1148 Bowes Harold E 1170 Farrell Lome S4» 1172 Lancaster Thos H-?-4^ Saskatchewan St W intersects 1204 Earl James F4» 1204 Todd A K 1204 Bailey Mrs Frank H-e-4* 1208 Kern Louis W-e^ 1212 Smith Ernest M>4^ 1214 Stephens Sami R-e-4^ 1218 Mickus Roy J4» 1232 Drynan James H-e4» 1234 Lovatt Mrs Edna-e^ 1238 Painter Frank S4» 1240 Vacant Macdonald St W intersects 1312 Chambers Thos 1338 Hudson Edw-^^J^ Zianrler St W intersects C IT B tracks intersect COZ.I.EOE Hn^I. Southeast of City, east of BiverFark. CONNATTGHT AVENUE prom Caribou West runs north to city limits, between 6th and 7th Aves. N. W. EAST SIDE 819 Yulll Edw4^ 821 Robbins Cecil C-e- 827 Douglas Alfd E-e- 833 Henderson Robt E-e- 839 Warren Bert 845 Pascoe Clifton4» 855 Kerr Mrs David A ?877 Wells Ernest H 889 Lee Charles-e4* 895 Alexander Chas C-e4» 899 Ward Fredk-e4* Oxford St W intersects 1003 McArthur John K4* 1015 Montgomery J C-e^ 1035 Dubord E M4^ 1039 Labere Solomon 1043 Mclsaac Danl 1047 Collins Mrs Donald 1051 Larson Emil A 1055 Frykland Hilbert 1059 Evoy Earl 1063 Quesnelle Danl 1067 McGinn Fred 1071 Barby Alfd 1079 Noble Joseph A-e- Hall St W intersects 1101 Vacant 1105 Sitter Joseph4» 1107 Ingleby Arth>> 11417 Peck Geo Saskatchewan St W intersects Macdonald St W intersects 1317 Perrins Sami 1351 McCaig John Eaurier St here WEST SIDE 828 Walraven Mrs G4» 840 Couzens Reuben4» 848 Monk Sami P 854 Doane Harry D 862 Shea Mrs Wm A4» 882 Soper Alfd-e-tj^ 888 Dickinson Richd J-e-4^ 892 Thompson Thos-e- Ozford St W intersects 1006 Bowling Harold^* 1012 Graham Chas4» 1018 Overs Gerrard-e- 1024 McRoberts Hilliard W 1030 Goodine Augustus D-e- 1034 Urquhart Alex J-e- 1040 McTavish Mrs J Cameron-e- 1052 Campbell Wm A-e- 1066 Findlay Douglas 1098 Vacant Hall St W intersects Saskatchewan st W intersects Macdonald St W intersects 1312 Adair Richd-#- 1318 Dewey Geo F-e-4» 1342 McLaren James 1346 McFee Geo Eaurier St here COBDOVA STBEET EAST Prom 405 Main N runs east to Cres¬ cent Park. — Grant Hall Hotel — Grant Hall Beauty Shoppe — C H A B Radio Station COBONATION DBIVE Buns from 238 8th Ave. N. E. along North Bank of Biver to I^irford E. 23 Beaton Mrs Margt COTEAU STBEET EAST (South Hill) Pifth street south of railway tracks. Prom Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 27 Fillion Danl 37 Dowen Wm-e- 47 McTavish Lachlin D^^ 63 Fetch R S-M» 79 Fleming Hugh-e- 1st Ave S E intersects 107 McHolm Mrs W 113 West Philip 135 Metka Geo 141 Nickel Herbt -?'House Owner 151 Coulthard S Herbt-#"<* 2nd Ave S £ intersects 201 Sheridan Allan C-^- 209 Murdoch Chas NORTH SIDS 1st Ave S E intersects 106 Craig Frank 112 Gifford Wm A><* 130 Graham Victora 174 Gibbs Henryk 2nd Ave S E intersects COTEAU STREET WEST (South Hill) Pifth street south of railway tracks. Prom Main runs west to city limits. NORTH SIDE Skipton Road intersects 40 Griffiths Thos-e- 50 Orr Chas R-e- 58 Munn John A-e-^ 66 McCormick Wm 1st Ave S W intersects 108 Hinds Mrs Cecil W 114 Fulton Thos B 120 Featherstone John S 128 Puff Edw C 154 Stumps — 162 Hamilton Rev Hill 176 Remey John A-e- 2nd Ave S W intersects 214 Scharf Earl-4- 228 Wharton Harley-4- 246 Thomas Daniel-4- 260 Budge Layonald-4^^ 268 Wilson John E-4^-^^ 3rd Ave S W intersects 304 Purvis Geo-4- 310 Baker Victor A-4-^** 322 Hubbard Claude-4- 328 Hooey Frank 332 Smith Clifford C 358 McDonald John 4th Ave s W intersects 412 Moore Russell R-4- 418 Courtright Mrs Helen M-4-<* 428 Rainbow James-4- 436 Patriquin Robt L-4-<$^ 444 Williams Mrs Wm J-4-^ 450 Smith Harry W-4-*> 458 Fewson Robt 466 McClellan J F-4- 476 Tabaka Wm-4- 5th Ave S W intersects — Empire School 6th Ave S W intersects 7th Ave S W intersects 8th Ave S W intersects 9th Ave S W intersects 924 Karmaznuk Peter-4- 928 Bararuk Pete 934 Dixon John H-44^ ?936 Green Victor 940 Pencer Wm-4- 944 Turchuk Geo 954 Knight Ray 958 Bechthold Fred-4- 10th Ave S W intersects 1002 Kane Michael-4- 1002a O’Byrne Harold 1010 Eofgren Harry A 1042 Wetaski Peter 1046 Gulchuk Pete-4- 1050 Sub P O No 2 1050 Romanuk John groc 1058 Mainland Wm 1060 Patruska John 1066 Wasley John-4-^^ 11th Ave S W Intersects 1102 Dunn Michael E 1116 Dropko Mike-4 1118 Shpuniarsky Jacob 1124 Evered Thos H-4 1126 Semko Mrs Olga-4 1132 Kalanuk Nicola4 1150 Wetaski Philip 1156 McGregor Chas 1158 Koshman Mike confy 1160 Bates Beryl-4 12th Ave S W Intersects 1208 Yurchuk Mrs Irene-4 1224 Bergin A F-4 SOUTH SIDE 3 McBride’s Ltd No 16 5 Sinclair Confectionery 15 Cantlon Wm-4 27 Sato R Skipton Ave Intersects 103 Vacant 111 Baker Alfd E4- 127 Robertson Mrs W S-4^* 141 Hogbin Percy E-4 149 McDonald Kenneth C 151 Ramage John-4 167 Sharpe John W Scott St intersects 211 Higgins Geo-4 219 Grant Ernest-4*> 227 Schlizky Wm 2nd Ave here 257 Taylor John-4 265 Wheeler Wm J Tapley intersects 303 St Michael and All Angels Church 311 Baker Alex-4^* 315 Hackworth Rev P C 319 Fryer Alex C-4 323 Vincer Geo-4^ 325 Miles Wm J-4 329 Peterson Lloyd W-4 337 Beaman R M 345 Shabbits J 349 Arnold Wm E 351 Foulds Marttha 355 King Edwin A»> 361 Capital Grocery 361 Slow Albt 4th Ave S W intersects 403 England Mrs J 405 Wilson Herbt*}» 411 Perry Robt G-4 417 Bell Chas E-4 423 Michaluk Geo 431 Gardner John G4-^+ 437 Fowler Edw4^* 445 Vincer Wm-4>J» 455 Jobling Harold A-4*J» 471 Lloyd George-4 477 Munro H A 5th Ave S W intersects 6th Ave S W intersects 637 Sambrooks Geo4-«fr 641 Scharstrom Helgie 661 Knight John retd 699 Wiseman Louis J-4 7th Ave S W intersects 745 Anthony R Gordon-4»$» 749 Walker Wm W^* 753 Andrews Horace 757 Farrier Edw 763 MCKillop Duncan 767 Glass James 771 Heuft Wm44^ 777 Quinn Bert4 ?4House Owner ^*Teleii)!hone 6a Coteau St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Elsom St. 77 8th Ave s W Intersects 841 Irwin Wm J 847 Honeysett James 853 McNabb Lloyd 853 Johnson Harry 9th Ave S W Intersects 10th Ave S W Intersects 11th Ave S W intersects 12th Ave S W intersects 1223 Gradow Wm-e- 1243 Steele Mrs Ken 13th Ave S W intersects 1329 Perwiznuik Alex 1331 McMullen Wm-e- 1337 Medlock Fred Jr 1343 Dyer Fred 1507 Radwanski Julius 1529 Fedorowicz Mrs Amelia-e- DONAIiD STREET (City View) From 9th Avenue N. W. runs west. 920 Megson Mrs Harry 926 Taylor Sydney 940 Avery Dexter 952 Dyer James L-e- 954 Frew 964 Erb Henry 10th Ave N W intersects 1036 McKay Alex-e- 1044 Moore Wm J-e- 11th Ave N W intersects a2th Ave N W intersects DUFFIEIiE (South Hill) Runs from Riverside Street west to City Iiimits. NORTH SIDE Parkview here 276 Grieve Gerald Tapley intersects 304 Henderson Peter A-e-^ 30-8 Cooper D Ohas 312 Roberts Malcolm 318 Heaps Alfd 3rd Ave S W intersects 332 Mowat Joseph-e- 336 Johnson John L 342 Brundage Frank 344 Thackray Frank 350 Thompson G Arlington 356 Ramey Joseph A-e^J» 360 Fryklund Helmer N 4th Ave S W intersects 408 Doney Mrs Ann-e- 422 Thompson G Ulysses>^ 426 Meronuk Frank 426 Kunalovich Stanley 430 'Steel Howard 430 Steel Roy 440 Hindley John 444 McKinnon Malcolm^^ 450 Clements Edw-e- 462 Kienitz Eugene R-e-^ 5th Ave S W intersects 6th Ave S W intersects 638 Arnold Robt-e^ 642 Sanfleban Albt 7th Ave S W intersects 762 Harrison Wm 8th Ave S W intersects 834 Houghton Joseph 852 Freeland Albt G 9th Ave S W intersects 1234 ’Stevenson Henry P 1318 'Bush Philip 1320 Crook Fred W 1348 Medlock Fred 1550 Stone John SOUTH SIDE Parkview here 279 Hunchuk Geo-e- 283 Greaves Wm-e- 285 Lindsay Calvin 297 Gruben Sverre G Tapley intersects 303 Weaver J R-e- ?House Owner 305 Smith Arthur M-e-^ 313 Scott Joseph 317 Hardy Michael 319 Ross Stuart 321 Bieber John 323 Pierce Mrs Isabel 331 Bell Alex 333 Kelcey Arth E 337 Bannister Walters 339 Hynes Cecil 349 Fuller Geo^ 355 McKay Gordon 4th Ave S W intersects 423 Rideout Chas 429 Bailey Roland 435 Witney Percy H-e^ 441 White Mrs C^ 447 Davies E Harold^^{» 455 Tibbie Herbt F-e>J* 5th Ave S W intersects 615 Kell Geo 617 Harcott Nick^ 629 Brown Mrs Vida^* 6th Ave S W intersects 7th Ave S W Intersects 8th Ave S W Intersects 819 Burton Thos &? 825 Fraser Donald 841 Koro’hinski Wm^ 841 Wetaski Nick 9th Ave S W intersects 1229 Stadnyk Nick 1233 Nykolak Nick 1303 Richardson Arth 1319 Fedorowicz Mrs Emily 1545 Bodnar Frank EDMONTON STREET (City View) From 9th Avenue N. W. runs west. 923 Getson Arthur M> 926 Shaw Wm^ 929 Peterson Aug K^ 934 Jewsbury Walters 935 Key Mrs Eliz^ 959 Lucas Mrs Redvers 10th Ave N W intersects 1006 Waugh Wm J^ llth Ave N W here EDOIN AVENUE From Caribou West runs north to city limits, between 8th and 9th Ave¬ nues N. W. Odd numbers East Side 827 Johnson Andw 831 Crane Cecil J>4^ 837 Spiller Mrs Stephen E 843 Docherty John^ 847 Morgan Wm M-^^ 857 Steel James D-e^ 863 Boyle Thos 869 Downing Wm^ 870 Mayes Robt^*> 1st Ave N E intersects 141 Keay Wm-e- 147 Lucas Mrs W H 153 Stafford Irvine 153 Couzens Grocery 159 Rendezvous 159 McMillan H A 163 Dewhurst Mrs M 163 Tozer George-e^J» 2nd Ave N E intersects 211-223 Fairford Apartments 211 Bleaney L H jan 213 Williams Chas 213 Ellis James 217 Whalen Mrs J 219 Wheeler Mrs Jennie M 219 Purvis James 223 Pratte AIM^ 223 Morrison Ivan 3fd Ave N E intersects 327 Woods Ernest C N B tracks intersect 343 Morrison Norman C 343 Belbin Alfd C 351 Langman Wm 359 Ballam Freeman•?^$^ 359 Dumouchel Emil 371 McLean Geo^' 377 Hammond John-e- 377 Poplar Confectionery 4th Ave IT E intersects — General Hospital 439 Nurses Home 5th Ave N E intersects — Isolation Hospital 537 Gates Basil 545 Howard Chas A-e-4^ 553 Vacant 561 King Geo H^$^ 569 Dann Harry 577 Boxer Francis 6th Ave N E intersects 7th Ave N E intersects 729 Cargill James-e- 8th Ave H E intersects 801 Pardy Mrs Florence 805 Holtham Joseph E-e- 9th Ave N E intersects 909 Stewart Archd L-e-^ 911 Anderson Chas 919 Haresign Ernest-e- 921 Watson Robt L 10th Ave N E intersects 1019 Holman Mrs Lavinia 1023 Paul Geo*^ NOBTH SIDE 30 Harwood Hotel 30 Harwood Beauty Salon 30 Harwood Barber Shop 30 Harwood Confectionery 38 Orpheum Theatre 1st Ave H E intersects — Crescent Park 2nd Ave N E intersects — Moose Jaw Natatorium — Turner Stewart F 3rd Ave IT E intersects 304 Doyle Mrs M 310 Scho'field John-^^ 310 Fernihough John C 320 Wallace Mrs Mary 330 Ward Arth C N B tracks intersect 344 Little Thos 344 Cowan Mrs Edw 360 Gavan John M-<^ 368 Seymour Fred 376 Rollo Wm-^ 4th Ave N E intersects 406 Nurses Home 414 Clarke Mrs Harriet J-e^ 414 Clarke Edw T 420 Jackson Regd H 428 Humble James-^ 520 Newton Ernest-e-^* 528 Kindred Thos-^^ 536 Vacant 542 Lueck Carl 546 Olsen John 546 McColl John 556 McWilliams Leslie E 6th Ave N E intersects 614 Talbot Frank-e-^ 622 Blizzard Thos 7th Ave N E intersects 766 Young Albt-e-^ 8th Ave isr E intersects 802 Blizzard Harry 816 Schneeburger Joseph 818 Goldman James-e- 822 Sanderson Elmer 834 Hill Wm 950 Wilkinson Mrs M 9th Ave N E intersects 10th Ave IT E intersects 1006 Cotton John-e- 1014 Laidler Harry J T-e^ 1028 Pearcey Mrs K 1030 McLeman Mrs W 1034 Cross Mrs Henry-e- 11th Ave IT E intersects -?•House Owner 4^elephone Pairford St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Grace St. 79 PAlItFORD STREET WEST From Post Office, Main Street mns west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE — Post Office Bnildlngr 25 McLeod W R barber 29 Thomson Wm 25 Forsbeg O 31 Caderly Fred 31 Baker Ben — City Hall 1st Ave K W intersects 133 Georgeson Otto^ 145 Lennox Norman 153 Alexander John 159 Evoy H LTele«phone High St. E. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW High St. W. 83 Walter Scott Block—Cont. 409 Rose & Johnson 409 Natural Sodium Products 409 Anglo Canadian Mortgage Inv Corporation Ltd 409 Smith James ifln agt 409 Confederation Life 409 Boys V H ins Plfth Ploor 601 Metropolitan Life Insurance 503 Hodge & Bamford 509 Canadian Government Elevator 510 Western Grain Inspection 16 Vacant 18 Board of Trade 18 Moose Jaw Exhibition Co 24 Vacant 26 Success Business College 26 Moose Jaw Business College Ltd 26 Howdeu Block 1 Hill Myrl 3 Kilby — 6 Fotheringham Fred N 7 Fenwick Frank A 8 Grabowki Joseph 9 Wollatt S E 10 Huggett Chas 12 Grieve C 14 Howden David S 26 Typewriter Service & Exchange 28 Crescent Press 30 Prairie News Co 34 Roberts Arthur shoe repr 36 Gord’s Tire Shop 36 Lewis Joe 42 Salvation Army Citadel 48 Great West Battery & Elec Co 60 First Baptist Church 72 Weed Clair 80 Knox Presbyterian Church 1st Ave N B intersects 116 Victoria School 136 Gilfillan Archd 136 Tasche Andw 136 Neilson Oscar 144 Webb Edw E 144 Smith Alex 156 Nelson Carl 162 Mullet Arthur M 166 Holland Mrs Laura-4- 176 Mackay Thos D-4^ 2nd Ave N E intersects 206 Little Mrs Mary<$^ 220 McWilliams Wesley 230 Bedford Frank 242 Yuke Alfd 252 Morrison Mrs Mabel CNR tracks intersect 378 Jacobson Arth C RIG-H STREET WEST Prom 204 Main runs west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 11 Dominion Bank Building ‘Hodge Coal Co Ltd Bird Construction Co Bloomer Dr James E Plunkett James A dentist Maybery Alfd W ins agt Maybery Arnold H real est Keogh E P^ Powell Marion phys Hoare Harry 15 Smith Geo C 17-19 Evans Florists 21 Alliance Tabernacle 25 Baylis Tom P 27 Binning Block 1 McKenna Margt 2 Wallace Mrs Margt J 3 Kallos Mrs Mary 5 Black Mrs Emily J 6 Nelson C 29 Beatty Washer Store 33 Craig Danl M pianos 33 National Cash Register Co Ltd 33 Taylor J & Co 35 Utopia Block 1 Worling Geo 2 Wrightson Guy 3 Carrigan Mrs M 4 Fletcher J 9 Norene Geo 10 Hunt Wm H 19 Swark Teresa 20 Gurght Mary 37 Massey-Harris Co Ltd 37 Murdock John M agric implts 41 City Relief Dept 43 Bunnell Block 2 Mang Wm 3 Hogarth Wm 4 Mitchell T D 5 Kitchen John 5 Stirton Fred 6 Cross Jack 7 Baker Mrs Irene 8 Reid Mrs Olive 9 McKenzie Mrs Jack 10 Popascul Nick 11 White Joseph E 12 Atchison John M jan 45 McKenzie Auto Equipment 49 Silver Furriers 49 Silverman Mandel 51 Bank Block 2 Battel A 7 Miller Ross 8 Lyman Curly 8 Holland Mrs Ethel 55 Liquor Board Store 57 Vacant 59 Eindsay Block la Malone Peter lb Hogarth Marguerite 7 Kefford Arthur caretkr 9 Hudson Mrs Rosina R^ 10 Simpson David C 63 Prowse Hardware 65 Battell Block 67 Totten Elliott Motors 73 High Street Apartments 1 Cheney Ardys 1 Cheney Lorene 2 Peake Frank jan^ 4 Miller Wm 6 Black Gordon 6 Renner Oscar 7b McKeen Henry 8 Simpson Mrs Margt 9 Rogers Gordon W 10 Suey Sang 14 Shaw Mrs Minnie 15 Clark Thos 16 Gow Mrs Rose 17 Forman Eva 73 New York Tailors 79 McBride’s Ltd No 12 79 Hub Market Ltd 81 Employment Service of Canada 1st Ave N W intersecte 105 Moose Jaw Auction Rooms 109 Letcher’s Battery Service 113 Reliance Machine Works Ltd 121 Bowman Bros Ltd 121 Maybee Apartments 1 George Oliver 2 McNabb Wm J4» 3 Smith Geo M 4 Hilton W L 5 O’Dwyer P S 6 Isman D 7 Richardson Geo 8 Broadfoot Mrs C H 9 Smith Howard S^ 10 Walters Harold 11 Bucknall Fred 12 Jones H Tilson 13 Doherty James A 14 Dyer H E 15 Warshawski F ??iHouse Owner ?•i^Telephone E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Vaiue-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 84 High St. W. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW High St. W. Mayhee Apts.—Cont. 16 Brandt E B 17 Tait Floyd 19 Williams Dennis 20 Gibson Milton P 21 Baker Percy 22 Sampson J A 23 La Fleur J Peter 24 Neazor Earl 123 Maybee Geo A mfrs agt 127 Clarendon Apartments 1 Reid Mrs M 3 Bennett Harry jan 4 York Bert 5 Wagner Clarence 6 Ferrier J E 7 McMillan Mrs Lucille 9 Erickson Laina 10 Stafford C 11 Hindley Albt 12 Breyere Sam 12a Fredrick P 13 Edwards F C 14 Brown Miss A 15 McCallum W A 16 Irwin J A 17 Manovech Miss K 18 Shaefer Melvin G 19 Cairns Robt 20 Johnson John 127 Moose Jaw Printing Co Ltd 135 York Auto Supply Co 143 Doherty Mrs Alice 157 'Lawrence Garage 161 The Moose Jaw Argus 163 Vacant 169 Bullock Mrs M 175 Waara Chas 177 Benson’s Barber Shop 179 Oasis Confectionery 2nd Ave IT W Intersects 203 Bathgate Wm 219 Frost Block (rround Floor 1 Page-Ruth 2 Moubert Mrs E 3 Leveque L R 4 Berthiaume Miss G A 5 Crane Ida 6 Codd Edw First Floor 1 Benoit Nettie lA Boylan Sami D 2 Henderson Walter 2A Brown E G 3 Anderson Clara 3A Keenan Bert 4 Watson Miss V 4 A Robson J L 5 Swift Miss A 5A Nakashima H I 6 Robinson Edna 7 Mclnnis Miss M 8 Peterman Cora and Mildred 9 Thomas — 10 Ennis E 11 Urquhart Hugh 12 Reid Dan B 14 Foreacre Florence 15 Williams Miss M 16 Keith Roy 18 McDougall Estelle V 18 Munro Alex 19 Poulton R 20 Ross Wm 21 Hales Miss E 21 Powell Muriel 219 Frost Arth A plbr 223 Frost Arth^ 225 Hagan Chas^ 231 Tigue J J 241 Arrowsmith Walter H-#-4^ 261 Chinese Mission 267 Pascoe Mrs J>i^ 279 Micas M K 3rd Ave IT W intersects 303 Free Methodist Church 319 Tipper Walter 319 Deydey John 4th Ave N W intersects 409 Vacant 5th Ave IT W intersects — Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd 6th Ave N W intersects — Moose Jaw Foundry 603 Moose Jaw Transportation Co Ltd 7th Ave IT W intersects 8th Ave IT W intersects 9th Ave IT W intersects NORTH SIDB 12 Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers 3 Martin Frank W dentist (3rd flr) Bank employees 14 New Grayson Building — Executors & Administrators Trust Co Ltd Second Floor — Grayson & McTaggart 1 Cornell H S 2 Swiderek M 3 James Frank 4 Kirton J 5 Haste Mrs M 6 Mosher W L 8 Carleton J 9 Dryden Mrs Mary 10 Spring Violet 11 Sandum R 20 Motor License Branch 24 Schacter Benj 24 Alguire Earl D-^ 24 Fysh Leonard Ltd drugs 26 Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd 28 Moose Barber Shop 30 Colling Block 30 Armstrong Wm 32 Quality Press Ltd 34 Moose Jaw Co-oper Society 36 Weeks & Pugh photogr 38 Porter Block 38 Moose Jaw Co-Oper Society Ltd 40 Horton Land Co 42 Tire Bargain House 48 Davidson Business College 48 Royal Bank Chambers 48 Royal Bank of Canada 48 Rural Munic of Moose Jaw No 161 54 Probert Wm 56 Vacant 58 Geddes John A saddlery 62 Vacant 64 Moose Jaw Heating & Plumbing 66 Remington Rand Ltd 66 Kempton Clifford 66 Kempton Gwen 68 Marshall’s Shoe Hospital 80 Sterling Motors Ltd 1st Ave N W Intersects 134 Reasonable Laundry ???House Owner ^?Telephone High St. W. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hochelaga St. E. 85 134 Yee Hong Goey 138 Roman’s Machine & Parts Co Ltd 140 Mid West Auction Rooms 148 Anderson A L agric implts 168-178 Central Motor Co Ltd 2nd Ave IT W intersects 214 Buddowich Chas 222 Loutzenhiser V A 232 Vacant 240 Pillsbury Mrs Jessie^ 246 Cooper Wm A-e*** 250 Friesen Karl 256 Mair Mrs Annie M-4-4» 264 Short Leonard^ 268 Canadian Legion (BESL) 3rd Ave N W intersects 310 Wellington Dr Chas W*^ 316 Black Mrs 334 Armour Alex^* 348 McLean Mrs Wm H-^* 360 Axworthy Joseph S^ 368 Anderson Madeline M<* 380 Douglas Percy-e-^* 4th Ave N W intersects 406 Vacant 430 Hodgson W H & Co 432 Moose Jaw Distributing Co 432 Simpson Robt Western Ltd 468 Saskatchewan Junk 5th Ave N W intersects 506 Security Lumber Co Ltd 574 National Fruit Co Ltd (br) 6th Ave N W intersects 618 Orrell Coal Co 686 Ohm L D Co 7th Ave N W intersects 8th Ave N W intersects 848 Vacant 870 Vacant Prairie Heights 907 Kapuschinski Joseph-e- 915 Smith Wm-^ 917 Meadows Emary 935 Vacant 1001 Dobson Richd-e- Westmore Subdivision 1226 Vaughan Willoughby G-e- 1231 Mironick Nick HOCHZ:i.AaA STBEPT EAST From 637 Main runs east to city lim¬ its. SOUTH SIBE 19 Fahy T J uphlstr 51 Evans Henry W-eHj» 57 Chapman Mrs Frank W-e-^ 69 Shankoff Mike 73 Kilburn Wilfred4» Ist Ave N E intersects 107 Berry Chas W-e^ 113 McDonald Alex B 115 McColl Mrs B L^ 127 Campbell Geo^- 137 Brown Sami E-e-4» 155 Nelson Martin 159 Timmons John 161 Vanstone 'Thos R^* 167 Shingler Chas N^ 167 Vanstone Mrs L S J-e- 2nd Ave N H intersects 203 Ternan J Henry-e^ 211 Vacant 221 White Wm H 243 Blondin Alex 251 Brown Mrs Alice 257 Young Geo S 267 Hannah Rennie A 279 McDonald Mrs lEmma-e- 3rd Ave N E intersects CNR tracks intersect 4th Ave N E intersects 429 Hales Wm W 437 Osadchuk Geo 443 Guy Walter 449 Monaghan Thos-e- 453 Stevenson Andw 465 Bennett Willard 5th Ave N E intersects 50'3 Heron Mrs Lena 511 Rideout Lawrence-#- 521 Higson Gordon-^^ 559 Harris Edw C-#- 559 Martin Mrs Arthur 569 Bryant Richd-e- 577 Cooper John E-#- €th Ave N E intersects 615 Bristow Arthur R-#- 625 Walter Laurence 643 Parkinson I Ernest-#^$^ 651 Stanhope Thos A 665 Uncles Bertie B 7th Ave N E Intersects 713 Jasky James 719 Bristow James-#^ 729 Munro Wm 735 McBurney James 739 Fisher Mrs A 743 Lix Joseph 747 Spiers Geo 777 Craig J 8th Ave N E intersects 819 Legion Scout Hall 847 Bulmer Chas 849 King Chas 855 Stedmond John B-#- 9th Ave N E intersects NORTH SIDE 30 Johnstone Dairies 30 Dom & Prov Youth Training Schl 42 Evans Greenhouse 42 Evans Fredk W-<^ 76 Evans Franks 76 McCullough Mrs Frank 1st Ave N E intersects 106 Brown Thos W^* 122 Chegwin Mrs B B-#^* 130 Grayson F Russell-#^ 138 Grayson C Douglas-#^ 162 Woods Adna C4^ 162 Thomas Mrs Matilda-#- 168 Calder Earle 176 Elwood Geo A 2nd Ave IT E intersects 222 Fielding Thos H-#- 222 (rear) Urton John 228 Elliott John K-#- 236 Graham — 244 Hadler Victor 246 Marchik Martin 246 Orr Mrs Wm 262 O’Connor Maurice B-#- 270 Swift Mrs H A 272 Vacant 3rd Ave IT E intersects CNR tracks intersect 4th Ave N E intersects 422 Lazenwkski Mike 430 Hender Harry-#- 444 Whitelock Geo A-#^ 466 Coward Mrs S 476 License Robert-e- 5th Ave N E intersects 512 Frost Mrs E M-#- 520 Hall Mrs Emma-#- 526 White Mrs H G 536 Scott John H 544 Priddle John W-#- 552 Dand James H-#- 558 St Barnabas Anglican Church 6th Ave N E intersects 604 Rousell Nelson 612 Senogles Joseph 620 Seals Mrs Anne 620 Brattan Mrs Elizabeth-4- 620 Toddington Mrs Fanny E 636 Senogles Mrs Una 650 Hartley John4 660 Wolfenden Richd-4 7th Ave N E intersects 712 Spencer Geo J-#-4» 720 Bendler Crawford ?4House Owner ^|^Tele^phone It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 86 Hochelaga St. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hochelaga St. W. 726 Etherirgton Henry 734 Nelson O 744 Vacant 752 Ashworth Dennis 758 Morrison Wilfred>^+ 778 Shaw Chas-^- 8th. Ave N E intersects 802 Shiels Wm-e^ 806 Joynes Albt 810 Neilson Nels 814 McDonough James 830 Gregor Paul 834 Yaschuk Wm 840 Cooper Fredk T-e- 842 Dowd James E 844 Horton Horace-e- 848 Diemert Ambrose C 856 Reiman Wm^^- 9th Ave IT E intersects BOCHEIiAOA STREET WEST prom 722 Main west to First Avenue. SOUTH SIDE 27 Central Lutheran Church 45 Winters Wm^$» 65 Cunningham Joseph A-^^ 71 Dawson Rev Robt-e- 175 Gray Mrs H 2nd Ave IT W intersects 213 McKellar Archie D 221 Campbell Sylvester 231 lElkin Saml-e- 239 Sivell Eliz M-4- 239 British Foreign Bible Depository 245 Dewar Thos-e- 249 Johnston John 255 Keegan Mrs Wm 263 Fyles James-e^$» 267 Murray John 275 Goettler Mrs Annie 3rd Ave IT W intersects 305 Richardson Geo W>^ 313 Graham Mrs J 319 Vigar Reginald , 321 Dalke Mrs H 329 Jones Albt-t-^ 333 Geddes John A-4^J» 3'39 Gardner John 345 Felinger Henry 353 Clarke Fred 361 Lillico Mrs Margt-^ 367 Carpenter Lester W-e^ 4th Ave N W intersects 403 Boyle Joseph-^^^ 411 Hill John^^ 419 Hurlbert Floyd 429 Botham Mrs Mary-#- 439 Breesne Martin^J^ 443 Jepson Thos-^^ 451 Crichton Wm-#-<* 459 Boucher Harriet H-^ 465 Matthews Chas T 471 Yacht Harry-e- 479 Strickland’s Meat Mkt ?House Owner 5th Ave IT W intersects 503 Harveys Grocery 523 Rose James-4-^ 531 Walker Bertram 533 Siddeley John^^^ 539 Montgomery Robt4^ 545 Curry Ralph 553 Barnes Geo E-e^ 561 Vacant 571 Judd Mrs Charlotte 575 Ball Clayton 6th Ave N W intersects 605 Beaton Wm J^'^ 615 Render Albt 621 Ivay Fred S J-4-4» 627 Renshaw Howard 645 Stayner Weldon 645 Aitchison Wm J 661 Jerred Fredk G^ 667 Woodside Dr Harold?^^ 675 Young John 7th Ave N W intersects 767 Kaderle Nick 8th Ave IT W intersects ITORTH SIDE 26 Pentecostal Missoin 26 Odegard Rev S T 32 Ballam Mrs Emma^ 42 Davies Arthur L-4^ 48 Bastedo John G-4^ 1st Ave IT W Intersects 108 Clemenshaw Clarence 114 Hoyes Geo 120 Flumerfelt John A 128 Ellis Mrs A J 152 McLelland Wm J 162 Keegan Wm 170 McDonald Hectors 176 Herrem Peter-4^ 2nd Ave N W intersects 206 Dean Clifford^$^ 214 Jordan Harold W^ 224 Bowen Mrs Jessie^ 238 Gardner Wm>*> 262 Murray Michael 270 Stevens Joseph J grocer 272 Foster Wm H^^^ 3rd Ave IT W intersects 306 Meyers A Clarke-4^ 320 Humphrey Mrs F 328 Russell Richard P^ 336 Stokins Harry Sr-4^ 344 Moulding Wm-4-^* 352 Klocker M N 364 Hindley Thos<«» 370 Bryant Mrs K 378 Hale Robt 4th Ave IT W intersects 404 Jenner Albt M*J* 414 Beamish Wm 432 Craig Danl M-4^ 448 Livingston Robt Sr^^ 456 Gorkey Rufus 462 Kidder A Joseph^ 474 Crone Joseph-4-*j» 5th Ave K W intersects 550 Rapanos Thos 554 McDiarmid James^ 562 Backman Paul EmiK* 566 Hauser Francis J-4^ 572 Butler Albt^ 576 Robertson Alex-4H$» 6th Ave IT W intersects 620 Martin Mrs Harriett-4^ 644 Henderson Colin M-4-«J> 650 Foord Albt W4^ 4»Telephone Hochelagra St. W. HENDERSOISrS (1940) MOOSE JAW Home St. W. 87 656 Woodhouse Albt 662 House Edwin M-4^ 7th Av© N W intersects 712 McGavin John*> 722 Crocker Mead 774 Belsey Henry J 778 Williams Percy-e^ 8th Ave K W intersects 9th Ave N W intersects BOTH SIDES 912 Cafferata Edw J 912 McBride’s Ltd No 13 923 Stuart Edw C 925 Worrall Eric 935 Williams Mrs Bertha 944 Mackay Thos S 946 Butler Thos 947 Leriviere Mrs Mary 949 Lawrence Melvin 950 Frykland Lyle 955 Stoakes Victor J 958 Jones R C Timothy-©- 961 Aymer Thos T^*- 961 Tommy’s Delivery 964 Lane Chas 968 Walmsley Wm 10th Ave N W intersects 1008 Smallwood Geo4^ 1010 Thompson John W-e- 1016 Gutheridge Hamond-e- 1026 Divers Joseph-#- 1038 Meredith Jess 1058 Cantelon Wilburt-©- 11th Ave N W intersects 1111 Bonson Geo-e- 1117 Mills John R 1143 Wood Wm-©- 12th Ave N W intersects 1203 Bowman Harry 1209 Coates James-e^J^ 1239 Whittaker Thos H-©- 13th Ave N W intersects 1324 Nestor Thos-©- 1340 Higginbottom Joseph-©- 1346 Bland James E-©- 14th Ave N W intersects 15th Ave H W intersects 1424 Adams Arthur-©- 1426 Gray Herbt T-©- 16th Ave N W intersects 1604 Rowe Thos-©- 1647 Duckworth John-©- 17th Ave IT W intersects HOME STREET EAST (South Hill) F^m 221 Main runs east to city) limits. SOUTH SIDE 25 Berry Fred S 47 Duchak Mrs Mary 53 Duncan D Alex-©- 63 Soady Mrs Fanny 83 Michalka Mrs M 83 Corner Store 1st Ave S E intersects 111 Corke Douglas 125 Smith Sidney J*J- 133 Bulpit Orie J-©^> 153 Campbell Earl M-©*> 163 Hagan Addison-©-^ 2nd Ave S E intersects NORTH SIDE 32 Bytner Albt-© 32 Palanak Omifri 48 Porter Wm A 58 'Kadobjosnski John 80 Mount Royal Apartments 1 Brandle Robt J 2 Anderson Jack 3 Parks Lewis H jan 5 Dryden John 21 Moore Robt 22 Taylor Victor 23 Lyons Ernest F C 24 Neilsen Peter 25 Jackson Clarence 31 Bedford G 32 Boyce Mrs A 33 Laxham Mrs M 1st Ave S E intersects 2nd Ave S E intersects HOME STREET WEST (South Hill) Second street south of railway tracks. From Main runs west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 25 Loucks Roy 33 Olson Theodore 39 Gillan Joseph-©- 47 Loveridge J R 59 Bretton Joe 65 McCormick James E-©- 73 Ball Mrs Mervin 83 Nykulaik Nick-©- 1st Ave S W intersects 105 Bussey James W 111 Elkins Hubert 119 Simmonds Edw 129 Morris Walter-©4» 135 Haswell James 143 Payne Eustace H-©-^ 159 Horsman James F-©^ 169 Welcher Geo 177 Skrypnyk Mike-©- 2nd Ave S W intersects 221 Gilpin Joseph 227 Jones James^ 231 Grace Wm 235 Park James-©- 239 Murphy Thos 273 Thompson John W-© 279 Conway Fredk 3rd Ave S W intersects 303 Byrnes Wm-©- 313 Baxter Fred-©- 319 Newton John T-©- 361 Moubert Harolde- 371 Wermie Mrs Nick 4th Ave s W intersects 409 Jones Wm M 419 Vacant 435 Matthews J W-©- 445 Willard Hotel 445 Oraham P W & Sons 453 Harris John D-©-«fr 461 Johnson Robt-©- 465 Roga Wm-©- 461 Dobni Harry 473 McDonald Marvin 479 Jones Arth 5th Ave S W intersects 501 Maillie Robt-©- 505 Bellmas Mike 509 Zwolenski Wm 513 May Wm J 517 Wynn Wesley J-©- 521 Lambertus C F 525 Ellis Robt F-©- 529 Bell Archie 561 Vacant 6th Ave S W intersects 601 Canada Packers Ltd 7th Ave S W intersects 8th Ave S W intersects 9th Ave S W intersects 915 Flegel Dan 917 Faron Stanley n s Drewry’s Ltd 1142 Pochowich Michael NORTH SIDE 3rd Ave S W intersects 306 Napier James-©- 312 Turle Fred-©- 322 Bryant Albt E-© 330 Osask Nick 332 Keevil Allan-©- 336 Barnes Bertram-©- 344 Thorpe Joseph 356 Bjornson B A 378 Peterson Henry 378 South Hill Garage 4th Ave S W intersects -©House Owner ‘•JfTeleiphone Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 88 Home St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Iroquois St. W. 404 Chomin Stefan-4- 406 Giilck Henry-4^ 410-414 Sorsky John 422 Shaw John 446 -Ridyard Ernest W 454 Eluk Mrs F-4- 460 Margoreeth Alex-4- 468 Kobylanski John-4 476 Pomosky Fredk4- 5th Ave S W intersects 6th Ave S "W intersects 7th Ave S W intersects — Union Stock Yards — Ziive Stock Exchange Building Prov Dept of Agric (Inspectn Br) Dominion Dept of Agriculture Southern Sask Co-op Stock Yards Pawley John L Willows Lloyd Ltd Dewey-Gardner Co Ltd Sask Co-oper Livestock Producers HUXiI. STREET (South HUl) (formerly Homhy Street) Sixth Street south of Coteau. From 9th Avenue S. W. runs west to city limits. 916 Zolotakha Theo 920 Selby Wm4- 950 Harpham Geo E-4 1030 Bathgate John-4 1042 Dracup Thos-4 1042 Peebles James IROQUOIS STREET EAST (South Hill) Fourth St. south of railway tracks. From Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE — King Edward School 1st Ave S E intersects 103 Gould Walter J4^ 115 Knox Bertram4^$» 131 Stuckey Peter 135 Stroud Allen 143 Sutherland A David-4^+ 151 Moffat Wm J-44^ 161 Arrowsmith Thos G 4 - 2nd Ave S E intersects NORTH SIDE Main St here 40 Passmore Wm E 44 Hogan Maynard L4^^^ 50 Robinson Thos W -4 56 Makinson John^ 62 Fitchett Wm C-4 66 Player Fred-4 74 Alford Chas R 1st Ave S E intersects 116 McWalter David R-^ 126 Booth Colin 150 Cushing Mrs Geo- 4 ^ 156 Richardson Wm-4 2nd Ave intersects 200 Children’s Shelter IROQUOIS STREET W. (South Hill) Fourth St. south of railway tracks. From Main runs west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 9 Lord Percival T 9 King Edward Confy 39 Cooling Albt M-4^ 43 Bemis Chas Le-^ 49 Robinson Chas 55 Webb Alfd E-4^ 59 Stevenson Donald R 4-House Owner 65 Poster Wm Ist Ave N W intersects 105 Davey Ernest4- 113 Monroe Wallace C 121 Giles Harry4^ 121 Sears John-4 153 Reid John 161 Reid Wallace 177 St Paul’s Presbyterian Church 2nd Ave S W Intersects 203 Harrison Wm D meats 203 Clarke Mrs Mary 209 Burt HAG 213 Burts Grocery 215 Red & White Hall 219 Semenchuk Geo-4 229 Poperink Geo-4 233 Vacant 239 Keir Finley-4 251 Smith John D-4^ 259 West Robt4- 269 Stewart Adam N 277 Trinity United Church 3rd Ave S W intersects 303 Andrews Earl D 321 Babych Geo 327 Brown Robt^* 335 Cave Robt 345 Lowrey Albt S-4 351 Gillies Thos P Jv^ 359 Nelson Michael 4th Ave S W intersects 419 Bedford Chas 427 McAndrew Alex 435 Pangborne James 441 Bennetton Herbt E 445 Routier Telephore J-4 451 Duncan Gordon 459 Fish George R-4^ 477 Spence Wm 5th Ave S W intersects 6th Ave S W intersects 7th Ave S vr intersects 8th Ave S W intersects 9th Ave S W intersects 915 Kozun Wm-4 933 Alexandruk Mike-4 937 Litowsky Peter-4 943 Dobna Mike-4 945 Shepherd John-4^ 953 Petrescue Alex 957 Koshnysh John-4 959 Koralyk Steve 959 Powalchuk Dan 10th Ave S W intersects 1001 Krowchuk Emil-4 1007 Halinski Alex 1011 Tacuk Wm 1025 Lys Boris 1027 Korzachuk Fred-4 1027 Prairie Heights Dairy 1051 Spankie Robt 1053 Sowiak Harry 1057 Charach Andw 1063 Benwick Wm-4 11th Ave S W intersects 1117 Gruell Fred-4 1123 Kozmanuk Geo-4 1149 Nychka Paul 1151 Miller Wendel 1153 Yeschuk John 1155 Yeschuk Peter 1161 Olynyk Wasyl-4 12th Ave S W intersects 1211 Berg Oscar 1213 Mandzuk John 4^Teleiphone Iroquois St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Lillooet St. E. 89 1225 Bodnar John NORTH SIDE 24 Vaughan H A-#- 28 House Wm J^ 922 Little Alfd J-^ 928 Northup Dr Anna E^ 928 Sinclair Robt^ 946 Beattie Robt Oxford St W begins 1010 Vacant 1024 Butcher Wm^ 1032 Sifton Mrs J 1046 Bishop Victor^ 1078 Rinker Roy^ 1078 Perk Chas Hall St W begins 1104 McBrides Ltd grocers 1106 Bell’s Modern Market 1118 Jackson Wm 1122 Rollins John S 1126 Mackie Geo D4^ 1128 Dillon Joseph 1130 McCormick Donald B^ 1132 Trosvick Sami 1136 MacDonald Art N<$» 336 McAdam Alfd 340 Coolings Groce^y•4^ 340 (rear) Mill City Bakery Iiillooet St intersects 406 Metka Mrs Dora 414 Patience Harry^ 422 Payson Geo E-^4» 438 Baron Michael F^ Iroauois St intersects 508 Way Albt 514 Riches Frank^4» 518 Stover Chas J^ 528 Keenan Geo-^^ 536 Heugh Robt N Coteau St intersects 626 Edwards Richd W^<$» 648 Macguire Wm^^ 706 Kindred Henry G^ 722 Musgrave Thos G4^ 730 McCann Philip J-e-^ Grandview Ave begins 804 McDonald Stanley 844 Porter Wm 920 Morgan Ivan w s Slater James Nursery^^ e s Knowles Wm mkt gardener-#-^ MANITOBA STBBBT BAST From Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIBB 1st Ave N B intersects 2nd Ave N E intersects 201 Main H J^^ 247 Hope Thos4» 4th Ave N B intersects ^Telephone Manitoba St. E. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Maple St. E. 95 401 Western Ice Co 409 National Light & Power Co Ltd (Power House) 423 Bearham Herbt 429 Berry Wm J-4- 433 Corlett Wm^ 439 Johnson Ingval 441 Jackson Clarence^ 445 Jackson Geo 447 Hannah Albt 459 Brooks Mrs Stella-#- 465 Hugo Edw-#- 5th Ave N £ intersects 535 Brit Amer Oil Co Ltd (Refining Dept) 541 B A Plant Service Station 541 Brit Amer Oil Co Ltd (Mkt Dept) 6th Ave N £ intersects NORTH SI1>£ 28 Park Hotel 36 Ryan Percy 36 Manitoba Hotel 40 Lampton House 40 Chow John 42 Liberty Cafe 50 Standard Garage & Taxi 54 Sing Hop 56 Lucht John saw sharpener 72 Mather Andw contr 80 Red Trail Service Station 1st Ave N £ intersects 102 Shewards Service Station 112 Black Wm J 122 Holdsworth Geo B-^- 130 Ball Mrs A 136 Lemon Wallace 148 Checkley Meno-e- 156 Valtz Frank 164 Olson Ole 2nd Ave N £ intersects 210 Red Star Auto Service Station 214 Diakow Kosma-#- 232 Gibson Donald 238 Wallis Mrs Annie 244-246 Smith Mrs Rosy-e- 254 Larson Chris H 262 Ellis Mrs Mary J-e- 266 Thomson James 272 Hosford Mrs J 278 Body Fred 278 Holmans Truck-Away Service 3rd Ave N £ intersects 308 Vacant 316 Meadows Mrs C 316 Johnson Alfred Creek intersects 4th Ave N E intersects 412 Graefer Chas W 414 Santy’s Confy 414 Santy Nellie 416 Western Leather Co 416 Booth Perry 434 Moses Frank blksmith 434 Moses Glen garage 434 Moses Glen-e- 470 Heney Robt 474 McEwen Kenneth-#- 478 Riley Wm 5th Ave N E intersects — Cushing R L Millwork Co Ltd 504 Olynyk Nicola-#- 508 Olynyk Mrs Anna confr 520 C P Exp Co Garage 530 Georglin Henry 534 Reid F Allan-#^ 578 Swechuk Mike-#- 6th Ave N £ Intersects 604 Morrow John 604 Watson James D-#-4» 678 Chadwick R H marble and granite 7th Ave N £ intersects 749 Moose Jaw Tannery 749 Rotluk Anton 8th Ave N £ intersects 837 Bookout Joseph ?House Owner 9th Ave N £ intersects 903 Peters Jack 915 Mulligan Thos 10th Ave intersects MANITOBA STREET WEST From Main runs west to city limits. 24 Rex Fruit Whol 32 Western Grocers Ltd 40 Patron Service Station 56 B C Rooms 56 King Wong 56 Wong Kunk Har Tong 82 National Fruit Co Ltd 82 Burns & Co Ltd 1st Ave N W intersects 140 Blackwood Hardware Co Ltd 162 Union Transfer & Storage 2nd Ave N W intersects 204 Imperial Building Supplies Ltd 271 Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd 272 Jackmans Cartage Ltd 274 McDonald D W vet surg 278 Moose Jaw Welding Works 278 Jackman R J 278 Gibbs T & Son blksmiths 3rd Ave N W intersects 301 Lake of the Woods Milling Co 302 Boyd C H Ltd feed 342 Swifts Cold Storage 342 Wilson Herbt egg candler 376 Hobbs Mfg Co Ltd 385 Hodge Coal Co Ltd (yards) 401 Young Frank A^^^ 4th Ave N W intersects 473 Malden Coal Co yards 5th Ave N W intersects — General Traders 6th Ave N W intersects — Moose Jaw Co-Operative Society Ltd (Coal and Wood Dept) yds — Byford John 7th Ave N W intersects 8th Ave N W intersects 9th Ave N W intersects Prairie Heights 919 Maze Earl ' 944 Shaw Thomas-#- 951 Marak Roman 953 Merkley Mrs Lillian 968 Duchak Andw Westmore Subdivision 1047 Lowther John 1212 Suhachevski John-#- 1215 Karza Pete MANSFIEIiD STREET (South HUl) Second street south of Coteau. From Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 21 Preston Edw-#H{* 29 Hart James-#-^^ 55 Parker John T-#hJ* 1st Ave S £ intersects 2nd Ave S £ intersects NORTH SIDE 18 Kaderle Frank 22 Dempsey Edw G-#- 26 Smith Chas F 38 Daniel Chas 46 Ratcliffe Thos-#- 76 Beamish Wm R-#^ 1st Ave S £ intersects 134 Warner Mrs T V 138 Pritchard Mrs L 138 Dubois Patk 2nd Ave S £ intersects MAFI.E STREET EAST (South Hill) From 201 Main runs east to city limits. Odd numbers South Side 15 Krochmal Steve 25 Strom Ernest P ^Telephone Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 96 Maple St. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW OminicaSt. E. 37 Taschuk Mrs J 53 Ewanychuk Mrs K-^- 57 Kuryk Mike 1st Ave S E intersects MAFI.E STREET WEST (South Hill) First street south of railway tracks. From Main runs west to city limits. Odd numbers South Side 3rd Ave S W intersects 303 Mandzuk Wm 313 McGregor Geo-^- 321 Graham Mrs Catherine-4- 327 Martiniuk Nick-4- 331 Panchuk Wm 337 Lesiuk Alex-4- 343 Max Wm-4- 367 Smith Mike 4th Ave S W intersects 411 Parkinchuk Nick 415 Hallsworth David-4- 417 Repay Mike-4- 453 Solosky John 463 Langton Arth 469 Williams Joseph W 5th Ave S W intersects 475 Knight Regd 479 Knight J Herbt-4- 506 Machanek Victor-4- 514 Markewich Geo 518 Zywer John-4- 522 Simpson John-4- 534 Jones Fred 540 Williams James 544 Fewson Sidney 548 Romaniuk Dan 552 Jones Mrs Eliz A 556 Lowe Mrs C E 558 Elinsky Walter 580 Macdonald Mrs Hugh 6th Ave S W intersects 2nd Ave N E intersects MARI.BOBOn(3^H STREET From 1041 Main north runs east to Willow Avenue. Ist Ave N E intersects Chestnut Ave intersects 161 Campbell John-4- 2nd Ave N E intersects MONK AVENUE From Caribou runs north to city . limits, between 7th and 8th Avenues N. W. Odd numbers East Side 803 Carlson Carl^ 831 Wilkinson Thos-4^^^ 840 Fraser John D-4-^ 870 McLean Ken 874 Gusa Lawrence^^ Oxford St W Intersects 1003 Moffatt Scotty 1007 Aitken Wm 1015 Reade Wm A 1043 Hubert Henry 1048 Torgerson Thos^ Hall St W intersects 1128 Peterson Antone E-4- 1130 Rowe Henry-4- 1132 Medby Mrs Evelyn M 1134 McKnight John 1138 Kay Geo F Saskatchewan St intersects MONT(H)MERy STREET (City View) First Street north to Caribou from 9th Avenue N. W. runs west to city limits. 902 McBennett James^ 911 Burrell Arth 912 Temple James E- 4 - 918 Blackwell Mrs — 922 Anderson Eric 926 Burdon Chris W- 4 - 928 Heywood Harry^f 934 For!)es Raymond P-4-^ 937 Burdon John J- 4 - 955 Shuttleworth Henry 957 Thomson Hugh-4-4» 960 Thomson Hugh Jr 10th Ave N W intersects 1006 Lewcox Walter-4- 1008 Rattee Chas 1022 Holdall Geo 1023 Stafford Harry-4^ 1024 Haze Steve 1044 Morrow James 11th Ave N W intersects 1157 Holt Alfd 12th Ave N W intersects Rosedale Subdivision — Rosedale Pumping Station — Moose Jaw Flying Club Ltd Aero¬ drome — Prairie Airways — Moose Jaw Airport — Moose Jaw Gun Club (range) — Airport Lunch 1301 Gray Herbt A-4- 1390 Burden A A 1402 Hill Charles W*!-» MOOSE SQUARE WEST From Ominica Street West to Stada- cona Street West, between 6th and 7th Avenues N. W. Ominica St W here 412 Nelson Onfen 420 Bushell Arthur 420 Boyd John R 426 Moore John H 430 Gofine Abraham-4-^ 436 McMicken Malcolm 442 Dahlberg John Stadacona St W here OAK STREET N. E. From 1306 Third Avenue N. E. runs east. 315 Silverson A Lorne-4- n s Ross School Willow Ave intersects OMINICA STREET EAST From Athletic (S-rounds Third Avenue N. E. runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE CNR tracks intersect 345 Williams G^o 355 Rusnak Michael 4th Ave N E intersects 405 Penno Wm 441 Neithercut Wm 453 Gay Marwood R-4+J» 461 Houghton Arth J 469 Cameron E^nest-4^^^ 477 Street Sidney-4- 5th Ave N E intersects 501 Read Norman F 511 Fraser Wm ?House Owner 4»Tel&phone Ominica St. E. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Ominica St. W. 97 517 Hanley John 523 Buckley Ernest-#^^^ 535 Simpson J J 553 Broadbent Joseph S4* 6tli Ave K £ intersects 619 Wensel Rudolph 7th Ave N E intersects 703 Meadoweroft Thos4^ 719 Pendlebury Thos 725 Griggs Edw 729 Bowman Berlen 735 Belbin Leonard 741 Horsman Hubert-4- 747 McLean Mrs James-4- 759 McDonald Angus-4-4* 8th Ave N E intersects 803 Scott Joseph 833 Hardy Wm 837 Sawers Archd-4-4^ 847 May Stephen^* 853 Freidin Chin-44* 9th Ave 17 E intersects 903 West Cyril 907 Clark Lawrence 925 Mayall Joseph 939 Hill Mrs Annie 949 Hunt Geo4* 10th Ave N E intersects 1003 Vacant 1015 Stevens Ernest A-4-4* 1025 Woolgar Arth-4 1027 Cole Chas P-4-4* 11th Ave N E intersects NORTH SIDE 356 Eissfeldt Rev Walter A 360 Hunter Alfd G4* 372 Reid J C 380 Lydiard Mrs Ella S- 44 * 4th Ave N E intersects 404 Clark Wm-44* 414 Brand John- 44 * 420 Brand Henry 444 Watkins Geo-^4* 452 Hampson Sidney T -4 462 Cameron J Leonard- 44 * 470 Wright Mrs M 476 Jackson John H- 44 * 5th Ave N E intersects 508 Bibby Richd -4 512 Brown C D 522 Andrews Wm G 528 Coggon Chas L- 44 * 536 Pottle Aston R4* 542 Kite Ben P Sr-4 548 Couzens Robt E4* 552 Ingleby Harry 562 Houser Wm-4- 570 Munsie S F4* 576 Yeo Harvey C 6th Ave N E intersects 608 Gracey Albt 614 Walker Wm 630 MacRae Alex 638 Griffeth James O 644 Chadwick John E-4 654 Whitehead Thos- 44 * 668 Brown Fredk J 678 Tivnann David4* 7th Ave N E intersects 702 Hampson Joseph 706 Greenwood Fredk44* 710 Humble Cyrus 714 Scott Jack 718 Welbourn Owen 722 Staples Mrs Hannah 8th Ave N E intersects 802 Wilson Robt J-4 806 Kerr Edw 810 Lane Geo F -4 812 Hunt John-4 826 House Hugh- 44 * 832 Barbour James- 44 * 838 Howland Mrs W R 9th Ave N E intersects 908 Beemish Aldred 914 Shelburn Hallie 924 Robinson Ray 944 King Geo-4 10th Ave N E intersects 1002 Bowerin James N 1006 Goldsney Geo-4 1008 Zinn John 1010 Davey Robt E 1012 Mortenson Fredk C-4 1014 Raspberry John- 44 * 1018 Wilson Mrs J C 1022 Barbour Mrs J 1028 Spiers Wm J 11th Ave N E intersects 1400 Willow Farm Dairy 1400 Horseman Mrs M OMINICA STREET WEST Prom 404 Main runs west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 31 Hales & Lee welders 35 Hi-Way Service Stn 41 Anderson Percy F- 44 * 49 Armstrong Welding Works 55 Armstrong F C-44* 69 Trieber Ray 1st Ave N W intersects 103 Peerless Cleaners 103 Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Co Ltd 117 Lasby Mrs Mary- 44 * 133 Fagan Chas4* 147 Allcock Robt E- 44 * 153 Laird John H- 44 * 159 Pierce Clarence 163 Contini John 167 Webb Robt H 171 Maize Mrs Howard N-4 177 Sharpe John W-44* 179 Sharpe’s Confy 2nd Ave N W intersects 215 Wood Benj4* 219 Noll Walter E 227 Schafer Geo4* 233 Jackman Bert- 44 * 241 Hudson Geo A- 44 * 249 Seal John N-4- 253 Vacant 265 Smith Stewart 265 Ford Lome 275 Ashbaugh Gale 3rd Ave N W intersects 305 Norman Mrs Margt4* 315 Keleher Mrs J P-4*^ 321 Ariss Norman 327 Gray John 333 Brusch Mrs Blanche G- 44 * 341 Swenson O 347 Johnstone Mrs F L-44* 353 Strickland Joseph-44* 357 Howes Chas G 369 Martin Dr Frank W- 44 * 377 Milne Thos- 44 * 4th Ave N W intersects 405 Johnke Mrs Ruby J 405 Meyer Edwin4* 411 Cooper Dr Fred-44* 419 Vaughan Roy E-44^ 429 Newbigging Wilfred H- 44 * 441 Vacant 447 McDonald Mrs Edna-4- 455 McCully Frank L- 44 *^ 457 Kelly Wm-4-4* 465 Connor Harry G-44* 471 Rouatt James- 44 * 5th Ave N W intersects 513 Vacant 521 Vanhorn Gordon 525 Downton Edw 529 Kossick Joseph 6th Ave N W Intersects 655 Dahlberg J sec hd Ibr dir 7th Ave N W intersects 8th Ave N W intersects 9th Ave N W intersects 929 Webb Chas 953 Biggs Joseph C ?^House Owner 4*Teleiphone Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 98 OminicaSt. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Oxford St. W. 957 Warren W Frank-4- 10th Ave N W intersects 20th Ave IT W intersects NORTH SIDS 12 Pembleton Motors Ltd 26 Hung Yick Laundry 32 Morrison Alex-e-4* 40 Leask Dr T McCrae^Hf» 46 Charlies Garage 54 Miner Mrs Mabel 62 Loutzenhiser Mrs N H — Court House 1st Ave N W intersects 106 Barnett Lynne 114 Cochran James S-e-4* 122 Lees Robt-^^^{» 128 Toop Wilfd L^ 214 Smith Albt J-e^J* 220 Watt Kenneth>4» 228 Martin Danl M-<^ 236 Vermette Harvey upholstr 246 Hazard Harvey 256 Watson Wm A-4-«J* 262 McDonald Neil J 270 McPherson Mrs E C 278 Aglassinger Robt 3rd Ave N W intersects — Alexandra School 4th Ave N W intersects 420 Connor Geo T-e-tJf 430 Broadfoot Alex>4» 438 McIntosh Alex L-e^4» 446 Florendine E W 452 McMurtry Mrs Eliza B-e^ 462 Motherwell Wm 468 Ward Artemus 468 Jaques T Harold^* 468 Ferguson Percy C 476 Bracken Ernest-e-*$^ 5th Ave N W intersects 528 Eyre Geo 530 Vacant 536 Horseman Harry €th Ave N W intersects 664 Ronquest Siegfred 668 Ferguson Robt 672 Korkoska Herman 676 Blackburn Allen 680 Marshall Herbt H 7th Ave N W intersects 712 Schultz Fred 722 Corroyer Mrs H S 736 Bell Louis J 744 Kerr John 752 Olafson —?- 768 Taylor Joseph 770 Shirley Isaac R-e- 778 Webb Frank 8th Ave N W Intersects 806 Hurlburt John-e- 818 Sinclair John 850 Hill Mrs L 9th Ave N W Intersects 934 Bingley Thos 942 Whitehead Robt-e- 948 Dukes Chas 950 Loutzenhiser Alva E 958 Pohl Aug-e- ?•House Owner 962 Poster Mrs Mary 966 Spindler Fredk T 10th Ave N W intersects 1016 Amesbury Mrs John>- 1024 Miles Herbt A-^-4» 11th Ave N W Intersects OTITIiOOK AVENTTR (South Hill) From 315 Grandview runs south. 806 Heath Thos-^ 830 Redhead Thos-e- 832 Lansberry Chas-4^ 833 Burt H A Geo-e^ 833 Scott Josepih 836 Smith Wm 838 Copeland David-e-4^ OXFORD STREET EAST From 1010 Main runs east to city limits. 1st Ave N E intersects 104 Blackwood Lewis A>4» 128 Irving Lulu-e-4» 140 Cumings Wilfd D 164 Ideal Grocery & Confy Chestnut Ave intersects 2nd Ave N E intersects 203 Pattison Fredericks 211 Roberts Jack4» 219 Anderson Geo^$^ 229 Gass James A-^-4» 237 Alair Wm-^4» 3rd Ave N E intersects 312 Leslie Mrs Mary 312 Reson Mrs I 4th Ave N E intersects Wolfe Ave intersects — McColl Frontenac Oil Co br 633 Patron Oil Co Ltd 5th Ave N E intersects 638 Canadian Oil Co Ltd 9th Ave N E intersects 913 Knight John W-e- 915 Heron Chelsea 959 Page Albt A-e- 10th Ave N E intersects 1250 Hill Geo K-e- 1250 Windsor Park Dairy 1254 Hill Geo Jr-e- 1280 Hill Roland-e- OXFORD STREET WEST From 1010 Main runs West to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 29 Cree James4» 37 Smith Harry 45 Sisson Mrs Lillian N-e- 45 Woodruff Thos E 53 Craig Nelson R-e~4* 65 D’Arcy Thos G^ 1st Ave N W intersects — Collegiate Institute Grounds 2nd Ave N W intersects 255 Young Norman^ 257 Phillips Albt T 3rd Ave N W intersects 333 Haverty Joseph P-#-4^ 4th Ave N W intersects 5th Ave N W intersects 6th Ave N W intersects 343 Myles Victor Connaught Ave intersects ^Teleiphone Oxford St. W. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Redland Av«. 99 7th Ave N W intersects Monk Ave intersects 8th Ave N W intersects Elgin Ave intersects 9th Ave N W intersects NORTH SIDE 28 Cole Mrs Kay^ 34 Vacant Clifton Ave intersects 46 McLean Geo A^ 54 Hinchey Ernest4» 62 Benell Robt 68 Coe Clato R^ 68 Young: Frank 1st Ave N W intersects 104 Mathieson Mrs Margt^ 110 Jarvis Fred J^ 114 West WES 118 Moffat Mrs John 124 Binning Wm J-e^ 132 Heintz Mrs Susan 140 Gemmell Frank-e-4» Bedland Ave intersects 154 Hancock Ebenezer 162 Nairn A Wilson^^ 170 Holmes T H^ 178 Tingley Henry 2nd Ave N W intersects 206 Munns John U-e-^ 214 Eynwood Ziodge 214 Lamb E B 214 Wikdahl C L 214 Bain Mrs R C 214 Allcock E N 220 McWilliams Wm J-e~^ 228 Freeman Dr Chas H-e-^ 236 Roger T F<$» 236 Carline Frank 236 Storey Robt 236 Jones Jack^ Grafton Ave intersects 246 King Mrs Thos^ 246 Galvin Sydney P 268 McGuire Alfd E-e^ 276 Fouracres Edw^ 276 Johnson Roy W<$» 3rd Ave N W intersects 318 Cooper Chas 326 Lind James 330 Bacon Fredk-e^ 336 Devlin Hugh Henleaze Ave intersects 342 Bender Chas W-e^ 350 Gardner F H 354 Hare Herbt C4» 360 Dennis John 366 Rogerson James 372 Greveling Geo 378 Grigg Gilbert 4th Ave N W intersects 438 Pentland Arth 5th Ave N W intersects Algoma Ave intersects 548 Puckering Chas-e^ 550 Herscher Fredk J4^ €th Ave N W intersects Connaught Ave intersects 624 Powell Mrs John E^i^ 632 Kempton Clifford F-e^4» 638 Forrest Robt 7th Ave N W intersects Monk Ave intersects 8th Ave N W intersects Elgin Ave intersects 842 Gerrie Alex P4» 846 Dann Alfd H4» 854 Oliver Ernest T 858 Chase Norman J4» 862 Marshall Helen M-e^ 9th Ave N W intersects HENDERSON DIRECTORIES ARE ON FTLE AT ADD FTTBDIC DIBRARZES IN WESTERN CANADA FASQUA STREET First street directly north of River Street East. From 5th Avenue N. E. runs eastward along river hank. 579 Dvorcak John 601 Graefer Adoph E 627 McKenna James-e- REDDAND ATENDE From 140 Oxford Street West runs north to city limits. EAST SIDE 1029 Grigg Wm-e^ 1031 Bush Frank-e- 1035 Serviss Arthur J-e^ 1053 Clarke Chas A-e^ 1063 Moffat Wm C-^ 1083 Redland Court 1 Todd Alex^ 2 Thomas James E 3 Miller David J 4 Briggs H 5 Cooper Thos McG 6 Boyling Sidney4^ 7 Wagner (ihas jan Hall St intersects 1101 St Ruth Doris 1101 Doane Lionel G^ 1107 Sheehan John F-e-^ 1111 MacDonald Angus N-e-*J* 1113 Getty Mrs Geo-e^ 1117 Vacant 1121 Smith Harry E-#^ 1125 Fraser Lindsay R^ 1131 Hughes Mrs ElizV^ 1135 Inglis Chris 1137 Ryan Richd W-e^ 1143 Vickers E 1145 Breckow Henry J-e4^ 1151 Snider Wilbert W-M^ 1153 Angelle Maurice^ 1159 Thompson Mrs W Leslie^*' 1161 Buchanan H Carson-e^ 1167 Welsh Oswald^ 1171 Mitchell Donald-e^ Saskatchewan St intersects 1211 Sinton Wm RhJ» 1213 Boyce Stanley-e4» 1217 Wilson A Frank^^ 1219 Cawsey Fred L4» 1221 Baker Sami J 1225 Shein Max<+ 1225 McGrath James P 1225 Malone Frank E Macdonald St intersects 1315 Wyeth Albt 1321 Goodwin Ernest-e-^^ 1325 Irvine Therol D 1331 McGregor Wm 1345 Cave Mrs John Danrier St intersects WEST SIDE 1006 Chambers Robt G4^ 1022 Fawkes A W E4^ 1028 Johnson Absolom J-e- 1038 Rose Wm M-e^ 1046 Heasman Wm 1056 Sutherland Donald-e- 1062 Van Iderstine Geo 1070 Pappas Gus-e-^ 1078 Nelson Leonard C-e-4^ 1084 Carruthers Margaret4» Hall St intersects 1106 Turner Chas^ 1116 Warden Mrs Wm H-^ 1120 Baird Geo A4» 1122 Allen Gordon B4» 1128 Easson Roy S4> 1130 Hunter Harold 1136 Gusa Herman E-e- ^ 1140 Black Mrs 1148 Vacant 1152 Johnson Leroy^ 1156 Malden Lloyd D4» 1158 Berry Harold 1168 McPhee Hon G W-e^ -?“?House Owner 4»Tele»phone E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 100 RedlandAve. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW River St. W. Saskatchewan St intersects 1206 Rundle Dr John E-e^ 1212 Torney Fredk W (KC)-e-4* 1212 Hodgkinson Wm S»J» 1216 Freeman C 1218 Palls Fred 1222 Hall Wm J 1226 Beesley Mrs Katherine 1230 Thompson Mrs Flora'e^$^ Macdonald St intersects 1308 Corns Wilfred 1312 Knox Wm 1320 Smith John D 1328 Brooks Mrs L 1334 Erickson Arvid 1344 Swanson Geo 1348 Heilman Balzar-e- Iiaurier St intersects RIVER PARK Southeast of city near the river. — Hod&e Wm E-^^ — Crawford Hugh B-e-^ — HembrofC Willard — River Park Cabin — Ashton Thos-e-^ — Leines O E-^ — Walker Geo — Parkins Dr G A-e-^ RIVER STREET EAST From 103 Main runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 11 K C Block 1 McLellan Murdoch H 2 Osborne John 3 Coulthard Mrs S 4 Parker Fred T 5 Bonnerman E 7 Leclair James H 8 Smith M 9 Exner' Mary 10 Leibell Danl jan 11 McLennan J 13 K of C (office) 14 McCarthy J J 15 Winters L 16 Latille Alice 37 Lee Hem Idry 41 Vacant 43 MacNeil Block A MacNeil Archd P B Wrayton W E C Smathers Florence 1 Longride Frank 2 Flood Norbert 3 Hall Alice and Elsie 4 Terry Mrs H 5 Cowell Frank 47 Ewanchuk Joseph 53 Wallace R Geo office 67 Bellamy Mrs Jay 79 Dobson' Walter C 1st Ave N E intersects 103 Back Geo 121 Kulynuk Wm 127 Tuxford James A 137 Flynn John-e^^ 143 Turner Mrs Annie-e- 147 Brown Mrs Eliz 169 Axon Geo A 165 Rusk Peter-4-^ 177 Brand C R-?-4^ 2nd Ave N E intersects 203 Cooper Robt J-4- 223 Richardson Arth S-e^ 237 McGee Walter 241 Howarth Sidney 251 Partaik Mike 253 Le Bossiere Henry 261 Morrow James 267 Devine — 275 Corlett Henry 3rd Ave H E intersects 305 Aikens Menno A^ 313 Stephen Geo J 4th Ave N E intersects Moose Jaw Creek here NORTH SIDE 8 Northern Crown Block 1 McBride Wm chiropractor 4 Cameron Miss F 5 Carson Chas 6 Gill Louise 7 Monteith Mrs Jesse L 8 Greene Viola 9 Robertson Alex 10 Moose Jaw Magazine & Book 14 Leader Post Ltd 16 Smith J D^ 16 Boyling John 18 Nu-Way Shoe Repair Shop 20 Fairchild Bros 20 Fairchild Chas W 34 Mill City Cleaners*}» 34 Carty Austin 40 Victoria Lodge 40 Cairns Mrs M 52 McCauley Geo 52 (rear) Western Sign Co 60 Moose Jaw Cartage Co garage 60 Pepsi-Cola and 7 Up pistr 68 Patsula Prank J 68 McWilliams Geo E<$^ 1st Ave N E intersects 106 Behan Arth J 114 Grierson John 122 Deimage Mrs Susie 130 Mitchell Mrs J D-?^^^ 134 Andrews Wm O 148 Brown Arthur V 152 Chambers A R 160 Kimbell Geo B-^ 170 Huyck Mrs Effie 176 St Cyr Alfd^J^ 2nd Ave N E intersects 206 Flack Hugh-4- 224 Benson James F 228 Higgins Harry-4^* 238 Larmour Andw 246 Gates Geo 252 Glanville A C 262 Barnes Fred W-4-^» 270 Lamb Chas-4-^ 278 Kjarsgaard Ralph 3rd Ave N E intersects 306 Taylor Chester-4- 314 Purdy Wesley Moose Jaw Creek here RIVER STREET WEST From 104 Main runs west to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 9 Western Hotel 11 Wimpy's Hamburger Shop 15 Sanitax Barber Shop 15 Thompson J A & Co real est 15 Thompson J A Ins Agencies 19 Munns Co jewelers 21 Royal Barber Shop •21 Royal Billiard Hall •e-House Owner 4»Telephon*e River St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Riverside St. W. 101 23 Academy Block 2 Fulton Mrs Wm 6 Tilson Wm 7 Jackson Mrs Robert 8 Hopkins Thos S 9 Reid Mrs — 14 Purdy Wm 16 Lang: Anton (top floor) Academy Hall 25 Vacant 27 Savoy Cafe 31 Riley’s Pool Room 31 Henry’s Barber Shop 33 Miller Athletic Club 35 Paris Hotel 37 Paris Cafe 49 Gellman’s Clothing 51 Parsons C W tailor 53 Vacant 57 Plaza Hotel 57 McMillan Block 59 Economy Second Hand Store 61 Blue Store Ltd 69 Kings Hotel 71 New World Cafe 73 Sask Govt Liquor Store 1st Ave N W Intersects 113 Foley Sami 119 Foley’s Auto Wrecking 131 Wing Chas 133 Chinese 135 Chinese 141 Tate Coal Co 145 Liquor Board Beer Warehouse 145 Sask Brewers Assn 159 Akada T 159 Akada Mrs I 159 Sunrise Rooms 159 Sunrise Barber Shop 2nd Ave IT W intersects 211 McBride’s Ltd 231 Cameron James A blksmith 233 Bellamy Furniture Co whse 3rd Ave N W intersects 301 Armstrong Joseph H 331 Central Feed & Supply Co 337 Wilson Produce Co Ltd 337 Ironside Co Ltd 337 McKenzie A E Co Ltd 379 Sharpe Fuel Co 4th Ave IT W intersects 403 Moose Jaw Hide & Fur Co 417 Macdonald’s Consolidated Ltd 429 Tees & Fersse Building 429 Prairie Bag Co 5th Ave IT W intersects (No houses to 9th Ave N W) 9th Ave N W intersects 959 Polupski Louis ITOBTH SIDB 18 George’s Shoe Repair 26 Cecil Hotel 26 Bill’s Taxi 32 Sanitax Hat Works 36 Star Cafe 38 Star Rooms 38 Royal Block 40 Freidin C 42 Alexandra Hotel 44 Alexandra Pool & Barber Shop 46 Veteran’s Social Club 48 Sun Barber Shop 50 Goldman James 54 City Hotel 72 C^anada Cafe 82 Brunswick Hotel 82 Amil’s Taxi Ist Ave N W intersects 102 Allis-Chalmers Rumely Ltd 102 Drackett Lawrence auctioneer 104 Monarch Social Club JIO Buffalo Rooms 112 Eng Hong Co 130 Chin Foon 130 Ace Hotel 132 Hong Hing Co 142 Empress Hotel 150 Chinese 152 Litowsky Peter barber 160 Jay Wm 170 Oriental Chop Suey 174 Hong Yick Lung Co 176 Chinese 180 Mankind & Co 2nd Ave N W intersects 210 Walsh Block 210 Minneapolis Moline Power Implt 214 Continental Hide & Fur 220 Lowther John C 238 American Hotel 260 Chow Chas 264 Coca Cola Co 266 Vacant 3rd Ave IT W intersects 310 Picur Steve-e- 324 Boisclair Honorius 326 Miller Thos 330 Chinese Nationalist League 336 Wilson Thos J 340 Walters Fred 344 Luch John 348 Leroy Clarence-e- 358 Vacant 362 Dong Y C 366 Toy Kee-e- 370 Norene Carl 376 Casey Louise 4th Ave N W intersects BIVBRSIDB DRIVB (Wellesley Park) 39 Hill Ronald 40 Marshall Horace-e- 44 Farnier John 123 Scott Thos 130 Riverside Lodge 130 Hodgson Wm-?^i^ 132 Kasemrychuck John 140 Ferguson Gordon A^$^ 190 Miller David A-4- 191 St Louis Isadore-e-4^ 198 Burgess — 204 Corns Herbt-^-^ 205 Evans Leslie 210 Diernert P V-e- 218 Guy Percy-^- 226 Porter Edw 238 New house 294 Peterson Arth'tJ*- 294 Ma.son Clifford 310 Thomson Wm-#- 370 Best Frank 370 Westbrook Lawrence BIVBRSIBB STBBET W. (South Hill) Runs from Skipton Road west to Buffield Street. NORTH SIDB 130 Vacant 146 Tickner Fredk W-e- 170 Polden Frank Scott St here 204 Lillico W N 206 Mason Joseph W>4» 212 Hodgins W 216 Vacant 230 Jones T 234 Hill Alfd Tapley St ends 266 Hunt Sami R-e- 270 Tuttle Maurice SOUTH SIDE 129 Way Wm B-e-^ 137 Trites Barrett A^ 139 Crook Henry J^ 147 Gillies Thos P 153 Hart Thos-e- 161 Gill Joseph-#- 169 Lang Wm J 175 Lang James A-#- 203 Howcroft Wm H-#- 213 Taylor Wm E-#- 219 McBurney R J-# ?House Owner ^Telephone Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 102 Riverside St. W. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Saskatchewan St. W. 221 Mose Alfd F 229 Spence Mrs Annie 231 McCullough W 237 Apps Alfd-^- 247 McNamee Wm BOSS STBBBT BAST From 922 Main Street runs east to 3rd Avenue N.B. 20 Ring Lee Laundry 30 Dobbin John A 72 Avalon Apartments 1 Weston M Elliott-*J^ 1 Clark James D 2 Goldman Thos 3 Forster Donald 4 Dunn J Eh$» 5 Ross D R 6 Lowey Dr A M4» 7 McKenzie H 8 Turner Lcs4» 10 Condidis J4^ 11 Henderson Wm M^ 12 De Wolf F G 14 Walters Dorothy G<{» 15 Hanson H G 16 Leask Dr Duff4^ 17 Thompson David H<{» 18 Chaplin Ivan S4* 21 Quipp A E 22 Blair Danl 23 Bromley E 24 Leach Norman W*^ 25 Pugsley Leslie4» 26 Shields Harry O 27 Smith Mrs James4^ 28 Wilton A 32 Savage Geo T jan Alder Ave intersects 1st Ave N E intersects 142 Wilcox Geo-#-4» 145 Moose Jaw Technical School Chestnut Ave intersects 2nd Ave N E intersects 3rd Ave N E here BOSS STBEET EAST (Windsor Park) From 9th Avenue N. E. runs east to city limits, between Caribou and Oxford. 911 Stewart Wm R-e- 916 Bell Percy D-e- 917 Brown Robt-e- 918 Clark Wm-e-^ 921 Douglas Mrs E 926 Stewart Wm-e- 932 Spicer Ernest 933 Fouracres James 940 Chipperfield Henry J-^- 942 Jones Isaacs 948 Sivers James-e^^ 10th Ave N E intersects BOSS STBEET WEST Prom 908 Main Street runs west to 5th Avenue N. W. SOUTH SIDE — Moose Jaw Arena Ltd 71 Ridsdale Harold-#- 77 Davies Mrs Nina 77 Cafferata Mrs E M4^ 1st Ave N W intersects 2nd Ave N W intersects 243 Mowbray Fred R-e- 3rd Ave N W intersects 323 Donaldson John E4* 4th Ave N W intersects 421 Murdock John M>^ 437 Moore John S-e- 445 Dornan Mrs Robt G^ 447 McEwen Clifford J^ 5th Ave N W intersects NOBTH SIDE 32 Fields Edgar P-e4» 46 Cusack John4» 66 Badminton Club Ist Ave N W intersects — Collegiate Institute 2nd Ave N W intersects 256 Elliott Mrs Geo C 260 West R 3rd Ave N W intersects 304 Shail Jarvis4» 304-314 Grandview Terrace 306 Cameron Wm J^J* 308 Rogan James^ 310 MacLean Ivan D4* 312 Richard John P4* 314 Gutheridge Stanley H4^ 340 Stewart Wm4» 348 MacDonald James C-e^ 4th Ave IT W intersects 406 Peggie Wm-#-4* 410 Agnew James-e-4» 414 Hambleton Albt E-e^ 422 Wright James E 704 Dedyluk Wm 704 Hutchinson Russell W 713 Glen Mrs Mary-e- 716 Sanderson Mrs Florence-e- 720 Ellis Regd-e- 8th Ave N E intersects SKIFTON ROAD (South Hill) Runs from 40 Coteau West, south to Orandview Avenue. EAST SIDE 627 Perrins Mrs T 641 Cooper Albert E-e^ 649 King Walter^* 703 Vacant 711 Mayor Josiah 719 Ferguson Wm J 727 Urton Donald A Orandview Ave intersects 811 Sadler Sidney 821 Malthouse Wm 829 Osmond J Kenneth 851 Longman Arth C 861 Flint Wilfd WEST SIDE 626 Byers Mrs J R 632 King Harold-e- Riverside St begins 726 McLellan Hugh Grandview intersects 806 Coltman Robt M-e-4» 810 Ingram Kenneth 820 Hutton Wm-^- 836 Longbottom Jesso^ STADACONA STREET EAST Prom Athletic Grounds and 3rd Ave. N. E. runs east to city limits. SOUTH SIDE 3rd Ave N E intersects — CNR Station — Canadian National Express 351 Anderson Albt L^^ 361 Legare Edw 369 Wright John 379 Emerson Geo-e-4^ 4th Ave N E intersects 403 King Lamplow J 411 Shackleton Alfd4» 419 Toddington Geo E 423 Waiker Wm-e^^ 427 Toddington Chas H E4» 435 Knechtel Valentine-e- 453 Paterson Wm C4^ 457 Graham Danl^4» 463 CJrone Harold-e^ 469 Shaw Mrs Clarence 477 Roberts Mrs Lois-e-^^ 5th Ave N E intersects 501 Fulcher Edw 505 Cameron Archd B 509 Arnold Mrs Daisy E 513 King W 6th Ave N W intersects 603 Sinkoski Geo-e- 611 Groan Alfd B-e- 621 Kent Geo J-e-4^ 645 Turner Mrs Ada-e- 651 Bush Albt 653 Paton Mrs A M 7th Ave K E intersects 747 Ritchie Thos 749 Bacon Rudolph 777 Dubery Mrs Ellen F-e- 8th Ave N E intersects 801 Holman Chas-e- 809 Atkinson C H 813 Knowles Patk-e- 815 Slipenki John 817 Zaboysky Nick 825 Fletcher Mrs Leith 827 Chadwick Edw 833 Cleghorn Geo S-e-^ 9th Ave N E intersects 903 Johnson Wiley 905 Lewry Phillip C>4» 907 Castle Mark 909 Britt Mrs A 913 Hcrdman Archd L-e- 917 Wright James-e- 921 Ryba Chas 923 Vacant 925 Nicholson Wm J 929 Hunt Tom-e^ 933 Eastwood's Grocery 933 Eastwood Edmund'e~4» 10th Ave H E intersects 1005 Brand Harry 1009 Homo Ernest C-?-4^ 1027 Robinson Hugh 1029 Scott Ernest-e- 1035 Wilson Harold 1041 Hetherington Wm G 11th Ave N E intersects 1131 Robinson Wm F-e- NORTH SIDE 354 Kent Mrs A 362 Cook W L4» 370 Le Claire August4^ 380 Larsen Pete -eiHouse Owner ^tTelei^hone Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 104 ;Stadacona St. E. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Stadacona St. W. 4th Ave N I! intersects 406 Laughton Thos 414 Klein Simon 420 Bieber Chas 438 Macalister Thos>-<+ 452 Moore Cecil 460 Wills Wm C 468 Rodwell Pred-#- 468 Gibbons Joseph 476 Heron Wm T 5th Ave N E intersects 6th Ave N E intersects n s Prince Arthur School 7th Ave N E intersects 706 Spillett Ernest 706 Prince Arthur Confectionery 706 Spillett Mrs C E 714 Minuk Wm-#-^* '746 Roberts Wm L 762 Parmer Albt E-#- 768 Huly John 768 Hardy Mrs M-^- 8th Ave N E intersects 802 Durnford Percy 806 Williams Joseph 824 Grace United Church 836 Baird James 840 Letcher Frank J>^ 9th Ave N E intersects 904 Oliver M Wm-^^J* 910 Finch V Ray 912 Shanko Harry 914 Cross Robt G 918 Mitchell Mrs Maggie-e- 920 Johnson Wilfred J-4- 924 Flowers Mrs Mary-e- 926 Cross Mrs Cecillia-e- 934 Mandryk Mrs Frances 938 Pyke Jack-e^+ 940 Holt Ernest- 41 Loney Richd>^$^ 53 Moose Jaw Club 63 Cook Frank H-^* 163 Crittenden Arthur R-eHj» 169 Lowick Marshall H-4^^ 175 Robinson John^ 2nd Ave N W intersetcs 201 Lett Truman J-i$^ 211 Vacant 223 Donnelly John-^ 231 McDonald James A 235 Russell Anthony-^+ 239 Hopkins Walter 245 McCoy Geo 253 MacArthur Herbt H 261 Newman W L 261 Puchniak W J 261 Hammond Mrs P 261 Stephen J A 265 Graham David 269 Lutheran Church of the Redeemer 3rd Ave N W intersects w s Alexandra School 403 Alexandra Stored 4th Ave N W intersects 421 Dunn J H^ 429 Fyckes John E-^-«$» 437 Sutherland Stewart- 3rd Ave N W intersects 310 Maybery Alfd W-^* 310 Maybery Arnold H — 322 Wyeth Ernest 330 Jones Reuben L^ 338 Tate Albt-M^ 346 Smith Mrs C A-^^ 354 McGrath JameS’??^j^ 358 Gogain Carnie P 364 Ackersville Albt-«$*- 368 Grigg John^ 376 Lock Mrs M 4th Ave N W intersects 406 McPherson Alex 406 Cato Marjorie^ 406 Vickerson Mrs B 406 Suitor 01ive<$» 406 Munro Mrs M J 406 Harris N Earl 412 Carr Ernest W^+ 412 Wood George 420 Keay James M-e-^» 428 Dunsmuir Chas 434 Carlson Oscar A 440 Greggain Mrs Wm H 440 McCourt John 450 McKinnon Frank 456 Philpot Mrs H-#-^+ 462 McTaggart James H-e-4» 468 Baker Frank-^ 472 Forbes Harvey<$» 478 Lowry Chas 5th Ave N W intersects 502 Tick Lee laundry 522 Barker James??-^^^ 526 Francis Mrs Robt L-e-^ 536 Vacant 546 Adkin Ernest E> 554 Reid Allan E-e^ 568 Brooks Mrs Robt H 576 Sinclair Daniel C 580 Frankham Horace L 6th Ave N W intersects 610 Boy Scouts Building 618 MacDonald Alexander A-e- 630 Alexander Gerald W-4- 638 Smallwood Wm T 646 Pipes Arthur S-e-^* 654 Sargent Stanley R 662 Puckering James L^ 7th Ave N W intersects 706 McDonald Jean-#-*> 716 Meldrum Amos R 718 Lowther Robt 746 Bull Alfd 8th Ave N W intersects 820 McPhail Thos W-e^jf 822 Smallwood Louis C 830 Cochrane Chas D-?-^$^ 836 Cudmore Edw 842 Brown Chas 848 Agnew James S^^* 9th Ave N W intersects UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS Southeast of city, east of Moose Jaw Creek, east of and beyond Rothesay Park. — Ouseley Hon Fredk A G-4^ — Corns Abednego — MacPhefson John — Buchanan Mrs T C — Smith. John Hector — Szura Vincent — College Hill Service —:-Thirwell E C ^—^'St Anthony Home - ;^VATTa-HN STREET (South Hill) V Running fi’om 4th Avenue S. W. 403 Booth James T-4- 412 Weights Albt-e- 420 Cutt Fred 426 Dowse Wm-e- 440 Bolding Chas E-e- 443 Parkhill Edw L>*J* 449 Peebles Peter-#- 450 Newton Joseph-e- — Rankin Andw J^$^ •4'House Owner ^Telephone It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 106 Wellesley Park HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Wolfe Ave. — Perry J — Riome Walter W^ WESTMOTTNT SUBDIVISION (South Hill), lies south of Coteau West he. tween 12th and 16th Avenues S. W. — Westmount School — St Lukes Church WII.I 1 OW AVENUE Prom Carihou East runs north to city limits, between 3rd and 4th Ave. nues N. E. EAST SIDE 815 Ashworth Henry^ 829 Devine John G 831 King Roy-4- 835 Strong Alfred 839 Lezetc Steve 845 Edwards Wm J 855 Poulton Stanley^-^^ 867 Baker Chas E 871 West Mrs Florence-^4^ 879 Woodall Geo-^ 879 Allcock R C 885 Cochrane Robt 891 Poulton John W A 895 Fenwick Mrs Sadio^^ 897 Farquhar Robt-4- Ozford St E intersects 1003 Cruden Mrs Margaret-e^^^ 1005 Parker Richd-e-iJ* 1009 McAlpine Miss F D H-e- 1009 Swansburg Mrs Mary 1013 Koslosky Frank J-#- 1023 Davey Geo W-e4» 1025 Pickering Edw J-e- 1035 Remey Richd E Marlborough St E ends 1051 Olson Axel E-e- 1059 Heron Orva 1065 Butler Mrs N 1069 Fisher Mrs Edith 1081 Servis Robt H-4-ii» 1081 Servis Heating & Plbg 1085 Sprinks Alfd L-4-4^ 1089 Farquhar Wm-#-^ 1093 Stansfield Adam 1097 Giles Joseph-4^ 1099 Chadwick Richd^4* Hall St E intersects 1121 Campbell Percy-4- 1149 Ferguson Wm W 1153 Gerrard Mrs Cyril 1161 Thom David- 4 - 1167 Nixon Miller Saskatchewan St intersects 1203 Campbell Mrs Ellen L-^^ 1213 Motta John 1247 Grove John C4» 1251 Nash Mrs P E 1255 Jeffrey Geo 1263 Sutton Chas E-4- 1281 Bell Horace 1285 Hillcrest United Church Oak St here WEST SIDE Oxford St E intersects 1018 Hudson Wilfred Marlborough St E ends 1052 Goetting Wm-4- 1058 Fowler Mrs Edith-?^^^ 1066 Ullyett Lyell 1070 Cloak Mrs Alice 1074 Schorfleld Donald G -4-House Owner 1080 Clarke E Beatrice-4-^ 1086 Rollefson Mrs Matilda Hall St E intersects 1116 Johnson Nelson 1120 Wood Wm G-4- 1150 McLeod Norman 1170 Hazard Melville 1174 Carter Ray-4^ 1184 McDonald Alex Saskatchewan St intersects 1220 Finch Victor C-4-^ 1222 Ireton Harry 1222 Lloyd Cecil WINNIPEG- STREET Buns from lOth Avenue S. W. to city limits (south of Manitoba W.). 