Blue Tooth Magic Speaker
This tiny inexpensive speaker can be paired to a source of audio by pressing the center bottom button
and holding it down until the tiny LED to the right and below the button turns red/blue. While the led is on, the
MiniTunes speaker can be seen by the audio source (e.g. Raspberry Pi). When the RPi recognizes
this BlueTooth speaker, it will add "MiniTunes Speaker to the list of pairable devices. Click
on "MiniTunes Speaker" to achieve the pairing. Then select the "MiniTunes Speaker" from the list of
audio devices.
To increase the volume, click on the center bottom button once or twice.
To disconnect the pairing, hold the center bottom button down until the pairing stops.
This tiny speaker needs to be powered by a nominal 5v USB charger.
Note. The purpose of the LED below and to the left of the center button is unknown.
Note: This tiny BLueTooth speaker can be paired wirelessly when dealing on-site with a headless Raspberry Pi.
It can also provide audio when using Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) to control a Raspberry Pi that is
within Bluetooth range.
Note: This BlueTooth Speaker can also accept wireless Alarm signals near a Refridgerator or Freezer if
it within Bluetooth range. However the BT-Speaker is a better solution as it can be wired directly
to the Raspberry Pi via a USB cable