1036 Sowsky John WOEFE AVENUE (Hillcrest) Prom Caribou East runs north to city limits, between 4th and 5th Ave. nues N. E. EAST SIDE Oxford St E intersects 1027 Baker Chas H-4-^ 1047 Gretton Robt-4^ 1061 Fossey Walter A-4- 1069 Upex Joseph-4-4» 1079 Cole Arnott L 1087 Shepherd Thos 1089 Graham Wm R 1095 Wyatt John Hall St E intersects 1107 Davey Mrs Mary-4- 1117 Oman John J-4^ 1123 Marshall James-4^4* 1177 Hyde Benj Saskatchewan St intersects 1205 Johnson Joseph H-4-4^ 1211 Smith Mrs J A-4- 1217 Heslop Mrs Rebecca-4- 1217 Heslop Ernest W 1261 Schimpf G 1273 Whitmore Mrs Margaret-4-^^^ 1285 Thiessen John W City Eimits Boss Park WEST SIDE 866 Fletcher Mrs 872 Ridley John W-4- 876 Edmands Alfd-4- 880 Young Alex-e- 896 Bidewell Henry 898 Wood Geo Oxford St E intersects 1010 Ault Mrs Helen 1010 Latimer Mrs Margt 1070 Dixon E 1088 Parr Hans G 1096 Hills Wm A-4- 1098 Donald Geo Hall St intersects 1122 Hill Mrs Chas 1126 McLean Donald-4-^ 1134 Chalmers Andw-e- 1170 Howes Fred J 1184 Hill Fred 1190 Henrickson Henry Saskatchewan St intersects 1204 Murray Melvin 1212 Cox Percy 1214 Holdsworth Harold E 1222 Pike Wm J-4- 1238 Gibson Wm B-4- 1242 Smith Percy «i»Telephone I Henderson’s Moose Jaw Alphabetical Directory 1940 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 107 A A B Rooms Toy Fong prop 128 1st Ave N W Aasen Miss S nurse General Hospital r same Abraham Gus r Alexandra Hotel Abramson Cyril elk McDaniels' News Stand r 814 3rd Ave N W Academy Block 23 River W Academy Hall Sigurd Larson prop 23 (top flr) River W Ace Hotel Chin Foon prop 130 River W Ackersviller Albert prop Moose Jaw Auction Rooms h 364 Stada- cona W Acme Fruit Foo Chin prop 420 Main N Acorn Samuel painter h 173 High E Acropolis Block 24 Main N Adair Richard meter rdr Natl Light & Power h 1312 Connaught Adair Wm supt Times Co h 237 Oxford E Adam Wm driv Westons Bread r 305 Duffield Adams — ydmn CPR r 316 High W Adams Alice bkpr Prairie Airways r 1424 Flochelaga W Adams Arthur emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1424 Hochelaga W Adams Edith steno Prairie Airways r 1424 Hochelaga W Adams Wm A emp City h 260 Athabasca E Ades Frank rdmstr CPR r Park Hotel Adkins Mrs Emily r 546 Stadacona W Adkins Ernest E coir Times Co h 546 Stadacona W Adkins Jack cashr Sterling Motors r 546 Stadacona W Adolf Louis cancer specialist r 223 Empress Hotel Affleck Allan slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 277 Athabasca Aglassinger Anne opr Singers Sewing Machine r 278 Ominica Aglassinger Freda emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 278 Or Aglassinger Robert emp Palm Dairies h 278 Ominica W B E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wiso Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 108 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Agnew Mrs E L sec Unity Center r 410 Ross W Agnew Herbert asst superv Liquor Bd Beer Whse h 18 Macdonald W Agnew James trainmn CPR h 410 Ross W Agnew James S cond CPR h 848 Stadacona W Agnew Marjorie r 848 Stadacona W Ahern James L night foremn CPR h 11, 79 Stadacona W Aikens Mary elk Eatons r 305 River E Aikens Menno A prop Riley’s Pool Room h 305 River E Air Port Lunch Chuck Russell prop airport Montgomery St Aird Florence maid Y W C A r same Aitchison Mrs Madge maid Empress Hotel r Commercial Block Aitchison Melvin mech Pembleton Motors r Alexandra Hotel Aitchison Wm r Alexandra Hotel Aitchison Wm J painter Can Garage h 917 Athabasca W Aitken Wm grain buyer h 1007 Monk Akada Mrs; I prop Sunrise Barber Shop h 159 River W Akada T A prop Sunrise Rooms h 159 River W Albert’s Barber Shop Albert Spicer prop 18 Fairford W Aldcroft Wm E agt C P R Tels h 838 Algoma Alexander A Clement pres and mgr Central Motor Co Ltd h 358 Athabasca W Alexander B H & Son (B H and G W Alexander) radio 319 Main N Alexander & Baird Ltd (T J Alexander and G A Baird) 43 Fairford E Alexander Beatty H of B H Alexander & Son h 575 Athabasca W Alexander C trainmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Alexander C Reid slsmn Central Motor h 4, 1007 Main N Alexander Charles C cond C P R h 895 Connaught Alexander Clara M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1130 Clifton Alexander Gerald W of B H Alexander & Son h 630 Stadacona W Alexander John h 153 Fairford W Alexander Thomas J of Alexander & Baird h 1130 Clifton Alexander W M cond CPR r Empress Hotel Alexandra Hotel Borden Harwood mgr 42 River W Alexandra Pool Room Borden Harwood prop 44 River W Alexandra School J J Wilson prin Ominica W cor 3rd Ave N W Alexandra Store James Wing prop 403 Stadacona W Alexandruk Mike lab C P R h 923 Iroquois W Alexandruk Wm r 923 Iroquois W 8a HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 109 Alford Charles R emp St Anthony’s Home h 74 Iroquois E Alfreds Alvin r 9 River W Alguire Earl D plant chf Govt Phones h 24 High W Allan Mrs Bess elk Joyner’s r Y W C A Allan Mrs Louise h 170 Ominica W Allan Percy emp Robin Hood h 420 Grandview W Allcock Mrs Carolyn M h 1229 3rd Ave N W Allcock Mrs Elizabeth h 153 Stadacona W Allcock Everett N slsmn Sterling Motors h 3, 214 Oxford W Allcock Graydon E h 8, 377 Lillooet W Allcock Raymond C pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 879 Willow Allcock Robert E farmer h 147 Ominica W Allcock Zella r 1229 3rd Ave N W Allen Ernest lab h 612 9th Ave N W Allen Frank trk driv r 612 9th Ave N W Allen Frederick lab r 612 9th Ave N W Allen Gordon B mgr Prairie Bag h 1122 Redland Allen Jean waitress Star Cafe r 153 Hochelaga W Allen Margaret elk Eatons r 512 Ominica E Allen News Stand W Winters prop 223 Main N Allen Wm h 868 4th Ave N E Allis-Chalmers Rumely Ltd Laurence Drackett agt 102 River W Allison Frederick C elk Macdonalds Consol r 240 Athabasca E Allison Joseph S asst attendance officer Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 240 Athabasca E Allward Mrs Louise h 1145 Grafton Alstad Carl h 1002 5th Ave N E Altador Apartments 1176 1st Ave N E Altringer Wm r City Hotel Aman Albert J foremn C P Exp h 1316 Henleaze Ambassador Cafe Ltd H Neiman mgr 314 Main N Ambridge F W superv CPR h 8, 630 Main N Ambrose Edmond blrwshr CPR h 863 Cartier Ambrose Frederick H guard Brit Amer Oil h 64 Lillooet W Ambrose Wm emp CPR h 1107 6th Ave N E American Hotel Mrs May Robbins prop 238 River W Ames Charles W h 330 Lillooet W Ames Floyd E mech John M Murdock h 1105 4th Ave N W Ames Frederick h 946 Stadacona W Ames Mrs Leona r 176 River E Amesbury Mrs John h 1016 Ominica W Amesbury Walter W retd h 1316 Athabasca W Amil’s Taxi Emile Elvrun prop 82 River W Amiss J H prop Amiss Meat Mkt r 1129 2nd Ave N E Amiss Meat Market J H Amiss prop 1107 3rd Ave N E Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 110 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Amos Douglas emp Hi-Way Refinery r 427 Athabasca E Amos John trk driv h 427 Athabasca E Anaka Lena elk Mount Royal Store r 1050 Coteau W Anderson A F emp Brit Amer Oil r 461 Athabasca W Anderson Albert L agric implts 148 High W h 351 Stadacona E Anderson Angel engmn CPR h 1149 4th Ave N W Anderson & Busby M M Anderson mgr real est and ins 1, 114 Main N Anderson Carl V mgr Robin Hood Flour Mills Ltd h 1005 Alder Anderson Charles retd h 911 Fairford E Anderson Clara steno Can Bk of Commerce h 3, 219 High W Anderson Miss D nurse General Hospital r same Anderson David h 520 Lillooet W Anderson Dorothy r 1182 2nd Ave N E Anderson Edward E sec and mgr Anderson’s Ltd h 1084 Chestnut Anderson Elmer emp CPR r 1022 Montgomery Anderson Eric emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 922 Montgomery Anderson Findlay J slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 1101 St Mary’s N W Anderson Frank W engmn CPR h 31 Fairford W Anderson Frederick emp Palm Dairy’s r 1084 Chestnut Anderson George elk P O h 219 Oxford E Anderson Gerhard O farmer h 1231 Grandview Anderson Isabel T tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r Y W C A Anderson James F insptr Postal Service h 1182 2nd Ave N E Anderson James S cashr Liquor Board r Park Hotel Anderson Jean continuity writer C H A B r 41 Ominica W Anderson John emp P O h 2, 80 Home E Anderson John W lab h 1, 428 Athabasca E Anderson’s Ltd E E Anderson sec and mgr 110 Main N Anderson Lyla emp Modern Cafe r Maple Leaf Hotel Anderson Madeline M masseuse h 368 High W Anderson Moncrieff M mgr Anderson & Busby h 837 4th Ave N W Anderson Orville emp Swifts h 1037 3rd Ave N E Anderson Percy F pres Anderson’s Ltd h 41 Ominica W Anderson Richard r 1182 2nd Ave N E Anderson Terry lab h 319 Athabasca W Anderson Wm mgr Robert Simpson Western (Agency) h 911 Alder Anderson Wm teamster r 334 High W Andree Olga hairdrsr r 420 Langdon Cres HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 111 Andrews Arol window dec h 58 Lillooet W Andrews Charles C slsmn Whimsters Hdwre r 1011 2nd Ave N E Andrews Earl D h 303 Iroquois W Andrews Frederick h 1109 1st Ave N E Andrews George r 220 Ominica W Andrews Hazel steno Civic Relief r 134 River E Andrews Horace lab h 753 Coteau W Andrews Horace trk driver h 617 1st Ave S Andrews Mrs Kathleen h 1101 Athabasca E Andrews Leslie lab h 1005 5th Ave N E Andrews Milton J trainmn CPR r 134 River E Andrews Oswald W eng Park Hotel h 134 River E Andrews R C engmn CPR r 753 Coteau W Andrews Wm G slsmn Can Bakeries h 522 Ominica E Angel Arthur J engmn CPR h 1077 Grafton Angel Dorothy emp Swifts r 42 Hochelaga W Angel Frederick trainmn CPR h 831 Algoma Angelle Maurice A cred mgr Impl Building Supplies h 1153 Redland Anglo Canadian Mortgage Investment Corporation Ltd James Smith mgr 409, 12 High E Anguish Leon A opr CPR h 430 Athabasca W Angus Alexander foremn Can Bakeries h 911 Athabasca W Angus W P elk Postal Service r 152 Ominica W Anna’s Beauy Parlor (Anna Marnach) 314 Hammond Bldg Annable Steve h Kingsway Park Ansell Albert servmn Beatty Bros r 405 Ominica W Ansell Mrs B r 1101 Redland Ansell Frederick pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 30, 377 Lillooet W Ansell Mae r 1141 Athabasca W Ansell Mildred emp Prairie Airways r 1141 Athabasca W Ansell Wm F formn Can Govt Elev h 1141 Athabasca W Antaya Jean emp Prairie Bag r 822 4th Ave N W Anthony R Gordon mach CPR h 745 Coteau W Antill Albert mgr Excelsior Photo Co r 1018 6th Ave N E Antill Ernest trk driv J E Overs h 1018 6th Ave N E Antill Leonard W superv CPR h 1053 2nd Ave N W Antill Wm r 115 High E Apostolic Temple Rev Robert Dawson pastor 22 High E Appleton Edward T prop Happy’s Delivery h 1025 4th Ave N E Appleton T E radio man Moose Jaw Hdwre r 1025 4th Ave N E Appleton T F retd r 1025 4th Ave N E Apps Alfred car insptr CPR h 237 Riverside W Arbeau George electn Natl Light & Power r 244 Fairford W Arbeau Mrs Helen h 244 Fairford W Arcade Confectionery (Chinese) 306 4th Ave S W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 112 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Archer Harry trk driv National Fruit h 243 Lillooet W Archer Ruby r 222 Lillooet W Archer Samuel trainmn CPR r City Hotel Archer Samuel C chkr CPR h 222 Lillooet W Archibald Marion steno Court House r 916 Alder Archibald Wm A trainmn CPR h 916 Alder Arens Ann clnr Orpheum Theatre c-o same Arens Gus emp Hub Market r Cecil Hotel Argyle Lodge 152 Athabasca E Ariss Norman retd h 321 Ominica W Armet Wm steno CPR r 1036 1st Ave N W Armitage Mrs A h 1235 3rd Ave N E Armitage Addy G ydmn CPR h 214 Athabasca W Armour Alexander capt Fire Dept City h 334 High W Armour Donald r Sunrise Rooms Armour E A ydmn CPR r 406 Fairford W Armour Elgin trk driv Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 406 Fairford W Armouries (The) Main N and Saskatchewan E Armstrong Albert A retd h 1214 Grafton Armstrong Mrs Cora E r 440 Duffield W Armstrong Doris r 1214 Grafton Armstrong Mrs Elizabeth h 1, 1005 2nd Ave N E Armstrong Frank emp City r 249 Fairford W Armstrong Frederick C prop Armstrong Welding Works h 55 Omi¬ nica W Armstrong George emp Govt Phones h 1205 1st Ave N W Armstrong J B engmn CPR h 27, 822 Main N Armstrong Jean nurse r 1214 Grafton Armstrong John J prop Grant Hall Barber Shop h 16, 439 1st Ave N W Armstrong Joseph H jan Oddfellows Hall h 301 River W Armstrong Mrs Lillian h 26, 327 Lillooet W Armstrong May C nurse Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 2, 1005 2nd Ave N E Armstrong Peter retd h 528 Skeena Armstrong Phyllis nurse General Hospital r same Armstrong T A trainmn CPR r Manitoba Hotel Armstrong Mrs V r 825 Stadacona E Armstrong Welding Works F C Armstrong prop 49 Ominica W Armstrong Wm h 30 High W Armstrong Wm driv Moose Jaw Transportation r 1145 2nd Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 113 Armstrong Wm E slsmn h 844 Alder N E Army & Navy Department Store J Cohen mgr 116 Main N Army & Navy Veterans Capt Joseph H Timms sec mgr 11 High E Arnold Miss A Florence tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r Y W C A Arnold Mrs C r 813 2nd Ave N E Arnold Mrs Daisy E h 509 Stadacona E Arnold Frank firemn City r 638 Duffield W Arnold Henry engmn CPR r 348 High W Arnold Jean elk Woolworths r 1124 Alder Arnold John slsmn Lloyd Willows h 1124 Alder Arnold Mrs L r Y W C A Arnold Lois r 1124 Alder Arnold R Bartley yd foremn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yds h 444 Grandview W Arnold Ralph acet Lloyd Willows r 1124 Alder Arnold Robert retd h 638 Duffield W Arnold Wm E caretkr The Armouries h 349 Coteau W Arnott Frederick J firemn CPR h 7, 106 3rd Ave N W Arrow Coach Lines 37 High E Arrowsmith Mrs Ida r 175 Stadacona W Arrowsmith Lyall W emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1019 1st Ave N W Arrowsmith Ruby H elk Moose Jaw Hdwre r 241 High W Arrowsmith Thomas G carp h 161 Iroquois E Arrowsmith Walter H ydmn CPR h 241 High W Arthur Block 25 and 33 High E Arthur Confectionery Arthur H Chow prop 260 Hall W Artistique Beauty Shop Mrs Vivia McGillis prop 123 Main N Ashbaugh Gale B elk Bk of Commerce h 275 Ominica W Ashman Mildred r 1019 Clifton Ashman Percy engmn CPR h 1019 Clifton Ashton Leslie W tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 915 1st Ave N E Ashton Mrs Thomas prop River Park Cabin r same Ashton Thomas printer h River Park Ashworth Dennis lab h 752 Hochelaga E Ashworth Doris r 815 Willow Ashworth Henry opr Sewage Disposal h 815 Willow Ashworth Laura tchr r 33, 112 1st Ave N W Ashworth Percy M emp Swifts h 204 Iroquois W Ashworth Reginald J fireman Brit Amer Oil r 306 Hochelaga W Askew Edward carrier P O h 624 10th Ave N E Askilsrud Bergren hsekpr Grant Hall Hotel r same THE DIRECTORY IS THE COMMON INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 114 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW ASSINIBOIA MUSIC COMPANY (THE), W. J. Hanney, Proprietor. AGENTS FOR HEINTZMAN PIANOS, VICTOR RADIOS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, MUSIC BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, RECORDS, PHONO¬ GRAPH REPAIRS, 16 Main Street North, Phone 4501. Aston Lionel investment mgr Security Lumber h 1109 Grafton Atchison John M jan Bunnell Blk h 12, 43 High W Athletic Grounds 1st Ave N E and Fairford E Atkins Arthur P sheriff Judicial District of Moose Jaw h 1138 1st Ave N E Atkins Audrey asst Childrens Shelter r same Atkins Joseph trainmn CPR r City Hotel Atkinson Christopher H h 809 Stadacona E Atkinson James h 114 Lillooet W Atkinson Mrs Mary h 1325 Algoma Atkinson Patricia E elk Govt Phones' r 1119 Clifton Atkinson R Ivan firmn Brit Amer Oil h 3, 106 3rd Ave N W Atkinson Robert J superv London Life Ins h 1119 Clifton Atkinson Ross trav Canada Packers r 1119 Clifton Atkinson Ruth bndry Westn Press r 114 Lillooet W Atkinson Wilmot L lab r 1325 Algoma Attridge J J elk h 859 Cartier Attridge John A chiropractor 3, 114 Main N h same Attridge Mrs S May chiropractor 159 Fairford W h same Aubrey Oscar trainmn CPR h 1127 3rd Ave N W Aubrey Ronald emp CPR r 1127 3rd Ave N W Ault Mrs Helen h 1010 Wolfe Ault Kenneth elk Harvey’s Grocery r 1010 Wolfe Avalon Apartments 72 Ross E Avery Dexter lab h 940 Donald Avery Lee h 1002 Stadacona W Avery Mrs M h 1040 High W Avery Sherman r 1220 Grafton Axon George A mgr Imperial Optical Co h 169 River E Axworthy Joseph S supvg weighmn Dom Govt h 360 High W Axworthy Margaret steno Geo A Maybee r 300 High W Ayers Henry P with RCMP h 63 Elsom Ayerst George lab h 944 Lillooet W Aylott Katherine M steno South Sask Co-Oper Stockyds r 129 Grandview Aymer T emp Swifts r 961 Hochelaga W Aymer Thomas T prop Tommy’s Delivery h 961 Hochelaga W Ayres Edna elk Woolworths r 1137 3rd Ave N E B B C Fruit & Grocery Joe Kwong mgr 334 Main N B C Rooms King Wong prop 56 Manitoba W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 115 Babcock Miss E M dressmkr Christie Grant r 1024 Elgin Babcock Etta M typist CPR r 1203 1st Ave N W Babcock Lee D mech Sterling Motors h 1024 Elgin Babcock Ross emp Quality Dental Laby r 1024 Elgin Babcock Thomas H tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 1203 1st Ave N W Babeux Amie emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 318 Lillooet W Baber George A cond CPR h 1131 5th Ave N W Babich Nick h 918 Iroquois W Babiuk W emp Swifts r Kingsway Park Babych George emp Jackson Bottling h 321 Iroquois W Bach H r YMCA Back George h 103 River E Backman Paul E printer h 562 Hochelaga W Backun Harold elk Blue Store r 10, 720 Main N Backun Jack elk Blue Store r 10, 720 Main N Backun Moses mgr Blue Store Ltd h 10, 720 Main N Bacon Frederick S engmn CPR h 330 Oxford W Bacon Robert usher Capitol Theatre r 330 Oxford W Bacon Rudolph M mech A L Anderson h 749 Stadacona E Badaluta Manuel emp Providence Hosp r same Badger Earl M flrmn Totten-Elliott Motors r 1045 5th Ave N W Badger Earl W elk Ry Mail Service h 1045 5th Ave N W Badminton Club 66 Ross W Baggaley John T const CPR h 14, 439 1st Ave N W Baggaley Louise emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 14, 430 1st Ave N W Bailey Mrs Frank H h 1204 Clifton Bailey Mrs H r 1116 1st Ave N W Bailey Harry F bond slsmn James' Richardson & Sons r 1116 1st Ave N W Bailey Jean emp Swifts r 1204 Clifton Bailey John chf eng Moose Jaw Flying Club r 429 Duffield W Bailey John car insptr CPR h 437 Grandview W Bailey Leonard A lino opr Times Co h 1104 Stadacona W Bailey Margaret r 1104 Stadacona W Bailey Roland hlpr CPR h 429 Duffield W Bailey Ronald E prop Connaught Billiard h 1228 1st Ave N W Bailey Wm R h 1264 3rd Ave N E Bailie John elk P O h 1416 2nd Ave N W Baillon Cyril B porter P O h 1030 Athabasca E Baillon Joan steno Kent & Pope r 1030 Athabasca E Bain Donald stone ctr h 1014 6th Ave N E Bain Ethel steno T H Pendlebury r 2, 214 Oxford W Bain Mrs R C h 2, 214 Oxford W Bain WA G constn formn Sask Govt h 1141 2nd Ave N E Baine Adelaide nurse r 2, 1007 Main N Baines George W chief City Fire Dept h 136 Fairford W Baird George A of Alexander & Baird h 1120 Redland Baird Gordon r 824 Alder Baird James hlpr Western Ice h 836 Stadacona E Baird John retd h 824 Alder Baird Mary C cashr McKenzie Auto Equip r 824 Alder Baird Norman emp Evans Florists r 836 Stadacona E Baker Alexander mach CPR h 311 Coteau W E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Vatue-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 116 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Baker Alfred E mach CPR hill Coteau W Baker Benjamin retd h 31 Fairford W Baker Bertha emp Prairie Airways r 310 Coteau W Baker C trainmn CPR r 106 Hochelaga E Baker Carl mech Totten-Elliott Motors r 1338 1st Ave N W Baker Charles E pensioner h 867 Willow Baker Charles' H engmn CPR h 1027 Wolfe Baker Charles L emp CPR h Rothesay Park Baker Clarence E trainmn CPR r 468 Stadacona W Baker Edward C appr CPR r 111 Coteau W Baker Edward J r 122 River E Baker F Joseph bkpr Security Lumber r 1218 1st Ave N W Baker Florine elk Woolworths r 111 Coteau W Baker Frank emp CPR r Harwood Hotel Baker Frank E engmn CPR h 468 Stadacona W Baker Frederick r Plaza Hotel Baker George W plant supt Sask Co-Op Creamery h 177 Caribou W Baker Gladys r 177 Caribou W Baker Gordon acct r 65 Athabasca W Baker Mrs Irene h 7, 43 High W Baker Mrs Mary h 1218 1st Ave N W Baker Patricia A M phone opr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1221 Redland Baker Percy H M tchr Moose Jaw Tech Schl h 21, 121 High W Baker Raymond A emp CPR r 1150 3rd Ave N W Baker Russell r 311 Coteau W Baker Samuel J insptr CPR Tels h 1221 Redland Baker Thomas R elk P O h Willow Ave (Wellesley Park) Baker Vera dietitian r 1221 Redland Baker Victor A engmn CPR h 310 Coteau W Baker W George trainmn CPR h 65 Athabasca W Baker Wm aircraft eng Prairie Airways r 310 Coteau W Baker Wm A engmn CPR h 720 2nd Ave N E Baker Zelie emp Hodge Coal r 867 Willow Bakke Merton H mgr Beatty Bros Ltd h 663 Athabasca W Bakstad Chris linemn Govt Phones h 1048 2nd Ave N E Bale J H elk Royal Bk r 48 High W Balfour George H Ibr mercht h 1164 3rd Ave N W Ball Mrs A h 130 Manitoba E Ball Clayton of Scottys Scooters h 575 Hochelaga W Ball Miss D emp Swifts' r 925 Athabasca E Ball George C h 925 Athabasca E Ball Mrs Mervin h 73 Home W Ballam Mrs Emma h 32 Hochelaga W Ballam F S trainmn CPR r 359 Fairford E Ballam Freeman S mgr Service Taxi h 359 Fairford E Ballard Miss M superv Gen Hosp r same HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 117 Ballard Max R prin Central Collegiate r 1161 Henleaze Ballingall Wm trav h 898 6th Ave N W Balmoral Apartments 822 Main N Bambridge John pensioner r 167 Caribou E Bamford Harry H of Hodge Bamford & Wilder h 1085 Grafton Bank Block 51 High W Bank of Montreal E T Hacking mgr 237 Main N Bank of Nova Scotia O Welsh mgr 303 Main N Bank of Nova Scotia Building 307 Main N Banks Mrs A E h 807 6th Ave N E Banks Mrs Alice r 254 Stadacona W Banks Charles engmn CPR h 716 6th Ave N W Banks Margaret tchr r 807 6th Ave N E Bannerman Earl h 5, 11 River E Bannister John R mach CPR h 1038 4th Ave N E Bannister Mrs Ruth h 576 Skeena Bannister Walter weighmstr City h 337 Duffield Banting Floyd N linemn Govt Phones r 928 3rd Ave N ^ Barabash Mike mech Milne’s Garage h 44 Lillooet W^/ Baranosky G emp Swifts r 1126 Coteau W Barauk Pete emp Jackson Bottling h 928 Coteau W Barber Frank driv Leadley’s r City Hotel Barber George A trainmn CPR h.ll31 5th Ave N W Barber Marian elk Kresges r 1072 Chestnut Barber Ross driv Moose Jaw Ldry r 72 High E Barber Wm R porter Grant Hall Hotel h 856 Chamberlain Barbour James firmn City h 832 Ominica E Barby Alfred carp h 1071 Connaught Barby Wilfred H stock elk McKenzie Auto Equip r 1071 Connaught Bare David trk driv h 935 Athabasca W Bare Robert W emp CPR h 814 7th Ave N W Bareham Arthur H engmn CPR r Empress Hotel Barker Charles S bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 206 High E Barker Frederick retd h 511 Athabasca W Barker George E retd h 1146 Clifton Barker James T trainmn CPR h 522 Stadacona W Barker Louise hsekpr r 511 Athabasca W Barlow James r Plaza Hotel Barlow Richard pensioner r 334 High W Barlow Wm T mach CPR r 152 River W Barnes Mrs Alice h 345 Grandview W Barnes Bertram jan h 336 Home W Barnes Bertram Jr h 928 Hastings Barnes Doris maid Gen Hosp r same Barnes Frederick radio reprs h 1090 Chamberlain Barnes Frederick W mach CPR h 262 River E Barnes George E elk CPR h 553 Hochelaga W Barnes Harold emp Grant Hall r Alexandra Hotel Barnett Lynne elk Eatons h 106 Ominica W Barnholden Florence elk Johnstone Dairies r 137 Hochelaga W Barnholden J C cement contr h 137 Hochelaga W Baron Michael F barber h 438 Main S Barons Joseph r 349 Lillooet W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 118 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Barons Steve engmn CPR h 349 Lillooet W Barrow Thomas C r 1245 5th Ave N W Barrowclift Thomas emp Swifts r 321 Fairford W Barry Charlotte emp Providence Hosp r same Bartley Ada S opr Govt Phones h 4, 800 4th Ave N W Barton Gordon R elk CPR r 41 Stadacona W Barton Isaac A h 898 Grey Barton Thelma r 106 Stadacona W Basing H Frederick elk P O h 1181 1st Ave N E Bastedo John G h 48 Hochelaga W Bastien Norbert lab h 316 Athabasca W Bateman Susie emp Providence Hosp r same Bates Beryl h 1160 Coteau W Bates Mrs E G r 919 Fairford E Bates George E hlpr CPR c-o same Bathgate Florence treas Royal Theatre r 13 Main N Bathgate John ydmn Stock Yds h 1030 Hull Bathgate Wm steam eng h 203 High W Batson Mrs Elizabeth r 143 River E Battell A ydmn CPR r 4, 51 High W Battell Mrs B r 1046 Main N Battell Block 65 High W Battell Cora slsldy Heasman’s Ltd r 1313 2nd Ave N W Battell Mrs Effie h 1313 2nd Ave N W Battell Harold J slsmn Western Oil r 1313 2nd Ave N W Batting Norman dept mgr Eatons r YMCA Bawden Mrs George P h 144 Athabasca E Bawden Hugh D elk Impl Bank r 144 Athabasca E Baxter Frederick jan Civic Relief h 313 Home W Baxter James lab Brit Amer Oil r 1098 Wolfe Baxter Mrs Kay sec-treas Warren Ins Agencies r 1019 1st Ave N W Baxter Law elk P O h 804 Athabasca E Baxter Mrs M J r Harwood Hotel Baxter W Gordon supt of mails P O h 561 Athabasca W Bay Elsie acet Gen Hosp r 137 River E Bay H I steno Robin Hood Flour Mills' r 1331 Coteau W Bayley Robert G B agt Prudential Ins Co h 224 2nd Ave N E Baylis Barbara mach opr Macdonalds Consol r 1164 2nd Ave N E Baylis Tom P plbr 25 High W h 1164 2nd Ave N E Bayly Benjamin M phys 210 Hammond Bldg h 1135 2nd Ave N W Beach Benjamin emp Providence Hosp r same Beale Henry hostler CPR h 49 Lillooet E Beale Marguerite A elk Royal Bk r 49 Lillooet E Beales Arthur elk Maple Leaf Hotel r 174 Ominica W Beaman R M h 337 Coteau W Beamish Russell emp CPR h 1013 4th Ave N E Beamish Wm J barber 222 Main N h 414 Hochelaga W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 119 Beamish Wm R carmn CPR h 76 Mansfield Bearham Herbert h 423 Manitoba E Beaton Benjamin r 414 Home W Beaton Bessie hsekpr r 23 Coronation Beaton Edward buttermkr Sask Co-Op Creamery r 605 Hochelaga W Beaton Mrs Margaret h 23 Coronation Beaton Wm J coir h 605 Hochelaga W Beattie Doris r 946 Main N Beattie Edith H elk Govt Phones r 946 Main N Beattie Frank L bkpr Paterson Motors r 1112 Grafton Beattie Gordon elk Joyner’s r 1173 1st Ave N W Beattie Graham caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 946 Main N Beattie James emp City h 612 Skeena Beattie John L supt Reliance Grain h 1112 Grafton Beattie Laura h 10, 615 4th Ave N E Beattie Lloyd emp McBride’s r 946 Main Beattie Marjorie C tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1112 Grafton Beattie Myrna nurse r 1112 Grafton Beattie Robert retd h 946 Main N Beattie Robert engmn CPR h 1173 1st Ave N W Beatty Bros Ltd M H Bakke mgr 29 High W Beatty H C elk McBrides Ltd r 457 Stadacona W Beatty Samuel E porter P O r 311 Athabasca W Beaver Lumber Company, Limited 340 Fourth Avenue South West. Leading Dealers in Moose Jaw for LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS, BUILDERS HARDWARE, C-I-L PAINTS, DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL AND WOOD, PHONES 4042 and 3212. R. E. Spriggs, Manager, Bus. Phone 3212, Res. Phone 3165. Bechtold Frederick lab h 958 Coteau W Becker Ronald h 1169 Grafton Beckett Andrew hostler CPR h 930 Caribou E Beckett W lab CPR r 930 Caribou E Bedford Mrs Annie h 338 Athabasca W Bedford Charles N station master CPR h 419 Iroquois W Bedford Clarice W chkr CP R r 1191 1st Ave N E Bedford David slsmn r 338 Athabasca W Bedford Edith dietitian YWCA r same Bedford Frank emp City h 230 High E Bedford Mrs George h 326 Fairford W Bedford Grant stockmn Central Motor h 31, 80 Home E Bedford J cond CPR r Hotel Cecil Bedford Miss L nurse Gen Hosp r same Bedford Mrs Lois h 5, 428 Athabasca E Bedford Wm H engmn CPR h 1191 1st Ave N E Bee Hive Grocery Charles Williams prop 339 4th Ave S W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 120 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Beech Frank trainmn CPR h 1126 3rd Ave N W Beechinor Thomas pipeftr Brit Amer Oil h 818 Outlook Beehler John emp John A Geddes r 256 High W Beemish Eldred hlpr Westn Ice h 908 Ominica E Beesley Arthur retd h 164 Stadacona W Beesley Charles agt Mutual Life r 327 Ominica W Beesley Ethel r 1226 Redland Beesley Frank W trk driv Hi-Way Refineries h 62 Fairford W Beesley Gordon G dentist 307, 12 High E r 201 Athabasca W Beesley John h 271 Athabasca W Beesley Mrs Katherine R h 1226 Redland Beesley Susie steno r 164 Stadacona W Beesley Wm R retd h 201 Athabasca W Behan Arthur J decorator h 106 River E Beisig Elizabeth emp Providence Hosp r same Bekkering Karl h Kingsway Park Belbin Alfred C painter h 343 Fairford E Belbin Doris elk Kresge’s r 343 Eairford E Belbin Florence waitress Exchange Cafe r 735 Ominica E Belbin Leonard soldier h 735 Ominica E Belhaven Apartments 330 Hall W Bell Alexander police insptr City h 331 Duffield W Bell Allan R prop Bell’s Grocy r 1263 Willow Bell Mrs Archibald h 529 Home W Bell Archibald jan Virginia Court h 2, 636 1st Ave N W Bell Charles r 920 Fairford W Bell Charles E elk P O h 417 Coteau W Bell Douglas C elk P O h 840 Grey Bell Miss F maid Gen Hosp r same Bell’s Grocery Allan Bell prop 1109 3rd Ave N E Bell Miss H nurse Gen Hosp r same Bell H Stanley sr elk P O h 416 5th Ave N W Bell Harold attndt Sterling Motors h 1002a 5th Ave N E Bell Harold K emp Bell’s Meat Market r 1031 3rd Ave N E Bell Harry painter Westn Sign h 1305 2nd Ave N W Bell Horace G prop Bell’s Modern Market h 1281 Willow Bell John J emp Liquor Bd Beer Whse r Hotel Cecil Bell Joseph jan Hammond Bldg h 945 Stadacona W Bell Louis J lab h 736 Ominica W Bell Lydia r 331 Duflfield W Bell Margaret emp Swifts r 416 5th Ave N W Bell’s Modern Market Horace G Bell prop 1106 Main N Bell Owen lab h 920 Fairford W Bell Percy D h 916 Ross E Bell R N trainmn CPR r Mt Royal Apts Bell Stanley L baker Westons Bread r 416 5th Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 121 Bell Thomas G meats 434 Athabasca E h 1031 3rd Ave N E Bell Thomas H aircraftsman Prairie Airways r 1031 3rd Ave N E Bell Wm driv Scotty’s Scooters r 417 Coteau W Bell Wm R emp CPR h 883 Elgin Bellamy Mrs A W h 444 Langdon Cres Bellamy Alexander emp Vets Social Club r 67 River E BELLAMY COMPANY, LIMITED, J. F. Droppo, Manager, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. 908 Main Street North (Open Day and Night), Phone 2023. Res. Phone 3652. BELLAMY FURNITURE COMPANY, LIMITED, N. J. Bellamy, Manager, Furniture Dept., 340 Main Street N., Phone 3896. Bellamy Mrs Jay h 67 River E Bellamy Norman J mgr Bellamy Furniture Co Ltd h 452 Langdon Cres Bellamy Norval emp Bellamy Furn r 67 River E Bellavance Mrs A h 816 4th Ave N W Bellavance Elise elk McBrides r 816 4th Ave N W Bells Adeline prop Harwood Confy r YWCA Belmas Alexander tender repr CPR h 1057 Lillooet W Belmas Mike h 505 Home W Belmas T soldier r 1057 Lillooet W Belmont Apartments 630 Main N Belmont Confectionery John Stevens prop 632 Main N Belsey Charles M lab CPR h 1022 Stadacona W Belsey Edward R whsemn Western Oil r 1345 Algoma Belsey Henry J emp Swifts h 774 Hochelaga W Belsey Jane C sec-treas Sask Registered Seed Growers r 1022 Stada¬ cona W Belsher Ursula nurse Gen Hosp r same Belzowski Joseph carp Bird Constn h 431 Stadacona W Bemis Charles L messr C P Exp h 43 Iroquois W Bender Charles W trainmn CPR h 342 Oxford St Bender Fern elk Govt Phones r 342 Oxford W Bender Mrs G H h 39 Athabasca W Bendler Crawford h 720 Hochelaga E Benell R O Construction Co R O Benell mgr 226 4th Ave N W Benell Robert O mgr R O Benell Constn Co h 62 Oxford W Benell Robert R r 62 Oxford W Bennett Chester J reprmn Natl Light & Power r 203 Fairford W BENNETT COAL COMPANY, F. W. Bennett, Proprietor, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC AND STEAM COAL AND WOOD, Fifth Avenue N. E. corner Caribou Street, Phone 3342. Res. Phone 5445. Bennett David H retd h 203 Fairford W Bennett Edward pensioner r 203 River E Bennett Mrs Elva r 211 Oxford E Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 122 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW BENNETT, F. W., Proprietor, Bennett Coal Company, Fifth Avenue N. E. corner Caribou Street, Phone 3342. Res. 704 Athabasca Street West, Phone 5445. Bennett George driv Palm Dairies h 662 Athabasca E Bennett George trainmn CPR h 1213 2nd Ave N W Bennett Harry jan Clarendon Apts h 3, 127 High W Bennett Jean waitress Exchange Cafe r 805 6th Ave N W Bennett W J Ltd W J Bennett mgr stationery 205 Main N Bennett Wilfred J mgr J W Bennett Ltd r Harwood Hotel Bennett Willard R slsmn Ray Oil Burner Co h 465 Hochelaga E Bennetton Herbert E emp Natl Mills h 441 Iroquois W Bennie Andrew firmn City h 1075 2nd Ave N E Bennie Wm retd h 422 Athabasca W Benoit A Nettie opr Govt Phones h 1, 219 High W Benson Alice emp Natl Cafe r 224 River E Benson Archibald barr 127 Main N h Wellesley Park Benson’s Barber Shop Fred Benson prop 177 High W Benson’s Clothes Shop Benjamin Schacter prop 26 Main N Benson Douglas elk The Rosery r Wellesley Park Benson Frederick prop Benson’s Barber Shop r 316 Athabasca W Benson James h 224 River E Benson Jennie r 224 River E Benson Margaret elk The Rosery r — Wellesley Park Bentley Philip servmn Can Garage h 1216 3rd Ave N E Bentley Thomas hlpr Sterling Motors r 1216 3rd Ave N E Bentz Katie emp St Anthony’s Home r same Benwick Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Benwick Wm sectn formn CPR h 1063 Iroquois W Benyard Vivian nurse Providence Hosp r same Berbenak John lab h 1032 Iroquois W Berbenak Nellie hsekpr r 1032 Iroquois W Berbenak Peter r 1032 Iroquois W Berbeniuk D emp CPR r 460 Home W Bereska Mike emp Exchange Cafe r 454 Home W Berg Mrs Annie h 1225 8th Ave N E Berg Oscar engmn CPR h 1211 Iroquois W Berger Ralph mech h 462 Selwyn Bergin A F h 1224 Coteau W Bergland Mrs H T r 1038 2nd Ave N W Bergren Frances waitress Melon-Dew Ice Cream r 359 Main N Berry Charles W h 107 Hochelaga E Berry Dave emp Milne’s Garage r 537 3rd Ave N E Berry Earl D farmer h 1210 1st Ave N W Berry Frederick S pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 25 Home E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 123 Berry Harold F pres and gen mgr Natl Light & Power Co Ltd h 1158 Redland Berry Phyllis hsekpr r 429 Manitoba E Berry Wm J retd h 429 Manitoba Berthiaume George A benchmn Imperial Optical Co h 4, 219 High W Besler Ellen hsekpr r 138 Athabasca W Bessette Leo slsmn Christie Grant h 1121 2nd Ave N E Best Frank G druggist Leonard Fysh Ltd h 370 Riverside Dr Best Harry C ctr Best Monumental Co h 814 Chamberlain Best Monumental Co L Reeson mgr 721 Caribou W Bettis John elk Hotel Cecil r same Betts Adeline emp Harwood Hotel r YWCA Betts Mrs Wm h 33, 112 Ist Ave N W Betzner Norman E phys 109, 11 High E h 1011 Chestnut Bevan R T music tchr Normal Schl h 923 3rd Ave N W Bibby Richard blrwasher CPR h 508 Ominica E Bickford Hazel tailor French Cleaners Bidewell Archibald emp Swifts h 428 9th Ave S W Bidewell Henry h 896 Wolfe Bidewell Mrs J W h 430 9th Ave S W Bidewell Violet r 430 9th Ave S W Bidwell Archibald prop Bidwell Studio h 1164 2nd Ave N W Bidwell Arnold J messr Bk of Montreal h 1209 3rd Ave N E Bidwell Howard acet Impl Bldg Supplies r 268 Oxford W Bidwell Jean emp Bidwell Studio r 1164 2nd Ave N W Bidwell Kenneth photogr Bidwell Studio r 1164 2nd Ave N W Bidwell Mrs Olive elk Civic Relief r YWC A Bidwell Ralph emp Milne’s Garage r 1164 2nd Ave N W Bidwell Studio Archibald Bidwell prop 2, 130 Main N Bie Agnes emp Christie Grant r 219 Oxford E Bie Elizabeth H tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 30 Stadacona W Bieber Charles elev opr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 420 Stadacona E Bieber Clara M r 420 Stadacona E Bieber John emp Robin Hood Flour h 321 Duffield W Bieber Wm trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 405 Ominica W Bielefeld Ella dressmkr r 220 Ominica W Bierle Harry emp Hotel Cecil r 948 Ominica W Biggam Andrew elk CPR r Brunswick Hotel Biggs Joseph C emp City h 953 Ominica W Bigley James r 305 Ominica W Bijou Block 318 Main N Bijou Hall 318 Main N Bill’s Taxi (Sam Breyere) 26 River W Billbe George W bgemaster CPR h 723 7th Ave N W Billenwillms Mrs A prop E B Hatchery r 269 Fairford W Billenwillms Archibald engmn CPR h 269 Fairford W Billenwillms Inez elk E B Hatchery r 269 Fairford W Billett Mrs A r 813 2nd Ave N E Billett Miss J nurse Gen Hosp r same Billett Ruby elk Eatons r 813 2nd Ave N E Billings Joseph emp Carter Halls r 410 Home W Billings Robert E J investigator Civic Relief h 151 Athabasca W Bills Robert R mech Sterling Motors r 554 Hochelaga W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 124 HBNDERSOM’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Bilous John lab h 209 1st Ave S E Bingham Frank V mech Can Garage h 147 Coteau E Bingham Harold C emp Sask Govt h 1166 2nd Ave N W Bingham Wm A slsmn h 1132 2nd Ave N E Bingley John W blrwasher CPR r 958 Stadacona W Bingley Thomas hd jan CPR h 934 Ominica W Binnie Annie C cashr Joyner’s r 63 Stadacona W Binning Block 27 High W Binning Marion E asst mgr Binnings Store r 124 Oxford W Binning’s Store Ltd Wm J Binning mgr 132 Main N Binning Wm J mgr Binnings Store h 124 Oxford W Binns Thomas treas City h 1036 3rd Ave N E Birch E emp Swifts r Swifts Fire Hall Bird Ada music tchr h 1146 Algoma Bird Construction Company Limited H. J. Bird, A.M.E.I.C., President and General Manager; W. J. Greenfield, Vice-President; J, Clark, Secretary-Treasurer. CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS. Dominion Bank Building, Phone 2736. Also Regina, Saskatchewan and Winnipeg, Manitoba. Bird Edith G steno W D McIntyre r 844 Alder BIRD, HUBERT J., Of Bird Construction Co. Ltd., Dominion Bank Building, Phone 2736. Res. Winnipeg, Man. Bird John r 147 High E Birkett Albert driv Maple Leaf Taxi r 1318 1st Ave N W Birkett J r Canadian Legion Birkett Randolph C switchmn CNR h 1091 3rd Ave N E Birley Mrs E M h 236 Saskatchewan W Birley Herbert B slsmn McGavui's r 236 Saskatchewan W Bishop Allan trk driv r 130 Stadacona W Bishop Sami retd h 130 Stadacona W Bishop Victor trucking h 1046 Main N Bissett Bessie elk Eatons r 22, 822 Main N Bissett Frederick E h 22, 822 Main N Bjerke Theo P acet Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1162 Grafton Bjolverud Mrs E h 1063 1st Ave N E Bjolverud Jergan r 1063 1st Ave N E Bjolverud Julia maid Hotel Cecil r same Bjordammen R K bkpr h 893 6th Ave N W Bjornson B A serv eng Child & Gower h 356 Home W Black Alexander lab r 112 Manitoba E Black Mrs Emily J h 5, 27 High W Black Mrs Gordon waitress Savoy Cafe r 5, 73 High W Black Janet steno Beatty Bros r 663 Athabasca W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 125 Black Gordon trk driv h 5, 73 High W Black Mrs K h 316 High W Black Russell lab r 112 Manitoba E Black Mrs V h 1140 Redland Black Mrs Vera r 174 Ominica W Black Wm J h 112 Manitoba E Blackburn Allan carmn CPR h 676 Ominica W Blackburn Lewis h 269 High E Blackball James retd r 321 Ominica W Blackball Thomas retd r 321 Ominica W Blackman Thomas' H emp Alexander & Baird r 65 Home W Blackwell Mrs G h 918 Montgomery BLACKWOOD HARDWARE COMPANY, LIMITED, H. R. Nickelson, Manager, WHOLESALE ONLY. SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, 134-136 Manitoba West, Phones 2096 and 4936 and Ware¬ house 4524. Blackwood Lewis A prop LAB Auto Supplies h 104 Oxford E Blackwood Robert L buyer LAB Auto Supplies h 1128 2nd Ave N W Blair Daniel A cond CPR h 22, 72 Ross E Blair John emp Providence Hosp r same Blair Mrs Mary r 863 Elgin Bland Edward ydmn Orrell Coal r 1346 Hochelaga W Bland James E jan Hammond Bldg h 1346 Hochelaga W Blaney Mrs Gertrude elk Woolworths r 630 Ominica E Bleaney L H jan Fairford Apts h 211 Fairford E Blind Craft Geo Stevens prop 21 High W Blizzard A Harry J porter CPR h 802 Fairford E Blizzard Thomas firemn City h 622 Fairford E Blondin Alexander h 243 Hochelaga E Bloomer Dr James E phys 11 High W h 1170 2nd Ave N W Bloss Alpherie of Bloss Jewelry h 1086 Alder Bloss Jewelry (Alpherie Bloss) 319 Main N Blue Bird Confectionery George and Lou Smallwood props 610 9th Ave N W Blue Store Ltd M Blackburn mgr 61 River W Blunt John H engmn CPR h 1076 1st Ave N E BOARD OF TRADE, F. C. Kent, K.C., President; George D. Mackie, Commissioner; 18 High Street East, Phone 4245. Bobat Matilda J steno Providence Hosp r same Bobier Thomas h 1164 Henleaze Bobowski Julius lab Swifts h 1215 Grandview Bobsky J emp Swifts r 1215 Grandview Bodnar Frank lab h 1545 Duffield W Bodnar John h 1225 Iroquois W Bodnaryk John elk McBrides r 26 Athabasca W Body Alfred bkpr Holman’s Truck-A-Way r 278 Manitoba E Body Frederick mgr Holman’s Truck-A-Way h 278 Manitoba E Boehm Mrs H r 370 Fairford W Boehm Joseph trainmn CPR h 152 Grandview Boisclair Honorius porter Cecil Hotel h 324 River W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 126 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Boiteau Clay lab Brit Amer Oil r 430 Athabasca W Bolding Charles E pipeftr CPR h 440 Vaughn Bolding Margaret elk Joyner’s r 440 Vaughn Bolding Norman messr C P Tels r 440 Vaughn Bolton Charles B retd h 1246 3rd Ave N E Bolton H M r 171 Hochelaga W Bolton Richard T retd h 1148 Grafton Bon Bon Confectionery Maurice Katz prop 571 Athabasca W Bond Colin guard Brit Amer Oil h 1239 Clifton Bond Richard mkt gdnr 4th Ave S W h same Bonnis Gus of Princess Cafe h 819 1st Ave N W Bonser H F h 9, 630 Main N Bonson Annie E r 1031 3rd Ave N E Bonson George painter h 1111 Hochelaga W Bonthron John T cond CPR h 1137 Alder Bookout Joseph trk driv h 837 Manitoba Bookout Joseph Jr delivery Leonard Fysh r 837 Manitoba E Boot Wm H cond CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Booth Colin E foremn Brit Amer Oil h 126 Iroquois E Booth James r American Hotel Booth James T instr Dom & Prov Youth h 403 Vaughn Booth Mrs L r 53 Fairford E Booth Percy mgr Western Leather Co h 416 Manitoba E Booth Mrs Ruth h 209, 331 Main N Booth Wm emp North Star Oil Stn r 403 Vaughn Boros Nick lab h 1046 Iroquois W Borradale Thomas C sr elk Postal Service h 1177 3rd Ave N E Borrezee Charles h 1103 4th Ave N E Borsuk Pete lab h 310 9th Ave N W Borzak Carl h 1214 Vaughn Borzik Wm h 310 9th Ave S W Botham Mrs Mary h 429 Hochelaga W Botkin Garrett L const City h 9, 615 4th Ave N E Botting Edward h 1211 5th Ave N W Botting Gordon G acet City h 1020 2nd Ave N W Boucher Ann R r 459 Hochelaga W Boucher Elsie H r 459 Hochelaga W Boucher Harriet H h 459 Hochelaga W Boughton Block 420 and 428 Athabasca E Boughton Robert G porter Grant Hall Hotel h 412 Langdon Cres Bourassa Lloyd elev boy Grant Hall Hotel r 1222 Main N Bourassa Mrs Victoria h 1222 Main N Bourgeois Arthur D sec-treas Central Motor h 1216 3rd Ave N W Bourgeois Louis A sis mgr C H A B r 1216 3rd Ave N W Bouveur Mrs Germaine h 6, 224 Main N Bowen Mrs Jessie h 224 Hochelaga W Bowerin James N lab City h 1002 Ominica E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 127 Bowering Nan N tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 2, 822 Main N Bowes Harold E vice-prin Moose Jaw Tech High Schl h 1148 Clifton Bowling Harold mgr CNR Tels h 1006 Connaught Bowman Berlen with RCAF h 729 Ominica E Bowman Bros Ltd R ,B McGinty mgr 121 High W Bowman Harry h 1203 Hochelaga Bowman Wesley E trainmn CPR h 10, 130 Main N Bowyer Kenneth A sr elk Postal Service h 1160 3rd Ave N W Boxer Francis lab h 577 Fairford E Boy Scouts Association F E Joyner dist pres O B Fysh dist commr A Saunders dist sec meets Public Library Boy Scouts Building 610 Stadacona W Boy Scouts Hall 1017 Cartier Boyce Mrs A h 32, 80 Home E Boyce Andrew T engmn CPR h 442 Athabasca W Boyce Stanley ehf timekpr CPR h 1213 Redland Boychuk Mike lab h 703 Skeena BOYD, C. H. LIMITED, Charles H. Boyd, Manager. Dealers in FLOUR AND FEED. ALSO COAL AND WOOD, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 302 Manitoba Street West, Phone 3447. Manager’s Res. Phone 2731. Boyd Charles H mgr C H Boyd Ltd h 1077 1st Ave N W Boyd Clifton trainmn CPR hi 165 Clifton Boyd Frank trk driv Eatons r Kingsway Park Boyd John R lab h 420 Moose Square Boyes Edwin butcher Bells Modern Market r 1136 5th Ave N E Boyes Robert L blrwasher CPR h 1136 5th Ave N E Boyes Wm F Jr trav Swifts h 5, 1005 2nd Ave N E Boylan Benjamin whsemn Blackwood Hdwre r lA, 219 High W Boylan Samuel D slsmn Central Motor h lA, 219 High W Boyle John messr Dime Delivery r 863 Elgin Boyle Joseph retd h 403 Hochelaga W Boyle Lucille M nurse Providence Hosp r same Boyle Thomas' trainmn CPR h 863 Elgin Boyle Wm h 4, 114 Main N Boyling J Sidney program mgr C H A B h 5, 1083 Redland Boyling John mgr Union Transfer & Storage Co h 16 River E Boys Harold V musician r 1227 1st Ave N W Boys Herbert W firemn City h 1117 2nd Ave N E Boys John trk driv r 652 Athabasca E Boys Milton W trk driv r 652 Athabasca E Boys Mrs Rebecca h 652 Athabasca E Boys (The) Shop Otto H Zimmer prop 117 Main Boys Victor H ins agt 409, 12 High E h 1227 1st Ave N W Bozson Mrs Alice h 832 5th Ave N W Braaten Hagbart carp h 1228 Grafton Braaten Harold carp h 1331 2nd Ave N W Braaten Harry C tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1228 Grafton Bracken A D phys 208 Hammond Bldg r Grant Hall Hotel Bracken Ernest engman CPR h 476 Ominica W Bracken Wm emp Westn Sign r 476 Ominica W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 128 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Bradbury Frederick porter P O r 940 Athabasca W Bradbury Leslie emp W H Hodgson h 851 Cartier Bradbury Wright h 940 Athabasca E Brade James h 1032 Athabasca E Brade Lillian waitress Stewart’s Bakery r 1032 Athabasca E Brade Maple r 818 Ominica W Braden V R slsmn John M Murdock r 63 Stadacona W Bradford H Victor elk P O h 7 , 377 Lillooet W Bradley Bert office 219 Hammond Bldg Bradley E Lindsay messr C P Exp r 934 1st Ave N E Bradley Howard E whsemn C P Exp r 934 1st Ave N E Bradley Mrs Marjorie steno Security Lumber r 1041 2nd Ave N W Bradley Wm B mgr Empress Hotel Co Ltd h 934 1st Ave N E Brailean Rose r 571 Hochelaga W Braine Catherine r 104 Oxford E Brand Charles R pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 177 River E Brand Harry Jr emp Natl Light & Power h 1005 Stadacona Brand Henry reprmn Natl Light & Power h 420 Ominica E Brand John W electn CPR h 414 Ominica E Brandle Robert J h 1, 80 Home E Brandson H Morris emp Swifts r 8, 24 Main N Brandt E B firemn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 16, 121 High W Branston Allan elk Bowman Bros r 1152 Main N Branston John S frt agt CPR h 1152 Main N Branston Kenneth r 1152 Main N Brasseur Mrs Mary h 1151 4th Ave N W Brattan Mrs Elizabeth h 620 Hochelaga E Brayshaw Russell emp Patron Oil h 6, 152 Athabasca E Brazier Eric emp McBride’s h 1202 6th Ave N E Brazier Mrs R r 451 Stadacona W Breault Mrs Mildred r 1139 Clifton Breckow Henry J trainmn CPR h 1145 Redland Breen Edgar trainmn CPR h 888 5th Ave N W Breesnee Martin ydmn CPR h 439 Hochelaga W Breesnee Mrs Sarah r 439 Hochelaga W Brekken Iver elev formn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1094 Chestnut Brentnell Clifford C emp Palm Dairies c-o same Bretton Joe h 59 FTome W Brew Joseph r 853 Algoma Brewington Frank carp CPR h 836 4th Ave N W Brewington James H emp Brit Amer Oil r 654 Stadacona W Brewster C M & Co Gordon C Davidson res adjuster, ins adjusters 405, 12 High E Breyere Sam of Bills Taxi h 12, 127 High W Brickett John E h 418 (rear) Athabasca E Bridgeman Pearl nurse Gen Hosp r same Briegel Jack N serv slsmn Central Motors r 203 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 129 Briggs H P linemn CPR h 4, 1083 Redland Brightmore John T r 1156 2nd Ave N E Brindson Frank emp City Cemetery h 1038 Athabasca E Brintnell B h 25, 377 Lillooet W Bristaine Ed r Plaza Hotel Bristow Arthur R shpr Westn Grocers h 615 Hochelaga E Bristow Charles acct Moose Jaw Heating h 801 Athabasca E Bristow James retd h 719 Hochelaga E British American Oil Co Ltd (Market Dept) H B Parsneau br mgr 541 Manitoba British American Oil Co Ltd Refinery J K Jamieson supt M^itoba E cor 5th Ave British American Plant Service Station J E Knowles mgrT^l Adani- toba E ,<* ^ British & Foreign Bible Depository Elizabeth M Sivell deposj^ry 239 Hochelaga W ' British Western Securities Ltd Harry Stirk ^t205, 12 Hi^ E Britt Mrs A h 909 Stadacona E Brittain Margaret hairdrsr Grant Hall geauty Shojjpe r 65 Hoche¬ laga W / Brittin G Norman druggist H A Davrason h IJi^ 3rd Ave Britton Edna nurse r 1046 Main,. N Broach Bert r American Hotel Broadbent Joseph S engmn CPR h 553 Odiinica E Broadfoot Alexander of Broadfoot Bibs h 430 Ominica W Broadfoot Arthur M of Broadfoot Bros r Harwood Hotel N BROADFOOT BROS., LIMITED, Alexander Broadfoot, President; A. M. Broadfoot, Secretary- T'r0£isvii*d* FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Funeral Home: 350 Langdon Crescent, Phone 2220. Broadfoot Airs C H h 8, 121 High W Broadfoot Airs Emma h 827 Main N Broadfoot Evelyn elk Kresge’s r 827 Main N Broadfoot G E elk Robin Hood Flour Mills r 827 Main N Broadie Margaret cook r 123 Main N Broadley John jan CPR h 1339 Grafton Broatch George N barr 412 Hammond Bldg h 1046 Clifton Broatch Peggy steno George N Broatch r 1046 Clifton Brockbank Cecil emp Swifts r 231 High W Brockbank Frederick trainmn CPR h 928 Albert Broderick Christopher J sec-treas Times Co h 1146 2nd Ave N E Broderick Wm J steno Eatons r 1146 2nd Ave N E Brodie Airs H h 843 Main N Brodie S D elk Moose Jaw Drug r 843 Main N Broley Claude H mgr T Eaton Co Ltd r Park Hotel Bromley E C actg sgt CPR h 23, 72 Ross E Bromwich Harvey W sec Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw h Wel¬ lesley Park Brooke Mrs A W h 138 Athabasca W Brooke Frank prop Lone Star Service Stn h 1206 Main N Brooke Gertrude J tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 138 Athabasca W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 130 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Brooke John W slsmn Swifts h 538 Saskatchewan W Brooks Alfred N barber Ritz Barber h 115 Hochelaga E Brooks Clayton trucking Ward’s r 430 5th Ave N W Brooks Gordon of Gord’s Tire Service r 1328 Redland Brooks Joseph carp Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 430 5th Ave N W Brooks Mrs L h 1328 Redland Brooks Mrs Robert H h 568 Stadacona W Brooks' Mrs Stella tester Sask Co-Op Creamery h 459 Manitoba E Brooksbank Jack tailor 16 Main N h 329 3rd Ave N E Broomfield George whsemn Hobbs Mfg h 11, 106 3rd Ave N W Brown A emp Swifts r 129 Grandview W Brown Mrs A h 616 Athabasca E Brown Agnes superv Gen Hosp r same Brown Alexander caretkr CPR Bungalow h 200 Main S Brown Alice waitress Grant Hall Hotel h 14, 127 High W Brown Mrs Alice h 251 Hochelaga E Brown Allan carp h 231 Grandview Brown Arthur V h 148 River E Brown Bernice elk City r 629 Duffield Brown Betty elk Kresge’s r 454 Athabasca W Brown Charles elk h 842 Stadacona W Brown Charles C ydmn CPR h 1218 5th Ave N W Brown Charles M caretkr Sask Registered Seed Growers h 615 Lillooet W Brown Clarence D slsmn Burns & Co h 512 Ominica E Brown Clarence E bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 106 Hochelaga E Brown Clinton C h 1231 Clifton Brown Dorothy steno J E Chisholm r 842 Stadacona W Brown E G teller Bk of Montreal h 2A, 219 High W Brown Mrs Edith h 129 Grandview Brown Mrs Elizabeth h 147 River E Brown Ernest r 430 Fairford W Brown Frederick h 1338 Loney Brown Frederick J h 668 Ominia E. Brown Frederick W emp CPR h 1306 Athabasca W Brown G Allen prin Prov Normal Schl h 1116 Henleaze Brown George lab r 652 Athabasca W Brown George emp Red Trail Service Stn r 203 High W Brown H E steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 211 High E Brown Harold emp Patron Serv Stn r 668 Ominica E Brown Harry carp h 454 Athabasca W Brown James sr elk Postal Service h 1281 Grafton Brown James P lab h 652 Athabasca W Brown John M b & b CPR h 1046 1st Ave N W Brown Joseph slsmn Johnstone Dairies r 175 Stadacona W Brown Miss K J steno Royal Bk r 629 Duffield Brown Kathleen elk Kresge’s r 454 Athabasca W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 131 Brown Leo h 6, 414 4th Ave S W Brown Louvaine steno Eatons r 129 Grandview Brown Malcolm h 1159 Alder N E Brown Mrs Margaret r 1144 2nd Ave N W Brown Margaret E deputy registrar Land Titles r Harwood Hotel Brown Mary r 270 Ominica W- Brown Mrs Mary E r 24 Iroquois W Brown Mort r Plaza Hotel Brown Murray sports editor Times Co h 3, 1005 Chestnut Brown Mrs N S h 159 Lillooet W Brown Nellie waitress Grant Hall Hotel r 137 River E Brown Richard E trainmn CPR h 1101 4th Ave N W Brown Robert engmn CPR h 327 Iroquois W Brown Robert carrier P O h 917 Ross E Brown Mrs S r Kings Hotel Brown Samuel E baker McBrides h 137 Hochelaga E Brown Thomas W elk Park h 106 Hochelaga E Brown’s Transfer & Taxi Service Ltd Thomas Kindred mgr CPR Depot Brown Verna r 106 Hochelaga E Brown Mrs Vida elk Govt Phones h 629 Duffield Brown W James retd h 858 8th Ave N W Brown Wm H retd h 430 Fairford W Brown Wm K emp Natl Light & Power h 28, 112 1st Ave N W Brownlee D C trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Brownridge Alvin eng CPR h 1019 Grafton Brownridge Clifford stockmn Woolworths r 1019 Grafton Brownridge Colin r 1019 Grafton Brownridge Harold baker McGavin’s r 1019 Grafton Brownridge Russell law studt Ross & Gilmour r 1019 Grafton Brubaker Arthur L h 1237 Clifton Brubaker Gladys waitress New Cafe r 1237 Clifton Bruce Mrs George prop King George Confy r 1102 4th Ave N W Bruce George S carrier P O h 1102 4th Ave N W Bruce Margaret superv Gen Hosp r same Brundage Frank barber Ritz Barber h 342 Duffield W Brundage H emp Swifts r 342 Duffield W Brundage James h 156 Iroquois W Brunskill Florence r 548 Oxford Brunswick Hotel A FI Woolliams mgr 82 River W Brusch Mrs Blanche G h 333 Ominica W Bruse George chkr CPR h 253 Lillooet W Bryan Miss B nurse Gen Hosp r same Bryant Albert E h 322 Home W Bryant Albert J engman CPR r 322 Home W Bryant Mrs Elizabeth H M h 429 3rd Ave N E Bryant Enueta tchr r 1169 1st Ave N W Bryant Mrs Florence r 1169 1st Ave N W Bryant James r 322 Home W Bryant John L slsmn Sask Co-Op Creamery r 322 Home W Bryant Mrs K emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry h 370 Hochelaga W Bryant Olyve asst Dr D Leask Irwin r 1169 1st Ave N W Bryant Richard insptr CPR h 569 Hochelaga E E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 132 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Bryce Arthur E emp Sask Co-Op Creamery r 59 Athabasca W Bryce Mabel socy editor Times r 1037 Clifton Bryor Edith elk North Hill Grocy r 78 Caribou E Buchan Allan lab Bird Constn h 623 Athabasca W Buchanan Borden emp CPR r 935 Athabasca W Buchanan Coral elk Safeway r 73 Hochelaga E Buchanan H Carson mgr C H A B h 1161 Redland Buchanan J R porter C P Exp r 423 Grandview Buchanan L R porter C P Exp r 423 Grandview Buchanan Robert J driv Moose Jaw Cartage h 324 Grandview Buchanan Mrs T C h University Heights Buchanan W emp Swifts r 23 Cecilia Ct Buchanan Wm h 23, 377 Lillooet W Buchbach Charles K plant supt Natl Light & Power h 1039 3rd Ave N E Buck Joseph retd r 82 Lillooet E Buckley A emp CPR r City Hotel Buckley Ernest porter P O h 523 Ominica E BUCKLEY, NORMAN, Assistant Manager, Western Ice Company Limited, 401-411 Manitoba Street E., Phone 4261. Res. 1226 Fourth Avenue N. W., Phone 4048. Buckley R A messr C P Exp c-o same Bucknall Frederick meat insptr Dom Govt h 11, 121 High W Buddowich Charles prop Model Shoe Repair h 214 High W Budge Layonald supt Swifts h 260 Coteau W Bueckert Daniel brkmn CPR r 72 High E Buffalo Rooms (Chinese) 110 River W Bugby George W h 1026 Iroquois W Bull Alfred H engman CPR h 746 Stadacona W Bull Frank engman CPR h 1127 Chestnut Bull Marguerite slsldy Moose Jaw Co-Oper r 746 Stadacona W Bull Victor r 1127 Chestnut Bullock Mrs M h 169 Hisjh W Bulmer Charles J carp CPR h 847 Hochelaga E Bulpit Orie J trainmn CPR h 133 Home E Bumphrey Arthur attndt Handley Serv r 1003 Athabasca W Bumphrey Mrs Edna cash Prudential Ins Co h 1029 Clifton Bumphrey Mrs F h 320 Hochelaga W Bumphrey James r 1029 Clifton Bunn A jan Gen Hosp r same Bunn Mrs A L h 1044 Vaughn Bunn Ronald elev opr Hammond Bldg r 1044 Vaughn Bunn Wm T maintenance eng Prairie Airways h 858 Oxford W Bunnell Mrs Agnes h 132 Athabasca E Bunnell Block 43 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 133 Bunnell J L trainmn CPR h 76 Hochelaga E Bunnell John h 116 Elsom Bunnell Marguerite B tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 132 Athabasca E Bunting David h 866 4th Ave N E Burchill Elizabeth bkpr Impl Bldg Supplies r 823 2nd Ave N E Burchill James A retd h 823 2nd Ave N E Burden Abram A opr Rosedale Pumping Stn h 1390 Montgomery Burden John E tmstr City Wood Yd r 664 Caribou W Burden Mrs R h 664 Caribou W Burdon Christopher W mgr Burdon & Co h 926 Montgomery Burdon & Co (C W and J J Burdon) auctioners 26 Fairford W Burdon Ethel h 924 Caribou W Burdon John J of Burdon & Co h 937 Montgomery Burgess Mrs Adeline r 1114 6th Ave N W Burgess Frank h 894 5th Ave N W Burgess P engman CPR r 894 5th Ave N W Burgess Raymond L slsmn Sask Co-Op Creamery h 198 Riverside Dr Burgin Mrs M r 106 Stadacona W Burke M r City Hotel Burke Mrs M h 1, 105 Lillooet W Burkey Gus F h 726 2nd Ave N W Burkhard John shoe repair r 123 Main N Burnett Robert L porter P O r 161 Marlborough E Burns & Co Ltd Austin Jenkins mgr 82 Manitoba W Burns Mrs M A r 719 7th Ave N W Burns Wm mach CPR h 1035 4th Ave S W Burrell Arthur U asst Public Library h 911 Montgomery Burroughs B opr City Pump Stn r — Caron Burt’s Grocery HAG Burt prop 213 Iroquois W Burt H A George prop Burt’s Grocery h 209 Iroquois W Burton Edward H linemn Govt Phones h 148 Hall W Burton Thomas S emp Swifts h 819 Duffield W Burwell Robert B phys h 1146 Henleaze Busby Gordon repres Crown Life h 1138 2nd Ave N W Busby Robert h 820 9th Ave N W Busby Wm R emp Brit Amer Plant Service Stn h 1105 Simcoe Busch Alex mech Central Motor r 170 Ominica W Busch Peter prop Pete’s Paint Shop h 437 (rear) Main Bush Albert h 6M Stadacona E Bush Alexander E trainmn CPR h 1048 Grafton Bush Alfred W whse formn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 852 Cartier Bush Frank engman CPR h 129 Hochelaga W Bush Frank emp CPR h 1031 Redland Bush George F engman CPR h 120 Iroquois W Bush Henry trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1317 Grandview W Bush Philip lab h 1318 Duffield Bush Roy moulder h 809 6th Ave N W Bush Rudolph trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1002 Vaughn Bushell Arthur lab h 420 Moose Square W Bussey B E b & b CPR r 711 Vaughn Bussey James F carp h 771 Vaughn Bussey James W opr Brit Amer Oil h 105 Home W Bussey Sidney whsemn Sask Registered Seed r 1234 Duffield W Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 134 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Butcher Jack C decorator r 1024 Main N Butcher Wm hostler CPR h 1024 Main N Butler Albert route formn Palm Dairies h 572 Hochelaga W Butler Arthur emp McKenzie Auto r 1143 Alder N E Butler E elk McBride’s r 375 Fairford Butler Harold C emp Hub Market Ltd h 79 Hochelaga W Butler Harvey emp CPR h 1127 5th Ave N W Butler Mrs N h 1065 Willow Butler Thomas trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 946 Hochelaga W Butler Thomas trav Minneapolis Moline h 1122 2nd Ave N E Butler W A shpr McKenzie Auto Equip r 743 Alder Butler Wm H pensioner h 1143 Alder N E Butterworth Elijah hlpr CPR h 134 Elsom Butterworth Robert chkr CPR r City Hotel Button Elsie r 65 Oxford W Butts Ernest G mgr Willsons Stationery h 1024 1st Ave N W Buzinski Wm lab Swifts h 1049 Lilllooet W Bye Miss A slsldy Christie Grant r 1129 3rd Ave N E Bye L r Alexandra Hotel Byers C W engmn CPR r YMCA Byers Mrs J R h 626 Skipton Rd Byers Milburn lab r 626 Skipton Rd Byford John ydmn Moose Jaw Co-Op Society r — Manitoba W Byrne Miss E emp Swifts r 513 Home W Byrnes Harold elk Grant Hall Hotel r Alexandra Hotel Byrnes T mach CPR r 1035 4th Ave S W Byrnes Wm blrmkr CPR h 303 Home W Bytner Albert lab h 32 Home E Bywater — piano tchr r 33, 377 Lillooet W c C H A B Ltd H Carson Buchanan mgr Grant Hall Hotel Caddick W r Canadian Legion Caderly Frederick h 31 Fairford W Cafferata Mrs E M h 77 Ross W Cafferata Edward J h 912 Hochelaga W Cafferata Henry B emp Swift’s r 77 Ross W Cairnie John retd h 144 High E Cairns Leon J agt Trans-Continental Coach Line Ltd h 37 High E Cairns Mrs M h 40 River E Cairns Marie J r 40 River E Cairns Robert flrmn Can Garage h 19, 127 High W CALDER, ALEXANDER, Chief Constable, City, City Hall, Phone 2254. Res. Suite 6 Stadacona Apartments, Phone 3353. Calder Earle h 168 Hochelaga E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 136 Calder L E trainmn CPR r 923 Alder Calder Lorin E slsmn Sask Co-Op Creamery h 923 Alder Calfas Herbert L mgr North Star Oil Stn h 10, 414 4th Ave S W Callaghan James retd r Manitoba Hotel Callis' George emp Princess Cafe r 1070 Redland Callow Wm T ydmn CPR h 602 Athabasca E Calvert Albert with CPR r 460 Iroquois W Calvert Mrs Florence opr Ritz Beauty Parlor (139 Main N) Calvert Harold soldier r 460 Iroquois W Calvert John lab h 460 Iroquois W Calvert Joseph emp CPR r 460 Iroquois W Calwell Winnie r 915 2nd Ave N E Cameron Archibald B h 505 Stadacona E Cameron Babe cashr Capitol Theatre r 1129 1st Ave N E Cameron David E tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 469 Ominica E Cameron Del r 1129 1st Ave N E Cameron Doris waitress Stewart’s Bakery r 65 Hochelaga W Cameron Mrs E nurse h 237 Athabasca W Cameron Mrs E h 321 Fairford W Cameron Ernest elk Ry Mail Serv h 459 Ominica E Cameron Miss F h 4, 8 River E Cameron Flora tchr r 469 Ominica E Cameron Miss I maid Gen Hosp r same Cameron J Leonard ydmn CPR jfi 462 Ominica E Cameron J R elk McBride’s r YMCA Cameron James A blksmith 231 River W h 1129 1st Ave N E Cameron Katherine emp Providence Hosp r same Cameron Millus usher Capitol Theatre r 1129 1st Ave N E Cameron Miriam music tchr r 237 Athabasca W Cameron Pearl emp Charles W Crichton r 321 Fairford W Cameron Velma gmp Capitol Theatre r 1129 1st Ave N E Cameron W Earl announcer C H A B r 469 Ominica E Cameron Wm J trainmn CPR h 306 Ross W Campbell Archibald firmn City h 933 Athabasca W Campbell David L h' 928 3rd Ave N W Campbell Donald J r 1203 Willow Campbell Earl M trainmn CPR h 153 Home E Campbell Mrs Ellen L h 1203 Willow Campbell George H agt Imperial Oil h 127 Hochelaga E Campbell Hazel h 221 Hochelaga W Campbell Helen elk Eatons r 32 Athabasca W Campbell Mrs Isabella h 176 Stadacona W Campbell John farmer h 161 Marlborough Campbell John L emp Can Govt Elev h 1223 2nd Ave N W Campbell John W trainmn CPR h 1037 Algoma Campbell M elk Safeway r 429 Stadacona W Campbell’s Meat Market Sylvester Campbell prop 438 Main N Campbell P D asst ydmaster CPR h 1, 1005 Chestnut Campbell Percy engmn CPR h 1121 Willow Campbell Richard r Plaza Hotel Campbell Sandy M trainmn CPR h 1171 Alder N E Campbell Stewart jan Gen Hosp r same Campbell Sylvester prop Campbell’s Meat Mkt h 221 Hochelaga W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 136 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Campbell Thomas G confy 329 4th Ave S W h same Campbell Wm A cashr Civic Relief h 1052 Connaught Camyre Ernest waiter Park Hotel r Empress Hotel Camyre Lloyd opr Millers Athletic Co r Empress Hotel Camyre Paul horse buyer Empress Hotel Canada Cafe Jim Wong prop 72 River W Canada Packers Ltd N W Gentles mgr 601 Home W CANADIAN BAKERIES LIMITED, James Miller, Manager, 169 Fairford Street West, Phone 4023. Res. 1010 Fifth Avenue N. W., Phone 3806. Canadian Bank of Commerce Frank A Stuart mgr 204 Main N Canadian Bank of Commerce Chambers 12 High W Canadian City & Town Properties Ltd R A Wilkinson mgr 306-7 Hammond Bldg CANADIAN GARAGE, George S. Tuxford, Proprietor. DODGE AUTOMOBILES, AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS, ETC., 103-111 High Street E., Phone 3879. Canadian Government Elevator T W McCann actg supt 509, 12 High E Canadian Government Elevator (Plant) Britannia Park Canadian Legion (BESL) P G Webb sec-treas 268 High W Canadian National Express O Machin agt Stadacona E and 3rd Ave CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS, Depot—Stadacona E bet 3rd and 4th Avenues N E Assistant Superintendent—W J McNabb Local Freight and Passenger Agent—E C Woods District Freight Agent—P Schlamp, 101 Main N Road Master—T Dixon Sheds—Caribou E bet Willow and 4th Ave N E Canadian National Telegraphs Harold Bowling mgr 101 Main N Canadian Oil Companies Ltd Harold I. Petersen agt 638 Oxford E Canadian Pacific Express Co A W Hodgson agt Manitoba and Main N Canadian Pacific Express Garage 520 Manitoba E CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, Main N Saskatchewan District Headquarters, General Offices Ground Floor: Telegraph (Receiving and Delivering) Agent—W E Aldcroft First Floor: District Freight Agent—A M Shields Inspector Investigation Department—J C Webber District Claims Agent— T G D’Arcy District Accountant—P J Moon Chief Dispatcher—J J McDonell Assistant Superintendent, S D and P cars—J Stewart HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 137 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY—Cont. Second Floor: General Superintendent—H J Main District Engineer—C H Fox Master Mechanic—A J Pentland Transportation Assistant and Fuel Agent—G M Cordingley Chief Clerk—Thomas' W Kearney Superintendent—T Hope Assistant Superintendents—H M Smith and J F Earl Division Master Mechanic—A Thomas Division Engineer—H R Miles B and B Master—R Sinclair Roadmasters—F A Young and F Ades Third Floor: Superintendent of Communications—T H Holrnes Depot and Passenger Station, foot of Main Street: Stationmaster—Charles N Bedford Ticket Agent—R G West Baggagemaster—G W Billbe Freight Office: Freight Agent—J S Branston Chief Clerk—H Stafford Storekeeper—F E Crow General Foreman—J W Douglas General Car Foreman—E Martin (west yards) General Yard Master—A H Willis Crew Clerk—R Jones Canadian Pacific Railway Lunch Room Mrs Annie Junet cashr CPR Depot Canadian Pacific News' Stand Joseph Ewanchuk mgr CPR Depot Canadian Pacific Railway Telegraphs W E Aldcroft agt CPR Depot Canadian Pacific Rooming House Alexander Brown caretkr 200 Main Canadian Pacific Steamships R G West agt CPR Depot Canadian Shoe Repair August Grabowski prop 17 Main N Cann Austin engmn CPR h 1072 Chestnut Canney Mitchell butcher h 450 Iroquois W Canning Miss G nurse Gen Hosp r same Canning John A retd h 307 Grandview Cant Edwin sec-treas Sterling Motors h 1070 1st Ave N E Cant H W elk Land Titles r Park Hotel Cant W Stewart prop Quality Dental Laby h 1331 6th Ave N W Cantelon Len elk Strickland’s Meat Mkt r 1058 Hochelaga W Cantelon Wilburt L pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1058 Hochelaga W Cantlon Wm emp Swifts h 15 Coteau W Canty Leo elk CPR r 31 Stadacona W Capeling G D elk Wilson Produce r 112 Lillooet E Capeling Richard jan Childrens Shelter r 112 Lillooet E Capital Grocery Albert Slow prop 361 Coteau W Capitol Theatre E P Fields mgr 217 Main N Capper Austin acet CPR h 1063 4th Ave N W Car<^v John engmn CPR h 536 9th Ave N W Carey C F slsmn Brit Amer Oil r — 3rd Ave N W Cargill James whsemn Westn Ice h 729 Fairford E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 138 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Caribou Court 720 Main N Caribou Super Service Station Joseph Helfrick mgr 715 1st Ave N W Carleton J waiter h 8, 14 High W Carley Joseph C tailor 349 Main N h 1213 Algoma Carline Frank emp Brit Amer Oil h 236 Oxford W Carlson Carl slsmn Raleigh Products h 803 Monk Carlson Oscar stock elk Sterling Motors h 438 Stadacona W Carlton Joseph waiter Park Hotel r 68 River E Carlyle Jack J instr mn Brit Amer Oil r 161 Riverside W Carlyle Ruth physiotherapist Gen Hosp r same Carlyle Wm engmn CPR h 1109 2nd Ave N E Carman Miss G nurse Gen Hosp r same Carncross Lyall D chf elk CPR h 1023 Algoma Carney Arthur mech Sterling Motors r 448 Grandview Carney Arthur R ydmn CPR h 448 Grandview Carney Benjamin retd h 464 Iroquois W Carney E engmn CPR r 305 River E Carnie Hugh retd h 241 River E Carpenter Lester W trainmn CPR h 367 Hochelaga W Carpenter Minnie elk Boys Shop r 162 Hochelaga W Carpenter Morris G elk Western Grocers h 1202 4th Ave N W Carr Ernest W patrol sergt City h 412 Stadacona W Carr Frank h 280 Laurier W Carr L F of West End Grocery r 280 Laurier W Carr Lome emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 280 Laurier W Carr Margaret r 1207 Grafton Carr Thomas messr Bill’s Modern Market r 1125 Cartier Carrigan Mrs M h 3, 35 High W Carruthers Margaret h 1084 Redland Carson Alexander h 1217 2nd Ave N W Carson Charles trainmn CPR h 5, 8 River E Carson Harry E engmn CPR h 1022 Algoma Carson Wm H opr CNR h 2, 352 Lillooet W Carter Roy meter reprmn Natl Light & Power h 1174 Willow Cartwright lola maid Grant Hall Hotel r 305 River E Cartwright J ydmn CPR r 1019 6th Ave N W Cartwright Margaret maid Grant Hall Hotel r 16 River E Carty Austin prop Mill City Cleaners h 34 River E Carty Cecil waiter Maple Leaf Hotel r Hochelaga and 4th Ave Carveth George R of North Star Serv Stn r 1015 Alder E Carveth Wm H of North Star Serv Stn h 1015 Alder E Case J I Co Morris Stern agt 63 High E Casey Alda hsekpr r 376 River W Casey Andrew r 376 River W Casey James retd r 214 Stadacona W Casey John G opr CPR r YMCA Casey Louise h 376 River W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 139 Casey Rod r City Hotel Cassidy E Findlay prop Cassidy’s Moose Jaw Seed House h 137 Stadacona W Cassidy Edward whsemn and trucker Hi-Way Refineries r 123 Main Cassidy’s Moose Jaw Seed House E F Cassidy prop 408 Main N Cassidy Mrs Richard r 130 River E Castle Hall 211 Main N Castle Joseph R slsmn Natl Liftht & Power h 104, 423 1st Ave N W Castle Mark emp CPR h 907 Stadacona E Castle Mrs Mary r 80 Athabasca W Casualty Co of Canada A Clarke Meyers repres 216 Hammond Bldg Caterer Mrs Dorothy r 133 Fairford W ^ Cates B P retd h 1098 6th Ave N W Cathcart Hal elk Eatons r 364 Hochelaga W Cato Marjorie seams Joyner’s h 406 Stadacona Catterson Emma forelady Moose Jaw Stm Ldry 4 “ .'0?unswick Hotel Causiir Dkvid plbr Arthur A Frost r Empress^jfiftAel Cavan P A trainmn CPR h 1128 Henleaze Cavanagh Charles A telegr CPR r 1162 w Cavanagh Mrs Joseph h 1162 Main N Cave Charles trainmn CPR h 1352 l^i^’Ve N W/ Cave George elk Moose Jaw Drug k(^Rj6 1st N E Cave Mrs John h 1345 Redland Cave Robert emp National MilfeAAd h 335''droquois W Cave Rollo lino opr Times h 1125 2nd Ave N E Cawsey A trainmn CPR r 1219 Redland Cawsey Frederick L slsmn Fairview Chemical h 1219 Redland Cawsey Ralph B cashier Swifts h 1219 Redland CECIL HOTEL, A. F. Necker, Proprietor. EUROPEAN PLAN. 66 Rooms. 8 with Bath. Steam Heated, with Hot and Cold Water in every room. Most Centrally Located. Largest and Best Sample Rooms in the City. Rates $1.00 per Day and Up. 26 River Street West, Phone 2452. Cecilia Court 377 Lillooet W Cedar Frank elk Moose Jaw Hdwre r 1167 1st Ave N E Cedar Josephine emp Maple Leaf Bakery r 1167 1st Ave N E Cedar Walter r 1167 1st Ave N E Cedar Wm h 1167 1st Ave N E Central Chambers 214 Main N Central Collegiate Institute M R Ballard prin Ross W and 1st Ave N W Central Feed & Supply Co R J Stewart mgr 331 River W Central Fire Hall George W Baines chief 120-132 Fairford W Central Lutheran Church Rev G O Evanson pastor 27 Hochelaga W Central Motor Co Ltd A C Alexander pres and mgr 168-178 High W Chababa Nick lab h 1030 Vaughn Chabune Kay cashr Savoy Cafe r Harwood Hotel Chadwick Edward fruit pedlar h 827 Stadacona E Chadwick John E appr CPR h 644 Ominica E Chadwick May steno Grayson & McTaggart r 644 Ominica E E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 140 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Chaciwick Richard H marble and granite wks 678 Manitoba E h 1099 Willow Chalmers Andrew caretkr Eatons h 1134 Wolfe Chambers A R firemn British Amer Oil h 152 River E Chambers Doris elk r 1006 Redland Chambers Dorothy nurse r 1006 Redland Chambers Gordon H emp Brit Amer Oil r 1006 Redland Chambers Robert G buyer Swifts h 1006 Redland Chambers Thomas h 1312 Clifton Chan Ark Wie emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Chandler Elizabeth steno Bowman Bros r 1148 Alder Chanski P lab CPR r 40 Lillooet W Chantler Elizabeth emp Bowman Bros r 1148 Alder N E Chantler Florence W steno Bk of Montreal r 1148 Alder N E Chantler W elk Army & Navy h 1148 Alder N E Chaplin Ivan S trav Ashdowns h 18, 72 Ross E Chapman Clifford r 57 Hochelga E Chapman Edith tchr h 2, 152 Athabasca E Chapman Florence Idgrkpr Joyner’s r 2, 152 Athabasca E Chapman Mrs Frank W h 57 PTochelaga E Chapman Lester M tchr Moose Taw Collegiate Board h 899 6th Ave N W Chapman Lillian r 270 River E Chappel Elva M elk Joyner’s r 806 Algoma Charach Andrew lab h 1057 Iroquois W Charlie’s Garage Charles Fagan prop 46 Ominica W Chase Norman J trav Paulin Chambers h 1078 1st Ave N W Chase Wilfred emp Swifts r 1033 Chestnut 'Chatelaine Beauty Parlor Myrtle Hudson prop 1, 136 Main N Chebaba Miss L emp Swifts r 1030 Vaughn Checkley Meno stone ctr h 148 Manitoba E Chee Chow prop New World Cafe r Kings Hotel Chegwin Arthur E dentist 8, 214 Main N h 1163 3rd Ave N W Chegwin Mrs B B h 122 Hochelaga E Chegwin B Gertrude tchr Moose Jaw School Dist r 122 Hochelaga E Cheney Ardys steno Moose Jaw Trans h 1, 73 High W Cheney Lorene nurse h 1, 73 High W Cherenz Mike h 506 9th Ave S W Chestford Apartments 1005 Chestnut Chesworth Allan wire chf CPR h 1115 4th Ave N W Chesworth Arthur messr C P Exp h 1071 4th Ave N W Chewchuck J r Plaza Hotel THE DIRECTORY IS THE COMMON INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER lOa HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 141 CHILD & GOWER PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED, STEINWAY AND MASON & RISCH PIANOS, R.C.A. VICTOR RADIOS AND RECORDS, GENERAL ELECTRIC AND KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS AND APPLI¬ ANCES, EASY WASHING MACHINES. SHEET MUSIC. Everything in Musical Instruments. 225 Main Street N., Phone 2923. Children’s Shelter Maud Hudson matron 200 Iroquois E Chin Foon prop Ace Hotel r 130 River W Chinese Mission 261 High W Chinese Nationalist League 330 River W Chipperfield Henry J emp City h 940 Ross E Chisholm John E (KC) barr 415 Hammond Bldg h Rothesay Park Chisholm Wm C corpl in charge RCMP h 1024 6th Ave N W Chomin Stefan h 404 Home W Chong Wong emp Modern Cafe r Modern Cafe Rooms Chork Peter lab r 626 Skipton Rd Chow Arthur H prop Arthur Confectionery h 260 (rear) Hall W Chow Charles mgr Mankind & Co h 260 River W Chow Ernest emp Standard Food h 6, 24 Main N Chow Frank prop Modern Cafe h 4, 24 Main N Chow John prop Lampton House h 40 Manitoba E Chow Mrs Peter emp Modern Cafe r 163 River E Chow Suey prop National Grocery h 538 Athabasca E Chow Sum emp Modern Cafe r Modern Cafe Rooms Chow Wm emp Modern Cafe r Modern Cafe Rooms Christenson Alfred emp Percy C Williams r 536 Main S Christian Charles T steno Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1211 1st Ave N W Christian & Missionary Alliance Tabernacle Rev Roy McIntyre pas¬ tor 21 High W Christian Science Reading Room 414 Hammond Bldg Christiansen Christopher eng Swifts Cold Storage h 514 Fairford W Christie Albert whse formn National Fruit r 162 Hochelaga W Christie Grant & Co (Benjamin, Henry and Thomas Goldman) cloth¬ ing 37 Main N Christie Leslie J engmn CPR h 1064 Henleaze Christinson T retd r 562 Hochelaga W Chuchwara H r Kings Hotel Church Clarence H barr 406 Hammond Bldg r 3, 330 Hall W Citizen’s Golf Club 4th Ave N W City Auto Wrecking J A Irwin prop 118 Fairford W CITY DIRECTORY OF MOOSE JAW, Published by Henderson Directories Limited. Head Office: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg, Man. Reference Library of Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada at Public Library, Athabasca East. City Hall Fairford W cor 1st Ave N W City Hotel John Kenney mgr 54 River W Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 142 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW CITY OF MOOSE JAW, City Hall and Municipal Offices: Fairford W. southeast corner First Avenue Northwest. Mayor—John W. Corman City Clerk and Finance Commissioner—D. Craven Treasurer—T. Binns Assessor—W. J. Moffat Health Officer—Dr. B. M. Bayly City Engineer—A. W. Ellson Fawkes Solicitor—Julian S. Marquis, K.C. Health and Food Inspector—C. E. Sutton License Inspector—W. M. Rutherford Plumbing Inspector—Walter Henderson Building Inspector—R. W. Johnson Parks Superintendent—B .C. Crichton Police Station: City Hall Magistrate—G. R. Trethewey Chief—Alexander Calder Fire Department: 136 Fairford West. Chief—G. W. Baines Weigh Scales: 135 Fifth Avenue Northwest. Weighmaster—W. Bannister Relief Department: 41 High West. Officer—Robert Halliday Pumping Station: Montgomery Street nr 12th Ave. (Rosedale) Storeroom: 5th Avenue and Fairford West. Storekeeper—H. Sargent City Cemetery: Hochelaga East cor. Ninth Avenue N. E. Rosedale Cemetery: Caribou West, 2 miles west of Main Street General Hospital: High Street East and Fourth Ave. Northeast. Isolation Hospital: Fairford East corner Fifth Avenue N. E. Sewage Disposal Plant: Fairford East nr Eleventh Avenue N. E. Tourist Camp: Rothesay Park City Realty Co (E D Hancock) 106, 12 High E City Wood Yard (Stephen J Tracy) 546 Athabasca W Clairmont Leo air craft mech Prairie Airways r 1147 6th Ave N W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 143 Clarence’s Service Station Clarence Clemenshaw prop 105 Caribou W Clarendon Apartments 127 High W Clark Miss B waitress CPR r 219 Ominica W Clark Cirrol mech Central Motor r 662 Stadacona W Clark E emp Swifts r Grand Valley Park Clark Mrs Frederick steno Harry Stirk r 120 Hochelaga W Clark Frederick hlpr Moose Jaw Transportation r 120 Hochelaga W Clark Glen slsmn h 225 2nd Ave N E Clark H r King Hotel Clark Miss J M tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 104 Oxford W CLARK, JAMES, Secretary-Treasurer, Bird Construction Co. Ltd., Dominion Bank Building, Phone 2736. Res. 904 Third Avenue N. E., Phone 2430. Clark Job pensioner h 224 Grandview Clark John H driv Swifts h 353 Lillooet W Clark John S comp Times Co r 813 2nd Ave N E Clark Lawrence lab h 907 Ominica E Clark Lonsdale crew elk CPR h 816 6th Ave N W Clark Thomas cond CPR h 15, 73 High W Clark Thomas lab r 918 Ross E Clark Wm supt Employment Service of Canada h 404 Ominica E Clark Wm plastr h 918 Ross E Clarke A emp City r 816 7th Ave N E Clarke Alice elk City r 816 7th Ave N E Clarke Mrs Anna r 244 Iroquois W Clarke’s Candies K F Clarke prop 325 Main N Clarke Charles A supt Moose Jaw Heating h 1053 Redland Clarke E tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 80 Athabasca W Clarke E Beatrice tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 1080 Willow Clarke Edmund contr h 1150 3rd Ave N E Clarke Edward T projectionist Orpheum Theatre h 414 Fairford E Clarke Eva h 1314 Athabasca W Clarke Frederick tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 353 Hochelaga W Clarke Mrs H h 816 7th Ave N E Clarke H Oneta nurse Providence Hospital r same Clarke Mrs Harriet J h 414 Fairford E Clarke Harry MeP slsmn Clarke’s Ltd r 1106 Henleaze Clarke J engman CPR r 203 Iroquois W Clarke K Fraser prop Clarke’s Candies r Grant Hall Hotel Clarke’s Ltd R H Clarke mgr clothing 145 Main N Clarke M pool marker Riley’s Pool Room r 148 Manitoba E Clarke Mrs M h 1141 5th Ave N E Clarke Martin emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 877 Algoma Clarke Mrs Mary h 203 Iroquois W Clarke R Harry mgr Clarke’s Ltd h 1106 Henleaze Clarke Walter projector Capitol Theatre h 1028 3rd Ave N E Clarke Wm emp CPR h 244 Iroquois W Claxton Ralph E acet National Fruit r 44 Hochelaga W Clayton Mrs E A r 223 Stadacona W Clayton Thomas elk r 223 Stadacona W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Mitk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 144 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Cleaver George r 1127 2nd Ave N W Clegg John r 147 High E Cleghorn George S carrier P O h 833 Stadacona E Cleghorn M Mamie elk Pritchard Mlnr r 833 Stadacona E Clelland Isabel r 1136 Henleaze Clemenshaw Clarence prop Clarence’s Serv Stn h 108 Hochelaga W Clemenshaw Mrs R J r 1011 Chestnut Clement Mrs E H h 409 3rd Ave N E Clement Gordon H chkr CPR r 409 3rd Ave N E Clement R J messr C P Exp h 238 Stadacona W Clements Edward mach hlpr CPR h 450 Duffield W Clements Hugh bkpr Robin Hood Elour Mills r 206 High E Clements Mildred waitress Coffee Bar r 450 Duffield W Clements Walter H trainmn CPR h 919 Main N Cleveland R steno Western Grocers r Bunnell Block, 4th Ave N W Clevland Ruby emp Rex Fruit r 228 4th Ave N W Clewes Mrs Sarah A steno Typewriter Service & Exchange h 145 Elsom Clifford Alexander emp CPR r Brunswick Hotel Clifton Amos r City Hotel Clifton Hall 1106 Clifton Clinite Dr V T chiropractor 212, 331 Main N h same Clive J pat-sergt City r 279 Fairford W Cloak Mrs Alice h 1070 Willow Cloak Arthur trainmn CPR h 1106 2nd Ave N E Cloak Harold appr Times Co r 1070 Willow Cloak Mabel E elk Joyner’s r 1070 Willow Close Ronald C pipeftr Brit Amer Oil h 618 Skeena Clothier Ruby waitress New World Cafe r 130 Manitoba E Clough L Robin trainmn CPR h 1012 1st Ave N E Coad G B ydmn CPR r 3, 219 High W Coal Sellers Co Ltd J R Hart mgr 415 Hammond Bldg Coates James blr washer CPR h 1209 Hochelaga W Coates Joseph carp Karsgaard h 1057 4th Ave N W Coates Robert M h 6, 318 Main N Coates Wilfred mech Central Motor r 806 Algoma Cobean John A mgr Kents Ltd h 1111 5th Ave N W Coca Cola Co of Canada Ltd E Neazor agt 264 River W Cochrane Charles D h 830 Stadacona W Cochrane James S retd h 114 Ominica W Cochrane Mary emp Swifts r Y W C A Cochrane Robert retd h 885 Willow Cochrane Stuart r 830 Stadacona W Cockshutt Plow Co Ltd Alexander Milne Agent 27 High E Codd Edward h 6, 219 High W Codmore Kay bkpr B C Fruit Store r 836 Stadacona W Coe Clato R trucking service h 68 Oxford W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 145 Coffee Bar A Stevens prop 37 High E Coffine Miss A cashr Arm}' & Navy Store r 430 Moose Square W Coggon Charles L elk Ry Mail Service h 528 Ominica E Coghlin Harry lab r 829 8th Ave N E Coghlin M E A h 829 8th Ave N E Coghlin Ralph B guard Brit Amer Oil h 829 (rear) 8th Ave E Cohen Joseph mgr Army & Navy Stores h 1102 Grafton Cojocar John G h 1305 4th Ave N W Cojocar Wm V emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 15, 106 3rd Ave N W Colbourne Harry opr CPR h 1139 Clifton Colbourne Sidney soldier RCASC h 331 Grandview W Cole Albert jan Victoria Block h 3, 105 Lillooet W Cole Arnott L whsemn Swifts Cold Storage h 1079 Wolfe Cole Charles P caretkr Zion United Church h 1027 Ominica E Cole James A emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 28 Oxford W Cole John J chaufr Joyner’s h 1237 Grafton Cole Mrs Kay h 28 Oxford W Cole Margaret slsldy The Fashionette r 28 Oxford W Cole Victor whsemn Natl Light & Power r 1027 Ominica E Coleman Kathleen B nurse Providence Hospital r same College Hill Service Station E C Thirwell mgr University Heights - Collegiate Confectionery Ltd Mrs Dorothy McLean prop 816 2nd Ave N W Collegiate Institute Grounds, Oxford W bet 1st and 2nd Aves Colley Edgar J R dept mgr Joyner’s r 1169 2nd Ave N W Collicutt Albert R engmn CPR h 340 Fairford W Collier David h 232 Iroquois W Collin Joseph buffet car steward CPR h 933 1st Ave N E Colling Block 30 High W Colling John W retd h 947 1st Ave N E Colling Mabel r 947 1st Ave N E Collins Mrs Donald h 1047 Connaught Colquhoun Mrs M r Alexander Hotel Colquhoun Mabel r Alexander Hotel Coltman Robert M eng Swifts h 806 Skipton Rd Colvin Archibald lab r 106 Ominica W Comstock Mrs E M hsekpr r 806 Skipton Rd Condidis Harry emp Savoy Cafe r Empress Hotel Condidis James prop Savoy Cafe h 10, 72 Ross E Confederation Life Association J D H Thexton repres 409, 12 High E Connaught Barber Shop Jack Hyndman prop grd flr 12 High E Connaught Beauty Parlor Amy Grainger mgress grd flr 12 High E Connaught Billiard Hall R E Bailey prop (basement) 12 High E Connelly J P slsmn Scotty’s Motor Sales r Wellesley Park Connelly Joseph r Sunrise Rooms Connelly Mrs Marie h 24, 105 Lillooet W Connor George T mgr Moose Jaw Transportation Co Ltd h 420 Ominica W Connor Harry G mech Moose Jaw Transportation h 465 Ominica W Connor Harry W traimn CPR h 4, 26 High E Connor Rhody h Kingsway Park Connors J W trainmn CPR r 348 High W Continental Hide & Fur Co O P Minovitch 214 River W Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 146 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Contini John sectnmn CPR h 163 Ominica W Convent of Our Lady of Sion Rev Mother Marie Lauriane superior n s McDonald W nr Grafton Converse George L trainmn CPR r 1222 5th Ave N W Conway Burney L const CPR r 28 Oxford W Conway Ernest slsmn h 235 2nd Ave N E Conway Frederick emp Swifts h 279 PTome W Cook Douglas aircraftmn Prairie Airways r 343 Athabasca W Cook Edward K sis mgr Blackwood Hdwre r 3, 75 Stadacona W Cook Ernest G slsmn mgr Arthur A Frost h 1037 Clifton Cook Frank H prop Sanitax Barber h 63 Stadacona W Cook Garnet M switch formn CNR h 3, 75 Stadacona W Cook Grace slsldy Army & Navy r 360 Stadacona E Cook James F eng Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 63 Stadacona W Cook Mrs Jean r 1139 Clifton Cook’s Ltd insurance 307 Main N Cook Marjory elk Kresge’s r 63 Stadacona W Cook Peter trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 431 ?7th Ave N W Cook Ronald G slsmn Beatt}^ Bros r 1037 Clifton Cook Wm caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 1155 1st Ave N E Cook Wm L lieut fire dept City h 362 Stadacona E Cooke Reuben R h 23 Lillooet E Cooling Albert M prop Cooling’s Grocery h 39 Iroquois W Cooling’s Grocery Albert M Cooling prop 340 Main S Coons Flora r 830 3rd Ave N W Coons Mrs Grace h 830 3rd Ave N W Coons Robert E disp CPR h 917 Alder N E Cooper Albert E retd h 641 Skipton Rd Cooper Alice M elk Kresge’s r 641 Skipton Rd Cooper Charles W prop Hi-Way Service Stn h 318 Oxford W Cooper Charles W body formn Sterling Motors r 641 Skipton R'd Cooper D Charles carrier P O h 308 Duffield W Cooper Everett J trainmn CPR h 60 Hall E Cooper F emp Swifts r Tourist Camp Cooper Frank C caretkr Moose Jaw Tourist Camp h Rothesay Park Cooper Frederick B dentist 211 Hammond Bldg h 411 Ominica W Cooper Frederick T prop Cooper’s Quality Shoe Repr h 840 Hoche- laga E Cooper H S const RCMP r same Cooper Mrs I W h 349 Athabasca W Cooper Irene emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Cooper John E trk driv Western Grocers h 577 Hochelaga E Cooper Lloyd emp J I Case Co r 321 Ominica W Cooper Mona E elk Kresge’s r 641 Skipton Rd Cooper’s Quality Shoe Repair F T Cooper prop 416 Main N Cooper Robert J h 203 River E Cooper Roland elk Connaught Billiard Hall h 1306 2nd Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 147 Cooper Miss Ross nurse Drs Cooper r 246 High W Cooper Thelma emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry Cooper Thomas McG lab Brit Amer Oil h 5, 1083 Redland Cooper W R emp Brit Amer Oil r 203 River E Cooper Wm A h 246 High W Cooper Wm R dentist 211 Hammond Bldg h 1136 1st Ave N W Copeland David A engmn CPR h 838 Outlook Copeland George retd h 824 Chamberlain Copeland Wellington D emp A L Anderson r 824 Chamberlain Copeman Roy S barber Ritz Barber h 212 Athabasca E Copp Bert r American Hotel Coppin Wm elk Eatons h 1052 Alder N E Corballis Mrs A M r 820 5th Ave N W Corbet Wm r American Hotel Corbett H r City Hotel Cordingley George M transportation asst CPR h 254 Athabasca W Cork J sign writer Army & Navy Store rill Home E Cork M Ronald foremn Brit Amer Oil r 855 Willow Corke Douglas emp Swifts h 111 Home E Corlett Harry whse mgr McBride’s r 275 River E Corlett Henry engmn CPR h 275 River E Corlett Wm engmn CPR h 433 Manitoba E Corman Frederick steno John W Corman r 1144 3rd Ave N E CORMAN J. W. Mayor of Moose Jaw, 1940, City Hall, Phone 2775. Res. 1144 Third Avenue N. E., Phone 4272. Corman John W barr 208, 12 High E h 1144 3rd Ave N E Cornell H S ydmn CPR h 1, 14 High W Corner Store Mrs M Michalka prop 83 Home E Corns Abednego H carmn CPR h University Heights Corns Charles H projector Orpheum Theatre h 269 Lillooet E Corns Herbert batterymn Gt West Battery h 204 Riverside Dr Corns Wilfred musician h 1308 Redland Corrier J emp CPR r City Hotel Corroyer Mrs H S h 722 Ominica W Corsicka Minnie elk r Riverside Dr Cottingham Albert D emp CPR h 42 Elsom Cottingham Mrs Louise h 38 Elsom Cotton John opr Sewage Disposal h 1006 Fairford E Coulter Carl trav Sask Pool Elev h 1121 2nd Ave N W Coulter Samuel lab h 892 Grey Coulthard Mrs S h 3, 11 River E Coulthard S Herbert radio service 151 Coteau E h same Council of Ex-Service Men’s Association Major Richard Loney chair¬ man 218 Hammond Bldg Court House Judicial District of Moose Jaw James W Jamieson deputy local registrar Ominica W and 1st Ave N W Courtnage Dorothy M steno Moose Jaw Distributing Co r 202 Atha¬ basca E Courtnage Frederick C slsmn Moose Jaw Distributing Co h 879 5th Ave N W E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 148 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Courtnage Ralph F mgr Moose Jaw Distributing Co and agt Robert Simpson Western Ltd h 202 Athabasca E Courtright Grace opr Govt Phones r 418 Coteau W Courtright Mrs Helen M elk Frederick J Wilson h 418 Coteau W Courtwright Jack emp CPR h 1019 6th Ave N W Cousineau Victor M trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Couzens Clarence trainmn CPR h 1162 4th Ave N W Couzens George A trainmn CPR h 26 Lillooet E Couzens Grocery Robert E Couzens prop 153 Fairford E Couzens Reuben A trainmn CPR h 840 Connaught Couzens Robert E prop Couzens Grocery h 548 Ominica E Coventry Mrs Clair r 438 1st Ave N W Coventry Francis A retd h 617 Main N Coventry J C h Britannia Park Coventry Melva V S tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 617 Main N Coventry Mrs S E r 732 9th Ave N W Cowan Mrs Edward h 344 Fairford E Cowan Mrs Glen D h 1314 2nd Ave N W Cowan J H cond CPR r Empress Hotel Cowan Loreen r 344 Fairford E Coward Mrs S h 466 Hochelaga E Coward Wm tinsmith h 929 Athabasca E Cowell Frank engmn CPR h 5, 43 River E Cox Frederick carp h 1240 7th Ave N W Cox James R retd h 1130 Chestnut Cox Percy plstr h 1212 Wolfe Cox Roy trk driv Malden Fuel r 1240 7th Ave N W Cox Wm G h 1017 1st Ave N E Craddock Mrs Francis W r 670 Athabasca W Craig Daniel M pianos 33 High W h 432 Hochelaga W Craig Frank slsmn Can Bakeries h 106 Coteau W Craig Gertrude bkpr Moose Jaw Co-Oper r 106 Coteau E Craig J h 777 Hochelaga E Craig James retd h 452 Athabasca E Craig James h 417, 310 Main N Craig N elk Hi Way Refineries r 233 Ominica W Craig Nelson R h 53 Oxford W Craig R h 777 Hochelaga E Craig Sheldon emp Prairie Bag h 416 Athabasca E Craig Shirley r 460 Athabasca E Craigen Frank A retd h 1135 6th Ave N W Craigen Hugh F pricer Blackwood Hdwre h 31 Stadacona W Craigen John contr r 822 4th Ave N W Cram John emp Swifts h 1041 2nd Ave N W Cramer Harry slsmn Christie Grant r 275 Ominica W Crandell Marguerite E nurse Providence Hospital r same Crane Cecil J elk Postal Service h 831 Elgin HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 149 Crane Charles B mgr Grant Hall Hotel r same Crane Ida E asst Public Library h 5, 219 High W Cranston James r Plaza Hotel Cranwill John R bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1120 2nd Ave N W Cranwill John W terminal inpstr CPR h 1120 2nd Ave N W CRAVEN, DAN, City Clerk, City Hall Annex, Phone 2776. Res. 445 Coteau Street W. Crawford Gilbert slsmgr Swifts h 1087 5th Ave N W Crawford Helen r 1144 2nd Ave N W Crawford Hugh B mgr Macdonalds Consolidated Ltd h River Park Crawford Hugh B retd r 1144 2nd Ave N W Crawford Katherine h 1144 2nd Ave N W Crawford Stewart whsemn Macdonalds Consol h 921 1st Ave N E Crealock Anne B tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1104 1st Ave N E Credit Foncier (Franco Canadien) LrCoI Walter E Seaborn (KC) repres 108, 12 High E Cree James with Moose Jaw Cartage h 29 Oxford W Crerar Mrs M h 53 Fairford E Crerar Stewart schl tchr r 53 Fairford E Crescent Park 1st Ave and Fairford E Crescent Press C J Greene prop 28 High E Crichton Mrs B r 507 3rd Ave N E Crichton Barclay C mgr Crichton Bros Ltd and parks supt City h 841 2nd Ave N E Crichton Bros Ltd B C Crichton mgr 112 Main N Crichton Charles W optometrist Crichton Bros h 1144 Chestnut Crichton Douglas elk Crichton Bros r 841 2nd Ave N E Crichton Elizabeth cashr Eatons r 507 3rd Ave N E Crichton Eric D of Crichton Bros h 10, 106 3rd Ave N W Crichton Ralph D elk Crichton Bros r 10, 106 3rd Ave N W Crichton Wm detective City h 451 Hochelaga W Criggal Charles carp r 1326 2nd Ave N W Criggal Frederick watchmn h 1326 2nd Ave N W Criggal Melville r 1326 2nd Ave N W Crighton Dave emp McBride’s r 1133 Chestnut Crighton Melville caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1133 Chest¬ nut Cringle George h 1237 2nd Ave N W Crisford Miss G nurse Gen Hospital r same Crittenden Arthur R slsmn Bellamy Furn h 163 Stadacona W Croan Alfred B dept mgr Eatons h 611 Stadacona E Crocker Margaret r 722 Hochelaga W Crocker Mead B car foremn CPR h 722 Hochelaga W Crocker Sidney r Alexandra Hotel Crone Harold adv mgr and buyer McBride’s h 463 Stadacona E Crone Mrs Harry h 704 McDonald W Crone Joseph tailor 9, 214 Main N h 474 Hochelaga W Crone K W bkpr Robin Hood Mills r 463 Stadacona E Crone Miss L emp Swifts r 1087 5th Ave N W Cronk Howard elk Grant Hall Hotel h 306 Ross W Cronk Lewis oiler Natl Light & Power r 1127 Clifton It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 150 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Crook Fre(ierick W oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1320 Duflfield W Crook Henry J emp Swifts h 139 Riverside St W Cropper Frederick G pipeftr CPR h 1157 5th Ave N E Crosbie Duncan L emp Brit Amer Oil r 175 Stadacona Cross Alfred W pkr National Fruit r 1015 2nd Ave N E Cross Arthur L carrier P O h 1244 5th Ave N E Cross Mrs Cecilia matron Y M C A h 926 Stadacona E Cross Mrs Henry h 1034 Fairford E Cross Jack h 6, 43 High W Cross Robert G lab Bird Constn h 914 Stadacona W Cross Walter emp Savoy Cafe r City Hotel Cross Wm asst weighmn Dominion Govt c-o same Cross Wm J mech h 1027 Athabasca E Crossby Erskine r 370 Hochelaga W Crossby Mrs Mary r 370 Hochelaga W Crouse Ted instr Dom & Prov Youth Training r Park Hotel Crow Frank E storekpr CPR h 310 Grandview Crow Mrs Jean r 53 Fairford E Crowder W D credit mgr Beatty Bros h 850 Algoma Crowe Mrs R h 6, 414 4th Ave S W Crown Life Insurance Co Gordon Busb}^ repres 108, 12 High E Cruden A Graham elk CPR r 1003 Willow Cruden Hazel tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1003 Willow Cruden Mrs Margaret h 1003 Willow Cudmore Edward R carrier P O h 836 Stadacona W Cull Cecil superv Liquor Board Beer Warehouse h 23 Stadacona W Cumberland Elda M r 1017 Chestnut Cumings Wilfred D mgr National Fruit Co h 140 Oxford E Cumming Mrs G r 213 Fairford E Cunningham Arthur J dispr CPR h 1048 Algoma Cunningham Rev Father J J pastor St Joseph Church h 1064 3rd Ave N W Cunningham Joseph trainmn CPR h 65 Hochelaga W Cunningham Wm T prin King George Schl h 1108 3rd Ave N W Currie Alexander C supt United Grain Growers h 844 Algoma Currie David H engmn CPR h 1132 Algoma Currie Miss L nurse General Hospital r same Curry Charles M carp h 161 Athabasca W Curry Ralph W emp Brit Amer Oil h 545 Hochelaga W Curtis Russell S district superv Imperial Oil r 6, 630 Main N Cusack Donald L emp Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 46 Ross W Cusack John A dispr CPR h 46 Ross W Cushing Mrs George h 150 Iroquois E Cushing R L MillWork Co Ltd R J Wright mgr 5th Ave and Man¬ itoba E Cushway J W whsemn C P Express r 1146 5th Ave N E Cushway Leonard D whsemn Swifts h 1146 5th Ave N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 151 Cushway W H r King’s Hotel Custance Audrey 1 elk Natl Fruit Co r 444 Hochelaga W Customs & Excise Division T W McPhail coir 1st flr P O Bldg Cutt Frederick trk driv h 420 Vaughn Cutts James H asst formn CPR h 920 Stadacona W Czekurlon S emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 465 Home W Czuczwara Tony emp CPR h 3, 224 Main N D Dah'lberg Gus emp J Dahlberg r 442 Moose Square W Dahlberg John sec hd dir 655 Ominica W h 442 Moose Square W Daigle Mrs M r 147 High E Daikow K lab CPR r 214 Manitoba E Dainty Candy Shoppe D H Hall prop 339 Main N Daker Carl h 1338 1st Ave N W Dale Douglas h 704 9th Ave N W Dale Wm E R elk CNR r 211 Stadacona W Dalgleish Peter O contr h 1134 2nd Ave N W Dalke Mrs H h 321 Hochelaga W Dalrymple Mrs Catherine r 344 Athabasca W Dalrymple Mary r 344 Athabasca W Damon Alfred tmstr h 945 Hastings Damon Robert lab r 945 Hastings Damour Thomas driv Brown’s Taxi r Maple Leaf Hotel Dancey Percy mgr Scotty’s Service Stn h 1208 Grafton Dand James H retd h 552 Hochelaga E Daniel Charles lab h 38 Mansfield Dann Alfred H caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 846 Oxford W Dann Ernest G mech h 506 Saskatchewan W Dann Harry pressmn Quality Press h 569 Fairford E d’Aoust Angeline hsekpr r 824 3rd Ave N W d’Aoust Grace schl tchr r 824 3rd Ave N W d’Aoust Joseph R trainmn CPR h 824 3rd Ave N W d’Aoust Theophile elk r 824 3rd Ave N W Darby Mrs Ethel seams Army & Navy h B, 822 Main N D’Arcy Thomas G dist claims agt CPR h 65 Oxford W Darges Lillian r 115 High E Darling Robert J emp CPR r Harwood Hotel Darr J r 256 High W Darval R J trainmn CPR h 43, 112 1st Ave N W Darvill Thomas h 249 Eairford W Dash Eloyd G wire editor Times Co h 1122 3rd Ave N E Dash George of Dash Leathergoods h 238 Hall E Dash Leather Goods (George Dash) 137 Main N Dash Lorna emp Dash Leathergoods r 238 Hall E DAVEY, ALFRED E., Chartered Life Underwriter, City and District Representative, Great-West Life Assurance Co., 214 Hammond Building, Phone 3946. Res. 1146 Fit's! Avenue N. W., Phone 2070. Davey Ernest whsemn h 105 Iroquois W Davey Floyd emp CPR r 1023 Willow Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd, Phones 4840 and 4846 152 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Davey George W elk Anderson’s Ltd h 1023 Willow Davey Gordon R elk Moose Jaw Hdwre r 1023 Willow Davey Miss I nurse General Hospital r same Davey Mrs Jane h 460 Athabasca E Davey Mrs Mary h 1107 Wolfe Davey Robert E lab h 1010 Ominica E Qjamdson' OoUf^^fy ROYAL BANK BUILDING, 48 High Street West. W. H. Davidson, B.A., Principal. OFFERS A REAL OFFICE TRAINING IN A REAL OFFICE BUILDING AND FITS YOU FOR THE BEST POSITIONS. Davidson Drug Block 33 Main N Davidson Earl h 882 4th Ave N E Davidson Earl shpr Canada Bakeries r 3, 429 Athabasca E Davidson Edward butcher Bee Hive Store h 35, 377 Lillooet W Davidson Gordon C mgr C M Brewster & Co r 2 Empire Apts Davidson Grace steno K J Henderson Ltd r 2 Empire Apts Davidson Henry A druggist 33 Main N h 1022 Clifton Davidson John R engmn CPR h 235 2nd Ave N E Davidson Lawrence oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1224 5th Ave N W Davidson Mary sec Moose Jaw Natatorium r 882 4th Ave N E Davidson Mrs Netha r 176 River E Davidson Robert baker Can Bakeries h 3, 429 Athabasca E Davidson Rev Ronald minister Knox Presbyterian Church r 826 1st Ave N E Davidson Sibyl maid Grant Hall Hotel r 235 2nd Ave N E DAVIDSON, W. H., B.A., Principal, Davidson Business College. Res. 1136 Fourth Avenue North West, Phone 4059. Davidson Mrs W W h 2, 800 4th Ave N W Davies Arthur L retd h 42 Hochelaga W Davies D bkpr Western Grocers r 1207 5th Ave N W Davies E Harold reporter Times Co h 447 Duffield Davies E Victor elk CPR h 1302 5th Ave N W Davies John P jan Belmont Apts h 630 (basement) Main N Davies Llewellyn butcher Campbell’s Mt Market r 821 Athabasca E Davies Mrs Nina h 77 Ross W Davis Mrs Agnes h 1058 3rd Ave N E Davis Albert retd r 270 Ominica W Davis Charles emp Moose Jaw Dental r 5A, 219 High W Davis Dudley R h 37 Elsom Davis E F r Sunrise Rooms HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 153 Davis Mrs George h 421 5th Ave N W Davis Gilbert H stm plant eng CPR h 1121 Henleaze Davis Glenn firemn Swifts r 1143 Alder N E Davis Harry h 176 Lillooet W Davis Lome driver Scotty’s Scooters r 661 Hochelaga W Davis Maxine elk Woolworths r 341 Ominica W Davis Pauline elk Eatons r 341 Ominica W Davis W emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 231 Hochelaga W Davis Mrs W B r 341 Ominica W Davison Aaron H barber 1166 4th Ave N W h Kingsway Park Davy H B engmn CPR r City Hotel Dawson Edna steno Clarence H Church r 1034 Chestnut Dawson John F trainmn CPR h 1153 Henleaze Dawson Robert mach CPR r 225 High E Dawson Rev Robert pastor Apostolic Temple h 71 Hochelaga W DAWSON, W. PERCY, Local Manager, The Hodge Coal Co Ltd., Dominion Bank Bldg., 11 High W., Office Phone 2437. Res. 1034 Chestnut, Phone 3319. Day Mrs Annie h 135 Athabasca W Day Donald emp Safeways r 135 Athabasca W Day Mrs Elsie h 809 Chamberlain Day George W prop The Rosery h 428 Main N Day Irene cashr Christie Grant r 135 Athabasca W Day Joyce steno A E Martin r 135 Athabasca W Day Sylvia elk r 135 Athabasca W Dazley Herbert C cond CPR h 1155 2nd Ave N W Deagle Joseph emp City h 1351 Algoma Deakow Kosma lab h 214 Manitoba E Dean Arthur H pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 171 Hochelaga W Dean Clifford M purch agent Robin Hood Flour Mills h 206 Hoche¬ laga W Dean Gordon mech W H Hodgson & Co r 1203 Athabasca W Debnam E J repres Independent Biscuit h 437 Main N Dedyluk Wm lab h 704 Skeena Dee Alfred J h 919 Athabasca E Deeprose Memoree elk Moose Jaw Co-Oper r 938 Stadacona E Deere (John) Plow Co Ltd A L Anderson repres 148 High W Delbeck Mrs J h 295 Grandview Deimage Mrs Susie r 122 River E Delong A E h 20, 105 Lillooet W Dtemant Eva r 362 Iroquois W De Metz August ydmn CPR h 314 Fairford W Demils Miss E slsldy Army & Navy Store r 430 Moose Square W Demma Mike emp CPR h 623 1st Ave N E Dempsey Edward G shpr Eatons h 22 Mansfield Dempsey Walter E mgr Sask Registered Seed Growers h 1038 5th Ave N W Dench Katherine dressmkr h 8, 318 Main N Denesuk Alexander prop Western Hotel & Sanitax Hat Works h 1108 Fairford W Dennis John trainmn CPR h 360 Oxford W Densley Anne emp Swifts r 227 Home W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 154 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Department of Transport Radio Branch J C Stephen radio insptr 3rd floor 228 Main N Deprose Marie elk r 938 Stadacona E Der Lee h 5, 24 Main N de Rosenroll Arthur S mgr Imperial Bank h 1111 1st Ave N W Desjardins Hector emp Bert Jackman r 278 Manitoba W Desnoyer Paul emp Brit Amer Oil h 455 Skeena Devine Agnes cashr Woolworths r 1093 Alder Devine Earl trav h 933 Francis Devine Howard telg opr CPR h 876 Elgin Devine John G vehicleman C P Exp h 829 Willow Devine Loretta flrlady Woolworths r 1093 Alder Devine M h 267 River E Devine Mrs Mary h 1093 Alder Devine Rose elk Eatons r 1093 Alder Devitt Roy prop Wimpy’s Hamburger r 1001 Iroquois W Devlin Hugh h 336 Oxford W Dewald Paul bottler plant foremn Natl Fruit h 238 Stadacorja W Dewar Elvin A engmn CPR r 922 3rd Ave N W Dewar George F trainmn CPR h D, 822 Main N Dewar Janet r 245 Hochelaga W Dewar Peter r 245 Hochelaga W Dewar Thomas emp Safeways h 245 Hochelaga W Dewey Evelyn elk Kresge’s r 1318 Connaught Dewev-Gardner Co Ltd F H Gardner sec-treas Live Stock Exchange Bldg Dewey George F retd h 1318 Connaught Dewhurst Mrs Harold r 1015 Alder Dewhurst John trainmn CPR h 270 Caribou W Dewhurst Mrs M h 163 Fairford E Dewhurst Violet emp Grant Hall Hotel r 127 Hochelaga E De Wolf E G of Franco Oils h 12, 72 Ross E Dexter Anna nurse Providence Hospital r same Dexter Franklin emp h 1167 Clifton Dexter Wm decorator r 152 Hochelaga W Deydey Alice cook Savoy Cafe r 319 High W Deydey John emp Swifts r 319 High W Deyoe Miles elk Eatons r 315 Fairford W Deyotte Mrs Edith D r 249 Fairford W D’Hooghe Benjamin slsmn h 924 Caribou W D’Hooge Mrs J h 344 Lillooet W Dick Charles prop Victory Grocery h 380 Saskatchewan W Dickenson Frank caretkr Vets Home r 225 High W Dickenson Mrs J R slsldy Binnings Store r 661 Hochelaga W Dickinson R car clnr CPR h 20, 112 1st Ave N W Dickinson Richard J barr 406, 12 High E h 888 Connaught Dickson Edith elk Joyner’s r 1162 Alder HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 166 Dickson Mrs Florence E steno Govt Phones h 910 Alder Dickson James dept mgr Eatons r 1011 Chestnut Dickson John A elk Customs h 145 Athabasca W Dickson Mrs M r 1162 Alder Dickson Thomas M caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board Diemert Ambrose C h 848 Hochelaga E Diemert Vernon chaufr Imperial Oil h 1109 6th Ave N W Diernet Philip O h 210 Riverside Dr Dietrich Sabina emp Providence Hospital r same Difley Mrs A r 469 Athabasca W Difley Edith hsekpr h 469 Athabasca W Difley Lillian emp Prairie Bag r 469 Athabasca W Dill E Blake engmn CPR h 1029 6th Ave N W Dillen Mrs Richard h 1208 3rd Ave N W Dillon Edward A adv slsmn Times Co r 1161 4th Ave N E Dillon Gerald E r 1128 Main N Dillon Harold chaufr Imperial Oil h 1036 Algoma Dillon Joseph elk Civic Relief h 1128 Main Dillon Mrs Mary L r 1161 4th Ave N W Dillon Robert W emp Swifts r 1128 Main N Dillon Victor L r 1128 Main N Dillon Wilfred emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1161 4th Ave N W Dime Delivery J H Scott prop 19 Main N Dingwall John hostler CPR h 32, 112 1st Ave N W Divers' Joseph formn Swifts h 1026 Hochelaga W Dixon Albert emp Swifts h 259 Grandview Dixon C E asst mgr Beaver Lbr Co h 76 Caribou W Dixon E T sectnmn CNR h 1070 Wolfe Dixon Harry car insptr CPR h 1217 4th Ave N E Dixon John H car insptr CPR h 934 Coteau W Dixon Myrtle seams r 1016 7th Ave N E Dixon Robert retd h 74 Elsom Dixon T roadmaster CNR r 1070 Wolfe Dixon Vera r 1217 4th Ave N E Dixon Wm S retd h 1016 7th Ave N E Diyott F D r Plaza Hotel Dmytryshyn Peter lab h 1080 9th Ave S W Doan Jesse jan Balmoral Apts h F, 822 Main N Doan Martin druggist Leonard Fysh Ltd h 301 4th Ave S W Doane Harry D br mgr McBrides h 854 Connaught Doane Lionel G mgr Typewriter Service & Exchange h 1101 Redland Dobbin John A h 30 Ross E Dobin Mary steno A H Mayberry r 943 Iroquois W Dobin Wm aircraftmn Prairie Airways r 943 Iroquois W Doblee Joseph emp Percy E Williams r 221 Hochelaga W Dobna Mike swteh tender CPR h 943 Iroquois W Dobney Nick h 260 Lillooet W Dobni Harry sectn formn CPR h 469 Home W Dobson Georgina r 79 River E Dobson Gordon elk Palm Dairies 937 4th Ave S W Dobson Mrs Jessie r 79 River E Dobson John investigator Civic Relief r 79 River E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 156 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Dobson Joseph D h 937 4th Ave S W Dobson Richard firmn h 1001 Hig'h W Dobson Walter C engmn CPR h 79 River E Docherty John ydmn CPR h 843 Elgin Dodds George h 12, 105 Lillooet W DODGE AUTOMOBILES, Canadian Garage, Dealers, 103-111 High Street East, Phone 3879. Doherty Mrs Alice h 143 Pligh W Doherty James A trainmn CPR Doig Grace r 313 Hochelaga W Dolmage Orville G druggist Leonard Eysh Ltd r YMCA Dolnar John prop South Hill Shoe Repair r 322 4th Ave S W Dominion Bank A Tomkins mgr 140 Main N Dominion Bank Building 11 High W Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co A Clarke Meyers repres 216 Hammond Bldg Dominion Department of Agriculture J L Pawley superv Live Stock Exchange Bldg Dominion Eire Brick & Clay Products 106-7 11 High E Dominion Life Assurance Co A W Irwin repres 201 Main N Dominion Meteorological Station Mrs fames Ogilvy observer 1116 1st Ave N W Dominion & Provincial Youth Training School J E Donaldson chief instr 30 Hochelaga E Domney Charles painter h 939 Caribou W Domney Walter G painter h 1110 Stadacona Domville Erederick G elk United Cigar h 329 3rd Ave N E Donahue Edward eng h 417 Main S Donahue Mrs Erances r 262 Athabasca E Donald Mrs Bertha r 214 Stadacona W Donald George pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 1098 Wolfe Donald Ray M chemist Brit Amer Oil r 457 Lillooet W Donaldson John emp R L Cushing Co Donaldson John E chief instr Dom & Prov Youth Training h 323 Ross W Donelly Irene steno Ross and Gilmour r 70 Stadacona W Donelly John W routemn Moose Jaw Steam Laundry h 223 Stada¬ cona W Donelly Wm J retd h 70 Stadacona W Doney Mrs Ann h 408 Duffield W Dong Y C h 362 River W Donnelly Albert R acet Hodge Bamford & Wilder r 825 3rd Ave N W Donnelly E J driv Palm Dairies h 1296 4th Ave N W Donnelly Mary A steno CPR r 31 Stadacona W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 157 Doran John P roofer Moose Jaw Heating^ r 122 River E Dorgan Charles mgr Vets Social Club h 14, 112 1st Ave N W Dormer Wm lab h 822 Chamberlain Dornan Mrs Robt G h 445 Ross W Doskosh Mark engmn CPR h 1005 4th Ave S W Dougan John C of Franco Oils h 577 Athabasca W Dougherty Daniel lab r 79 River E Dougherty Frederick slsmn Sask Co-Op Creamery h 604 Skeena Douglas A Mabel tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 827 Connaught Douglas Alfred E h 827 Connaught Douglas' Clifford whsemn Ogilvie Fir Mills r 160 Athabasca E Douglas Doris E elk Joyner’s r 380 High W Douglas Mrs E h 921 Ross E Douglas Frank lab h 625 Skeena Douglas Mrs J r 176 Stadacona W Douglas James W gen formn CPR h 1098 Alder « Douglas John asst acet Bk of Montreal h 162 Iroquois Douglas Percy J Sr prop Elec Shoe Repr Shop h 380 Douglas Percy J Jr prop Douglas Transfer r 1078 l^f'vJCve N W Douglas Transfer P J Douglas Jr prop 114 1st Av&<^^W Douglas Wallace trk driv Douglas Transfer r 3^6^figh W Dougray G ydmn CPR r 1019 6th Ave N W Dowd James E flrmn Central Motor h 842 Hpmelaga E Dowen Wm h 37 Coteau E Dowes John h 79 Lillooet E 0$^ / Downing Wm clnr CPR h 869 Elgin Downton Edward emp Swifts h 525^/winica W Dowse John H engmn CPR r 79x^^ooet E Dowse Wm lab h 426 Vaughn Doyle Charles emp Geo Welcher r 169 Home W Doyle Frank emp Bird Constn h 514 Saskatchewan W Doyle Mrs G slsldy Army & Navy r 514 Saskatchewan W Doyle Mrs M h 304 Fairford E Doyle Raymond D plant elk Govt Phones h 895 Cartier Doyle Wm E butter mkr Palm Dairies h 862 5th Ave N W Drackett Gordon r 1145 Grafton Drackett Laurence auctioneer and bailiff 102 River W r 123 Main N Dracup Thomas car insptr CPR h 1042 Hull Drake Mrs Annie h 1, 414 4th Ave S W Drakos Helen waitress CPR r 950 Hull Draper Anson S local mgr Ogilvie Flour Mills h 24 Athabasca E Draper George W carp h 27 Athabasca E Drewry Mrs B S r 374 Lillooet W Drewrys Ltd (closed) n s Home W Driscoll George shpr Natl Fruit r 123 Main N Driver Gilbert L A porter PO h 1601 Greenlees Dropko J emp Swifts r 1116 Coteau W Dropko Jennie elk Ben Smith r 1116 Coteau W Dropko Mike eng Can Govt Elev h 1116 Coteau W Dropko Mike Jr contr r 1116 Coteau W Droppo John F mgr Bellamy Co Ltd h 908 Main N Droppo W Earl embalmer Bellamy Co r 908 Main N It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 158 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Dryden John emp Brit Amer Oil h 5, 80 Home E Dryden Mrs Mary h 9, 14 High W Drynan James h 1232 Clifton Drynan Mary S tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1232 Clifton Dubery Mrs Ellen E h 777 Stadacona E Dubinsky Boris barr 4, 108 Main N h 1236 1st Ave N W Dubois Norbert r 253 River E Dubois Patrick plstr h 138 Mansfield Dubord E M carp h 1035 Connaught Dubord Ernest slsmn Christie Grant h 1019 1st Ave N W Dubord Florence r 1035 Connaught Dubord Floyd elk Willsons Stationery r 1035 Connaught Duchak Andrew emp CPR h 968 Manitoba W Duchak Harry h 1327 Greenlees (at Smith) Duchak Mrs John h 1401 Greenlees S W Duchak Mrs Mary h 47 Home E Duchak Mrs Peter h 1124 Lillooet W Duck Francis J h 822 4th Ave N W Ducklow Gordon H asst sis mgr Swifts h 2, 1005 Chestnut Duckworth Frank R elk Customs r 114 Main N Duckworth John h 1647 Hochelaga W Duddy Cecilia maid Empress Hotel r same Duddy Lorraine emp Maple Leaf Hotel r 152 Hochelaga W Dudley John W mach CPR r 240 High W Dufif Lou R trainmn CPR h 1231 5th Ave N W Duffield Miss D nurse Gen Hosp r same Dufty J C sec CPR r 7, 822 Main Duke Charles mech Patterson Motors h 948 Ominica W Duke Frederick mech Patterson Motors r 948 Ominica W Dumais Arthur seed insptr Dom Govt h 1073 2nd Ave N W Dumas James emp French Cleaners r 616 Athabasca W Dumouchel Emil G emp Brit Amer Oil h 359 Fairford E Duncan D Alexander ydmn CPR h 53 Home E Duncan Gordon slsmn. Army & Navy h 451 Iroquois' W Duncan Gordon E slsmn Natl Fruit r 725 8th Ave N W Duncan Harry dept mgr Eatons h 725 8th Ave N W Duncan James whsemn Patron Oil r 1139 1st Ave N W Dunlop Mrs Alice r 344 Athabasca W Dunlop Bessie opr Anna’s Beauty Parlor r 1349 1st Ave N W Dunlop Carruthers trainmn CPR h 1160 Main N Dunlop Charles emp City h 1349 1st Ave N W Dunlop Gertrude M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 344 Athabasca W Dunlop Miss J nurse Gen Hosp r same Dunlop John trk driv h 376 Stadacona W Dunlop Mrs Margaret r 1046 Main N Dunn Edw guard Govt Elev r Empress Hotel HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 159 Dunn Edw lab Raymond P Forbes r 934 Montgomery Dunn J E dept mgr Swift h 4, 72 Ross Dunn J H watchmn Prairie Airways h 421 Stadacona W Dunn Margaret r 421 Stadacona W Dunn Michael E ydmn CPR h 1102 Coteau W Dunn Ronald J slsmn Palm Dairies r 1222 Main N Dunne Philip H ydmn CPR h 1135 Elgin Dunne Philip H Jr steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1135 Elgin Dunsmuir Charles h 428 Stadacona W Durant Mrs Annie h 1138 4th Ave N W Dure Frank whsemn North Star Oil h 924 Fairford W Dure Ivy elk Woolworths r 924 Fairford W Durnford Percy emp City h 802 Stadacona E Durrant Dorothy steno Harold J Schull r 1143 7th Ave N E Durrant Ernest elk Postal Service h 1167 Henleaze Durrant Wm K Jr appr Alexander & Baird r 1143 7th Ave N E Durrant Wm K F chf opr Sewage Disposal h 1143 7th Ave N E Durward Wm pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 658 Athabasca E Dutchak Andrew lab CPR r 968 Manitoba W Dutchak Mrs Annie h 1025 Lillooet W Dutchak G r Kings' Hotel Dvorcak John lab h 579 Pasqua Dwan Walter P mech Central Motor r 123 Main N Dyer Bertha r 912 Carlton Dyer Charles E mach CPR h Kingsway Park Dyer Donald r Kingsway Park Dyer Frederick C engmn CPR h 1343 Coteau W Dyer H E elk Safeways h 14, 121 High W Dyer James L h 952 Donald Dyer L emp Swifts r 912 Carlton Dyer Lawrence A asst formn Southern Sask Co-oper Stock Yards h 912 Carlton Dyer Richard E emp CPR h 927 Francis Dyer Wm lab r 912 Carlton E E B Hatcherjr Mrs A Billenwillms prop 269 Fairford W Eaket Alexander elk Tip Top Tailors r 1084 1st Ave N E Eaket Isabel steno Govt Phones r 1084 1st Ave N E Eaket Robert whsemn Rex Fruit h 1084 1st Ave N E Earl James F asst supt CPR h 1204 Clifton Easson David jan St Joseph’s Church h 872 Algoma Eas'son Ray C tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1128 Redland Easson Sheila steno Dom Dept of Agric r 872 Algoma East End Shoe Repair Geo Sinkoski prop 603 Stadacona E Easterby Katherine nurse r 568 Stadacona W Eastman Jessie r 370 Hochelaga W Eastman Robert aircraftmn Prairie Airways r 892 Elgin Easton Mrs R h 369 Main N Eastwood Edmund acet h 933 Stadacona E Eastwoods Grocery Mrs Mary Eastwood prop 933 Stadacona E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Mlik from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 160 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Eastwood Mrs Mary prop Eastwoods Grocery r 933 Stadacona E EATON, E. R. & SONS, FURRIERS, FURS REMODELLED, REPAIRED, STORED AND INSURED, FUR TRIMMINGS OF ALL KINDS. 361 Main Street North, Phone 4228. (See head lines.) Eaton E R of E R Eaton & Sons Ltd h 361 Main Eaton Foodateria, Operated by T. Eaton Company, Limited, Main Street North and Stadacona Street W., Phone 5562. Eaton Harry E dispr CPR h 1139 Henleaze ^T. EATON DEPARTMENTAL STORE, Main Street North and Stadacona Street West, Phones: General Office 5561, Management 5560, Delivery 5536, Foodateria 5562, Basement Hardware 5567, Main Floor 5563-4, Second Floor 5566, Third Floor 5538, Advertising 5565. Eaves Robert trainmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Eccleston James elec contr 106 Athabasca W h same Eckbert Carl E lab h 466 Selwyn Economy Second Hand Store Saul Ereidin prop 59 River W Eddy Earl engmn CPR h 9, 130 Main N Edgar A O agt H S Perkins Lbr office 127 Main N r 1144 Henleaze Edgar Arthur r 1036 1st Ave N W Edgar J Walter mech h 367 Athabasca W Edgar Jean steno r 367 Athabasca W Edgar Percy M sis mgr Security I.umber h 1144 Henleaze Edgar Samuel R jan Times Co h 201, 423 1st Ave N W Edgar Walter driv Whitlocks r 475 Athabasca W Edgington Gladys steno City r 859 Grey Edmands Alfred drftsmn CPR h 876 Wolfe Edmands Kathleen M cashr Sask Co-Op Creamery r 876 Wolfe Edmands Paul J trkr CNR r 876 Wolfe Edmands Winston opr Brit Amer Oil h 552 Athabasca E Edwards E C engmn CPR h 13, 127 High W Edwards Mrs Lola billg elk Rex Emit h 2, 106 3rd Ave N W Edwards Richard W h 626 Main S Edwards Wm whsemn C P Exp h 1213 8th Ave N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 161 Edwards Wm J car firmn CNR h 845 Willow Edy Carl S tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 1041 Main N Edy Jay M asst yd master CPR h 1063 Main N Edy Marion r 1063 Main N Eilers Ltd Adam Leidal mgr 306 Main N Eiss'feldt Rev Walter A pastor Emmanuel Lutheran Church h 356 Ominica E Eklund Peter S h 274 Athabasca E Elder Alfred electn Natl Light & Power r 506 Eairford W Electric Shoe Repair Shop R J Douglas Sr prop 114 4th Ave N W Elgear Dalmar emp Johnston Dairies r 211 Eairford W Elgear Lome farmer h 211 Eairford W Elgin Park e s Elgin at Oxford W Elinsky Theodore prop Empire Repair Shop h 338 Lillooet W Elinsky Walter h 558 Maple W Elite Gardens Wilfred Wong prop 128 Main N Elkin Hubert emp Swifts h 111 Home W Elkin Noel B elk Joyner’s r 231 Hochelaga W Elkin Samuel C sec hnd dir 637 Main N h 231 Hochelaga W Elks Club A E Megson sec 358 Langdon Cres Ellefson Dolores emp Prairie Bag r 438 1st Ave N W Ellefson Mrs Malena r 438 1st Ave N W Ellingson Pearl waitress Exchange Cafe 106 31st Ave N E Elliott A John mgr Totten-Elliott Motors Ltd h 1, 1007 Main N Elliott Charles painter Totten-Elliott Motors r 59 Athabasca W Elliott Dorothy r 1120 Chestnut Elliott Mrs E M h 59 Athabasca W Elliott Edward R emp Swifts h 129 3rd Ave N E Elliott Mrs George C h 256 Ross W Elliott Grace elk r 59 Athabasca W Elliott Harold E slsmn Burns & Co h 1120 Chestnut Elliott John K firemn City h 228 Hochelaga E Elliott Marjorie P steno Security Lumber r 228 Hochelaga E Elliott R opr City Pump Stn r Snowdy Springs Elliott W Victor trainmn CPR h 896 Algoma Elliott Wm eng Brit Amer Oil h 911 4th Ave S W Elliott Wm J h 1201 Is't Ave N W Ellis Mrs A J h 128 Hochelaga W Ellis Albert K h 348 Iroquois W Ellis Arthur C trainmn CPR r 128 Lillooet W Ellis Arthur J trainmn CPR h 128 Lillooet W Ellis Austin slsmn Whimster Hardware r 1106 Henleaze Ellis Mrs C h 575 Athabasca W Ellis Eva nurse Drs Young & McCauley r 1046 1st Ave N W Ellis Herbert appr Times r 662 Athabasca W Ellis James elk Ry Mail Serv h 213 Eairford E Ellis Mrs Mary J h 262 Manitoba E Ellis Reginald lab h 720 Skeena Ellis Robert ydmn CPR h 525 Home W Ellis Thomas J yd elk CNR h 1244 3rd Ave N E Eluk Mrs E h 454 Home W Elvrum Emile prop Amils Taxi h 17, 112 1st Ave N W Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 162 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Elwood George A elk PO h 176 Hochelaga E Emerson George trainmn CPR h 379 Stadacona E Emerson Harry N r 1124 1st Ave N W Emerson John slsmn Rex Emit r 448 Vaughn Emerson Robert trainmn CPR r 1128 Grafton Emerson Thomas J (KC) barr 311A Hammond Bldg h 1124 1st Ave N W Emerson Wm call boy CPR r 1128 Grafton Emerson Wm L pres Plaxton Ltd h 1128 Grafton Emerton Mrs Mary h 712 Fifth Ave N W Emery Harold E elk Land Titles r 115 High E Emmanuel Lutheran Church Rev W A Eissfeldt pastor 228 Fairford W Emmerson Harry slsmn Johnstone Dairies h 930 Hastings Emmerson Henry carp CPR h 936 Vaughn Emmerson Wm lab CPR h 962 Vaughn Empire Apartments 800 4th Ave N W Empire Repair Shop Ted Elinsky prop 340 Lillooet W Empire School W A Playfair prin Coteau W cor 6th Ave S W Employment Service of Canada Wm Clark supt 81 High W Empress Hotel Co Ltd W B Bradley mgr 142 River W Emslie David prop Emslie’s Garage h 1202 1st Ave N W Emslie’s Garage D Emslie prop 1202 1st Ave N W Endo George bell boy Grant Hall Hotel r Alexandra Hotel Eng Hong Co Higgin Wong mgr 112 River W Eng Pete lab h 942 Hastings England Frederick G b & b CPR r 403 Coteau W England Harry F driv Maple Leaf Taxi r 148 Manitoba E England Mrs J h 403 Coteau W English David vet insptr Dom Govt h 814 5th Ave N W English Harvey A trainmn CPR English Mrs Sarah J h 1102 4th Ave N W Ennis E h 10 High W Ennis John T trainmn CPR r 206 High E Ennis Orville lab Bird Constn r 206 High E Epoch Mike reprmn J I Case Co r 238 River E Epting Oscar L engmn CPR h 1032 2nd Ave N E Eratt Mrs W H h 147 High E Erb Mrs Harriet h 355 Athabasca W Erb Henry farmer h 964 Donald Erickson Arvid painter h 1334 Redland Erickson Laina bkpr Singer Sewing Mach h 9, 127 High W Erz Harry W jan Capitol Theatre h 1284 7th Ave N E Esau Michael music tchr h 1322 1st Ave N W Etheridge Ralph E const CPR h 5, 152 Athabasca E Etherington Henry painter h 726 Hochelaga E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 163 Evans Miss A instructress nurses Gen Hosp r same Evans D S engmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Evans Edward gen mgr Southern Sask Co-oper Stock Yards h 1064 4th Ave N W. Evans Florists F W Evans prop 17-19 High W Evans Frank emp Swifts h 76 Hochelaga E Evans Frederick W prop Evans Florists h 42 Hochelaga E Evans George engmn CPR r Empress Hotel Evans Green House Fredk W Evans prop 42 Hochelaga E Evans Gwendolyn G asst sec Board of Trade r 1064 4th Ave N W Evans Henry W elk Evans Florists h 51 Hochelaga E Evans Kenneth eng r 170 Ominica W Evans Leonard A engmn CPR h 422 Fairford W Evans Leslie emp Evans Florists h 205 Riverside Drive Evans Pearl elk Evans Florists r 42 Hochelaga E Evans Ruby switch bd opr Security Lumber r 1064 4th Ave N W Evered Blanche r 1124 Coteau W Evered Thomas H h 1124 Coteau W Evers W engmn CPR r 79 River E Evoy Mrs Adeline r 159 Fairford W Evoy Earl farmer h 1059 Connaught Evoy Herbert L mech h 159 Fairford W Ewanchuk Joseph mgr CPR News Stand h 47 River E Evanchuk Joseph emp CPR h 837 Alder N E Ewaychuk Mrs Karl h 53 Maple E EXCELO PHOTO COMPANY, LIMITED (THE), Albert Antill, Manager, PROFESSIONAL FINISHERS FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS, DEVELOPING, PRINT¬ ING, COPYING, ENLARGING, PICTURE FRAMING, AND FRAMED MOTTOES AND PICTURES, 626 Main Street N., Phone 5015. Exchange Cafe Y Wong prop 1 Main N Executors & Administrators Trust Co Ltd W A Munns mgr 14 High W Exhibition Buildings e s Main N and Saskatchewan Exhibition Grounds Main N and Laurier E Exner Rose waitress McIntyre Cafe r 9, 11 River E Eyre Miss E nurse Gen Hosp r same Eyre George K slsmn McGavin’s h 528 Ominica W F Fagan Charles of Charlie’s Garage h 133 Ominica W Fahy T J r Plaza Hotel Fairchild Bros Charles W Fairchild prop tailors 20 River E Fairchild Charles W prop Fairchild Bros h 20 River E Fairford Apartments 211-223 Fairford E and 223-235 2nd Ave N E Fairman Frederick A shoemkr Cooper’s Quality Shoe repr r 820 Grey Fairman Frederick T elk C P Exp h 820 Grey Falconer D Ray chartd acet T A Getty r 1212 Redland Falconer Harry W printer 7, 33 High E h 1129 1st Ave N W Falls Mrs Flossie A steno Rose & Johnson r 219 Fairford E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 1G4 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Falls Frederick L mgr McKenzie Auto Equip h 1218 Redland Fancourt Edna steno Palm Dairies r 224 Hochelaga W Farberg Karen dressmkr r 1024 Main N Farden Miss R nurse Gen Hosp r same Farish James A sis elk Robin Hood Flour Mills h 4, 1146 1st Ave N W Farley Walter S trainmn CPR h 9 , 75 Stadacona W Farmer Albert elk Eatons h 1119 3rd Ave N E Farmer Albert E h 762 Stadacona E Farmer Henry whsemn McBrides h 1343 1st Ave N W Farmer John lab Brit Amer Oil h 44 Riverside Dr Faron Stanley car insptr CPR h 917 Home W Farquhar Minnie r 1076 Clifton Farquhar Robert hd chkr CPR h 897 Willow Farquhar Robert J elk Eatons r 897 Willow Farquhar Wm cred mgr Natl Light & Power h 1089 Willow Farquharson Mrs R child welfare nurse City r 1168 Grafton Farquharson Robert h 1168 Grafton Farrell Lome sis mgr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1170 Clifton Farrier Edward lab h 757 Coteau W Farrow A Evelyn nurse Providence Hosp r same Farrow Phyllis A nurse Providence Hosp r same Farwell Eileen N M nurse Providence Hosp r same Fashionette The W M Richman prop 119 Main Father & Son Jack F Freidin prop shoes 127 Main N Fauser Miss M maid Gen Hosp r same Fauth Leo lab r 406 Fairford W FAWKES, A. W. ELLSON, CITY ENGINEER, City Hall Annex, Phone 2780. Res. 1022 Redland Avenue, Phone 4346. Fawkes Gwendoline emp Swifts r 1022 Redland Fawkes Muriel r 1022 Redland Featherstone John S engmn CPR h 120 Coteau W Fedorowicz Mrs Amelia h 1529 Coteau W Fedorowicz Edward lab r 1319 Duffield Fedorowicz Mrs Emily h 1319 Duflfield Felhauer Henry contr h 1022 5th Ave N W Fellinger Henr}' trainmn CPR h 345 Hochelaga W Feltham Albert F tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 897 4th Ave N E Fenn Bert plbr Arthur A Frost r 545 Athabasca St W Fenwick Charles R trainmn CPR h 120 Athabasca W Fenwick Frank A trainmn CPR h 7 , 26 High E Fenwick John emp Swifts r 895 Willow Fenwick Pearl r 895 Willow Fenwick Mrs' Sadie h 895 Willow HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 165 Fenwick Sylvia emp Eatons r 895 Willow Ferbrache Wilfred trk driv r 469 Athabasca W Ferguson Alex contr h 1079 3rd Ave N W Ferguson Block 130 Main N Ferguson Donald whse mgr Blackwood Hdwre h 72 Iroquois W Ferguson Eileen M opr Govt Phones r 104 Oxford W Ferguson Emily bkpr Moose Jaw Hdwre r 140 Riverside Dr Ferguson Ethel* steno CPR r 306 Hochelaga W Ferguson G Gordon phys 208 Hammond Bldg h 1111 5th Ave N W ^ Ferguson G L elk CPR r Maryland Park Ferguson Gordon A trav La Salle University h 140 Riverside Dr Ferguson Howard appr r 106 Athabasca E Ferguson Mrs Jessie janitress CPR h 331 Fairford W Ferguson John engmn CPR r 79 River E Ferguson John h 320 8th Ave N E Ferguson Orland h 1135 5th Ave N E Ferguson Percy C emp Swifts h 468 Ominica W Ferguson Robert presser French Clnrs h 668 Ominica W Ferguson Robert W h 1011 1st Ave N E Ferguson Thomas M shed formn CNR h 1080 Chestnut Ferguson Wm h 895 4th Ave N E Ferguson Wm J h 719 Skipton Rd Ferguson Wm W h 1149 Willow Fernihough John C agt London Life h 310 Fairford E Ferrier John E sheet met wkr CPR h 6, 127 High W Feugard Mrs Rachel r 827 Main N Fewer — h 436 11th Ave N W Fewson R George blksmith hlpr CPR h 458 Coteau W Fewson Robert W h 351 Grandview W Fewson Sidney emp Swifts h 544 Maple W Fewson Ted emp Wilson Produce r 458 Coteau W Field Ada K steno Imperial Bank r 15, 439 1st Ave N W Field Lela maid Park Hotel r same Field Mrs M K h 15, 439 1st Ave N W Fielding Mrs E r 349 Athabasca W Fielding Florence waitress Venice Cafe r 222 Hochelaga E Fielding Thomas H brklyr h 222 Hochelaga E Fields Cyril proj Capitol Theatre h 4, 414 4th Ave S W Fields Doreen emp Milk Bar r 32 Ross W Fields Edgar P mgr Capitol Theatre h 32 Ross W Fields Marjorie emp Milk Bar r 32 Ross W Fife Arthur W h 1120 1st Ave N W Fillion Daniel trainmn CPR h 27 Coteau E Fillion Paul emp McIntyre Cafe r 27 Coteau E Filson Fleda W tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 1214 1st Ave N W Filson Miss Muriel O tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1214 1st Ave N W Finch Charles grocer 855 Athabasca E h same Finch John butcher h 162 Lillooet W Finch Leonard emp Moose Jaw Transportation r 475 Athabasca W Finch V Ray lab h 910 Stadacona E Finch Victor C bailiff Judicial District of Moose Jaw h 1220 Willow Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 166 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Fincham Walter firmn City h 959 Stadacona W Findlay Douglas trk driv Skingle Serv Trucking h 1066 Connaught Findlay Mrs George A h 1095 4th Ave N E Findlay Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Finkbeiner Albert emp Swifts h 126 5th Ave S W Finlay Fitzroy A engmn CPR h 447 Stadacona W Finn Bert h 545 Athabasca W FIRE DEPARTMENT, Central Fire Hall: 120-132 Fairford Street West Chief—George W Baines, Phone 2792. First Baptist Church Rev Walter T Stevens minister 60 High E First Church of Christ Scientist 930 4th Ave N W Firth Steve transfer h 859 Grey Fisch Mrs Pearl r 1080 5th Ave N W Fish George R elk Ry Mail Serv h 459 Iroquois W Fish Marjorie E elk Kresge’s r 459 Iroquois W Fisher Mrs A h 739 Hochelaga E Fisher Mrs A G r Harwood Hotel Fisher Benjamin trainmn CPR h 1137 5th Ave N W Fisher Rev E C minister St Barnabas Church h 521 Athabasca E Fisher E Stuart acet 108, 12 High E and repres A W Ingall & Co h 1118 Main N Fisher Mrs Edith h 1069 Willow Fisher Edward r 624 1st Ave N W Fisher Harold M ydmn CPR h 1134 Clifton Fisher Mrs John r 1220 Grafton Fisher John O emp CPR h 624 1st Ave N W Fisher Joseph r Kings Hotel Fisher Kenneth R r 1128 Clifton Fisher Norman emp CPR h 1220 Grafton Fisher Thomas S elk James H Thomson Ltd r 1128 Clifton Fisher Wallace r 148 River E Fitch Adjutant Ernest G officer Salvation Army h 419 3rd Ave N E Fitchett W C driv Palm Dairies h 62 Iroquois E Fitzharris Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Fitzpatrick Mrs Roy h 174 Ominica W Fitzpatrick Wm emp Can Govt Elev h 143 Hochelaga W Flack Hugh h 206 River E Flack Ivan C const City r 1072 5th Ave N W Flack Miss W nurse Gen Hosp r same Fladager Mrs Marion h 325 Fairford W Flegel Dan emp Swifts h 915 Home W Flegg Joseph H emp Can Govt Elev r 143 High W Flegg Mrs Sarah r 143 High W Fleming Rev Frederick R pastor Pentecostal Assembly h 214 Fairford W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 16)7 Fleming Hugh carrier PO h 79 Coteau E Fletcher A W h 106 Stadacona W Fletcher Agencies Ltd Harold Fletcher mgr 216 Hammond Bldg Fletcher Alex eng Drewrys Ltd h 952 Lillooet W Fletcher Alfred slsmn r 312 Empress Hotel Eletcher Bella r 952 Lillooet W Fletcher Clarence flrmn Can Garage r 1081 Main N Fletcher Donald W carp h 1029 8th Ave N W Fletcher Douglas elk Maple Leaf Hotel r 106 Stadacona W Fletcher Miss G laby studt Gen Hosp r same Fletcher Gladys compto opr Security Lumber r 911 Chestnut Fletcher Harold mgr Fletcher Agencies and vendor Liquor Bd h 911 Chestnut Fletcher Hugh C prof Moose Jaw Golf Club h 1269 3rd Ave N E Fletcher J h 4-5, 35 High W Fletcher Mrs J h 866 Wolfe Fletcher J emp Swifts h 1, 414 4th Ave S W Fletcher J H elk CPR r 866 Willow Fletcher James emp Swifts h 32 Iroquois W Fletcher Kathleen emp Swifts r 911 Chestnut Fletcher Mrs Leith h 825 Stadacona E Fletcher Leonard tinsmith Alexander & Baird h 1215 Clifton Fletcher Nancy elk Joyner’s r 1258 3rd Ave N E Fletcher Robert trucking r 312 Oxford E Fletcher Wm r 9 River W Fletcher Winnifred r 911 Chestnut Flett Robert sampler Westn Grain Insptn h 870 8th Ave N W Flint Wilfred h 861 Skipton Rd Flood Norbert elk Eatons h 2, 43 River E Florendine Edgar W investigator CPR h 446 Ominica W Florendine Susan hsekpr r 446 Ominica W Flottorp Ole cooper Robin Hood Elour Mills h 1210 Athabasca W Flowers Mrs Mary h 924 Stadacona E Floyd Mrs Frances r 225 High W Flumerfelt John A mech Central Motor h 120 Hochelaga W Flumerfelt Laura steno Can City & Town Properties r 120 Hochelaga W Flynn John J trainmn CPR h 137 River E Flynn Percy mgr Manitoba Hotel r same Foden Albert W blrwasher CPR r 254 Lillooet W Foley’s Auto Wrecking Samuel Foley prop 119 River W Foley Miss L emp Swifts r 119 River W Foley Samuel prop Foley’s Auto Wrecking and Maple Leaf Taxi E 113 River W Folk Mary emp Modern Cafe r YWCA Fong Harry emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Foo Chin prop Acme Fruit r Price Hotel Foord Albert W engmn CPR h 650 Hochelaga W Foord Ellen emp Prairie Bag r 234 Lillooet W Foord Frederick serv stn 38 1st Ave N W r 451 Athabasca W Foord Frederick H engmn CPR h 234 Lillooet W Foord Jack emp Fred Foord r 234 Lillooet W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 168 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Foord Margaret E nurse Providence Hosp r same Foord Stella r 234 Lillooet W Foord Wilfred bkpr Totten-Elliott Motors r 650 Hochelaga W Eoord Wm emp CPR r 234 Lillooet W Foote Robert C emp Prov Govt h 1230 2nd Ave N W Forbes Alyce bkpr Leonard Fysh r 934 Montgomery Forbes Flora r 1134 Grafton Forbes Harvey engmn CPR h 472 Stadacona W Forbes James baker Stewart’s Bakery h 429 Athabasca W Forbes James contr h 1116 4th Ave N E Forbes Kenneth br mgr McBride’s Ltd r 934 Montgomery Forbes M const City r 231 Hochelaga W Forbes Raymond P water dir h 934 Montgomery Forbes Samuel G trainmn CPR h 1134 Grafton Ford Arthur elk City Hotel r same Ford George carp h 1234 6th Ave N E Ford I.orne order desk Sask Co-Op Creamery h 265 Ominica W Ford Mrs M h 34, 105 Lillooet W Ford Marjorie slsldy Binnings Store r 1188 2nd Ave N E FORD MERCURY AND LINCOLN ZEPHYR CARS AND TRUCKS—FORDSON TRACTORS, Sterling Motors Limited, Authorized Dealers, High Street West and First Avenue N. W., Phones: Sales 5190; Service 5194. Ford Norman h 1188 2nd Ave N E Ford Roy C porter C P Exp h 1167 2nd Ave N E Ford Russell slsmn Johnstone Dairies r 1188 2nd Ave N E Foreacre Florence counter mgr Woolworths h 14, 219 High W Foreacre Miss G nurse Gen Hosp r same Foreman Mrs Mary emp Providence Hosp r same Forgie George r 344 Lillooet W Forler Gweneth steno City h 4, 1005 2nd Ave N E Forman Eva h 17, 73 High W Forrest Dorothy bndry Times r 638 Oxford W Forrest Frederick messr Dime Delivery r 1051 Grafton Forrest George plbr Moose Jaw Heating h 1051 Grafton Forrest Robert M acet James Richardson & Sons Ltd r 638 Oxford W Forrest Robert W prop Minto Confy h 638 Oxford W Forsberg O barber W R McLeod (25 Fairford W) Forster Donald mgr Tip Top Tailors h 3, 72 Ross E Forsythe Archibald waterman City h 1023 Carlton Forsythe Miss E nurse Gen Hosp r same HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 169 # Forsythe Frank L elk Govt Phones r 1141 5th Ave N W Forsythe Mrs Mary h 1141 5th Ave N W Forsythe Mildred r 1141 5th Ave N W Fossey Walter A h 1061 Wolfe Foster Arnold emp Swifts h 303 Main S Foster Calvin r 962 Ominica W Foster Eber slsmn Fuller Bros h 944 1st Ave S E Eoster Mrs Elizabeth h 403 Fairford W Foster Florence seams Eatons r 403 Eairford W Eoster Elorence emp Eatons h 228 4th Ave N W Eoster Mrs George r 228 4th Ave N W Foster H PI engmn CPR r 272 Plochelaga W Foster Laura G nurse Providence Hosp r same Foster Mrs Mary h 962 Ominica W Foster Raymond painter h 25, 112 1st Ave N W Foster Wm emp CPR h 65 Iroquois W Foster Wm H eng CPR h 272 Hochelaga W Fostey Mrs Eva r 851 Grey Fotheringham Frederick N driv Moose Jaw C^^^ge h 6j^6 High E Foulds Martha h 351 Coteau W ' Eouracres Arthur slsmn Mill City Bakerks^ 926 AjFabasca E Eouracres Bert gdnr Knowles Greenhc^f^* r 304 Fairford E Fouracres Edward emp R L Cushing ils^76 Oxfotd W Eouracres James butcher Campbell Meat Mkt h 933 Ross E Eouracres Mrs Louise h 1, 429 Athabasca E Eouracres' Louise elk Moose Jaw Auction Rooms r 1, 429 Athabasca E Fournier Harold R mech Sterling Motors h 1135 Clifton Fowler Cecil E shpr Can Bakeries r Willard Hotel Eowler Mrs Edith h 1058 Willow Eowler Edward engmn CPR h 437 Coteau W Eowler Erederick call boy CPR r 334 3rd Ave S W Eowler George h 5, 214 Main N Eowler James W engmn CPR h 334 3rd Ave N W Fowler Mary steno City r 1058 Willow Fowler Violet I of Peggy’s Beauty Parlor r 334 3rd Ave S W Fowley Margaret steno r 214 Stadacona N Fraser Arthur trainmn CPR h 8, 152 Athabasca E Fox Arnold C emp Can Govt Elev h 31, 377 Lillooet W Eox C Harry dist eng CPR h 30 Stadacona W Pox Wm trainmn CPR r 334 High W France Harry mgr Moose Jaw Cartage Co r 336 Hochelaga W Francis D R trainmn CPR r 526 Stadacona W Francis Mrs Robert L h 526 Stadacona W Franco Oils Ltd J D Parker sec-treas 208, 12 Pligh E Frank Fong prop Star Cafe h 36 River W Frank Mrs Sarah h 1094 Chestnut Frankchuk Frank prop Plaza Hotel r same Frankham Horace pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 580 Stadacona W Franks Cecil taxi driv Maple Leaf Taxi r 275 Hochelaga W Franks Roy C r 275 Hochelaga W Fraser Mrs Annie r 29 Oxford W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 170 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Fraser David emp Hi Way Refineries r 123 Main N Fraser Donald const CPR h 825 Duffield Fraser Donald A engmn CPR h 463 Stadacona W Fraser Duncan elk PO r 346 Fairford W Fraser George W weighmn Dorn Govt h 1023 6tb Ave N W Fraser Henry A lab r 123 Main N Fraser Mrs J C r 1305 4th Ave N W Fraser J Spencer mgr Westn Grocers h 1028 Henleaze Fraser J W elk Royal Bk h 4, 822 Main N Fraser John sectnmn CPR h 1328 Algoma Fraser John line formn Natl Light & Power r 29 Oxford W Fraser Mrs John r 1222 Redland Fraser John D retd farmer h 840 Monk Fraser Lindsay R contr h 1125 Redland Fraser Mrs Phyllis h 1285 3rd Ave N E Fraser Wm driv Moose Jaw Cartage h 511 Ominica E Fraser Mrs Wm r 1005 4th Ave N E Frederick Peter engmn CPR h 12A, 127 High W Free Methodist Church Rev D S Wartman minister 303 High W Freeborn George G trainmn CPR r 46, 112 1st Ave N W Freeland Albert G h 852 Duffield Freeland Frank tinsmith h 961 Carlton Freeland Horace emp Alexander Pool Room h 1032 Hastings Freeman A messr C P Tels r 437 Athabasca W Freeman C H trainmn CPR h 1216 Redland Freeman Charles H phys 2, 108 Main N h 228 Oxford W Freeman Edwin formn CPR h 437 Athabasca W Freeman Frances steno Gt West Life Assce r 437 Athabasca W Freeman John T r 453 Main N Freeman Marcus R porter PO h 909 Chestnut Freidin Chin sec hd furn 40 River W h 853 Ominica E Freidin Jack of Father & Son r 853 Ominica E Freidin Saul prop Economy Second Hand Store h 636 Athabasca W French Cleaners Thos Jarvos prop 422 Main N French Lillian h 839 5th Ave N W French Wm E trainmn CPR r 839 5th Ave N W Frew Archibald appr CPR r 270 Caribou W Frew Wm B mach CPR h 954 Donald Friel Charles K office mgr Security Lumber h 170 Stadacona W Friel George elk Security Lumber r 170 Stadacona W Friesen Karl E teller Imperial Bank h 250 High W Frigon Edwin h 169 High E Frizzell Frank H driv Palm Dairies h 864 7th Ave W Frizzell Joseph slsmn h 8, 106 3rd Ave N W Frizzell Thomas elk C P Tels h 1037 2nd Ave N E Froeschl Carl prop General Traders h 412 Fairford W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 171 Frolic Lawrence prop Lawrence’s Garage r 421 Stadacona W Frost Arthur A plbr 219 High W h 223 High W Frost Block 219 High W Frost Mrs E M h 512 Hochelaga E Erost Mrs M E r 1046 1st Ave N W Erost Robert L h 269 High E Erost Rose E r 512 Hochelaga E Erostad John trk driv Rex Fruit h 1164 Henleaze Frostad Ruby elk Eatons r 1164 Henleaze Frostad Vernon trk driv Rex Fruit r 1164 Henleaze Fryer Mrs A E r 349 Athabasca W Fryer Alex blrmkr CPR h 927 4th Ave S W Fryer Alex C carp h 319 Coteau W Fryer Mary dressmkr r 319 Coteau W Frykland Arnold emp Palm Dairies r 1055 Connaught Frykland Hilbert L engmn CPR h 1055 Connaught Frykland Lyle lab h 950 Hochelaga W Fryklund Helmer N lab h 360 Duffield W Fryklund Mrs Jean hairdresser Waverly Beauty Parlor r YWCA Fryklund Norman stockmn Swifts h 1107 7th Ave N W Fuhr Charles Walter trk driv Sharpe Fuel h 436 11th Ave N W Fuhr Clarence trk driv r 469 Athabasca W Fuhr Mrs M r 469 Athabasca Fuhr Marion elk r 469 Athabasca W Fuhr Wm trk driv Ken Tracey h 959 Athabasca Fulcher Edward gdnr h 501 Stadacona E Fuller Florence hsekpr r 349 Duffield W Fuller George C J b & b CPR r 349 Duffield W Fuller George S blksmith CPR h 349 Duffield W Fuller Grace r 349 Duffield W Fuller Miss I with Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 349 Duffield W Fulton Thomas B h 114 Coteau W Fulton Mrs Wm h 2, 23 River W Funk Miss C superv Gen Hosp r same Fyckes John E retd h 429 Stadacona W Fyles Dorothy steno Eatons r 263 Hochelaga W Eyles James h 263 Hochelaga W FYSH, LEONARD H., Of Leonard Fysh Limited, 24 High Street West, Phone 2660. Res. 1124 Henleaze Avenue, Phone 2752. Directory Reference Library Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada —for the benefit of our Subscribers and the Generai Public—are to be found at all Public Libraries in the West E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 172 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW FYSH, LEONARD LIMITED, Leonard H. Fysh, Manager, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, DRUGS, TOILET SUPPLIES, RUBBER SUNDRIES, KODAKS AND AMATEUR FINISHING, 24 High Street W., Phones 2660, Prescription Dept. 2661. South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., Phone 2250. (See page 4.) Fysh Mrs Lettitia h 1135 2nd Ave N E Fys'h Muriel r 1167 2nd Ave N W Fysh Oswald B prop Service Drug Store h 1136 3rd Ave N W Fysh Patricia nurse Providence Hosp r same Fysh Reginald road contr h 1167 2nd Ave N W Fysh Mrs Wm E h 1135 2nd Ave N E G Gable Frank mgr Grant Hall Taxi r 136 Manitoba E Gable Mrs Laura r 254 Stadacona W Gable P emp Standard Garage r 136 Manitoba E Gabourie John F trainmn CPR h 1201 2nd Ave N W Gagne Gerard aircraftmn Prairie Airways r 1150 4th Ave N W Gagne Joseph R tchr Prov Normal Schl h 1150 4th Ave N W Gales John r 262 Athabasca E Gallagher John retd h 32 Athabasca E Gallagher Mrs Margaret r 221 Hochelaga W Gallagher Marguerite nurse Providence Hosp r same Gallagher Thomas L emp CPR h 947 Lillooet W Gallant Frank elk r 352 Fairford W Gallant John retd h 352 Fairford W Gallaugher Vivian steno Blackwood Hdwre h 228 4th Ave N W Galley L C steward The Armouries h 58 Caribou E Galloway Edward B h 1176 1st Ave N E Galvin Mrs Evelyn steno Coal Sellers r 246 Oxford W Galvin Sidney P slsmn Scotty’s Motor Sales r 246 Oxford W Gamble Mrs A r 220 Stadacona W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 173 Gamble Cliff emp CPR r 855 Cartier Gamble Mrs James h 414 Fairford W Gamble N clnr Orpheum Theatre r 414 Fairford W Gamble Samuel A slsmn McGavins h 855 Cartier Gannon Mrs Catherine h 882 5th Ave N W Gannon Cliff lab r 370 Hochelag^a W Gannon Wm trainmn CPR h 280 Stadacona W Garanson E h 8, 414 4th Ave S W Gardiner G H trainmn CPR r 238 Fairford W Gardner Frederick D emp City h 950 Simcoe Gardner Frederick H sec-treas Dewey-Gardner Co Ltd h 350 Oxford W Gardner John emp Prairie Bag h 339 Hochelaga W Gardner John G trainmn CPR h 431 Coteau W Gardner Joyce of Winjoy Studio r 431 Coteau W Gardner Wm engmn CPR h 238 Hochelaga W Garlick Edith elk Natl System Baking r 413 Athabasca W Garlick Gerald driv Moose Jaw Cartage h 413 Athabasca W Garlick Gertrude E steno Govt Phones r 1041 Main N Garlick May emp Bidwell Studio r 413 Athabasca W Garner W emp Swifts r 706 Stadacona W Garratt Emerald upholstr Sterling Motors r 1118 1st Ave N E Garrett Harry caretkr Temple Gardens h 438 1st Ave N W Garrett Sidney steno Robin Hood Elour Mills h 926 3rd Ave N E Garrick Rose waitress Sam’s Inn r 1061 1st Ave N W Garrod Reginald C barnmn Sask Co-Op Creamery h 320 Caribou W Garrod Mrs S h 323 3rd Ave N E Garrow Mrs E r 1121 4th Ave N W Gasfadal J emp CPR r Hotel Cecil Gass James A trav Westn Dry Goods h 229 Oxford E Gass Mary steno Prairie Bag r 229 Oxford E Gates Basil whse formn Hi-Way Refineries h 537 Eairford E Gates George h 246 River E Gates Ralph mech Standard Garage r Clarendon Apts Gault A emp Swifts r 1227 2nd Ave N W Gault Mrs Jessie r 1227 2nd Ave N W Gault Thomas H elk CPR h 1227 2nd Ave N W Gault Wm K steno Robin Hood Elour Mills r 1227 2nd Ave N W Gavan John M engmn CPR h 360 Fairford W Gavigan Peter h 7, 224 Main N Gay Marwood R engmn CPR h 453 Ominica E Gear James retd h 455 Skeena Geddes John A saddler 58 High W h 333 Hochelaga W Geddes Margaret dental nurse r 333 Hochelaga W Geddie Jean nurse r 1063 Grafton Gehring John mkt gdnr 4th Ave S W h same Gein Mary maid Park Hotel Gellman’s Clothing Store Samuel Gellman prop 49 River W Gellman Samuel prop Gellman’s Clothing Store h 5, 822 Main N Gemmell Frank trucking h 140 Oxford W Gemmell Miss G nurse Gen Hosp r same Gemmil Harry emp B of N A r 1029 Alder N E Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 174 HENDERSON’S ( 1940 ) MOOSE JAW Gemmill Howard bkpr I.iquor Bd h 404 Fairford W Gemmill Ralph service mn Child & Gower r 464 Iroquois W Gemmill Wilfred L jan Cecelia Court h A, 377 Lillooet W Gendron J Edward emp Swifts r 59 Athabasca W GENERAL HOSPITAL, Phone 2800. Fairford East Corner Fourth Avenue North East. Visiting Hours; 3 to 4, 7 to 8 p.m. Daily. J. S. Williams, Superintendent; Miss Mary E. Ingham, Superintendent of Nurses. General Traders Carl Froeschl prop Manitoba W and 5th Ave N W Genner Geraldine waitress Princess Cafe r Brown Blk Gensen Rev Vernon minister Central Lutheran r 222 Athabasca W Gentles N Wallace mgr Canada Packers h 1131 3rd Ave N W Gentles Robert with Swifts h 1033 Chestnut George Oliver h 1, 121 High W George’s Shoe Repairing George Sinkoski prop 18 River W Georgelin Henry vehiclemn C P Exp h 530 Manitoba E Georgelin Henry Jr elk r 530 Manitoba E Georgeson Otto P retd h 133 Fairford W Germain Marion emp Ambassador Cafe r YWCA Germain Mossom A emp Prov Govt h 1225 4th Ave N W Gerrard Mrs Cyril h 1153 Willow Gerrard Ed elk J E Overs Ltd r 1016 Connaught Gerrie Alex P retd h 842 Oxford W Getson Arthur M firmn City h 923 Edmonton Getty Bell h 1142 Clifton Getty Ellen music tchr r 1113 Redland Getty Mrs George h 1113 Redland GETTY, T. A., C.A., CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT, 302 Walter Scott Building, 12 High Street East, Phone 4777. Res. 1105 Third Avenue N. W., Phone 4776. Gibbons' Joseph steno Times h 468 Stadacona E Gibbons Joseph hlpr CPR h 901 4th Ave S W Gibbs E hlpr CPR r Willard Hotel Gibbs Edward engmn CPR h 364 Eairford W Gibbs Henry blrmkr CPR h 174 Coteau E Gibbs T & Son (T and Thomas T Gibbs) blksmiths 278 Manitoba W Gibbs Thomas of T Gibbs & Son h 905 Hastings Gibbs Thomas' T of T Gibbs & Son h 905 Hastings Gibbs Mrs Wallace h 1015 2nd Ave N E Gibson Alex order desk Natl Emit h 12, 414 4th Ave S W Gibson Arthur firmn City r 923 Edmonton Gibson Donald h 232 Manitoba E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 175 Gibson Frederick br mgr McBrides Ltd (1104 Main N) Gibson Harold elk PO h 28 Hall E Gibson Haughton P cred mgr Security Lumber h 1105 1st Ave N W Gibson Herbert h 7B, 18 Main N Gibson Miss J superv Gen Hosp r same Gibson John whsemn Macdonalds Consol r 1238 Willow Gibson Mrs K r 132 Oxford W Gibson Milton Porter elk Swifts h 20, 121 High W Gibson Wm B formn Macdonalds Consol h 1238 Wolfe Gieb Emma emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r YWCA Gien John messr Serviss Dime Delivery Gien Mrs Mary h 713 Skeena Gifford Helen elk Eatons r 803 5th Ave N W Gifford Wm A ins insptr Municipal Hail h 112 Coteau E Giilck Henry emp Swifts h 406 Home W Gilbert Anton waiter Savoy Cafe r 1021 1st Ave N E Gilbert Frank h 1099 6th Ave N E Giles Harry contr h 121 Iroquois W Giles Mrs Hattie r 312 Lillooet W Giles Joseph retd h 1097 Willow Giles Margaret L tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1213 4th Ave N E Giles Ralph L emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1213 4th Ave N E Giles Walter jan Times h 1213 4th Ave N E Gileson Mrs Nora emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 132 Oxford W Gilfillan Archibald driv Holman’s Truck-A-Way h 136 High E Gill Harry W trainmn CPR h 1038 4th Ave N W Gill Joseph engmn CPR h 161 Riverside W Gill Louise waitress CPR h 6, 8 River E Gillan Joseph h 39 Home W Gillander James carp formn Bird Constn h 12, 112 1st Ave N W Gillard A J engmn CPR r 72 High E Gillies Alex E winchmn Can Govt Elev r 147 Riverside W Gillies Donald emp Beehive Grocy r 147 Riverside Gillies Dorothea I Idgrkpr Joyner’s r 147 Riverside Gillies Margaret L elk steno Can Govt Elev r 147 Riverside W Gillies Thomas P retd h 147 Riverside W Gillies Thomas P Jr mgr Pembleton Motors h 351 Iroquois W Gillies Wm E elk Beehive Grocy r 147 Riverside W Gilmore Arthur W instr Dom & Prov Youth Training r 935 Chestnut Gilmour Erederick J barr of Ross & Gilmour h 1220 1st Ave N W Gilmour Mrs N h 935 Chestnut Gilpin Edward car insptr CPR h 1028 Vaughn Gilpin Joseph trkr Robin Hood Elour Mills h 221 Home W Gilroy Mabel opr Govt Phones r 238 Athabasca W Girinovich Jim h 835 Cartier Gish Arthur G h 241 Athabasca W Glanville A C h 252 River E Glanville Kennedy trk driv Hi Way Refineries r 369 Stadacona E Glass James firmn City h 767 Coteau W Glindley P asst Westons Bread r 824 7th Ave N E Globe News Co Harry Yacht prop 12 Main N Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 176 HENDBRSOM’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Glover Rev Geoffrey minister St Andrews United Church h 120 Athabasca E Glover Mrs Jane r 1026 2nd Ave N E Goalen Bessie emp Swifts r 297 Grandview Goalen Mrs C h 297 Grandview Goalen Mrs E W r 903 Stadacona E Goalen L porter C P Exp r 297 Grandview Godman Violet elk Moose Jaw Drug r 638 Stadacona W Godwin Alfred E trainmn CPR h 346 Grandview Godwin Doris' I r 346 Grandview W Goettler Mrs Annie h 275 Hochelaga W Goettling Agnes r 1052 Willow Goettling Mary r 1052 Willow Goettling Wm ydmn CPR h 1052 Willow Gofine Abraham retd h 430 Moose Square W Gofine Annie elk Army & Navy Dept Store r 430 Moose Square W Gogain Carnie P mech h 358 Stadacona W Gogain Mrs Elizabeth B seams Joyners r 358 Stadacona W Goldman Benjamin of Christie Grant r Harwood Hotel Goldman Henry of Christie Grant h 904 3rd Ave N E Goldman James sec hd dir 50 River W h 818 Eairford E Goldman Thomas of Christie Grant h 2, 72 Ross' E Golds J Phillip bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 46 Hall E Goldsmith Kay tchr r 1021 1st Ave N E Goldsney George h 1006 Ominica E Goodfellow Arthur elk Allen News Stand r 921 Athabasca E Goodfellow Les driv Scottys Scooters r 921 Athabasca E Goodfellow N C elk McDaniels Tobacco r 1080 Alder N E Goodfellow Wm blrwshr CPR h 921 Athabasca E Goodine Augustus D cashr Security Lumber h 1030 Connaught Goodine Frances elk Joyners r 1030 Connaught Goodwin Ernest elk CPR h 1321 Redland Goodwin Guy S phys 209 Hammond Bldg h 1136 Henleaze Goodwin Harold E mach Reliance Machine Works Ltd r 1037 1st Ave N W Goodwin Harold E mgr Reliance Machine Works Ltd h 828 6th Ave N E Goodwin J Raymond trainmn CPR h 23, 112 1st Ave N W Goodwin Phyllis usher Capitol Theatre r 1321 Redland Goranson E emp Swifts r 8, 414 4th Ave S W Gord’s Tire Shop Gordon Brooks 36 High E Gordon Mrs Bertha M emp Dr Northup r 1169 1st Ave N W Gordon Mrs Janet h 893 Grey Gordon Margaret bkpr Pembleton Motors r 893 Grey Gordon R E engmn CPR c-o same Gorkey Earl elk McBrides r 456 Hochelaga W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 177 Gorkey Rufus h 456 Hochelaga W Gorrie John B elk CPR h 1210 3rd Ave N W Gorsghe M B h 10, 630 Main N Gospel Hall 124 1st Ave N W Goss Cecil J medical asst Pub Health Dispensary h 1042 3rd Ave N E Goudie Alexander elk Eatons h 557 Athabasca E Goudie H C bkpr Brit Amer Oil c-o same Goudie Robert S emp Moose Jaw Cartage h 893 4th Ave N E Gough Wm eng washer CNR h 832 Grey Gould Miss A pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 103 Iroquois E Gould A B slsmn Pembleton Motors r 262 Athabasca E Gould C F emp W H Hodgson & Co r 103 Iroquois E Gould George emp C P Exp r 429 Hochelaga W Gould George E emp Swifts h 225 Fairford W Gould Harry cook CPR h 1094 Ist Ave N E Gould Herbert with Hodge Coal r 336 River W Gould Walter J trainmn CPR h 103 Iroquois E Gow Norval baker Westons Bread h 8, 615 4th Ave N E Gow Mrs Rose h 16, 73 High W Gowans Jack emp Swifts r 891 4th Ave N E Gowans James brklyr h 891 4th Ave N E Grabowski August prop Can Shoe Repair h 8, 26 High E Grabowski Joseph prop Korrect Shoe Repr h 639 Athabasca W Grace United Church Rev A C Pollock minister 824 Stadacona E Grace Wm M engmn CPR h 231 Home W Gracey Albert H elk CPR h 608 Ominica E Gracia John M retd h 897 Cartier Gradinski Frederick lab h 322 9th Ave S W Gradow Peter r 1223 Coteau W Gradow Wm lab h 1223 Coteau W Graefer Adolph E driv slsmn Westn Ice h 601 Pasqua Graefer Charles W driv slsmn Westn Ice h 412 Manitoba E Graham — h 236 Hochelaga E Graham Mrs A M h B, 414 4th Ave S W Graham Miss B maid Gen Hosp r same Graham Mrs Catherine h 321 Maple W Graham Charles coir Albt Olsen h 1012 Connaught Graham D A trainmn CPR r Grant Hall Hotel Graham Daniel A engmn CPR h 457 Stadacona E Graham David farmer h 265 Stadacona W Graham Mrs J E h 313 Hochelaga W Graham John mgr Saskatchewan Co-operative Livestock Producers h 806 5th Ave S W Graham John J pensioner h 804 5th Ave N E Graham Kenneth C of P W Graham & Sons h 1068 2nd Ave N E Graham Leona r 265 Stadacona W Graham M Eveline opr Govt Phones r 948 Ross E Graham Mrs May r 325 Fairford W Graham P W & Sons (P W, K C and R E Graham) 445 Home W Graham Philip W of P W Graham & Sons h 1054 Chestnut Graham R E of P W Graham & Sons r 1054 Chestnut Graham Victor blksmith CPR h 130 Coteau E Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 178 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Graham Wm lab Robin Hood Flour Mills r 227 Ominica W Graham Wm G slsmn r 145 Athabasca W Graham Wm R h 1089 Wolfe Grainger Amy M mgress Connaught Beauty r 563 Athabasca E Grainger David guard Can Govt Elev h 563 Athabasca E Grainger David driv Union Transfer & Storage h 570 Skeena Grainger Dorothy V elk Eatons r 563 Athabasca E Grainger Douglas M const City h 1132 6th Ave N W Grainger Florence L elk Kresges r563 Athabasca E Grainger Robert J const City h 64 Elsom Grajezyk Mrs Margaret hsekpr Maple Leaf Hotel r 228 4th Ave N W Grajezyk Stanley mech Can Garage h 228 4th Ave N W Grandview Terrace 304-314 Ross W Grant Duncan driv Jackson Bottling r 28 Oxford W Grant Ernest trainmn CPR h 219 Coteau W Grant Frank emp Swifts h 116 Elsom Grant G C loader Brit Amer Oil h 1077 4th Ave N E Grant Hall Barber Shop J J Armstrong prop 405 Main N Grant Hall Beauty Shoppe Mrs C Perks prop Grant Hall Hotel Grant Hall Hotel Charles B Crane mgr Cordova E and Main Grant Hall Taxi Mrs E D Riches' prop 412 Langdon Cres Grant J emp Swifts r 280 Stadacona W Grant John L h 280 Stadacona W Grant Thomas driv Service Taxi r 32 Hochelaga W Grant Wm porter PO r Empress Hotel Gratrix Harry guard Govt Elev h 1035 Carlton Graval Ann waitress Liberty Cafe r 454 Home W Graves Cyril mach Patterson Motors r 1017 Athabasca Gray Charles r 440 Iroquois W Gray Eldon S emp Sask Govt h 2, 109 Plochelaga W Gray Ernest emp City h 925 Brown Gray Frank C whsemn Patron Oil h 1157 2nd Ave N E Gray Mrs H A h 175 Hochelaga W Gray Herbert A comp Times h 1301 Montgomery Gray Herbert T proof rdr Times h 1426 Hochelaga W Gray Hugh h 129 Lillooet W Gray Jack emp Moose Jaw Foundry r 1145 Athabasca W Gray James M elk Imperial Bank r 1029 Alder Gray James D elk PO h 846 5th Ave N W Gray John tmstr h 440 Iroquois W Gray John lab h 327 Ominica W Gray Neil L acet Can City & Town Properties h C, 1106 Clifton Gray Miss O nurse Gen Hosp r same Gray Olive r 440 Iroquois W Gray R emp Swifts r Swifts Fire Hall Gray Robert R elk Customs h 1217 Algoma HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 179 Gray Samuel pensioner h 1145 Athabasca \V Grayson Building 14 High W Grayson C D whsemn Blackwood Hdwre r 138 Hochelaga E Grayson C Douglas of Grayson & McTaggart h 138 Hochelaga E Grayson Charles J retd h 1151 Grafton Grayson Ethel K h 30 Stadacona W Grayson F Russell trav Blackwood Hdwre h 130 Hochelaga E Grayson Mrs J H h 228 Stadacona W Grayson Joan nurse r 138 Hochelaga E Grayson Keith office 14 High W r 228 Stadacona W Grayson (C D) & McTaggart (Lester) barrs 2nd fir 14 High W Grayson Marguerite 30 Stadacona W Grayson Mary r 1151 Grafton Grayson Murray acct Hodge Bamford & Wilder r Aberdeen Manor Grayson Thomas H buyer Blackwood Hdwre r 30 Stadacona W Grayson Wm r 138 Hochelaga E Grazier James ydmn CPR h 1063 Grafton Great West Battery & Electric Co Ltd A W Ingall mgr 48 High E -GREAT-WEST LIFE AStUIUkNCC COMPANY HIA» OPriCt Founded 1892 214 Hammond Building, Office Phone 3946. Alfred E. Davey, Chartered Life Underwriter, City and District Representative, Res. Phone 2070. Great Western Securities & Trust Co J H Kern Jr mgr 307 Main N Greaves Wilfred r 283 Duffield W Greaves Wm retd h 283 Duffield W Greek Orthodox Church Rev Konstantin Zeliskewich pastor 729 9th Ave S W Greek Orthodox School 721 9th Ave S W Green Mrs C E h 1021 1st Ave N E Green Charles chf elk CPR Yd Office r 1134 Grafton Green Donald T laby asst Brit Amer Oil r 1021 1st Ave N E Green E J trainmn CPR r 161 Hochelaga E Green Eva r 625 Main N Green Frank r 1134 Grafton Green Jack L chf radio opr Prairie Airways r 1108 4th Ave N W Green Mrs John R h e s 5th Ave S W Green Mrs Margaret h 625 Main N Green Richardson r Plaza Hotel Green Spot Charles Russell prop 22 Fairford W Green Victor emp Swifts h 936 Coteau W Green Walter farmer r 139 High E Green Walter lab res 5th Ave S W Green Mrs Wilton B C h 1069 2nd Ave N W Greene Charles J prop Crescent Press (28 High E) Greene Edith A tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1180 1st Ave N E Greene Viola opr Ritz Beauty Parlor h 8, 8 River E Greene Miss W nurse Gen Hosp r same Greenfield Edward H elk CPR h 898 5th Ave N W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 180 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Greenhalgh Reuben L elk CPR h 541 Stadacona W Greenman Mrs Arthur r 353 Lillooet W Greenman Montague stockkpr Central Motor r 170 Ominica W Greentree Murray emp Swifts r 123 Main N Greenwood Frederick firmn City h 706 Ominica E Greenwood James A elk Liquor Bd h 1035 2nd Ave N W Greer Mrs T C r 1017 Chestnut Greer Thomas C retd h 1017 Chestnut Greer W S carp r 1017 Chestnut Gregg Edgar T h 1042 Stadacona E Greggain Mrs Wm H h 440 Stadacona W Gregor Eileen waitress Canada Cafe r 937 Lillooet Gregor Mike emp James Slater h 939 Lillooet W Gregor Paul lab Brit Amer Oil h 830 Hochelaga E Gregor Paul pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 913 Lillooet W Greig Alex whsemn Impl Oil h 1, 800 4th Ave N W Greig George r 143 River E Greig Wm emp Minneapolis Moline r 115 High E Gretton Robert A driv Weston’s Bread h 1047 Wolfe Greveling George emp CPR h 372 Oxford W Grice Alfred retd h Kingsway Park Grice Doris r Kingsway Park Grice Mrs Thomas h Kingsway Park Grierson Charlotte R r 1130 Grafton Grierson Edwin J emp Marshall’s Shoe r 114 River E Grierson James emp R L Cushing Co r 1046 1st Ave N W Grierson John emp City h 114 River E Grierson Wm repres Diesel Caterpillar Tractor Co h 1134 Grafton Griesbach Edward farmer h 26 Elsom Grieve C h 12, 26 High E Grieve Charles mgr Hi-Way Refineries Ltd h 1118 Grafton Grieve Gerald ydmn CPR h 276 Duffield W Grieve Jean r 1118 Grafton Grieve W Arnold barber Maple Leaf Barber r 12, 26 High E Griffeth James trk driv h 638 Ominica E Griffin Daniel U lab 1337 4th Ave N W Griffin H Norman trainmn CPR h 152 Lillooet W Griffin John emp CPR r 206 High E Griffith George W trainmn CPR h 1324 1st Ave N W Griffith Myrtle r 1324 1st Ave N W Griffith Thomas h 40 Coteau W Griffith Vivienne elk Woolworths r 1120 Algoma Griffith Wayne mech r 145 Athabasca W Griffiths Mrs’ T A h 816 Outlook Grigg Alfred h 1047 2nd Ave N W Grigg Miss C nurse Gen Hosp r same HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 181 Grigg Gilbert h 378 Oxford W John farmer h 368 Stadacona W Grigg Wm h 1029 Redland Griggs Edward chkr Swifts h 725 Ominica E Griggs Edward caretaker Moose Taw Collegiate Bd h 1155 1st Ave N E Griggs Rosemary steno LAB Auto Supplies r 378 Oxford W Grimard Bernice dom r 1123 3rd Ave N W Grimes' Wm J oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1446 Vaughn Grindley Frank elk CPR h 824 7th Ave N E Grindley P asst Weston’s Bread r 824 7th Ave N E Grismer J H elk Bird Constn Co c-o General Delivery Grobb Mrs Amanda J h 1044 1st Ave N E Gronow Percy J elk Ry Mail Serv h 1112 Henleaze Groomes Mrs Stella sec Prov Normal Schl r 1223 4th Ave N W Groomes Wm bkpr Ross & Gilmour r 1223 4th Ave N W Grove John C elk CPR h 1247 Willow Groveling G engmn CPR r 372 Oxford W Grover’s Service Station (Grover Schwenneker) 331 1st Ave N W Gruben Sverre G carp h 297 Duffield W Gruell Frederick lab CPIv h 1117 Iroquois W Gruell John emp Swifts h 1160 Iroquois W Gruell Nick lab h 1410 Vaughn Guest Richard prop Moose Barber Shop h 726 9th Ave N W Guild Roy H millwright Robin Hood Flour Mills h 928 Lillooet W Gulchuk Peter lab h 1046 Coteau W Gully Arthur pensioner r 850 Ominica W Gunn Mrs E h 1081 Main N Gunn James slsmn Johnstone Dairies r 1081 Main N Gunter Charles lab h 412 Athabasca E Gunter Charles r 924 Lillooet W Gunter Clifford C trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 326 Lillooet W Gunter George emp Swifts h 924 Lillooet W Gunter K E elk Palm Dairies r 924 Lillooet W Gurght Mary h 20, 35 High W Gurlevech Dan sectnmn CPR h 126 Iroquois W Gusa Evelyn A tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1136 Redland Gusa Herman E investments 127 Main N h 1136 Redland Gusa Lawrence slsmn Albt Olsen Co (Regina) h 874 Monk Ave Gusa Margaret nurse r 1136 Redland Gusa Roy E bus driv Moose Jaw Trans r 1136 Redland Gusa Wm H tchr r 1136 Redland Gushak Thomas cook CPR r 241 Ominica W Gutheridge Hamond retd h 1016 Hochelaga Gutheridge Stanley eng Sask Co-Op Creamery h 913 Caribou W Gutheridge Stanley H sec-treas Moose Jaw Schl Bd h 314 Ross W Guthrie Arthur slsmn Colgates Palmolive r 1215 5th Ave N W Guthrie Mrs Henrietta h 1215 5th Ave N W Guy Floyd r 443 Hochelaga E Guy Mrs Margaret G prop Peggys Beauty Parlor r 218 Riverside Dr THE DIRECTORY IS THE COMMON INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 182 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Guy Percy opr Peggys Beauty Parlor h 218 Riverside Dr Guy Richard acct City h 1302 6th Ave N W Guy Walter h 443 Hochelaga E Gyrleriuk D emp CPR r 38 Mansfield H H S Store Jack Wong prop 22 Saskatchewan W Haberlaik Minnie emp Ambassador Cafe r YWCA Habuza Katie r Kings Hotel Habuza Mike emp Grant Hall Hotel r 50 Iroquois E Hacking Elwyn T mgr Bk of Montreal h 1082 2nd Ave N W Hackworth Rev Rural P C Dean rector St Michaels & All Angels Church h 315 Coteau W Hadler Victor elk Safeway h 244 Hochelaga E Hadley Euphraim blrwasher CPR h 314 Grandview Hadley Mrs S H h 251 Grandview Hadley Stanton T chemist Robin Hood Elour Mills h 1166 Grafton Hadley W emp Swifts r 1006 2nd Ave N E Hagan Addison engmn CPR h 163 Home E Hagan Charles h 225 High W Hagan Everett M h 1162 Alder N E Hagen Mrs Arnold h 223 2nd Ave N E Hagen Arnold C engmn CPR h 732 9th Ave N W Haig Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Haigh Douglas acct Hodge Bamford & Wilder r 1076 Henleaze Haigh Edmund retd r 1076 Henleaze Haigh Frank L elk Ry Mail Serv h 1076 Henleaze Haigh George engmn CPR h 1046 Chestnut Haigh George H steno CPR h 105, 423 1st Ave N W Haigh Irene G tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1076 Henleaze Haigh Marjorie H cashr Met Life r 1046 Chestnut Haight Mrs J D h 580 Athabasca W Haight Phyllis elk Woolworths r 580 Athabasca W Haight Wilbert H elk Postal Service r 580 Athabasca W Haike L O emp Brit Amer Oil r 1079 Alder Haines Edward jan CNR h 856 4th Ave N E Hale Robert U h 378 Hochelaga W Hales Benjamin H of Hales & Lee r 475 Athabasca W Hales Mrs C h 475 Athabasca W Hales Miss E maid Gen Hosp r same Hales' Edna B steno Bk of Nova Scotia h 21, 219 High W Hales J R call boy CPR r Wellesley Pk Hales John retd h 475 Athabasca W Hales Lawrence h Wellesley Park Hales (B) & Lee (W) welding 37 Ominica W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 183 Hales S S R call boy CPR r Wellesley Pk Hales Sherman farmer r 475 Athabasca W Hales Wm W h 429 Hochelaga E Halinski Alex lab h 1007 Iroquois W Hall Alice waitress' Savoy Cafe h 3, 43 River E Hall Arthur court reporter Court House h 916 3rd Ave N E Hall Clifford pensioner h 432 11th Ave N W Hall Donald H prop Dainty Candy Shoppe and peanut vendor 424 Main N h 231 Eairford W Hall Dorothy emp City Plotel r 1222 Redland Hall Douglass emp Johnstone Dairies r 1, 720 Main N Hall Mrs Elizabeth r 801 Eairford E Hall Elsie elk Eatons r 3, 43 River E Hall Mrs Emma h 520 Hochelaga E Hall George H mech Can Garage r 30 High W Hall Gerald elk Ry Mail Serv h 1, 720 Main N Hall Grace slsldy Woolworths r 131 High E Hall Mrs J h 131 High E Hall June hsekpr r 520 Hochelaga E Hall Milton E watchmkr Plaxton Ltd r 1030 1st Ave N E Hall Phyllis maid Gen Hosp r same Hall Raymond emp R L Cushing Co Hall Vincent steno Rex Fruit r 706 Stadacona W Hall Wm J wire chf CPR 1210 Henleaze Hall Wm J caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1222 Redland Hallam Joseph E retd r 156 Manitoba E Halliday Frank L emp J I Case h 905 Alder N E Halliday Miss M maid Gen Hosp r same Halliday Robert mgr Civic Relief Dept r 132 Oxford W Hallsworth David h 415 Maple W Halsall Mrs' Eliza h 1143 Stadacona W Halsall H Edward molder Moose Jaw Foundry r 1143 Stadacona W Halsall John emp City Cemetery h 921 Carlton Halverson Gunnar retd h 1020 6th Ave N E Hambleton Albert trainmn CPR h 414 Ross W Hambleton Frederick r 414 Ross W Hamilton Alex trainmn CPR r 56 Iroquois W Hamilton Building 11 High E Hamilton Campbell E sr elk PO h 1054 1st Ave N W Hamilton Eric elev boy Grant Hall Hotel r 206 High E Hamilton Florence steno Patron Oil r 1029 4th Ave N E Hamilton Rev Hill minister Trinity United Church h 162 Coteau W Hamilton John pat-sergt City h 1029 4th Ave N E Hamilton K B opr Royal Theatre r Park Hotel Hamilton Minnie tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 236 1st Ave N W Hamilton Samuel A h 1221 3rd Ave N W Hamilton Mrs W h 146 Athabasca W Hamilton Winfield S cashr City h 1053 Clifton Hammett Jack mach York Auto Supply r 146 Stadacona W Hammill Mrs C W h 333 Athabasca W Hammond A J painter h 1012 Athabasca E Hammond Arthur office mgr Eatons r 1052 Alder N E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 184 HENDERSON’S ( 1940 ) MOOSE JAW Hammond Building 310 Main N Hammond Mrs F A h 261 Stadacona W Hammond Mrs Hetty prop Poplar Confy r 377 Fairford E Hammond J L comp Times r 377 Fairford E Hammond John agt Westn Ice h 377 Fairford E Hammond Leslie printer r 377 Fairford E Hammond Mary elk Poplar Confy r 377 Eairford E Hampshaw Robert H h 1024 7th Ave N E Hampson Joseph mach CPR h 702 Ominica E Hampson Kathleen elk Joyners r 702 Ominica E Hampson Mrs Mary A r 444 Ominica E Hampson Sidney T mach CPR h 462 Ominica E Hampton K mech Westn Constn h 34, 377 Lillooet W Hanatsyzyn Carl emp W H Hodgson & Co r 1148 Stadacona W Hancock Ebenezer D of City Realty Co h 154 Oxford W Handford Eric H switchmn Govt Phones h 270 Stadacona W Handford Horace h 210, 331 Main N Handley Frederick W prop Handley Service Stn h 1147 Clifton Handley Service Station Frederick W Handley prop 226 1st Ave N W Hanley John W messr Harvey’s Grocy h 517 Ominica E Hanley Wm W elk PO h 1249 4th Ave N E Hanna G W trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Hannaford Dorothy elk Johnnies Bakery r 836 6th Ave N E Hannaford Leslie mach h 832 Cartier Hannaford Sydney emp City Greenhouse h 836 6th Ave N E Hannah Albert emp Brunswick Hotel h 447 Manitoba E Hannah Albert V technician h 1116 9th Ave N W Hannah Alex switchmn CPR r 334 High W Hannah H R jan h 13, 130 Main N Hannah Mrs Ina h 163 Fairford W Hannah J A ydmn CPR r 334 High W Hannah John S car insptr CPR h 1028 Iroquois W Hannah N C r Sunrise Rooms Hannah Rennie A h 267 Hochelaga E Hannay Hamilton H W emp CPR h 1127 Clifton HANNEY, WILLIAM J., Proprietor, The Assiniboia Music Company, Phone 4501. Res. 1052 Henleaze Avenue, Phone 4588. Hannin Herbert tinsmith Arthur A Frost h 340 Caribou W Hansberger Mrs C L r 1134 Grafton Hansen Albert H annexmn Can Govt Elev r 771 Stadacona W Hansen Chester whsemn Swifts Cold Storage r 771 Stadacona W Hansen Elene usher Royal Theatre r 771 Stadacona W Hansen H r Plaza Hotel Hansen Hans retd h 771 Stadacona W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 185 .V ->y Hansen Hazel emp Prairie Bag r 771 Stadacona W Hansen Helen F steno London Life r 771 Stadacona W Hansen Sally cashr r 771 Stadacona W Hanson Carl r Plaza Hotel Hanson Curtis' pool mkr h 45, 112 1st Ave N W Hanson Esther waitress McIntyre Cafe r 161 High W Hanson Mrs Ethel h 53 Idllooet E Hanson Harold G linemn CPR h 15, 72 Ross E Hanson Hulver r 9 River W Hanson Louis E trainmn CPR h 924 1st Ave N E Hans'on Nels jan Empire Apts h 800 (basement) 4th Ave N W Hanson Robert r 53 Lillooet E Happy’s Delivery Edward T Appleton prop 1025 4th Ave N E Harcott Nick lab CPR h 617 Duffield W Harding Harry mech York Auto Supply r 931 Francis Harding Herman surveyor r 59 Athabasca W Harding Mrs Sarah A h 1088 Chestnut Harding T r Canadian Legion ^ / Harding Wm H emp York Wrecking h 931 Franci^St /’ Hardowa Mary emp Paris Cafe r 254 Manitoba E Hardowa Nella emp Paris Cafe r 254 Manitoba E Hardowa Peter emp CPR h 48 Lillooet Wv, Hardwick Bert r Plaza Hotel . A Hardy B car slsmn r Hotel Cecil Hardy J r Sunrise Rooms Hardy Mrs' M h 768 Stadacona E Hardy Mary waitress Paris Cafe r — Manitoba E Hardy Michael trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 317 Duffield W Hardy Nellie waitress Paris Cafe r — Manitoba E Hardy Wm J engmn CPR h 833 Ominica E Hare Club 2, 318 Main N Hare Herbert C office mgr Sask Co-Op Creamery h 354 Oxford W Hare Leslie F dentist 208 Hammond Bldg h 1024 Henleaze Haresign Ernest emp City h 919 Fairford E Haresign Sidney watermn r 919 Fairford E Hargreaves Mrs H h — Wellesley Park Harilstead Josephine office sec YWCA r same Harley Muriel elk Kresges r 1073 Main N Harlton I G retd h 1024 4th Ave N W Harman Alice r 270 Ominica W Harper Cecil steno James Richardson & Sons r 826 Outlook Harper John engmn CPR h 826 Outlook Harpham George E lab h 950 Hull Harrington Arthur h 1023 Athabasca E Harris E emp Hi-Way Refineries Harris Edward C h 559 Hochelaga E Harris' George lab h 567 Skeena Harris George G prin Oxford Collegiate h 1027 1st Ave N W Harris John D cattle dir h 453 Home W Harris John E car slsmn Patterson Motors h 920 9th Ave N W Harris Malcolm h 416 10th Ave N W Harris N Earl firmn City h 406 Stadacona W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 186 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Harris Roderick emp CPR r 1027 1st Ave N E Harris Wm emp Swifts h 416 10th Ave N W Harris Mrs' Wm J r 1018 Chestnut Harrison Burton hr mgr McBride’s Ltd h 312 Lillooet W Harrison Mrs E M h 1010 Vaughn Harrison G elk Royal Bk r 48 High W Harrison George r 1010 Vaughn Harrison H E office asst Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1010 Vaughn W Harrison Mrs J r 162 High E Harrison Mrs Margaret h 226 Athabasca W Harrison Marjorie hsekpr r 61 Bank Harrison Mrs Rachel h 61 Bank Harrison Thomas W pkr Robin Hood Elour Mills h 853 5th Ave N W Harrison W T r Harwood Hotel Harrison Wm Jr emp Wm D Harrison r 762 Coteau W Harrison Wm h 763 Duffield Harrison Wm D meats 203 Iroquois W h 449 Grandview Harrison Wm D J r 9 River W Harrison Wilson retd h 44 Stadacona W Harrold E engmn CPR r Park Hotel narrower George mgr Moose Jaw Printing Co h 804 6th Ave N W narrower Howard appr Moose Jaw Printing r 804 6th Ave N W Harrup G Stanley ticket elk CPR h 1238 Grafton Hart Miss A nurse Gen Hosp r same Hart Clifford elk CPR h 1122 Algoma Hart Evelyn slsldy Heasman’s r 270 River E Hart James mach CPR h 29 Mansfield Hart Jerry R mgr Coal Sellers Co r 1223 4th Ave N W Hart Thomas engmn CPR h 153 Riverside W Hartley Aubrey J slsmn Rex Eruit h 1031 2nd Ave N E Hartley Beatrice emp Star Cafe r YWCA Hartley Douglas C h 1036 2nd Ave N E Hartley John lab CPR h 650 Hochelaga E Hartley R emp Swifts r 952 Donald Harvey Mrs Archibald M h 1220 3rd Ave N W Harvey Charles A engmn CPR h 1056 4th Ave N W Harvey George elk h 5, 105 Lillooet W Harvey’s Grocery John L Harvev prop 503 Hochalaga W, 1103 3rd Ave N E and 261 Hall W Harvey John L prop Harvey’s Grocery h 1103 3rd Ave N E Harvey Robert emp Can Bk of Com r 1220 3rd Ave N W Harwood Barber Shop Rex E Hungle prop 30 Eairford E Harwood Beauty Salon Margt Shepherd prop 30 Eairford E Harwood Confectionery Adeline Betts prop 30 Eairford E Harwood Erank C dentist 369 Main N h 1063 Chestnut Harwood Erederick h 3, 152 Athabasca E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 187 HARWOOD HOTEL, Richard Harwood, Proprietor, 110 Rooms, 35 With Bath. 10 Furnished Kitchenette Suites, Fireproof, Dining Room, and Coffee Counter in Connection, 30 Fairford Street East, Phone 2366. (See page 3.) Harwood Mabel F elk Natl Light & Power r 3, 152 Athabasca E Harwood Margaret nurse Gen Hosp r same Harwood Margaret spotter French Clnrs r 3, 152 Athabasca E Harwood Marjorie cashr Eatons r Park Hotel Harwood Richard prop Harwood Hotel r same Has'sett Charles E engmn CPR h 922 2nd Ave N E Haste Mrs M h 5, 14 High W Hastings Evelyn elk Leonard Fysh Ltd r YWCA Hastings Hugh trk driv Natl Light & Power h 260 Grandview Haswell James N emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 135 Home W Haswell John E blrmkr CPR h 139 Lillooet W Haswell Mrs Samuel r 337 Coteau W Hatchard Mrs A M r 160 Athabasca E Haupt H F slsmn Natl Fruit r Assiniboia, Sask Hauser Betty steno Providence Hosp r 1115 3rd Ave N W Hauser Francis J prin elk Postal Service r 1115 3rd Ave N W Haverty Eugene flrmn Central Motor r 333 Oxford W Haverty Jack porter C P Exp r 333 Oxford W Haverty Joseph P decorator h 333 Oxford W Haviland Elsie maid YWCA r same Havorka Julia nurse Providence Hosp r same Hawford John emp Osborne Dry Clnrs r 28 Oxford W Hawke Wm B pres Moose Jaw Heating & Plumbing Co Ltd h 1084 Clifton Hawken Henry rte formn Palm Dairy h 825 7th Ave N W Hawken Samuel blksmith r 825 7th Ave N W Hawken Wm emp Huff’s Fox Farm r 825 7th Ave N W Hawkes Mrs Margaret r 430 Fairford W Hawkins Alfred lab h 1071 7th Ave N E Hawkins Mrs C mlnr Mrs M Knight r 1029 Redland Hawkins Colin mech Caribou Service Stn r 1029 Redland Hawkins Geoffrey sis mgr Sterling Motors r Cecil Hotel Hawkins George E elk Ry Mail Service h 1151 7th Ave N W Hawkins J slsmn Sterling Motors r Hotel Cecil Hawthorne James S emp A L Anderson r 1165 Alder Hawthorne James W h 1165 Alder N E Hay Stanley A trk driv Beaver Lbr r 130 Stadacona W Hay Thomas r Plaza Hotel Haydamack Leo emp CPR r 10 9th Ave N W Haydamack Samuel miller Robin Hood Flour Mills h 10 9th Ave N W Hayes Cecil W slsmn Sterling Shoes h 28, 822 Main N Hayes Mrs Clarice opr Ritz Beauty Parlor r 28, 822 Main N Hayes Elgin with American Hotel r same Hayes Elwood C porter C P Exp r Maple Leaf Hotel Hayes Eula steno Bellamy Furniture r Howard Hotel Hayes Mrs Fanny h 214 Stadacona W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 188 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hayes Frederick farmer h 12th Ave and Greenlees Hayes H E trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Hayes Percy trk driv h 329 3rd Ave N E Hayhurst Erederick jan Chesford Apts h 4, 1005 Chestnut Hazard Mrs Hannah h 935 Alder N E Hazard Harry carp h 246 Ominica W Hazard R Melville lino opr Times h 1170 Willow Hazard W J carp h 704 5th Ave N W Hazard Wm comp Times Co r 704 5th Ave N W Haze Steve h 1024 Montgomery Hazomot Tom bell boy Park Hotel r same Heagy J W engmn CPR r 139 High W Heaker S r Kings Hotel Heal Dr Frederick C of Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins r 1084 Redland Heal Miss M dietitian General Hospital r same Heal Percy F sec treas K J Henderson Ltd r 1139 1st Ave N W Healey J A const RCMP r same Healey Norman J emp Jonny Craigen h 522 4th Ave N W Healy Charles trainmn CPR h 1135 5th Ave N W Healy E emp CPR r 1135 5th Ave N W Healy James E r 1135 5th Ave N W Healy Kimpton elk James Richardson & Sons Ltd r 1135 5th Ave N W Healy Lenore elk Kresges r 1135 5th Ave N W Healy Thomas retd r 327 Ominica W Heaps Alfred elk Liquor Board h 318 Duffield W Heaps Phyllis tchr r 318 Duffield W Heaps Robert T C tchr Moose Jaw School Dlst r 318 Duffield W Hearn Harold emp P O r 203 High W Hearn John E ins agent h 1136 Clifton Heasman Bona D elk Heasman’s Ltd r 1046 Redland Heasman’s Ltd W H Heasman mgr ladies wear 316 Main N Heasman Wm H mgr Heasman’s Ltd h 1046 Redland Heath Edward J h 272 Laurier W Heath George mech Pembleton Motors r 668 Ominica W Heath Thomas vehicleman C P Express h 806 Outlook Heathfield Wm A emp Swifts h 210 Grandview Heaton Philip H elk CPR h 805a Alder Heddle Wm mech Perkins Auto Repair r 316 High W Hedley Harold D tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1155 Grafton Hedley J D elk Royal Bk r 1155 Grafton Heffelfinger Wm W acet K J Henderson Ltd h 1212 4th Ave N E Hefflefinger Mrs Harold h 1207 1st Ave N W Heffley Mrs G h 1017 1st Ave N W Heffley Ruby steno H D Pickett r 1017 1st Ave N W Heggie Harry G chkr CPR h 835 8th Ave N E HENDERSOX’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 1$9 Heglin Oliver E elk McBride’s h 5, 720 Main N Heglin Virgil J superv McBride’s Ltd h 8, 720 Main N Heieie Lome elk Eatons r 39 Athabasca W Heilman Balzar lab h 1348 Redland Heilman Mrs Rosie h 1021 3rd Ave N E Heilman Vincent emp Jackman’s r 1021 3rd Ave N E Heinman Carl firemn City r 405 Ominica W Heintz Mrs Susan G h 132 Oxford W HEINTZMAN & COMPANY, LIMITED, The Assiniboia Music Co., Agents, 16 Main Street North, Phone 4501. Heinze Frederick eng CPR h 18, 112 1st Ave N W Helfrick John M emp Brit Amer Oil h 7'6 Caribou E Helfrick Joseph of Caribou Service Stn h 70 Caribou E Helfrick Leo emp Caribou Service Stn r 70 Caribou E Hellings Percy opr Patron Service Stn h 1052 Grafton Hellofs C M emp Swifts r 30 Stadacona W Helme Albert E waiter CPR r 605 Hochelaga W Hembley Jennie r 422 Athabasca W Hembroff Block 114 Main N Hembroff Edwin prod mgr Macdonalds Consol r 926 3rd Ave N E Hembroff Willard elk Army & Navy r River Park Heming Dempster A trainmn CPR r 1053 1st Ave N W Heming Dempster H R ydmn CPR h 1053 1st Ave N W Heming Leonard H elk C P Express r 1024 Main N Heming Phil J R watchmn Brit Amer Oil r 662 Hochelaga W Hemmett Archibald caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 146 Stadacona W Hemmett Joseph emp Letcher’s Battery Service r 146 Stadacona W Hemmett W emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 146 Stadacona W Hemming E Joseph mgr Moose Jaw Hide & Fur Co h 1152 Algoma Hemming Jack B slsmn Palm Dairies r 1152 Algoma Hemming Mary steno McGavin’s Bakeries r ll52 Algoma Hemstreet N Bruce slsmn h 1076 Algoma Hender Albert stereo Times Co h 615 Hochelaga W , Hender Harry emp City h 430 Hochelaga E Henderson Agencies Ltd C N Henderson pres 401, 12 High E Henderson Arthur D elk Henderson Agencies Ltd r 1122 Grafton Henderson Beryal elk Eatons r 54 Athabasca E Henderson Clifford N pres K J Henderson Limited and Henderson Agencies Ltd h 1122 Grafton Henderson Colin M painter and decorator h 644 Hochelaga W HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LIMITED, Publishers: MOOSE JAW CITY DIRECTORY, Head Office: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg. Reference Library of Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada at Public Library, Crescent Park, Athabasca Street E. Henderson Doris r 1143 Henleaze Henderson Freda elk City r 1144 4th Ave N W Henderson Gordon flrmn Totten-Elliott Motors r 1122 Grafton It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 190 HENDBRSOM’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Henderson Grace r 1143 Henleaze Henderson Graham of Hendy’s Sign Shop r 1144 4th Ave N Henderson Hartley emp Whitehead r 1094 5th Ave N W Henderson John A baker Can Bakeries r 64 Elsom Henderson K J Ltd C N Henderson pres ins 401, 12 High E Henderson Lawrence E prin King Edward School h 1164 3rd Ave N W Henderson Mary cashr Eatons r 644 Hochelaga W Henderson Peter A porter CPR h 304 Duffield Henderson RAM emp CPR r 143 Home W Henderson Robert E retd h 833 Connaught Henderson Robert M distribution supt Natl Light & Power h 1094 5th Ave N W Henderson Thomas J trav Marshall-Wells h 1143 Henleaze Henderson Walter plbg insptr and asst health insptr City h 2, 219 High W Henderson Mrs Wm H h 1144 4th Ave N W Henderson Wm M slsmn h 11, 72 Ross E Hendrick Norman W mgr E W Woolworth Co r Grant Hall Hotel Hendry James S S staff insptr City h 1072 Alder N E Hendy’s Sign Shop Graham Henderson prop 25 Main N Heney Robert S driv slsmn Western Ice h 470 Manitoba E Hennenfent Herman h 414 Moose Square W Henning Wm A sis asst Robin Hood Elour Mills h 1123 3rd Ave N W Henrickson Henry h 1190 Wolfe • Henry’s Barber Shop Henry Wing prop 31 River W Henry Leslie elk Eatons r 275 Ominica W Herchuch James messr Service Dime Delivery Herd Alexander H asst acet Can Bk of Commerce h 1162 1st Ave N W Herd J Arthur engmn CPR r 327 Ominica W Herdman Archibald L retd h 913 Stadacona E Herget Winston D slsmn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 7, 615 4th Ave N E Heron Ada r 503 Hochelaga E Heron C trainmn CPR r 503 Hochelaga E Heron Cecil r 503 Hochelaga E Heron Chelsea V porter P O h 915 Oxford E Heron Mrs Lena h 503 Hochelaga E Heron Miss M nurse General Hospital r same Heron Orva guard The Armouries h 1059 Willow Heron Wm T draymn h 476 Stadacona E Herrem Erling elk Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 176 Hochelaga W Herrem Ethel C tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 176 Hochelaga W Herrem Marie steno K J Henderson r 176 Hochelaga W Herrem Peter elk McBride’s Ltd h 176 Hochelaga W Herring Estella dental nurse Dr Wellington r 310 High W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 191 Herrod Lawrence elk Moose Jaw Co-oper r 1083 1st Ave N E Herrod Reuben elk Ry Mail Service h 1083 1st Ave N E Herschar Frederick J farmer h 550 Oxford Heslop Ernest W driv slsmn Western Ice h 1217 Wolfe Heslop Mrs Rebecca h 1217 Wolfe Hess Betty waitress McIntyre Cafe r 147 High E Hetherington Wm G waiter h 1041 Stadacona E Heuft E Wm emp Swifts h 771 Coteau W Heugh Robert N emp Govt Elev h 536 Main St Hewitson Charles h 1021 5th Ave N E Hewlett George emp Evans Florists h 251 Athabasca W Hewson Edward H mgr Hub Market Ltd h 1172 3rd Ave N W Hewson Margaret emp Swifts r 1112 3rd Ave N W Heyden H S carmn CPR h 620 Athabasca W Heywood Harry upholsterer Bellamy Furn h 928 Montgomery Heywood Wm H retail lumberman h 1112 2nd Ave N W Hickling Wm r 1159 Alder N E Hicks Beatrice opr Connaught Beauty r 161 Hochelaga E Hicks H Lyle elk York Auto Supply h 813 2nd Ave N E Hickson A opr Brit Amer Oil r 1068 2nd Ave N E Higgin Wong mgr Eng Hong Co r River E Higginbottom Joseph h 1340 Hochelaga W Higgins Dorothy cashr Elite Gardens r 228 River E Higgins George h 211 Coteau W Higgins Harry emp Eng Hong h 228 River E High Street Apartments 73 High W Higson Gordon firemn City h 521 Hochelaga E Hiigli Harold painter Sterling Motors h C, 414 4th Ave S W Hike E W r 147 River E Hill Alfred h 234 Riverside W Hill Mrs Annie h 939 Ominica E Hill Archibald E plbr Alexander & Baird h 1192 5th Ave N E Hill Arthur emp City h 1001 5th Ave N E Hill Mrs Charles h 1122 Wolfe Hill Charles W opr Rosedale Pump Stn h 1402 Montgomery Hill Clifford R plant mgr Patron Oil Co h 1185 3rd Ave N E Hill Ernest W gen formn Bd of Works h 828 Cartier Hill Frank E agent London Life Ins h 1158 1st Ave N W Hill Frederick switch tender CPR h 1184 Wolfe Hill Frederick G linoleum layer h 528 Athabasca E Hill G L trainmn CPR r 411 Hochelaga W Hill George Jr emp City h 1254 Oxford E Hill George K emp City h 1250 Oxford E Hill Hilda r 828 Cartier Hill Mrs James r Willard Hotel Hill John trainmn CPR h 411 Hochelaga W Hill John C slsmn Mill City Bakery r 177 River E Hill John E pressmn Times h 1125 Cartier Hill John S lab h 1, 420 Athabasca E Hill Mrs L h 850 Ominica W Hill Le Roy r 1, 26 High E Hill Mrs Mary h 1129 2nd Ave N E Hill Myrl h 1, 26 High E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 192 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hill Mrs R E prop Ronmuir Beauty Shoppe r 39 Riverside Dr Hill R H trk driv Patron Oil r 1001 5th Ave N E Hill Roland prop Windsor Park Dairy h 1280 Oxford E Hill Ronald E hairdresser Ronmuir Beauty h 39 Riverside Dr Hill S shpr Canada Packers r — Athabasca E Hill W C h 7, 24 Main N Hill W D r 6, 318 Main N Hill Wm ydmn CPR h 834 Fairford E Hill Wm pensioner h 1005 Stadacona W Hillcrest United Church Rev Harrj^ Sendall minister 1285 Willow Hille Martin M hlpr CPR h 1344 1st Ave N W Hillier Mrs E E h 171 Hochelaga W Hillier Robert E watchmkr Frederick J Wilson r 79 Hochelaga W Hillier Sydney gardener h 362 Iroquois W Hills Dorothy waitress Melon-Dew Ice Cream r 1, 26 High E Hills Wm die McIntyre Cafe h 1096 Wolfe Hilton G B h 206, 423 1st Ave N W Hilton James C acet Hi-Way Refineries h 1091 Chestnut Hilton Mrs W L mgr Hunters r 4, 121 High W Hilton W L emp Swifts h 4, 121 High W Hilts Howard S const City h 1219 3rd Ave N E Himsl Alfred J emp Sask Wheat Pool h 1217 5th Ave N W Himsl Clara elk McBrides r 1217 5th Ave N W Hinchey Ernest R slsmn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 54 Oxford W Hinchey Olive r 1038 5th Ave N W Hinchey Robert retd h 1038 5th Ave N W Hinchliffe Mrs Eliza h 801 9th Ave N E Hindle C H r 177 River E Hindle Edward whse formn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1424 2nd Ave N W Hindle Herbert eng Moose Jaw Flying Club r 1424 2nd Ave N W Hindley Albert ydmn CPR h 11, 127 High W Hindley B Thomas r 364 Hochelaga W Hindley John ydmn CPR h 440 Dufifield W Hindley Lily elk Kresge’s r 364 Hochelaga W Hindley Thomas ydmn CPR h 364 Hochelaga W Hinds Mrs Cecil W h 108 Coteau W Hinds Cecil W elk P O r 108 Coteau W Hinds Robert J of Park Hotel r same Hing Lee Laundry 20 Ross E Hinkey A A engmn CPR r City Hotel Hinman Carl firemn City r 405 Ominica W Hipwell E M trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Hirst Alice S steno r 1228 6th AveN E Hirst Francis B guard Brit Amer Oil h 1129 Cartier Hirst Harry messr Service Drug r 1129 Cartier N E Hirst Mrs Jessie h 1228 6th Ave N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 193 Hirst Ken E messr C N Tels r 1129 Cartier Hitchcock Mrs Lillian r 422 Duffield W Hi-Way Refineries Ltd Charles Grieve mgr Caribou W and 16th Ave Hi-Way Service Station Charles W Cooper prop 35 Ominica W Hlady John engmn CPR h 421 Main S Hlady Steve sectnmn CPR h 215 1st Ave N E Hoare Harry mgr United Cigar Store h Dominion Bank Bldg 11 High E Hoba John lab h 1152 Fairford Hobbs Manufacturing Co Ltd J E Wright mgr 376 Manitoba W Hobin Miss E steno General Hospital r 1225 3rd Ave N E Hobin Wm asst formn CPR h 1225 3rd Ave N E HODGE, BAMFORD & WILDER, (W. E. Hodge, F.C.A., H. H. Bamford, F.C.A., T. R. Wilder, C.A.), CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, 503 Walter Scott Building, 12 High Street East, Phone 3324. Office at Estevan, Sask. THE HODGE COAL COMPANY LIMITED, W. Percy Dawson, Local Manager. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL DEALERS, Agents for ALEXO AND BIGHORN SAUNDERS CREEK. MICHEL (Fernie), “RED DEER VALLEY” BELLEVUE AND GREENHILL STEAM COAL, FERNIE COKE, CANMORE COAL AND BRIQUETTES, REXWELD AND EXCEL SMITHING COAL. SOURIS COAL AND WOOD. The Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Moose Jaw. Phones 2437 and 3333. Hodge H Norman acct Hodge Bamford & Wilder r 1090 1st Ave N E Hodge Harold whsemn Macdonalds Consol h 1041 Main N Hodge J W trainmn CPR h 103, 423 1st Ave N W Hodge Wm E chartd acct Hodge Bamford & Wilder h River Park Hodgins W emp Swifts h 212 Riverside St W Hodgkinson Wm S acct Swifts h 1212 Redland Hodgson Albert W agt C P Exp h 936 Alder N E Hodgson B mgr Moose Jaw Club r same Hodgson Christopher chimney sweep and window clnr h 1007 Sta- dacona W Hodgson Josiah B eng h 1110 Athabasca W Hodgson Mabel r 1110 Athabasca W Hodgson Thomas steward Army & Navy Vets r 54 Stadacona W Hodgson W H & Co W H Hodgson prop 430 High W Hodgson Wm prop Riverside Lodge h 130 Riverside Dr Hodgson Wm H prop W H Hodgson & Co h 878 Algoma Hoe Jean emp Exchange Cafe r Y W C A Hoe Mae emp Exchange Cafe r Y W C A Hoffert Ignace clnr Osborne Clnrs r 58 Caribou W Hoffert John driv Osborne Cleaners r 28 Oxford W Hogan Maynard L engmn CPR h 44 Iroquois E Hogarth Eric bar tender Maple Leaf Hotel r IB, 59 High W Hogarth Marguerite cashr Eatons h IB, 59 High W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 194 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hogarth Wm emp Swifts h 3, 43 High W Hogbin Percy E switch tender CPR h 141 Coteau W Hogbin Violet elk Joyner’s r 141 Coteau W Holdall George lab h 1022 Montgomery Holden Eugene lab r 610 9th Ave N W Holden Mrs F L h 610 9th Ave N W Holden Mrs Lorinda r 610 9th Ave N W Holden Nettie L nurse h 610 9th Ave N W Holden Wm emp Providence Hospital r same Holdsworth C A retd h 125 High E Holdsworth George B mach CPR h 122 Manitoba E Holdsworth Harold E mach CPR h 1214 Wolfe Holdsworth Mrs Susanah r 840 Connaught Holizki Caroline M nurse Providence Hospital r same Holland Canada Mortgage Co Lt-Col Walter E Seaborn (KC) repres 108, 12 High E Holland Charles C carp h 306 Grandview Holland Cora r 166 High E Holland Douglas maintenance eng Prairie Airways r 1054 Clifton Holland Mrs Laura h 166 High E Hollands Archibald slsmn h 1107 Alder N E Hollands Joseph emp Swifts r 1107 Alder N E Hollinger Mrs Clara h 1207 5th Ave N W Hollinger Roy elk Boys Shop r 1207 5th Ave N W Hollingshead J Earl elk Joyner’s h 6, 720 Main N Holman Charles elk Eatons h 801 Stadacona E Holman Charles C trk driv Eatons r 801 Stadacona E Holman F emp Swifts r 1019 Fairford E Holman L trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1019 Fairford E Holman Mrs Lavina h 1019 Fairford E Holman’s Truck-Away Service Frederick Body mgr 278 Manitoba E Holmes E elk r 614 Main N Holmes Maria L r 1148 Grafton Holmes T H supt of Communications CPR h 170 Oxford W Holstein Pearl r 1099 Cartier Holt Alfred trk driv Orrell Coal h 1157 Montgomery Holt Ernest opr Sewage Disposal h 940 Stadacona E Holt Frank whsemn Natl Fruit r 940 Stadacona W Holtham Joseph E fireman Natl Light & Power h 805 Fairford E Honey Mrs Mary F h 262 Athabasca E Honeysett Henry r 847 Coteau W Honeysett James h 847 Coteau W Hong Charles chef Savoy Cafe Hong Hing Co Chinese merchants 132 River W Hong Norman emp Star Cafe r Alexander Hotel Hong Yick Lung Co 174 River W Honnan Douglas eng r 170 Ominica W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 195 Hooey Frank A engmn CPR h 328 Coteau W Hooey George r American Hotel Hook J W emp Swifts r City Hotel Hop Yick Laundry 34 Fairford W Hope Thomas supt CPR h 247 Manitoba E Hopkins Margery bkpr Stirk & Poulton r 546 Stadacona W Hopkins Thomas S h 8, 23 River W Hopkins Walter J driv Palm Dairies h 239 Stadacona W Hopps Mrs Wm h 238 Iroquois W Hopps Wm carrier P O r 238 Iroquois W Hore Connie nurse r 110 Oxford W Horley Douglas C messr C N Tels r 1073 Main N Horley Godfrey porter P O h 1073 Main N Horne Ernest C prop Moose Jaw Hide & Fur Co h 1009 Stadacona E Horne R jan General Hospital r same Horne R emp Swifts r 104 Lillooet W Horne Robert R engmn CPR h 104 Lillooet W Horne S E emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1009 Stadacona E Horsefield Alfred miller Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1001 Stadacona W Horseman Harry lab h 536 Ominica W Horseman Hubert elk Customs h 741 Ominica E Horseman Mrs M prop Willow Farm Dairy h 1400 Ominica E Horsfall Arthur retd r 883 Elgin Horsman Mrs Francis r 159 Home W Horsman George C engmn CPR r 123 Main N Horsman James F engmn CPR h 159 Home W Horsnall Bert baker McBrides h 920 Vaughn Horton Elgin of Horton Land Co h 357 Fairford W Horton Horace carrier P O h 844 Hochelaga E Horton Horace Jr with Thomas G Bell r 844 Hochelaga E Horton Land Co (Elgin Horton) 40 High W Horton Thomas H emp CPR r 322 Stadacona W Hosford Mrs J h 272 Manitoba E Hosie George br mgr McBride’s Super Mkt h 924 Athabasca E HOTEL CECIL, A. F. Necker, Proprietor, EUROPEAN PLAN. 66 Rooms, 8 with Bath. Steam Heated with Hot and Cold Water in every room. Most Centrally Located. Largest and Best Sample Rooms in the City. Rates $1.00 per day and up. 26 River Street West, Phone 2542. Hotel Grant Hall Charles Crane mgr Main N and Cordova HOTEL HARWOOD, Richard Harwood, Proprietor, 110 Rooms, 35 With Bath. 10 Furnished Kitchenette Suites. Fireproof. Dining Room and Coffee Counter in Connection. 30 Fairford Street East, Phone 2366. (See page 3.) THE DIRECTORY IS THE COMMON INTERMEDIARY BETWEEN BUYER AND SELLER 196 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hotel Harwood 110 ROOMS 35 WITH BATH Every Guest Room with own Private Toilet. Soft Water. 10 Furnished Kitchenette Suites Fireproof Centrally Located Featuring all Modern Hotel Services Free Service Car meets all trains RATES $1.50 SINGLE, $2.50 DOUBLE Combination Shower with Bath 50c extra. Day Service from $1 Up Dining Room and Coffee Counter at Popular Prices in connection Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor in connection. Free Parking Space 30 Fairford East Phone 2366 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 197 Hotz Dorothy r 529 Athabasca E Hotz Frederick gardener h 529 Athabasca E Hotz Staar emp Prairie Bag r 529 Athabasca E Hotz Violet emp Prairie Bag r 529 Athabasca E Hough Fox Ranch J E Hough prop Britannia Park Hough John E h Britannia Park Hough Rasmus N emp Can Govt Elev r 536 Main N Houghton A usher Capitol Theatre r 461 Ominica E Houghton Arthur J with Capitol Theatre h 461 Ominica E Houghton Harry W servmn Beatty Bros r 461 Ominica E Houghton Joseph ydmn CPR h 834 Duffield W Houghton R ydmn r 834 Duffield W Hougkom John retd r 451 Stadacona W Hourigan John M phys 6, 214 Main N h 1086 5th Ave N W Housden A Edward supt Prairie Bag h 1133 5th Ave N W House Arthur emp Mill City Bakery r 28 Iroquois W House D’Arcy h 1125 Alder N E ^ House E K slsmn r 175 Stadacona W House Edwin M baker McBrides h 662 Hochelaga House Mrs Harvey r 113 Iroquois W House Hugh T prop Standard Elec h 826 OminicA^ House Wm J prop Mill City Bakery h 28 Iroqyois W Houser Wm h 562 Ominica E Houston Mrs A T h 1032 4th Ave N E Houston J guard Brit Amer Oil r Canadiah Legion Home Houston Jack F chemist Robin Hood Flqilr Mills r 448 Hochelaga W Houston Wm M of West End GroceryT 437 Stadacona W Howard Borden prop Alexandra Po^jf Room r 1, 38 River W Howard Charles A engmn CPR h 545 Faitfbrd W Howard Joseph h 24 Lillooet W Howard Lucille r 24 Lillooet W Howarth Olive elk Woolworths r 106, 423 1st Ave N W Howarth P O b & b CPR r 1029 8th Ave N W Howarth P O Jr b & b CPR r 1029 8th Ave N W Howarth Sidney whsemn C P Exp h 241 River E Howarth Wm retd h 7 Bank Howeroft Wm H staty firmn CPR h 203 Riverside W Howden Block 26 High E Howden David S dentist 109, 11 High E h 14, 26 High E Howe Mrs A r 451 Athabasca W Howe James carp h 205 Lillooet W Howe Thomas h 143 Lillooet W Howes Charles G slsmn h 357 Ominica W Howes Frederick J retd h 1170 Wolfe Howes Jack lab h 952 Stadacona W Howland Mrs W R h 838 Ominica E Howlett Herbert h 1428 2nd Ave N W Hoyes George elk Liquor Board h 114 Hochelaga W Hoyes George A hlpr Sterling Motors r 114 Hochelaga W Hoyes J messr C P Tels r 114 Hochelaga W Hradowy P staty firmn CPR r 48 Lillooet W Hrascher F J engmn CPR r 350 Oxford W Hrubynick Alexander lab CPR h 215 1st Ave S Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 198 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hrychuk Mrs E h Fairview Subdiv Hub Markets Ltd Edward H Hewson mgr 79 High W Hubbard Claude engmn CPR h 322 Coteau W Huber Frederick E bkpr Johnstone Dairies h 927 Albert Huber Mrs M r 805 6th Ave N W Hubert Henry lab h 1043 Monk Huck Harold F prin Success Business College h 929 Chestnut Hudson Edwin elk Eatons h 1338 Clifton Hudson F G oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills r 2401 Ominica W Hudson George A engmn CPR h 241 Ominica W Hudson Harold elk Ry Mail Service h 1090 3rd Ave N E Hudson J W opr Brit Amer Oil r 1018 Willow Hudson Kay bkpr Child & Gower r 1018 Willow Hudson Lois A emp CPR h 616 Athabasca E Hudson Maud matron Children’s Shelter r same Hudson Myrtle prop Chatelaine Beauty Parlor r 342 Iroquois W Hudson Percy lab h 1119 Stadacona W Hudson Peter h 1205 5th Ave N W Hudson Mrs Rosina R h 9, 59 High W Hudson Wilfred electn Brit Amer Oil h 1018 Willow Hudson Wm T trainmn CPR h 342 Iroquois W Hudz J const RCMP r same Huffman George A typist CPR r 931 Athabasca E Huffman Mrs P h 931 Athabasca E Huggett Charles emp Service Taxi h 10, 26 High E Hughes Albert emp P O h 1034 Henleaze Hughes Mrs B h 1051 4th Ave N E Hughes Block 331 Main N Hughes Mrs Elizabeth h 1131 Redland Hughes Frances O nurse Providence Hospital r same Hughes Kathleen H tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1131 Redland Hughes Miss M nurse General Hospital r same Hughes Mrs Margaret h 1234 Grafton Hugo Edward vehicleman C P Exp h 465 Manitoba E Hugo Frank prop Maple Leaf Bakery h 424 4th Ave S W Hugo Thomas mech h 463 Skeena Huland Kenneth elk Eatons r 814 5th Ave N W Hulet George emp Evans Greenhouse r 152 Athabasca W Huly John blrwasher CPR h 768 Stadacona W Humbestone Mrs G W elk McBride’s r 38 Athabasca W Humble Cyris pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 710 Ominica E Humble James engmn CPR h 428 Fairford E Humble Nelson M lab CPR h 829 Athabasca E Hume Charles G engmn CPR h 459 Lillooet W Hume Wm emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 459 Lillooet W Humphrys E Doris chf opr Govt Phones h 437 3rd Ave N E Hunchuk George tmstr City h 279 Duffield W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 199 Hunchuk John trainmn CPR h 1318 1st Ave N W Hung Yick laundry 26 Ominica W Hungle Rex E prop Harwood Barber Shop r same Hunt Alexander C projectionist Royal Theatre h 5, 636 1st Ave N W Hunt G emp Swifts r 130 Stadacona W Hunt George overseer carriers P O h 949 Ominica E Hunt Gladys elk Joyner’s r 929 Stadacona E Hunt Harry window clnr h 807 Chamberlain Hunt Mrs Harry h 2, 24 Main N Hunt Jack h 443 Athabasca W Hunt John carrier P O h 812 Ominica E Hunt L J emp CPR r 244 Iroquois W Hunt Samuel R elk P O h 266 Riverside W Hunt Sterling linemn Govt Phones r 18 Stadacona Apts Hunt Thomas driv Weston’s Bread h 929 Stadacona E Hunt Wm H h 10-11, 35 High W Hunter Alfred G mgr Moose Jaw Bowling Alley h 360 Ominica E Hunter Andrew lab h 365 Fairford W Hunter Angus C messr Imperial Optical Co r 360 Ominica E Hunter Archibald H slsmn Can Bakeries h 36, 112 1st Ave N W Hunter David engmn CPR h 866 5th Ave N W Hunter Edward firemn Robin Hood Flour Mills r 177 Ominica W Hunter Mrs H G r 1130 Redland Hunter Harold B rd hse formn CPR h 1130 Redland Hunter Jean waitress Venice Cafe r 365 Fairford W Hunter John deputy registrar Land Titles r 844 Alder Ave Hunter's Ltd Mrs W L Hilton mgress ladies ready-to-wear 329 Main __ North Hunter Malcolm mech Robin Hood Flour Mills r 112 Lillooet E Hunter Margaret elk r 112 Lillooet E Hunter Margaret steno Govt Phones r 104 Oxford W ^ Hunter Mrs Rachel h 112 Lillooet E Hunter Ruth pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 112 Lillooet E Hunter Wesley meter installer Natl Light & Power r 112 Lillooet E Hunter Wm bkpr Moose Jaw Bowling Alleys h 269 High E Hurd Lyle hlpr Burns & Co r 270 Caribou W Hurlbert Floyd engmn CPR h 419 Hochelaga W Hurlbert Leslie driv Scotty’s Scooters r 139 High E Hurlburt Jesse farmer h 139 High E Hurlburt John mech Sterling Motors h 806 Ominica W Hurlburt Wilfred M hlpr Sterling Motors r 278 Athabasca W Husband Florence tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1106 4th Ave N W Husband Mrs Isabelle h 1106 4th Ave N W Husband M E Rae tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1106 4th Ave N W Huston Anor elk Eatons r 70 Stadacona W Huston Wm M h 830 Caribou E Hutchinson Benson engmn CPR h 1067 3rd Ave N E Hutchinson’s Meat Market Thomas Hutchinson prop 333 Main N Hutchinson Russell W printer h 704 Skeena Hutchinson Thomas prop Hutchinson’s Mt Mkt h 215, 331 Main N Hutchinson Vernon R M prin Victoria School h 1121 6th Ave N W Hutchinson Mrs W h 991 High E Hutchinson Walter whsemn Rex Fruit r 999 Manitoba E Build Up the Boys and Girls school Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 200 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Hutchison Isabel M elk Govt Phones r 908 Alder N E Hutchison Kathleen M receptionist Drs Goodwin & Ferguson r 908 Alder Hutchison Richard elk Civic Relief h 908 Alder Hutton Wm blrmkr CPR h 820 Skipton Rd Huxted Frederick eng Brit Amer Oil h 942 Lillooet W Huyck Mrs Effie h 170 River E Huyck Orloff W retd h 66 Athabasca W Hyde Benjamin G asst butter mkr Palm Dairies h 1177 Wolfe Hyde John R h 1176 2nd Ave N E Hyland A Joseph h 168 Athabasca W Plyland Harold J slsmn Natl Fruit h 73 Athabasca W Hyland I emp Swifts r 168 Athabasca W Hyland Jean elk Land Titles r 168 Athabasca W Hyland Kenneth elk Eatons r 814 5th Ave N W Hyndman Irene opr Connaught Beauty r 1037 1st Ave N W Hyndman Jack prop Connaught Barber Shop r 1037 1st Ave N W Hyndman Mrs John h 1037 1st Ave N W Hynes Cecil J trucking contr h 339 Duffield W Hynes Orea trk driv h 135 Elsom I Ideal Grocery & Confectionery Lloyd Wong prop 164 Oxford E Imperial Apartments 352 Lillooet W Imperial Bank of Canada A S de Rosenroll mgr 318 Main N IMPERIAL BUILDING SUPPLIES, LIMITED, F. W. Leistikow, President; S. C. Miller, Secretary-Treasurer; William Wright, Operating Manager; M. A. Angelle, Credit Manager; Thos. Torgerson, Local Manager. Dealers in LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES AND BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES, 204 Manitoba Street West cor. Second Ave. N. W., Phone 2119. Imperial Life Assurance Co James Wilton repres 406 Hammond Building Imperial Oil Ltd R S Curtis dist superv 801 Fairford W Imperial Optical Co G A Axon mgr 217 Hammond Bldg Inch James A wire chf Govt Phones h 1123 2nd Ave N W Independent Biscuit Ltd E J Debnam repres 214 Main N I O O F Hall 174 Fairford W Ingall A W & Co E Stuart Fisher repres 108, 12 High E Ingall Alfred W mgr Gt West Battery Co Ltd h 926 Chestnut Ingham Mary E supt nurses General Hospital r same Ingleby Arthur caretkr Normal Schl h 1107 Connaught Ingleby Christie emp Swifts r 1107 Connaught Ingleby Ernest messr McBride’s Ltd r 1107 Connaught HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 201 Ingleby Harry elk Liquor Board h 552 Ominica E Ingleby Ivy emp Prairie Bag r 1107 Connaught Inglee John engmn CPR h 528 Lillooet W Inglis Christopher h 1135 Redland Inglis Joseph mech Charlie’s Garage r 133 Ominica W Ingram Frederick W blrmkr CPR h 181 Grandview Ingram G emp Swifts r 129 Athabasca W Ingram John F elk CPR h Wellesley Park Ingram Kenneth emp Swifts h 810 Skipton Rd Inkster Gordon shpr Western Grocers r 28 Oxford W Inman Ralph trk driv Brown’s Transfer r 920 Main S Ireton Mrs Annie r 1069 2nd Ave N W Ireton H Wilfred ydmn CPR h 42 Iroquois W Ireton Harry W mach CPR h 1222 Willow Ireton John L eng Brit Amer Oil h 234 3rd Ave N E Ironside Alexander ydmn CPR h 665 Athabasca W Ironside Co Ltd Arthur Wilson mgr 337 River W Ironside Mrs Mary h 263 Fairford W Irvin Mrs Sarah r 832 5th Ave N W Irvine Charles farmer r 1078 Main N Irvine Mrs Therol D h 1325 Redland Irving D M mgr Moose Jaw Co-Op Society Ltd h 1110 4th Ave N E Irving George r 128 Oxford E Irving Harold C bkpr Moose Jaw Co-Oper r 1110 4th Ave N E Irving Lulu elk C P Express h 128 Oxford E Irwin A W Ltd A W Irwin pres and mgr ins 201 Main N Irwin Armon W pres and mgr A W Irwdn Ltd h 155 Stadacona W Irwin Florence H tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1136 1st Ave N W Irwin J A prop City Auto Wrecking h 16, 127 High W Irwin & Leines (Wallace W Irwin) whol dry gds 202, 12 High E Irwin Mrs Samuel h 457 Lillooet W Irwin Wallace W dentist 202, 12 High E and of Irwin & Leines h A, 1106 Clifton Irwin Wm J lab h 841 Coteau W Isman David D repres Pepsi-Cola and 7 PIp h 6, 121 High W Isolation Hospital Fairford E and 5th Ave Ivay Frederick S J of Ivay Optical Systems h 621 Hochelaga W Ivay Optical Systems (Frederick S J Ivay) 312 Hammond Bldg Ivers Eleanor r 1141 Grafton Iwanka Wm sectnmn CPR h 352 Iroquois W J Jabs Gus emp Carter-Halls h C, 377 Lillooet W Jack Wong prop H S Store h 22 Saskatchewan W Jackman Albert h 377 Fairford W Jackman Bert mgr Jackman’s Cartage Ltd h 233 Ominica W Jackman’s Cartage Ltd Bert Jackman mgr 272 Manitoba W Jackman Ivy emp Swifts r 326 Fairford W Jackman Leonard h 451 Stadacona W Jackman Walter r 451 Stadacona W Jackson A G ydmn CPR h 156 Fairford W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 202 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Jackson Bottling Co Reginald H Jackson mgr 21 Caribou E Jackson Carl farmer r 148 Manitoba E Jackson Clarence trk driv h 25, 80 Home E Jackson Clarence h 441 Manitoba E Jackson D H brkmn CPR r Park Hotel Jackson Delbert J asst dir Bellamy Co Ltd r 1011 1st St N E Jackson Frederick D trainmn CPR r 1118 Main N Jackson George firemn Cit}^ h 445 Manitoba E Jackson Grant elk Safeways r 406 5th Ave N W Jackson H trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Jackson James emp Beatty Washer h 1105 St Mary’s Jackson John H elk P O h 476 Ominica E Jackson Mrs M R opr Govt Phones r 376 Athabasca W Jackson P emp Swifts r 428 Stadacona W Jackson Patrick trainmn CPR r 428 Stadacona W Jackson Reginald H mgr Jackson Bottling Co h 420 Ominica E Jackson Mrs Robert h 7, 23 River W Jackson Thomas H trainmn CPR h 543 Athabasca W Jackson Wm D retd r 1118 Main N Jackson Wm D H trainmn CPR r 1118 Main N Jackson Wm T ydmn CPR h 1118 Main N Jacobson Alfred E electn Can Govt Elev h 264 Stadacona W Jacobson Arthur C h 378 High E Jacobson Dorothy sec C H A B r 264 Stadacona W Jacobson Gina emp Safeways r 215 Empress Hotel Jacobson Martin retd h 1034 Caribou W Jacques Howard driv Holman’s Truck-A—Way h 537 3rd Ave N E Jahmke Eva slsmn Christie Grant r 405 Ominica W Jam Frederick emp Modern Cafe r Modern Cafe Rooms James Charles H sec Loyal Order of Moose h 1285 5th Ave N E James Charles I retd h 1220 6th Ave N E James Frank H mach Brit Amer Oil h 3, 14 High W James Herbert W elk P O h 1095 Cartier Jameson George B instr Dom & Prov Youth Training r 81 Athabas¬ ca W Jamieson J Kenneth supt Brit Amer Oil Co Ltd h 1154 3rd Ave N W Jamieson James W deputy local registrar Court House r 837 4th Ave N W Japp Elsie N steno T A Getty r Y W C A Jaques T Harold with Swifts h 468 Ominica W Jarvis Frederick J emp Dom Govt h 110 Oxford W Jarvis George co-pilot Prairie Airways r French Cleaners Jarvis Harry H engmn CPR h 859 5th Ave N W Jarvos Thomas prop French Clnrs r 353 River E Jasky James waiter Kings Hotel h 713 Hochelaga E Jason Miss L pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 838 4th Ave S W Jay Wm h 160 River W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 203 Jeffery Ernest opr Britannia Park Pump Stn r Britannia Pk Jeffrey George elk Moose Jaw Drug r 1255 Willow Jeffrey George J h 1255 Willow Jeffrey Isabelle cashr Eatons r 1255 Willow Jeffrey Wm mgr Patron Oil Co h 1113 Grafton Jenkins Austin mgr Burns & Co Ltd h 1158 Henleaze Jenkins Eileen steno Prairie Airways r 1158 Henleaze Jenkins Glenys emp Milk Bar r 1158 Henleaze Jenkins J D Mansell slsmn National Fruit h 670 Athabasca W Jenkins Wm A elk Safeways r 1158 Henleaze Jenner Albert M farmer h 404 Hochelaga W Jenner Ernest E slsmn Totten-Elliott Motors h 875 Cartier Jenner Muriel r 404 Hochelaga W Jensen George emp Sterling Motors h 1239 2nd Ave N E Jepson Thomas pkr Western Grocers h 443 Hochelaga W Jernberg Charles F mech Can Garage h 152 Ominica W Jerred Bryan A ledger kpr Dom Bank r 661 Hochelaga W Jerred Frederick G ydmn CPR h 661 Hochelaga W Jerred Ival emp Standard Elev r 661 Hochelaga W Jerred Kenneth of Scotty’s Scooters r 1208 Grafton Jewish Synagogue (House of Israel) 809 3rd Ave N W Jewsbury Gladys steno Eatons r 934 Edmonton Jewsbury Grace elk Wool worths r 934 Edmonton Jewsbury Walter brklyr h 934 Edmonton Jien Mary emp Park Hotel r 267 Hochelaga W Jim Wong prop Canada Cafe r B C Room Jinks Wm J carrier P O h 1319 Grafton Jobling Harold A engmn CPR h 455 Coteau W Johanson — emp CPR h 38, 112 1st Ave N W Johanson N Theodore staty firmn CPR r 337 Coteau W John O emp Star Cafe Johnke Eva elk Christie Grant r 405 Ominica W Johnke Mrs Ruby J elk Christie Grant h 405 Ominica W Johnnie’s Bakery John B Kasmyrehuk prop 301 4th Ave S W Johns Walter T auditor CPR h 1135 Alder N E Johnson Absalom J engmn CPR h 1028 Redland Johnson Agencies Ltd Harold Johnson mgr 409 Hammond Bldg Johnson Alexander E trainmn CPR h 677 Athabasca W Johnson Alfred emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 316 Manitoba E Johnson Amy T tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1205 Wolfe Johnson Andrew h 827 Elgin Johnson Anthony r Plaza Hotel Johnson Axel with Bird Constn h 1330 2nd Ave N W Johnson Miss B tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 536 Saskatche¬ wan Johnson C telegr CPR r Empress Hotel Johnson C S trainmn CPR r 335 Main S Johnson Cheser lab h 516 Athabasca E , Johnson Chester A prod Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 1158 Grafton Johnson Edwin spotter French Clnrs r 827 Elgin Johnson Ernest waiter Maple Leaf Hotel r — Manitoba E Johnson Ethel emp Grant Hall Hotel r 439 Manitoba E Johnson Florence r 1119 Clifton E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 204 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Johnson Harold manager Johnson Agencies and sec Prairie Mutual Benefit Assn h 1150 Henleaze Johnson Harry milk dept Palm Dairies h 853 Coteau W Johnson Ingval blksmith h 439 Manitoba E Johnson Isabel finshr E R Eaton & Sons r 461 Athabasca W Johnson Mrs J slsmn Christie Grant r 336 Duffield W Johnson Mrs J r 405 Ominica W Johnson J E r 1161 Willow Johnson John L barber Grant Hall Barber h 336 Duffield W Johnson Joseph H retd h 1205 Wolfe JOHNSON, LE ROY, K.C., Of Rose & Johnson. Res. 1152 Redland Avenue, Phone 4597. Johnson Mabel W tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1205 Wolfe Johnson Nelson h 1116 Willow Johnson Oliver M slsmn McKenzie Auto Equip r 1330 2nd Ave N W Johnson Osborne mgr Willingdon Apts h D, 414 4th Ave S W Johnson R trainmn CPR r 521 Home W Johnson Robert R weighmn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yards h 461 Home W Johnson Roy E emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 203 High W Johnson Roy W asst City Engineer h 276 Oxford W Johnson Russell r 267 Hochelaga W Johnson Stella steno City Realty Co r 443 Main N Johnson T John cook Grant Hall Hotel h 20, 127 High W Johnson Viola steno-General Hospital r 214 Stadacona W Johnson W A trainmn CPR r City Hotel Johnson W C h 461 Athabasca W Johnson Wiley lab h 903 Stadacona E Johnson Wilfred trk driv Natl Fruit h 920 Stadacona E Johnston Alexander h 1039 Lillooet W Johnston Anna L gen sec Y W C A r same Johnston Aubrey A engmn CPR h 932 3rd Ave N W Johnston Charles F engmn CPR h 1137 3rd Ave N W Johnston Miss G nurse General Hospital r same Johnston H W emp Robin Hood Mills r 233 Ominica W Johnston Harold dentist 403, 12 High E h 1042 2nd Ave N E Johnston J R prin Westmount School h 834 Alder Johnston James L mgr Weston’s Bread & Cake h B, 1106 Clifton Johnston John emp J A Thompson & Co h 54 Stadacona W Johnston John M slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 249 Hochelaga W Johnston Mrs Lucy r 834 Alder N E Johnston Matthew G asst supt Prudential Insurance Co h 1141 Graf¬ ton Johnston Rita tchr r 834 Alder N E Johnston Robert flrmn Central Motor Co Johnston Sidney emp General Hospital h 225 2nd Ave N E 14a HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 205 Johnston Miss T nurse General Hospital r same Johnstone Rev A B retd h 328 Athabasca W Johnstone Catherine tchr r 845 Alder N E Johnstone Clara steno Johnstone Dairies r 845 Alder N E JOHNSTONE DAIRIES LIMITED, W. H. Johnstone, Manager, “SUPERIOR” DAIRY PRODUCTS AND CREAMERY BUTTER. PASTEURIZED, HOMOGEN¬ IZED WHOLE MILK, CHOCOLATE MILK, Douglas Bldg., Phone 5344. Res. Phone 2503. Johnstone Elwood eng Johnstone Dairies r 347 Ominica W Johnstone Mrs F L h 347 Ominica W Johnstone Florence M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 328 Athabasca W Johnstone Kathleen N tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 845 Alder N E Johnstone Lillian cashr Natl Light & Power r 115 Hochelaga E Johnstone Ralph emp Johnstone Dairies r 845 Alder N E Johnstone Ronald emp Johnstone Dairies r 845 Alder N E Johnstone Thornton plant foremn Johnstone Dairies r 845 Alder N E JOHNSTONE, W. H., Of Johnstone Dairies Limited, Douglas Building, Phone 5344. Res. 845 Alder Avenue, Phone 2503. Jolly Percy pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 471 Stadacona W Jones A E r Alexandra Hotel Jones Adah r 1136 Algoma Jones Arthur opr Brit Amer Oil h 479 Home W Jones Mrs Bert H h 1136 Algoma Jones Charles F elk P O h 1121 1st Ave N W Jones E Archibald opr Brit Amer Oil h 49 Elsom Jones Mrs Elizabeth A h 552 Maple W Jones Mrs Eva R h 724 6th Ave N W Jones Frederick driv Moose Jaw Transportation h 506 Lillooet W Jones Frederick emp Swifts h 534 Maple W Jones H Tilson h 12, 121 High W Jones Harry mgr Sask Brewers Assn h 315 Fairford W Jones Hazel elk Kresge’s Jones Miss I emp Swifts r 552 Maple Jones Irwin of W J Jones & Son r 106 Athabasca E Jones Isaac retd h 942 Ross E Jones J emp City r 426 11th Ave N W Jones J J call boy CPR r — Grafton Jones Jack repres C C M Bicycle h 236 Oxford W Jones Jack pumpman Rosedale Pumping Stn h 418 11th Ave N W Jones James eng Swifts h 227 Home W Jones Kay h 219 Coteau W Jones Lenora steno r 329 Hochelaga W Jones Lionel M o-c 77th Battery RCA h 341 Grandview W Jones Marshall elev opr Eatons r 724 6th Ave N W Jones Maurice C emp Palm Dairies r 724 6th Ave N W Jones P asst eng General Hospital r 1215 2nd Ave N W Jones Percy C mgr parts dept Sterling Motors r 14, 106 3rd Ave N W Jones R Albert engmn CPR h 329 Hochelaga W Jones R C Timothy watchmn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 958 Hoche- laga W Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 206 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Jones Reuben L crew elk CPR h 330 Stadacona W Jones Robert T emp Swifts h 1021 Caribou W Jones Ruth elk King George Confy r 1136 Algoma Jones T h 230 Riverside St W Jones Mrs V emp Wilson Produce r 315 Fairford W Jones W J of W J Jones & Son h 106 Athabasca E JONES, W. J. & SON, (W, J. Jones and Irwin T. Jones) FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 106 Athabasca East. Funeral Chapel Phone 3223. Ambulance Day and Night Phone 3223. Jones Wm elk Land Titles r 935 Chestnut Jones Wm h 14, 106 3rd Ave N W Jones Wm slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 726 6th Ave N W Jones Wm G elk Ry Mail Service h 1173 2nd Ave N E Jones Wm M h 409 Home W Joness A Beatrice tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1044 1st Ave N E Jordan C Elinor nurse Providence Hospital r same Jordan Harold G radio mn Moose Jaw Hdwre h 871 Grey Jordan Harold W const City h 214 Hochelaga W Jordan James retd h 138 Athabasca W Joseph C emp CPR r 43 High W Joyce W E mgr Ruddy-Kester Ltd h 270 Iroquois W Joyner Albert h 806 Hochelaga E Joyner Mrs F emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 461 Skeena Joyner Frank E mgr Joyner’s Ltd h 1206 Henleaze Joyner George comp Times Co h 7, 428 Athabasca E Joyner’s Ltd Frank E Joyner mgr 28-34 Main N Joyner Mike emp Robin Hood r 222 Empress Hotel Joyner Mrs Walter L h 1169 2nd Ave N W Joynt Wm D ins agt 127 Main N h 1153 Grafton Juan Joseph market gardener 662 Skeena h same Judd Mrs Charlotte h 571 Hochelaga W Judd J emp Standard Garage r 136 Manitoba E Judkins Wilmer F firemn City h 1143 3rd Ave N E Juhas J emp Swifts h 1108 Iroquois W Julian Alexander lab h 302 9th Ave S W Junet Mrs Annie H cashr CPR r 412 Iroquois W Junet Arthur car attndt CPR h 412 Iroquois W Jupp Miss D nurse General Hospital r same Jupp Edna elk Kresge’s r 1250 Athabasca W Jupp Harold J opr Brit Amer Oil h 1190 Chestnut Jupp Jesse elk Ry Mail Service h 54 Hall E Jupp Leslie emp CPR r 54 Hall E Jupp Thomas lab CPR h 1250 Athabasca W Justrabo L emp Swifts r Willard Hotel HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 207 K K C Block 11 River E Kaderle Frank lab h 18 Mansfield Kaderle Mary steno Dom Radio Branch r 378 Fairford W Kaderle Nick trk driv Malden Fuel Co h 767 Hochelaga W Kaderle Mrs Ottile h 378 Fairford W Kadobiosnski John lab h 58 Home E Kahellek Joseph P engmn CPR h 248 Athabasca W Kahlo Miss P nurse General Hospital r same Kaiser Mrs Ellen h 1006 1st Ave N E Kalanuk John sectnmn CPR r 1132 Coteau W Kalanuk Nicola sectnmn CPR h 1132 Coteau W Kallos Mrs Mary h 3, 27 High W Kallos Peter E tchr r 3, 27 High W Kalynuk Wm emp CPR h 121 River E Kamm Dr Josephine phys Providence Hospital r same Kane Michael J watchmn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1002 Coteau W Kane Nora M steno Providence Hospital r 1002 Coteau W Kannwosher John farmer h 1004 Iroquois W Kapuschinski Joseph carp h 907 High W Karkoska Herman carp h 672 Ominica W Karmaznuk Peter lab CPR h 924 Coteau W Karmaznuk Steve r 924 Coteau W Karnich Tony lab h 569 Athabasca W Karoza P sectnmn CPR r 1045 Lillooet W Karpinski Wm emp Swifts h 1050 Iroquois W Karsgaard — contr r 132 Oxford W Karza Pete emp CPR h 1215 Manitoba W Kasemyrchuk John B prop Johnnies Bakery h 132 Riverside Dr Katz H slsmn Sterling Shoes r 33, 105 Lillooet W Katz Maurice prop Bon Box Confy r 101 Lillooet W Katz Myer h 33, 105 Lillooet W Kavella Oscar emp Robin Hood Mills h 1222 5th Ave N W Kay George F mech h 1138 Monk Ave Kay Louie prop Paris Cafe r 35 River W Kaye James blrwasher CPR h 5, 377 Lillooet W Kearney Thomas W chf elk gen supt CPR h 1138 3rd Ave N W Keating R C bkpr Robin Flood Flour Mills r Harwood Hotel Keay Gladys elk r 141 Fairford E Keay Helen elk r 420 Stadacona W Keay James M retd h 420 Stadacona W Keay Wm retd h 141 Fairford E Keegan Harold emp Frederick Foord r 451 Athabasca W Keegan Wm carp CPR h 451 Athabasca W Keegan Mrs Wm rmg hse h 255 Hochelaga W Keegan Wm rmg house h 162 Hochelaga W Keenan Bert A G lab Brit Amer Oil h 3A, 219 High W Keenan George b & b CPR h 528 Main S Keenan John jan CPR r 630 Athabasca W Keetley Bertie elk Ry Mail Service h 1158 3rd Ave N E Keetley R S emp Swifts r 1158 3rd Ave N E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 208 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Keevil Allan emp CPR h 332 Home W Keevill Wilfred h 330 Lillooet W Kefford Arthur R jan Royal Bank h 7, 59 High W Kefford Henry stk elk Sterling Motors r 7, 59 High W Keir Finley firemn City h 239 Iroquois W Keisel Miss V nurse General Hospital r same Keith Roy H elk Land Titles h 16, 219 High W Keleey Arthur E ydmn Swifts h 333 Duffield W Keleher Mrs J P h 315 Ominiea W Kell George slsmn Sterling Shoes h 615 Duffield W Kell Hilda emp Prairie Bag r 47 Home W Kell Thomas driv Moose Jaw Cartage r 1, 60 River E Keller John L earp h 1228 Henleaze Kelly Henry E h 340 Grandview W Kelly John A supt Hi Wav Refineries Ltd h 1138 Grafton Kelly Mrs M E r 1079 3rd'Ave N W Kelly Nick b & b CPR! r 148 Manitoba E Kelly Robert millwright Robin Hood Elour Mills r 206 High E Kelly Thomas r Plaza Hotel Kelly Wm chf acetg elk C P Exp h 457 Ominiea W Kelsey E Steve slsmn Can Bakeries h 357 Grandview W Kemp Mrs Anna r 438 1st Ave N W Kemp Edwin W trk driv Can Bakeries h 34, 112 1st Ave N W Kemp Erank W trainmn CPR h 919 Caribou W Kempel Otto J elk CPR h 737 Main S Kempton Clifford P pub steno 66 High W h 632 Oxford W Kempton Eric C electn Natl Light & Power r 632 Oxford W Kempton Gwen pub steno 66 High W r 632 Oxford W Kempton Maurice M opr Brit Amer Oil r 632 Oxford W Kendall Mrs Ruby opr Ritz Beauty Parlor r 6 Maryland Park Kenna Samuel lab r 568 Stadacona W Kennedy Mrs A r 716 6th Ave N W Kennedy Gordon H asst mgr Kresge’s h 557 Athabasca E Kennedy Helen A C tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 238 Stadacona W Kennedy James h 430 Langdon Cres Kennedy Rev M asst St Joseph Church r 1064 3rd Ave N W Kennedy Mansfield H health dept City r Maple Leaf Hotel Kennedy R A bkpr Christie Grant h 1204 4th Ave N W Kennedy V emp Swifts r 1124 2nd Ave N W Kent Mrs A h 354 Stadacona E Kent & Brown Block 139 Main N Kent Donald H elk CPR r 354 Stadacona E Kent Mrs Elorence r 1106 fgrd fir) Clifton Kent Erederick C (KC) of'Kent & Pope h 1146 3rd Ave N W Kent George J chf elk Govt Phones h 621 Stadacona E Kent Herbert C messr C P Exp h 1235 5th Ave N W Kent’s Ltd J Cobean mgr meats 133 Main N HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 209 Kent N elk McBride’s r 354 Stadacona E Kent (Frederick C) & Pope (Harold W) barrs 101, 12 High E Kent R r Hotel Cecil Kenyon Mrs Charles h 1027 4th Ave S W Kenyon Robert F cashr Rex Fruit h 4, 428 Athabasca E Kenyon Stanley elk Trans Continental Coach r 1027 4th Ave S W Keogh Edward P optometrist 209 Main N h 8, 11 High W Kergan Mary tchr r 226 Saskatchewan W Kergan Mrs S h 226 Saskatchewan W Kergan Sarah r 226 Saskatchewan W Kergan Wm utility mn City r 226 Saskatchewan W Kern Charles W of Kern Insurance Agencies r 63 Fairford E Kern Insurance Agencies Ltd (C W Kern)307 Main N Kern J Henry office 307 Main N h 63 Fairford E Kern J Henry Jr mgr Richland Farms h 1053 Chestnut Kern Louis W with J H Kern h 1208 Clifton Kern-McLeod Block 18 Main N Kerr & Anderson Building 109 Main N Kerr Mrs David A h 855 Connaught Kerr Mrs E r Harwood Hotel Kerr E Gibson h 1153 3rd Ave N W Kerr Edward h 806 Ominica E Kerr Eileen r 1021 9th Ave N W Kerr Elsie A tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1153 3rd Ave N W Kerr Henry h 1021 9th Ave N W Kerr Henry typist CPR r 1021 9th Ave N W Kerr Miss J nurse General Hospital r same Kerr Jean r 1021 9th Ave N W Kerr John emp CPR h 744 Ominica W Kerr John F dist examiner Postal Service h 24, 822 Main N Kerr Mrs Nancy r 537 3rd Ave N E Kerr R J Ltd R J Kerr mgr clothing 233 Main N Kerr Robert slsmn Rex Fruit r Park Hotel Kerr Robert J mgr R J Kerr Ltd h 1066 Alder N E Key Mrs Elizabeth h 935 Edmonton Keys Edith emp Providence Hospital r same Kidder A Joseph trainmn CPR h 462 Hochelaga W Kidder Earl elk O’Dell’s Meat Market r 462 Hochelaga W Kidder Gordon L trk driv McLellan h 346 Caribou W Kidder J G soldier r 668 Ominica E Kienitz Eugene R trainmn CPR h 462 Duffield Kieswetter Louis carp h 746 Athabasca W Kilburn Wilfred mgr Safewa 3 ^s Stores Ltd h 73 Hochelaga E Kilby J trainmn CPR h 3, 26 High E Kilkenny Edward emp Can Govt Elev h 708 McDonald Kimbell George B real est and ins 101, 12 High E h 160 River E Kinahan George elk Brunswick Hotel r same Kindrachuk John h 1136 Lillooet W Kindred Cecil elk C P Tels r 1118 1st Ave N E Kindred Frank organiser Can Order of Foresters h 1022 Algoma Kindred Henry G h 706 Main S Kindred Norman const City r 821 6th Ave N W Kindred Thomas mgr Brown’s Transfer & Taxi h 528 Fairford E Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 210 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW King Albert slsmn r 435 Stadacona E King Alexander retd r 360 High W King Audrey I steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 355 Coteau W King Bert emp P O r 28 Oxford W King Charles mgr North Hill Meat Market h 849 Hochelaga E King Doris egg candler Herbert Wilson r 649 Skipton Road King Dorothy steno Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins r 831 Willow King Edward Confectionery Percival T Lord prop 9 Iroquois W King Edward School L F Henderson prin Iroquois E cor Main King Edwin A h 355 Coteau W King Floyd O barber Maple Leaf Barber h 355 Coteau W King Frank trk driv Natl Sodium Products h 612 Athabasca W King George cashr Western Grocers h 944 Ominica E King George Confectionery Mrs George Bruce prop 1102 4th Ave _ N W King George H elk Ry Mail Service h 561 Fairford E King George School W T Cunningham prin 5th Ave N W cor Sask¬ atchewan King Grace r 1207 1st Ave N W King H R elk Postal Services r 38 Oxford W King Harold h 632 Skipton Rd King’s Hotel Mike Slusar prop 69 River W King John T h 1022 Athabasca E King L L guard Brit Amer Oil r 513 Stadacona E King Lamplow J carp h 403 Stadacona E King Loreen attndt Scotty’s Service Station r 403 Stadacona E King Mona asst cashr City r 1102 3rd Ave N W King Percy retd h 956 Athabasca King Rby h 831 Willow King Mrs S E h 1102 3rd Ave N W King Thomas opr Sewage Disposal r 1022 Athabasca E King Mrs Thomas h 246 Oxford W King W h 513 Stadacona E King Walter h 649 Skipton Road King Wong prop B C Rooms h 56 Manitoba W Kingsway Park Dancing Pavilion Kingsway Park Kinloch Mrs George h 1213 8th Ave N E Kinney John mgr City Hotel r same Kinnon John M caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1131 Alder N E Kintzle G V hd miller Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1149 Crafton Kirkaptrick Wm emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 880 Grey Kirsch Mrs W E h 1146 2nd Ave N W Kirton J h 3, 14 High W Kissner Roy driv Emils Taxi r 231 High W Kitchen John retd h 5, 43 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 211 Kite Mrs Benjamin cashr Safeways r 48 Hochelaga W Kite Benjamin P Sr blrmkr CPR h 542 Ominica E Kite Benjamin P Jr r 542 Ominica E Kite Miss H nurse Gen Hospital r same Kite Marie seams r 542 Ominica E Kite Olive steno r 542 Ominica E Kite Victor S slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 205, 11 High E Kiwanis Club Irvine C Sutton sec 201 Main N Kjarsgaard Arthur driv Holman’s Truck-A-Way h 1030 7th Ave E Kjarsgaard Christopher T contr C, 822 Main N h 1021 7th Ave N W Kjarsgaard Ralph gravel contr h 278 River E Kjarsgaard Robert prop Royal Billiard Hall h 1035 Alder Klapak Nick prop New York Tailors & Eurriers h 1020 9th Ave S W Klassen George firemn Empress Hotel r same Klassen George h 3, 420 Athabasca E Klecker M N emp Swifts r 352 Hochelaga W Klein Paul E emp Swifts r 1216 Henleaze Klein Paul L prop Paul’s Transfer h 1216 Henleaze Klein Simon investigator Civic Relief h 414 Stadacona E Kline Sam painter h 1099 Cartier Klocker M N elk Swifts h 352 Hochelaga W Klynchuk Ted emp CPR h 115 Lillooet W Klynn W waiter Brunswick Hotel r same Knechtel George W mgr Knechtels Ltd h 1150 Algoma Knechtel Valentine retd h 435 Stadacona E Knechtels Ltd G W Knechtel mgr tires 471 Main N Knight J Herbert trainmn CPR h 479 Maple W Knight John farmer h 661 Coteau W Knight John W caretkr h 913 Oxford E Knight Mrs Mabel millinery 12 High E r 53 Fairford E Knight Ray lab h 954 Coteau W Knight Reginald emp Swifts h 475 Maple W Knight Roy emp City r 410 Home W Knight Thelma hsekpr r 661 Coteau W Kni^ts of Columbus (Office) 13, 11 River E Knights of Pythias 211 Main N Knights Robert W chkr CPR h 9, 414 4th Ave S W Knowles James E mgr Knowles Service Station and Brit Amer Plant Service Stn h 6W Main N Knowles Patrick emp City h 813 Stadacona E Knowles Robert r American Hotel Knowles Service Station J E Knowles mgr 540 Main N Knowles Wm market gardener e s Main (Wellesley Park) h same Knox Bertram engmn CPR h 115 Iroquois E Knox Melvin chief flying instr Moose Jaw Flying Club r 892 Elgin Knox Presbyterian Church Rev Ronald Davidson minister 80 High E Knox Wm car repr C P R h 1312 Redlands Knutsvik Ole h 1025 3rd Ave N E Kobylanski John watchmn Moose Jaw Transportation h 468 Home W Koehn Charles engmn CPR h 311 Grandivew Kohnen Clem W elk Liquor Board h 1, 636 1st Ave N W Konold A J r 67 River E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 212 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Kopec Walter emp Johnstone Dairies Ltd h 924 Iroquois W Kopinski W emp Swifts r 1050 Iroquois W Koraluk Samuel caretkr Ukrainian Natl Home h 432 9th Ave S W Koralyk Steve emp Swifts h 959 Iroquois W Korchinski Wm emp CPR h 841 Duffield Korrect Shoe Repairs Joseph Grabowski prop 328 Main N Korski B sectnmn CPR r 951 Lillooet W Korski Wm trucker h 916 Stadacona W Korza Mrs Nettie r 176 Stadacona W Korzachuk Frederick prop Prairie Heights Dairy h 1027 Iroquois W Koshman George lab r 1158 Coteau W Koshman Mike confy 1158 Coteau W h same Koshnysh Frederick bkpr Central Motor r 957 Iroquois W Koshnysh John sectnmn CPR h 957 Iroquois W Koslosky Frank J pipeftr Brit Amer Oil h 1013 Willow Kossick Joseph engmn CPR h 529 Ominica W Kossick Stan emp CPR r 529 Ominica W Kostenack Nettie waitress New World Cafe r 902 Lillooet W Kostiniuk Harry lab h 1320 Greenlees S W Kotelmack Anna nurse Providence Hospital r same Kowalski Mrs John h 2, 377 Lillooet W Kowell Leona elk Moose Jaw Co-oper r 54 Athabasca E Kozak Wm lab Swifts h 917 Stadacona W Kozar Nettie emp Prairie Bag r 176 Stadacona W Kozen Jack emp McIntyre’s Cafe h w s 5th Ave S W Koziol Ignace lab h 1050 5th Ave N E Kozmanuk George emp Swifts h 1123 Iroquois W Kozun Nellie emp McIntyre Cafe r 123 Main N Kozun Wm cook McIntyre Cafe h 915 Iroquois W Kraus Godfrey J h 1229 Clifton Krawchyk M sectnmn CPR r 1001 Iroquois W Krempin John H emp CPR h 923 Lillooet W Kresge S S Co Ltd W E Noll mgr 212 Main N Kriewal Edwin lab r 72 High E Kritjanson Hannes pensioner h 420 Fairford W Krochmal Steve h 15 Maple E Krowchuk Emil emp CPR h 1001 Iroquois W Krunich Herman r American Hotel Kuc Harry lab h 153 High E Kuchaski S emp CPR r Y M C A Kunalowich Stanley emp CPR h 426 Duffield W Kuntz Florence K nurse Providence Hospital r same Kuntz Margaret r 1086 5th Ave N W Kuryk Mike lab CPR h 57 Maple E Kvello Ivan emp CPR h 1328 1st Ave N W Kvello Oscar G miller Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1222 5th St N W Kwong Joseph prop B C Fruit & Grocery r 261 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 213 Kyle Annie r 1016 4th Ave N E Kyle Ed h 544 Athabasca E Kyle Howard D emp Singers Sewing h 82 Lillooet E Kyle Muriel waitress Grant Hall Hotel r 115 Hochelaga E K 3 rmchuk Ted emp CPR h 915 Stadacona W LAB Auto Supplies L A Blackwod prop 118 1st Ave N W Labere Harriett r 1039 Connaught Labere Solomon carp h 1039 Connaught Labonte Oscar E messr C P Express h 1155 3rd Ave N W Laboret Joe lab h 502 9th Ave S W Labovitch Louie waiter Park Hotel r 275 Ominica W Lacell Vance plbr h 1024 Caribou W Lacelle H H prop Third Ave East Garage (24 3rd Ave Lacelle Howard retd h 1006 5th Ave N E Lacelle Veran r 1006 5th Ave N E Lacey Mrs Frances r 239 Stadacona W Each Elmer oiler Natl Light & Power r 1139 lstHigh W LaFountain Miss W nurse General ^iohpital ^ame Laherman Selma r 525 Home W Lahr Mrs E r 871 Willow ^ / Laidler Harry J T emp City h 1014 FaM6rd E Laing Mrs David h 202, 423 1st Ave N W Laing Doris steno Natl Fruit r 104 Oxford W Laing James L mgr Singer Sewing Machine h 761 Athabasca W Laird John H trainmn CPR h 153 Ominica W Lake of the Woods Milling Co W W Rogers mgr 301 Manitoba W Lamb Charles h 270 River E Lamb Donald r 214 Oxford W Lamb Edgar G insptr Gt West Life h 214 Oxford W Lamb Frank bridge foremn Sask Govt h 72 Iroquois W Lamb Frank G jeweler 453 Main N h same Lamb John G h 310 Laurier W Lamb Joseph A sis mgr Can Garage h 84 Caribou E Lamb Ray elk York Auto Supply r 84 Caribou E Lambert Frank M caretkr The Armouries r same Lambert John h 1026 4th Ave N E Lambertus C F emp Swifts h 521 Home W Lambertus Mrs D r 316 Athabasca W Lamond Elizabeth P steno Swifts r 856 5th Ave N W Lamond Ella emp Swifts r 856 5th Ave N W Lamond Uan J engmn CPR h 856 5th Ave N W Lamont D A h 7, 70 Stadacona W Lamontagne Arthur ydmn CPR h 1008 3rd Ave N E Lamontagne Mrs Jean prop Moose Jaw Magazine & Book Shop r 1008 3rd Ave N E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 214 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Lampton House Jolin Chow prop 40 Manitoba E Lancaster Cullis S ledgerkpr Bk of Nova Scotia r 1172 Clifton Lancaster John floor surfacer r 206 High E Lancaster Joseph h 351 High E Lancaster R trainmn CPR r 351 High E Lancaster Roger C mech Robin Hood Flour Mills r 206 High E Lancaster Thomas H coal agent 127 Main N and agent Lethbridge Collieries h 1172 Clifton Land Titles Office Allan R Rorison registrar 76 Fairford W Landage Herbert baker Can Bakeries r 233 Ominica W Landsverk Loretta maid Park Hotel Lane Charles yardman Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yards h 964 Hochelaga W Lane George F carrier P O h 810 Ominica E Lang Anton h 16, 23 River W Lang J A elk McBride’s Ltd r 175 Riverside W Lang James A whsemn Western Grocers h 175 Riverside W Lang Warren F barber George W Richardson h 918 Carlton Lang Wm J emp Swifts h 169 Riverside St W Langdon H call boy CPR r 882 6th Ave N W Langdon J h 882 6th Ave N W Langdon Oswald trainmn CPR h 1127 2nd Ave N W Langdon Rietta nurse r 214 Stadacona W Lange F orderly General Hospital r same Lange H F engmn CPR r 10^ Alder Langland Mrs Isabel h 1220 Stadacona W Langland Mabel r 1220 Stadacona W Langman Joseph trk driv r 1208 3rd Ave N W Langman Wm lab h 351 Fairford E Langmo Telma emp Army & Nav)^ Store r 81 Athabasca W Langton Arthur emp Swifts h 463 Maple W Lanks Havelock G eng CPR r 1052 Alder N E Lansberry Charles engmn CPR h 832 Outlook Lansberry Reva hairdrsr Grant Hall r 832 Outlook Lanz George J grain buyer h 1073 4th Ave N E Lapidge Ray elk Eatons r 623 1st Ave N E Lapidge Wm J elk CPR h 888 4th Ave N E Large Mrs Howard h 1167 4th Ave N W Large Isabel elk Joyner’s r 235 High Ei Lariviere Alfred lab h 958 Stadacona Farmer Cecil R br mgr Natl System of Baking h 861 7th Ave N W I^armour Andrew h 238 River E La Roeque Nora elk George’s Confy r 123 Main N Larovitch Louis emp Park Hotel r 275 Ominica W Larry Ernest baker Can Bakeries r Park Hotel Larry Mrs Nellie slsldy Army & Navy Store r Park Hotel Larsen Arthur E prop Maple Leaf Grocery r 120 Coteau W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 215 Larsen Peter mech h 390 Stadacona E Larsen Sigurd musician h 121 Elsom Larsen Violet elk Joyner’s r 120 Coteau W Larson Andw r 9 River W Larson Christopher H ydmn CPR h 254 Manitoba E Larson E Earl ydmn CPR h 506 9th St W Larson Emil A electl eng Hi-Way Refineries h 1051 Connaught Larson Lyle engmn CPR h 1151 2nd Ave N E Larson Norman meter rdr Natl Light & Power r 1151 2nd Ave N E Larson Sigurd prop Academy Hall r 120 Zelman Lasby Charles W farmer r 117 Ominica W Lasby Howard trk driv Western Oil h 460 Langdon Cres Lasby Mrs Mary h 117 Ominica W Laskey Frederick engmn CPR r City Hotel Lathma A emp Swifts r 3, 377 Lillooet W Latham Doreene seams Joyners r 33, 80 Home E Latham Frank jan Russell Block h 29, 112 1st Ave N W' Latham George A crew elk CPR h 231 2nd Ave N E Latham Mrs M h 33, 80 Home E Latham Stanley pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 1081 4th Ave N E Latille Alice waitress Grant Hall Hotel h 16, 11 River E Latimer Mrs Margaret h 1010 Wolfe Latour Evelyn emp Prairie Bag r 11, 14 High W Latta Frank dist repres Prov Govt Agric h 1061 Algoma Laugliton Mrs Mary h 208, 331 Main N Laughton Thomas H h 406 Stadacona E Laughton Victor b & b CPR r 406 Stadacona E Laughton Walter opr James Richardson & Sons h 417 3rd Ave N E Lavack John r 139 4th Ave N W Lavell James E engmn CPR h 2, 75 Stadacona W Law Dorothy D tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1215 Algoma Law Mrs Elizabeth h 1215 Algoma Law Helen H tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1215 Algoma Law Maud acet Grayson & McTaggart r 1215 Algoma Law Paul H elk Ry Mail Service h 414 Athabasca W Lawlor Joseph J announcer C H A B r 832 Caribou W Lawlor Mary steno R O Benell Constn Co r 832 Caribou W Lawlor W Henry lieut fire dept City h 832 Caribou W Lawrence Arthur J retd h 336 Fairford W Lawrence’s Garage Lawrence Frolic prop 157 High W Lawrence Melvin baker Can Bakeries h 949 Hochelaga W Lawrence Mrs Wm A r 336 Fairford W Laycock Joseph W carmn CPR h 334 Grandview W Laye Ted flrmn Can Garage r 417 Coteau W Lazenwkski Mike lab CNR h 422 Hochelaga E Leach Elsie of Roselle Beauty Parlor r 831 5th Ave N E Leach Gertrude r 1011 Chestnut Leach Joseph H meter rdr City h 831 5th Ave N E Leach Norman W slsmn Macdonalds Consol h 24, 72 Ross E Leader Post Ltd Pat O’Dwyer repres 14 River E Leadley R trucker r Hotel Cecil Leaker Mrs G M r 668 Ominica E Leal Mrs Annie h 1029 Clifton Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 216 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAAV Leal Aubrey J elk Royal Bank r 1137 1st Ave N E Leal H Allen porter C P Express r 1029 Clifton Lear Elsie r 705 Athabasca \V Lear Frederick T chef CPR h 705 Athabasca W Leask Burwell Young- & Parkins phys 202, 12 High E Leask Duff dentist 202, 12 Pligh E h 16, 72 Ross E Leask John jr stock agt Dorn Dept of Agric r 28 Oxford W Leask T MacCrae of Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins h 40 Ominica W Lebere F S emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 544 Maple Le Blond Harry \V trav General Foods h 1165 3rd Ave N W Le Blond Dr J E insptr Dom Govt h 1127 4th Ave N W Le Bossiere Adelard emp R L Cushing r 253 River E Le Bossiere Henry h 253 River E Leclair James H trainmn CPR h 7, 11 River E Le Claire A A elk Ry Mail Service h 370 Stadacona E Ledsom Miss B nurse General Hospital r same Lee Charles trainmn CPR h 889 Connaught Lee Edith r 904 3rd Ave N E Lee Hem Laundry 37 River E Lee Louis emp Star Cafe r Buffalo Rooms Lee Wm of Hales & Lee r 889 Connaught Lees C emp Swifts r 169 High E Lees Elizabeth seams Children’s Shelter r same Lees Robert retd h 122 Ominica W Lees Walter r 262 Athabasca E Leeves A Frank slsmn Can Bakeries r 828 Grey Leeves David F formn Sewer & Water City h 753 Athabasca E Lefebvre Donet barber Wm J Beamish r Brunswick Hotel Leflar K C supt Reliance Elev h 2, 1146 1st Ave N W Legare Edward h 361 Stadacona E Legge F Irene r 122 Ominica W Legge Mrs Florence steno City r 122 Ominica W Legge Moses elk Army & Navy r 122 Ominica W Legge Robert guard Moose Jaw Natatorium r Fairford W Leggitt Bernice emp Co-Oper Store r 256 Ross W Legion Scouts Hall 819 Hochelaga E Leibell Daniel jan K C Block h 10, 11 River E Leidal Adam mgr Filers Ltd h 1138 Henleaze Leifso Irenee emp Swifts r 227 Ominica W Leines Otto E h River Park Lemaitre Leo h 1163 4th Ave N W Lemaitre Mrs Leo dressmkr r 1163 4th Ave N W Lemcke Mrs Gladys stn attndt City h 35, 105 Lillooet W Lemecha Wm b & b CPR r 47 Home E Lemon Wallace butcher Campbell’s Meat h 136 Manitoba E Lemon Wallace flrmn Canadian Garage h 884 Grey HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 217 Lemon Wm H h 51 Athabasca W Lennox Norman watchmkr Eilers Ltd h 145 Fairford W Leonard Harry r 262 Athabasca E Leonard Samuel D ice cream maker Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 429 Ominica W Leriviere Henry lab r 947 Hochelaga W Leriviere Mrs Mary h 947 Hochelaga W Leroy Clarence engmn CPR h 348 River W Lesiuk Alexander pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 337 Maple W Lesiuk John pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1126 Iroquois Leslie Marion waitress Wimpy’s Flamburger r 312 Oxford E Leslie Mrs Mary h 312 Oxford E Leslie Thelma V elk Bon Bon Confy r 312 Oxford E Leslie Thomas E elk Can Bk of Commerce h 1124 Algoma Letcher’s Battery Service Frank J Letcher prop 109 High W Letcher Frank J mgr Letcher’s Battery Service h 840 Stadacona E Letcher Frank W Jr emp Letcher’s Battery Service r 840 Stadacona E Letcher Norman with Letcher’s Battery Service r 840 Stadacona E Lethbridge Collieries Ltd Thomas H Lancaster agt 127 Main N Lett James slsmn r 201 Stadacona W Lett Mrs Joseph h 1169 1st Ave N W Lett Truman J jan Douglas Blk h 201 Stadacona W LeVeille S J decorator r 255 Hochelaga W Leveque L R trainmn CPR h 3, 219 High W Leveridge Mrs George E h 892 Elgin Leveridge Jack flrmn Sterling Motors r 1011 1st Ave N E Leveridge Stan E mach h 887 9th Ave N W LeWcox Harold emp McGavin’s Bakery r 1006 Montgomery Lewcox Mrs Walter h 1006 Montgomery Lewdek S emp P W Graham & Sons r Willard Hotel Lewis Mrs J O r 1046 Clifton Lewis Joe h 36 High E Lewry Frank E elk CPR r 1027 1st Ave N E Lewry Louis H news editor C H A B r 1315 6th Ave N W Lewry Philip C elk CPR h 905 Stadacona E Lewry Philip E elk CPR h 1315 6th Ave N W Lezete Mary r 839 Willow Lezete Steve h 839 Willow Liberet J emp Swifts r 502 9th Ave S W Liberty Cafe (Chinese) 42 Manitoba E Licence Robert tendermn CPR h 476 Hochelaga E Liddle Robert S lab h 678 Athabasca W Liefso Miss I emp Swifts r 227 Ominica W Liggett Bernice slsldy Moose Jaw Co-oper r 256 Ross W Lightle James E emp City h 1106 Cartier Lightle Miss L maid General Hospital r same Lig'htle Terry A trainmn CPR h 927 1st Ave N E Lillico Mrs Margaret h 361 Hochelaga W Lillico W N h 204 Riverside W Lillie Mrs A M h 158 Athabasca W Lincoln Alfred C painter h 944 Caribou E Lincoln Amy E r 881 Elgin Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 218 HENDERSOX’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Lincoln John W mech Quality Dental Laby r 944 Caribou E Lincoln Walter V jan Dominion Bank h Elgin Lind James mgr Harvey’s Grocer}^ h 326 Oxford W Lindon Mrs E r 1006 1st Ave N E Lindsay Aubrey emp Swifts h 917 Lillooet W Lindsay Block 59 High W Idndsay Calvin retd h 285 Dufl'ield W Lindsay Percy barber George W Richardson r 305 Hochelaga W Lindsay Mrs Robert r 459 Hochelaga W Lines Thomas H teller Bk of Montreal h 205, 423 1st Ave N W Linkert Rosalie K nurse Providence Hospital r same Linklater Mrs J r 310 Riverside Dr Linn Betty elk Kresge’s r 545 Hochelaga W Linn R Everett emp Whilhan Road Contsn h 712 Athabasca W Linn Mrs R J r 430 Athabasca W Linquist Mrs Caroline E r 368 High W Linton Helen elk Eatons r 369 Main N Linton Mrs M h 369 Main N Linton Owen surveyor r 59 Athabasca W Liquor Board Saskatchewan James McBennett vendor 73 River W, H Fletcher vendor 55 High W, beer whse Cecil Cull superv 145 River W Lister Gladys r 54 Oxford W Lister Jack ydmn South Sask Stockyards b 1084 9th Ave S W Lister Joseph trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 914 Vaughn Lister Mary r 914 Vaughn Lister Reginald h Fairview Subdiv Lister Thomas cattle dir h 914 Vaughn Litherland Herbert formn McGavin’s Bakeries h 870 7th Ave N W Litouski N sectnmn CPR r 957 Iroquois W Litowsky John r 937 Iroquois W Litowsky Peter barber 152 River W h 937 Iroquois W Little Alfred J grain broker h 922 Main N Little H I ticket dk CPR h 5, 1007 Main N Little Thomas Jr engmn CPR h 344 Fairford W Little Thomas engmn CPR h 74 Lillooet W Little Vern oiler Natl Light & Power r 1163 Grafton Littley Mrs Mary h 206 High E Live Stock Exchange Building w s Home W and 7th Ave Livingston Fairlie tchr Caron Sask r 448 Hochelaga W Livingston Isabel tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 448 Hochelaga W Livingston James G emp Hi-Way Refineries r 448 Hochelaga W Livingston Oil Products Robert E Livingston prop 901 Fairford W Livingston Robert prop Livingston Oil Products h 448 Hochelaga W Livingstone Robert H electn Tom Whitehead h 886 Algoma Lix Joseph tailor J C Carley h 743 Hochelaga E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 219 Lloyd Cecil R mach CPR h 1222 Willow Lloyd George pipeftr CPR h 471 Coteau W Lloyd Harry emp Bert Jackman r 278 Manitoba W Lloyd Wilfred flrmn Sterling Motors r 139 High E Lock Edwin service mgr Totten-Elliott Motors r 1128 1st Ave N E Lock Frank R C elk Postal Services r 1326 1st Ave N W Lock Mrs M h 376 Stadacona W Locke George b & b CPR h 655 Athabasca W Locke Harold emp CPR r 658 Athabasca W Locke James boiler mkr Johnstone Dairies r 1051 Iroquois W Locke Vernon messr Dime Delivery r 376 Stadacona W Lockey Hugh M whsemn Rex Fruit r 1202 1st Ave N W Lockey Mrs M slsldy Army & Navy Store r 1202 1st Ave N W Lockhart Frances maid Empress Hotel r same Lockhart Mrs Peggy emp Park Hotel r 267 Hochelaga W Lockman Bertha h 2, 130 Main N Lockwood George N slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 1158 Grafton Lofgren Harry A eng h 1010 Coteau W Lofgren Verne emp Swifts h 1428 Vaughn Logan Mrs Alice D h 1109 2nd Ave N W Logan Thomas retd r 614 Main N Logan Thomas A retd h 938 Brown Lohr Mrs Della h 1109 Athabasca E Lomas J A messr C P Exp r 1167 2nd Ave N E Lomheim Nils emp Swifts h 1106 (basement) Clifton London Life Insurance Co Robert J Atkinson superv 1, 108 Main N Lone Star Service Station Frank Brooke prop 1206 Main N Lonergan W emp Swifts r Swifts Fire Hall Loney H chkr CPR r 325 Fairford W Loney (Richard) & Co (Major Richard Loney) real est 218 Ham¬ mond Bldg Loney Major Richard of Richard Loney & Co h 41 Stadacona W Long Cecil M oil opr h 1023 Alder N E Long Edwin B r 1023 Alder N E Long Frederick emp Swifts h 864 Grey Long John H r 336 Oxford W Long Hannah emp Swifts r 1023 Carlton Long O trainmn CPR r 2, 11 River E Long Russell H supt of Investigation Postal Service h 26, 822 Main N Long Wm H driv Moose Jaw Transportation h 836 Grey Longbottom Arthur appr CPR h 254 Lillooet W Longbottom Florence elk Govt Phones r 65 Iroquois W Longbottom Jesse h 836 Skipton Rd Longbottom Miss R maid Gen Hosp r same Longman Arthur C chef Gen Hosp h 851 Skipton Rd Longmire Daisy A elk YMCA r 1010 Athabasca E Longmire Frederick shpr Westons Bread r 1010 Athabasca E Longmire Herbert barnmn Westons Bread h 1010 Athabasca E Longmire Mary E hsekpr r 1010 Athabasca E Longmore Thomas H carrier PO h 167 Lillooet W Langmuir J oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills r Dunmore Addition Longridge Frank G prop Sun Drug Co of Moose Jaw h 1, 43 River E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 220 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Longridge Frank R elk Sun Drug Co of Moose Jaw r 1, 43 River E Lord — h 33, 377 Lillooet W Lord Percival T prop King Edward Confy h 9 Iroquois W Lorden Harry emp CPR h 82 Lillooet W Lorimer Edith J steno Royal Bk r 65 Hochelaga W Lott Mrs D r 1132 1st Ave N W Lott F James h 9, 318 Main N Lott Gerald W elk Moose Jaw Co-Oper h 32, 377 Lillooet W Lott John mech Central Motor r 406 5th Ave N W Lott June A elk Govt Phones r 1132 1st Ave N W Loueks Roy emp Swifts h 25 Home W Loutzenhiser Alva E maeh Valmarie, Sask h 950 Ominiea W Loutzenhiser Mrs N H h 62 Ominiea W Loutzenhiser V A trainmn CPR h 222 High W Lovatt Mrs Edna h 1234 Clifton Lovatt Elsie hairdrsr Roselle r 1234 Clifton Lovatt Wm elk Eatons r 1234 Clifton Love Albert linemn Govt Phones h 12, 18 Main N Love Miss J nurse Gen Hosp r same Love Riehard flying instr Moose Jaw Flying Club r 123 Main N Loveridge J R h 47 Home W Loveridge T George elk Customs h 624 4th Ave N W Lovett Herbert R linemn Govt Phones h 51 Athabasea W Lovis Jaek eng Moose Jaw Flying Club r 1079 2nd Ave N E Lovis Thomas S H elk Customs h 1079 2nd Ave N E Lovitt G Lineoln acet Land Titles r 53 Oxford W Lowe Mrs A r 614 Main N Lowe Mrs C E h 556 Maple W Lowe George trk driv h 428 Iroquois W Lowe Mrs Janet r 32 Athabasea W Lowe Jean elk Eatons r 159 Hoehelaga E Lowe Wm R h 1026 6th Ave N E Lowes Clarenee W slsmn Clarkes Ltd r 1029 Alder Lowey Alex M dentist 403, 12 High E h 6, 72 Ross E Lowiek Ballantyne A tehr Moose Jaw Sehl Dist r 169 Sfadaeona W Lowiek Marshall H h 169 Stadaeona W Lowiek Mary elk Eatons r 169 Stadaeona W Lowrey Albert S earp h 345 Iroquois Lowrey Miss C h 2, 720 Main N Lowrey Martha S elk Joyner's h 2, 720 Main N Lowry Charles retd h 478 Stadaeona W Lowther George lab r 718 Stadaeona W Lowther John emp CPR h 1047 Manitoba W Lowther John C retd h 220 River W Lowther Robert emp CPR h 718 Stadaeona W Loyal Order of Moose Charles H James see 2nd flr 318 Main N HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 221 Lucas A Roy supt Security Lumber h 1183 1st Ave N E Lucas Clarence trk driv Hi-Way Refineries Ltd Lucas Constance steno Security Lumber r 1183 1st Ave N E Lucas Mrs Redvers h 959 Edmonton Lucas Wm H h 147 Fairford E Luch John lab h 344 River W Luchenko Julia r Park Hotel Lucht John saw filer 56 Manitoba E r 40 River E Luckhurst Robt porter Hotel Cecil r same Ludke Carl driv Brown’s Taxi h 1331 Grafton Ludlow Realty Co Ltd George B Kimbell sec 101, 12 High E Lueck Carl trk driv h 542 Fairford E Lundeen Edward r 241 Ominica W Lundie W Earl opr Brit Amer Oil h 1044 7th Ave N W Lundman Carle W millwright Robin Hood Flour Mills h 534 9th Ave N W Lutheran Church of the Redeemer 269 Stadacona W Lydiard Mrs Ella S h 380 Ominica E Lydiard Emma bkpr Times r 380 Ominica E Lynas' Wm J b & b CPR r 54 Athabasca W Lynbrook Golf Club 4th Ave N W cor Laurier Lynwood Lodge 214 Oxford W Lyon Ernest F C produce mgr Canada Pkrs h 23, 80 Home E Lyons David office mgr Burns & Co c-o same Lyons J pensioner r 72 Eligh E Lyons Mrs Margaret r 352 Fairford W Lys Boris emp Swifts h 1025 Iroquois W Lys U emp Swifts r 1025 Iroquois W M McAdam Alfred B retd h 336 Main S McAdam R E trainmn CPR r 1130 Redland McAdam Rev Robert S I^ minister St George’s Church r 624 Oxford W McAdams Mrs E C r 1135 6th Ave N W McAllin Michael steno Debt Adjustment Board r 1087 Alder McAllister James engmn CPR h 358 Iroquois McAlpine Curtis drftsmn City r 1009 Willow McAlpine Miss F D H h 1009 Willow McAndrew Alex h 427 Iroquois W McArthur Alex lab h 922 Vaughn McArthur F orderly Gen Hosp r same McArthur John K emp CPR h 1003 Connaught McAvoy A Wm real est 416 Hammond Bldg r Maple Leaf Hotel McAvoy Russell r 1130 Monk McBain Arlie E elk Bk of Montreal r 63 Stadacona W McBeath Wm A insptr in charge Westn Grain Insptn h 1131 Grafton McBennett James vendor Liquor Bd h 902 Montgomery McBennett Josephine typist CPR r 1027 Grafton McBennett Mrs Susan h 1027 Grafton McBennett Thomas W prin St Agnes School r 1027 Grafton It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 222 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW McBirney Wm b & b CPR r 130 River E McBrearty Mrs A h 953 Stadacona W McBride E Frank b & b CPR h 74 Caribou W McBride Mrs Frederick h 951 Caribou W McBride’s Ltd Vergil J Heglin superv 211 River W, branches; 432 Athabasca E, 3 Coteau W, 314 Fairford W, 79 High W, 912 Hochelaga W, 438 and 1104 Main N, 423 4th Ave S W, 1102 4th Ave N W, 530 4th Ave N W; Bakery 314 Fairford W McBride Lyall lab h 1036 9th Ave N W McBride Malcolm slsmn Westn Press r 1104 1st Ave N E McBride Robert F bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 951 Caribou W McBride Mrs Samuel h 1213 3rd Ave N E McBride Warren R elk City h 1104 1st Ave N E McBride Wilfred K trk driv Burns & Co h 1323 Grafton McBride Wm chiropractor 1, 8 River E h 805 Alder N E McBurney James b & b CPR h 735 Hochelaga W McBurney James Jr trk driv r 735 Hochelaga W McBurney Robert J foremn mach Brit Amer Oil h 219 Riverside W McBurney Wm b & b CPR r 103 Iroquois E McCaig John contr h 1351 Connaught McCaig Mrs Mary r 832 Algoma McCallion Bernard emp Swifts h 27 Lillooet E McCallion Francis jan James Richardson & Sons Ltd h 1087 Alder N E McCallion Gertrude r 1087 Alder N E McCallion Margaret elk Eatons r 1087 Alder N E McCallion Michael elk Court House r 1087 Alder N E McCallion W emp Swifts r 320 Iroquois W McCallum W A engmn CPR h 15, 127 High W McCammon Esther J asst Public Library r 358 Stadacona W McCammon Mrs M r 50 Athabasca E McCammon Margaret elk Joyners r 50 Athabasca E McCann John carp Bird Constn h 1039 8th Ave N W McCann Lawrence trk driv h 666 Athabasca E McCann Mrs Mary r 898 5th Ave N W McCann Philip J trainmn CPR h 730 Main S McCann Thomas W actg supt Can Govt Elev h 1139 4th Ave N W McCann Wm B trainmn CPR h 829 2nd Ave N E McCannell Mary emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 14, 75 Stadacona McCardle Lucille elk r 636 2nd Ave N E McCardle Wm A trainmn CPR h 636 2nd Ave N E McCarger J A r American Hotel McCarger W cond CPR r Hotel Cecil McCarthy J J h 14, 11 River E McCartney Mrs J A h 1101 Clifton McCartney R Gordon acet Totten-Elliott Motors h 1143 Grafton HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 223 McCartney Mrs Wm S h 406 5th Ave N W MeCaslin John W electn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1021 2nd Ave N W McCauley Albert h 311 Athabasca W McCauley George h 52 River E McCauley Gordon A acct Patron Oil r 942 1st Ave N E McCauley W trainmn CPR r 1062 Redland McCauley Wm J dentist 107, 12 High E h 942 1st Ave N E McCaw Mabel elk Eatons r YWCA McClellan J F trainmn CPR h 466 Coteau W McClelland Mrs M E r 1080 6th Ave N W McClelland M Kathleen dom science instr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 160 Ominica W McClelland Samuel E M supt Schools Sask Govt h 160 Ominica W McColl-Frontenac Oil Co Ltd J C MacDonald agt 9th Ave N W and Fairford, br Wolfe and Oxford McColl Mrs J A h 1036 1st Ave N W McColl John h 546 Fairford E McConnell Gladys nurse Gen Hosp r same McConnell Miss M nurse .Gen Hosp r same McConnell Wm mach CPR h 507 3rd Ave N E McConochie Lawson engmn CPR r 832 Algoma McCord Thomas R h 949 Albert McCormack Joseph r 327 Ominica W McCormick B emp CPR r 1130 Main N McCormick Bernard flrmn Can Garage r 1130 Main N McCormick Donald B cablemn Govt Phones r 1130 Main N McCormick Ella r 66 Coteau W McCormick Glen emp Lone Star Serv Stn r 1130 Main N McCormick James E ydmn CPR h 65 Home W McCormick John A driv r 1130 Main N McCormick Mrs Mary r 66 Coteau W McCormick Mary usher Capitol Theatre r 1130 Main N McCormick Roy emp CPR r 1130 Main N McCormick Stanley with McBrides r 66 Coteau W McCormick Wm F pensioner h 66 Coteau W McCormick Wm J engmn CPR r 66 Coteau W McCorquodale D electn hlpr CPR h 7, 800 4th Ave N W McCourt John h 444 Stadacona W McCoy George elk Liquor Bd h 245 Stadacona W McCoy John lab Westn Oil r 245 Stadacona W McCrady Charles D whsemn C P Exp h 803 1st Ave N W McCrady Jack vehiclemn C P Exp r 803 1st Ave N W McCulloch Mrs Frank D h 76 Hochelaga E McCullough Douglas lab h 1024 Brown McCullough Kathleen bndry Moose Jaw Printing r 1221 5th Ave N W McCullough Mrs S prop Lady Vanity Salon r 628 Main N McCullough W h 231 Riverside W McCullough Wm comp Moose Jaw Printing h 1221 5th Ave N W McCully Dorothy r 455 Ominica W McCully Frank L trainmn CPR h 455 Ominica W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 224 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW McCully Winnifred J steno City r 455 Ominica W McCurdy David A ins 127 Main N h Rothesay Park McCurdy E S tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 605 Main S McDaniels News' Stand Benjamin Schwartz prop 308 Main N McDiarmid A trainmn CPR r 17, 105 Lillooet W McDiarmid Mrs J M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r YWCA McDiarmid James retd h 554 Hochelaga W McDiarmid Rev James of Emmanuel Baptist Church r 423 Langdon Cres McDiarmid Mrs Lillian h 1018 Chestnut McDonald A J r Alexandra Hotel McDonald A T trainmn CPR r 662 Stadacona W McDonald Alex driv Scottys Scooters r 231 Stadacona W McDonald Alex h 1184 Willow McDonald Alex B trainmn CPR h 113 Hochelaga W McDonald Angus engmn CPR h 759 Ominica E McDonald Angus N trainmn CPR h 1111 Redland McDonald Mrs Annie r 1223 4th Ave N W McDonald Archibald A engmn CPR h 922 3rd Ave N W McDonald Art N trainmn CPR h 1136 Main N McDonald C Frank manual training instr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 911 1st Ave N E McDonald Donald h 622 Skeena McDonald Donald S elk Land Titles r 1128 4th Ave McDonald Donald W vet surgeon 274 Manitoba W h 1128 4th Ave N W McDonald Mrs Edna h 26, 105 Lillooet W McDonald Mrs Edna h 447 Ominica W McDonald Mrs Emma h 279 Hochelaga E McDonald Mrs G h 7, 105 Lillooet W McDonald George beer waiter Grant Hall Hotel r 803 Chamberlain McDonald Hector retd h 170 Hochelaga W McDonald J W trainmn CPR r City Hotel McDonald James A lab h 231 Stadacona W McDonald Jean tchr Victoria Schl h 706 Stadacona W McDonald John engmn CPR h 358 Coteau W McDonald John M trav Impl Oil h 1113 5th Ave N W McDonald Joseph r 9 River W McDonald Joseph trk driv r 123 Main N McDonald Katherine r 706 Stadacona W McDonald Kenneth C elk Swifts h 149 Coteau W McDonald M M engmn CPR r 6, 23 River W McDonald Mrs M R h 1184 Chestnut McDonald Margaret bkpr Security Lbr r 660 Athabasca W McDonald Marvdn emp Swifts h 473 Home W McDonald Neil J lab h 262 Ominica W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 225 McDonald Peggy steno Imp Bldg Supplies r 1184 Chestnut McDonald Stanley emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 804 Main S McDonell Catherine steno r 1061 Clifton McDonell John J chf disp CPR h 1061 Clifton McDonell Josephine M steno r 1061 Clifton McDonell Mary U tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1061 Clifton McDonnell Mrs Ida h 1054 Clifton McDonough James emp Grant Hall Hotel h 814 Hochelaga E McDougal B trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel McDougall Bert G slsmn R J Kerr Ltd r 28 Oxford W McDougall Estelle V tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 17, 219 High W McDougall Robert bartender Empress Hotel r same McDougall Robert r 147 High E McDowell Agnes waitress Princess Cafe r 214 StadaconaTJ^ McEachern Rev Father chaplain Providence Hosp r s^n^ McElroy Nellie steno Beatty Bros r 406 High W McEown Rev Ian minister Zion Ifnited Church cHmU Main N McEwan Don r 159 River \V > McEwan Hazel emp Eatons r 275 Hochelaga McEwan Wm retd r 144 High E ^ McEwen Clifford J carp h 447 Ross W McEwen Harold elk Blue Bird Confy r 7?^^thaba;sta W McEwen Hazel elk Eatons r 275 Hoch^^ga W /' McEwen Kenneth E mt ctr Kents 474 IVHiffiitoba E McEwen Peter S carp h 715 Atha^sca W/ McFadden Frederick bkpr C P Pels h 1^3 Lillooet E McEadden Nathaniel G lab h 1101 bth^ve N E McFadyen Marjorie M nurse Providence Hosp r same McFall Miss E emp Swifts r 1018 St Mar 3 's McEall James carp h 1218 St Mary’s McEall Mary dressmkr Christie Grant r 1218 10th Ave N W McFarlane Melvin C messr C P Exp h 25, 822 Main N McEee George lab h 1346 Connaught McGavin Bakeries Ltd John McGavin mgr 716 7th Ave N W McGavin John mgr McGavin’s Bakeries Ltd h 712 Hochelaga W McGeachy Christine h 1306 3rd Ave N E McGeary Peter h 1171 3rd Ave N E McGee Walter engmn CPR h 237 River W McGibbon Mrs M r 265 Stadacona W McGill John switchmn Govt Phones h 1020 Grafton McGillies Daniel h 123 Main N McGillis Georgina opr Artistique Beauty Shop r 123 Main N McGillis Mrs Vivia prop Artistique Beauty Shop h 123 Main N McGillivray Hector retd h 814 1st Ave N E McGillivray Melvin barber 418 Athabasca E r 130 Stadacona W McGillvary Malcolm farmer h e s 9th Ave N W McGinn Frederick slsmn- h 1067 Connaught McGinn Frederick lab h 1006 Stadacona W McGinn J messr C P Tels r 1067 Connaught McGinty Roy B mgr Bowman Bros Ltd h 1151 1st Ave N W McGookin Rev John Y minister Minto United Church h 1038 7th Ave N W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 226 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW McGookin Miss K nurse Gen Hosp r same McGowan Alvin L tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1208 2nd Ave N W McGowan Archibald h 180 (irandview McGowan O emp Swifts r 1148 4th Ave N W McGowan R B laby asst Brit Amcr Oil h 7, 152 Athabasca E McGowan Wm caretkr Imperial Apts h 409 Grandview McGrath Albert pumpmn Brit Amer Oil r 546 Skeena McGrath Clifford retd r 244 Manitoba K McGrath Dorothy elk Dainty Candy Shoppe r 354 Stadacona W McGrath Mrs Gertrude h 546 Skeena McGrath Gerald sampler Westn Grain Insptn h 941 Caribou W McGrath Helen elk r 354 Stadacona W McGrath Jack elk r 354 Stadacona W McGrath James farmer h 354 Stadacona W McGrath James P chkr CPR h 1225 Redland McGrath John elk r 546 Skeena McGrath Kathleen emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 546 Skeena McGrath Mary elk r 354 Stadacona W McGrath Peter J trainmn CPR r 546 Skeena McGrath Thomas r 326 Fairford W McGregor A M steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r YMCA McGregor Charles coal dock CPR h 1156 Coteau W McGregor George emp CPR h 313 Maple W McGregor Mrs Isabella r 1081 Main N McGregor J elk Harveys Grocy r 336 Main S McGregor John A engmn CPR h 1037 Chestnut McGregor Robert lab h 1214 6th Ave N E McGregor Wm plstr h 1214 6th Ave N E McGregor Wm A ydmn CPR h 1331 Redland McGregor Wm H traffic mgr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1226 Grafton McGregor Wm J h 543 Caribou W McGugan Rev Neil retd h 647 Athabasca W McGuire Alfred E acet Alexander & Baird h 268 Oxford W McGuire Edwin E trainmn CPR h 837 5th Ave N W McGuire J emp Swifts r Kings Hotel McGuire Maude music tchr r 268 Oxford W McGurk James appr CPR r 28 Oxford W McHolm Mrs W h 107 Coteau E Mcllhagga Mrs George h 1108 4th Ave N W Meindoe Douglas emp Coca Cola r 48 Hochelaga W Meinnes Benjamin spec officer Royal Bk h 1101 6th Ave N W Meinnes Jean M elk Eatons h 7, 219 High W McIntosh Alexander L h 438 Ominica W McIntosh Peter r Alexandra Hotel McIntosh Wm h 10, 18 Main N McIntyre A Ronald agt Sun Life r 40 Ominica W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 227 McIntyre Alex retd r Brunswick Hotel McIntyre Barbara tchr r 1143 1st Ave N W McIntyre Bruce W prop Maple Leaf Hotel h same McIntyre C Sidney mgr North Star Oil Co Ltd h 1143 1st Ave N W McIntyre Cafe H A McIntyre mgr 124 Main N McIntyre Mrs E L r 1218 Redland McIntyre Elva r 21 High W McIntyre Mrs G r 312 Oxford E McIntyre Horace mgr McIntyre Cafe r 406 Athabasca W McIntyre Mrs Jean h 406 Athabasca W McIntyre N W r City Hotel McIntyre Rev Roy pastor Alliance Tabernacle h 21 High W McIntyre Wm pensioner r 147 High E McIntyre Wm r 1143 1st Ave N W McIntyre Wm D gen ins 2, 214 Main N h 140 Stadacona W Mclsaac Daniel whsemn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1043 Connaught Mclsaac John D hlpr Govt Phones h 205 High E Mclsaac Miss K pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1043 Connaught McKay Alex lab h 1036 Donald McKay Catherine r 276 Lillooet W McKay David emp CPR r 176 River E McKay Dawson mech r 1230 2nd Ave N W McKay Gordon chkr CPR h 355 Duffield W McKay J trainmn CPR r 1248 1st Ave N W McKay Wm lab r 1036 Donald McKay Wm J ydmn CPR h 276 Lillooet W McKee Robert A elk PO h 1231 3rd Ave N E McKeen Henry retd h 7B, 73 High W McKellar Mrs A M h 933 Athabasca E McKellar Archibald D trainmn CPR h 213 Hochelaga W McKellar Mrs Margaret r 213 Hochelaga W McKenna James elk PO h 627 Pasqua McKenna Margaret elk Eatons h 2, 27 High W McKenzie A E Co Ltd seed merchants 337 River W McKenzie Auto Equipment Ltd Frederick L Falls mgr 45 High W McKenzie Doris emp Wilson Produce r 56 Elsom McKenzie Hugh trainmn CPR h 242 Lillooet W McKenzie Mrs Jack h 9, 43 High W McKenzie John R of Simonson & McKenzie and of McKenzie Lum¬ ber & Fuel Sales h 1085 Clifton McKenzie Leslie R prop Tire Bargain House r 56 Elsom McKenzie Louise r 1085 Clifton McKenzie Lumber & Fuel Sales (J R McKenzie) 27 Hall W McKenzie Patricia nurse r 1085 Clifton McKenzie Paul slsmn Electrolux r 429 Ominica W McKenzie Robert R eng Natl Idght & Power h 56 Elsom McKenzie Stewart elk Hotel Cecil r 278 Athabasca W McKenzie Wm watchmn Brit Amer Oil r 56 Elsom McKeown Andrew trk driv Rex Fruit r City Hotel McKeown Steve r City Hotel McKillop Archibald supt Sask Registered Seed Growers h 1040 Grafton E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 228 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW McKillop Betty steno McKenzie Lbr r 1327 Grafton McKillop Duncan emp Swifts h 763 Coteau W McKillop Duncan sis mgr Scotty’s Motor Sales h 1335 Grafton McKinley Arthur scrv stn attndt Central Motor r 170 Ominica W McKinley Mrs Louise h 170 Ominica W McKinnon Edith elk Eatons r 512 Ominica E McKinnon Frank ydmn CPR h 450 Stadacona W McKinnon Mabelle r 1204 2nd Ave N W McKinnon Malcolm trainmn CPR h 444 Duffield W McKnight John horse dir h 1134 Monk McLaren A W emp CPR r City Hotel McLaren Alex slsmn Sterling Motors r 1098 Connaught McLaren Cecil E elk Can Bk of Com h 5, 630 Main N McLaren James B mach CPR h 1342 Connaught McLay James district repres C P Exp h 352 Athabasca W McLean Alice tchr r 1126 Wolfe McLean Arthur bartender Empress Plotel r 321 Hochelaga W McLean Christina D elk CPR h 361 Athabasca W McLean Donald h 1126 Wolfe McLean Donald H carrier PO h 338 Grandview McLean Dorothea nurse Drs Leask Burwell & Young r 1063 Grafton McLean Mrs Dorothy propress Collegiate Confy h 816 2nd Ave N W McLean George lab h 371 Fairford E McLean George retd r 214 Stadacona W McLean George A trav Walter M Lowney h 46 Oxford W McLean Jack r Plaza Hotel McLean Mrs James h 747 Ominica E McLean Kenneth G emp Hi-Way Service Stn h 870 Monk McLean Mabel nurse r 1063 Grafton McLean Margaret nurse Providence Hosp r same McLean Marion M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1126 Wolfe McLean Mrs Mary h 54 (upstairs) Athabasca E McLean Mary E elk Govt Phones 54 (upstairs) Athabasca E McLean Mildred tchr r 1126 Wolfe McLean Rex bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r Empress Hotel McLean Robert D announcer CHAB r 346 Stadacona W McLean Royden flrmn Sterling Motors r 747 Ominica E McLean Ruby M steno K J Henderson r 46 Oxford W McLean Mrs Wm PI h 348 Pligh W McLellan Hugh bgemn CPR h 726 Skipton Rd McLellan Mrs J L steno Stirk & Poulton r 1024 Ominica W McLellan James garage 460 Caribou W h 617 Caribou W McLellan Leslie emp J McLellan & Sons r 617 Caribou W McLellan Murdoch H elk Ry Mail Serv h 1, 11 River E McLelland Gordon sampler Robin Hood Flour Mills r 152 Hochelaga W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 229 McLellanci Ken W emp Swifts r 275 Hochelaga W McLellancl Wm J h 152 Hochelaga W McLeman Mrs W h 1030 Fairford E McLennan J h 11, 11 River E McLeod Alex foremn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 206, 331 Main N McLeod Allan trainmn CPR h 1324 3rd Ave N E McLeod D R trainmn CPR r Park Hotel McLeod John const City r 323 3rd Ave N E McLeod Norman retd h 1150 Willow McLeod Peter emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry h 153 Hochelaga W McLeod R K engmn CPR r 1012 1st Ave N W McLeod Wesley R barber 25 Eairford W r 1168 Main N McMichael Albert E farmer h 1029 2nd Ave N W McMicken Malcolm G slsmn Can Bakeries h 436 Moose Square McMillan Block 57 River W McMillan D R emp CPR r Western Flotel McMillan Gordon slsmn Natl Fruit h 1140 Main N McMillan H A prop Rendezvous h 159 Fairford E MeMillan Miss J nurse Gen Hosp r same McMillan James h 915 Athabasca E McMillan James b & b CPR r 23 Fairford W McMillan Mrs Lucille h 7, 127 High W McMillan Marjorie bkpr Drs Leask Burwell Young Parkins h D, 1106 Clifton McMillan Ronald miller Robin Hood Flour Mills h 877 9th Ave N W McMullan Wm eng Swifts Cold Storage h 336 Iroquois W McMullen Wm hlpr CPR h 1331 Coteau W McMurchy Allister h 1111 Clifton McMurtry Mrs Eliza h 452 Ominica W McNab Spencer C slsmn Bowman Bros h 1062 Clifton McNabb Earl driv Moose Jaw Transportation r 1173 1st Ave W McNabb Lloyd painter Central Motor h 853 Coteau W McNabb Wellington W acct Western Oil Co Ltd h 1019 3rd Ave N W McNabb Wm trucker h 816 Algoma McNabb Wm J asst supt CNR h 2, 121 High W McNair Block 106 3rd Ave N W McNamee Lewis trainmn CPR h 311 Grandview McNamee Wm ydmn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yards h 247 Riverside W McNaughton George guard Brit Amer Oil r 152 River E McNaughton Rev Robert retd r Harwood Flotel McNeary James A slsmn Macdonalds Consol h 4, 106 3rd Ave N W McNeely Delmer emp CNR h 1048 5th Ave N W McPhail Daniel S carp h 932 Lillooet W McPhail Malcolm elk Southern Sask Co-Operative Stock Yards r 820 Stadacona W McPhail Thomas W coir of Customs h 820 Stadacona W MePheat Hugh h E, 822 Main N MePhee Mrs A D r 246 Oxford W MePhee Hon George W judge of District & Surrogate Courts h 1168 Redland Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 230 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW McPherson Alex h 406 Stadacona W McPherson Mrs E C h 270 Ominica W McPherson Georgina waitress Exchange Cafe r 270 Ominica W McPherson J A welder CPR h 3, 377 Lillooet W McPherson W emp CPR r City Hotel McQuarrie Daniel J engmn CPR h 1069 2nd Ave N W McQuarrie Edward A elk h 5, 609 4th Ave N E McQuarrie J W George mach CPR r 1069 2nd Ave N E McRae Duncan caretkr Govt Phones h 1032 6th Ave N W McRae Elizabeth r 1032 6th Ave N W McRae J emp Can Govt Elev c-o Gen Delivery McRitchie Frank of Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd h 472 Athabasca W McRitchie Hubert H of Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd r 472 Athabasca W McRitchie Mary of Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd h 458 Athabasca W McRoberts Hilliard W trainmn CPR h 1024 Connaught MeSorley Mrs Mavis F elk Joyner’s h 203, 11 High E MeSporran Duncan engmn CPR h 832 Algoma MeSween John emp PO h 346 Fairford W McTaggart James M b & b CPR h 442 Stadacona W McTaggart John b & b CPR r 462 Stadacona W McTaggart Lester of Grayson & McTaggart h 1060 2nd Ave N W McTavish Horace W billing elk Brit Amer Oil r 47 Coteau E McTavish J Cameron h 1040 Connaught McTavish L trainmn CPR r 47 Coteau E McTavish Lachlin D retd h 47 Coteau E McVeigh J r Kings Hotel McWalter David R elk Brit Amer Oil h 116 Iroquois E McWilliam George E pensioner h 68 River E McWilliams Mrs Donald G h 878 4th Ave N E McWilliams Edwin D asst acet Swifts h 1005 Athabasca E McWilliams Firn hsekpr r 260 Athabasca W McWilliams George E h 68 River E McWilliams Helen elk Eatons r 220 Oxford W McWilliams Leslie E mech h 556 Fairford E McWilliams Roy whsemn Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1046 Main N McWilliams Samuel H farmer h 260 Athabasca W McWilliams Wesley whsemn C P Exp h 220 High E McWilliams Wilhelmina bkpr Robin Plood Flour Mills r 220 Oxford W McWilliams Wm J barr 408 Hammond Bldg h 220 Oxford W Mac’s Sign Shop (R L MacDonald) 120 1st Ave N W MacArthur Herbert H blrwasher CPR h 253 Stadacona W Macdiarmid Alex h 1553 Vaughn Macalister Agnes steno Macdonalds Consol r 438 Stadacona E Macalister Thomas carp CPR h 438 Stadacona E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 231 MacDiarmid Mrs Archibald r 1191 1st Ave N E MacDiarmid Janet elk Woolworths r 1553 Vaughn MacDonald Alex A porter PO h 618 Stadacona W MacDonald Angus F lab h 721 Stadacona W MacDonald Duncan h 1283 7th Ave N E Macdonald George bar tndr Grant Hall h 803 Chamberlain MacDonald Mrs Hugh h 580 Maple W MacDonald J Elwood A emp McColl-Frontenac r 348 Ross W MacDonald Miss J M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 662 Stadacona W MacDonald James C agt McColl-Frontenac Oil Co Ltd h 348 Ross W MacDonald James D carp h 660 Athabasca W MacDonald Mary h 1223 4th Ave N W MacDonald Percy porter PO h 815 6th Ave N E MacDonald Reuben A h 1150 Grafton MacDonald Roy L prop Mac’s Sign Shop h 1046 3rd Ave N E MACDONALD’S CONSOLIDATED LIMITED, Night Phone 3008. WHOLESALE GROCERS, FRUIT AND PRODUCE MER¬ CHANTS, 417-427 River Street W., Phones 5551 - 5552 - 5553. MacEachren R emp CPR r City Hotel MacFee Mac asst mgr Woolworths r 430 Athabasca W MacGuire Eileen bndry Times r 224 2nd Ave N E MacGuire Frank comp Times h 5, 414 4th Ave S W Maeguire Isabel waitress Milk Bar r 648 Main S MacGuire Wm com supt Times h 648 Main S Machan Edward whsemn Moose Jaw Hdwre r 614 Main N Machan Miss M elk Natl Fruit r 822 Algoma Machan Obert agt C N Express c-o same Machanak Victor h 506 Maple W MacKay Colin instr Dom & Prov Youth Training MacKay Donald R emp City Hotel r 170 High E Mackay Frances steno Westn Grocers r 1016 4th Ave N E Mackay G M const RCMP r same MacKay Mrs H G h 1082 4th Ave N E Mackay Murdoch emp Westn Grocers h 1016 4th Ave N E Mackay Neil emp City h 951 Brown Mackay Neil S painter h 169 High E MacKay Robert G lino opr Times h 706 6th Ave N W MacKay Thomas D contr h 176 High E Mackay Thomas S painter h 944 Hochelaga W MacKellar John A yd mgr Security Lumber h 1080 5th Ave N W Mackenzie Anne elk r 276 Athabasca W Mackenzie Mrs Charlina h 278 Athabasca W MacKenzie H trav Robinson Little h 7, 72 Ross E MacKenzie H Wilda nurse Providence Hosp r same MacKenzie Mrs Jennie h 70 Athabasca W MacKenzie John steno Eatons r 1146 Grafton MacKenzie John C r 3, 1005 Chestnut MacKenzie John G emp C P Exp h 3, 1005 2nd Ave N E MacKenzie Margaret attndt Scotty’s Service Stn r 70 Athabasca W Mackey Mrs B h 1076 Alder N E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 232 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Mackey Mrs B rmg hse h 38 Athabasca W Mackey Michael J const City r 1076 Alder MACKIE, GEORGE D., M.E.LC., Commissioner, Board of Trade, 18 High Street East, Phone 4245. Res. 1126 Main Street North, Phone 2683. Mackie Victor reporter Times r 1126 Main N MacKnight Robert retd r 1167 Grafton MacLachlan Pearl steno Boris Dubinsky r 928 2nd Ave N E MacLachlan Mrs S D h 928 2nd Ave N E MacLean Ivan S sis mgr Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Co Ltd h 310 Ross W MacLean Norma bkpr Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 310 Ross W MacLean Ruth emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 310 Ross W MacLennan Alex C with N M Paterson & Co h 1128 1st Ave N W MacLennan Isabelle nurse r 1128 1st Ave N W MacLennan Ronald r 1128 1st Ave N W MacMillan H L trav auditor CPR h 1150 1st Ave N W Macnabb E C Bryan transitmn CPR r 1030 1st Ave N E MacNeil Archibald mgr Western Sign Co h A, 43 River E MacNeil Block 43 River E MacNeil Jean music tchr r A, 43 River E MacPhail June B elk Joyner’s r YWCA MaePherson John retd — University Heights MaePherson Kenneth slsmn Johnstone Dairies h 805 6th Ave N W MacRae Alex firmn City h 630 Ominica E Macredie Alice R steno Brit Amer Oil r 1104 1st Ave N W Macredie Mrs J R C h 1104 1st Ave N W Maddocks James retd r 1029 Clifton Mader Marjorie nurse Drs Leask Burwell & Young r 137 River E Madge Frederick W blrmkr CPR r YMCA Madryga George lab CPR r 313 Maple W Magee Archibald tmstr h 468 Iroquois W Magrath J A engmn CPR h 3, 4l4 4th Ave S W Magrath Miss M I elk Royal Bk r 65 Hochelaga W Maillie Robert elk C P Exp h 501 Home W Main H J gen supt CPR h 201 Manitoba E Main Hugh B elk CPR r 201 Manitoba E Mainland Wm h 1058 Coteau W Mainland Mrs Wm emp Silver Furriers r 1058 Coteau W Mair Mrs Annie M h 256 High W Maire Miss L maid St Joseph Rectory r St Louis College Maize Mrs Howard N h 171 Ominica W Major George chf elk CPR r 134 Elsom Majstryszyn M lab CPR r 148 Manitoba E Makaskima H I h 5A, 219 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 233 Makinson J emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 56 Iroquois E Makinson John slsmn Moose Jaw Hdwre h 56 Iroquois E Maksimac B staty firmn CPR r 343 Maple W Makuch Joseph lab h 933 Lillooet W Makuch Peter sectnmn CI’R h 826 9th Ave N W Malcolm Dr Agnes chiropodist 413 Hammond Bldg r 573 Hochelaga W Malcolm Thomas printer h 652 Athabasca E Malden Building 127 Main N Malden Clover tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1156 Redland Malden Dale E acct Malden Coal r 1156 Redland Malden Fuel Co Ltd L D Malden mgr 127 Main N, yds 473 Manitoba W Malden Keith L buyer Swifts h 3, 1007 Main N Malden Lloyd D mgr Malden Coal Co h 1156 Redland Male Walter r 278 Manitoba W Maley T George acct Dom Bank h 1104 4th Ave N E Malloch Neil slsmn r 230 Athabasca W Malone E J elk CPR h 1176 1st Ave N E Malone Frank E elk Joyner’s h 1225 Redland Malone Peter h lA, 59 High W Malthouse Phyllis elk Kresges r 821 Skipton Rd Malthouse Wm T wiper CPR h 821 Skipton Rd Manahan C H elk Ry Mail Serv r 152 Athabasca E Manahan John M engmn CPR h 1225 2nd Ave N W Manderfield Mrs Matilda h 1321 6th Ave N W Mandryk Mrs Frances h 934 Stadacona E Mandzuk John lab h 1213 Iroquois W Mang Wm h 2, 43 High W Manion Charles emp Brit Amer Oil r 504 Fairford E Manitoba Hotel Percy Ryan mgr 36 Manitoba E Mankind & Co Charles Chow prop 180 River W Manners Wm engmn CPR h 821 1st Ave N W Manovich Kay emp Moose Jaw Ldry h 17, 127 High W Manson Bessie r 31 Lillooet W Manson Wm H paint sprayer CPR h 31 Lillooet W Mantach Alex h 2, 429 Athabasca E Mantach John lab h 412 Athabasca E Manz Rev Siegmond pastor Church of the Redeemer h 806 5th Ave N W Manzuk Wm h 303 Maple W Mapes L Roy elk CPR r 241 High W Maple Leaf Bakery Frank Hugo prop 424 4th Ave S W Maple Leaf Barber Shop T R Vanstone prop 15 Main N Maple Leaf Coach Lines 37 High E Maple Leaf Grocery A E Larsen prop 674 Athabasca W Maple Leaf Hotel Bruce W McIntyre prop 4 Main N Maple Leaf Taxi Samuel Foley prop 4 Main N Marak Roman sectnmn CPR h 951 Manitoba W Marat Heber trainmn CPR h 1112 4th Ave N W March Bernard engmn CPR r 827 1st Ave N W Marchbank Wendell h 928 Caribou W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 234 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Marchuk Frederick emp Swifts h 477 Skeena Marchuk Martin pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 246 Hochelaga E Marck Roman sectnmn CPR r 95 Manitoba W Margforeeth Alex cook CPR h 460 Home W Marik Mrs Nettie waitress Canada Cafe r 951 Manitoba W Marinos Samuel prop Sam’s Inn h 72 Caribou E Marion Jack lab h 1220 Langtry Mark E R appr CPR r 230 Athabasca W Mark Mrs H J h 230 Athabasca W Markell Ernie elk Hotel Cecil r 240 High W Markell Mrs W O r 637 Coteau W Markewich George lab r 941 Lillooet W Markewich George staty firmn CPR h 514 Maple W Markewich John lab CPR h 941 Lillooet W Markiw Nick emp Savoy Cafe Marlatt Frances elk Eilers Ltd r 211 High E Marlatt George window draper Eatons r 211 High E Marlatt Janet elk Eilers Ltd r 211 High E Marlatt Mrs Jennie h 211 High E Marnach Anna of Anna’s Beauty Parlor r 314 Hammond Bldg Marnach Marie opr Anna’s Beauty Parlor r 314 Hammond Bldg Marquis Julian S city solicitor h 1137 Grafton Marsden Raymond mech Central Motor h 7, 636 1st Ave N W Marsh Reginald C firmn City h 1033 6th Ave N E Marshall C G slsmn Westn Grocers r YMCA Marshall Colin S sr dk CPR r 1062 1st Ave N W Marshall Ernest C jan Scott Blk h 1090 5th Ave N E Marshall Harold elk Can Bk of Com h 1132 4th Ave N W Marshall Mrs Harriet h 846 4th Ave N E Marshall Helen M acet A W Irwin Ltd h 862 Oxford W Marshall Herbert H h 680 Ominica W Marshall Horace of Marshall’s Shoe Repair h 40 Riverside Drive (Wellesley Park) Marshall James elk P O h 1123 Wolfe Marshall Keith D elev supt Ogilvie Flour Mills h 1133 Henleaze Marshall Miss M nurse General Hospital r same Marshall’s Shoe Hospital Horace Marshall 68 High W Martin Allan E ins and real est 411a Hammond Bldg h 1143 5th Ave N W Martin Mrs Arthur h 559 Hochelaga E Martin Arthur J trainmn CPR h 834 6th Ave N W Martin Daniel M h 228 Ominica W Martin Dorothy steno C M Brewster & Co r 834 6th Ave N W Martin Mrs E h 5, 414 4th Ave S W, Martin E W gen car formn CPR h 1239 4th Ave N E Martin Ethel r 620 Hochelaga W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 235 C A High W whse 703 Martin Frank W dentist 3, 12 High W h 369 Ominica W Martin George r Plaza Hotel Martin Mrs Harriett h 620 Hochelaga W Martin Harry L painter and decorator r 620 Hochelaga W Martin Mrs Lucy h 330 Lillooet W Martin Madge A tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r Y W Martin W A pkr Western Grocers r 460 Langdon Gres Martinuk Nick formn CPR h 327 Maple W Marvin Edwin A with Hodge Coal h 6, 636 1st Ave N W Marvin Wendell emp Hodge Coal r 6, 636 1st Ave N W Mason Clifford E with Grant Hall Hotel r 294 Riverside Dr Mason Erederick r City Hotel Mason Gordon W of White Rose Service Stn r 206 Riverside W Mason Joseph carp h 206 Riverside W Mason Peter barber h 852 High E Mason Wm W of White Rose Service Station h 1059 'Jjk'^ve N E Masonchuk Alexander engmn CPR h 327 Main S Masonic Club 27 Main N ' Masonic Lodge 27 Main N Masonic Temple Building 27 Main N Massey-Harris Co Ltd John M Murdock Eairford W Mather Andrew contr 72 Manitoba E r>Mjkgs Hotel Mather C mech Totten-Elliott Mot^^f Wellesley Park Mather Wm mech Scotty’s Servi^g^n r 334 High E Mathes Norval r 9 River W ^ Matheson John mech Pembleton Motors r 475 Athabasca W Matheson Wm A retd h 1004 5th Ave N W Mathews C T trainmn CPR r 56 Iroquois E Mathews J W pkr foremn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 435 Home Mathias Mrs Monica elk Joyner’s r 1079 3rd Ave N W Mathieson Blanche elk Leonard Fysh Ltd r 104 Oxford W Mathieson Mrs Margaret h 104 Oxford W Mathieson Olive asst J E Rundle r 104 Oxford W Matthews Block 326-330 Lillooet W Matthews Carol E ydmn CPR h 320 Grandview Matthews Charles T trainmn CPR h 465 Hochelaga W Matthews E A sec treas Typewriter Service & Exchange h 207, 11 High E Matthews Wm G emp CPR h 1106 9th Ave S W Max Wm emp CPR h 343 Maple W Maxman Ole emp Swifts h 803 Main N Maxwell Donald farmer h 806 Algoma May Stephen baker Weston’s Bread h 847 Ominica E May W Jasper sr porter P O h 513 Home W May Walter asst chemist Brit Amer Oil r 1127 Clifton Mayall James emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 924 Athabasca E Mayall John typist CPR r Park Hotel Mayall Joseph h 925 Ominica E Mayall Samuel retd r 925 Ominica E Mayall Samuel agt Prudential Ins Co r 1302 6th Ave N W Maybee Apartments 121 High W Maybee George A mfrs agt 123 High W h 330 Hall W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 236 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Maybery Alfred W ins agt 11 High W h 310 Stadacona W Maybery Annie E r 310 Stadacona W Maybery Arnold H real est 11 High W h 310 Stadacona W Mayes Robert asst acct City h 870 Elgin Maynuk P sectnmn CPR r 826 9th Ave N W Mayor Josiah carrier P O h 711 Skipton Rd Mayson Ann r 1072 5th Ave N W Maywood Lloyd laby asst Brit Amer Oil r 203 High W Maze Earl lab h 919 Manitoba W Mead Harry mgr Willard Hotel r same Meadowcroft Thomas h 703 Ominica E Meadows Mrs C h 316 Manitoba E Meadows Emery trk driv Eatons h 917 High W Meadows Mrs Nancy J h 302 Laurier W Meadows Verna r 316 Manitoba E Medby Mrs Evelyn M h 1132 Monk Meddows Harry r Plaza Hotel Medlock Erederick lab h 1348 Duffield Medlock Erederick Jr h 1337 Coteau W Medlock Victor r 1348 Duffield Megson A B acct McGavin’s Bakeries Ltd r 358 Langdon Cres Megson A E sec Elks Club h 358 Langdon Cres Megson Arthur comp Times Co r 358 Langdon Cres Megson Mrs Harry h 920 Donald Meikle James C elk Joyner’s h 272 Athabasca W Meikle Wm J messr C P Exp r 272 Athabasca W Meiklejohn Erank A elk Royal Bank h 810 6th Ave N W Meldrum Amos R h 716 Stadacona W Meletor Roland emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r Y M C A Melnik Miss E maid General Hospital r same Melnychuk Mary hsekpr r Y W C A Melnychuk Nicola prop Public Grocery h 1016 Iroquois W Melnychuk Peter groc 1045 Lillooet W h same Melon Dew Ice Cream Parlor C L Theofan prop 359 Main N Melrose Terrace 70-84 Caribou E Melville Max trk driv r 617 1st Ave S Menard Alfred retd h 238 Athabasca W Menard Blaize asst Dr A C Necker r 238 Athabasca W Menard Jean opr Govt Phones r 238 Athabasca W Menard John mt ctr r 238 Athabasca W Mentenko Margaret emp Providence Hospital r same Meredith Jess emp City Cemetery h 1038 Hochelaga W Merkley Albert messr Service Dime Delivery Merkley Chester messr Service Dime Delivery Merkley John A disp CPR h 1076 Clifton Merkley Mrs Lillian h 953 Manitoba W Meronik John lab h 1216 Grandview HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 237 Meronuk Frank emp Swifts h 426 Duffield W Metcalfe Joseph plant supt Palm-Dairies r 278 Ominica W Metcalfe Joseph emp McBrides r 1133 Chestnut Metcalfe Mrs N pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1094 9th Ave N W Metherell C H elk Maple Leaf Taxi r Plaza Hotel Metka A engmn CPR r 406 Main S Metka Alexander barber Sanitax Barber r 406 Main S Metka D lab CPR r 176 River E Metka Mrs Dora h 406 Main S Metka George engmn CPR h 135 Coteau E Metka T pkr National Emit r 406 Main S Metropolitan Life Insurance Co L G Pears mgr 501, 12 High E Metz Mrs Helen h 4, 420 Athabasca E Metz James W pipeftr Brit Amer Oil r 4, 420 Athabasca E Metz Rosa waitress Exchange Cafe r Y W C A Meyer Rev E (RC) missionary Prov of Sask r 1064 3rd Ave N W Meyer Edwin jan h 405 Ominica W Meyers A Clarke local repres Dominion of Canada General Ins h 306 Hochelaga W Micas Beuletta elk Woolworths r 279 High W Micas Mike K elk Empire Hotel h 279 High W Michalka Mrs M prop Corner Store h 83 Home E Michaluk George printer Prairie Bag h 423 Coteau W Michas Tom r Empress Hotel Michaud Dr Rodolph phys h 1049 5th Ave N W Michelmore Victor C engmn CPR h 824 6th Ave N E Mickelin John lab h 1315 Langtry Mickus Roy J trucking h 1218 Clifton Middleton Charles plbr Moose Jaw Pleating h 1159 2nd Ave N W Middleton D M emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1159 2nd Ave N W Middleton Robert J acet T A Getty r 1159 2nd Ave N W Mid-West Auction Rooms M R Urton prop 140 High W Milburn John H carrier P O r 50 Iroquois E Miles Charles h 1079 Alder N E Miles H R driv eng CPR r Grant Hall Hotel Miles Herbert A elk Ry Mail Service h 1024 Ominica W Miles Margaret r 1079 Alder N E Miles Wm J retd h 325 Coteau W Miles Wm J emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1420 2nd Ave N W Milford Russell H ydmn CPR h 1058 7th Ave N W Milk Bar Miss E Sharpe mgress 215 Main N Mill City Bakery W J House prop 340 (rear) Main S Mill City Cleaners Austin Carty prop 34 River E Millar L J engmn CPR r 344 Hochelaga W Miller Alexander E dept mgr Swifts h 1153 Clifton Miller Athletic Club 33 River W Miller Clair H ydmn CPR h 337 Grandview W Miller D Mart elk Royal Bank h 248 Grandview MILLER, DAVID A., Manager, Western Press Ltd. Res. Riverside Drive, Phone 4203. I Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 238 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Miller I>avid J trainmn CPR h 3, 1083 Redland Miller Dorothy M steno General Hospital r 1150 2nd Ave N W Miller Mrs E r 832 Ominica E Miller Edith A bkpr Whimster Hdwre r 53 Eairford E Miller Mrs Elizabeth r 159 Eairford W Miller George emp Prairie Bag r 423 Coteau W Miller George trk driv r 123 Main N Miller Gladys bkpr Can Bakeries r 1010 5th Ave N W Miller Harry C firemn CPR h 354 Grandview W Miller Mrs J M h 1072 5th Ave N W Miller James mgr Can Bakeries Ltd h 1010 5th Ave N W Miller Jean bkpr National Fruit r 152 Hochelaga W Miller John appr Times Co r 81 Athabasca W Milelr John J r 153 Hochelaga W Miller Lloyd C emp Swifts h 247 Lillooet W Miller Margaret bkpr Western Press r Y W C A Miller Mary r 1150 2nd Ave N W Miller R C engmn CPR r 354 Grandview Miller Ross R trainmn CPR h 7, 51 High W Miller Stanley C sec treas Imperial Bldg Supplies h 1035 6th Ave N W Miller Stroud carp h 506 Eairford W Miller Thomas vulcanizer Frederick Foord h 326 River W Miller Thomas mng dir Times Co Ltd h 1150 2nd Ave N W Miller Tobias C slsmn Sterling Motors h 6, 352 Lillooet W Miller Wendel vulcanizer h 1151 Iroquois W Miller Wm h 4, 73 High W Miller Wm hlpr CPR h 532 9th Ave N W Milligan Charles R emp City h 851 Grey Milligan Russell J eng CPR h 1030 2nd Ave N W Milligan Thomas r 319 High W Milligan Wm r 319 High W Mills Charles r 148 River E Mills Clifford messr McBride’s r 1117 Hochelaga W Mills Clifford W engmn CPR h 59 Lillooet E Mills Francis G flrmn Sterling Motors h 1171 Chestnut Mills Haddow F elk Ry Mail Service h 1090 6th Ave N W Mills John R tmstr h 1117 Hochelaga W Mills John R Jr emp CPR r 1117 Hochelaga W Mills Mrs Margaret h 33 (rear) Main N Mills Meryl waiter Maple Leaf Hotel Mills Norah A steno Sterling Motors r 1128 1st Ave N E Mills Stewart night watchmn Eatons h 1128 1st Ave N E Milne Agnes bkpr C M Nixon r 1201 1st Ave N W Milne Alexander of Milne’s Garage h 1, 25 High E Milne’s Garage (Alexander Milne) 27 High E Milne Mrs Jean h 1076 Clifton HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 239 Milne Thomas pensioner h 377 Ominica W Miner Mrs Mabel h 54 Ominica W Miner Thelma r 54 Ominica W Minneapolis Moline Power Implement Co Ltd Bert Jackman agent 210 River W Minovitch Lloyd live stock dir r 1204 Grafton Minovitch O Peter of Continental Hide & Fur Co h 1204 Grafton Minshull Arthur pensioner r 255 Hochelaga W Minto Confectionery Robert W Forrest prop e s 7th Ave N W and Oxford W Minto United Church Rev J Y McGookin minister W s 7th Ave N W Mintoft Chester dept hd Eatons r Park Hotel Minuk Martin carp r 714 Stadacona E Minuk Wm painter h 714 Stadacona E Mironick Nick sectnmn CNR h 1231 High W Mitchell Alexander sectnmn CPR h 1206 Grandview Mitchell C W blrwasher CPR r 1131 6th Ave N W Mitchell Clayton driv Scotty’s Scooters r 130 River E Mitchell Donald country superv McBride’s h 1171 Redland Mitchell Mrs J D h 130 River E Mitchell James mech h 2 , 420 Athabasca E Mitchell Lena with Capitol Theatre r 41 Stadacona W Mitchell Mrs Maggie h 918 Stadacona E Mitchell Mary steno Can Bank of Com r 1037 Clifton Mitchell R H K r Kings Hotel Mitchell Ruth emp Christie Grant r 918 Stadacona E Mitchell T D h 4, 43 High W Mitchell Wilma r 341 Grandview W Mitchell Winnifred bkpr Standard Electric r 918 Stadacona E Mitt Mike waiter Savoy Cafe h 1133 3rd Ave N W Model Shoe Repairs C Budowich prop 321 Main N Modern Cafe Frank Chow prop 22 Main N Moerkerk Barney mech Sterling Motors r 253 Stadacona W Moffat Mrs Janet h 460 Langdon Cres Moffat Mrs John h 1118 Oxford W Moffat Margaret presser French Clnrs r 1103 Monk Moffat Vera C tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 151 Iroquois E Moffat Wm C tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1063 Redland Moffat Wm J assessor City h 151 Iroquois E Moffatt Madeline elk Eatons r 460 Langdon Cres Moffatt Scotty retd h 1003 Monk Ave Moffet Lois R elk Joyner’s r 1175 1st Ave N E Mogridge G trainmn CPR r City Hotel Moline Josephine superv Govt Phones r Y W C A Molitor Joseph carp h 1109 9th Ave N W Monaghan Thomas h 449 Hochelaga E Monarch Social Club 104 River W Money George h 1, 130 Main N Monk Samuel P slsmn Rawleigh Products h 848 Connaught Monroe Mrs E C h F, 414 4th Ave S W Monroe G appr Westons Bread Monroe Wallace C opr Sewage Disposal h 113 Iroquois W Monson Curtis lab h 717 Stadacona W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 240 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Monson J H chemist Robin Hood Flour Mills h 946 2nd Ave N E Montague C messr CNR r 1043 4th Ave N E Montague Leona elk Natl Light & Power r 1043 4th Ave N E Montague Ray hairdrsr Grant Hall Beauty r 1043 4th Ave N E Montague Wm B h 1043 4th Ave N E Monteith Mrs Jesse L h 7, 8 River E Montgomery Mrs — emp Smallwoods r 336 Oxford W Montgomery Bros (R J and J C Montgomery) tinsmiths 11 Atha¬ basca E Montgomery Frederick elk Liquor Board h 919 4th Ave S W Montgomery James C of Montgomery Bros h 1015 Connaught Montgomery Robert J of Montgomery Bros h 539 Hochelaga W Montgomery W J hd storemn CPR r C P R Bungalow Moon June r 1151 Grafton Moon Philip J dist acet CPR h 1035 Grafton Moore A retd r Brunswick Hotel Moore Miss C L tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 1212 Redland Moore Mrs Carrie L tchr r 1017 1st Ave N E Moore Cecil F mdse mgr Natl Light & Power h 452 Stadacona E Moore Constance S rate elk C N R r 303 Lillooet W Moore D porter C P Exp r 1044 Donald Moore David retd h 843 7th Ave N W Moore Dorothy r 426 Moose Square W Moore Mrs E r 1118 1st Ave N E Moore Mrs Earl F h A, 105 Lillooet W Moore Frederick G cashr CPR h 303 Lillooet W Moore Frederick L dept mgr Joyners h 1046 2nd Ave N_W a/^ j cj / C Moore George driv Palm Dairies h 447 Athabasca W — ^ ^ Moore Grey don supt Moose Jaw Steam Ldry h 204 Athabasca W Moore Hubert H acet Hodge Bamford & Wilder h 537 3rd Ave N E Moore James r 1044 Donald Moore James J br mgr McBride’s Ltd r 403 Stadacona E Moore Jane r 133 Ominica W Moore John lab h 502 Athabasca E Moore John emp Parks Board h 426 Moose Square W Moore John S slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 437 Ross W Moore Joseph cabinet mkr 126 1st Ave N W h 22, 112 1st Ave N W Moore Mrs L r 1017 1st Ave N W Moore Marjorie elk Woolworths r 1046 2nd Ave N E Moore Robert caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 21, 80 Home E Moore Russell R messr C P Exp h 412 Coteau W Moore Thomas h 414 Athabasca E Moore W Alexander h 107, 423 1st Ave N W Moore W Charles div supt Govt Phones h 705 7th Ave N W Moore Walter lab h 937 Athabasca E Moore Wm lab r 1044 Donald Moore Wm beer waiter Grant Hall Hotel r 368 Fairford E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 241 Moore Wm J emp CPR li 1044 Donald Moose Barber Shop Richard Guest prop 28 High W Moose Jaw Archery Club meets at Y M C A Moose Jaw Arena Ltd 307 Main N Moose Jaw Argus (The) H R Way prop 161 High W Moose Jaw Auction Rooms A Ackersviller prop 105 High W Moose Jaw Badminton Club 66 Ross W MOOSE JAW BOARD OF TRADE, F. C. Kent, K.C., President; George D. Mackie, Commissioner; 18 High Street East, Phone 4245. Moose Jaw Bowling Alley Alfred G Hunter mgr 49 High E Moose Jaw Business College Ltd H F Huck prin 26 High E MOOSE JAW CARTAGE COMPANY LIMITED (THE), H. France, Manager. Cartage Agents to the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways. DRAYING, TRUCKING, FORWARDING AGENTS, FREIGHT DISTRIBUTORS. LONG DISTANCE HAULING BY TRUCKS, SAFE AND MACHINERY MOVERS, BAGGAGE TRANSFER, FURNI¬ TURE SENT TO ANY PART OF CANADA OR U.S.A. Representative Agents in All Parts. Spur Track Warehouse in Connection with All Railroads for Carload Lots. C. P. R. Freight Office, Manitoba Street West, Phone 3248. Yards: 336 Hochelaga Street West, Garage Phone 2223, Night Phones 2143 and 2202. Moose Jaw Cemetery 9th Ave N E and Hochelaga MOOSE JAW CITY DIRECTORY, Published Annually by HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LTD., Head Office: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg. Reference Library of Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada at Public Library, Athabasca East. Moose Jaw Club B Hodgson mgr 53 Stadacona W Moose Jaw Collegiate Institute S H Gutheridge sec treas Bd No 2 w s 1st Ave N W and Oxford Moose Jaw Co-Operative Society Ltd D M Irving mgr 34-38 High W Moose Jaw Credit Bureau H D Pickett mgr 313 Hammond Bldg Moose Jaw Curling Rink n s Caribou W at Main Moose Jaw Dental Laboratory H I Nakashima prop 311, 12 High E Moose Jaw Distributing Co R F Courtnage prop 432 High W MOOSE JAW DRUG & STATIONERY COMPANY, LIMITED, (The Rexall Store), A. C. Woods, Manager, 40 Main Street N., Phone 4408. Moose Jaw Exhibition Co Ltd George D Mackie sec treas 18 High E Moose Jaw Flying Club Ltd R W Ryan mgr Montgomery at 14th Ave Moose Jaw Foundry Howard Renshaw prop High W and 6th Ave N W Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 242 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW MOOSE JAW GENERAL HOSPITAL, Phone 2800. Fairford East corner Fourth Avenue North East, Visiting Hours: 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Daily. J. S. Williams, Superintendent; Miss Mary E. Ingham, Superintendent of Nurses. Moose Jaw Golf Club w s 3rd Ave N E Moose Jaw Gun Club (range) — Montgomery Moose Jaw Hardware W R Thatcher prop 115 Main N Moose Jaw Heating & Plumbing Co Ltd W B Hawke pres 64 High West Moose Jaw Hemstitching Shop Mrs N Taylor prop 351 Main N Moose Jaw Hide & Fur Co E C Horne prop E J Hemming manager 403 River W Moose Jaw Magazine & Book Exchange Mrs Jean Lamontagne prop 10 River E Moose Jaw Marble & Granite Works A L Silverson prop 706 Atha¬ basca E Moose Jaw Mattress Builders R Raibel prop 140 Fairford W Moose Jaw Medical Service Wm G Ross mgr 410, 310 Main N Moose Jaw Natatorium S F Turner mgr Fairford E and 2nd Ave Moose Jaw Printing Co Ltd George Harrower mgr 127 High W MOOSE JAW PUBLIC LIBRARY, Samuel R. Stephens, Librarian, Crescent Park, Athabasca Street East, Phone 2787. Henderson Directories of Western Canada on file. Moose Jaw Public School District No 1 Ross St E cor 1st Ave N E Moose Jaw Real Estate & Insurance Agencies Ltd R J Rinker mgr 127 Main N Moose Jaw School District No 1 A E Peacock supt of Schools S H Gutheridge sec treas R.oss E and 1st Ave N E Moose Jaw Separate School Board A D Goodine sec treas 1030 Con¬ naught MOOSE JAW STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY LIMITED AND PEERLESS CLEANERS, SOFT FILTERED WATER USED EXCLUSIVELY, TRICHLORETHYLENE SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANING. Offices and Works: 103 Ominica Street West cor. First Avenue North West, Phone 2317. Moose Jaw Tailoring Co D A Sutherland mgr 5, 114 Main N Moose Jaw Tannery Anton Rotluk prop 749 Manitoba E Moose Jaw Technical High School A E Peacock prin Ross E and 1st Ave N E Moose Jaw Tourist Camp F C Cooper caretkr Rothesay Park HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 243 Moose Jaw Transportation Co Ltd George T Connor mgr 603 High West Moose Jaw Welding Works (T Gibbs & Son) 278 Manitoba W Moran Benjamin pensioner r 332 Fairford W Moran Edward J trainmn CPR r 336 Oxford W Moran J A pensioner r 332 Fairford W Moran Mrs M J h 332 Fairford W Moran M Lillian opr Govt Phones r 332 Fairford W Morden Elwood emp Percy C Williams r 56 Athabasca W Morden Evelyn L slsldy Army & Navy r 56 Athabasca W Morden Herbert L coin agt h 56 Athabasca W Morgan Arthur retd r 240 High W Morgan Cyril W trainmn CPR h 358 Fairford W Morgan Edith F elk CPR r 70 Stadacona W Morgan Frederick A retd r 414 Ominica E Morgan Harry h 1045 3rd Ave N E Morgan Harry C mgr Kern Ins Agencies r 1045 3rd Ave N E Morgan Ivan h 920 Main S Morgan Jean r 847 Elgin Morgan Murray elk CPR r 847 Elgin Morgan Thomas M auditor Sask Govt r 1161 Clifton Morgan W F reprmn Brit Amer Oil r 1258 3rd Ave N E Morgan Wm M engmn CPR h 847 Elgin Morrell George lab r 148 Manitoba E Morris Frank W emp Brit Amer Oil h 914 Athabasca E Morris Leslie elk CPR r 48 Hochelaga W Morris M lab Bird Constn r 316 Manitoba E Morris T emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r Royal Bank Bldg Morris Mrs W J r 1053 Redland Morris Walter engmn CPR h 129 Home W Morris Wm retd h 576 Skeena Morrison Alexander plbr Alexander & Baird h 934 Francis Morrison Alexander trainmn CPR h 32 Ominica W Morrison Donald barr r 221 Empress Hotel Morrison Forrest mech Sterling Motors h 1277 3rd Ave N E Morrison G r 1081 Main N Morrison Ivan h 223 Fairford E Morrison Jack elk McBride’s r 1070 4th Ave N W Morrison Mrs M h 5, 22 High E Morrison Mrs Mabel h 252 High E Morrison Mrs Mary r 1237 Clifton Morrison Mike r Kings Hotel Morrison Murdo N elk Dominion Bank h 1070 4th Ave N W Morrison Norman C emp Brit Amer Oil h 343 Fairford E Morrison Wilfred h 758 Hochelaga E Morrison Wm r Plaza Hotel Morrissette George h 7, 18 Main N Morros George prop Purity Confy h 722 Main N Morrow C treater Brit Amer Oil r 261 River E Morrow Ernest lab h 420 Selwyn Morrow James h 1044 Montgomery Morrow James h 261 River E Morrow John trucking h 1, 224 Main N E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 244 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Morrow Jolin retd h 604 Manitoba E Morrow John H tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1064 6th Ave N W Morrow Robert J trainmn CPR h 220 Stadacona W Morrow Wesley J mgr serv stn Sterling Motors r 58 Caribou E Morse J Thomas plbr Alexander & Baird r 53 Eairford E Mortenson Frederick C emp Cit}^ Cemetery h 1012 Ominica E Mose Alfred V h 221 Riverside St W Moses Frank blksmith 434 Manitoba h 461 Skeena Moses Glen garage 434 Manitoba E h 464 same Moses Leslie emp Poole Constn r 461 Skeena Moses Lottie emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 461 Skeena Mosher W L trainmn CPR h 6, 14 High W Moskal John sectnmn CPR r 940 Coteau W Moskal Mike sectnmn CPR r 1316 Grandview Moskal Wm jan Royal Theatre r same Moss Ernest carp h 1162 6th Ave N E Mossop Eleanor opr Govt Phones r 428 Eairford E Moston Jerry driv Scotty’s Scooters r 603 Stadacona E Motherwell E Jeanette tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 462 Ominica W Motherwell Harry r Plaza Hotel Motherwell Wm J dist dir Postal Service h 462 Ominica W Motta Anne r Kingsway Park Motta George T formn CPR h Kingsway Park Motta John h 1213 Willow Motta Ruth r Kingsway Park Moubert Mrs E elk C P R h 2, 219 High W Moubert Harold emp Swifts h 361 Home W Moulding George retd r 344 Hochelaga W Moulding Wm engmn CPR h 344 Hochelaga W Moulds — h 1140 Algoma Mount Royal Apartments 80 HomeE Mount Royal Store H Katz prop grocers 101 Lillooet W Mountain Coach Lines 37 High E Mountain Erwin J D asst vd mgr Security Lumber h 1116 4th Ave N W Mounteer Audrey elk Woolworths r 1006 2nd Ave N E Mounteer Dorothy J elk Govt Phones r 1006 2nd Ave N E Mounteer E A retd r 1006 2nd Ave N E Mounteer Mrs Ethel M h 1006 2nd Ave N E Mowat Joseph elk Ry Mail Service h 332 Duffield Mowbray D R elk Royal Bk r 243 Ross W Mowbray Frederick R trav Blackwood Hdwre h 243 Ross W Moyer Ernest L phys 212 Hammond Bldg h 1038 2nd Ave N W Moyer Mrs F r 1038 2nd Ave N W Moynes J M acet Times Co r Y M C A Mudry Josephine H nurse Providence Hospital r same Muir Charles R emp CPR h 1162 1st Ave N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 245 Muir Robert elk Maple Leaf Hotel r same Muirhead Dr A Fraser dentist 441 Main N r 20, 121 High W Muirhead Catherine M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r Y W C A Mullett Arthur M elk Imperial Bldg Supplies h 162 High E Mulligan Mrs C r 1153 Henleaze Mulligan Thomas lab h 915 Manitoba Mullins Dorothy steno Ross & Gilmour r 1314 3rd Ave N E Mullins Edward trav h 1314 3rd Ave N E Mullins Kenneth emp Vets Social Club r 67 River E Mullins W r Plaza Hotel Mulvena M B emp Robin Hood Flour Mills h A, 822 Main N Mumford I C porter CPR r C P R Bungalow Mundell James pensioner h 131 High E Mundy Stanley R timekpr CPR r 230 Athabasca W Munn Donaleen slsldy Hunters Ltd r 58 Coteau W Munn Herbert trainmn CPR h 54 Athabasca E Munn John A engmn CPR h 58 Coteau W Munns Co J U Munns mgr jewelers 19 River W Munns John U mgr Munns Co h 206 Oxford W Munns Wm A mgr Executors & Administrators Trust Co Ltd h 166 Stadacona W Munro A Duncan carrier P O h 1150 Chestnut Munro Alexander h 240 Grandview Munro Alexander weighmn Can Govt Elev h 18, 219 High W Munro David credits Westn Grocers h 207, 423 1st Ave N W Munro Findlay tmstr h 1135 5th Ave N E Munro Hubert A asst gr insptr Western Grain Insptn h 477 Coteau W Munro J r Plaza Hotel Munro John elk McBride’s h 45 Fairford E Munro Luella r 176 River E Munro Mrs M J h 406 Stadacona W Munro Mrs M W h 629 Athabasca W Munro Wm elk Safeways h 729 Hochelaga E Munroe Miss B slsmn Christie Grant r 537 3rd Ave N E Munroe Miss J nurse General Hospital r same Munsie Stuart F engmn CPR h 570 Ominica E Murdoch Charles h 209 Coteau E Murdoch Mrs Ellen h 10% 6th Ave N E Murdoch Gordon jan Arg 3 de Lodge h 152 (basement) Athabasca E Murdoch R B attndt Handley Service Stn r 28 Oxford Murdock John M agric implts 37 High W and mgr Massey-Harris h 421 Ross W Murphy Arthur R whsemn C P Exp h 1063 3rd Ave N W Murphy Harry electn CPR h 812 6th Ave N W Murphy Mrs Harry hairdresser Grant Hall Beauty Shoppe r 812 6th Ave N E Murphy Mrs J r 618 Stadacona W Murphy Mary emp Prairie Bag r 1093 Main N Murphy Patrick porter r Hotel Cecil Murphy Richard J h 1093 Main N Murphy Teresa emp Prairie Bag r 1093 Main N Murphy Thomas h 239 Home W ^ It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 246 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Murphy W James engmn CPR r 203 Hochelaga E Murray Anna r 54 Hall E Murray C r Kings Hotel Murray George W tchr Prov Normal Schl h 1209 Algoma Murray J H r 1148 Clifton Murray Jack r Plaza Hotel Murray John emp Prairie Bag h 267 Hochelaga W Murray Melvin F elk Park Hotel h 1204 Wolfe Murray Michael emp Prairie Bag h 262 Hochelaga W Murray Pansy r 1058 Alder N E Murray W r Canadian Legion Murry Wm J emp Grant Hall Hotel r 269 High E Musgrave Charles E trainmn CPR r 430 Athabasca W Musgrave Constance r 722 Main S Musgrave Thomas G emp CPR h 722 Main S Musko Alexander h 221 1st Ave S Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada A R Tufts mgr 220 Hammond Building Myezka P sectnmn CPR r 1149 Iroquois W Myles Mrs Beatrice emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 42 Iroqouois W Myles Mrs E meats 25 Lillooet W h same Myles George E J butcher Mrs E Myles h 42 Iroquois W Myles Jack h 234 MacDonald W Myles John bottler Natl Fruit r 1132 1st Ave N W Myles Joseph slsmn Central Motor r 25 Lillooet W Myles Victor whsemn Western Oil h 343 Oxford W Mylin Carl emp Swifts h 964 Lillooet W Myren Anne waitress Melon-Dew Ice Cream r Y W C A Myronuk Ann elk Eatons r 64 Lillooet E Myronuk John caretkr Imperial Bldg Supplies h 64 Lillooet E Myronuk John Jr lab Brit Amer Oil h 50 Lillooet E Myronuk Natalie elk r 64 Lillooet E Myronuk Wm asst Imperial Bldg Supplies r 64 Lillooet E N Nairn A Wilson emp Caterpillar Tractor h 162 Oxford W Nakashima Harry I prop Moose Jaw Dental Laby r 5A, 219 High W Nalwayko Steven of Upholstered Furniture Mfg r 380 Iroquois W Nance Thomas E piano tuner h 812 Cartier Nant Earl bkpr Gt West Battery r 210 Riverside Dr Nant Eunice r 1126 Alder N E Nant John h 1126 Alder N E Napier Alexander r 306 Home W Napier James blrwasher CPR h 306 Home W Napier Laurence emp CPR r 306 Home W Nash Mrs P E h 1251 Willow HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 247 Nasmyth Mrs Leone elk Govt Phones r 125 High E National Cafe J F Quong mgr 20 Main N National Cash Register Co Ltd D M Craig repres 33 High W National Finance Co Ltd Wm G Ross pres 410, 310 Main N National Fruit Co W D Cumings mgr 82 Manitoba W br 574 High W National Grocery Chow Suey prop 538 Athabasca E National Light & Power Co Ltd H F Berry pres and gen mgr 213 Main N National Mills Ltd W L Puckering pres 610 Fairford W National System of Baking C R Farmer mgr 418 Main N Natural Sodium Products I.e Roy Johnson repres 409, 12 High E Nausbaumer Philip hlpr Natl Light & Power h 321 Main S Navin Maurice C retd h 724 3rd Ave N W Navin Wm whsemn Patron Oil r 724 3rd Ave N W Nazarewicz John elk CNR h 340 Athabasca E Neal James elk Ry Mail Service h 1145 2nd Ave N E Neazor Earl agt Coca Cola Co of Canada h 24, 121 High W Necker Albert C dentist 303, 12 High E r Cecil Hotel Necker August F prop Cecil Hotel h same Necker Carl A mgr Cecil Hotel h 1115 Clifton Neden Frank formn Brit Amer Oil h 1161 1st Ave N E Neill Thomas refrig wkr Swifts h 1017 Athabasca W Neilsen Nels emp Bird Constn h 840 Hochelaga E Neilsen Peter h 24, 80 Home E Neilson Carl ydmn r 278 Ominica W Neilson John mgr Harwood Hotel r same Neilson Mrs Mary h 1190a Chestnut Neilson Nels elk Safeways r 406 5th Ave N W Neilson Oscar trk driv h 136 High E Neiman Herman mgr Ambassador Cafe r Grant Hall Hotel Neithercut Aubrey grocer r 441 Ominica E Neithercut R orderly Gen Hospital r same Neithercut Wm carp h 441 Ominica E Nelson A pipeftr Brit Amer Oil r Maple Leaf Hotel Nelson Albert emp B C Fruit r 156 High E Nelson Alice asst Dr J E Bloomer r 6, 109 Main N Nelson Carl lab h 156 High E Nelson Conrad stockmn Pembleton Motors h 6, 27 High W Nelson Daniel emp Percy C Williams r 109 Main N Nelson Doris hsekpr r 1050 Stadacona E Nelson Mrs E slsldy Army & Navy Store r 460 Langdon Cres Nelson Frank A emp The Natatorium r 1245 5th Ave N W Nelson Hector r Alexandra Hotel Nelson Henry S chef h 6, 109 Main Nelson Lawrence car washer Central Motor h 422 Selwyn Nelson Leonard C tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1078 Redland Nelson Leslie W projectionist Royal Theatre r Park Hotel Nelson Martin painter h 155 Hochelaga E Nelson Michael h 359 Iroquois W Nelson O with CPR h 720 Hochelaga E Nelson Onfen G engmn CPR h 412 Moose Square Nelson Percival H elk City h 1245 5th Ave N W Nelson Mrs S r 562 Hochelaga W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 248 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Nelson Spencer h 1258 3rd Ave N E Nelson Wm D emp R L Cushing h 460 Langdon Cres Nesbitt John r 476 Stadacona E Ness A porter C P Exp r 161 High E Ness Narve lab h 161 High E Nesther John lab r 1105 Lillooet W Nesther Mrs Nellie h 1105 Lillooet W Nesther Wm lab r 1105 Lillooet W Nestman Rose emp Providence Hospital r same Nestor Mrs Leona waitress Canada Cafe r 468 Home Nestor Thomas trkmn Can Govt Elev h 1324 Hochelaga W Nevill Frederick B porter P O h 1169 4th Ave N W Neville Ernest painter h 1170 2nd Ave N E Neville H W trainmn CPR r Park Hotel New Grayson Building 14 High W New’s Grocery & Meat Market H E New prop 1021 1st Ave N W New Herbert E prop New’s Grocer}'^ & Mt Mkt h 1019 1st Ave N W New James trainmn CPR h 411 3rd Ave N E New Venice Hotel Suey Sang prop 122 1st Ave N W New World Cafe Chee Chow prop 71 River W New York Tailors & Furriers Nick Klapak prop 73 High W Newberry Allan r 9 River W Newberry David J trk driv Skingle Trucking Service h 303 Main S Newberry Elgin driv Bill’s Taxi r Western Hotel Newberry Ken emp Swifts h 8, 414 4th Ave S W Newberry L trainmn CPR r 222 High W Newberry Olive E steno Beaver Lbr r 222 High W Newbigging Wilfred H emp City h 429 Ominica W Newburg Clifford elk Joseph J Stevens r 721 3rd Ave N W Newburg Mrs Louise h 721 3rd Ave N W Newells H blrmkr CPR r 864 Algoma Newman Henry emp CPR h 229 Lillooet W Newman Ivy elk Kresges r 229 Lillooet W Newman W Frederick h 168 Lillooet W Newman Wm L acet T A Getty h 261 Stadacona W Newton Curtiss hlpr Moose Jaw Transportation r 1048 Monk Newton Edith elk Stewart’s Bakery r 622 Athabasca W Newton Ernest acetg elk CPR h 520 Fairford E Newton J R mgr Windpower Ltd h 538 9th Ave N W Newton James carp h 622 Athabasca W Newton James F driv Moose Jaw Transportation r 174 Ominica W Newton John T h 319 Home W Newton John T typist CPR r 1024 Main N Newton Joseph acet Southn Sask Co-Oper Stock Yds h 450 Vaughn Newton Joseph porter P O h 1271 5th Ave N E Nichol George A h 1166 3rd Ave N E Nichol Mike firemn Hi-Way Refineries r 123 Main N HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 249 Nicholas Edna M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 42 Hochelaga W Nichols A B mech r City Hotel Nichols H R engmn CPR r 67 River W Nichols Marilyn slsldy Sobie’s Silk Shop r 1159 3rd Ave N E Nichols Mrs Myrtle h 1159 3rd Ave N E Nichols Wm slsmn Patterson Motors h 959 Carlton Nicholson Christopher W elk P O r 1072 Henleaze Nicholson James H jan CPR h 1157 Stadacona W Nicholson Nick N handler h 37 Eairford E Nicholson Robert elk h 115 High E Nicholson Ruth emp Silver Furriers r 115 High E Nicholson T E engmn CPR r Park Hotel Nicholson Wm J jan CPR h 925 Stadacona E Nickel Herbert emp Swifts h 141 Coteau E Nickelson H R mgr Blackwood Hdwre r Empress Hotel Nickerson Ernest R mach CPR r 278 Ominica W Nickles Mrs T h 37, 112 1st Ave N W Nidd Mrs C F h 1127 3rd Ave N E Nidd Chester r 1127 3rd Ave N E Nidd Robert call boy CPR r 1127 3rd Ave N E Nidoski Mrs A r 216 Grandview Nikolak Mike lab CPR h 1101 Lillooet W Nikolak Mike lab CPR r 1026 Iroquois W Nixon Bessie F osteopathic phys 315 Hammond Bldg r 1121 5th Ave N W Nixon Charles M ins and real est 305, 12 High E h 1121 5th Ave N W Nixon T Miller elk Land Titles h 1167 Willow Noble James agt Watkins Products h 8, 22 High E Noble Joseph A asst CPR h 1079 Connaught Noble Mrs L h 1020 Caribou W Noble Matthew H emp CPR r 233 Lillooet W Noll Walter E mgr Kresges h 219 Ominica W Nord George emp Swifts r 123 Main N Noren Clarence slsmn Canada Packers h 239 Eairford W Noren Nels retd h 162 Eairford W Norene C slsmn Canada Packers r 239 Eairford W Norene Carl lab h 370 River W Norene George h 9, 35 High W Norman Mrs Margaret h 305 Ominica W Normandin Miss A nurse City r Y W C A Norrington Gladys steno Blackwood Hdwre Co r 452 Stadacona E North Hill Grocery Ltd F G Pryor mgr 718 Main N North Hill Meat Market C King mgr 573 Athabasca W North Irene maid h 138 Hochelaga E North Lawrence mech Scotty’s Service Stn r 918 Ross E North Star Oil Co Ltd C S McIntyre local mgr 940 Eairford W North Star Oil Service Station H L Calfas mgr 406 4th Ave S W North Star Service Station (W H and G R Carveth) 925 Main N North Thomas r 256 High W North W r Canadian Legion Northern Crown Block 8 River E Northup Anna E osteopathic phys 922 Main N h same Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 250 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Norton Walter retd r 1076 Alder N E Norys Wm emp Swifts h 916 Iroquois W Nuttall James slsmn Imperial Tobacco h 920 2nd Ave N E Nu-Way Shoe Repair Shop (J Williams and H Purpur) 18 River E Nychka Paul lab CPR h 1149 Iroquois W Nykolak Nick lab h 1233 Duffield Nykrem Carl jan Walter Scott Bldg r 1127 5th Ave N W Nykulaik George cook Grant Hall Hotel r 83 Home W Nykulaik Nick h 83 Home W 0 Oak Thomas h 1141 6th Ave N W Oasis Confectionery James Seen prop 179 High W O’Brien Irene elk r 121 Stadacona W O’Brien J emp Canada Pkrs h 320 Iroquois' W O’Brien John R mech Sterling Motors h 121 Stadacona W O’Brien Rev Thomas asst St Joseph Church r 1064 3rd Ave N W O’Brien Vera steno Bird Constn r 121 Stadacona W O’Bright Wm J lab h 851 Athabasca E O’Byrne C Harold elk Child & Gower h 1002a Coteau W O’Byrne George E mgr Child & Gower h 1121 4th Ave N W Ocadchuk Harry b & b CPR r 321 Main S Ocker Ernest r American Hotel O’Connor Maurice B firmn City h 262 Hochelaga E O’Connor Richard F D elk City h 1111 Chestnut Oconot Club 2, 227 Main N Oddfellows Hall 174 Fairford W Oddy Alvin J acet Swifts h 153 Stadacona W Odegard Rev S T pastor Pentecostal Mission h 26 Hochelaga W O’Dell’s Meat Market W O’Dell prop 312 Fairford W O’Dell Wm prop O’Dell’s Meat Mkt h 554 Athabasca W O’Dell Wm H slsmn Canada Pkrs r 554 Athabasca W O’Donnell Daniel guard .Brit Amer Oil h 1312 Henleaze O’Dwyer Pat S repres Leader Post Ltd h 5, 121 High W Ogden Jack H elk Employment Serv of Can r Cecil Hotel Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd A S Draper mgr 271 Manitoba W Ogilvy Mrs James meteor observer Dom Govt h 1116 1st Ave N W Ohm L D Co L D Ohm mgr 686 High W Ohm Louis D mgr L D Ohm Co h 1156 2nd Ave N W Ohr Edith emp Providence Hosp r 180 Iroquois W Ohr Frank serv stn attndt Central Motor r 180 Iroquois W Ohr Roy emp Swifts h 34, 105 Lillooet W Ohr Mrs Sophie h 180 Iroquois W Oie Mrs F r 910 Alder N E Oie John driv Macdonalds Consol h 1148 4th Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 261 Oie Kenneth bkpr Patron Oil r 910 Alder Oie Thomas emp Swifts r 910 Alder N E Oke Mrs Cora h 370 Fairford W Oke Iona r 370 Fairford W O’Keefe John musician r 144 High E Olafson Olaf ydmn Southn Sask Co-Operative Stock Yards h 752 Ominica W Olenak Mike with Monarch Social Club h 40, 112 1st Ave N W Olenick John lab Swifts h 1039 4th Ave S W Olenick P emp Swifts r 1039 4th Ave S W Olinyk Nick blrwshr CPR r 1, 377 Lillooet W Olive Mrs Margaret r 70 Stadacona W Oliver C Jack steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 448 Hochelaga W Oliver Ernest T elk Civic Relief h 84 Oxford Oliver Miss L nurse Drs Goodwin & Ferguson r 854 Oxford W Oliver M Wm lab Bird Constn h 904 Stadacona E Olizok Nick h 1, 377 Lillooet W Olsen John h 546 Fairford E Olson Axel E h 1051 Willow Olson Clarence E emp CPR r 161 Iroquois E Olson Henry L stock elk McKenzie Auto Equip r 816 Algoma Olson J r Kings Hotel Olson O Theodore engmn CPR h 33 Home W Olson Ole treater Brit Amer Oil h 164 Manitoba E Olson Osborne T druggist Service Drug Store h 1137 3rd Ave N E Olson Raymond E engmn CPR r 33 Home W Olson Mrs Selma h 222 Athabasca W Olson Mrs Sol r 1051 Willow Olynek Alex emp Swifts h 1017 Lillooet W Olynik Peter lab h 281 Grandview Olynyk Mrs Anna confy 508 Manitoba E h same Olynyk Nicola lab Brit Amer Oil h 504 Manitoba E Olynyk Mrs Olga h 1040 Iroquois W Olynyk Olga r 1040 Iroquois W Olynyk Olga schl tchr r 508 Manitoba Olynyk Peter lab r 1161 Iroquois W Olynyk Stella elk r 508 Manitoba Olynyk Wasyl lab h 1161 Iroquois W Oman Earl messr Campbell Meat Mkt r 1152 2nd Ave N E Oman J J Jr mech Can Garage h 1152 2nd Ave N E Oman John J supt Cushing Lbr h 1117 Wolfe O’Neill Hugh F engmn CPR h 1135 4th Ave N W Onions Herbert T vulcanizer Knechtels Ltd h 1117 Chestnut E Grass Marvin emp Swifts r 147 High E Grass Oran violin tchr r 147 High E Orchard Wm r 719 Athabasca E Ord Arthur E retd h 80 Athabasca W O’Reilly Mrs Helen r 313 River E Oriental Chop Suey Dan Yee prop 170 River W Ornstein Mrs L r 171 Hochelaga W O’Rourke Ruby emp Star Cafe r YWCA Orpheum Theatre L Pugsley mgr 38 Fairford E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 252 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Orr Charles R h 50 Coteau W Orr Jack r 1161 Clifton Orr Max elk McBrides Ltd r 50 Coteau W Orr Thomas agric repres Sask Govt h 1161 Clifton Orr Mrs Wm h 246 Hochelaga E Orrell Coal Co (Percy Orrell) 618 High W Orrell Gwen tchr r 1073 Grafton Orrell Percy of Orrell Coal Co h 1073 Grafton Orser Rev E R trav evangelist Free Methodist Church h 840 4th Ave N W Osadchuk George emp CPR h 437 Hochelaga E Osask John emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Osask Nick prop Sun Barber Shop h 330 Home Osask Wm emp Bert Jackman r 278 Manitoba W Osborn Mrs G r 1, 72 Ross E Osborne Cleaners Edwin Osborne prop 58 Caribou W Osborne Edwin prop Osborne Clnrs h 58 Caribou W Osborne Frank E trainmn CPR h 104 Fairford W Osborne John trainmn CPR h 2, H River E Osborne Leonard jan Can Bakeries h 815 6th Ave N W Osbourn Oswald H prop Ruby Confectionery h 361 Athabasca E Oscarheim Toby carp r 9 River W O’Shaughnessy C A h 3, 720 Main N O’Shaughnessy Gerald S agt Prudential Ins Co h 1206 4th Ave N W Osier Hammond & Nanton Ltd Gerald Stirk agt 206, 12 High E Osmond Francis J icemn CPR h 1319 Grandview Osmond Frank J emp Swifts r 1319 Grandview Osmond J Kenneth ydmn CPR h 829 Skipton Rd Ostrum Mrs Hattie h 1352 2nd Ave N W Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd (Frank Mary and Hubert McRitchie) 26 High W Otway Pearl waitress Green Spot (22 Fairford W) Ouderkirk Percy E trainmn CPR h Wellesley Pk Ouseley His Hon Frederick A G judge of District Court h University Heights Overn Hymie C trk driv h 1124 5th Ave N E Overs Edward slsmn J E Overs Ltd r 112 Athabasca Overs Gerrard slsmn J E Overs Ltd h 1018 Connaught OVERS, J. E. LIMITED, TOBACCOS AND SUNDRIES, 222 Main Street North, Phone 3423. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, 214 Main Street North, Phone 3463. Manager’s Phone 3132. Overs Joseph L retail mgr J E Overs Ltd r 112 Athabasca W Overs Margaret steno J E Overs Ltd r 112 Athabasca W Overs Mary steno Court House r 112 Athabasca W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 253 Overs Mrs Mary E h 112 Athabasca W Owens Wm emp R L Cushing r 323 3rd Ave N E Oxford Apartments 1007 Main N Oxford Collegiate Institute G G Harris prin Ominica W cor 3rd Ave N W P Page Albert A h 959 Oxford E Page James' emp City h 832 7th Ave N E Page Ruth steno Postal Service h 1, 219 High W Page Wm J supply car CPR h 19, 439 1st Ave N W Paine Harold L dept mgr Joyner’s h 2, 1007 Main N Painter Frank S emp CPR h 1238 Clifton Paisley George C h 1204 2nd Ave N W Palace Fruit Store Fred Soro prop 31 Main N Palanak Omifri lab h 32 Home E Palanyk Samuel lab h 1052 Iroquois W Palm Dairies Limited, R. P. Storey, Manager, MANUFACTURERS OF PALM CREAMERY BUTTER AND PALM ICE CREAM, PURE MILK FROM GOVERNMENT TESTED HERDS, HOMOGENIZED, PASTEURIZED, 317 Third Avenue N. W., Phones 4840 and 4846; Night Phone: R. P. Storey 5254. (See top lines.) Palm Ice Cream, Palm Dairies Limited, Manufacturers, 317 Third Avenue N.W., Phones 4840 - 4846; Night Phone 5254. (See top lines.) Palmer Bruce tinsmith Montgomery Bros h 239 Fairford W Palmer J C crew elk CPR h 1210 1st Ave N W Palmer John T emp CPR h 912 Langtry Palmer Lawrence baker Weston’s Bread h 817 Athabasca E Panchuk Wm emp Swifts h 331 Maple W Pangborn Arthur emp Bird Constn r 239 Hochelaga W Pangborn James firmn City h 435 Iroquois W Panto Jack engmn CPR h 916 1st Ave N E Pappas Gus of Princess Cafe h 1070 Redland Paramount Studios C H Wray prop photogrs 8, 136 Main N Pardy Mrs Florence h 801 Fairford E Paris Cafe Louie Kay prop 37 River W Paris Hotel Eddie Yee prop 35 River W Park Elizabeth steno Swifts r 235 Home W Park Ellis B emp CPR h 1242 1st Ave N W Park Hotel (Clifford Robb and Robert J Hinds) 28 Manitoba E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 254 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Park James emp City h 235 Home W Park James asst shpr Burns & Co h 968 Stadacona W Park Robert G enj^mn CPR h 235 Home W Parker Albert E elk Ry Mail Serv h 128 Lillooet E Parker E M elk Postal Serviees r 128 Lillooet E Parker Earl emp Johnstone Dairies r 1141 3rd Ave N W Parker Edward 3 'dmn Malden Coal r Maryland Park Parker Erie shpr Maedonalds Consol h 229 Athabasea W Parker Prances steno Kern Ins Agencies r 55 Mansfield Parker Frank elk Ry Mail Serv h 1141 3rd Ave N W Parker Frederick T trainmn CPR h 4, 11 River E Parker George C trainmn CPR h 1160 Henleaze Parker J D sec-treas Franco Oils r 40 Athabasca E Parker John J agt Met Life h 1166 3rd Ave N W Parker John T brklyr h 55 Mansfield Parker Leonard tmstr h 896 7th Ave N E Parker May steno Kent & Pope r 896 7th Ave N E Parker Richard bndry formn Times h 1005 Willow Parkhill Edward L contr h 443 Vaughn Parkinchuk Nick h 411 Maple W Parkins G A of Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins h River Park Parkinson I Ernest retd h 643 Hochelaga E Parkinson M emp Swifts r 643 Hochelaga E Parks E trainmn CPR r 1242 1st Ave N W Parks Lewis H jan Mount Royal Apts h 3, 80 Home E Parkview Terrace 403-417 3rd Ave N E Parr Alfred E tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1207 Grafton Parr C A acet Weston’s Bread r 128 Elsom Parr George h 1207 Grafton Parr Hans G jan Hammond Bldg h 1088 Wolfe Parr J emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1207 Grafton Parry Dorothy M asst Public Library r Wellesley Park Parry Douglas schl tchr r 122 Stadacona W Parry Norman W mech h 122 Stadacona W Parsneau Harold B br mgr Brit Amer Oil h 1012 Stadacona W Parsneau Margaret steno r 1012 Stadacona W Parsoneau Howard mech Totten-Elliott Motors h 1175 Chestnut Parsons Charles W tailor 51 River W h 829 4th Ave N W Parsons Charles W Jr slsmn Whimsters Hardware h 1073 Chestnut Parsons G emp Robin Hood Flour Mills Parsons Herbert A decorator r 1073 Chestnut Partaik Helen elk McBride’s r 251 River E Partaik Mike h 251 River E Partaik Peter r 251 River E Pascoe Allan W prin elk Postal Service h 1046 4th Ave N W Pascoe Mrs Annie h 1058 3rd Ave N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 255 a W Pascoe Clinton J B of Roman’s Mach & Parts Co h 845 Connaught Pascoe Edith M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 267 High W Pascoe Grace r 267 High W Pascoe Mrs J h 267 High W Pascoe Minnie asst Drs Johnston & Lowey r 267 High W Pasiuk Nick emp Swifts h 1210 Grandview Passmore Mrs Clarence h 801 Stadacona W Passmore Mrs Jessie r 171 Hochelaga W Passmore Wm E projectionist Royal Theatre h 40 Iroquois E Passmore Wm J mgr Royal Theatre h 13 Main N Paterson Agnes S r 453 Stadacona E Paterson David emp City h 863 6th Ave Paterson Wm C elk PO h 453 Stadacona E Patience Harry trainmn CPR h 414 Main S Paton Mrs A M h 653 Stadacona E Patriquin Robert L engmn CPR h 436 Cotcau W Patron Oil Co Ltd Wm Jeffrey mgr 633 Oxford E Patron Service Station Percy Hellings opr 10 Patruska John trkr Robin Hood h 1060 Coteafi^^W Patsula Frank J tinsmith Moose Jaw Heatio*^^68 Rivec^E! Patten Richard S tchr Moose Jaw Collegj&te^d h 1131 4th Ave N W Patten Richard S Jr radio mech B H ?^^Mnder r 1131 4th Ave N W Patterson Albert elk Eatons h Ave N W Patterson Motors 602-6 Main J^S^^se 615 Fairford W Patterson Vivian D steno .R^^l Bk r 1029 Alder N E Patterson Wesley J h 117(^6 Ave N W Patterson Wm S h 1029 Alder N E Patteson Eric elk Bk of Com r 1085 3rd Ave N E Patteson Norman W elk CPR r 1085 3rd Ave N E Patteson Ronald br mgr McBrides Ltd No 7 r 1134 Clifton Patteson Wilfred slsmn Tucketts Ltd h 1085 3rd Ave N E Pattison Frederick J emp CPR h 203 Oxford E Paul Albert pressmn Moose Jaw Printing h 1026 Stadacona E Paul Miss E nurse Gen Hosp r same Paul Edwin pressmn Moose Jaw Printing r 1023 Fairford E Paul George opr Sewage Disposal h 1023 Fairford E Paul Mrs Gordon G h 1183 Alder N E Paul Gordon G swine grader Dom Govt r 1183 Alder Paul Samuel emp CPR r 123 Main N Paul’s Transfer Paul L Klein prop 1216 Henleaze Paulson Mrs Elizabeth h 518 Skeena Pawelchak D emp Swifts r 959 Iroquois W Pawelchak J emp Swifts r 1059 Lillooet W Pawley John L chf superv Dom Dept of Agric r Grant Hall Hotel Payne Charles prop Prairie News h 1121 Grafton Payne Charles B elk Prairie News r 1121 Grafton Payne Edward r 376 Stadacona W Payne Eustace F emp CPR r 143 Home W Payne Eustace H emp CPR h 143 Home W Payne Frank F elk CPR r 143 Home W Payne Mrs V r 227 Ominica W Payson George E trainmn CPR h 422 Main S Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 256 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Peach Refjinald W emp Swifts h 950 Vaughn Peachey Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Peacock Agnes cook St Anthonys Home r same Peacock Alliert E (P) Sc, B Paed) supt of schls Moose Jaw Schl Bd h 1002 1st Ave N W Peacock Miss M Jean tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 1176 1st Ave N E Peake Dorothy steno r 2, 73 High W Peake Edna hairdrsr r 2, 73 High W Peake Erances r 2, 73 High W Peake Prank jan High St Apts h 2, 73 High W Peake Ralph r 2, 73 High W Pearce James shop formn Sterling Motors r 1101 Redland Pearce Mrs Lucy r 1121 6th Ave N W Pearce Melville E acct Swifts h 1208 2nd Ave N W Pearcey Mrs K h 1028 l^airford E Pears L G mgr Met Life Ins Co r 11 Maryland Pk Pearson Carrie emp Prairie Bag r 217 Fairford E Pearson Mrs Gertrude r 147 High E Pearson Robert r 1132 2nd Ave N E Pearson Wm embalmer Broadfoot Bros r 350 Langdon Cres Peart Mrs C M r 1029 1st Ave N W Peart Harry emp Brunswick Hotel r 320 Hochelaga W Peart John L eng Grant BTall Hotel r 32 Athabasca E Pease Mrs Gertrude r 1033 Caribou W Pease Lloyd firmn City h 1033 Caribou W Peck Florence M dressmkr r 1147 7th Ave N W Peck George W caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1147 Connaught Peck Grace teletype Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1147 Connaught Peck Wm G comp Times h 1069 5th Ave N W Pedersen H W with John Deere Plow h 3, 1146 1st Ave N W Peebles James emp Swifts h 1042 Hull Peebles James W cred mgr Natl Fruit h 1066 2nd Ave N E Peebles Peter carmn CPR h 449 Vaughn PEERLESS CLEANERS, 103 Ominica Street West, corner First Avenue North West, Phone 2317. Peevor Alice r 1070 1st Ave N W Peggie Wm D hd elk CPR h 406 Ross W Peggy’s Beauty Parlor Mrs M G Guy prop 6, 227 Main N Pelepchanski John carp h 50 Lillooet W Pellett Frank slsmn Central Motor h 1030 Caribou W Pembleton Arthur J tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 837 Main N Pembleton Motors Ltd Thomas Gillis mgr 12 Ominica W Pencer Wm emp Swifts h 940 Coteau W Pendlebury Norman elk C N Exp r 719 Ominica E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 267 Pendlebury Thomas H customs broker 411 Hammond Bldg h 719 Ominica E Pendley Wm mgr serv dept Patterson Motors h 674 Athabasca W Penhall Charles W engmn CPR h 833 2nd Ave N E Penn Wm H prop Penns Market h 1088 Chestnut Penns Market W H Penn prop 616 Main N Penno Wm pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 405 Ominica E Pentecostal Assembl}' Rev F R Fleming pastor 214 Fairford W Pentecostal Mission Rev S T Odegard pastor 26 Hochelaga W Pentland Arthur J master mech CPR h 438 Oxford W Pentland Jean r 438 Oxford W Pepsi-Cola 7-up Distributors David D Isman repres 60 River E Perk Charles butcher h 1078 Main N Perkins Auto Repair G H Smith mgr 322 3rd Ave N W Perkins Carmen hlpr Sterling Motors r 524 Saskatchewan E Perkins Charles T trav Patron Oil h 1121 Chestnut Perkins Jack A elk Imperial Bank r 1121 Chestnut Perks Mrs Charles prop Grant Hall Beauty r 1078 Main N Perreault Noellia emp Providence Hosp r same Perrins Mrs E r 304 Fairford E Perrins Samuel lab h 1317 Connaught Perrins Samuel lab h 1314 9th Ave N W Perrins Mrs T h 627 Skipton Perry J H h Wellesley Park Perry Robert G messr C P Exp h 411 Coteau W Perwizniuk Alex lab h 1329 Coteau W Petch R S emp CPR h 63 Coteau li Pete’s Paint Shop Peter Busch prop 437 Main N Peterman Cora h 8, 219 High W Peterman Mildred emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry h 8, 219 High W Peterman Muriel maid Harwood Hotel Peters Charles tailor Slater & York h 608 Athabasca E Peters G R porter C P Exp r 834 Hochelaga E Peters John gardener h 903 Manitoba Peters Mrs K slsldy Army & Navy r 903 Manitoba E Peters Mrs Lottie L h 3, 822 Main N Peters Mrs Mary r 1181 1st Ave N E Peters Pearl r 1277 3rd Ave N E Peters Vern flrmn Totten-Elliott Motors r 903 Manitoba E Peters Wm tailor 35 High E h 1181 1st Ave N E Petersen Julius wtchmn Sterling Motors r 405 Ominica W Peterson Antone E millwright Can Govt Elev h 1128 Monk Peterson Arthur A elk and cashr Macdonalds Consol h 294 Riverside Dr Peterson August K oiler Robin Hood Flour Mills h 929 Edmonton Peterson Miss E nurse Gen Hosp r same Peterson Mrs H h 81 Athabasca W Peterson H h 314 Fairford W Peterson Harold L agt Can Oil Cos h 204, 423 1st Ave N W Peterson Harry prop South Hill Garage h 378 Home W Peterson Mrs John h 562 Athabasca W Peterson L M porter CP Exp r 329 Coteau Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 258 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Peterson Lloyd W shpr Westn Grocers' h 329 Coteau W Peterson Lynn firmn City h 116 9th Ave N W Peterson Tony emp Swifts r 81 Athabasca \V Peterson Walter O elk Bank of Com h 2, 1176 1st Ave N E Peterson Mrs Wilma r 1122 6th Ave N W Petrescue Alex E pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 953 Iroquois W Petrescue Trian emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 319 High W Petrewsky Tony emp McIntyre Cafe r Kings Hotel Petrie Ernest agt Prudential Ins Co h 820 5th Ave S W Pettit Frederick meter reprmn City h 924 Chestnut Pettregew Wm r American Hotel Pews Edna B Idgrkpr Joyners r 1139 Henleaze Phelan John farmer h 855 Grey Phelan Margaret hsekpr r 855 Grey Phelan Margaret F nurse Providence Hosp r same Philco Paulin fur fnshr E R Eaton & Sons r 69 Ominica W Philips' Edward asst eng Grant Hall Hotel r 175 Stadacona W Phillips Albert T insptr Air Ports h 257 Oxford W Phillijls C E red cap CPR r 713 Skeena Phillips Cameron stockmn Woolworths r 323 3rd Ave N E Phillips Clair messr Dime Delivery r 1102 4th Ave S W Phillips Ethel M steno Joyners r 1102 4th Ave S W Phillips George H h 1102 4th Ave S W Phillips Hugh painter h 1132 1st Ave N W Phillips John r 1102 Stadacona W Phillips John E (KC) barr 41 IB Hammond Bldg h 1235 3rd Ave N W Phillips Kenneth L elk Westn Grocers r 1235 3rd Ave N W Phillips Muriel J tchr Moose Ja'w Schl Dist r 1235 3rd Ave N W Phillips Neil r Plaza Hotel Phillips Sheila steno Moose Jaw Real Estate r Park Hotel Phillips Thomas guard Govt Elev r Empress Hotel Phillips Thomas ydmn CPR h 822 5th Ave N W Phillips W R lab r 1102 Stadacona W Phillips Wm H trainmn CPR h 1047 4th Ave N E Philpot Mrs H h 456 Stadacona W Piasecki Stanley emp Swifts h 56 Lillooet E Picard Wilfred ovenmn McCavins Bakeries h 901 Athabasca E Pickering Edward J whsemn Moose Jaw Hdwre h 1025 Willow Pickering Helen opr Ritz Beauty Parlor r 1158 Alder Pickering Jonathan elk CPR h 1158 Alder Pickett H Davison barr 313 Hammond Bldg and mgr Moose Jaw Credit Bureau h 1053 Clifton Pickett Mrs L D r 1024 Main N Pickett Myrtle fnshr E R Eaton & Sons r 1024 Main N Pickford Clarence emp CPR r 150 Elsom Pickford Frederick elk Ry Mail Serv h 127 Elsom HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 259 Pickford Frederick M chf opr C H A B h 2, 609 4th Ave N E Pickford Roy r 127 Elsom Pickford Samuel Idg hdlr CPR h 150 Elsom Picur Steve sectnmn CPR h 310 River W Pierce Clarence trk driv h 159 Ominica W Pierce Clifford slsmn Bellamy Furn h 1229 4th Ave N E Pierce Mrs Isabel h 323 Duffield W Pierce S W lab r 935 Hochelaga W Pierce Wilbur driv Bellamy Furn h 1007 Athabasca W Pifco Paul farmer h w s 9th Ave N W Pike Wm J caretkr Land Titles' h 1222 Wolfe PILKINGTON, TOM, Secretary-Treasurer, Whitlock-Marlatt Ltd. Res. 223 Second Avenue N. E. Pillsbury Mrs Jessie h 240 High W Pintsch Compressing Co Thomas Robinson supt West of C P R Roundhouse Piper Wm emp CPR h 1002 Vaughn Pipes Aileen cashr Kresges r 646 Stadacona W Pipes Arthur S trainmn CPR h 646 Stadacona W Pitman John h 1339 Clifton Pitt Ida deaconess Zion United Church h 2, 1005 2nd Ave N E Plaxton Ltd R F Smith mgr jewelers 203 Main N, watch repair shop 310, 12 High E Player Frederick retd h 66 Iroquois E Player Harry emp Brit Amer Oil r 66 Iroquois E Player Vernon call boy CPR r 66 Iroquois E Playfair Wm A prin Empire School r City Hotel Plaza Hotel 57 River W Plewes Burleigh C messr C P Exp h 1245 3rd Ave N E Plewes Mrs M h 269 High E Plopski Nick emp Robin Hood Mills r 575 Hochelaga W Plunkett Doris M elk Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1066 Fairford W Plunkett Edith M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 357 Fairford W Plunkett Edward B retd h 337 Fairford W Plunkett James A dentist 11 High W r 452 Ominica W Plunkett Mabel elk Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 1066 Fairford W Plunkett Marjorie r 1066 Fairford W Plunkett Percy emp City Cemetery h 1066 Fairford W Pochiak John lab CPR h 120 Lillooet W Pochowich John sectnmn CPR h 1010 Iroquois W Pochowich Michael sectnmn CPR h 1142 Home W Podolski Mrs Katherine h 380 Iroquois W Poe Mrs Mary E h 5, 420 Athabasca E Pohl August J blrwshr CPR h 948 Ominica W Pohl Herman emp Clarence’s Serv Stn h 961 Stadacona W Pohl Oscar r 958 Ominica W Pohl Wilfred emp Swifts h 1039 Stadacona W Polasek Eva M nurse Providence Hosp r same Polden Dorothy hsekpr r 170 Riverside St W Polden Frank emp Canada Pkrs h 170 Riverside W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 260 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Pollard Plarry h 1069 5th Ave N E Pollard Margaret elk Osborne Clnrs r 1069 5th Ave N E Pollock Rev R C minister Grace United Church h 1191 3rd Ave N E Polupski Louis emp Can Govt Elev h 959 River W Polupski N pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 575 Hochelaga W Pomosky Frederick h 476 Home W Poncelet Mrs G r 318 Oxford W Pond Russell L driv Palm Dairies r 528 Athabasca E Poole Charles F firmn City h 1234 3rd Ave N E Poole Elsie J h 23, 822 Main N Popascul Nick mech City Auto Wrecking h 10, 43 High W Pope Harold W (KC) of Kent & Pope h 1209 2nd Ave N W Pope Rose emp Modern Cafe r 16 High E Poperink George trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 229 Iroquois W Poperink Joseph W trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h A, 414 4th Ave S W Poperink Wm G barber Moose Barber Shop r 229 Iroquois W Poplar Confectionery Mrs Hetty Hammond prop 377 Fairford E Popowich Harry emp Swifts h 169 High E Porter Arthur A mgr Quality Press h 1206 Grafton Porter Block 38 High W Porter Mrs Clara h 734 4th Ave S W Porter Dorothy elk City 734 4th Ave S W Porter Edward slsmn Can Bakeries h 226 Riverside Dr Porter Frederick retd r 349 Athabasca W Porter Harold messr Wm D Harrison r 734 4th Ave S W Porter James C mach York Auto Supply h 421 Athabasca-W Porter Kathleen I opr Govt Phones r 711 Skipton Rd Porter Walter 326 Lillooet W Porter Wm pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 844 Main S Porter Wm A comp Quality Press h 48 Home E Porteous O H appr CPR r 403 3rd Ave N E POST OFFICE, Main Street southwest corner Fairford Street. District Director—W J Motherwell Postal Service District Director’s Dept.: 2nd floor Post Office Superintendent of Services—T C Russell Superintendent of Investigations—R H Long Inspector—J F Anderson District Examiner—J F Kerr Sub-Office No. I—329 4th Ave. S. W. Thomas G Campbell, post¬ master Sub-Office No. 2—1050 Coteau W. John A Romanuk, postmaster Post Office Building 228 Main N Poston John C rodman Dom Govt r 275 Hochelaga W Potter Wellington M lab r 246 Ominica W Pottle Ashton R elk Land Titles h 536 Ominica E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 261 Pottle Wm emp W H Roper r 536 Ominica E Poulter Muriel r 175 Hochelaga W Poulton John W A of Stirk & Poulton h 891 Willow Poulton R h 19, 219 High W Poulton Ronald reporter Times r 891 Willow Poulton Mrs Stanley h 456 Iroquois W Poulton Stanley trk driv Sask Co-Op Creamery r 456 Iroquois W Poulton Stanley caretkr City h 855 Willow Pounder George trainmn CPR h 1229 5th Ave N W Pounder Mrs H h 553 Athabasca W Pounder H trainmn CPR r 553 Athabasca W Pounder Jean music tchr r 865 Algoma Pounder Robert trainmn CPR h 865 Algoma Poutra Joseph watch repr Eatons h 1057 5th Ave N E Powalchuk Daniel emp Swifts h 959 Iroquois W Powalchuk Joseph emp Swifts h 1059 Lillooet W Powdrill John ydmn CPR h 8, 352 Lillooet W I’owell Albert bkpr Serviss Dime Delivery h 1070 Grafton Powell Dorothy tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1070 Grafton Powell Miss E nurse Gen Hosp r same Powell Mrs John E h 624 Oxford W Powell Leslie C call boy CPR r 624 Oxford W Powell Dr M anaesthetist Gen Hosp r Grant Hall Hotel Powell Marion phys 11 High W r 40 Stadacona W Powell Muriel mgress Sobies Silk Shop h 21, 219 High W Power F W trainmn CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Powers Mrs E r 238 Stadacona W Powers Mrs Elizabeth h 817 Athabasca E Poyser John h 1057 3rd Ave N W Pragnell Bart R tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r YMCA Pragnell E B R r Kings Hotel Prairie Airways Ltd R W Ryan mgr Montgomery and 14th Ave Prairie Bag Co Ltd G B Allen mgr 429 River W Prairie Heights Dairy Fred Korzachuk prop 1027 Iroquois W Prairie Mutual Benefit Association Harold Johnson sec-treasurer 409 Hammond Bldg Prairie News Co C R Payne prop 30 High E Pratt Alfred mech Central Motor r 223 Fairford E Pratt Edward elk Empire Hotel h 6, 106 3rd Ave N W Pratt T M asst acet Canada Pkrs r 1119 Clifton Pratt Vern stockkpr Prairie Air Y^ays r 6, 106 3rd Ave N W Pratte Alfred emp Central Motors h 223 Fairford E Prescott Desmond J mgr Remington Rand Ltd r 3, 1212 Redland Preston A E oil products r City Hotel Preston Edward h 21 Mansfield Preston F T engmn CPR r 21 Mansfield W Preston Mrs M emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 406 Stadacona W Preston Thomas A elk PO h 406 Stadacona W Price Dorothy A bkpr Bellamy Furniture h 206, 11 High E Price Eileen M dietitian r 1146 4th Ave N W Price J T r Plaza Hotel Price Russell elk r 364 Hochelaga W Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 262 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Price Thomas S appraiser Customs h 1046 4th Ave N W Priddle Frederick baker McGavin’s Bakeries h 1125 5th Ave N W Priddle John driv Westons Bread h 544 Hochelaga E Priddle Wm with City Cemetery h 918 Caribou E Prince Arthur Confectionery (Mrs C E Spillett) 706 Stadacona E Prince Arthur School Arth Wilton prin Athabasca E bet 6th and 7th , Aves N E Princess Block 224 Main N Princess Cafe (Gus Pappas and Gus Bonnis) 224 Main N Pritchard Carson emp Swifts r 1120 4th Ave N W Pritchard Mrs Edith h 1120 4th Ave N W Pritchard Elmer h 1151 7th Ave N E Pritchard John C elk Westn Ice r 229 High E Pritchard Mrs Joyce prop Pritchard Mlnry h 1144 Main N Pritchard Mrs L h 138 Mansfield Pritchard Lome doormn Orpheum Theatre r 299 High E Pritchard Millinery IMrs' J Pritchard prop 408 Main N Pritchard Wm C jan Joyners h 229 Pligh E Probert Arthur H emp Can Govt Elev h 913 Athabasca E Probert Frederick B optometrist 1, 227 Main N h 1211 4th Ave N W Probert Gladys elk Kresge’s r 929 Alder Probert Raymond W elev elk Can Govt Elev h 867 7th Ave N W Probert Rex emp Wm Probert r 929 Alder Probert Mrs W h 7, 73 High W Probert Wm bicycle dir 54 High W h 929 Alder Proctor Mrs T E r 404 Hochelaga W Procyshen Mary waitress Princess Cafe r 417 Maple W Prokop Alex emp McIntyre Cafe r Westn Hotel Promislow Louis' D mgr Rex Fruit Wholesale h 1113 2nd Ave N W Prosser Mrs A H r 1166 Grafton Prout Mrs Julia r 159 Fairford W Providence Hospital Mother Mary Roberta superior 2nd Ave S E and Lillooet Providence Hospital Nurses Home 175 Lillooet E Provincial Normal School G Allan Brown prin n s Saskatchewan W cor 6th Ave Prowse Hardware P H Prowse prop 63 High W Prowse John H elk Prowse Hdwre r 1172 Grafton Prowse Percy H prop Prowse Hdwre h 1157 3rd Ave N W Prowse Wm A elk Prowse Hdwre r 1157 3rd Ave N W Prudential Insurance Co of America M G Johnston asst supt 305 Hammond Bldg Pryor Edith elk North Hill Grocery r 78 Caribou E Pryor Frederick G mgr North Hill Grocery h 78 Caribou E Public Grocery Nicola Melnychuk prop 1016 Iroquois W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 263 I’ublic Health Dispensary (V D Clinic) Dr N E Betzner dir 5, 18 Main N PUBLIC LIBRARY, Samuel R. Stephens, Librarian, Crescent Park, Athabasca Street East, Phone 2787. Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada on file. Public School Board Office S H Gutheridge sec-treas Ross E and 1st . Ave N E Puchniak W J const CPR h 261 Stadacona W Puckering Charles H sec Natl Mills Ltd h 548 Oxford W Puckering James L emp National Mills Ltd h 662 Stadacona W Puckering Wm L pres National Mills Ltd h 204 Ominica W Puff Edward C h 128 Coteau W Pugh Roy Charles of Weeks & Pugh h 1160 2nd Ave N W Pugsley Leslie mgr Orpheum Theatre h 25, 72 Ross E Purdy John C retd h 1123 7th Ave N W Purdy W Guy trainmn CPR h 846 8th Ave N W Purdy Wesley emp Govt Phones h 314 River E Purdy Wm jan Academy Blk h 14, 23 River W Purity Confectionery George Morros prop 722 Main Purmal Herbert firmn City r 1016 1st Ave N E Purpur Henry of Nu Way Shoe Repr (18 River E) Purvis George miller Robin Hood Flour Mills h 304 Coteau W Purvis James E porter PO h 219 F'airford E Purvis John meats 718 Main N r 272 Hochelaga E Puschelberg Harry elk Bk of Com h 7, 352 Lillooet W Pycula John sectnmn CPR h 278 Iroquois W Pye E Grace tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r YWCA Pye Jack engmn CPR h 938 Athabasca W Pyle David painter Central Motor r 887 7th Ave N W Pyle Wm emp Can Govt Elev h Britannia Park Pyle Wm painter and decorator h 887 7th Ave N W Pytner Wm r 562 Hochelaga W Q Quality Dental Laboratory W S Cant prop 209, 12 High E Qualitj^ Food Store George and Lou Smallwood props 618 9th Ave N W Quality Press Ltd Arthur A Porter mgr 32 High W Quan Bing emp National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Chan of National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Charley of National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Chow emp National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Don emp National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Lee of National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Ping emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Quan Thor emp National Cafe r 20 Main N Quan Wong emp National Cafe r 20 Main N Quanbury Neal reprmn Moose Jaw Hdwre r 162 High W Que Mrs E r 123 Athabasca W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Mi/k from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 264 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Ouesnelle Daniel h 1063 Connaught Ouesnelle Gilbert lab h 950 Stadacona W ‘ Ouesnelle Orland emp Moose Jaw Steam Lnclry r 63 Stadacona W Quigley Miss N nurse Gen Hosp r same Quinn Bert C firmn City h 777 Coteau W Quinn C W retd r 844 Alder N E Quinn Edward retd r 344 Athabasca W Quipp A E acct Bk of Nova Scotia h 21, 72 Ross E Quon Peter J slsmn Macdonalds Consol h 1103 5th Ave N W Quong J Frank of Natl Cafe r 20 Main N Quota Club 318 Hammond Bldg R Radcliffe Samuel \V chkr CPR h 229 2nd Ave N E Radwanski Julius emp CPR h 1507 Coteau W Rae George emp Moose Jaw Marble N Granite h 670 Athabasca E Rae Jean D steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 670 Athabasca E Rae Marguerite A elk CPR h 2, 822 Main N Raeburn Mrs E h 228 4th Ave N W Rafter John ydmn CPR r Park Hotel Raibel R prop Moose Jaw Mattress h 140 Fairford W Rain Cecil elk Secord Drug r 231 High W Rain Ed emp Robert Simpson Westn Ltd r 231 High W liainbird Harold messr Amiss Meat Mkt h 1269 3rd Ave N E Rainbow Jack T elk steno Western Oil r 428 Coteau W Rainbow James F of Roman’s Mach & Parts Co h 428 Coteau W Ralston hleather emp Providence Hosp r same Ramage John emp CPR h 151 Coteau W Rambach John sectnmn Cl^ Rh 203 1st Ave S Ramey George J trav Ogilvie Flour Mills h 1, 609 4th Ave N E l^amey Joseph A h 356 Duffield W Rand Mrs Alice r 327 Iroquois W Randell Ernest h Fairview Subdiv Rankin Andrew J serv mgr Sterling Motors h Wellesley Park Rapanos James presser French Clnrs r 550 Hochelaga W Rapanos Thomas cook h 550 Hochelaga W Raspberry John car clnr CPR h 1014 Ominica E Ratcliffe Thomas blr washer CPR h 46 Mansfield Rathwell Dorothy elk Joyner’s r 53 Oxford W Rathwell Plarold air craft mech Prairie Airway r 1161 Willow Rathwell L trk driv National Fruit r 109 Hochelaga W Rattee Charles Quart Master Sergt CASE h 1008 Montgomery Rattee Wm H h 847 5th Ave N W Rawluk M sectnmn CPR r 432 9th Ave W Read Mrs B r 501 Ominica E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 265 Read Christopher W emp Swifts h 4, 75 Stadacona W Read Norman F baker h 501 Ominica E Reade Muriel steno James Smith r 1015 Monk Reade Wm A tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist h 1015 Monk Reader Edward C h 286 Grandview Reader Wm r Alexander Hotel Reasonable Laundry (Yee Hong Goey) 134 High W Rebacz J emp Swifts r 203 1st Ave S E Rebekah Assembly of Saskatchewan I O O F Mrs Ruby M Ward sec 50 Fairford W Record Herbert h 652 Athabasca E Red Indian Service Station A R Wilson mgr 800 Main N Red Star Auto Service Station Jack Rollins prop 210 Manitoba E Red Trail Service Station John Sinclair mgr 80 Manitoba Red & White Hall 215 Iroquois W Redfern Joseph T emp CPR h 450 Coteau W Redhead Thomas ydmn CPR h 830 Outlook Redland Court 1083 Redland Redman Albert tinsmith Alexander & Baird r 54 Hall E Redmond Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Redmond Joseph farmer h 1149 2nd Ave N W Reece S John engmn CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Reed Edward A h 1136 2nd Ave N E Reed John r 452 Athabasca E Reekie G emp Swifts r 409 Home W Reekie Mrs T G dairy Rothesay Park h same Reeson L mgr Best Monumental Co r YMCA Reeves A J r Harwood Hotel Reid Allan E blksmith 120 3rd Ave N W h 554 Stadacona W Reid Mrs Caroline h 9, 23 River W Reid Cecil emp Marlatts r 40 Athabasca E Reid Charles E h 1061 4th Ave N E Reid Daniel B engmn CPR h 12, 219 High W Reid F Allan ydmn CPR h 534 Manitoba E Reid Erank J trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Reid Goldie lab CPR h 896 9th Ave N W Reid Harry R trainmn CPR h 1060 Algoma Reid J C opr CNR h 372 Ominica E Reid John barber h 153 Iroquois W Reid John S emp City Cemetery h 1102 Stadacona W Reid Kenneth D elk Grant Hall Hotel r City Hotel Reid Mrs M h 1, 127 High W Reid Mrs Mary A r 534 Manitoba Reid Mary L addressogr opr Natl Light & Power r 361 Hochelaga W Reid Mrs Olive h 8, 43 High W Reid Ormond R cir mgr Times h 918 Chestnut Reid Roy lab Swifts h 951 Stadacona W Reid Roy A engmn CPR h 1143 4th Ave N W Reid Wallace h 161 Iroquois W Reilly Dorothy emp Swifts r 924 Eairford W Reiman Wm h 856 Hochelaga E Reist Charles messr Serviss Dime Delivery It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 266 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Reist Christopher messr Serviss Dime Delivery Reist Norman lab h 966 Henry Reliance Machine Works Ltd Harold Goodwin mgr 113 High W Remey John A h 176 Coteau W Remey Richard E biller CNR h 1033 Willow Remington Rand Ltd D J Prescott mgr 66 High W Remphrey W J fur ctr E R Eaton & Sons r 257 Oxford Renauld R trk driv Moose Jaw Ldry r Y M C A Rendezvous, H A McMillan prop 159 Eairford E Renfree W J r 257 Oxford W Renner Oscar h 6, 73 High W Renney Albert P b & b CPR r 1013 Athabasca E Renney Thomas W retd h 1013 Athabasca E Renney Wilson G opr C N Tels r 1013 Athabasca E Renshaw Howard prop Moose Jaw Foundry h 627 Hochelaga W Renton A emp Swifts r Y M C A Renton Dorothy steno Imperial Bldg Supplies r 1037 Clifton Repay Alexander slsmn Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 417 Maple W Repay Mike emp Swifts h 417 Maple W Reson Mrs Ida h 312 Oxford E Restall Stanley H steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 847 5th St N W Revall Muriel A nurse Providence Hospital r same Revard Frances hsekpr Harwood Hotel r same Rex Fruit Wholesale Louis D Promislow mgr 24 Manitoba W Reynolds James jan Y M C A r 227 Ominica W Reynolds Margaret steno C M Nixon r 375 Eairford W Reynolds Percy emp Bird Constn h 1150 3rd Ave N W Reynolds Robert J slsmn Electrolux h 375 Eairford W Reynolds W C blrwshr CPR r 729 Hochelaga W Reynolds W Harold bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1150 3rd Ave N W Reynolds Wm C H gardener h 1017 Athabasca Richard John P lino opr Times Co h 312 Ross W Richards Mrs E matron City Police h City Hall Richards Elmer h 1302 2nd Ave N W Richards Henry J emp Sask Pool Elev h 1067 4th Ave N E Richards Kenneth driv Moose Jaw Transportation r 1067 4th Ave N E Richards Robert tmstr r 244 Manitoba E Richards Ross emp Alexandra Pool Rm r 30, 38 River W Richards Vera r 1302 2nd Ave N W Richardson Arthur E engmn CPR h 223 River E Richardson Arthur G meat insptr Dominion Govt h 1309 Duffield Richardson Benjamin engmn CPR h 409 3rd Ave N E Richardson Building 315 Main N Richardson Frederick engmn CPR r 156 Iroquois E Richardson George elk Eatons h 7, 121 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 267 Richardson George W barber 308 Abain N h 305 Hochelaga W Richardson Harry carp formn Bird Constn h 829 3rd Ave N W RICHARDSON, JAMES & SONS LIMITED, J. A. Thomson, Manager, GRAIN MERCHANTS, STOCKS, BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. Direct Private Wires to All Leading Grain and Stock Exchanges, 311 Main Street North, Phone 2337. Richardson John bkpr Minneapolis Moline Power r 233 Ominica W Richardson Kathleen H steno Customs r 829 3rd Ave N W Richardson Marjorie steno Securitj^ Lumber r 829 3rd Ave N W Richardson Mrs Nellie h 6 Bank Richardson Thomas lab r 30, 105 Lillooet W Richardson Mrs W H h 30, 105 Lillooet W Richardson Walter eng General Hospital h 1202 Grandview Richardson Wm retd h 156 Iroquois E Richardson Wm emp Swifts h 951 Lillooet W Riches Alfred J blrmkr CPR h 711 Athabasca W Riches E emp Standard Garage r 50 Manitoba E Riches E D mgr Standard Garage r 412 Langdon Crescent Riches Mrs E D prop Grant Hall Taxi h 412 Langdon Cres Riches Edwin emp Brit Amer Oil r 711 Athabasca W Riches Frank lino opr Times Co h 514 Main S Riches Norman chkr Swifts r 711 Athabasca W Riches Oswald emp Sask Brewers Assn r Maryland Park ' Richland Farm Lands J Henry Kern Jr mgr 307 Main N Richman Wm M prop The Fashionette h 446 Ross W Rickie George emp Swifts r 409 Home W Riddell Alfred J formn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock h Grant St (Wellesley Park) Riddell Mrs Jessie K h 903 1st Ave N E Riddell Mrs M r 528 Ominica W Riddell Winnifred E steno Dom Bank r 903 1st Ave N E Rideout Charles B whsemn Hobbs Mfg h 423 Duffield Rideout G K appr CPR r 511 Hochelaga E Rideout Lawrence blrwasher CPR h 511 Hochelaga E Ridgeway Wm emp Percy E Williams r 239 Stadacona W Ridgway Erederick B linemn Natl Light & Power h 759 Athabasca E Ridley John W h 872 Wolfe Ridsdale Harold staty firmn CPR h 71 Ross W Ridyard Ernest W h 446 Home W Ried Janet r Y W C A Rigby Iv}'^ r 509 3rd Ave N E Rigby James section foremn CNR h 509 3rd Ave N E Riley Alfred slsmn Totten-Elliott Motors r 872 5th Ave N W Riley John D trainmn CPR h 872 5th Ave N W Riley’s Pool Room M A Aikens prop 31 River W Riley R C trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Riley Stanley emp R L Cushing Riley Wm contr h 478 Manitoba E Ring Joseph emp City h 882 7th Ave N E Rinker Roy J mgr Moose Jaw Real Est & Ins Agency h 1078 Main N E. R. Eaton &. Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 268 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Rintoul Charles mech Emslies Garage r 1156 Main N Rintoul Evelyn steno Executors & Adm Trust r 1156 Main N Rintoul John carp h 1156 Main N Rintoul Wm hr mgr McBrides Ltd r 1156 Main N Riome Don A slsmn Natl Light & Power h 865 9th Ave N W Riome Walter W carp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h Wellesley Park Ritchie Alexander lab r 478 Manitoba E Ritchie Mrs Alice r Hotel Cecil Ritchie Arthur G pkr Western Grocers h 1166 4th Ave N E Ritchie Justin M radiator repr r 140 High W Ritchie Mathew whsemn C P Exp r 1139 1st Ave N W Ritchie Thomas painter Brit Amer Oil h 747 Stadacona E Ritz Barber Shop Mrs M Sanderson prop 107 Main N Ritz Beauty Parlor Mrs M Sanderson prop 107 Main N River Park Cabin Mrs T Ashton prop — River Park Rivers Cam baker Natl System of Baking r 1334 1st Ave N W Rivers Harry r 1334 1st Ave N W Rivers Mrs R h 1334 1st Ave N W Rivers Stan r 1334 1st Ave N W Riverside Lodge Wm Hodgson prop 130 Riverside Dr Roach Alvin W r 340 Athabasca E Roach Mrs Annie h 204 Lillooet W Roach Lewis h 136 Iroquois W Roach Mrs S r 247 Riverside W Robb Clifford of Park Hotel r same Robb Russell painter r Park Hotel Robbins Albert brkmn CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Robbins Cecil C tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 821 Connaught Robbins Mrs May prop American Hotel r same Roberts Arthur shoe reprs 34 High E h same Roberts Hilda elk Western Grocers r 477 Stadacona E Roberts Jack elk Ry Mail Service h 211 Oxford E Roberts Mrs Lois h 477 Stadacona E Roberts Miss M nurse General Hospital r same Roberts Malcolm W driv Palm Dairies h 312 Duffield Roberts Orville trk driv Central Feed & Supply r 436 Fairford E Roberts Thomas J retd h 436 Fairford E Roberts Wm L carp h 746 Stadacona E Robertson Alexander trainmn CPR h 576 Hochelaga W Robertson Alexander acet York Auto Supply h 9, 8 River E Robertson Archibald painter r Hotel Cecil Robertson D A engmn CPR r City Hotel Robertson George engmn CPR h 247 High E Robertson Grant A emp CPR r 576 Hochelaga W Robertson Irwin emp CPR r 576 Plochelaga W Robertson J carp r Empress Hotel Robertson J mech Foley’s Auto Wrecking r 477 Athabasca W 18a HENDERSOX’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 269 Robertson J W trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Robertson Kenneth mech r 475 Athabasca W Robertson Mrs W S h 127 Coteau W Robie Violet maid Park Hotel r same Robillard Albert decorator r 1111 Redland Robin Alan embalmer Broadfoot Bros h 350 Langdon Cres ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS LIMITED, C. V. Anderson, Manager. MANUFACTURERS OF ROBIN HOOD FLOUR and ROBIN HOOD QUICK COOKING OATS. High Street West corner Fifth Avenue. Phones 2351 - 2352 - 2353 - 2354 - 2355. Switchboard Connecting all Departments. Robin Mrs J W h 350 Langdon Cres Robinson Alexander emp Reliance Elevators h 920 Athabasca Robinson Arthur H h 1209 1st Ave N W Robinson C M trainmn CPR r Empress Hotel Robinson Charles elk Eatons h 49 Iroquois W Robinson Charles A prin Wm Grayson School h 1080 6th Ave N W Robinson Edna P steno Hodge Bamford & Wilder h 6, 219 High W Robinson Ernest painter h 520 Athabasca E Robinson George emp Hi-Way Refineries r 1080 6th Ave N W Robinson Gertrude r 805 Alder N E Robinson H E trainmn CPR r 260 Ross W Robinson Howard driv Scotty’s Scooters r 920 Athabasca E Robinson Hugh T slsmn Can Garage h 1027 Stadacona E Robinson J Murray tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1117 Redland Robinson J W r Empress Hotel Robinson Jack r 370 Eairford W Robinson Jack caretkr Schl Bd r 132 Oxford W Robinson James physical instr r 1011 Main N Robinson James carmn hlpr CPR h 1105 4th Ave N E Robinson John emp CPR r 268 Athabasca W Robinson John h 175 Stadacona W Robinson John C appr CPR r 54 Stadacona W Robinson Lena r 13, 130 Main N Robinson Mrs M r 54 Stadacona W Robinson Mrs R r 578 Manitoba E Robinson Ralph r 228 Athabasca E Robinson Ray emp Natl Light & Power h 924 Ominica E Robinson Robert trk driv Security Lumber h 452 Eairford W Robinson Ronald L emp Moose Jaw Distributing r 42 Hochelaga Robinson Mrs T A prop Waverly Beauty Shoppe r 228 Athabasca Robinson Thomas supt Pintsch Compressing Co h 1107 5th Ave N Robinson Thomas A prin Ross Public School h 228 Athabasca E Robinson Thomas W h 50 Iroquois E Robinson Wm poultrymn h 1131 Stadacona E Robson Albert G blrwshr CPR r 1223 Algoma Robson Haskett J dist repres Wheat Pool h 10, 414 4th Ave S W Robson Dr I vet surgeon h E, 414 4th Ave S W Robson J H acet Palm Dairies h 4A, 219 High W Robson Mrs M r 223 Stadacona W Rodgerson John S elk Can Bk of Commerce h 1155 Henleaze Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 270 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Rodwell Miss A maid General Hospital r same Rodwell Miss D maid General Hospital r same Rodwell Frederick J engmn CPR h 468 Stadacona W Rodwell Miss M maid General Hospital r same Roe Mrs H N h 901 High E Roga Wm sectnmn CPR h 465 Home W Rogan Allan trainmn CPR h 1118 1st Ave N E Rogan James engmn CPR h 308 Ross W Rogelstad Jessie opr E R Eaton & Sons r 343 Athabasca W Rogelstad Mrs M h 343 Athabasca W Rogelstad Mervin emp E R Eaton & Sons r 343 Athabasca W Rogers Arthur trkmn Dom Govt h 9, 73 High W Rogers Arthur G h 1013 Athabasca Rogers Batteryless Service 319 Main N Rogers Gordon W grain weighing trackmn Can Govt Elev h 9 , 73 High W Rogers H G r 176 Stadacona W Rogers Mrs James h 50 Athabasca E Rogers James b & b CPR r 167 Ominica W Rogers L trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 167 Ominica W Rogers Leslie emp W H Hodgson & Co r 50 Athabasca E Rogers Ronald slsmn Willson Stat}^ h 4, 636 1st Ave N W Rogers T F elk Swifts h 236 Oxford W Rogers T W traffic mgr Swifts r Moose Jaw Club Rogers W C b & b CPR r 167 Ominica W Rogers Wilfred W mgr Lake of Woods Milling h 825 3rd Ave N W Rogerson James asst to mgr Civic Relief h 366 Oxford W Rohead Douglas whsemn Blackwood Hdwre r 1, 109 Hochelaga W Rohead Robert mgr R Smith & Co h 1, 109 Hochelaga W Roleck Wm sectnmn CNR h 1044 Cartier Rollefson James appr Times Co r 1086 Willow R’ollefson Mrs Matilda h 1086 Willow Rollins Aerial steno Eatons r 1122 Main N Rollins Edward retd r 1034 Connaught Rollins John S prop Red Star Auto Service Stn h 1122 Main N Rollo Wm switchmn CNR h 376 Fairford E Rolls Mrs J W r 41 Stadacona W Roman’s Machine & Parts Co Ltd (J B Pascoe and J F Rainbow) 138 High W Romaniuk Daniel emp Princess Cafe h 548 Maple W Romanuk John groc 1050 Coteau W h same Rondquist Siegfred carp h 664 Ominica W Rondquist Walter carp h 454 Selwyn Ronmuir Beauty Shoppe Mrs R E Hill prop 24 Fairford W Ronning Joseph h 367 Lillooet W Rooney Arthur J ledgerkpr Bk of Montreal r 1044 1st Ave N E Rooney Edward retd r 326 Fairford W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 271 Rooney F Rose nurse Providence Plospital r same Root H Stanley porter P O h 1161 3rd Ave N E Roper Jack L messr C P Exp h 3, 609 4th Ave N E Roper Wm H meats 435 Athabasca E h same Rorison Agencies Ltd (Hugh Rorison) 414 Hammond Bldg Rorison Agnes tchr Moose Jaw School Dist h 1131 2nd Ave N W Rorison Allap R registrar Land Titles h 1084 1st Ave N W Rorison Basil trainmn CPR r 1131 2nd Ave N W Rorison Gertrude tchr r 1131 2nd Ave N W Rorison Plugh of Rorison Agencies Ltd h 1120 3rd Ave N W Rorison Jean M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Bd r 1131 2nd Ave N W Rose Arthur J emp Home Guard h — Caribou W Rose Esme music tchr r 523 Plochelaga W Rose Erank E driv Maple Leaf Bus Lines r Brunswick Hotel Rose Miss G nurse General Hospital r same Rose Geraldine r 1160 1st Ave N W Rose James retd h 523 Flochelaga W ROSE & JOHNSON, (W. M. Rose, K.C., and Le Roy Johnson, B.A., K.C.)> BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC., 409 Walter Scott Bldg., Phone 4445. Rose Mrs Lily acct Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 833 Ominica E Rose Margaret r 805 6th Ave N W Rose Richard ydmn CPR r Kingsway Park ROSE, W. M., K.C., Of Rose and Johnson and Crown Prosecutor. Res. 1038 Redland Avenue, Phone 4636. Rosedale Pumping Station — Montgomery St Roselle Beauty Parlor (Elsie Leach and Rose Worling) 1, 318 Main North Rosemount Apartments 1146 1st Ave N W Rosenroll Arthur S de, mgr Imperial Bk of Canada h 1111 1st Ave N W Rosery (The) George W Day prop 428 Main N Roshka John emp Swifts h 902 Lillooet W Roslyn Apartments 1005 2nd Ave N E Ross D’Arcy R store mgr Moose Jaw Hdwre h 5, 72 Ross E Ross Emma emp Providence Hospital r same Ross Mrs Flora M h 826 1st Ave N E Ross (Wm G, KC) & Gilmour (Frederick J) barrs 410 Hammond Building Ross J Gordon office 307 Main N r 63 Fairford E Ross Park e s 3rd Ave N E bet Caribou and Oxford Ross Public School T A Robinson prin Willow Ave cor Oak Ross Stuart driv Service Taxi h 319 Duffield W Ross W D emp Army & Navv Stores h 8, 636 1st Ave N W Ross Wm h 20, 219 High W' Ross Wm A mach Times Co h 1077 5th Ave N W Ross Wm G (KC) of Ross Sz Gilmour h 1038 Chestnut Ross Wm W engmn CPR h 1117 Plenleaze Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 272 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Rosvold Harold E slsmn Singer’s Sewing Mach r 148 River E Rosvold Lawrence baker Natl Bakery r 1122 9th Ave N W Roszell Mrs Elizabeth h 883 Grey Rotluk Anton prop Moose Jaw Tannery h 749 Manitoba Rotter C A trainmn CPR r 1017 1st Ave N W Rotters Robert S trainmn CPR h 1096 6th Ave N W Rouatt James retd h 471 Ominica W Rouatt John retd h 1116 Clifton Rouatt Margaret h 1075 Alder N E Rousell Nelson orderly General Hospital h 604 Hochelaga E Routier Telesphore J trainmn CPR h 445 Iroqouois W Rowe Curtis C B elk CPR h 1018 2nd Ave N E Rowe Henry driv Moose Jaw Transportation h 1130 Monk Rowe Sydney A whse foremn Rex Fruit h 173 Grandview Rowe Thomas h 1604 Hochelaga W Rowe Wm H r 177 River E Rowegan Mrs T h 221 Main S Rowell Frederick J retd h 1406 1st Ave N W Royal Bank Building 48 High W Royal Bank of Canada E I Vickers mgr 48 High W Royal Bank Chambers 48 High W Royal Barber Shop S C Shelton prop 21 River W Royal Billiard Hall Robert Kjarsgaard prop 21 River W Royal Block 38 River Royal Canadian Mounted Police 3rd fir P O Bldg Royal Theatre Wm J Passmore mgr 11 Main N Roy croft Mrs S r 469 Athabasca W Royds Thomas emp CPR h 335 Main S Ruby Confectionery O H Osbourn prop 431 Athabasca E Rudan Mytro h 524 9th Ave S W Rudan Nick emp CPR h 928 Iroquois W Ruddy-Kester Ltd W E Joyce mgr 270 Iroquois W Ruddy Russell painter h 344 Athabasca W Ruffell Cyril H elk CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Ruffell Mrs G h 528 Athabasca E Ruffell Wilfred G elk CPR h 1227 Algoma Rundle John E dentist 102, 12 High E h 1206 Redland Rupple Oscar r American Plotel Rural Municipality of Moose Jaw No 161 H W Bromwich sec 48 High W Rusk Peter ydmn CPR h 165 River E Rusk Thomas r 72 High E Rusnak Michael lab h 355 Ominica E Russell Anthony sampler Robin Hood Flour Mills h 235 Stadacona W Russell Mrs B repres Stein & Wright r Park Hotel Russell Bessie R opr Govt Phones r 238 Athabasca W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 273 Russell Block 112 1st Ave N W Russell Charles prop Green Spot and Air Port Lunch r 1252 3rd Ave N E Russell Frances M steno John W Corman r 1252 3rd Ave N E Russell M messr C P Tels r 328 Hochelaga W Russell Peter ydmn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yds h 1, 414 4th Ave S W Russell Richard P pkr Seed Pool h 328 Hochelaga W Russell T emp Vets Social Club r 46 River W Russell Thomas C supt of Services Div Postal Services h 1252 3rd Ave N E Russell Thomas D elk James Richardson & Sons Ltd h 1302 1st Ave N W Russell Wm elk Harwood Hotel r same Rutherford W Moran license insptr City h 561 Saskatchewan W Ryan Percy mgr Manitoba Hotel r same Ryan R C engmn CPR r Harwood Hotel Ryan Richard W mgr Prairie Airways h 1137 Redland Ryan Rosemary emp Prairie Bag r 332 Fairford W Ryba Charles lab h 921 Stadacona E Ryckman Phillip 266 Laurier W Rydman Albin emp Swifts r 160 Lillooet E Rydman Axel M foremn Swifts h 160 Lillooet E s Sadler Edward linemn Govt Phones h 1022 3rd Ave N E Sadler Sidney elk Brown’s Taxi h 811 Skipton Rd Safeway Stores Ltd W Kilburn mgr 345 Main N Saffern Hilda P nurse Providence Hospital r same Saffern Mae E nurse Providence Hospital r same St Agnes School (R C) T W McBennett prin 3rd Ave S W cor Ox¬ ford St Andrew’s United Church Rev Geoffrey Glover minister n s Atha¬ basca E and 1st Ave N E St Anthony’s Home Sister Mary Raphael superior University Hghts St Barnabas Anglican Church Rev E C Fisher rector 558 Hochelaga East St Cyr Alfred h 176 River E St Cyr Ferdinand messr Serviss Dime Delivery St Cyr Guy messr Serviss Dime Delivery St Cyr Roger messr Serviss Dime Delivery St Elmo Apartments 1269 3rd Ave N E St George’s Church Rev R S L McAdam minister 10th Ave N W and Montgomery St John’s Anglican Church Rev Samuel Williams rector 65 High E St Joseph Church (R C) Father J Cunningham pastor 1070 3rd Ave N W St Joseph’s South Hill Catholic Chapel 315 4th Ave S W St Louis College (R C) Mother St Pascal superior 1101 Grafton St Louis Isadore M chf eng Sask Co-Oper Creamery h Riverside Dr St Luke’s Church Westmount Subdiv Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 274 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW St Michael’s & All Angels Church Rev Rural Dean P C Hackworth rector 303 Coteau W St Paul’s Presbyterian Church Rev R Davidson pastor 177 Iroquois W St Ruth Doris M tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1101 Redland Salawich Thomas h 50 Iroquois W Salem Hall 319 Lillooet W Salewich Daniel foremn Canada Packers h 330 Iroquois W Salisbury Mrs Minnie h 2, 630 Main N Salisbury Willard E real est r 946 Main N Sallstrom Kurt A sis asst Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1038 5th Ave W Salter Frederick r 256 High W Salthammer H C h 1105 Chestnut Salvail George mech Sterling Motors r 203 River E Salvation Army Citadel 42 High E Salvation Army Officers Headquarters 419 3rd Ave N E Sambrooks George ydmn CPR h 637 Coteau W Sam’s Inn Samuel Marinos prop 326 Main N Sampson J A steno CPR h 22, 121 High W Sandercock Harold H sec treas Gt West Battery & Elec Co Ltd h 941 1st Ave N W Sandercock Roy switchmn Govt Phones h 830 4th Ave N W Sanders Frederick O trav LAB Auto Supplies h 803 5th Ave N W Sanders R Ross tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 1043 Grafton Sanderson Donald P carp CPR h 930 Vaughn Sanderson Elmer lab h 822 Fairford E Sanderson Mrs Florence h 716 Skeena Sanderson Jean emp Moose Jaw Stm Ldry r 716 Skeena Sanderson Mrs M prop Ritz Beauty & Barber Shop h 107 Main N Sanderson Mrs Mary H h 941 Athabasca E Sanderson Pauline emp Moose Jaw Stm Ldry r 716 Skeena Sanderson T emp General Hospital r same Sandum R emp Swifts h 11, 14 High W Sanfleban Albert h 643 Duffield W Sangster Charles baker Mill City Bakery h 888 Elgin Sanitax Barber Shop F H Cook prop 15 River W Sanitax Hat Works Alexander Denesuk prop 32 River W Santy’s Confectionery Nellie Santy prop 414 Manitoba E Santy Mrs G r 414 Manitoba E Santy Nellie prop Santy’s Confy h 414 Manitoba E Sargeant A painter General Hospital r Canadian Legion Home Sargeant Harry storekpr City h 220 Iroquois W Sargent Roy bottler Natl Fruit h 932 Brown Sargent Stanley R h 654 Stadacona W Saskatchewan Brewers Association Ltd H Jones mgr 145 River W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 275 Saskatchewan Co-Operative Creamery Association Ltd Wm R Sinton mgr 802 2nd Ave N W Saskatchewan Co-Operative Livestock Producers Ltd John Graham mgr Live Stock Exchange Bldg Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture Live Stock Inspection (Branch) R J Shepherdson insptr Live Stock Exchange Bldg Saskatchewan Government Liquor Board Beer Storage Cecil Cull superv 145 River W Saskatchewan Government Telephones W Charles Moore div supt 313 1st Ave N W Saskatchewan Junk Co Benjamin Schwartz prop 468 High W Saskatchewan Loan & Investment Co Ltd W E Staples mgr 2, 214 Main N Saskatchewan Registered Seed Growers Ltd Walter E Dempsey mgr 615 Lillooet W Sato R emp CPR h 27 Coteau W Saunders Alexander elk Postal Service h 246 Athabasca E Saunders Frederick O slsmn Hobbs Mfg r 803 5th Ave N W Savage Archibald J h 1169 5th Ave N E Savage Charles E trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 220 River W Savage George F caretkr Avalon Apts h 32, 72 Ross E Savoy Cafe James Condidis prop 27 River W Sawchuk G baker’s hlpr McGavin’s Bakeries Sawchuk Mrs J h 1209 8th Ave N E Sawchuk M sectnmn CPR r 1158 Iroquois W Sawers Archibald circ mgr Leader Post h 837 Ominica E Saxton Stephen hlpr CPR r 53 Fairford E Scamadin Mrs George H h 1028 Stadacona W Scarfs Wm retd r 327 Ominica W Schacter Benjamin prop Benson’s Clothes Shop Schafer George slsmn Johnstone Dairies h 227 Ominica W Scharf Allan farmer h 1008 Alder N E Scharf Earl barber 320 4th Ave S W h 214 Coteau W Scharf Edgar ydmn Beaver Lbr r 427 Lillooet W Scharf Frederick trucker h 427 Lillooet W Scharf S A r 1008 Alder N E Scharfe Roy firemn City h 908 1st Ave S E Scharstrom Helgie emp Robin Hood h 641 Coteau W Schauenberg Joseph emp Providence Hospital r same Schawb Carl emp Caribou Service Stn r 70 Caribou E Schelhamer Anne waitress Venice Cafe r Y W C A Schimpf G h 1261 Wolfe Schlamp Phillip dist frt agt CNR h 1215 Grafton Schleser Gottfried lab CPR h 1041 Lillooet W Schlizky Wm emp CPR h 227 Coteau W Schneeburger Joseph retd h 816 Fairford Schoen Emil live stock Canada Packers r 163 Fairford W Schoffer Adam emp Prairie Bag h 1285 4th Ave N E Schofield Benjamin trainmn CPR h 403 3rd Ave N E Schofield Harry chkr CPR h 729 Athabasca E Schofield John elk CPR h 310 Fairford E School Board Office S H Gutheridge sec treas Moose Jaw Technical High School E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 276 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Schorfield Donald G tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1074 Willow Schroeder Katie h 502 Fairford W Schull Harold J barr 307 Main N b 1048 Henleaze Schull Laura bkpr Harold J Schull r 1126 Chestnut Schull Richard h 1126 Chestnut Schultz Emma M elk Joyner’s r 3, 11 River E Schultz Erederick pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 712 Ominica W Schultz Phyllis elk Minto Confy r 638 Oxford W Schwark E carp r Hotel Cecil Schwartz Benjamin prop Saskatchewan Junk h 606 Athabasca W Schwartz Benjamin L prop McDaniels News Stand h 814 3rd Ave N W Schwartz John waiter Park Hotel r 414 Ominica Schwenneker Grover of Grover’s Service Stn h 8, 79 Stadacona W Schwenneker Lincoln driv Union Transfer & Storage h 40 Athabasca E Schwenneker IJncoln J trainmn CPR r 40 Athabasca E Schwenneker N emp Swifts r 336 Main S Scoffins Mrs Erank h 678 Hall W Scory Wm slsmn L D Ohm Co h 881 7th Ave N W Scott Miss A W steno Royal Bk r 815 Athabasca E Scott Alfred emp CPR h 960 Vaughn Scott Andrew W emp CPR h 892 4th Ave N E Scott Clarence delivery Leonard Eysh r 892 4th Ave N E Scott Claude E engmn CPR h 1110 1st Ave N E Scott Mrs David r 171 Hochelaga W Scott David cook r 148 Manitoba E Scott Edwin credit mgr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1142 1st Ave N E Scott Ernest hlpr CPR h 1029 Stadacona E Scott Eunice steno Warren Ins Agencies r 815 Athabasca E Scott Evelyn r 892 4th Ave N E Scott G A trainmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Scott Gordon r 171 Hochelaga W Scott Mrs H h 614 Main N Scott Hugh firemn Johnstone Dairies r 614 Main N Scott Mrs Isabel h 1142 1st Ave N E Scott J whsemn Natl Light & Power r 815 Athabasca E Scott James L b & b CPR h 815 Athabasca W Scott Jessie r 1081 Main N Scott John storemn CPR h 803 Ominica E Scott John H carp h 536 Hochelaga E Scott John H mgr Scotty’s Motor Sales & Service Stn, Scotty’s Scooters and Dime Delivery h 714 Ominica E Scott Joseph h 313 Duffield W Scott Joseph engmn CPR h 833 Outlook Scott Julia emp Wilson Produce r 815 Athabasca E Scott Lorna V elk Bk of Montreal r 170 Stadacona W HENDEKSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 277 Scott Phyllis steno Horton Land Co r 1110 1st Ave N E Scott Thomas h 23 Riverside Dr Scott Thomas r 960 Vaughn Scott Walter lab h 319 8th Ave N E Scott (Walter) Block 12 High E Scotton Charles emp Swifts h 1020 Vaughn Scotty’s Motor Sales J H Scott Jr mgr 332 Langdon Crescent Scotty’s Scooters Ltd (Jack Scott, Ken Jerred and Clayton Ball) 19 Main N Scotty’s Service Station John Scott prop 332 Langdon Cres SEABORN & COMPANY, (Lieut.-Col. W. E. Seaborn, K.C.). BARRISTERS, SOLICI¬ TORS, AND NOTARIES, 108 Walter Scott Building, High Street East, Phone 4425. SEABORN, LIEUT.-COL. WALTER E., K.C., Of Seaborn & Company. Res. 1106 Clifton Avenue, Phone 2089. Seabrooks Herman R trainmn CPR h 411 Main S Seaby Edward tailor Osborne Cleaners r 1011 1st Ave N E Seal John N retd h 249 Ominica W Seals Mrs Anne h 620 Hochelaga E Sealy Doris elk Eatons r 546 Stadacona W Searcy Robert driv Moose Jaw Transportation h 843 Cartier W Searle Mrs Isabel h 504 Fairford E Sears Miss J pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1035 4th Ave S W Sears John car insptr CPR h 121 Iroquois W Secret Victor P A welder Brit Amer Oil h 1165 5th Ave N E SECURITY LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, W. A. Snider, Secretary and General Manager. Retail Sales Office: 506 High Street West, Phone 2347. Head Office: 315 Main Street North, Phone 2361. Sedgewick Bert emp Swifts h 12A, 105 Lillooet W Seed E W asst eng Palm Dairies r 278 Ominica W Seed John J br mgr McBride’s Ltd h 478 Athabasca W Seed Patrick emp Palm Dairies r 278 Ominica W Seed Pool Building 615 Lillooet W Seen James prop Oasis Confy r 179 High W Selby John messr Dime Delivery r 920 Hull Selby Mildred steno J A Thompson & Co r 920 Hull S W Selby Wm hipr CPR h 920 FIull Sellers Irvine emp Emslie’s Garage h 1238 2nd Ave N W Selvig Gladys nurse General Hospital r same Semenchuk George engmn CPR h 219 Iroquois W Semenchuk Wm h 144 Lillooet E Semeniuk Tony h 936 Iroquois W Semko Mrs Olga h 1126 Coteau W Sendall Rev T Harry minister Hillcrest United Church h 1155 3rd Ave N E Senogles Joseph H emp City h 612 Hochelaga E Senogles Mrs Una h 636 Hochelaga E Separate School Board A D Goodine sec treas 1030 Connaught It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 278 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Service Drug Store Ltd O B Fysh prop 220 Main N Service Taxi F S Ballam mgr 15 Main N Servis FTeating & Plumbing Robert Servis prop 1081 Willow Servis Robert FI prop Servis Heating & Plbg h 1081 Willow Serviss Arthur J prop Serviss Billiard Parlor h 1035 Redland Serviss Billiard Parlor A J Serviss prop 111 Main N Serviss Dime Delivery Kenneth Serviss prop 1, 109 Main N Serviss Kenneth prop Serviss Dime Delivery r — Maryland Settleworth Jack barber r Maple Leaf Hotel Sevachanko W r Plaza Hotel Sexauer Mrs Mary r 306 Hochelaga W Sexsmith George E tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 708 9th Ave N W Seymour Frederick trk driv h 368 Fairford E Seymour Wm O D slsmn McKenzie Auto Equip h 367 Athabasca E Shabbits J emp Swifts h 345 Coteau W Shackleton Alfred treater Brit Amer Oil h 411 Stadacona E Shackleton Samuel boiler washer CPR h 403 Grandview Shaefer Melvin G emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 18, 127 High W Shafer Ernest warehousemn h 921 Athabasca Shafer Viola steno Postal Service r 921 Athabasca W Shall Fern elk Kresge’s r 304 Ross W Shall Jarvis A caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board h 304 Ross W Shan Sam emp Modern Cafe r Buffalo Rooms Shanklin Wm R tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Board r 1021 1st Ave N E ? . Shanko Harry lab Brit Amer Oil h 912 Stadacona E Shankoff Mike h 69 Hochelaga E Shantz Max R traffic asst Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1109 Alder N E Sharkey Jack asst eng St Anthony’s Home r same Sharko J trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 917 High W Sharp Edward A caretkr Woolworth Blk h 8, 108 Main N Sharp W Gordon elk CPR r 703 Ominica E Sharp Wm J driv Palm Dairies h 3, 636 1st Ave N W Sharpe A signal man CPR r 453 Lillooet W Sharpe’s Confectionery John W Sharpe prop 179 Ominica W Sharpe Edith mgress Milk Bar r 177 Ominica E Sharpe Fuel Co John Sharpe prop 379 River W Sharpe James dept mgr Joyner’s h 219 Athabasca W Sharpe John of Sharpe Fuel Co h 320 Athabasca W Sharpe John W pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 167 Coteau W Sharpe John W of Sharpe’s Confy h 177 Ominica Sharpe Miss L tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 320 Athabasca W Sharpe Norman emp Sharpe Fuel Co r 320 Athabasca W Shaver Alice tchr h 1330 Algoma Shaw Bernard trk driv Tom Amyer r 926 Edmonton Shaw Charles caretkr Public Library h 778 Hochelaga E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 279 Shaw Mrs Clarence h 469 Stadacona E Shaw Edith steno Kern Ins Agencies r 477 Stadacona E Shaw Edna M elk Joyner’s r 926 Edmonton Shaw George r 944 Manitoba W Shaw Harry h 1104 9th Ave N W Shaw Isabel tchr Nash Normal Schl r 1038 5th Ave N W Shaw Jack carp foremn Bird Constn r 571 Hochelaga W Shaw John emp Swifts h 422 Home W Shaw Leonard carrier P O h 566 Hochelaga W Shaw Mrs Mary J h 1094 9th Ave N W Shaw Mrs Minnie h 14, 73 High W Shaw Norman emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 944 Manitoba W Shaw Thomas retd h 944 Manitoba W Shaw Thomas emp CPR h 913 Stadacona W Shaw Wm coal and wood 327 Lillooet W h 926 Edmonton W Shaw Winnifred steno Thomas H Lancaster r 926 Edmonton W Shea Ernest emp Can Press r 829 4th Ave N W Shea Mrs W A seamstress Gen Hospital h 829 4th Ave N W Shea Walter A typist CPR r 829 4th Ave N W Shears Alfred h 1103 5th Ave N E Sheehan (The) Agency (J F Sheehan) ins 311 Hammond Bldg Sheehan John F of The Sheehan Agency h 1107 Redland Sheehan Mrs M PI of The Sheehan Agency r 1107 Redland Sheeran Donald emp Eatons r 58 Caribou E Shein Mrs Lena cashr Army & Navy r 1225 Redland Shein Max elk Army & Navy h 1225 Redland Shelburn Hattie h 914 Ominica E Shelton Jean r Park Hotel Shelton Sidney C prop Royal Barber Shop r Park Hotel Shepard David P asst chf elk CPR h 1167 1st Ave N W Shepherd Alice steno Swifts r 945 Iroquois W Shepherd Audrey waitress Modern Cafe r Maple Leaf Hotel Shepherd J h 229 2nd Ave N E Shepherd John emp CPR h 945 Iroquois W Shepherd Leslie mech Moose Jaw Dental Laby r 229 1st Ave N E Shepherd Margaret prop Harwood Beauty Salon r Y W C A Shepherd Thomas surface grinder Impl Optical h 1087 Wolfe Shepherdson R J insptr Sask Dept of Agric (Live Stock) h 3, 630 Main N Sheppard Mrs Ethel h 1061 1st Ave N W Shepperd Audrey emp Modern Cafe r Maple Leaf Hotel Sheridan Allan C eng Natl Light & Power h 201 Coteau E Sherman Mrs Lillian h 1344 7th Ave N W Sherrill’s Office A P Atkins sheriff Court House Sheward Mrs Allan G r 1045 2nd Ave N E Sheward George prop Sheward’s Service Stn r same Shewards Service Station George Sheward prop 102 Manitoba E Shewler — trainmn CPR r 159 Hochelaga E Shields Alexander M dist frt agt CPR h 1154 1st Ave N W Shields Harry O slsmn h 26, 72 Ross E Shiels Gordon r 802 Hochelaga E Shiels Raymond baker Can Bakeries r 802 Hochelaga E Shiels Wm carrier P O h 802 Hochelaga E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 280 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Shingler Charles N acct Royal Bank h 167 Hochelaga E Shingler Mrs M J h 8, 822 Main N Shipp A O slsmn Beatty Bros Ltd h 2, 428 Athabasca E Shirley Isaac R h 770 Oniinica W Short Mrs Catherine h 1011 2nd Ave N E Short D S cond CPR r Brunswick Hotel Short Kay emp Moose Jaw Steam Ldry r 264 High W Short Leonard farmer h 264 High W Shostal Alexander trk driv r 235 Stadacona W Shpuniarsky Jacob carp h 1118 Coteau W Shufelt W Harold elk Can Bk of Commerce h 1109 5th Ave N W Shupersky Alexander emp Swifts h 320 9th Ave S W Shur Alexander r 506 Maple W Shuttleworth Charles K elk h 403 Main S Shuttleworth Henry rec Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 955 Montgomery Shuttelworth John emp Canada Packers h 326 Lillooet W Shymko Mrs Annie h 24 9th Ave Siddeley John S trainmn CPR h 533 Hochelaga W Siekawitoh Miss E laby tech Gen Hosp r same Sifton Clifford emp Sask Govt r Maple Leaf Hotel Sifton Mrs J W r 1032 Main N Sigler Isadore M mgr Sterling Shoes r 3, 800 4th Ave N W Silcox Rev A P asst pastor St Andrew’s Church h 814 5th Ave N W Silver Furriers (Mandel Silverman) 49 High W Silverman J Harry emp Silver Furriers h 3, 428 Athabasca E Silverman Mandel of Silver Furriers r 49 High W Silverson A E engmn CPR h 936 Stadacona W Silverson A Lome prop Moose Jaw Marble & Granite h 315 Oak Silverson Mrs V r 312 Oxford E Silverthorne Clarence D switchmn Govt Phones h 1284 3rd Ave N E Simington Mrs Walter r Grant Hall Hotel Simington Wm H trainmn CPR h 42 Athabasca W Simmers Wm E opr CPR r 418 Coteau W Simmonds Edward blrwasher CPR h 119 Home W Simmons Joseph lab r 1030 Caribou W Simmons W M h 1116 Cartier Simons Helen bkpr Patron Oil r 1011 1st Ave N E Simonson Berneice asst cashr Royal Theatre r — Home E Simonson & McKenzie (J R McKenzie) whol Ibr 27 Hall W Simonson R bottler Natl Fruit r 945 Stadacona W Simpkins Mrs F h 1157 6th Ave N E Simpson Alexander slsmn Sask Co-Oper Livestock Producers h 270 Lillooet W Simpson Alice r 270 Lillooet W Simpson David C jan CPR h 10, 59 High W Simpson Doris r 270 Lillooet W Simpson Hugh D h 1124 2nd Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 281 Simpson J J h 535 Ominica E Simpson Jean Indress Children’s Shelter r 270 Lillooet W Simpson John blrwasher CPR h 522 Maple W Simpson John r 278 River E Simpson Mrs Margaret h 8, 73 High W Simpson Robert Western Ltd R F Courtnage agent 432 High W Simpson Sarah r 161 High E Simpson Treasa dental asst r 267 Hochelaga W Sims Gordon A elk Prowse Hdwre r 1161 3rd Ave N W Sims Harvey A local registrar and elk District & Surrogate Courts h 1211 Redland Sims Viola r 161 High E Sinclair Mrs A H h 1061 3rd Ave N E Sinclair Archibald C jan Bk of Montreal h 1080 Alder N E Sinclair Confectionery D R Sinclair prop 5 Coteau W Sinclair D R prop Sinclair Confy h 326 Main S Sinclair Daniel C h 576 Stadacona W Sinclair David D teller Bk of Nova Scotia r 1036 1st Ave N W Sinclair Fay elk Natl Light & Power r 1061 3rd Ave N E Sinclair Glynn I tchr Moose Jaw Schl Board r 1061 3rd Ave N E Sinclair Joanna opr Govt Phones r 818 Ominica W Sinclair John Jr mgr Red Trail Service Stn r 818 Ominica W Sinclair John A whsemn L D Ohm Co h 818 Ominica W Sinclair Robert b & b CPR h 928 Main N Sinclair Robert B lab h 939 Athabasca Sine Rose waitress Paris Cafe Sing Hop Indry 54 Manitoba E h same Singer Sewing Machine Co J L Laing mgr 353 Main N Singh C lab CPR r Kings Hotel Singh Jack r Kings Hotel Sinkoski George prop George’s Shoe Repair and East End Shoe Repr h 603 Stadacona E Sinook W emp Swifts r 1189 8th Ave N E Sinton Wm R mgr Sask Co-Op Creamery Assn Ltd h 1211 Redland Sisco Gordon W h 116034 4th Ave N W Sisson Harold C agt Mutual Life of Canada r 45 Oxford W Sisson Mrs Lillian N sec Drs Goodwin & Ferguson r 45 Oxford W Sitter John P slsmn J W Bennett Ltd r 1105 Connaught Sitter Joseph h 1105 Connaught Sivell Elizabeth M depositary British & Foreign Bible Society h 239 Hochelaga W Sivers James driv Tate Coal Co h 948 Ross E Sjoberg Florence r 158 Athabasca W Sjoberg Jane hsekpr r 158 Athabasca W Skaftfeld Miss A nurse Gen Hosp r same Skaluba Veronica emp Providence Hosp r same Skene Charles Sask repres Can Westn Lbr Co h 1085 2nd Ave N E Skeoch Gerald R dept mgr Westn Grocers h 4, 630 Main N Skingle D Leslie mgr Skingle’s Truck Service h 1163 Henleaze Skingle’s Truck Service D L Skingle mgr 802 Fairford St W Skocylas Mildred nurse Providence Hosp r same Skrypnyk Mike h 177 Home W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 282 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Skulsky Hyman phys 215 Hammond Bldg h 1028 5th Ave N W Slack Frank elk Eatons r 1002 Coteau W Slater — trainmn CPR r 429 Hochelaga W Slater Barbara r 530 Saskatchewan W Slater Mrs Harold r 805 6th Ave N W Slater Harold H insptr Westn Grain Insptn h 207, 331 Main N Slater J steno City r Wellesley Park Slater James florist w s Main h same Slater Ransom T. of Slater & York h 636 Main N Slater Mrs Wm h 1017 8th Ave N W Slater (R L) & York (M E) men’s wear 324 Main N Slimmon Miss S nurse Gen Hosp r same Slipenki John lab h 815 Stadacona E Sloan Mrs C r 805 6th Ave N W Sloan Dorothy r 805 6th Ave N W Sloat Mrs Kay r 1105 Chestnut Slow Albert prop Capital Grocy h 361 Coteau W Slow Stanley A bkpr Robin Hood Elour Mills h 4, 609 4th Ave N E Slusar Mike prop Kings Hotel h 515 3rd Ave N E Smale George r Plaza Hotel Small Frederick agt Met Fife c-o same Small Harry h 1023 Grace Small Irving slsmn Sterling Shoes r Kingsway Crt Small James instrument mkr Prairie Airways h Kingsway Park Small Lillian nurse r 214 Stadacona W Small Melby watchmkr 12 Main N h 413 Grandview Small Stuart slsmn Christie Grant r Kingsway Park Smallcombe Mary r 62 Ominica W Smallwood Mrs Elizabeth h 890 Algoma Smallwood George of Blue Bird Confy and Quality Eood h 1008 Hochelaga W Smallwood Jean steno Totten-Elliott Motors r 890 Algoma Smallwood Louis C of Blue Bird Confectionery and Quality Food h 822 Stadacona W Smallwood Wm T mech Sterling Motors h 638 Stadacona W Smart Robert B elk PO h 1310 1st Ave N W Smathers Florence h C, 43 River E Smeeton Edward lab h 1019 5th Ave N E Smith Mrs Agnes maid Alexandra Hotel r same Smith A1 r Kings Hotel Smith Albert emp CPR h 1208 Athabasca W Smith Albert J engmn CPR h 214 Ominica W Smith Albert W trainmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Smith Alex linemn Govt Phones h 32 Athabasca W Smith Alex mech h 144 High E Smith Alex r 1119 3rd Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 283 Smith Alfred jan Robin Idood Flour Mills h 426 Fairford W Smith Alfred retd r 244 Manitoba E Smith Allan J firmn CPR r 665 Athabasca W Smith Mrs Ann waitress McIntyre Cafe r 8, 11 River E Smith Arnold R asst Lake of Woods Millg r 809 5th Ave N W Smith Arthur M lab h 305 Duffield W Smith Aubrey emp Natl Light & Power h 628 Skeena Smith Benjamin groc 301 4th Ave S W h same Smith Bert trainmn CPR r Brunswick Hotel Smith Bert organist Zion United Church r YMCA Smith Beverley eng Natl Light & Power h 1175 1st Ave N E Smith Brant trainmn CPR h 1161 Grafton Smith Mrs C A h 346 Stadacona W Smith Carl W slsmn r 352 Fairford W Smith Mrs Caroline h 167 Caribou E Smith Cecil M elk CPR h 203, 423 1st Ave N W Smith Charles F h 26 Mansfield Smith Charles F laby asst Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1030 1st Ave N E Smith Clair L steno r 1121 Redland Smith Clifford C trainmn CPR h 332 Coteau W Smith Clifford H tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 27, 72 Ross E Smtih Don with Brit Amer Oil r 72 High E Smith Dorothy steno MacDonald Consol r 1042 Algoma Smith Douglas h 1105 1st Ave N E Smith Duncan J trk driv Skingle’s Truck Serv h 1042 Algoma Smith Duncan J driv Holman’s Truck-A-Way r 10, 217 High W Smith Mrs E M r Empress Flotel Smith E P trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Smith E W tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 344 Athabasca W Smith Ed r 1051 Grafton Smith Mrs Edith h 809 5th Ave N W Smith Elmer C elk PO r 1011 1st Ave N E Smith Eric R emp CPR r 125 HomeE Smith Ernest M engmn CPR h 1212 Clifton Smith Evelyn E elk Joyner’s r 1028 Alder Smith Frank retd h 876 Cartier Smith George r 255 Hochelaga W Smith George C chf elk CPR h 15 High W Smith George E engmn CPR h 1166 Henleaze Smith George H mgr Perkins Auto Repr h 1056 Algoma Smith Mrs George K h 420 Langdon Cres Smith George M dairy br Sask Govt h 3, 121 High W Smith George W engmn CPR h 1147 1st Ave N W Smith Gerald messr Dime Delivery r — 9th Ave N W Smith Gordon R elk r 125 Home E Smith H lab CPR r 1161 Grafton Smith H ydmn CPR r 1031 2nd Ave N E Smith Harold lab CPR r 915 High W Smith Harry E engmn CPR h 1121 Redland Smith Harry M asst supt CPR h 37 Oxford W Smith Harry W contr h 450 Coteau W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 284 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Smith Henry caretkr Court House r same Smith Henry porter Grant Hall Hotel r Grafton and Oxford W Smith Howard S ydmn CPR h 9 , 121 High W Smith Ida C nurse Providence Hosp r same Smith Ira J slsmn r 562 Hochelaga W Smith Mrs J A h 1211 Wolfe Smith J Allan elk Land Titles r 27, 72 Ross E Smith J D trainmn CPR h 16 River E Smith J M trainmn CPR r Park Hotel Smith Mrs' James h 27, 72 Ross E Smith James emp Swifts h 7, 414 4th Ave S W Smith James fin agt 409, 12 High E and mgr Anglo Can Mortgage Investment Corporation h 1147 6th Ave N W Smith James D elk Dom Bank r 1056 Algoma Smith James S emp Sask Co-Op Creamery r 265 Ominica W Smith Jennie elk Benjamin Smith r 301 4th Ave S W Smith John supt Sask Pool Elev h 1028 Alder N E Smith John r 458 Athabasca W Smith John h 39 Lillooet W Smith John D eng CPR h 251 Iroquois W Smith Mrs John D h 1320 Redland Smith John H h University Heights Smith Joseph emp City h 718 Athabasca E Smith Mrs L B r 303 Athabasca W Smith Leonard M caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1094 Elgin Smith Lionel H emp White Rose Serv h 42, 112 1st Ave N W Smith Lloyd F tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1161 2nd Ave N W Smith Mrs Louise typist CPR r 935 Alder Smith M trainmn CPR r 26 Mansfield E Smith M h 8, 11 River E Smith Mabel asst Dr Moyer r 1056 Algoma \ Smith Marion steno r 27, 72 Ross E Smith Marjorie elk Plaxton Ltd r 1030 1st Ave N E Smith Mary waitress McIntyre Cafe r 225 High W Smith Mike h 367 Maple W Smith O emp Swifts r 1220 Grafton Smith Orvis P driv Moose Jaw Transportation h 1160 1st Ave N W Smith Paul B steno CPR r 37 Oxford W Smith Percy r 25 Lillooet W Smith Percy lab h 1242 Wolfe Smith Phyllis steno G B Kimbell r 1161 Grafton Smith R & Co R Rohead mgr boarding car contrs CPR West Yards Smith R Franklin mgr Plaxton l4d h 1030 1st Ave N E Smith R Melvin ledger kpr Bk of Nova Scotia r 37 Oxford W Smith Miss R N tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r YWCA Smith Robert r 312 Oxford E 19a HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 285 Smith Robert G blrmkr CPR h 848 6th Ave N W Smitli Mrs Rosy h 244-246 Manitoba E Smith S L storekpr Brit Amer Oil r 503 Ominica E Smith Sidney J insptr CPR h 125 Home E Smith Sidney P elk r 125 Home E Smith Stanley lab h 949 Hastings Smith Stewart emp Sask Co-op Creamery h 265 Ominica W Smith Thomas E retd h 144 Eairford W Smith Thos H emp h 861 9th Ave N W Smith W E engmn CPR r 115 Hochelaga E Smith Walter painter r 125 Home E Smith Wm retd h 915 High W Smith Wm emp Standard Elec r 1211 Wolfe Smith Wm W engmn CPR h 836 Outlook Smolak Mrs F h 476 Selwyn Smother Florence emp Natl Cafe r 123 Main N Smyth C Hanson b & b CPR h 44, 112 1st Ave N W Snell John A mgr Swift Can Co Ltd h 1120 Clifton Snider Gordon W elk Security Lumber h 1125 6th Ave N W,''^ Snider Wesley A gen mgr Security Immber Co Ltd h lllScPs^Ave Snider Wilbert W tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h HolbRedland Snow W J porter C P Exp r 65 Eillooet W ^ Eillooet W Snow White Laundry (Chinese) 48 Athabasca \\^ Snow Wm A caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate B4^b5 Snow Wm C trucking h 1264 3rd Ave N Snyder Alva R instr Moose Taw FlyingpC^^ h 4, 152 Athabasca E Snyder E D engmn CPR r 1213 Willp^^ Snyder Lawrence J dept mgr Moos^^^w Co-Op,eT r 323 3rd Ave N E Soalowski Frederick r 9 River Sobie’s' Silk Shop Muriel Powell mgress 412 Main N Sochowski Mike emp McBrides r 221 (J^ochelaga W Sodero P emp CPR r Hotel Cecil Solberg Mrs Aneta r 331 Eairford W Solberg Ann tchr r 331 Eairford W Solberg Benjamin emp Swifts r 331 Eairford W Solberg Emma tchr r 331 Eairford W Solosky Anne steno Frederick W Torney r 453 Maple W Solosky James proj Capitol Theatre r Park Hotel Solosky John h 453 Maple W Somerville Mrs A h 453 Eillooet W Somerville Donald emp Swifts h 104 Elsom Somerville James r 453 Eillooet W Somerville John emp CPR r 453 Eillooet W Sonmor Miss J nurse Gen Hosp r same Soper Alfred trainmn CPR h 882 Connaught Sopick Emily r 1153 Willow Sorba S sectnmn CNR r 1059 Cartier Sorba Steve lab h 1058 5th Ave N E Sorlund Alma emp Star Cafe r 147 High E Soro Frederick prop Palace Fruit Store r 31 Main N Sorsky John rmg hse r 410-414 Home W It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 286 HENDE3RSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW Sosiak Mike lab h 1128 5th Ave N E Souchuk Mike lab h 1158 l^illooet W South African War Veterans Association Major Richard Loney sec- treas 218 Hammond Bldg South Hill Furniture Exchange D A Urton prop 325 4th Ave S W South Hill Garage Henry Peterson prop 378 Home W South Hill Shoe Repair John Dolnar prop 322 4th Ave S W Southern Saskatchewan Co-Operative Stock Yards Ltd Edward Evans mgr Live Stock Exchange Bldg Sowiak Harry lab Swifts h 1053 Iroquois W Sowsky John ice cream mn Palm & Co-op Dairies h 1036 Winnipeg Spankie Robert emp Swifts h 1051 Iroquois W Spannier Walter hlpr Moose Jaw Heating h 1329 4th Ave N W Sparrow Mrs E r 1015 Caribou W Sparrow George h 1015 Caribou W Sparrow James R h 84 Athabasca W Spearman Miss D nurse Gen Hosp r same Speiss Miss I nurse Gen Hosp r same Spence Mrs Annie h 229 Riverside St W Spence Jean waitress Elite Gardens r 229 Riverside W Spence John comp Times h 711 7th Ave N W Spence Wm blrmkr CPR h 477 Iroquois W Spencer George J switchmn Govt Phones h 712 Hochelaga E Sperling Margaret r 1135 2nd Ave N W Sphun Jacob emp R L Cushing Spicer Albert of Albert’s Barber h 897 7th Ave N E Spicer Edward C electn Natl Light & Power h 4, 352 Lillooet W Spicer Ernest plbr Tom P Baylis h 932 Ross E Spicer Samuel retd r 170 Ominica W Spiers George h 747 Hochelaga E Spiers Wm J pts mgr Totten-Elliott Motors h 1028 Ominica E Spies J ydmn General Traders r 1010 Iroquois W Spiller Frank A elk PO h 121 Lillooet E Spiller Patricia hlpr Childrens Shelter r same Spiller Mrs Stephen E h 837 Elgin Spillett Mrs C E of Prince Arthur Confy h 706 Stadacona E Spillett Ernest J carp h 706 Stadacona E Spindler Frederick T lab h 966 Ominica W Spott Mike lab h 913 Albert Spratt Doris r 341 Fairford W Spratt Mrs L N h 341 Fairford W Spratt Wm lab r 341 Fairford W Spriggs Robert E mgr Beaver Lumber Co Ltd h 1120 Algoma Spring H Stanley trainmn CPR h 1138 Chestnut Spring Mrs Hilda emp Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 1029 1st Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 287 Spring Lilly r 1138 Chestnut Spring Vernon W bell boy Grant Hall Hotel r 1029 1st Ave N W Spring Violet waitress Ambassador Cafe h 10, 14 High W Springer Mrs Dorothy elk Grant Hall Hotel r 451 Hochelaga W Sprinks A David elk Sterling Motors r 1085 Willow Sprinks Alfred L elk Land Titles h 1085 Willow Sproule A E ydmn CPR r 267 High W Sproule John C driv Westons Bread h 838 7th Ave N E Staek G H h 6, 822 Main N Stadacona Apartments 75-79 Stadaeona W and 439 1st Ave N W Stadnyk Nick barber 130 1st Ave N W h 1229 Dufferin W Stadnyk Wm lab h 965 Stadacona W Stael Mac firmn McNair Blk h 1, 106 3rd Ave N W Staffen Wm E mach CPR r 922 Main N Stafford C emp Swifts h 10, 127 High W Stafford Chris emp Swifts h 39, 112 1st Ave N W Stafford Harry chf elk CPR h 1023 Montgomery Stafford I lab Brit Amer Oil h 153 Fairford E Stafford Leslie W slsmn Westn Grocers h 11, 414 4th Ave S W Stagg Alfred J mt ctr Kents Ltd h 934 Athabasca E Stagg George E prop Staggs Meat Mkt h 664 Athabasca W Staggs Meat Market George E Stagg prop’ 1160 4th Ave N W Stainton Wm trucker CNR h 1062 6th Ave N E Stalder O W reprmn Robin Hood Flour Mills r 434 Stadacona W Standard Electric H T House prop 528 Main N Standard Food Store Ernest Chow prop 402 Main N Standard Garage & Taxi E D Riches mgr 50 Manitoba E Stanhope Edith r 1036 6th Ave N E Stanhope Mrs Mary h 1036 6th Ave N E Stanhope Thomas A messr C N Tels h 651 Hochelaga E Stanley Mrs Wellington r 1221 3rd Ave N W Stansfield Adam retd h 1093 Willow Stansfield Clarence chf opr CPR h 1106 Clifton Stansfield Gladys r 1093 Willow Staples Miss A emp Sask Co-Op Creamery r 722 Ominica W Staples' Anna nurse Providence Hosp r same Staples Dorothy elk Joyners r 864 Algoma Staples Mrs Hannah h 722 Ominica E Staples Marjory elk Kresge’s r 864 Algoma Staples Mary opr Govt Phones r 376 Athabasca W Staples Vera B elk Safeways r 722 Ominica E Staples Wilfred E mgr Sask Loan & Investment h 864 Algoma Stapleton Clarence E firmn City h 1005 4th Ave N E Star Cafe Frank Fong prop 36 River W Star Fruit Store Frank Wong prop 530 Main N Stark Herbert A porter PO h 1066 Stadacona W Stark James lab r 652 Athabasca W Starrack Bonar trainmn CPR h 1116 Algoma State John mech r 206 High E Statham A Kenneth carrier PO h 950 Caribou W Statham Albert shpr McGavin’s h 816 9th Ave N W Statham Alfred vulcanizer W H Hodgson & Co h 422 11th Ave N W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 288 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Statham Ernest baker Weston’s Bread r 910 Athabasca E Statham Wm lab h 957 Stadacona W Stauffer Henry h 66 Iroquois W Stayner Weldon h 648 Hochelaga W Stebley James of Upholstered Furn Mfg (20 Fairford W) Stebnicki John emp Swifts h 915 Lillooet W Stedmond J M elk Times r 855 Hochelaga E Stedmond John B adv agt h 855 Hochelaga E Stedmond W E agt Met Life h 925 2nd Ave E Steel Clifford J slsmn Canada Pkrs h 9, 106 3rd Ave N W Steel Donald messr Westn Press r 940 Lillooet W Steel Frederick elk Maple Leaf Taxi h 940 Lillooet W Steel Mrs Gertrude compto opr Security Lumber r 9, 106 3rd Ave N W Steel Howard with Sask Govt h 430 Duffield W Steel James D trainmn CPR h 857 Elgin Steel Ray mach tndr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 940 Lillooet W Steel Roy trainmn CPR h 430 Duffield W Steele John emp CPR h 1012 Carlton Steele Mrs Ken h 1243 Coteau W Steele May steno CPR r Harwood Hotel Steen & Wright Ltd Mrs B Russell repres 105 Main N Steenson James emp City Cemetery h 1042 Stadacona W Steeves Charles A slsmn Can Garage h 1073 3rd Ave N E Steeves Miss M nurse Gen Hosp r same Steffler Charles J trainmn CPR h 1127 Henleaze Steffler V emp Swifts r 1127 Henleaze Steingart Mrs Ida slsldy Christie Grant r 171 Hochelaga W Steman Mrs D r 530 Saskatchewan W Stemshorn Wm radio techn Prairie Airways r 858 Oxford W Stent Nell tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 30 Stadacona W Stephen J A h 261 Stadacona W Stephen John C radio insptr Dom Govt h 1, 822 Main N Stephen S Douglas electn h 1343 2nd Ave N W Stephens Mrs A E r 1128 Clifton Stephens George J tailor 12 (basement) High E h 313 River E Stephens George O emp Leader Post r 313 River E Stephens J A blksmith CPR r 353 Athabasca W STEPHENS, SAMUEL R., Librarian Public Library, Crescent Park, Phone 2787. Res. 1214 Clifton Avenue, Phone 3871. Stephenson A Helena nurse Providence Hosp r same Stephenson Alfred emp CPR h 1059 1st Ave N E Stephenson Dorothy r 1129 4th Ave N W Stephenson Edward optician Eatons r YMCA HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 289 Stephenson Edward S h 1156 2nd Ave N E Stephenson Helen elk r 1057 Grafton Stephenson Jack elk Bowman Bros r 1129 4th Ave N W Stephenson John B archt Security Lumber h 1129 4th Ave N W Stephenson S Dorothy nurse Providence Hosp r same Stephenson Thora dressmkr 5, 136 Main N r 1059 1st Ave N E Stephenson Wm F tender repr CPR h 1057 Grafton Steppk Wallace h 1148 3rd Ave N E STERLING MOTORS LIMITED, A. R. Thomas, President, AUTHORIZED DEALERS FOR FORD MERCURY AND LINCOLN ZEPHYR CARS, TRUCKS, FORDSON TRACTORS, ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES, High Street West and First Avenue N. W., Phones: Sales 5190; Service 5194. Sterling Shoes Ltd I M Sigler mgr 121 Main N Stern Morris agt J I Case Co r Park Hotel Steven Mary E nurse Providence Hosp r same Steven Rev Walter T minister First Baptist Church h 1153 Clifton Stevens A of Coffee Bar r Kings Hotel Stevens' Ernest A elk PO h 1015 Ominica E Stevens George prop Blind Craft r 21 High W Stevens George A elk Customs h 1011 Main N Stevens Jack comp Times r 645 Hochelaga W Stevens John prop Belmont Confy h 632 Main N Stevens John J Jr slsmn h 1082 Algoma Stevens Joseph J groc 270 Hochelaga W h same Stevens Mrs Lillian M prop Stevens Schl of Dance r 1011 Main N Stevens Maurice T asst supt Brit Amer Oil h 1031 3rd Ave N W Stevens School of Dance Mrs Tdllian M Stevens prop 1011 Main N Stevenson A r Kings Hotel Stevenson Andrew trk driv h 453 Hochelaga E Stevenson Donald R ydmn CPR h 59 Iroquois W Stevenson Frank musician r 41 Stadacona W Stevenson Henry P retd h 1234 Duffield Stewardson E R phys Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins h 1140 1st Ave N W Stewardson Miss M pharmacist Gen Hosp r same Stewart A L Hardware Ltd A L Stewart mgr 116 1st Ave N W Stewart Adam N mach CPR h 269 Iroquois W Stewart Aida h 377 Athabasca W Stewart Archibald messr C P Exp r Empress Hotel Stewart Archibald L prop A L Stewart Hardware h 909 Fairford E Stewart’s Bakery Peter Stewart prop 414 Main N Stewart Miss C hsekpr Gen Hosp r same Stewart Chas S tchr Prov Normal Schl h 1167 Grafton Stewart Daniel mgr Connaught Barber r 1037 1st Ave N W Stewart Mrs Doris r 1037 1st Ave N W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 290 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Stewart Douglas elk Moose Jaw Drug r 909 Fairford E Stewart Mrs E h 2, 224 Main N Stewart Elizabeth B tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 829 4th Ave N W Stewart George S car attndt CPR r 368 Fairford E Stewart Gordon D engmn CPR h 712 6th Ave N W Stewart Mrs I A h 829 4th Ave N W Stewart Jewel steno York Auto Supply r 712 6th Ave N W Stewart John asst supt s & d dept CPR h 1053 Clifton Stewart K M elk Royal Bk r 1076 4th Ave N E Stewart Luke H elk A L Stewart Hdwre r 909 Fairford E Stewart M Lettic tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 377 Athabasca W Stewart Mary steno CPR h D, 1106 Clifton Stewart Peter emp Swifts n 216 Grandview Stewart Peter prop Stewart’s Bakery h 1117 2nd Ave N W -Stewart R P trainmn CPR r 896 4th Ave N E Stewart Robert J mgr Central Feed & Supply r 926 Ross E Stewart Van Horne mgr J E Overs Ltd h 1076 4th Ave N E Stewart W W trainmn CPR r 233 Ominica W Stewart Wm blr formn CPR h 340 Ross W Stewart Wm messr Can Bk of Com h 926 Ross E Stewart Wm T, elk Imperial Bank r 1076 4th Ave N E Stewart Wm R tinsmith Alexander & Baird h 911 Ross E Stirk Gerald A of Stirk & Poulton h 1206 3rd Ave N E Stirk Harry F fin broker 205, 12 High E h 523 3rd Ave N E Stirk (Gerald) & Poulton (J W A) fin agt 206, 12 High E Stirton Frederick h 5, 43 High W Stoakes Ruby emp Swifts r 955 Hochelaga W Stoakes Victor J retd h 955 Hochelaga W Stobie Andrew M const CPR h 326 Main S Stogran Mike emp Swifts h 1060 Hastings Stokins Mrs C slsldy Army & Navy Store r 336 Hochelaga W Stokins Charles V driv Moose Jaw Cartage c-o same Stokins Harry mgr Moose Jaw Cartage Co h 336 Hochelaga W Stokins Harry F Jr desp Moose Jaw Cartage r 336 Hochelaga W Stoll L h 8, 428 Athabasca E Stone E chemist Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1, 352 Lillooet W Stone Foster G grease mkr Westn Oil h 303 Athabasca W Stone John h 1550 Duffield W Stone John eng Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1223 5th Ave N W Stonehouse Harford opr Sewage Disposal h 713 Main S Stoney John switchmn Govt Phones r Park Hotel Stonski B emp CPR r Willard Hotel Stopforth John elk Eatons h 512 Athabasca E Storey Nellie maid r 1111 4th Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 291 STOREY, ROBERT P., Manager, Palm Dairies Limited, 317 Third Avenue N. W., Phones 4840-4846. Res. 236 Oxford Street West, Phone 5254. Storozak Alex emp Swifts h 1509 Vaughn Stover Charles J insptr coal docks Sask Dist CPR h 518 Main S Stover Harold emp CPR r 518 Main S Stower Mrs A elk Land Titles r 901 High E Stoyka Nick sectnmn CPR h 32 Lillooet E Strachan Andrew K elk Eatons h 9, 108 Main N Strait John r Plaza Hotel Strand Chester emp CPR h 1, 24 Main N Straub Edward emp Grover Serv Stn h 1083 1st Ave N W Straub W J mech Central Motor r 1083 1st Ave N \V Street Kenneth bkpr Patron Oil r 477 Ominica E Street Sidney carp h 477 Ominica E Street Wesley A ledgerkpr Dom Bank r 477 Ominica E Strickland Mrs George h 238 Fairford W Strickland George prop Strickland’s Meat Mkt r 238 Fairford W Strickland Joseph retd h 353 Ominica W Strickland Mrs I.illian elk Eatons r 275 Hochelaga W Strickland Mary Ann r 353 Ominica W Strickland’s Meat Market George Strickland prop 479 Hochelaga W Strickland Philip A motormn C N Exp r 238 Fairford Strom Ernest P h 2 Maple E Stronach George K elk Liquor Bd h 1020 Stadacona W Strong Alfred C asst acet Palm Dairies h 835 Willow Strong Frederick r 1135 Clifton Strong Mrs G r 249 Fairford W Strong George T S emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 249 Fairford W Strong J Ivor emp PFRA h 1204 Henleaze Stroud Allen B elk Customs h 135 Iroquois E Stroud B Mary steno Can Bk of Com r 135 Iroquois E Strzolocki J painter CPR r 227 Coteau W Stuart Edward C br mgr McBride’s Ltd h 923 Plochelaga W Stuart Frank A mgr Can Bk of Com h 178 Hall W Stuart George elk McBride’s Ltd r 923 Hochelaga W Stuart Mrs James h 1033 4th Ave N E Stuart R G b & b CPR c-o same Stuckey Harold pensioner h 944 Stadacona W Stuckey Peter h 131 Iroquois E Stumps — h 154 Coteau W Styles Mrs E r Wellesley Park Success Business College H F Huck prin 26 High E Suchomel Joseph W grain buyer Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1072 2nd Ave N W Suey Sang prop Venice Cafe and New Venice Hotel h 10, 73 High W Suhachevski John carp CPR h 1212 Manitoba W Suhachevski Miss M emp Swifts r 1212 Manitoba W Suitor Olive G opr Govt Phones h 406 Stadacona W Sullivan C J tel opr r 1054 Clifton Sullivan Mrs E T h 303 Athabasca W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Sullivan Frank waiter Brunswick Hotel r same Sullivan Gerald elk Eatons h 914 Carlton Sullivan Paul A emp Brit Amer Oil r 303 Athabasca W Summers Waldo D trav Canmore Coal h 1182 Alder N E Sun Barber Shop Nick Osask prop 48 River W Sun Drug Co of Moose Jaw F G Longridge prop 16 Main N Sun Life Assurance Co of Canada A R McIntyre agt 2, 214 Main N Sunrise Barber Shop Mrs I Akada prop 159 River W Sunrise Rooms T A Akada prop 159 River W Superior Grocery Clarence Couzens prop 1162 4th Ave N W Susack Donald r 46 Ross W Susack John h 46 Ross W Sutcliffe Mrs J r 70 Athabasca W Sutcliffe Wm B trainmn CPR h 1209 5th Ave N W Sutherland A David trainmn CPR h 143 Iroquois E Sutherland Bruce H formn Swifts Cold Storage h 5, 106 3rd Ave N W Sutherland David r American Hotel Sutherland Donald h 1140 4th Ave N W Sutherland Donald Jr r 1056 Redland Sutherland Donald A mgr Moose Jaw Tailoring Co h 1056 Redland Sutherland Irene M nurse Providence Hosp r same Sutherland John emp CPR r 1056 Redland Sutherland Mrs Marguerite elk Kresges r 170 Hochelaga W Sutherland Robert emp Johnstone Dairies r 143 Iroquois E Sutherland Stewart patrolmn Dept of Highways h 437 Stadacona W Sutherland Thomas M investigator CPR h 1079 3rd Ave N E Sutton Mrs Annie r 175 Stadacona W Sutton Audrey maid Grant Hall Flotel r 1116 6th Ave N W Sutton Charles E chf health insptr City h 1263 Willow Sutton Irvine C vice-pres A W Irwin Ltd h 1085 Chestnut Sutton Matthew coach clnr CPR h 1116 6th Ave N W Svady Mrs Fanny h 63 tiome E Swaile James D h 1128 Iroquois W Swaile Laura pkr Robin Hood h 1126 Iroquois W Swaine Mrs Christopher B h 898 4th Ave N E Swan Thomas H mng dir Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Co Ltd r Park Hotel Swanburg Mrs Mary r 1009 Willow Swanson George H trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 1344 Redland Swanson Sebelius elk City Plotel r same Swanton Adrian L phys 208 Hammond Bldg h 1133 Grafton Swarbrick Harry ydmn CPR h 853 Algoma Swark Theresa h 19, 35 High W Sweehuk Mike sectn formn CPR h 578 Manitoba E Sweeney James r 256 High W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 293 Sweigard Cloyd mech Sterling Motors r 121 Stadacona W Swenson Ortley elk Eatons h 341 Ominica W Swiderek M ydmn CPR h 2, 14 High W Swift Allison traffic mgress CHAB h 5, 219 High W Swift Canadian Co Ltd 800 Lillooet W Swift Canadian Co Ltd (Cold Storage) B A Sutherland formn 342 Manitoba W Swift Mrs H A h 270 tiochelaga E Swift Sarah forelady Moose Jaw Steam Laundry r 270 Hochelaga E Sylvester Betty waitress McIntyre Cafe r 70 Stadacona W Sylvester Grace slsldy Army & Navy 70 Stadacona W Szewezeck — sectn formn CPR r 578 Manitoba E Szhing Chanda lab CPR r Park Hotel Szura Vincent sectnmn CPR h — University Heights T Tabaka Wm emp Swifts h 476 Coteau W Tacuk Wm sectnmn CPR h 1011 Iroquois W Tait Andrew chkr CPR h 1280 3rd Ave N E Tait Andrew Jr office boy I’alm Dairies r 1280 3rd Ave N E Tait Miss E laby studt Gen Hosp r 1280 3rd Ave N E Tait Mrs E J h 1028 7th Ave N E Tait Floyd slsmgr Pembleton Motors h 17, 121 High W Tait Helen acet Pembleton Motors r 17, 121 High W Tait Roy W driv Weston’s Bread r 129 Hochelaga W Talbot Frank agt Pool Elev h 614 Fairford E Talbot Jack W emp Rex Fruit h 1072 Henleaze Tannahill James A acet Can Bk of Com h 1116 2nd Ave N W Tanner Bessie G pub steno 205 Hammond Bldg h same Tanney Mrs Agnes nurse Pub Health Dispensary (5, 18 Main N) Tapley A Joseph slsmn Jackson Bottling r 447 Stadacona W Tapley Mrs Elsie E r 447 Stadacona W Tapley George formn Jackson Bottling r 447 Stadacona W Tapley Mrs Mary janitress CPR h 254 Stadacona W Tapola Mike emp Saskatchewan Junk r 510 9th Ave S W Tarbath George coach formn CPR r 62 Ominica W Tardiff Alma asst cashr Woolworths r 822 Algoma Tasche Andrew driv Holman’s Truck-A-Way h 136 High E Tate Albert mgr Tate Coal Co Ltd h 338 Stadacona W Tate Coal Co Ltd Albert Tate mgr 141 River W Tate Conrad lieut Machine Gun Training Centre r 338 Stadacona W Tauchuja Tom bell boy Grant Hall Hotel r Alexandra Hotel I'aylor Albert W r 62 Ominica W Taylor C T opr Brit Amer Oil r Maryland Park Taylor Chester night foremn C P Exp h 306 River E Taylor Elizabeth elk CPR r 1, 75 Stadacona W Taylor George lab r 143 High W Taylor George r 1084 1st Ave N E Taylor Hon Justice George E judge Court of Kings Bench h 175 Athabasca W Taylor George E elk Can Bk of Com h 634 2nd Ave N E Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 294 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Taylor Harry C sr elk PO h 838 5th Ave N W Taylor J & Co (J Taylor) watchmkrs 33 High W Taylor Jack of J Taylor & Co h 15, 130 Main N Taylor Jack elk Harvey’s Grocy r 157 Athabasca W Taylor John h 257 Coteau W Taylor John jan h 4, 136 Main N Taylor Joseph guard Brit Amer Oil h 768 Ominica W Taylor Leonard slsmn Christie Grant r Can Legion Taylor Miss M elk Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd r 257 Coteau W Taylor Mrs Margaret h 1, 75 Stadacona W Taylor Mrs Mary H h 930 9th Ave S W Taylor Mrs Nina prop Moose Jaw Hemstitching r 123 Main N Taylor Robert emp Swifts h 22, 377 Lillooet W Taylor Samuel r 148 River E Taylor Sarah steno City r 257 Coteau W Taylor Sidney doormn Royal Theatre r 1, 75 Stadacona W Taylor Sydney waiter Hotel Cecil h 926 Donald Taylor Victor h 22, 80 Home E Taylor W E trainmn CPR r Empress Hotel Taylor Wm caretkr h 157 Athabasca Taylor Wm eng Natl Light & Power h 213 Riverside W Taylor Wm F cashr Liquor Bd r 1143 Chestnut Taylor Wm G laby asst Brit Amer Oil r 257 Coteau W Tees & Persse Building 429 River W Temple Cal mgr Temple Gardens h 362 Langdon Cres Temple Doris r 912 Montgomery Temple Gardens Ltd Cal Temple mgr 362 Langdon Cres Temple James E baker Can Bakeries h 912 Montgomery Temple Ruth elk Joyners r 912 Montgomery Tenlin Jack baker r City Hotel Ternan J Henry emp City h 203 Hochelaga W Terry Mrs Hazel elk Eatons h 4, 43 River E Terry Thomas A trainmn CPR r 1135 Clifton Thackray Allan D tailor 137 Main N h 1166 1st Ave N E Thackray Frank emp Swifts h 344 Duffield W Thackray Mrs Ruth elk Eatons r 246 Oxford W Thatcher G Clarke bkpr Moose Jaw Hdwre r 1070 1st Ave N W Thatcher W R prop Moose Jaw Hdwre h 1070 1st Ave N W Thatcher W Ross sis mgr Moose Jaw Hdwre h 1225 3rd Ave N W Thauberger Katherine C nurse Providence Hosp r same Theofan Constantine L prop Melon Dew Ice Cream h 359 Main N Thexton J D Harvey repres Confederation Life Assn h 1090 Algoma Thibeau Agnes tchr r 719 7th Ave N W Thibeau Dennis attndt Sterling Motors r 719 7th Ave N W Thibeau Theophile whsemn McColl-Frontenac Oil h 719 7th Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 295 Thiessen John W h 1285 Wolfe Thiessen Mrs Tina h 1270 6th Ave N E Third Avenue East Garage H H Lucille mgr 24 3rd Ave N E Thirlwall James electn h 1058 Henleaze Thirlwall Wm h 1144 Algoma Thirwell E C mgr College Hill Serv Stn h University Heights Thom David emp Brit Amer Oil h 1161 Willow Thomann H M h 847 Grey Thomas — h 9, 219 High W Thomas A G with Natl Light & Power r 1139 1st Ave N W THOMAS, A. R., President Sterling Motors Limited, High Street W. and First Avenue N. W., Phone 5190. Res. 1114 Grafton Avenue, Phone 2822. Thomas August div master mech CPR h 1077 Clifton Thomas D C emp Robin Hood Mills r 246 Oxford W Thomas Daniel h 246 Coteau W Thomas E Blake vet surgeon h 948 Chestnut Thomas J J elk CPR r 1109 2nd Ave N W Thomas James office mgr Natl Light & Power h 2, 1083 Redland Thomas Lila cook Childrens Shelter r same Thomas Mrs Mabel h 805 9th Ave N E Thomas Malcolm h 5, 224 Main N Thomas Mrs Matilda h 162 Hochelaga E Thomas Miss O nurse Gen Hosp r same Thomas Orville N h 1115 5th Ave N W Thomas W G cred mgr Rex Fruit h 11, 720 Main N Thomas Wm emp Cushings h 310 Riverside Dr Thomas Wm A boiler insptr Prov Govt h 1124 4th Ave N W Thompson Mrs Alfred H h 923 Caribou W Thompson Arthur r 928 2nd Ave N E Thompson Arthur retd h 1067 3rd Ave N W Thompson David pensioner r 346 Caribou W Thompson David H trav Blue Ribbon h 17, 72 Ross E Thompson Dorothy hairdrsr r 1067 3rd Ave N W Thompson Earl mech r 336 Fairford W Thompson Ernest A blk Can Govt Elev r 1067 3rd Ave N W Thompson Mrs Flora h 1230 Redland Thompson Mrs Florence h 510 Fairford E Thompson G Arlington trucking h 350 Duffield W Thompson G Ulysees trucking contr h 422 Duffield W Thompson Helen bkpr Scotty’s Scooters r 160 Athabasca E Thompson Helen elk Eatons r 936 3rd Ave N W Thompson I C lab Brit Amer Oil r 2, 414 4th Ave S W Thompson J Aubrey supt Moose Jaw Steam Laundry Co Ltd h 160 Athabasca E Thompson J A & Co J A Thompson mgr real est 15 River W Thompson J A Insurance Agencies J A Thompson mgr 15 River W Thompson James messr Bill’s Grocy r 923 Caribou W Thompson James carp h 271 Grandview Thompson James retd h 724 5th Ave N W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 296 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Thompson John A mgr J A Thompson & Co h 1180 1st Ave N E Thompson John A trainmn CPR h 936 3rd Ave N W Thompson John W prop Jack’s Jiffy Delivery h 1337 Grafton Thompson John W plbr h 1010 Hochelaga Thompson John W butcher h 273 Home W Thompson Joseph P pipeftr CPR r 79 River W Thompson Mrs Julia h 1114 6th Ave N W Thompson Mrs M J r 848 5th Ave N W Thompson Mark whsemn Macdonalds Consol h 424 9th Ave W Thompson Norman instr Dom & Prov Youth Training Thompson Norman L h 5, 800 4th Ave N W Thompson Mrs P E r 889 6th Ave N W Thompson Thomas hd pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 892 Connaught Thompson Mrs W Leslie h 1159 Redland Thompson Woodrow emp Swifts r 229 Iroquois W Thoms S trainmn CPR r 362 Hochelaga W Thomson A Irene tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 54 Oxford W Thomson A M elk James Richardson & Sons Ltd r 1145 1st Ave N W Thomson Adam r 1166 Henleaze Thomson Alex G firmn Natl Light & Power r 1139 1st Ave N W Thomson Alice opr Ritz Beauty Parlor r 139 Main N Thomson Allan A slsnin Central Motor h 723 1st Ave S E Thomson Arthur E pensioner h 530 Saskatchewan W Thomson David H engmn Cl^R h 139 Main N Thomson Duncan C traffic asst Robin Hood Flour Mills r 246 Oxford W Thomson Ernest niessr Dime Delivery r 530 Saskatchewan W Thomson Florence r 403 Hochelaga W d'homson Frederick acet Bk of Montreal h 936 2nd Ave N E Thomson George eng Palm Dairies h 256 Fairford W Thomson Hilda elk r 139 Main N Thomson Hugh emp CPR h 957 Montgomery Thomson Hugh Jr emp PO h 960 Montgomery Thomson J J elk City r 403 Hochelaga W Thomson James H mgr James H Thomson Ltd h 1043 Clifton Thomson James H Ltd James H Thomson mgr 304 Main N Thomson James L lab Brit Amer Oil h 266 Manitoba E Thomson Jean elk Joyner’s r 443 Main N Thomson John retd r 562 Hochelaga W Thomson John A baker h 1139 1st Ave N W Thomson John A mgr James Richardson & Sons Ltd h 1145 1st Ave N W Thomson W J A trainmn CPR h 31 Elsom E Thomson Wm picture shop 29 Fairford W r 310 Riverside Dr Thomson Wm emp R L Cushing r 310 Riverside Dr Thomson Mrs Wm h 718 5th Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 297 Thorn Harold eng Moose Jaw Flying Club r 1111 4th Ave N W Thorn Walter F of Franco Oils h 1111 4th Ave N W Thorne Eileen elk City r 1146 Grafton Thorne Peggy emp City r 1146 Grafton Thorne Mrs Teresa h 1146 Grafton Thornecroft Nelson G caretkr Flamilton Bldg h 201, 11 High E Thorpe Alexander emp Sask Brewers Assn r 344 Home W Thorpe Charles firemn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 932 9th Ave S W Thorpe Joseph chkr CPR h 344 Home W Thorpe Wm emp Hobbs Mfg r 344 Home W Thorsness Miss F nurse General Hospital r same Thorston Harry r 9 River W Threadkell Rowland teller Dominion Bank r 825 3rd Ave N W Thurgood C James porter C P Exp r 1050 Stadacona E Thurgood Joseph ydmn Beaver Lbr h 1050 Stadacona E Tibbie H F emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 455 Duffield W Tibbie Herbert F asst chf opr CPR h 455 Duffield W Tickner Frederick W engmn CPR h 146 Riverside W Tiemann H emp Standard Garage r 136 Manitoba E Tigue Jack J stm ftr Tom P Baylis h 231 High St W Tilson Wm E engmn CPR h 6, 23 River W Times Building 423 1st Ave N W Times Co Ltd Thomas Miller mng dir newspapers 423 1st Ave N W Timmons John trainmn CPR h 159 Hochelaga E Timms Elsie steno Seaborn & Co r 268 Athabasca W Timms Capt Joseph H sec mgr Army & Navy Vets h 268 Athabasca West Timony Wm h 1122 6th Ave N W Tingley H R steno Robin Hood Elour Mills r 178 Oxford W Tingley Henry G engmn CPR h 178 Oxford W Tingley Lawrence emp Robin Hood Mills r 178 Oxford W Tingley Margaret tchr r 178 Oxford W Tinlin Jack baker Jo'hnnie’s Bakery r City Hotel Tinsley Harry engmn CPR r 577 Ominica W Tip Top Tailors D Forster mgr 207 Main N Tipper Walter h 319 High W Tire Bargain House L R McKenzie prop 42 High W Titus Hedley D acet Joyner’s h 347 Fairford W Titus Joseph H dept mgr Joyner’s h 219 Fairford W Titus Leslie elk Joyner’s r 712 5th Ave N W Tivnann David firemn Dom Public Works h 678 Ominica E Tkach Peter lab h 1108 Lillooet W Tobiason H O emp Massey-Harris h 277 Athabasca W I'obiason Harold D stkmn Kresge’s r 277 Athabasca W Todd Alexander trav h 1, 1083 Redland Toddington Charles H E elk Ry Mail Service h 427 Stadacona E Toddington Elizabeth E elk Eatons r 620 Hochelaga E Toddington Mrs Fanny E E h 620 Hochelaga E Toddington George E linemn Natl Light & Power h 419 Stadacona East Toderash Harry pkr Robin Hood Elour Mills h 1024 Lillooet W Toderash Lila waitress Venice Cafe r — Iroquois Toews Mrs J V h 337 3rd Ave N E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 298 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Tokaryk John lab CPR h 136 Lillooet W Tolhurst Georg-e h 1041 Main N Tolhurst T r Kings Hotel Tolhurst Wm C slsmn Natl Fruit h 873 5th Ave N W Tom Wilfred engmn CPR h 1023 2nd Ave N E Tom Winnifred r 1023 2nd Ave N E Tomkins Alfred mgr Dominion Bank h 1154 Grafton Tomlinson Dorothy maid Brunswick Hotel r same Tomlinson Duncan r 422 Iroquois W Tomlinson George elk Ry Mail Service h 422 Iroquois W Tomlinson Marjorie usher Orpheum Theatre r 422 Iroquois W Tommy Delivery Thomas Aymer prop 961 Hochelaga W Toombs Harry pensioner r 305 Ominica W Toop Wilfred L switchmn Govt Phones h 128 Ominica W Tooth Mrs Elsie h 1120 Cartier Topala Mike lab h 510 9th Ave S W Tordifl Alma steno Woolworths r 822 Algoma Tordiff Alonzo retd h 822 Algoma Tordiff Winnifred tchr r 822 Algoma Torgerson Merrill G trk driv Imperial Bldg Supplies r 1048 Monk Torgerson Thomas retail mgr Imperial Bldg Supplies h 1048 Monk Torna Samuel emp Can Govt Elev r 426 Moose Square Torney Frederick W (K C) barr 313a Hammond Bldg h 1212 Red- land Torrens Jack lab Brit Amer Oil r 445 Manitoba E Totten-Elliott Motors Ltd A J Elliott mgr 67 High W Totten Mrs Wm O h 1115 Henleaze Tower Arthur W pumpmn Brit Amer Oil h 263 Lillooet W Towers Joseph sergt CPR h 1096 3rd Ave N E Towle Wm H retd r 145 Athabasca W Townsend Frank eng Prairie Airways r 858 Oxford Toy Kee h 366 River W Tozer George meter foremn Cit}^ h 163 Fairford E Tozer George firemn Natl Light & Power r Maple Leaf Hotel Tozer Kay waitress New World Cafe r 256 Ominica W Tracey Kenneth R contr r 546 Athabasca W Tracey Stephen J prop City Wood Yard h 546 Athabasca W Tracy Mrs M M r 821 Connaught Traders Trust Co Ltd Lt-Col W E Seaborn (KC) repres 108, 12 High E Traill D’Arcy wrapper McGavin’s r 1142 2nd Ave N W Traill Ralph caretkr Moose Jaw Exhibition Co h 1203 Main N Traill Stuart guard Brit Amer Oil h 1142 2nd Ave N E Trans Continental Coach Lines Ltd Leon J Cairns agt 37 High E Treaten Mrs Bessie r 159 Fairford W Treleaven J const City r 1036 1st Ave N W Tress Ludvina emp Providence Hosp r same HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 299 Trethewey Guy R barr 1, 108 Main N and police magistrate h 846 3rd Ave N W Trieber Ray mech Sterling Motors h 69 Ominica W Trinity United Church Rev Hill Hamilton pastor 277 Iroquois Trites Barrett A engmn CPR h 137 Riverside W Trosvick Samuel mech h 1132 Main N Truax E Maude h 251 High E Truax Frances L steno Security Lumber r 251 High E Trumbo G C trainmn CPR r 177 River E Tubbs Bert trainmn CPR h 22, 105 Lillooet W Tufts Allan R mgr Mutual Life Assce Co of Canada h 893 6th Ave N W Tunks Thomas jan CPR h 879 Cartier Turcott Roy driv French Clnrs r 54 Stadacona W Turk Frederick W blrmkr CPR h 312 Home W Turner — trainmn CPR r 19, 35 High W Turner Mrs Ada h 645 Stadacona E Turner Albert E engmn CPR h 622 Athabasca W Turner Mrs Annie h 143 River E Turner Charles slsmn Paulin Chambers h 1106 Redland Turner James T eng Natl Light & Power h Rothesay Park Turner Kenneth P elk Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 1106 Redland Turner Leonard mech Red Star Auto Service Stn h 444 Fairford W Turner Leslie trav Ashdowns h 8, 72 Ross E Turner Stewart F mgr Moose Jaw Natatorium h same Turner Mrs T r 42 Athabasca W Turner T F capt K O R C r 42 Athabasca W Turner Wm J supt Federal Grain h 915 2nd Ave N E Tuttle C W r 162 Hochelaga W Tuttle Maurice lab h 270 Riverside W Tuttle Mrs Roy r 952 Stadacona W Tuxford James A mgr Canadian Garage h 127 River E Tveit Mrs G h 26, 112 1st Ave N W Tweddle David L G porter C P Exp r 12, 130 Main N Tweddle Mrs MAh 12, 130 Main N Twigg Andrew bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 926 Albert Twigg James carp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 926 Albert Twigg Margaret steno Civic Relief r 926 Albert Twist Harry h 815 Cartier Twist James M b & b CPR h 1016 Athabasca E Twist Robert hlpr CPR h 1307 4th Ave N W Typewriter Service & Exchange E A Matthews sec treas 26 High E u Ubakata J R bell boy Park Hotel h 4, 109 Hochelaga W Ubakata Olive steno Moose Jaw Real Estate r 4, 109 Hochelaga W Uhrich Oliver dept foremn Palm Dairies h 821 6th Ave N W Uhrynowski Izadore h 40 Lillooet E Ukrainian Labor Temple 514 Lillooet W Ukrainian National Home 526 9th Ave S W Ullyett Lyell h 1066 Willow Uncles Bertie B guard Brit Amer Oil h 665 Hochelaga E E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 300 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Uncles J pastry baker McGavin’s r 665 Hochelaga E Uncles Mary r 254 Athabasca E Uncles Rowland S carp h 254 Athabasca E Undercue Bill r Plaza Hotel Underhill Florence M r 944 Alder N E Underhill Thomas B phys 2 , 108 Main N h 944 Alder N E Underwood Reuben C trainmn CPR h 259 Athabasca W Union Bus Depot 37 High E Union Mrs Charles r 1046 4th Ave N W Union Stock Yards n s Home W and 7th Ave Union Transfer & Storage Co Ltd J B.oyling mgr 162 Manitoba W United Cigar Store Harry Hoare mgr 126 Main N Unity Center Mrs E Agnew sec 15, 214 Main N Unwin Orla ladies dept Employment Service of Canada r 1046 4th Ave N W Upex Joseph h 1069 Wolfe Upholstered Furniture & Manufacturing (James Stebley and S Nali- vayko) 20 Fairford W Urban H L r Kings Hotel Urquhart Alexander J weighmaster CPR h 1034 Connaught Urquhart Miss D nurse General Hospital r same Urquhart Mrs Frank H r 426 Moose Square W Urquhart Hartley B h 1055 4th Ave N E Urquhart Hugh ydmn CPR h 11, 219 High W Urquhart J emp Swifts r 314 Iroquois W Urquhart Jean r 1055 4th Ave N E Urquhart Joyce steno A W McAvoy r 1055 4th Ave N E Urquhart Malcolm car slsmn r 143 High W Urquhart Minnie elk Kresge’s r 1055 4th Ave N E Urquhart Ursula elk Joyner’s r 314 Iroquois W Urquhart Wm retd h 314 Iroquois W Ursell Barry A acet Canada Packers r 233 Lillooet W Ursell Herbert A trainmn CPR h 233 Lillooet W Urton Donald A prop South Hill Furn Exchange h 727 Skipton Rd Urton John h 222 (rear) Hochelaga E Urton M Raymond prop Mid-West Auction Rooms r 140 High W Urwin Harry elev opr Walter Scott Bldg h 1032 Albert Urwin Miss M emp Swifts r 1032 Albert Urwin Thomas messr Times r 1032 Albert Usher Andrew lab h 811 6th Ave N E Usher Samuel lab h 955 Hastings Utley Edward lab h 1019 Athabasca E Utopia Block 35 High W HENDERSON DIRECTORIES ARE ON FILE AT ALL THE PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN WESTERN CANADA HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 301 V Vail George E h 1058 4th Ave N W Vail Mrs Mary slsldy Christie Grant h 935 Alder N E Valentine F L mech Totten-Elliott Motors Valentine Leslie dept hd Eatons h 1172 Grafton Valgardsson Valentinus tchr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1045 2nd Ave N E Valley Coach Lines 37 High E Valley David engmn CPR r 49 Lillooet E Valley W G appr CPR r 72 Lillooet E Valley Wm firemn CPR h 551 Athabasca E Valley Wm engmn CPR h 72 Lillooet E Valley Wm emp CPR h 403 3rd Ave N E Valtz Frank porter CPR h 156 Manitoba E Vanbuskirk Maxwell trainmn CPR h 427 Main S Vanbuskirk W W trainmn CPR r Harwood Hotel Vance David M b & b CPR h 21, 112 1st Ave N W Vance Ira S h 728 Athabasca E Vandruff Elaine elk McBride’s r 1150 Chestnut Vandruff Jacob A retd h 1150 Chestnut Vandruff Ross elk Hi-Way Refineries r 1150 Chestnut Vanhorn Edward hlpr Moose Jaw Transportation h 895 7th Ave E Vanhorn Mrs Gordon h 521 Ominica W Van Horne Gordon driv Tate Coal Co r 521 Ominica W Van Iderstine George E elk Joyner’s h 1062 Redland Vanstone Mrs L S J h 167 Hochelaga E Vanstone Reuben mech h 8, 24 Main N Vanstone T R prop Maple Leaf Barber h 161 Hochelaga E Van Wassenhove Maurice servmn Central Motor h 4, 720 Main N Varley Ray distributor Familex Products r 301 Empress Hotel Vasilars Christopher h 3, 18 Main N Vaudin Bernard G trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 471 Stadacona W Vaughan H A mach CPR h 24 Iroquois W Vaughan Roy E engmn CPR h 419 Ominica W Vaughan Willougby G loco firemn h 1226 High W Velde Miss M nurse General Hospital r same Venables Arthur dept hd Eatons r Park Hotel Venice Cafe Suey Sang prop 140 1st Ave N W Vermette Harvey upholstr 236 Ominica W h same Vernon George retd h 79 Lillooet E Vernon Ruby sec to mgr Civic Relief r 79 Lillooet E Veterans Social Club Charles Dorgan mgr 46 River W Vicary E C jan Schl Board r 26 Athabasca W Vickers E I mgr Royal Bank h 1143 Redland Vickers Edith hsekpr r Y W C A Vickers Wm dept hd Eatons h 1116 Chestnut Vickerson Annabelle elk Eatons r 406 Stadacona W Vickerson Mrs B h 406 Stadacona W Vickerson Helen L M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 406 Stadacona W Vickerson Ruth M steno Land Titles r 406 Stadacona W Victoria Block 105 Lillooet W Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 302 HENDERSOX’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Victoria Lodge Mrs M Cairns prop 40 River E Victoria School V R M Hutchinson prin High E cor 1st Ave N E Victory Grocery Charles Dick prop 380 Saskatchewan W Vierling Joseph lab h 1107 6th Ave N W Vierling Sophia emp Prairie Bag r 1107 6th Ave N W Vigar Reginald T elk CPR h 319 Hochelaga W Villars ACL elk City r 1120 4th Ave N W Villars Mrs A M sec L D Ohm Co r 1120 4th Ave N W Vincer George chf boiler eng Brit Amer Oil h 323 Coteau W Vincer Wm ydmn CPR h 445 Coteau W Vinuk Mike emp Monarch Social Club (104 River W) Virgina Court 636 1st Ave N W Virginia Court Annex 109 Hochelaga W Vitowski Mike sectnmn CNR r 83 Home E Vogan George slsmn Can Oil Companies h 1163 Grafton Voider Gabriel retd r 244 Manitoba E Volk Anna nurse Providence Hospital r same Volpel Johanna emp Providence Hospital r same Volpel Martha emp Providence Hospital r same Vorra Mrs Sarah J h 1332 Algoma w Waara Charles watchmkr and jeweler 175 High W r same Waddell Harold emp Western Grocers r 214 Stadacona W Wadsworth J Albert mech Gt West Battery h 616 Athabasca W Wadsworth J E retd r Willard Hotel Wagg Mrs C r 227 Ominica W Wagner Charles jan Redland Court h 7, 1083 Redland Wagner Clarence h 5, 127 High W Wagner Mrs Hilda waitress Savoy Cafe Wait Arthur carp h 891 7th Ave N E Wait Thomas emp CNR h 1088 4th Ave N E Waite Miss L nurse General Hospital r same Waite Sydney lab Carter-Hall r 169 High W Wakish John ydmn Southn Sask Co-Op Stk Yds h 1434 Grandview Waldie Wm G elk steno CPR r 129 Hochelaga W Waldman Ann steno Jackson Bottling Co r 5^1 Idllooet W Waldman Harry groc 901 Lillooet W h same Wales Roy h 1227 Grafton Walker B r Plaza Hotel Walker Bertram retd h 531 Hochelaga W Walker Don lab h 916 Henry Walker George h River Park Walker George B timekpr City r 661 Hochelaga W Walker George C gen sec Y M C A r same Walker Gordon E slsmn C H A B r 1079 2nd Ave N W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 303 Walker John trainmn CPR r 423 Stadacona E Walker Joseph J emp Swifts h 359 Grandview W Walker Orton emp CPR r 1079 2nd Ave N W Walker Wm r 321 Hochelaga W Walker Wm repr foremn Natl Light & Power h 614 Ominica E Walker Wm engmn CPR h 423 Stadacona E Walker Wm h 1306 3rd Ave N E Walker Wm J engmn CPR h 1079 2nd Ave N W Walker Wm W emp Swifts h 749 Coteau W Wallace Anna hsekpr r 320 Fairford E Wallace Clarence r 1, 27 High W Wallace George H shop formn Totten-Elliott Motors h 1137 Is^ Ave N E ' . Wallace James firemn Hi-Way Refineries h 370 Fairford W Wallace Jane h 27, 112 1st Ave N W Wallace John h 1232 Grafton Wallace Mrs Margaret J h 1, 27 High W Wallace Mrs Mary h 320 Fairford E Wallace Mary caretkr Eatons r 1, 27 High W Wallace R George office 63 River E and supt of Recreation City h 1210 3rd Ave N E . Wallace W J trainmn CPR r City Hotel / Wallace Mrs Wm r 469 Home Wallden Louise bkpr Arthur A Frost r 1058 Alder Wallden Mrs Violet h 1058 Alder N-E Wallington Frederick car insptr CI^R h 1223 Algoma Wallis A whsemn C P Exp r 233 Iroquois E Wallis Mrs Annie L h 238 Manitoba E Wallis W trainmn CPR r 238 Manitoba E Walls John W chf elk CNR h 1181 6th Ave N E Walmsley James carp CPR h 430 9th Ave N W Walmsley Wm emp CPR h 968 Hochelaga W Walraven Mrs G h 828 Connaught Walraven Kay M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 430 Athabasca W Walsh Block 210 River W Walsh Leslie driv Union Transfer & Storage h 146 Elsom Walter Gordon whsemn McBride’s r 625 Hochelaga E Walter Laurence E asst cashr C P Exp h 625 Hochelaga E Walter Laurie steno R M of Moose Jaw r 625 Hochelaga E Walter Leslie soldier Regina Rifles r 625 Hochelaga E Walter Scott Block 12 High E Walters Dorothy elk Eatons r 376 Stadacona W Walters Dorothy G elk Can Bk of Commerce h 14, 72 Ross E Walters Ernest E ydmn CPR h 1029 1st Ave N W Walters Frank ydmn CPR h 874 9th Ave N W Walters Frederick h 340 River W Walters Harold ydmn CPR h 10, 121 High W Waneck D emp Swifts r 5, 352 Lillooet W Waneck S G steno Robin Hood Flour Mills h 5, 352 Lillooet W Wannamaker Audrey schl tchr r 170 Lillooet E Wannamaker Mrs H h 170 Lillooet E Wannamaker Keith farmer r 170 Lillooet E Wannamaker Naomi nurse r 170 Lillooet E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 304 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW War Veterans Industry Committee Major Richard Loney hon sec treas 218 Hammond Bldg Ward Artemus C prop Ward’s Transfer h 468 Ominica W Ward Arthur retd h 320 Fairford E Ward Charles retd h 50 Fairford W Ward Mrs E r 1159 Alder N E Ward Ernest A elk CPR h 405 3rd Ave N E Ward Frederick hlpr CPR h 899 Connaught Ward Mildred elk Eatons r 65 Hochelaga W Ward Mrs Ruby M sec Rebekah Assembly of Saskathewan I O O F r 468 Ominica W Ward Stanley A driv Wards Transfer r 468 Ominica W Ward’s Transfer A C Ward prop 50 Fairford W Ward Vera hsekpr r 405 3rd Ave N E Warded Margaret emp Robin Hood Elour r 1116 Redland Wardwell Mrs Wm H h 1116 Redland Ware Kate M elk Joyner’s r 1046 2nd Ave N W Warman Mrs Margaret r 462 Athabasca W W’arner C Victor tchr h 1112 Clifton Warner Mrs T V h 134 Mansfield Warner Tom elk CPR h 1017 Vaughn Warr H W slsmn r Park Hotel Warren Bert emp Can Govt Elev h 839 Connaught Warren Miss E nurse General Hospital r same Warren F C trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 21, 377 Lillooet W Warren Mrs G H r 1320 2nd Ave N W Warren Insurance Agencies Ltd Mrs K Baxter sec treas 7, 108 Main North Warren Mrs Percy J H h 1019 1st Ave N W Warren Ray emp CPR h 942 Athabasca Warren Wm E trainmn CPR h 957 Ominica W Warshaveski Prank driv Coca Cola Co h 15, 121 High W Wartman Rev D S minister Free Methodist Church h 154 Stadacona West Waruk Alexander pkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 912 Athabasca E Waruk Andrevc lab r 912 Athabasca E Waruk Joseph hlpr Sterling Motors r 912 Athabasca E Waslen Harry lab h 920 Lillooet W Wasley John elk P O h 1066 Coteau W Wasley Nestor lab Brit Amer Oil r 1066 Coteau W Wasley Olga tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1066 Coteau W Wasylkoski Steve eng Prairie Airwa}'s r 887 9th Ave N W Watch Arthur C h 1004 4th Ave N E Watch Ellen emp Robin Hood Mills r 1004 4th Ave N E Watchorn Percy r 1123 Clifton Watchorn Wm h 1123 Clifton Watkins George trk driv North Star Oil h 444 Ominica E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 305 Watson Edward G bkpr P W Graham & Sons h 520 Saskatchewan West Watson Mrs F h B, 377 Lillooet W Watson G R r 406 Sth Ave N W Watson Isaac r 40 River E Watson James D retd h 604 Manitoba E Watson Robert L flrmn Totten-Elliott Motors h 921 Fairford E Watson Verna elk Can Bk of Com h 4, 219 High W Watson Wm A h 256 Ominica W Watt Freeman M engmn CPR h 1175 Alder Watt Kenneth jan Can Bk of Com h 220 Ominica W Watterson John L trainmn CPR r 1057 4th Ave N W Waugh Christopher carp h 1132 1st Ave N E Waugh Frank mech Totten-Elliott Motors r 262 Hochelaga W Waugh Gordon shpr Swifts h 426 5th Ave N W Waugh Leonard C bkpr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 6, 615 4th Ave N E Waugh Walter carp h 713 Caribou W Waugh Wm J h 1006 Edmonton Waverly Beauty Shoppe Mrs T A Robinson prop 304 Main N Way Albert emp City h 508 Main S Way H R prop The Moose Jaw Argus r Western Hotel Way J printer r 9 River W Way Ruth E tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 129 Riverside W Way Wm B retd h 129 Riverside W Wayland Dorothy R tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 473 Caribou W Wayland Mrs Isabella R cashr Govt Phones h 473 Caribou W Weaver J R h 303 Duffield W Webb Albert E elk Joyner’s h 3, 109 Hochelaga W Webb Alfred E elk P O h 55 Iroquois W Webb Charles h 939 Ominica W Webb Dennis J driv Palm Dairies h 1320 9th Ave N W Webb Edward E retd h 144 High E Webb Ernest elk Burts Grocery r 55 Iroquois W Webb Frank trainmn CPR h 17 % Ominica W - Webb Margaret cashr Orpheum Theatre r 3, 109 Hochelaga W Webb P G sec treas Canadian Legion r 268 High W Webb Robert H firemn City h 167 Ominica W Webber James C insptr of investigation CPR h 1010 2nd Ave N E Webster Mrs A M h 848 5th Ave N W Webster Beatrice E r 719 Athabasca E Webster Bert W mgr Western Oil Co Ltd h 1038 Clifton Webster Mrs Elizabeth h 719 Athabasca E Webster H trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills r 442 Moose Square Webster John trkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 659 Caribou W Webster Mary r 571 Hochelaga W Webster W R trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Weed Clair lab h 72 High E Weekes Howard trk driv Patron Oil r 26 Athabasca W Weekes W Joseph acet Hodge Bamford & Wilder r 26 Athabasca W Weekes Wm carp h 26 Athabasca W Weeks & Pugh (Roy C Pugh) photogrs 36 High W Weights Albert h 412 Vaughn Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 306 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Weiland John J emp Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 1048 6th Ave N W Weilching Henry emp Bert Jackman r 278 Manitoba W Weir Mrs May r 840 Connaught Welbourn Frank W b & b CPR r 442 Moose Square Welbourn Owen b & b CPR h 718 Ominica W Welcher George contr h 169 Home W Wellington Charles W dentist 104, 12 High E h 310 High W Wellington Mrs J H h 30 Stadacona W Wells Alfred W h 824 Cartier Wells Barbara J continuity writer C H A B r 824 Cartier Wells Clarence h 412 Athabasca E Wells Eric b & b CPR r 907 Connaught Wells Ernest H sectnmn CPR h 877 Connaught Wells Frank carp r 214 Stadacona W Wells Frank caretkr Moose Jaw Collegiate Bd h 1212 9th Ave N W Wells George h 1166 Alder N E Wells Leslie E elk P O r Harwood Hotel Wells Norval A steno Robin Hood Flour Mills r 1041 2nd Ave W Wells Robert elk Civic Relief h 1143 6th Ave N W Wells Stanley mgr Wells Trading Co h 327 Lillooet W Wells Trading Co Stanley Wells mgr grocers 327 Lillooet W Welsh Leslie taxi r 171 Hochelaga W Welsh Marie J nurse Providence Hospital r same Welsh Oswald mgr Bk of Nova Scotia h 1167 Redland Wendon Ernest caretkr h 803 Stadacona W Wendt Mildred elk Moose Jaw Drug r 546 Fairford E Wensel Rudolph formn Prairie Bag h 619 Ominica E Wermie Mrs Nick h 371 Home W West Christopher lab h 711 Stadacona W West Clarence C stk chkr Robin Hood Flour Mills h 653 Saskatche¬ wan W West Cyril tinsmith Tom P Baylis h 903 Ominica E West E Gordon yd elk CNR h 204, 11 High E West Edmund air craftsmn Prairie Airways r 259 Iroquois W West End Grocery (L F Carr and W M Houston) 577 Athabasca W West Ernest T emp Gt West Battery r 871 Willow West Mrs Florence J h 871 Willow West Frank emp CPR r 830 3rd Ave N W West Jack steward Moose Jaw Club r same West John W ydmn CPR r 871 Willow West Philip H elk Postal Service h 113 Coteau E West R G ticket agt CPR h 260 Ross W West Robert engmn CPR h 259 Irocpiois W West Robert C emp Brit Amer Oil r 259 Iroquois W West Robert G elk Harveys Grocery r 871 Willow West T mech Gt West Battery r 871 Willow West W' E ,S desp CPR h 114 Oxford W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 307 Westbrook Lawrence druggist Leonard Fysh Ltd h 370 Riverside Dr Western Grain Inspection W A McBeath insptr in charge 510, 12 High E Western Grocers Ltd J S Fraser mgr 32 Manitoba W Western Hotel A Denesuk prop 9 River W WESTERN ICE COMPANY LIMITED, C. G. McNaughton, Vice-President and Managing Director, Norman Buckley, Assistant Manager, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in ICE AND ICE REFRIGERATORS, “SAVE WITH ICE,” 401-411 Manitoba Street East, Phone 4261. Western Investments Ltd Lt-Col Walter E Seaborn (KC) repres 108, 12 High E Western Leather Co P Booth mgr 416 Manitoba E Western Municipal News Willson Stationery Co repres 229 Main N Western Oil Co Ltd B W Webster mgr 860 Fairford W WESTERN PRESS LIMITED, David A. Miller, Mgr. GENERAL JOB AND COMMERCIAL PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, (basement) Hammond Bldg., 310 Main Street North, Phone 3963. Res. Phone 4203. Western Sign Co Archibald MacNeil mgr 52 (rear) River E Western Spotlight Western Press Ltd pubs 310 (basement) Main N Westlake Robert M elk P O h 737 Athabasca E Westlund Arthur mach CPR h 1086 6th Ave N W Westmount School J R Johnston prin Westmount (South Hill) Weston’s Bread & Cake (Canada) Ltd J L Johnston mgr 717 4th Ave N E Weston W Elliott trav Gen Steele Wares h 1, 72 Ross E Wetaski Joseph engmn CPR r 1150 Coteau W Wetaski Metro lab Swifts h 1038 Iroquois W Wetaski Nick lab h 841 Duffield Wetaski Peter engmn CPR h 1042 Coteau W Wetaski Philip h 1150 Coteau W Wetaski Wm r 1150 Coteau W Weyer Thelma r 1084 Clifton Weymark B A contr h 1066 5th Ave N E Weymark J elk Moose Jaw Hdwre r 457 Stadacona W Whalen Harry elk r 217 Fairford E Whalen Mrs J h 217 Fairford E Whalen Kathleen emp Prairie Bag r 217 Fairford E Whalen Margaret emp Swifts r 217 Fairford E Wharran Curtis emp Swifts h 677 Stadacona W Wharren Alma maid Harwood Hotel r same Wharren C emp Swifts r 677 Stadacona W Wharren Miss E maid Gen Hosp r same Wharton Harley W ydmn CPR h 228 Coteau W Wharton Lloyd chkr CPR r 771 Vaughn W Whatmough J emp CPR r Willard Hotel Whatmough Robert messr Capital Grocery r Willard Hotel Wheatley Norman F R elk City h 1032 Grafton Wheatley Wm steward Army & Navy Vets h 463 Main N E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 308 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Wheeler Erie M steno Grayson & McTaggart r 219 Fairford E Wheeler Mrs Jennie M h 219 Fairford E Wheeler Wm J h 265 Coteau W Whimster Donald J prop Whimster Hdwre h 17, 439 1st Ave N W Whimster Hardware D J Whimster prop 23 Main N Whitaker Neville acct Imperial Bank r Moose Jaw Club White Amy r 526 Hochelaga E White Mrs C h 441 Duffield W White Mrs Charles Y r 162 Hochelaga W White Mrs H G h 526 Hochelaga E White Herbert engmn CPR h 1160 2nd Ave N E White Jack slsmn McGavin’s h 896 Grey White Joseph E ydmn Southern Sask Co-Oper Stock Yds h 11, 43 High W White Rose Service Station & Welding Shop (Wm and Gordon W Mason) 202 2nd Ave N W White Thomas S r Plaza Hotel White Wm H carmn CPR h 221 Hochelaga E Whitehead A shpr Burns & Co h 874 4th Ave N E Whitehead Robert porter CPR h 942 Ominica W Whitehead Thomas electl contr h 654 Ominica E Whitehead Wm emp CPR h 883 9th Ave N W Whitelock Block 609 4th Ave N E Whitelock Block Annex 615 4th Ave N E Whitelock George A prop Whitelocks Grocery & Confy h 444 Ho¬ chelaga E Whitelock’s Grocery & Confectionery George A Whitelock prop 402-6 Athabasca E WHITLOCK, GEORGE H., Managing Director, Whitlock-Marlatt Limited. Res. 246 Stadacona Street West, Phone 2629. WHITLOCK-MARLATT LIMITED, George H. Whitlock, President and Managing Director; Tom Pilkington, Secretary; FORWARDING AGENTS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES. ALSO DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, 520 Fairford Street West between Fourth and Fifth Avenues N. W., Phone 4144. Whitmarsh Ed h 20, 377 Lillooet W Whitmarsh Mrs N slsldy Binning’s r 1076 Alder Whitmore Margaret asst Children’s Shelter r same Whitmore Mrs Margaret h 1273 Wolfe Whitmore Mary elk Prairie News Co r 1273 Wolfe Whitridge Mrs Hazel I elk Govt Phones r 1044 1st Ave N E Whittaker Evelyn elk Eatons r 1187 Alder N E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 309 Whittaker Jack M elk LAB Auto Supplies r 1187 Alder N E Whittaker Robert A emp Brit Amer Plant Service Stn h 1187 Alder N E Whittaker Thomas H retd h 1239 Hochelaga W Whittingstall Gordon elk Moose Jaw Hdwre h 1131 6th Ave N W Whyte G nightmn Totten Elliott Motors r 162 Hochelaga W Wickens A John barr 207, 12 High E h 1142 3rd Ave N W Wickens Jack eng Prairie Airways r 1142 3rd Ave N W Wickens Mary steno A J Wickens r 1142 3rd Ave N W Wicks Archibald E shpr J E Overs Ltd h 443 Main N Widinstall — wall paper dept Moose Jaw Hdwre h 1131 6th Ave N W Wie Fong emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Wiesner Edward emp Western Grocers r 123 Main N Wightman Audrey nurse r Y W C A Wigmore F H phys Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins h 153 Sta- dacona W Wikdahl C L messr C P Exp h 214 Oxford W Wilcox George farmer h 142 Ross E Wilcox H gardener CPR r CPR Gardens Wilder Gladys r 1205 Clifton Wilder Lois'steno Eatons r 1205 Clifton Wilder T Russell chartd acet Hodge Bamford & Wilder h 1023 Main North Wilder Mrs Thomas H h 1205 Clifton Wilder Willis W cashr Palm Dairies r 1205 Clifton Wiley Sarah A steno Sask Co-Oper Creamery r 545 Athabasca W Wilfong Oliver lab h 858 7th Ave N E Wilkie Ina M tchr Moose Jaw Schl Board r Harwood Hotel Wilkie Martin hlpr CPR h 443 Lillooet W Wilkin Dorval tchr r 1234 2nd Ave N W Wilkin Frederick troublemn Natl Light & Power h 1234 2nd Ave N W Wilkins George H S elk CPR h 922 Simcoe Wilkinson Irene hsekpr r 228 Stadacona W Wilkinson Mrs M h 950 Fairford E Wilkinson Robert A mgr Can City & Town Properties r 1031 Red- land Wilkinson Thomas coach foremn CPR h 831 Monk Wilkinson Winnifred music tchr r 831 Monk Wilks Henry elk McBride’s h 1013 4th Ave S W Willard Hotel Plarry Mead mgr 445 Home W Willard Viola elk r 749 Stadacona E Willett Charles R trainmn CPR h 313 Main S Willhaft Hettie maid Hotel Cecil r same William Brother with St Joseph Rectory r 1064 3rd Ave N W William Gordon r 1227 5th Ave N W William Grayson School C A Robinson prin Caribou W cor 9th Ave N W Williams Amy r Y W C A Williams Mrs Bertha h 935 Hochelaga W Williams Charles prop Bee Hive Grocery h 374 Lillooet W Williams Charles E carrier P O h 213 Fairford E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 310 HENDERSOM’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Williams Dennis blksmith 411 Lillooet W h 19, 121 High W Williams Earl emp Brit Amer Oil h 1227 5th Ave N W Williams Ed L elk h 7, 414 4th Ave S W Williams Eric emp T G Bell r 806 Stadacona E Williams George pipeftr h 345 Ominica E Williams H emp Swifts r 540 Maple W Williams H chkr CNR r Y M C A Williams Mrs H elk Brit Amer Oil h 1099 4th Ave N E Williams Harry driv Erederick Scharf r 469 Maple W Williams Herbert r 1130 Chestnut Williams J E porter CPR r C P R Bungalow Williams Jack r 278 Manitoba W Williams James tmstr h 540 Maple W Williams James S supt General Hospital h Wellesley Park Williams John retd r 349 Athabasca W Williams John D eng Hammond Bldg h 123 Athabasca W Williams Joseph of Nu-Way Shoe Repr h 806 Stadacona E Williams Joseph W trainmn CPR h 469 Maple W Williams Lily steno City r 19, 121 High W Williams Marjorie S elk steno Motor License Br r 374 Lillooet W Williams Mary elk The Rosery h 444 Coteau W Williams Monica bkpr Skingle Trucking Service r 15, 219 High W Williams Percy E shoe repair 526 Main N h 778 Hochelaga W Williams R E guard Brit Amer Oil r 1227 5th Ave N W Williams Richard T route foreman Sask Co-Oper Creamery h 477 Athabasca E Williams Roy florist r Park Hotel Williams Rev Samuel minister St John’s Church r St John’s Rectory Williams Wallace trainmn CPR r 501 3rd Ave N E Williams Wm chkr CPR r 203 Hochelaga E Williams Wm ydmn CPR h 896 4th Ave N E Williams Wm H traffic elk Brit Amer Oil r 1099 4th Ave N E Williams Mrs Wm J h 444 Coteau W Williamson Miss D nurse General Hospital r same Willingdon Court 414 4th Ave S W Willis Arthur elk Brown’s Transfer & Taxi r 410 Athabasca E Willis Arthur H general ydmaster CPR h 1142 Grafton Willis W emp General Hospital r same Willis Wm J lab h 410 Athabasca E Willis Wm O druggist James H Thomson Ltd r 630 Athabasca W Willis Wm S ydmn CPR h 1120 7th Ave N W Willis Wm T emp R L Cushing Co r 1120 7th Ave N W Willison Albert elk Ry Mail Service h 1136 3rd Ave N E Willow Earm Dairy Mrs M Horseman prop 1400 Ominica E Willowdene Apartments 1053 Clifton Willows Gerald mgr Lloyd Willows Ltd c-o Live Stock Exchange Building HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 311 Willows Lloyd Ltd Gerald Willows mgr Live Stock Exchange Bldg Wills George G millwright Robin Hood Mills h 1031 5th Ave N W Wills Ruth elk Kresges r 460 Stadacona E Wills Wm C elk C P Exp h 460 Stadacona E Willson Margaret r 1131 5th Ave N W Willson Stationery Co Ltd E G Butts mgr 229 Main N Wilson — h 20, 121 High W Wilson A Frank farmer h 1217 Redland Wilson A R mgr Red Indian Service Stn r 10% Algoma Wilson A W trainmn CPR r 2 Bellhaven Apts Wilson Amy E emp Swifts r 936 Lillooet W Wilson Arthur mgr Wilson Produce Co Ltd h 378 Athabasca W Wilson Arthur T div traffic officer Motor License Br r Cecil Hotel Wilson Babbs tchr r 1021 Carlton Wilson Bernice music tchr r 1217 Redland Wilson Cecil emp Swifts r 76 Caribou E Wilson Charles blksmith h 1021 Carlton St Wilson Charles F hlpr CPR h 1097 4th Ave N E Wilson Mrs Edith h 936 Lillooet W Wilson Frederick J jeweler 410 Main N h 430 Ross W Wilson G Lome trainmn CPR h 10% Algoma Wilson G T ydmn CPR r 236 1st Ave N W Wilson George I yd formn CPR h 236 1st Ave N W Wilson Gordon S ydmn CPR h 19, 112 1st Ave N W Wilson Granger C asst Ogilvies r 1097 4th Ave N E Wilson Gus service stn opr r 1096 Algoma Wilson Harold mech h 1035 Stadacona E Wilson Henry E emp Providence Hospital h 825 Athabasca E Wilson Herbert egg candler 342 Manitoba W h 405 Coteau W Wilson Irene A compto opr Security Lumber r 924 Athabasca E Wilson J trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Wilson JAB firmn Swifts h 1119 1st Ave N W Wilson Mrs J C h 1018 Ominica E Wilson J R trainmn CPR r Empress Hotel Wilson J W trainmn CPR r Kings Hotel Wilson Tack emp Johnstone Dairies r 10% Algoma Wilson James painter r 211 Fairford E Wilson James acet Executors & Administrator Trust h 896 5th Ave N W Wilson Mrs James J h 178 Athabasca W Wilson James J prin Alexandra Schl h 1122 3rd Ave N W Wilson John E trainmn CPR h 268 Coteau W Wilson John S carp r 913 Stadacona E Wilson Miss K nurse General Hospital r same Wilson L D elk Royal Bank r 896 5th Ave N W Wilson Lawrence elev opr Hammond Bldg r 1119 1st Ave N W Wilson Mrs M h 19, 112 1st Ave N W Wilson Mrs M C r 262 Athabasca E Wilson Mrs Margaret C steno r 236 1st Ave N W Wilson O N elk Brit Amer Oil r 936 Lillooet W Wilson Orville emp Swifts r 936 Lillooet W Wilson Owen J linemn Govt Phones h 204 Stadacona W Wilson P emp Swifts r Alexandra Hotel Build Up the Boys and Girls wmi« school Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones4840 and 4846 312 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAAV Wilson Produce Co Ltd Arthur Wilson mgr 337 River W Wilson Mrs R M h 4, 377 Lillooet W Wilson Ray elk McBride’s r 336 River W Wilson Richard porter P O r 1126 Wolfe Wilson Robert retd r 368 High W Wilson Robert farmer h 533 Stadacona W Wilson Robert J emp CPR h 802 Ominica E Wilson Robert M lab CPR r Willard Hotel Wilson S elk CPR r 40 Athabasca E Wilson Sadie M opr Ritz Beauty Parlor r 802 Ominica E Wilson Thomas J lab h 336 River W Wilson Mrs W H h 1125 5th Ave N W Wilson Wm studt r 1103 3rd Ave N E Wilson Wm L trainmn CPR h 82 Caribou E Wilson Wm R driv Can Oil h 933 Athabasca Wilton Mrs A slsldy Christie Grant r 1115 Clifton Wilton Arthur prin Prince Arthur Schl h 28, 72 Ross E Wilton James repres Imperial Life Assce h 12, 106 3rd Ave N W Wilton Paul lab r 461 Skeena Wimpy’s Hamburger Shop Roy Devitt prop 11 River W Winarski Mrs Anna h 719 Main S Winarski George lab h 812 Outlook Winarski James lab r 719 Main S Winarski John shoe shine Maple Leaf Barber r 719 Main S Winarski Wm emp Swifts r 737 Main S Winder Frederick emp City h 844 Grey Windish Joseph r Sunrise Rooms Windpower Ltd J R Newton mgr — Caribou W Windsor Mrs Nora nurse r 48 Hochelaga W Windsor Park Dairy Roland Hill prop 1250 Oxford E Winemark Charles E acet Brit Amer Oil h 1132 3rd Ave N W Winemark E laby asst Brit Amer Oil r 1132 3rd Ave N W Winemark Marjorie r 1132 3rd Ave N W Wing Charles h 131 River W Wing Fong emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Wing Henry prop Henry’s Barber Shop r 261 High W Wing Quong emp Modern Cafe r Modern Cafe Rms Winnipeg Club (Railway Mail Clerks) 209, 11 High E Winter Lyle emp Prairie Bag h 15, 11 River E Winterfair Daniel T carrier PO h 833 Athabasca E Wintermute Mrs H r Alexandra Hotel Winters Ed r Plaza Hotel Winters W slsmn Army & Navy r 45 Hochelaga W Winters' Wm prop Allen News Stand h 45 Hochelaga W Wiseman Edward emp CPR r 699 Coteau W Wiseman Louis J blrmkr CPR h 699 Coteau W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 313 Wiseman Mrs Roxie h 895 4th Ave N E Wishart Ethel maid Harwood Hotel r same Wishart Jean seams Gen FIosp r 70 Stadacona W Wiste A L trainmn CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Wiste D C trainmn CPR r Maple Leaf Hotel Witkevich Paul r 506 Maple W Witney Charles H opr CHAB r 435 Duffield Witney Percy H engmn CPR h 435 Duffield Wodafl G H mailer Times r 1164 Willow Wolf Nick lab h 217 1st Ave S Wolfenden Richard caretkr Impl Bk h 660 Hochelaga E Women’s Art Association 4, 227 Main N Wong Charles prop Exchange Cafe r Maple Leaf Hotel Wong K Chong emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Wong Kung Har Tong 56 Manitoba W Wong Lloyd prop Ideal Grocy & Confy h 164 Oxford E Wong Sam emp Star Cafe r 36 River W Wong Wilfred prop Elite Gardens r 56 Manitoba W Wood Alexander firmn CPR h 1314 6th Ave N W Wood Benjamin farmer h 215 Ominica W Wood C emp Swifts r 10, 105 Lillooet W Wood C Irwin trk driv Sask Co-Op Creamery h 1098 5th Ave N W Wood Charles retd h 448 Athabasca W Wood Mrs Charles H r 1098 5th Ave N W Wood Dennis elk McBride’s r 1120 Willow Wood George h 898 Wolfe Wood George T h 1061 2nd Ave N W Wood Joyce elk Natl System Baking r 1120 Willow Wood Lawrence S elk Eatons h 837 Algoma Wood Mrs' Margaret A r 1061 2nd Ave N W Wood Marshall elk r 215 Ominica W Wood Norman steno r 1061 2nd Ave N W Wood Robert H shpr Palm Dairies h 317 Fairford W Wood Ronald emp Slaters Nurserys h 313 Lillooet W Wood Thelma steno Prairie Mutual Benefit r 215 Ominica W Wood Thomas J lab h 821 Main S Wood Wm trk driv h 1143 Hochelaga W Wood Wm G trainmn CPR h 1120 Willow Woodall George contr h 879 Willow Woodall Lillian r 879 Willow Woodcock Joseph emp City h 405 Grandview Woodhouse Albert lino opr Times h 656 Hochelaga W Woodrow Frederick R sr elk PO h 1219 Algoma Woodruff Thomas E h 45 Oxford W Woods A engmn CPR r 256 Ross W Woods Adna C mgr Moose Jaw Drug & Stationery Co h 162 Hoche¬ laga E Woods Arthur T whsemn Robin Hood Flour Mills h 926 Lillooet W Woods Ernest C frt agt CNR h 327 Fairford E Woods George printer h 410 Grandview W Woods George W elk Royal Bk h 412 Stadacona W Woods James r 460 Athabasca E Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 314 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Woods James h 6, 377 Lillooet W Woods Wm dept hd Eatons h 1201 5th Ave N W Woods Winnifred emp Providence Hosp r same Woodside Harold A phys 102, 12 High E h 667 Hochelaga W Woodward Lionel r 1131 Clifton Woodward Nora r 1131 Clifton Woodward Wm h 1131 Clifton Woolgar Arthur N porter PO h 1025 Ominica E Woolhether Albert B trk driv Sam Foley h 1019 4th Ave S W Woollatt S E h 9, 26 High E Woolliams Alfred H mgr Brunswick Hotel r same Woolliams Miss S tchr Moose Jaw Schl Dist r 1153 Clifton Woolman A Elmer emp Can Govt Elev h 954 Stadacona W Woolman John lab r 954 Stadacona W Woolworth Block 108 Main N Woolworth F W Co Ltd Norman W Hendrick mgr 108 Main N Workman Frederick J news editor Times h 1110 6th Ave N W Worling George h 1, 35 High W Worling Rose of Roselle Beauty r 1031 Redland Worrall Eric emp Air Port h 925 Hochelaga W Wray Gharles H prop Paramount Studios h 952 Brown Wray ton W E h B, 43 River E Wright Allan K elk Hobbs Mfg h 6, 800 4th Ave N W Wright Arnold h 224 2nd Ave N E Wright Daisy waitress Paris Cafe r 917 Stadacona E Wright Edmund J hlpr Westn Ice h 907 Athabasca E Wright Edward appr Leonard Fysh r 231 High W Wright Ernest printer Westn Press h 1203 3rd Ave N E Wright F L slsmn Natl Fruit r 170 Ominica W Wright Frank A engmn CPR h 1163 2nd Ave N E Wright Frederick C emp CPR h 1304 6th Ave N W Wright Frederick J chkr CPR h 714 9th Ave N W Wright George L cranemn CPR h 1032 9th Ave N W Wright George T mech Sterling Motors h 524 Saskatchewan W Wright H A acet Can Garage r 224 2nd Ave N E Wright Harry J trainmn CPR r Plaza Hotel Wright J trainmn CPR r City Hotel Wright James lab City h 917 Stadacona E Wright James E mgr Hobbs Mfg Co Ltd h 422 Ross W Wright John butcher h 369 Stadacona E Wright Mrs L H r 726 2nd Ave N W Wright Mrs Lily slsldy Heasmans Ltd r 1304 6th Ave N W Wright Mrs Lucy G r 369 Stadacona E Wright Mrs M h 470 Ominica E Wright P G elk C P Exp r YMCA Wright Robert J mgr R L Cushing Millwork Co c-o same HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 31S Wright Thomas h 1005 Athabasca E Wright Verdun r 470 Ominica E Wright Walter H office mgr Macdonalds Consol h 1026 2nd Ave N E Wright Wm operating mgr Imperial Building Supplies Ltd h 462 Athabasca W Wrightson R Guy h 2, 35 High W Wyatt Edmund R press formn Times' h 1040 Henleaze Wyatt John G h 1095 Wolfe Wyeth Albert mech Pembleton Motors h 1315 Redland Wyeth Ernest R elk CPR h 322 Stadacona W Wylie Miss — Gym instr Prov Normal Schl r YWCA Wynn Wesley J h 517 Home W Wyrick E baker National System Baking h 1122 9th Ave N W X Xamine the Advertisements Y Yacht Harry prop Globe News Co h 471 Hochelaga W Yacht Le Roy elk Globe News r 471 Hochelaga W Yackulic Miss W nurse Gen Hosp r same Yadin Frank emp Robin Hood Mills h 934 Brown Yake Emma matron Moose Taw Natatorium Yake H h B, 414 4th Ave S W Yaschuk Mrs J h 37 Maple E Yaschuk P sectnmn CPR r Sunnyside Yaschuk Steve lab CPR h 142 Lillooet W Yaschuk Wm h 834 Hochelaga E Yastrub Peter night elk Savoy Cafe r Brunswick Hotel Yaunt — emp Assiniboia Music Store r 315 Fairford W Yaworski Mary r 1006 Lillooet W Yaworski Peter lab h 1006 Lillooet W Yeadon F emp Robin Hood Flour Mills r 934 Brown Yee Eddie prop Paris Hotel r 35 River W Yee Hong Goey of Reasonable Ldry h 134 High W Yee Kee emp Natl Cafe r 20 Main Yee Sing laundry 302 Fairford W Yeo Harvey C eng Brit Amer Oil h 576 Ominica E Yeomans Mrs M G tchr r 1142 Clifton Yerxa Mrs Amelia r 1123 2nd Ave N W Yeschuk John lab h 1153 Iroquois W Yeschuk John r 40 River E Yeschuk Katie emp Swifts r 1153 Iroquois' W Yeschuk Peter emp CPR h 1155 Iroquois W Yeschuk Wm lab h 1152 Iroquois W Yick Lee Laundry 502 Stadacona W E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 316 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW Yohn Benjamin retd h 421 Selwyn Yokom Alfred retd h 129 Stadacona W Yop Yick laundry 26 Fairford W York Auto Supply Co Bert York prop 131 High W York Bert prop York Auto Supply Co h 847 2nd Ave N E York Hal H welder Armstrongs h 1228 4th Ave N W York Mrs Lillian r 341 Ominica W York Mervin E of Slater & York h 1101 3rd Ave N W York Shirley steno Blackwood Hdwre r 1101 3rd Ave N W Young Albert farmer h 766 Fairford E Young Alex h 880 Wolfe Young Chas emp City h 457 Stadacona W Young E A b & b CPR c-o same Young E D watchmn Brit Amer Oil r 1029 Alder N E Young Frank A roadmaster CPR h 401 Manitoba W Young Frank A slsmn Westn Grocers h 68 Oxford W Young G F engmn CPR r Park Hotel Young George painter h 257 Plochelaga E Young Mrs George h 861 7th Ave N W Young H emp Swifts r 65 Hochelaga W Young Dr H Gordon of Drs Leask Burwell Young & Parkins h 436 Langdon Cres Young Harold mgr Moose Jaw Magazine & Book c-o 10 River E Young Hugh M phys 107, 12 High E h 1124 Clifton Young Isaac F emp CPR h 350 Grandview W Young James B acct elk Govt Phones h 1028 6th Ave N W Young John retd h 675 Hochelaga W Young John whsemn C P Exp r 1150 Grafton Young Larry pressmn Times r 770 Ominica W Young Men’s Christian Association Geo C Walker gen sec 23 Fair¬ ford E Young Norman messr C P Fxp h 255 Oxford W Young Percy ydmn CPR h 1124 1st Ave N E Young T M trkr CNR r 880 Wolfe Young Mrs W H h 225 Athabasca W Young Women’s Christian Association Anna L Johnston gen sec 144 Ominica W Youngman Ray pasture superv PFRA r 111 Empress Hotel Yount Ethel mgr Assiniboia Music Co r 315 Fairford W Yuill Edison h 912 Brown Yuill Edward trainmn CPR h 819 Connaught Yuke Alfred mech h 242 High E Yurchuk George sectnmn CPR h 944 Coteau W Yurchuk Mrs Irene h 1208 Coteau W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 317 z Zaboysky Nick chef Grant Hall Hotel h 817 Stadacona E Zabrocki Bessie emp Providence Hosp r same Zackipna Miss F nurse Gen Hosp r same Zahaluk Anton emp CPR h 1156 Fairford \V Zaharia D emp Swifts r 841 Duffield Zaokipny Stefan sectnmn CNR h 211 Main S Zaparniuk John emp Swifts h 1148 Stadacona Zaremba Gertrude nurse Providence Hosp r same Zawachi Jack chef McIntyres Cafe r 34 River E Zawacki Mary waitress Harwood 1 lotel r same Zawacki Wm lab h 725 Main S Zeddies' Charles A engmn CPR h 7, 720 Main N Zegler — emp Sterling Shoes h 3, 800 4th Ave N W Zeleskewich Rev Konstantin pastor Greek Orthodox Church h 725 9th Ave S W Zess Robert lab CPR h 831 6th Ave N W Ziegler Herbert emp Swifts h Kingsway Park Zimmer Otto H prop Boys Shop r 128 Oxford E Zinn John lab h 1008 Ominica E Zion United Church Rev Ian McEown minister 423 Main N Zmetana Steve lab Swifts h 1034 Iroquois W Zoborosky Martin lab h 315 Grandview Zobroski John r 878 4th Ave N E Zolotakha Theo M emp Swifts h 916 Hull Zoyonc John h 214 Lillooet \V Zryd Clair slsmn Congdon Marsh h 1231 1st Ave N W Zwicker M trk driv Canada Pkrs r 2, 8 River E Zwolinski Wm lab CPR h 509 Home W Zywer John emp Swifts h 518 Maple W Consult the Classified Section of this Directory It will prove invaluable to you Business Insurance The Classified Section of the City Directory insures your business against the loss of a prospective cus¬ tomer who finds only your competitor listed under headings covering your business Make yourself easy to find Henderson’s Moose Jaw Classified Business Directory and Buyers’ Guide 1940 Names appearing- nnder headings marked (*) are only inserted when specially contracted for. HRNDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 319 ^ACADEMIES (See Colleges and Schools) *ACCIDENT INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies—Accident and Sickness) *ACCOUNTANTS—CHARTERED (See Chartered Accountants) ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Fisher E Stuart 108, 12 High E GETTY, T. A., 302 Walter Scott Building, 12 High Street East, Phone 4777. HODGE, BAMFORD & WILDER, 503 Walter Scott Bldg., 12 High Street E., Phone 3324. Ingall A W & Co 108, 12 High E ADMINISTRATORS (See Trust Companies) **ADVOCATES (See Barristers and Solicitors) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS (See also Threshing Machinery, also Tractors) Allis-Chalmers Rumely Ltd 102 River W Anderson A L 148 High W Case J I Co Inc 63 High E Cockshutt Plow Co 27 High E Deere (John) Plow Co Ltd 148 High W Massey-Harris Co Ltd 37 High W Moose Jaw Distributing Co 432 High W Murdock John M 37 High W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Milk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and4846 320 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW AIRPORTS Moose Jaw Airport Montgomery St W AIR TRANSPORTATION Prairie Airways Ltd, Montgomery and 14th Ave Saskatchewan Air Mail Feeder Line, Montgomery and 14th Ave ARCHITECTS Hargreaves Henry Wellesley Park Thompson Norman L 800 4th Ave N W ^ASBESTOS GOODS WHITLOCK-MARLATT, LTD., 520 Fairford St. W., Phone 4144. **ASSURANCE COMPANIES (See Insurance Companies) ^ATTORNEYS (See Barristers and Solicitors) AUCTIONEERS Burdon & Co 26 Fairford W Drackett Lawrence 102 River W Mid West Auction Rooms 140 High W Moose Jaw Auction Rooms 105 High W AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES— WHOLESALE Bowman Bros Ltd 121 High W LAB Auto Supplies 118 1st Ave N W McKenzie Auto Equipment Ltd 45 High W York Auto Supply Co 131 High W AUTOMOBILE AGENCIES AND DEALERS CANADIAN GARAGE, Authorized Dealers for Dodge Automobiles, 103-111 High Street East, Phone 3879. Central Motor Co Ltd 168-178 High St W Patterson Motors 606 Main N Scotty’s Motor Sales 332 Langdon Cres STERLING MOTORS LIMITED, Authorized Dealers for Ford Mercury and Lincoln Zephyr Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors. High Street and First Avenue N. W., Phones: Sales 5190; Service 5194. Totten-Elliott Motors 67 High W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 321 ^AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies—Automobile) AUTOMOBILE LIVERIES Amil’s Taxi 82 River W Bill’s Taxi 26 River W Brown’s Transfer & Taxi Service Ltd CPR Depot Grant Hall Taxi 412 Langdon Cres Maple Leaf Taxi 4 Main N Scotty’s Taxi 7 Main N Service Taxi 15 Main N Standard Garage & Taxi 50 Manitoba E AUTOMOBILE REPAIRERS (See Garages) AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATIONS B A Service Station Manitoba E and 6th Ave Caribou Super Service Station 715 1st Ave N W College Hill Service Station University Heights Foord Fred 38 1st Ave N W Grover’s Service Station 319 1st Ave N W Handley Service Station 226 1st Ave N W Hi-Way Service Station 35 Ominica W Knowles Service Station 540 Main N Lone Star Service Station 1206 Main N North Star Oil Station 406 4th Ave S W North Star Service Station 925 Main N Patron Service Station 40 Manitoba W Red Indian Service Station 800 Main N Red Star Auto Service Station 210 Manitoba E Red Trail Auto Service Station 80 Manitoba E Scotty’s Service Station 332 Langdon Cres Sheward’s Service Station 102 Manitoba E Sterling Motors Annex 515 1st Ave N W White Rose Service Station 202 2nd Ave N W Windpower Ltd Caribou W AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTATION Arrow Coach Lines 37 High E Maple Leaf Coach Lines 37 High E Mountain Coach Lines 37 High E Transcontinental Coach Lines 37 High E Union Bus Depot 37 High E Valley Coach Lines 37 High E AUTOMOBILE WRECKERS City Auto Wrecking 118 Fairford W Foley’s Auto Wrecking 119 River W BAG MANUFACTURERS Prairie Bag Co Ltd 429 River W Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 322 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS (See also Confectionery, also Bread Manufacturers) Johnnie’s Bakery 335 Main N and 301 4th Ave S W Maple Leaf Bakery 424 4th Ave S W Mill City Bakery 340 (rear) Main S National System of Baking Ltd 420 Main N Stewart’s Bakery 414 Main N Weston’s Bread & Cake (Can) Ltd 717 4th Ave N E BANKS Bank of Montreal 237 Main N Bank of Nova Scotia 303 Main St N E Canadian Bank of Commerce 204 Main St N Dominion Bank 140 Main St N Imperial Bank of Canada 318 Main St N Royal Bank of Canada 48 High St W BARBERS (See also Beauty Parlors) Albert’s Barber Shop 18 Fairford W Beamish Wm J 222 Main St N Benson’s Barber Shop 177 High W Connaught Barber Shop (ground fir) 12 High E Davison Aaron H 1166 4th Ave N W (Grant Hall Barber Shop 405 Main N Harwood Barber Shop 30 Fairford E Henry’s Barber Shop 31 River W Litowsky Peter 152 River W McGillivray Melvin 418 Athabasca E McLeod W R 25 Fairford W Maple Leaf Barber Shop 15 Main N 'Moose Barber Shop 28 High W Richardson George W 308 Main N Ritz Barber Shop 107 Main N Royal Barber Shop 21 River W Sanitax Barber Shop 15 River W Scharf Earl 320 4th Ave S W Stadnyk Nick 130 1st Ave N W Sun Barber Shop 48 River W Sunrise Barber Shop. 159 River W BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS Bailey F H 2, 1204 Clifton Benson Archibald 127 Main N Broatch George N 412, 310 Main N Chisholm J E (LLB, KC) 415 Hammond Bldg Church Clarence H 406, 310 Main N HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 323 BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS—Cont. Gorman John W 208, 12 High E Dickinson R J 407, 12 High E Dubinsky Boris 4, 108 Main N Emerson T J (KC) 311a, 310 Main N Grayson & McTaggart 2nd flr 14 High W Kent & Pope 101, 12 High E McWilliams William J 408, 310 Main N Phillips J E 411b, 310 Main N Pickett H Davidson 313, 310 Main N ROSE & JOHNSON, 409 Walter Scott Building, Phone 4445. Ross & Gilmour 410 Hammond Bldg Schull H J 307 Main N SEABORN & COMPANY, 108 Walter Scott Building, High St. E., Phone 4425. Torney Frederick W 313a, 310 Main N Tretheway Guy R 1, 108 Main N Wickens A J 207, 12 High E BATTERIES—RECHARGING AND REPAIRING Great West Battery & Electric Co Ltd 48 High E BATTERY SERVICE STATIONS Great West Battery & Electric Co Ltd 48 High St E Letcher’s Battery Service 109 High W BEAUTY PARLORS Annas Beauty Parlor 314, 310 Main N Artistique Beauty Parlor 123 Main N Chatelaine Beauty Parlor 1, 136 Main N Connaught Beauty Parlor (grd flr) 12 High E Grant Hall Beauty Shoppe Grant Hall Hotel Harwood Beauty Parlor 30 Fairford E Lady Vanity Salon 628 Main N Peggy’s Beauty Parlor 6, 227 Main N Ritz Beauty Parlor 107 Main N Ronmuir Beauty Shoppe 24 Fairford W Roselle Beauty Parlor 1, 318 Main N Waverley Beauty Shoppe 304 Main N BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES Probert William 54 High W BILLIARD PARLORS Alexander Pool Room 44 River W Connaught Billiards (basement) 12 High E Riley’s Pool Room 31 River W Royal Billiard Hall 21 River W Serviss Billiard Parlor 111 Main N BISCUIT MANUFACTURERS Independent Biscuit Co 214 Main N E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Value-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 324 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW BLACKSMITHS Cameron James A 231 River W Gibbs T & Son 278 Manitoba W Moses Frank 434 Manitoba E Reid Allan E 120 3rd Ave N E Williams Dennis G 411 Lillooet W *BLANKET FELT WHITLOCK-MARLATT LIMITED, 520 Fairford Street West, Phone 4144. BLOCKS, HALLS, ETC. (See Miscellaneous Section) BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSES A B Rooms 128 1st Ave N W Ace Hotel 130 River W Alexander Hotel 42 River W American Hotel 238 River W B C Rooms 56 Manitoba W Buffalo Rooms 110 River W C P R Rooming House 200 Main S Lampton House 40 Manitoba E New Venice Hotel 122 1st Ave N W Star Rooms 36 River W Sunrise Rooms 159 River W Victoria Lodge 40 River E *BOILER INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies—Boiler) BONDS—FIDELITY AND GUARANTEE (See Insurance Companies—Guarantee Bonds) BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS (See also Druggists) Bennett W J Ltd 205 Main N British & Foreign Bible Depository 239 Hochelaga W Moose Jaw Magazine & Book Exchange 10 River E Willson Stationery Co Ltd 229 Main N *BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS (See Shoemakers) HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 325 BOOTS AND SHOES—RETAIL Anderson’s Ltd 110 Main N Father & Son 127 Main N Sterling Shoes Ltd 121 Main N BOTTLE EXCHANGES Bottle & Keg Exchange Ltd 145 River W BOTTLERS OF CARBONATED BEVERAGES Coca Cola Co 264 River W Jackson Bottling Co Ltd 21 Caribou E National Fruit Co 574 High W Pepsi Cola Distributors 60 River E BOWLING ALLEYS Moose Jaw Bowling Alley 49 High E *BREAD MANUFACTURERS CANADIAN BAKERIES LIMITED, 169 Fairford Street West, Phone 4023, P. 0. Box 342. McGavin Bakeries Ltd 716 7th Ave N W Weston’s Bread & Cake Ltd 717 4th Ave N E BREWERS AND MALTSTERS Drewry’s Ltd n s Home W BREWERS AGENTS Saskatchewan Brewers Association Ltd 145 River W *BRICK—FACE AND COMMON WHITLOCK-MARLATT LTD., 520 Fairford St. W., Phone 4144. *BRIQUETTES CANMORE BRIQUETTES, The Hodge Coal Company, Limited, Dealers Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Phones 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. BROADCASTING STATIONS C H A B studio 424 Grant Hall Hotel ^BROKERS—FINANCIAL (See Financial Agents, Bond Dealers, also Stocks and Bonds) BROKERS—GRAIN (See Grain and Commission) ^BROKERS—INVESTMENT (See Investments) *BROKERS—REAL ESTATE (See Real Estate) Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 326 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW ^BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS BIRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Build¬ ing, Phone 2736. BUILDERS’ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Dominion Fire Brick & Clay Products 106-7, 11 High E IMPERIAL BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD., 204 Manitoba St. W., corner Second Avenue Northwest, Phone 2119. WHITLOCK-MARLATT LTD., 520 Fairford St. W., Phone 4144. *BUILDERS’ MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES—WHOLESALE WHITLOCK-MARLATT LTD., 520 Fairford St. W., Phone 4144. ?BURGLARY INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies—Burglary) BUSINESS COLLEGES (See also Colleges and Schools) DAVIDSON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Royal Bank Building, High Street West, Principal’s Residence Phone 4059. CABINETMAKERS Fahy T J 19 Hochelaga E ?CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS (See Contractors and Builders) ?CARTAGE COMPANIES (See also Transfer Companies) MOOSE JAW CARTAGE COMPANY LTD. (THE), Cartage, Agents for C P R and C N R, C P R Freight Office: Manitoba Street W., Phone 3248; Yards: 336 Hochelaga Street W., Res. Phones 2202 and 2143. CASH REGISTERS National Cash Register Co Ltd 33 High W ?CASUALTY INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies) ?CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GETTY, T. A., 302 Walter Scott Building, 12 High Street East, Phone 4777. HODGE, BAMFORD & WILDER, 503 Walter Scott Building, 12 High Street E., Phone 3324. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 327 CHIMNEY SWEEPS (Apply to Fire Department) CHINESE GOODS Eng Hong Co 112 River W Hong Hing Co 132 River W Hong Yick Lung Co 174 River W Mankind & Co 180 River W CHIROPODISTS Malcolm Agnes 413, 310 Main N CHIROPRACTORS Attridge John A 3, 114 Main N Attridge Mrs S M 159 Fairford W Clinite V T 212, 331 Main N McBride William 1, 8 River E *CHOPPING MILLS (See Flour and Feed) *CIGAR DEALERS—RETAIL (See also Tob^cohists) OVERS, J. E. LIMITED, 222 M^^Street North, Phone 3423. CLOTHES CLEANEfeS (See also T^Slors) French Cleaners 422 Main N Mill City Cleaners 34 River E Osborne Cleaners 58 Caribou W Peerless Cleaners 103 Ominica E CLOTHING AND MEN’S FURNISHINGS—RETAIL Benson’s Clothes Shop 26 Main N Blue Store Ltd 61 River W Boys Shop 117 Main N Clarke’s Ltd 145 Main N Gellman’s Clothing Store 49 River W Kerr R J Ltd 233 Main N Slater & York 324 Main N CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS (For Service Clubs and Benevolent Societies, see Miscellaneous Section) Army & Navy Veterans in Canada H Timms sec-treas 11 High E Badminton Club 66 Ross W Brewers Association of Saskatchewan Ltd 145 River W Canadian Legion (B E S L) 268 High W Chinese Nationalist League 330 River W Citizens Golf Club 4th Ave N W nr C N R tracks Elks Club 358 Langdon Crescent Hare Club 2, 318 Main N Knights of Columbus Club 11 River St E Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Mi/k from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 328 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW CLUBS AND ASSOCIATIONS—Cont. Knights of Pythias Club 211 Main N Legion of Frontiersmen 11 High E Loyal Order of Moose 2nd fir 318 Main Lynbrook Golf Club 4th Ave N W Masonic Club 27 Main N Miller Athletic Club 33 River W Monarch Social Club 104 River W Moose Jaw Aquatic Club—River Park Drive Moose Jaw Arena Ltd, Ross W at Main St Moose Jaw Archery Club meets Y M C A Moose Jaw Badminton Club 66 Ross W Moose Jaw Club 53 Stadacona W Moose Jaw Curling Club—Rink, n s Caribou W cor Main N Moose Jaw Flying Club Ltd (Aerodrome)—Montgomery W Moose Jaw Golf Club w s 3rd Ave N E nr Oak Moose Jaw Gun Club—Montgomery Moose Jaw Lawn Bowling Club—Exhibition Grounds Moose Jaw Lawn Tennis Club—Crescent Park Natatorium The Fairford E and 2nd Ave Quota Club 318, 310 Main N South African War Veterans Association 218 Hammond Bldg St Andrew’s Tennis Club—w s 3rd Ave N E between Caribou E Ukrainian National Home 526 9th Ave S W Veteran’s Social Club 46 River W War Veterans Industry Committee 218 Hammond Bldg Winnipeg Club (Ry M S) 209, 11 High E Women’s Art Association 4, 227 Main N Wong Kunk Har Tong 56 Manitoba W Y M C A 23 Fairford Y W C A 144 Ominica W COAL DEALERS—RETAIL THE HODGE COAL COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Phone 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. COAL DEALERS—WHOLESALE Coal Sellers Co Ltd 415, 310 Main N THE HODGE COAL COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Phone 2437, Yard: Phone 3333. Lethbridge Collieries 127 Main N COAL AND WOOD DEALERS BENNETT COAL COMPANY, Fifth Avenue N. E. corner Caribou Street, Phone 3342. Res. Phone 5545. Boyd C H Ltd 302 Manitoba W City Wood Yard 546 Athabasca W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 329 COAL AND WOOD DEALERS—Cont. THE HODGE COAL COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Phone 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. Malden Fuel Co Ltd 127 Main N Moose Jaw Co-operative Society Ltd 38 High W Orrell Coal Co 618 High W Sharpe’s Fuel Co 379 River W Shaw A Wm 327 Lillooet W Tate Coal Co Ltd 141 River W COKE FERNIE COKE, The Hodge Coal Co., Ltd., Dominion Bank Bldg., 11 High Street West, Phone 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. COLD STORAGE Swift Canadian Co Ltd 342 Manitoba W COLLECTION AGENTS Moose Jaw Credit Bureau 313 Hammond Bldg Moose Jaw Medical Services 410 Hammond Bldg COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS (See also Miscellaneous Section) DAVIDSON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Royal Bank Building, High Street West, Principal’s Residence Phone 4059. Moose Jaw Business College 26 High E Success Business College 26 High E CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, AND CIGARS—RETAIL (See also Fruits—Retail) Alexandra Store 403 Stadacona W Arcade Confectionery 306 4th Ave S W Arthur Confectionery 260 Hall W Belmont Confectionery 632 Main N Blue Bird Confectionery 610 9th Ave N W Bon Bon Confectionery 571 Athabasca W Campbell Thomas G 329 4th Ave S W Collegiate Confectionery 816 2nd Ave N W Clarke’s Candies 325 Main N Dainty Candy Shoppe 339 Main N Finch C 857 Athabasca E Hall Donald H 424 Main N Harwood Confectionery 30 Fairford E King Edward Confectionery 9 Iroquois W King George Confectionery 1102 4th Ave N W Koshman Mike 1158 Coteau W Melon Dew Ice Cream Parlor 359 Main N Minto Confectionery e s 7th Ave N W and Oxford Oasis Confectionery 179 High W Olynyk Mrs Anna 508 Manitoba E It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 330 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS AND CIGARS—RETAIL—Cont. Palace Fruit Store 31 Main N Poplar Confectionery 377 Fairford E Prince Arthur Confectionery 706 Stadacona E Purity Confectionery 722 Main N Rendezvous The 159 Fairford E Ruby Confectionery 431 Athabasca E Santy’s Confectionery 414 Manitoba E Sharpe John W 179 Ominica W Sinclair Confectionery 5 Coteau W *CONTRACT BONDS (See Insurance—Guarantee Bonds) CONTRACTORS Benell R 0 Construction Co 226 4th Ave N W Berry Earl D 1210 1st Ave N W BIRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LIMITED (General), Domin¬ ion Bank Building, Phone 2736. Collier James 232 Iroquois W Craigen Frank A (general) 1135 6th Ave N W Davis Dudley R 37 Elsom E Eccleston James (electl) 106 Athabasca W Ferguson Alex (gen) 1079 3rd Ave N W Giles Harry 121 Iroquois W Graham P W & Sons 445 Home W Hynes Orea (gravel) 135 Elsom Karsgaard C T C, 822 Main N McEwen Peter S (bldg) 715 Athabasca W McGregor Wm (plastering) 1214 6th Ave N E Mather Andrew (gen) 72 Manitoba E Pye John E (bldg) 938 Stadacona E Scharf Frederick 427 Lillooet W Smith Harry W 450 Coteau W Smith R & Co Ltd (boarding car) office CPR west yards Weymark B A (plastering) 1066 5th Ave N E Whitehead T (elec) 654 Ominica E CONTRACTORS—GENERAL BIRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Bldg., Phone 2736. CONTRACTORS—OIL TRUCKING Holman’s Truck-Away Service 278 Manitoba E HKNDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 331 CREAMERIES (See also Milk Dealers) PALM DAIRIES LIMITED, 317 Third Avenue North West, Phones 4840 and 4846; Night Phone 5254. (See top lines.) CUSTOMS BROKERS Pendlebury T H 411, 310 Main N DAIRIES AND MILK DEALERS (See also Milk Dealers) JOHNSTONE DAIRIES LIMITED, Douglas Building, Phone 5344; Night Phone 2503. DECORATORS (See Painters and Decorators) DENTAL LABORATORIES I'loose Jaw Dental Laboratory 311 Walter Scott Block Quality Dental Laboratory 209, 12 High E DENTISTS Reesley Gordon G 307, 11 High E Chegwin A E 8, 214 Main N Cooper Fred B 211, 310 Main N Cooper W R 211, 310 Main N TTai’c Leslie F 208, 310 Main N Harwood Frank C 369 Main N Howden David S 109, 11 High E Irwin Wallace W 202, 12 High E Johnston Harold 403, 12 High E Leask A Duff 202, 12 High E Lowey A M 403, 12 High E McCauley William 107, 12 High E Martin Frank W 3, 12 High W Muirhead A F 441 Main N Necker A C 303, 12 High E Plunkett James A 11 High W Rundle J E 102, 12 High E Wellington Charles W 104, 12 High E DEPARTMENT STORES Army & Navy Store 116 Main N Christie Grant Co 37 Main N Directory advertising is before the pubiic of your city every day 332 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW DEPARTMENT STORES—Cont. EATON Main Street North and Stadacona Street West, Phones: General Office 5561, Management 5560, Delivery 5536, Fooda- teria 5562, Main Floor 5563-4, Second Floor 5566, Third Floor 5538, Advertising 5565. Joyner’s Limited 26-34 Main N DEVELOPING, PRINTING, AND ENLARGING—PHOTO EXCELO PHOTO COMPANY, LIMITED, 626 Main Street North, Phone 5015. ^DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LTD., Publishers, Moose Jaw City Directory, Head Office: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg. DRESSMAKERS Dench Katherine 8, 318 Main N Lowrey Miss C 2, 720 Main N Stephenson Thora 5, 136 Main N DRUGGISTS—RETAIL Davidson H A 33 Main N FYSH DRUGS, Leonard Fysh Ltd.,-24 High Street W., Phone 2660. Prescription Dept., Phone 2661; South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., i none 2250. (See page 4.) Moose Jaw Drug & Stationery Co Ltd 40 Main N Service Drug Store Ltd 220 Main N Sun Drug Co of Moose Jaw 16 Main St N Thomson James H Ltd 304 Main N *DRY CLEANERS (See also Clothes Cleaners) PEERLESS CLEANERS, 103 Ominica St. W. cor. First Ave. N. W., Phone 2317. DRY GOODS—RETAIL (See Department Stores) DRY GOODS—WHOLESALE Irwin & Leines 202, 12 High E EGG CANDLERS Wilson Herbert 342 Manitoba W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 333 ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANIES National Light & Power Co Ltd 213 Main N ELECTRICIANS Standard Electric Co 528 Main N ELEVATOR COMPANIES (See Grain Elevators) *EMBALMERS BROADFOOT BROS. LTD., 350 Langdon Crescent, Phones 2220, 2255 and 3576. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Employment Service of Canada 81 High W ENGINEERS BIRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LTD., Dominion Bank Bldg., Phone 2736. EXPRESS COMPANIES Canadian National Express Co Stadacona E and 3rd Ave N E Canadian Pacific Express Co Manitoba W and Main N *EXPRESS AND DRAYS (See Transfer Companies) ^FILLING STATIONS (See Automobile Service Stations) FINANCE COMPANIES National Finance Co Ltd 410, 310 Main N FINANCIAL AGENTS Smith James 409, 12 High E Stirk Harry 205, 12 High E Stirk & Poulton 206, 12 High E FLORISTS Evans Florists 17-19 High W greenhouse 42 Hochelaga E Rosery The 428 Main N Slater James w s Main S FLOUR AND FEED—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOYD, C. H. LIMITED, 302 Manitoba Street West, Phone 3447. (Also Coal and Wood Dealers) Central Feed & Supply Co 331 River W FLOUR MILLS Lake of the Woods Milling Co 301 Manitoba W National Mills Ltd 610 Fairford W Ogilvie Flour Mills Co Ltd 271 Manitoba W Progressive business men advertise in the City Directory 334 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW FLOUR MILLS—Cent. ROBIN HOOD FLOUR MILLS, LTD., High Street cor. Fifth Ave. N. W., Phones 2351, 2352, 2353, 2354, and 2355 Switch¬ board Connecting all Departments. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS (See also Machinists) Moose Jaw Foundry 6th Ave and High W FOX RANCHES Hough Fox Ranch — Britannia Park FRUIT STORES Acme Fruit 420 Main N B C Fruit Store 334 Main N' Palace Fruit Store 31 Main N Star Fruit Store 530 Main N FRUITS AND VEGETABLES—WHOLESALE MACDONALD’S CONSOLIDATED LTD., 417-427 River St. W., Phones 5551, 5552 and 5553. National Fruit Co Ltd 82 Manitoba W, branch 574 High W Rex Fruit Wholesale 24 Manitoba St *FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROADFOOT BROS. LTD., 350 Langdon Crescent, Phones 2220, 2255 and 3576. JONES, W. J. & SON, 106 Athabasca East. Funeral Chapel and Ambulance Phone 3223 Day and Night. *FUR STORAGE EATON, E. R. & SONS, 361 Main Street North, Phone 4228. (See head lines.) FURNITURE DEALERS BELLAMY FURNITURE CO., LTD., 340 Main Street North, Phone 3896. Simpson Robt Western Ltd 432 High W South Hill Furniture Exchange 325 4th Ave S W FURNITURE REPAIRERS Blind Craft 21 (rear) High W FURS—RAW Continental Hide & Fur Co 214 River W Moose Jaw Hide & Fur Co 403 River W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 335 *FURS REMODELLED EATON, E. R. & SONS, 361 Main Street North, Phone 4228. (See head lines.) ^FURNISHED ROOMS (See Boarding and Lodging Houses) *FUR TRIMMINGS EATON, E. R. & SONS, 361 Main Street North, Phone 4228. (See head lines.) FURRIERS EATON, E. R. & SONS, 361 Main Street North, Phone 4228. (See head lines.) Silver I'urriers 49 High W Steen & Wright Ltd 105 Main N GARAGES (See also Automobiles) CANADIAN GARAGE, 103-111 High Street East, Phone 3879. unarlies Garage 46 Ominica W iimslies Garage 1202 1st Ave N W JLawrence’s Garage 157 High W iviime's Garage 27 High E Moses Glen 434 Manitoba E Pembleton Motors Ltd 12 Ominica W Perkins Herbert 322 3rd Ave N W South Hill Garage 378 Home W Third Avenue East Garage 24 3rd Ave N E GAS MANUFACTURERS Pintsch Compressing Co west of CPR Roundhouse GASOLINE FILLING STATIONS (See Auto Service Stations) GENERAL STORES (See Department Stores) GLASS—WHOLESALE Hobbs Manufacturing Co 376 Manitoba W GRAIN AND COMMISSION JAMES RICHARDSON & SONS LIMITED, 311 Main Street N., Phone 2337. GRAIN ELEVATORS Canadian Government Elevator office 501, 12 High E Paterson N M & Co 1128 1st Ave N W Western Gi’ain Co 1136 Algoma It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 336 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW GROCERS—RETAIL (See also General Stores, also Department Stores) B C Fruit & Groceries 334 Main N Bee Hive Store 339 4th Ave S W Bell’s Grocery 1109 3rd Ave N E Burt’s Grocery 213 Iroquois W Capital Grocery 361 Coteau W Coolings Grocery 340 Main S Corner Store 83 Home E Couzens Grocery 159 Fairford E Eastwood’s Grocery 933 Stadacona E Finch Charles 855 Athabasca E H S Store 22 Saskatchewan W Harvey’s Grocery 1103 3rd Ave N E Harvey’s Grocery 503 Hochelaga W Harvey’s Grocery 261 Hall W Ideal Grocery 164 Oxford E McBride’s Ltd 211 River St W (See Alphabetical for list of stores) Maple Leaf Grocery 674 Athabasca W Melnychuk Peter 1045 Lillooet W Mount Royal Store 101 Lillooet W National Grocery 538 Athabasca E New’s Grocery Ltd 1021 1st Ave N W North Hill Grocery & Meats 718 Main N Public Grocery 1016 Iroquois W Quality Food 618 9th Ave N W Romanuk John 1050 Coteau W Safeway Stores 345 Main N Sinclair David R 933 Stadacona E Smith Benjamin 301 4th Ave S W Standard Food Store 402 Main N Stevens Joseph J 270 Hochelaga W Superior Grocery 1162 4th Ave N W Victory Grocery 380 Saskatchewan W Waldman Harry 901 Lillooet W Wells Trading Co 327 Lillooet W West End Grocery 577 Athabasca W Whitelocks Grocery & Confectionery 402-6 Athabasca E GROCERS—WHOLESALE MACDONALD’S CONSOLIDATED LTD., 417-427 River St. W., Phones 5551, 5552, and 5553. Western Grocers Ltd 32 Manitoba W GROCETERIAS EATON FOODATERIA, Operated by The T. Eaton Co., Ltd., Main Street N. and Stadacona Street W., Phone 5562. HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 337 HAIR GOODS AND HAIR DRESSERS (See Beauty Parlors) HARDWARE AND TOOLS—RETAIL Moose Jaw Hardware 115 Main N Prowse Hardware 63 High W Stewart A L Hardware Ltd 116 1st Ave N W Whimsters Hardware 23 Main N HARDWARE—WHOLESALE Blackwood Hardware Co Ltd 134-136 Manitoba W HARNESS DEALERS Geddes John A 58 High W *HARVESTING MACHINERY (See Agricultural Implements) HAT RENOVATORS Sanitax Hat Works 32 River W HATCHERIES E B Hatchery 269 Fairford W HEMSTITCHING Moose Jaw Hemstitching 351 Main N Singer Sewing Machine Co 353 Main N HOSPITALS AND HOMES (See also Miscellaneous Section) Children’s Shelter 200 Iroquois E Isolation Hospital Fairford E cor 5th Ave N E MOOSE JAW GENERAL HOSPITAL, Fairford Street East cor. Fourth Avenue Northeast, Phone 2800. Nurses Home 439 Fairford E Providence Hospital Lillooet and 2nd Ave S E St Anthony Home Rothesay Park Ukrainian National Home 526 9th Ave S W HOTELS Brunswick Hotel 82 River W CECIL HOTEL, 26 River Street West, Phone 2452. City Hotel 54 River W Empress Hotel 142 River W Grant Hall Hotel Main and Cordova HARWOOD HOTEL, 30 Fairford Street East across corner from Post Office ,Phone 2366. (See page 3.) King’s Hotel 69 River W Manitoba Hotel 36 Manitoba E Maple Leaf Hotel 4 Main N New Venice Hotel 122 1st Ave N W Paris Hotel 35 River W Build Up the Boys and Girls Good Mi Ik from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 338 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW HOTELS—Cont. Park Hotel 28 Manitoba E Plaza Hotel 57 River W Western Hotel 9 River W Willard Hotel 445 Home W ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS Palm PALM ICE CREAM, Palm Dairies Ltd., 317 Third Avenue N. W., Phones 4840-4846; Night Phone 5254. (See top lines.) ICE DEALERS WESTERN ICE CO., LTD., 401-411 Manitoba Street E., Phone 4261. INSURANCE ADJUSTERS Brewster C M & Co 405, 12 High E INSURANCE AGENTS—FIRE AND CASUALTY Boys V H 409, 12 High E Cook’s Ltd 307 Main N Fletcher Agencies Ltd 216, 310 Main N Henderson Agencies Ltd 401, 12 High E Henderson K J Ltd 401, 12 High E Irwin A W Ltd 201 Main N Johnson Agencies Ltd 409, 310 Main N Joynt W D 127 Main N Kern Insurance Agencies Ltd 307 Main N Kimbell George B 101, 12 High E McCurdy D A 127 Main N McIntyre W D 2, 214 Main N J'laT-tin Allan E 411a, 310 Main N Maybery Alfred W 11 High W Meyers A Clarke 216, 310 Main N Nixon C M 305, 12 High E Osier Hammond & Nanton 206, 12 High E Sheehan Agency 311, 310 Main N Thompson J A Insurance Agencies Ltd 15 River W Warren Insurance Agencies Ltd 7, 108 Main N INSURANCE COMPANIES—ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS Casualty Co of Canada 216, 310 Main N Dominion of Canada General Insurance Co 216, 310 Main N HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 339 INSURANCE COMPANIES—HAIL Osier Hammond & Nanton Ltd 206, 12 High E INSURANCE COMPANIES—LIFE Confederation Life Association 409, 12 High E Crown Life Insurance Co 108, 12 High E Dominion Life Assurance Co 201 Main N GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE CO., 214 Hammond Building, 310 Main Street, Phone 3946. Imperial Life Assurance Co 406, 310 Main N London Life Insurance Co 1, 108 Main N Metropolitan Life Insurance Co 501, 12 High E Mutual Life Assurance Co of Canada 220, 310 Main N Prairie Mutual Benefit Association 409, 310 Main N Prudential Insurance of America 305, 310 Main N Sun Life Assurance Co 2, 214 Main N INVESTMENTS British Western Securities 205, 12 High E Great Western Securities & Trust Co 307 Main N Gusa Herman E 127 Main N Saskatchewan Loan & Investment Co Ltd 2, 214 Main N Western Investments Co 108, 12 High E JEWELERS (See also Watchmakers) Bloss Jewelry Co 319 Main N Crichton Bros Ltd 112 Main N Eilers Ltd 306 Main N Lamb Frank G 453 Main N Munns Co 19 River W Plaxton’s Ltd 203 Main N Waara Charles 175 High W Wilson Frederick J 410 Main N JUNK DEALERS Saskatchewan Junk Shop 468 High W KODAKS AND SUPPLIES FYSH DRUGS, Leonard Fysh Ltd., 24 High Street W., Phone 2660. Prescription Dept. Phone 2661; South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., Phone 2250. (See page 4.) LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR Binning’s Store Ltd 134 Main N Fashionette The 119 Main N Heasmans Ltd 316 Main N Hunters Ltd 329 Main N Sobie Silk Shops Ltd 412 Main N E. R. Eaton &, Sons Modish Furs for Vatue-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone4228 340 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW LAUNDRIES King Lee 20 Ross E Hop Yick 34 Fairford W Hung Yick 26 Ominica W Lee Hem 37 River E MOOSE JAW STEAM LAUNDRY CO. LTD., 103 Ominica St. W. corner First Avenue N. W., Phone 2317. Reasonable Laundry 134 High W Sing Hop 54 Manitoba E Snow White Laundry 48 Athabasca W Yee Sing 302 Fairford W Yick Lee 502 Stadacona W _ ^LAWYERS (See Barristers and Solicitors) LEATHER GOODS—RETAIL Dash Leather Goods 137 Main N Western Leather Co 416 Manitoba E LIBRARIES (See also Miscellaneous Section) MOOSE JAW PUBLIC LIBRARY, Crescent Park, Athabasca St. E., Phone 2787. Reference Library of Henderson’s Directories of Western Canada on file. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES (See Insurance Companies—Life) LIQUOR STORES Government Liquor Stores 55 High W and 73 River W, beer ware¬ house 151 River W LIVE STOCK DEALERS Dewey Gardner Co Ltd Live Stock Exchange Bldg Saskatchewan Co-operative Live Stock Producers Ltd Live Stock Exchange Bldg Willows Lloyd Ltd Live Stock Exchange Bldg *LIVE STOCK INSURANCE (See Insurance Companies—Live Stock) LOAN AND MORTGAGE COMPANIES (See also Trust Companies, Mortgage Loans, also Investment Companies) Anglo-Canadian Mortgage Investment Corpn Ltd 409, 12 High E Credit Foncier (F-C) 108, 12 High E Holland-Canada Mortgage Co Ltd 108, 12 High E 23 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 341 LOCKSMITHS Probert Wm 54 High W *L0DGING HOUSES (See Boarding and Lodging Houses) LUMBER DEALERS—RETAIL General Traders Manitoba and 5th Ave N W SECURITY LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED, Retail Sales Office: 506 High Street West, Phone 2347. Head Office: 315 Main Street North, Phone 2361. LUMBER DEALERS—RETAIL AND WHOLESALE BEAVER LUMBER CO., LTD., 340 Fourth Avenue South West corner Lillooet Street (South Hill), Phones 3212 and 4042. LUMBER DEALERS—WHOLESALE McKenzie Lumber & Fuel Sales 27 High W Simonson & McKenzie 27 Hall W LUNCH COUNTERS (See Restaurants) - c#' MACHINISTS Reliance Machine Works Ltd 113 High W C. ^ Romans Machine & Parts Co Ltd 138 High^S^ MANUFACTURER^^ENTS Maybee George A 123 High W • MARBLE ANdMaNITE WORKS Best Monumental Co 721 Caribou Wi Chadwick R H 678 Manitoba E Moose Jaw Marble & Granite Works 706 Athabasca E MARKET GARDENERS Bond Richard 4th Ave S W nr Vaughn Gehring John — 4th Ave S W Juan Joseph 662 Skeena Knowles William e s Main S and Wellesley Park Phillips George H 1102 4th Ave S W MASSAGE Anderson Madeline M 368 High W MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS Moose Jaw Mattress Builders 140 Fairford W MEAT MARKETS Amiss Meat Market 1107 3rd Ave N E Bell Thomas G 434 Athabasca E Bell’s Modern Market 1106 Main N Directory advertising is before the public of your city every day 342 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW MEAT MARKETS—Cont. Campbell’s Meat Market 438 Main N Harrison William D 203 Iroquois W Hub Market Ltd 79 High W Hutchinson’s Meat Market 333 Main N Kent’s Ltd 133 Main N Lemon Wallace 718 Main N Myles Mrs E 25 Lillooet W North Hill Meat Market 573 Athabasca W O’Dell’s Meat Market 312 Fairford W Penn’s Meat Market 616 Main N Purvis John 718 Main N Roper William H 435 Athabasca E Staggs Meat Market 1160 4th Ave N W Strickland’s Meat Market 479 Hochelaga W MEN’S FURNISHING GOODS (See Clothing and Men’s Furnishings) MESSENGER SERVICE Dime Delivery 19 Main N Happy Delivery 1025 4th Ave N E Scotty’s Scooters 332 Langdon Cres Serviss Dime Delivery 1, 109 Main N Tommy’s Delivery 961 Hochelaga W METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE Ogilvy Mrs James 1116 1st Ave N W MILK DEALERS JOHNSTONE DAIRIES LIMITED, Douglas Building, Phone 5344; Night Phone 2503. PALM DAIRIES LIMITED, 317 Third Avenue North West, Phones 4840 and 4846; Night Phone 5254. (See top lines.) Prairie Heights Dairy 1027 Iroquois W Reekie Mrs Thomas G Rothesay Park Saskatchewan Co-operative Creameries Ltd 802 2nd Ave N W Willow Farm Dairy 1400 Ominica E Windsor Park Dairy 1250 Oxford E MILLINERS Heasman’s Ltd 316 Main N Knight Mrs M ground fir 12 High E Pritchard’s Millinery 408 Main N MONUMENTS Best Monumental Co 721 Caribou W HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 343 *M0T0R TRUCKS (See Automobile Dealers) MULTIGRAPHING Tanner Bessie G 205 Hammond Building MUSIC AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Assiniboia Music Co 16 Main N CHILD & GOWER PIANO CO., LTD., 225 Main Street North, Phone 2923. *MUSIC TEACHERS (See Teachers—Music) NEWS DEALERS Allen News Stand 223 Main N C P R News Stand C P R Station Globe News 12 Main N McDaniels News Stand 308 Main N Prairie News Co (Wholesale) 30 High E NEWSPAPERS AND PERIODICALS Leader Post Ltd 14 River E Moose Jaw Argus 161 High W Times Co Ltd 423 1st Ave N W Western Municipal News 229 Main N Western Spotlight (basement) 310 Main N *NOTARIES PUBLIC (See Barristers) NURSES Holden Nettie L 610 9th Ave N W MacLennan Isabel 1128 1st Ave N W Small Lillian 214 Stadacona W OIL MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS British American Oil Co Ltd Manitoba St E corner 5th Ave Canadian Oil Co 638 Oxford E Imperial Oil Co Ltd 801 Fairford W Livingstone Oil Products 901 Fairford W McColl Frontenac Oil Co Ltd 5th Ave and Oxford E North Star Oil Co Ltd 940 Fairford W Ohm L D Co 686 High W Patron Oil Co Ltd 633 Oxford E Texas Co of Canada 9th Ave N W and Ominica W Western Oil Co Ltd 860 Fairford W OIL REFINERIES British American Oil Refineries Ltd 535 Manitoba St E Hi-Way Refinery Ltd Caribou W and 16th Ave Build Up the Boys and Girls Good MUk from Government Tested Herds PALM DAIRIES Ltd. Phones 4840 and 4846 344 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW OPTICAL GOODS—WHOLESALE Imperial Optical Co 217, 310 Main N OPTICIANS AND OPTOMETRISTS (See also Jewelers) Crichton Bros 112 Main N Hough John E 1, 114 Main N Ivay Optical Systems 312, 310 Main N Keogh E P 209 Main N Probert FBI, 227 Main N OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Nixon Bessie F 315, 310 Main N NORTHUP, DR. ANNA E., D.O., 922 Main Street North, Phone 3026. PACKING HOUSES Burns & Co Ltd 82 Manitoba W Canada Packers Ltd 601 Home W Swift Canadian Co Ltd 800 Lillooet W PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Lincoln Alfred C 944 Caribou E Mackay Thomas D 176 High E MacKay Thomas S 944 Hochelaga W Nelson Martin 155 Hochelaga E Neville Ernest 1170 2nd Ave N E Pete’s Paint Shop 437 Main N Urquhart H B 1055 4th Ave N E Wyatt J G 1095 Wolfe PHOTO FINISHING FOR AMATEURS EXCELO PHOTO CO., LTD., 626 Main Street North, Phone 5015. FYSH DRUGS, Leonard Fysh Ltd., 24 High Street W., Phone 2660. Prescription Dept., Phone 2661; South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., Phone 2250. (See page 4.) PHOTOGRAPHERS Bidwell Studio 3, 130 Main N Paramount Studios 8, 136 Main N Weeks & Pugh 36 High St W PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SUPPLIES FYSH DRUGS, Leonard Fysh Ltd., 24 High Street W., Phone 2660. Prescription Department: Phone 2661; South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., Phone 2250. (See page 4.) H33NDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW 346 PHYSICIANS Bayly Benjamin M 210, 310 Main N Betzner Norman E 109, 11 High E Bloomer James E 11 High E Bracken A D 208, 310 Main N Ferguson G Gordon 208, 310 Main N Freeman C H (eye, ear, nose and throat) 2-3, 108 Main N Goodwin Guy 209, 310 Main N Hourigan John M 6, 214 Main N Leask Burwell Young & Parkins 202, 12 High E Michaud Rodolphe 1049 5th Ave N W Moyer E L (eye, ear, nose and throat) 212, 310 Main N Powell Marion 11 High W Skulsky H 215, 310 Main N Underhill T B 2-3, 108 Main N Woodside H A 102, 12 High E Young Hugh M 107, 12 High E ^PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS (See Druggists) PIANO TUNERS Edwards Richard W 626 Main S Nance Thomas E 812 Cartier PIANOS AND ORGANS (See also Musical Instruments) Child & Gower Piano Co Ltd 225 Main N Craig Daniel M 33 High W PICTURE FRAMING EXCELO PHOTO CO., LTD., 626 Main Street N., Phone 5015. Thomson William 29 Fairford W PLUMBING AND HEATING Alexander & Baird Ltd 43 Fairford E Baylis Thomas P 25 High W Frost Arthur A 219 High W Lacell Vance 1024 Caribou W Moose Jaw Heating & Plumbing Co Ltd 64 High W Servis Heating & Plumbing 1081 Willow PRINTERS—BOOK AND JOB (See also Newspapers) Crescent Press 28 High E Falconer Harry W 7, 33 High E Moose Jaw Printing Co Ltd 127 High W Quality Press Ltd 32 High W Times Co Ltd 423 1st Ave N W WESTERN PRESS LIMITED, (basement) Hammond Building, 310 Main Street, Phone 3963. /Pri?^ressive business men advertise in the City Directory 346 HENDEKSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW PRODUCE DEALERS—-WHOLESALE Ironside & Co Ltd 337 River W Wilson Produce Co Ltd 337 River W PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS Kempton Clifford F 66 High W Kempton Gwen 66 High W Tanner Bessie G 205 Hammond Bldg Trethewey Mrs Annie F 1, 108 Main N Ward Mrs Ruby M 50 Fairford W PUBLISHERS (See also Newspapers) HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LTD., Publishers Moose Jaw City Directory, Head Office: 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg. RADIO Alexander B H & Son 319 Main N RADIO SUPPLIES AND SERVICE Bowman Bros Ltd 121 High W Coulthard S Herbert 151 Coteau E RAILROAD COMPANIES Canadian National Railways Stadacona E bet 3rd and 4th Aves N E Canadian Pacific Railway Main N cor Manitoba REAL ESTATE AND RENTALS (See also Investment Companies and Land Companies) Anderson & Busby 1, 114 Main N Canadian City & Town Properties Ltd 306, 310 Main N City Realty Co 106, 12 High E Fletcher Agencies Ltd 216, 310 Main N Horton Land Co 40 High W Kimbell George B 101, 12 High E Loney Richard & Co 218, 310 Main N Ludlow Realty Co 101, 12 High E McAvoy A W 416, 310 Main N Martin A E 411a, 310 Main N Maybery Arnold H 11 High W Moose Jaw Three Links Ltd 14 High W Moose Jaw Real Estate & Insurance Agencies Ltd 127 Main N Ottawa Real Estate Co Ltd 26 High W Richland Farms Ltd 307 Main N Sheehan Agency 311, 310 Main N Thompson J A & Co 15 River W HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 347 REFRIGERATORS WESTERN ICE CO., LTD., 401-411 Manitoba Street E., Phone 4261. RESTAURANTS Aii’port Lunch, Airport Montgomery St Ambassador Cafe 314 Main N Canada Cafe 72 River W Canadian Pacific Railway Lunch Room C P R Station Coffee Bar 37 High E Elite Gardens 128 Main N Exchange Cafe 1 Main N Green Spot 22 Fairford W HARWOOD HOTEL, 30 Fairford Street East, Phone 2366. (See page 3.) Liberty Cafe 42 Manitoba E McIntyre’s Cafe 124 Main N Milk Bar 215 Main N Modern Cafe 22 Main N National Cafe 20 Main N New World Cafe 71 River W Oriental Chop Suey 170 River W Paris Cafe 37 River W Princess Cafe Ltd 224 Main N River Park Cabin — River Park Riverside Lodge 130 Riverside Drive Sam’s Inn 326 Main N Savoy Cafe 27 River W Star Cafe 36 River W Venice Cafe 140 1st Ave N W Wimpy’s Hamburger Shop 11 River W RINKS Moose Jaw Arena Ltd Ross and 1st Ave N W Moose Jaw Curling Rink n s Caribou W SASH AND DOOR MANUFACTURERS (See also Planing Mills) Cushing R L Millwork Co 5th Ave and Manitoba E SAW SHARPENERS Lucht John 56 Manitoba E SECOND HAND DEALERS Economy Second Hand Store 59 River W Elkin S C 637 Main N Freidin C 40 River W Goldman James 50 River W *SECRET SOCIETIES (See Miscellaneous Section) E. R. Eaton & Sons Modish Furs for Vaiue-Wise Women 361 Main St. N. Phone 4228 348 HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW SEEDSMEN Cassidy’s Seed House 408 Main N McKenzie A E Co Ltd 337 River W Saskatchewan Registered Seed Growers 6,15 Lillooet W *SERVICE STATIONS (See Automobile Service Stations) SEWING MACHINES Singer Sewing Machine Co 353 Main N SHOEMAKERS AND REPAIRERS (See also Boots and Shoes—Retail) Canadian Shoe Repair 17 Main N Cooper’s Quality Shoe Repair 416 Main N East End Shoe Repair 603 Stadacona E Electric Shoe Repair Shop 114 1st Ave N W George’s Shoe Repairing 18 River W Korrect Shoe Repairs 328 Main N Marshall’s Shoe Hospital 68 High W Model Shoe Repairs 321 Main N Nu-Way Shoe Repair Shop 18 River E Roberts Arthur 34 High E South Hill Shoe Repairs 332 4th Ave S W Williams Percy E 526 Main N SIGNS Hendy’s Sign Shop 25 Main N Mac’s Sign Shop 120 1st Ave N W Pete’s Paint Shop 437 Main N Ruddy-Kester Ltd 270 Iroquois W Western Sign Co 52 (rear) River E SMITHING COAL REXWELD & EXCEL SMITHING COAL, The Hodge Coal Co., Ltd., Dominion Bank Building, 11 High St. W., Phone 2437, Yard: Phone 3333. STATIONERS—RETAIL (See also Booksellers) WESTERN PRESS LIMITED, Hammond Building (basement), 310 Main Street North, Phone 3963. *STEAM COAL—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BELLEVUE GREENHILL & MICHEL STEAM COAL, 'The Hodge Coal Co., Ltd., Dealers, Dominion Bank Bldg., 11 High Street W., Phone 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 349 *STEAM LAUNDRIES (See Laundries) STEAMSHIP COMPANIES Canadian Pacific Steamships C P R Depot STOCK DEALERS (See Live Stock Dealers) STOCK YARDS Southern Saskatchewan Co-operative Stock Yards Ltd (The) Live Stock Exchange Bldg Union Stock Yards 7th Ave and Home W STORAGE Ward’s Storage 50 Fairford W STORAGE—FURS STEEN & WRIGHT LIMITED, 105 Main Street N., Phone 5005. TAILORS Brooksbank Jack 16 Main N Carley J C 349 Main N Crone Joseph 9, 214 Main N Fairchild Bros 20 River E Moose Jaw Tailoring Co 5, 114 Main N New York Tailors 73 High W Parsons C W 51 River W Peters Wm 35 High E Stephens George J 12 High E Thackray Allan 137 Main N Tip Top Tailors 207 Main N TANNERS Moose Jaw Tannery 749 Manitoba E TELEGRAPH COMPANIES Canadian National Telegraphs 101 Main N Canadian Pacific Telegraphs Main N TELEPHONE COMPANIES Saskatchewan Government Telephones 313 1st Ave N W THEATRES AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT Capitol Theatre 217 Main N Kingsway Park Dancing Pavilion Kingsway Park Orpheum Theatre 38 Fairford E Royal Theatre 11 Main N Temple Gardens Ltd 362 Langdon Cres It will pay you to advertise in the City Directory 350 HENDERSON'S (1940) MOOSE JAW TINSMITHS Montgomery Bros 11 Athabasca E TIRE DEALERS AND REPAIRERS Cord’s Tire Shop 36 High E Hodgson W H & Co 430 High W Tire Bargain Shop 42 High W TOBACCONISTS (See also Confectionery) United Cigar Stores Ltd 126 Main N ^TOBACCONISTS’ SUNDRIES AND PIPES OVERS, J. E. LIMITED, 222 Main Street North, Phone 3423. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS—WHOLESALE OVERS, J. E. LIMITED, 214 Main Street North, Phone 3463. TOILET PREPARATIONS—RETAIL FYSH DRUGS, Leonard Fysh Ltd., 24 High Street W., Phone 2660. Prescription Dept., Phone 2661; South Hill Branch: 429 Fourth Avenue S. W., Phone 2250. (See page 4.) TRACTORS (See Agricultural Implements) TRANSFER COMPANIES Douglas Transfer 114 1st Ave N W Holman’s Truck-Away Service 278 Manitoba E Jackman’s Cartage Ltd 272 Manitoba W MOOSE JAW CARTAGE COMPANY, LIMITED (THE), C. P. R. Freight Office: Manitoba St. W., Phone 3248. Paul’s Transfer 1216 Henleaze Scotty’s Scooters Ltd 19 Main N Skingle Trucking Service 802 Fairford W Union Transfer & Storage Co Ltd 162 Manitoba W Wards Transfer 50 Fairford W TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES Moose Jaw Transportation Co Ltd 603 High W TRUST COMPANIES Executor & Administrators Trust Co Ltd 14 High St W Traders Trust Co 108, 12 High E HENDERSON’S (1940) MOOSE JAW 351 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES Remington Rand Ltd 66 High W Typewriter Service & Exchange 26 High E UNDERTAKERS BELLAMY COMPANY, LTD., 908 Main Street North, Phone 2023. Res. Phone 3652. BROADFOOT BROS. LTD., 350 Langdon Crescent, Phones 2220, 2250 and 3576. JONES, W. J. & SON, 106 Athabasca East. Funeral Chapel and Ambulance Phone 3223 Day and Night. UNDERWRITERS (See Insurance Agents—Fire and Casualty) UPHOLSTERERS Moore Joe 126 1st Ave N W Upholstered Furniture Manufacturing 20 Fairford W Vermette Harvey 76 Caribou W VARIETY STORES Kresge S S Co 212 Main N Woolworth F W Co Ltd 108 Main N VETERINARY SURGEONS McDonald Donald W 274 Manitoba W VULCANIZING AND TIRE REPAIRING Hodgson W H & Co 430 High W Knechtel’s Ltd 471 Main N WASHING MACHINES Beatty Washer Store 29-31 High St W Maytag Co 115 Main N WATCHMAKERS Small J Melby 12 Main N Taylor J & Co 33 High W WELDING Armstrong Welding 49 Ominica W Empire Repair Shop 340 Lillooet W Hales and Lee 37'Ominica W Moose Jaw Welding Works 278 Manitoba W WOOD DEALERS THE HODGE COAL COMPANY LTD., Dominion Bank Building, 11 High Street West, Phone 2437; Yard: Phone 3333. YEAST MANUFACTURERS Standard Brands Ltd 1122 6th Ave N W More than ninety per cent, of all advertising mediums are discarded before they’re a year old After the new ones come out your advertisement in thedi- rectory is still good, for old directories are seldom dis¬ carded while they hold to¬ gether. Years later many of these directories will still be In active use. ^our advertise¬ ment is still in service Do you want LONG-LIVED advertising? HENDERSON DIRECTORIES LIMITED 4 in 10 Over forty per cent, of your customers move each year and new ones move into your district. An advertise¬ ment in the City Direc¬ tory wiii enabie new customers in your dis¬ trict to find you KElili INSL'RANGE AGENCIES UMITO Henderson Directories Ltd. X Believe it or not A Thousand Questions may be Answered on every page of •Henderson’s City Directory Additional copies of this leaflet for instruction of salesmen, office people, etc., may be had on request to the Publishers HENDERSON DIRECTORIES 279 Garry Street, Winnipeg How to Use the City Directory The City Directory is really a co-operative catalog of the inhabitants, business interests, and institutions of the City. But the very mass of the information contained, until one learns how to use it, may appear to be an obstacle to those unfamiliar with its arrangement. Boards of Trade receive thousands of calls for information, many of which might be answered with a saving of time to all concerned by a simple reference to the Directory, if inquirers thought to look there first. The following list of typical questions can usually be answered by referring to the Directory. It is interesting, educational, and should help users to get more value from the City Directory. (Typical Questions) ABOUT AN INDIVIDUAL How does he spell his name? What is his correct postal address? Where does he live? How long has he lived there? Does he own his own home? Who are his neighbors? What does he do for a living? Where does he work? Who does he work for? How long has he held that job? Is he “head of the house” or boarder? How many adults in family? Does he own the business? Is he a member of any partnership? Who else is in the same profession? Is the woman single, or a widow? What was the name of widow’s husband? (Department of Directory where the answer can usually be found) Alphabetical Alphabetical and Street Alphabetical (Back file of Directories) Street Directory Street Directory Alphabetical Alphabetical Alphabetical (Back file of Directories) Alphabetical Alphabetical (at same address) Alphabetical Alphabetical Classified Alphabetical Alphabetical ABOUT A BUSINESS CONCERN What is the correct name? What is the correct address? Just what do they do? Is it a partnership or a corporation? Who are the partners? (if a firm) Who are chief officers? Who else is in the same or similar lines? What are their specialties? Describe their products and services? What have they done to make information accessible to the seeker? Alphabetical Alphabetical Alphabetical, Classified Alphabetical Alphabetical Alphabetical Classified Classified Classified Classified (Typical Questions) ABOUT A LOCALITY Quickest way to get there? How do the Streets run? Who lives at a given address? What is the character of the neighborhood? Is it a “home-owners” section? If business location, what business? Just where in the block is it located? What Is the nearest street corner? What and Where are the Public and Office Buildings? If an office building, who are in what rooms? If an apartment, who are on different floors ? (Department of Directory where the answer can usually be found) Street Directory Street Directory Street Directory Street Directory Street Directory Alphabetical Street Directory Street Directory Alphabetical and Classified Street Directory Street Directory ABOUT A SOCIETY, CHURCH, CLUB OR ASSOCIATION What is the complete name? Where are their headquarters? Who are the officers? What are the Churches and where located? Who are the pastors? Complete List of Clergy? When are stated meetings? Classified Alphabetical Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ABOUT CITY, PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL DEPTS. What are the various Departments ? Where are they located? Who are the officials? Who are the principal assistants? What are court terms, justices, officials, etc.? Where are latest Population figures? Where is Statistical Review and information about the city as a whole? Miscellaneous Alphabetical and Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Preface Introduction The above list of typical questions which may be answered by the City Directory could be expanded indefinitely in the ordinary course of buying, selling, business and personal contacts. A knowledge of what is here contained, and how it may be used, should be useful to any citizen. The Directory supplies the information: The User must supply the imagination to adapt it to his needs Henderson Directories Publishers DIRECTORY—How Many Changes in a Year? ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo .oooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo .ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo Out of every 100 People listed in last Directory— \6fo to 18% move away, or die New People, equal to 17% to 19% move into town, or reach listing age 26% to 29% more change their addresses, or their jobs, or some other vital fact that affects their listing. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo 59% to 67% of the People listed have new information in some particular, which can be surely found only in the NEW DIRECTORY NOTE: These figures are from repeated checks in numerous cities, and do not vary 5% in any year. These people are your Customers That is why we make Directories HENDERSON'S Miose Jaw Cit)i Directory 1940 SUPPORT CANADA’S WAR EFFORT BUY War Savin I iDirectoi^ Reference Librarsf Henderson's Directories of Western Cans^ th* tf •tie SfikMriltcM sntf the